Chapter 14

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Dr. San San Oo

Organic chemistry onf carbon ygaom compound rsm;udk avhvmaom
"mwkaA' bmom&yfcGJjzpfonf/ Organic compound rsm;wGif carbon ESifh
hydrogen j'yfpifwdkY t"du yg0ifNyD; oxygen, nitrogen, halogens, phosphorus,
sulphur paomj'yfpifrsm;vnf; aygif;pyfyg0ifum ajrmufjrm;pGmaom
j'yfaygif;trsdK;rsdK;tjzpf wnf&SdMuonf/ Grade 11 wGif carbon ESifh
hydrogen j'yfpif (2)rsdK;omyg0ifaom t½dk;&Sif;qkH; organic compound
rsm; jzpfonfh hydrocarbon compound rsm;udk OD;pGmavhvmrnf/
xdkYaemuf carbon, hydrogen ESifh oxygen j'yfpif3rsdK;yg alcohol compound
rsm;udkavhvmMu&rnf/ tqdkyg compound wdkY\ molecular formula,
molecular structural formula, naming system, preparation and chemical properties
wdkYudk ausnufpGmavhvmxm;&ef vdkygonf/aemufqkH;wGif
hydrocarbon compound trsdK;tpm;jzpfonfh petroleum chemistry
ydkif;udkavhvm&rnf jzpfonf/
Organic compound wdkY\ structural formula rsm;a&;om;&mwGif
j'yfpifwdkY\ bond order rsm;udk od&Sd&ef vdkygonf/ Bond order of carbon
= 4, hydrogen = 1, oxygen = 2, halogen = 1 wdkYjzpfMuonf/ xdkYaMumifh
organic compound wdkYwGif carbon onf "gwfpnf; 4ck? hydrogen wGif 1ck?
oxygen wGif 2ck? halogen wGif "gwfpnf; 1ck toD;oD;aqmifaeaMumif;
awGU&onf/ odkYtwGuf organic compound wdkY\ structural formula
a&;om;csufrsm; rSefrrSefudk oufqdkif&m j'yfpifwdkYu aqmifaeaom
"gwfpnf;ta&twGuf (odkY) bond order ESifh udkufrudkuf


Names of hydrocarbons Alkanes Alkenes Alkynes

1 Types of hydrocarbons Saturated Unsaturated Unsaturated

hydrocarbons hydrocarbons hydrocarbons
2 Types of bonds

Double bond (or) Triple bond (or)

Single bond Ethylenic bond Acetylenic bond
3 General formula CnH2n+2 CnH2n CnH2n-2
n = 1,2,3,4,….. n = 2,3,4,….. n = 2,3,4,…..
4 Types of reactions Substitution Addition Addition and
reaction reaction substitution
5 Homologous series CH4 (methane), C2H4 (ethene), C2H2(ethyne),
C2H6 (ethane), C3H6 (propene), C3H4 (propyne),
C3H8 (propane), C4H8 (butene), C4H6(butyne),
C4H10 (butane), etc, …. etc, ….
etc, ….

Preparation of Alkanes
1. Heating sodium salts of carboxylic acid with soda-lime



2. (a) Reduction of alkyl halides with HI

Alkane RI + HI
⃗ R-H + I2
alkyl iodide alkane
Ethane CH3CH2I + HI
⃗ CH3CH3 + I2
ethyl iodide ethane
2. (b) Reduction of alkyl halides with H2

Alkane R-X + H2

R-H + HX
alkyl halide alkane

Methane CH3I + H2

CH4 + HI
methyl iodide methane
Ethane CH3 CH2I + H2
⃗ CH3 CH3 + HI
ethyl iodide ethane
3. Reduction of Alkenes
Alkane R-CH=CH2 + H2 R-CH2-CH3
alkene alkane
Ethane CH2=CH2 + H2 CH3-CH3
ethene ethane
Propane CH3-CH=CH2 + H2 CH3-CH2-CH3
propene propane
Preparation of Alkenes
1. Dehydration of alcohols
(a) By heating with concentrated sulphuric acid at 160 °C
Alkene RCH2CH2OH R-CH = CH2 + H2O
alcohol alkene
Ethene CH3CH2OH CH2 = CH2 + H2O
ethanol ethene
Propene CH3CH2CH2OH CH3CH = CH2 + H2O
propanol propene

