Sop Neu
Sop Neu
Sop Neu
Ever since my childhood days, I have been fascinated with the workings of machinery and
would spend time watching and learning the use of machines at my father’s workshop where
I would spend my spare time. This interest eventually led me to pursue my bachelor’s degree
in Mechanical Engineering. Along with my academic courses I pursued during my college
years, visits to several manufacturing industries in my hometown of Chennai (India) has
reinforced my attraction to the field of Industrial Engineering. Accordingly, I wish to pursue
my MS and aspire to be an Industrial Engineer.
I am currently about to finish the requirements for my Bachelor’s degree in an ABET-
accredited and a top-tier university, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) based in the
greater Chennai (India) metropolitan area. I have worked hard to learn new concepts, shown
steady progress each semester with my strong work ethic and have passed all the courses with
good grades. My under-graduate studies at VIT not only have given me a firm foundation in
the fundamentals of engineering, but has also prepared me for graduate level studies and
future apprenticeships through training and practice in areas such as critical thinking,
analytical skills, planning and organization, adaptability and strong communication skills. Of
the course work I completed, I enjoyed the following the most: “Rapid Manufacturing
Technologies”, “Facilities and Process Planning” and “Material Engineering and
Technology”. The excellent curriculum and good support from the faculty at VIT helped me
build a strong foundation and confidence to pursue higher studies.
Having completed my required credits a year before, I am using the opportunity to continue
learning new concepts and developing new skills. I had the privilege to work as Intern at
Itaku Systems (India), a company that specializes in making special purpose machines for
various industries based on their customer requirements. I worked and improved my
knowledge and skills in Solidworks (a Solid modelling computer-aided design and computer-
aided engineering application). I also visited their customers to assist with maintenance of
their machines. This internship has provided me a great opportunity to learn various
processes in manufacturing. I will continue this internship through June 2023.
My time as an Intern has exposed me to vast areas in manufacturing machinery and practical
learnings, and has made me realize the opportunities that lay ahead to not only broaden my
skill base but also to deepen my expertise in the areas I am most interested in. Industrial
Engineering is one such area where upon identifying a problem, there are opportunities to
bring effective solutions with creative ideas. A Masters in Industrial Engineering will provide
me with this broad education and depth of expertise in designing effective engineering
systems, solving operational problems and shaping organizational structures.
An Industrial Engineering curriculum is focused on processes and finding ways to improve
them. As an Industrial Engineer, I will always have options to work and explore in different
sectors expanding my knowledge and experiences. I love to observe and work at things with a
practical approach. Studying this valuable coursework will certainly help me to achieve my
By pursuing my further studies in the highly technically sophisticated environment that your
university offers, I wish to move towards my goal of contributing as an Industrial Engineer. I
strongly believe that Master’s degree earned at your university under the guidance of highly
competent research-oriented faculty, will lead me to a more successful career. I feel that the
attributes, combined with profound interest in Industrial Engineering will ensure me great
success as Master’s student at your university.