A Mobile App For Developing Visual Literacy On in
A Mobile App For Developing Visual Literacy On in
A Mobile App For Developing Visual Literacy On in
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ABSTRACT (León, Spain, October 16-18, 2019), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.
Visual is a mobile app that promotes Visual Literacy (VL) and it
was created as a resource for a VL training course for in-service
teachers. The VL course performs through blended learning 1. Introduction
approach and Visual app allows users to experience learning-on-
Teachers are involved in countless activities every day, both
the-move [10] and ubiquitous learning thanks to affordances of
inside and outside the school. Their busy schedules leave them
mobile technology.
little time for training as much as information society requires.
The Visual app presents its content in six short units, which are Here, mobile technology stands as a potential way to support
related to the VL course content. Each unit has ten activities, for teacher’s professional development, because its features as
teachers to do them. Performing activities helps teachers to ubiquity and permanent evolving process, allows them to access
improve the understanding about the course topics. Each activity digital learning content anytime and everywhere. Indeed, through
shows immediate feedback to users by evaluating if the response mobile devices teachers can access a large amount of updated
was correct or incorrect. educational content and tools for their own training and teaching.
All of this is possible across different contexts because mobile
Visual app was designed based on user-centered design technology is absolute affordable in digital age and many teachers
methodology. This project aims to achieve an effective integration own a mobile device [15]. Hence, mobile technology can solve
of mobile technology into the teaching-learning process for in- some specific in-service teacher’s training needs, as becoming
service teachers training in VL. visual literate, which helps them to become well-qualified
teachers, key factor in students success [14].
CCS CONCEPTS VL training initiative for in-service teachers pretends to
increase education quality. The fastest track to better education is
• Human-centered computing~User interface design
better teachers [15], so they must know how to communicate
• Applied computing~Interactive learning environments through the different languages and media that people use in
digital era, as visual language. Here, visual literacy is perceived as
KEYWORDS the most crucial literacy for 21st century education [7] because we
live in a visual world [16] and all of us are image users that create
Visual literacy, mobile learning, mobile technology, educational
and actively contribute to visual communication [8]. Besides,
apps, teacher training, mobile apps, user interface design.
visual aids are widely used in classrooms and teaching materials
ACM Reference format: [16] in synchronous or asynchronous classes because they are a
strong learning enhancers [1]. Thus, the visual literacy course
Catalina Huilcapi-Collantes, Azucena Hernández Martín and Juan Pablo
Hernández Ramos. 2019. A mobile app for developing visual literacy on
proposal aims to help teachers to improve their communication
in-service teachers. . In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference skills through visual language.
on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2019) In order to fit the visual literacy course with teacher schedules,
the course was designed under blended learning approach. Visual
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or app is a specific resource for asynchronous learning that takes
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and place after face-to-face class. By doing the app activities, teachers
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned
by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To
can improve the understanding of visual literacy topics, which are
copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires based on graphic design principles.
prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from VL course was designed following RASE pedagogical model, a
TEEM'19, October 16–18, 2019, León, Spain student-centered learning approach that enables the integration
© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. of educational technologies[3, 4]. Hence, Visual App should be
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7191-9/19/10...$15.00
designed by a related concept as User-Centered Design (UCD)
that, as a methodology, philosophy and an approach of design,
TEEM 2019, October, 2019, León, Spain C. Huilcapi-Collantes et al.
A mobile app for developing visual literacy on in-service
TEEM 2019, October, 2019, León, Spain
behavior patterns. The following description illustrates one of Users stories App functionalities
them, a male Hispanic in-service teacher.
“As a user I want to know how Easy to understand icons and
to use the interface simple, intuitive and familiar
immediately because I don’t interface.
want to spend time learning
how to use it.”
3. Flowchart
Figure 1: Example of user profile. The flowchart shows the main elements, actions and the flow
between sections and screens. See Figure 2.
2.2.3. Define scenarios
Scenarios describes fictitious situations where users are using
Visual app. These are useful to describe the context in which
teachers will do the activities. The following scenario example
relates to the previous profile.
Victor is on the bus, and he is going to work. It is going to take 30
minutes to arrive at high school, so he decides to use Visual app to
review the contents of VL course. Victor is standing inside the bus for
over 15 minutes and then he sits down. When he has to get off the
bus, Victor needs to stop the activity that he was doing in the app.
It is possible to describe several scenarios that help to write
user stories before starting the design.
2.2.4. Users Stories
User stories describe something that users want to accomplish
by using the app [18] and are necessary to decide how to design
each app screen and each element on it. For example:
Visual app will have six main topics, which relate with all
topics that users will learn on face-on-face classes during VL
course: Typography, Composition, Type Contrast, Technical
affairs, Meaning and Rhetoric. Each unit or module have ten
activities to do sequentially. Users can do all ten activities without
TEEM 2019, October, 2019, León, Spain C. Huilcapi-Collantes et al.
stopping, or they can stop any activity if they want or need to. 5. Proposal design
The toolbar will have three tools: LEARN that displays the six
Visual app wants to promote VL on in-service teachers by doing
topics, PROFILE where users can see correct, incorrect and undone
learning activities. It encourages them to continue doing each
activities, and CHECK where people can find the mistaken
activity through icons and friendly textual expressions. It helps to
activities of all topics to do again.
create a pleasant and close user experience. Visual app is displayed
only on portrait format because it is easier to use with a single-
4. Wireframe hand and while the user is moving. Moreover, portrait format is
accessible and comfortable to thumb zone and facilitates multi-
Based on flowchart, the wireframe was created, which is a bare- finger tap. All the screens below display details of Visual app
bones depiction of all the components of Visual app screens and prototype for iOS smartphone, specifically iPhone 6.
how they fit together[6]. Wireframe and previous flowchart show
an example of one activity and its flow. Visual app will have 60
activities, so the flow will be the same for all of them. See Figure
A mobile app for developing visual literacy on in-service
TEEM 2019, October, 2019, León, Spain
The first screen of each activity shows the question, the which is the standard color to indicate a wrong answer. See Figure
answer options and the button to verify. On the top of the screen, 7 (right).
a number bar indicates in violet the activity that a teacher is
performing. Number bar activities in green indicate correct
activities and red indicate the mistaken ones. Next to this bar is
the icon to quit. See Figure 6.
TEEM 2019, October, 2019, León, Spain C. Huilcapi-Collantes et al.
6. Future work such well-designed apps that users inevitably will compare. Also,
aesthetics motivate learners to persist and engage in web-based
It is essential to make a pedagogical usability evaluation and an
learning, so it is increasingly important that educators consider
user interface evaluation of Visual app with CECAM, by its initials
aesthetic qualities when developing course materials [5].
in Spanish, that means questionnaire to evaluate the quality of m-
Finally, it is necessary that teachers themselves are trained
Learning apps [9]. Education and Designers experts must do the
with mobile technology, so they can experience mobile learning
evaluation. It will help to improve the app.
from their own context and this encourages them to incorporate
Also, usability testing by users is mandatory. Although five
this technology into their own classes.
users tested the app interface during the design process, it is
necessary to test the prototype to identify flaws and remedy them
Furthermore, it would be a valuable contribution to translate Thanks to teachers who tested the app and participated in the
the Visual app into English, so more people can use it. interview.
Additionally, it will be a challenge to make Visual app an
autonomous tool to promote VL. It could be a long-term goal. REFERENCES
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