(b) By passing the alcohol vapour over alumina, Al2O3, heated at 350°C
Alkene RCH2CH2OH R-CH = CH2 + H2O
alcohol alkene
Ethene CH3CH2OH CH2=CH2 + H2O
ethanol ethene
Propene CH3CH2CH2OH CH3CH=CH2 + H2O
propanol propene
2. Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides
Alkene RCH2CH2X + KOH RCH = CH2 + KX + H2O
alkyl halide alkene
Ethene CH3CH2 Cl + KOH CH2 = CH2 + KCl + H2O
ethyl chloride ethene
Propene CH3CH2CH2Cl + KOH CH3CH = CH2 + KCl + H2O
n-propyl chloride propene
CH3CHClCH3 + KOH CH3CH = CH2 + KCl + H2O
iso-propyl chloride propene

Preparation of Alkynes
1. Hydrolysis of calcium carbide
CaC2 + 2H2O   Ca(OH)2 + CH ≡ CH
calcium carbide ethyne
2. Dehydrohalogenation of ethene dibromide or ethylidene chloride

CH2BrCH2Br + 2KOH CH ¿
CH + 2KBr + 2H2O

ethene dibromide ethyne

CH3CHCl2 + 2KOH CH ¿ CH + 2KC1 + 2H2O
ethylidene chloride ethyne
Chemical properties of alkanes
1. Chlorine substitution reaction (Chlorination)

CH4 + 4Cl2 CCl4 + 4HCl

methane carbon tetrachloride

Chemical properties of alkenes

1. Addition of H2 CH2 = CH2 + H2 CH3CH3
(Hydrogenation) ethene ethane
2. Addition of Br2 CH2 = CH2 + Br2 → CH2Br-CH2Br
(or) Cl2 ethene (reddish brown) ethene dibromide
3. Addition of HBr CH2 = CH2 + HBr
⃗ CH3-CH2Br
ethene ethyl bromide
CH3CH = CH2 + HBr
3 3 3 2 2

propene 2-bromopropane 1-bromopropane

(major product)

4. Addition of O3 and CH2 = CH2 + O3 
ethene ozonide
decomposition of ethene H2O, Zn dust
ozonide (ozonolysis) H2C=O + H2O2
5. Addition of hydroxyl CH2 = CH2 + H2O+ [O] CH2OHCH2OH
group (Hydroxylation) ethene ethene glycol

Chemical properties of alkynes

1. Addition of H2 CH ≡ CH + H2 CH2 = CH2 CH3CH3
(Hydrogenation) ethyne ethene ethane
2. Addition (a) CH ≡ CH + Cl2  CHCl = CHCl CHCl2-CHCl2
of Br2/ Cl2 ethyne ethyne ethyne
dichloride tetrachloride
(b) CH ≡ CH CHBr = CHBr CHBr2 CHBr2
ethyne ethyne ethyne
dibromide tetrabromide
(c) CH ≡ CH + Br2 (aq)  CHBr = CHBr
ethyne ethyne dibromide
3. Addition of HBr CH ≡ CH + HBr
⃗ CH2 = CHBr
ethyne vinyl bromide
CH2 = CHBr + HBr
⃗ CH3-CHBr2
ethylidene bromide

4. Addition of H2O CH ≡ CH + H2O [CH2=CH-OH] 

ethyne vinyl alcohol ethanal

5. Substitution reactions CH ≡ CH + Na → CH ¿ C-Na + ½H2

ethyne monosodium acetylide
CH ≡ C–Na + Na → C-Na ¿ C-Na + ½H2
disodium acetylide
CH ≡ CH + Cu2Cl2 + 2NH3 → C-Cu ≡ C-Cu↓ + 2NH4Cl
ethyne dicopper acetylide (red ppt)

CH ≡ CH + Ag2O + 2NH3 → C-Ag ≡ C-Ag ↓ + 2NH4OH

ethyne disilver acetylide (white ppt)

CH3-C ≡ CH + ½Cu2Cl2 + NH3 → CH3-C ≡ C Cu↓ + NH4 Cl

propyne(methylacetylene) methyl copper acetylide (red ppt)
CH3C C.CH3 contains no hydrogen on the triple bonded carbon and will not

form metallic acetylides.

Markownikoff's rule
When an unsymmetrical addendum (HX) adds on to an unsymmetrical alkene,
two products are possible; but that product where the negative part of the addendum
adds on to the carbon with the least number of hydrogen atoms is the major product.
propene addendum iso-propyl halide n-propyl halide
(unsymmetrical) (unsymmetrical) (major) (minor)

Hydrocarbon compound rsm;udk cGJjcm;jcif;

j'yfaygif;cGJjcm;enf;rsm;onf rsufjrifawGU&onfh
"mwfajymif;vJcsufrsm;ay:tajccHí cGJjcm;jcif;jzpf&m?
ta&mifajymif;oGm;jcif; (odkY) ta&mifaysmufoGm;jcif;?
tenfusjcif;ponfh awGU&Sdcsufrsm;udk azmfjyrSom trSwfjynhf&Edkif

I. Alkane (single bond rsm;omyg) ESifh Alkene (double bond yg)

compound rsm;cGJjcm;jcif;
Br2 solution in ethanol (odkY) 1% Br2 solution in CCl4 (odkY) 1% KMnO4
solution oHk;í cGJjcm;Edkifonf/ Alkene compound rsm;onf xdk solution
(2) rsdK;pvHk;\ ta&mifudk aysmufoGm;apEdkifonf/ Alkane rsm;rSm
"mwfrjyKEdkifí xdk solution rsm;udk ta&mif razsmufEdkifyg/
Example (1) How would you distinguish between the following pairs of
(a) ethane and ethene (2002, 03, 04, 08, 09, 10)

CH3-CH3 + H2O + [O] No reaction

ethane (No colour

CH2 = CH2 + H2O + [O] CH2OH-CH2OH

ethene ethene glycol

(b) propane and propene (Try yourself)

(c) n-butane and 1-butene (2011)
CH3CH2CH2CH3 + Br2 No reaction
n-butane (reddish brown) (No colour discharge)

1- butene (reddish brown) 1,2-dibromobutane

(d) iso-butane and iso-butene (2011)
CH3-CH-CH3 + Br2 No reaction
CH3 (No colour discharge)
iso-butane (reddish brown)

CH3- C = CH2 + Br2 CH3-CBr-CH2Br

iso-butene (reddish brown) 1,2-dibromo-2-methyl propane

II. Alkane (single bond rsm;omyg) ESifh Alkyne (Triple bond ygNyD;
triple bonded carbon atom wGif hydrogen atom yg) compound
Br2 solution in ethanol oHk;ícGJ Edkifonf/ Alkyne u"mwfjyKNyD; Br2 \
ta&mifudk azsmuf Edkifonf/ alkane rSm ta&mifrazsmufEdkifyg/
tu,fí Alkyne wGif triple bond ygNyD; triple bonded carbon atom wGif
hydrogen atom vnf;yg&Sd vQif ammoniacal solution of copper (I) chloride
(or) silver oxide oHk;ívnf;cGJjcm;Edkifonf/ Alkane onf xdk solution
rsm;ESifh "mwfrjyKEdkifí rnfonfh tenfrQ rusyg/ Triple bonded carbon
atom wGif hydrogen atom yg alkyne uom"mwfjyKí tenfrsm;usrnf/

Example (2) How would you distinguish between the following pairs of
(a) ethane and ethyne (acetylene) (2010) (Try yourself)
(b) propane and propyne (methylacetylene) (2009)
CH3CH2CH3 + Cu2Cl2 + NH3 → No reacation
propane (No ppt)
CH3-C ≡ CH + ½Cu2Cl2 + NH3 → CH3-C ≡ C Cu↓ + NH4Cl
propyne methyl copper acetylide (red ppt)
(c) n-butane and 1-butyne (2011) (Try yourself using either method)
(d) n-butane and 2-butyne (Try yourself using Br2 solution in ethanol)

III. Alkene (double bond yg) ESifh Alkyne (triple bond ygNyD; triple bonded
carbon atom wGif hydrogen atom &Sdaom) compound rsm;udk
xkd compound (2) rsdK;vHk; Br2 solution ESifh "mwfjyKEdkifí Br2
solution oHk;NyD; cGJjcm;í r&Edkifyg/ Ammoniacal solution of copper
(I) chloride (or) silver oxide oHk;ícGJ&rnf/ Alkane rsm;u "mwfrjyKí
tenfrus? Alkyne rsm;om "mwfjyKEdkifí tenfusonfudk awGU&rnf/

Example (3) How would you distinguish between the following pairs of
(a) ethene (ethylene) and ethyne (acetylene) (2002,03,04,08,09,11)
CH2 = CH2 + Cu2Cl2 + NH3 → No reaction
ethene (No ppt)
CH ≡ CH + Cu2Cl2 + 2NH3 → C-Cu ≡ C-Cu↓ + 2NH4Cl
ethyne dicopper acetylide (red ppt)

(b) propene and propyne (2009) (Try yourself )

(c) 1-butene and 1-butyne (2011) (Try yourself)
(d) 2-butene and 2-butyne (2011) (Try yourself)

IV. Alkyne &Sd triple bonded carbon atom wGif hydrogen atom &Sdaom
compound ESifh hydrogen atom r&Sdaom alkyne compound
Alkyne wdkY\ triple bonded carbon wGif&Sd hydrogen atom udk metal
atom jzifh tpm;xdk;Edkifonf/ xdkYaMumifh ammoniacal solution of
copper (I) chloride (or) silver oxide ESifh "mwfjyKEdkifNyD; Cu (or) Ag
tpm;xdk;0ifa&mufaeaom metallic acetylide tenfrsm;usvmrnf/ Triple
bonded carbon wGif hydrogen atom r&Sdaom alkyne wdkYudk metal atom
u tpm;rxdk;Edkifí tenfrusEdkifyg/

Example (4) How would you distinguish between the following pairs of
(a) ethyne (acetylene) and 2-butyne (dimethyl acetylene)
CH ≡ CH + Cu2Cl2 + 2NH3 → C-Cu ≡ C-Cu ↓ + 2NH4Cl
ethyne dicopper acetylide (red

CH3C ≡ CCH3 + Cu2Cl2 + NH3 → No reaction

2-butyne (No ppt)

(b) propyne (methyl acetylene) and 2-butyne (dimethyl acetylene)

(2010) (Try yourself)
(c) 1-butyne (ethyl acetylene) and 2-butyne (dimethyl acetylene)
CH3C ≡ CCH3 + Cu2Cl2 + NH3 → No reaction
2-butyne (No ppt)

CH3CH2C ≡ CH + ½Cu2Cl2 + NH3 → CH3CH2C ≡ C-Cu ↓ + NH4Cl

1-butyne ethyl copper acetylide (red

Notes:tu,fí ar;cGef;wGif rnfonfhenf;vrf;udkoHk;í compound rsm;udk

cGJjcm;jyyg[k cdkif;vQif ar;cGef;u
uefYowfawmif;qdkonfhenf;vrf;udkom oHk;&rnf/
Example How would you distinguish between ethane and ethyne by using
ammoniacal copper (I) chloride solution?
aemufar;cGef;yHkpHrSm molecular formula ay;NyD; ¤if;\ isomers rsm;udk
cGJjcm;cddkif; onfhyHkpHjzpfonf/
Example How would you distinguish between two isomeric compounds having the
molecular formula C4H6? (2004, 08, 09, 10)
Ans: Two isomers are CH3CH2C ≡ CH (1-butyne) and CH3C ≡ CCH3 (2-butyne)
Distinguish these isomers using ammoniacal solution of copper (I)
chloride as shown above.
General formula → CnH2n+2O (or) CnH2n+1OH (or) ROH
Homologous series → CH3OH, C2H5OH, C3H7OH, C4H9OH, ….. etc.
methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol,……
Preparation of alcohols
Hydrolysis of alkyl halides
alkyl halide alcohol


ethyl chloride ethanol

Manufacture of ethanol
(a) From petroleum refinery products
(i) When hydrocarbons of very high molecular weight are heated at 520°C under
12 atm pressure, they break down to give alkanes (C5H12 to C9H20) and

(ii) CH2 = CH2 + H2SO4

ethene ethyl hydrogen sulphate

CH2 = CH2 + CH3CH2SO4H

⃗ (CH3CH2)2SO4
ethene diethyl sulphate

(iii) CH3CH2SO4H + H2O


(CH3CH2)2SO4 + 2H2O

(iv) Ethanol formed is fractionally distilled.
(b) Fermentation method
n malt n
(i) (C6H10O5)n + 2 HO  
(diatase) 2C H O
2 12 22 11

starch maltose
(ii) C12H22O11 + H2O 2 C6H12O6
maltose glucose
(iii) C6H12O6 2 CH3CH2OH + 2CO2

glucose ethanol
(iv) Ethanol obtained (11%) is fractionally distilled to yield the rectified spirit
(95 % ethanol).
Chemical properties of alcohols
1. Reaction with metallic sodium
⃗ CH CH ONa + 1/ H
3 2 2 2

ethanol sodium ethanoate

2. Reaction with PC15
⃗ CH3CH2Cl + POCl3 + HCl

ethanol ethyl chloride
3. Reaction with sulphuric acid


100∘ C
ethanol ethyl hydrogensulphate


140∘ C
diethyl ether
4. Formation of esters (Esterification)
ethanoic acid ethanol ethyl ethanoate
(acetic acid) (ethyl acetate)
5. (i) Oxidation of alcohol by dehydrogenation
ethanol (vapour) ethanal
(ii) Oxidation of alcohol by oxidizing mixtures
ethanol ethanal
ethanoic acid

Questions and problems

1. State TRUE or FALSE for each of the following.

(a) Carbon atom has a bond order of four.
(b) Alkanes undergo addition reactions.
(c) First four members of alkanes are gases.
(d) Structural isomers may have different properties.
(e) The boiling points of hydrocarbons rise with increasing number of carbon
Ans: (a) TRUE (b) FALSE (c) TRUE (d) TRUE (e) TRUE
2. Fill in the blanks with a suitable words or phrase or numerical value with unit as
(a) IUPAC name of methyl acetylene is ---------------------------------.
(b) Hydration of ethyne gives ---------------------------------.
(c) --------------------------------- compound is used for ripening fruits.
(d) When an unsymmetrical addendum (HX) adds on to an unsymmetrical alkene,
--------------------------------- products are possible.
(e) There are three major fossil fuels: coal, --------------------------------- and natural gas.
Ans: (a) 1-propyne (b) ethanal (c) Ethene (d) two (e) crude oil

3. Choose the correct term or terms given in the brackets.

(a) (Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes) are unsaturated hydrocarbons.
(b) (Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes) may undergo both substitution and addition
(c) Starch is hydrolysed by enzyme (diastase, maltase, zymase).
Ans: (a) Alkenes, Alkynes (b) Alkynes (c) diastase

4. Butene has 3 isomers. Write their structural formulae and name them.

Ans: (1) CH3CH2CH=CH2 1-butene (3) CH3C = CH2 2-methyl propene

(2) CH3CH=CHCH3 2-butene CH3

5. What happens when

(i) propanol is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid at 160˚C?
(ii) ethyne reacts with aqueous bromine?
(iii) 1-butyne reacts with hydrogen bromide?
(iv) ethyl chloride is heated under reflux with aqueous sodium hydroxide
(v) ethanol is oxidized with acidified potassium dichromate solution?
Ans: (i) See preparation of alkenes no. 1(a) propene preparation
(ii) See chemical properties of alkynes no. 2(c)
(iii) CH3CH2C ≡ CH + HBr ⃗ CH3CH2CBr = CH2
1-butyne 2-bromo-1-butene
CH3CH2CBr = CH2 + HBr ⃗CH3CH2CBr2-CH3
2,2-dibromo butane
(iv) See preparation of alcohol, hydrolysis of alkyl halide, 2nd equation
(v) See chemical properties of alcohols no. 5 (ii) oxidation by oxidizing
6. Outline an example each to illustrate the following reactions.
(i) Hydroxylation (iv) Esterification
(ii) Dehydrohalogenation of iso-propyl chloride (v) Fermentation of glucose
(iii) Dehydration (vi) Ozonolysis
Ans: (i) See chemical properties of alkenes no. 5
(ii) See preparation of alkenes no.2, dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides,
propene preparation
(iii) See preparation of alkenes no.1, any equation from dehydration of
(iv) See chemical properties of alcohols no.4, formation of esters
(v) See manufacture of ethanol by fermentation method 3rd equation
(vi) See chemical properties of alkenes no.4 (ozonolysis)

7. Describe how you would obtain

(i) ethene from ethanol.
(ii) ethyne from carbon.
(iii) propanol from propyl chloride.
(iv) methanal from ethene.
(v) ethanoic acid from ethanol.
Ans: (i) See preparation of alkenes no.1, dehydration of alcohols
(ii) See preparation of alkynes
(iii) CH3 CH2CH2Cl + NaOH CH3CH2 CH2 OH + NaCl
propyl chloride propanol
(iv) See chemical properties of alkenes no.4 (ozonolysis)
(v) See chemical properties of alcohol, no.5 (ii) oxidation of alcohol by
oxidizing mixtures

8. How would you obtain ethanol from rice starch?

Ans: See manufacture of ethanol (b) fermentation method

9. How would you distinguish between the following pairs of compounds?

(a) ethene (ethylene) and ethyne (acetylene) (2002,03,04,08,09,11)
(b) propane and propyne (methylacetylene) (2009)
Ans: Try yourself

10. Complete the following equations and name the organic compounds.
(a) CH3-CH2CH2COONa + NaOH ?

(b) CH2 = CHBr + HBr ?
(c) RCH2CH2OH ?
Ans: (a) CH3CH2CH2COONa + NaOH CH3CH2CH3 + Na2CO3
sodium butanoate propane
(b),(c) See in respective reaction

11. (a) By heating a mixture of sodium propionate and soda-lime, a gas “A” is
evolved. What is gas “A”? Write down the equation.
(b) Gas “A” can also be formed by hydrogenation of an alkene using a nickel
catalyst at 300 ºC. Name the alkene. Write down the equation.
(c) Is the gas “A” saturated or unsaturated hydrocarbon? Write down the
general formula.
Ans: (a) Gas A is ethane.

(b) The alkene is ethene.

CH2=CH2 + H2 CH3-CH3
ethene ethane
(c) The gas “A” is saturated hydrocarbon. It's general formula is C2H4.


(Questions and answers)
1. What is a fuel?
A fuel is a substance which can be conveniently used as a source of energy.
2. What are the three major fossil fuels?
Three major fossil fuels are coal, crude oil and natural gas.
3. How are the fossil fuels formed? Are these fuels renewable or non-renewable
Fossil fuels were formed in the Earth’s crust from dead plants and marine
microorganisms under high temperature and high pressure by bacterial action
over millions of years. These fuels are non-renewable resources.
4. What is crude oil?
Crude oil is one of the Earth’s major natural resources. Crude oil is a mixture of
many different hydrocarbon molecules. Most of the crude oil is used to make fuel.
5. Name the sources from which crude oil and natural gas are formed.
Crude oil and natural gas are formed from the dead bodies of marine
6. Name the sources from which coal is formed.
Coal is formed from fossil plant materials.
7. What is the name of the apparatus and the process used in separation of crude oil?
The apparatus used is fractional distillation column (or) fractionating tower. The
process used is fractional distillation process.
8. What is the long form of (i) LPG and (ii) CNG ?
(i) LPG = Liquid petroleum gas
(ii) CNG = Compressed natural gas
9. Arrange kerosene, petrol and diesel oil in the decreasing order of their boiling
point ranges.
diesel, kerosene, petrol
decreasing order of boiling point
10. What are the uses of LPG and CNG in Myanmar?
In Myanmar, most of the taxis, buses and vehicles use CNG. LPG is used in
households and hotels for cooking, frying and other heating systems.
11. What is meant by “catalytic cracking”?
Larger molecules from the heavier fractions of crude oil can be broken down into
smaller, more valuable, molecules by using catalyst made of silica, alumina and
zeolites at a temperature around 500 ºC. This process is called catalytic cracking.
12. What are the two types of products obtained from all cracking reactions?
All cracking reactions give two types of products:
(i) an alkane with a shorter chain than the original, and
(ii) a short-chain alkene molecule.
13. Write equation for catalytic cracking reaction of decane.
decane heat, catalyst octane + ethene
C10H12  C8H18 + C2H4
14. Describe how petrol is obtained from crude oil.
Petrol is obtained by the fractional distillation of crude oil using fractional
distillation column (or) fractionating tower. Crude oil is preheated to 350 – 400 ºC
and pumped into the base of the tower. As it boils, the vapour passes up the tower.
Crude oil is separated into different fractions that have different boiling points.
The different fractions cool and condense at different temperatures. Petrol is
obtained from the top of the fraction at the boiling range 40 – 100 ºC.
15. Give the names of products which are made from ethene produced by catalytic
cracking of crude oil.
They are (i) ethanol (ii) polyethene (iii) polyvinyl chloride and (iv) polystyrene.
16. What is meant by flash point?
The flash-point is the temperature at which the vapour will ignite in air in the
presence of a flame.
17. What is the ignition temperature of a fuel?
The ignition temperature is the temperature at which a fuel-air mixture ignites
without a flame.
18. What are zeolite and ZSM-5? Convert methanol to gasoline (hydrocarbons) using
A zeolite is one of a large group of alumino-silicates of sodium, potassium,
calcium and barium.
ZSM-5 is an artificial zeolite composed of aluminium, silicon and oxygen.
methanol ⃗
ZSM −5
hydrocarbons + water
nCH3OH ⃗ (CH2)n + nH2O
19. What is diesel?
Diesel is a heavy liquid fuel containing hydrocarbons consisting of between six
and 20 carbon atoms which can power the diesel engine.
20. What is meant by the term biodiesel? Explain the uses of biodiesel in Myanmar.
Biodiesel is derived from plant seed oil. It can be used as a substitute for diesel
fuel. The plant seed oil has to be converted to biodiesel by the chemical process
known as “transesterification”.
In Myanmar, biodiesel is used in power tractor engines, petro-diesel engines and
electricity generating engines.
21. Define the term transesterification.
Transesterification is a process in which the plant seed oil is treated with sodium
hydroxide basic catalyst in pure methanol or ethanol and then heated to 60 oC
producing methyl or ethyl ester as the product (biodiesel).
22. What is biogas? Explain the uses of biogas in Myanmar.
Biogas is a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide produced naturally from the
decay of cow dung and organic waste in the absence of air by the help of
anaerobic bacteria (anaerobic fermentation process).
In Myanmar, biogas is used as a fuel for local industry and used to power the
electricity generating engines.
23. How is biogas produced? Give the name of this process.
Biogas is produced naturally from the decay of cow dung and organic waste in the
absence of air by the help of anaerobic bacteria. This process is known as
anaerobic fermentation process.
24. Give the name of the process which is used for the conversion of used oil to
The process which is used for the conversion of used oil to biodiesel is
transesterification process.
25. Name the chemicals which can be obtained from coal and mention their uses.
The chemicals can be obtained from coal:
(i) ammonia– for fertilizers,
(ii) coal gas – for industrial heating,
(iii) coal tar – for paint, dyes, creosote and pitch,
(iv) coke – for iron- and steel-making and for home and industrial heating.

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