BSC Physics

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Bachelor of Science in Physics

B.Sc. - Physics
Programme Project Report & Detailed Syllabus

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Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai - 15
Bachelor of Science in Physics
B.Sc., - Physics

Programme Project Report & Detailed Syllabus

Semester Pattern
From Academic Year 2021 onwards

தமிழ்நாடு திறந்தநிலைப் பல்கலைக்கழகம்

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics

(A state open Universit y Established by Government of Tamilnadu,

No. 577,
Recognized by UGC & DEB, Member in Asian Association of Open
Anna Salai,
Universities & Association of Commonwealth Universities) Saidapet,
600 015
© 2020

by Tamil Nadu Open University. Except where otherwise noted,

B.Sc., Physics - PPR & Detailed Syllabus is made available under a Creative Commons
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 Licence (international):

Faculty of Sciences
School of Sciences
Department of Physics

Tamil Nadu Open University

577, Anna salai , Saidapet
Chennai - 600015
Tamilnadu, India

Website :

My dear Learners,
I deem it a great privilege to extend a hearty welcome to you to the Under Graduate Programme being offered by
the Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU). I also appreciate your keen interest to know about the curriculum of the
Programme, in which you shall gain an enthralling experience, and pleasurable and beneficial learning.
With passing a specific act in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly (TNLA) in 2002, the TNOU came into existence as a
State Open University (SOU). It has been offering the socially-relevant academic Programmes in diverse disciplines with
due approval of the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Distance Education Bureau (DEB), New Delhi since its
inception. This Undergraduate Programme is one among the approved Programmes.
The Board of Studies, a statutory academic body of the University, consisting of the versatile scholars, eminent teachers
including both internal and external, well- acclaimed industrialists, outstanding alumni, and prospective learners as
members, has designed the robust curriculum of this Programme. The curriculum is overhauled to be more suitable to
the socio-economic and scientific needs in the modern era based on the emerging trends in the discipline at State and
National as well as International level and accordingly, modified to our local context. Moreover, the whole syllabi of this
Programme have special focuses on promoting the learners to the modern learning environment.
With a Credit System / Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), this Programme is offered in semester/ non-semester
pattern. The Self-Learning Materials that are the mainstay of pedagogy in the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) have
been developed incorporating both the traditional and the modern learning tools, like web-resources, multi-media
contents, text books and reference books with a view to providing ample opportunities for sharpening your knowledge
in the discipline.
At this juncture, I wish to place on record my deepest appreciations and congratulations to the Chairperson and the
Members of the Board of Studies concerned for having framed the curriculum of high standard.
I would also like to acknowledge the Director, the Programme Co-Ordinator and the members of staff of the respective
School of Studies for their irrevocable contributions towards designing the curriculum of this Programme.
Last but not least, I register my profuse appreciation to Prof. S. Balasubramanian, Director (i/c), Curriculum Development
Centre (CDC), TNOU, who have compiled this comprehensive Programme Project Report (PPR) that includes the
regulations and syllabi of the Programme, and also facilitated the designing in the form of e-book as well printed book.
I am immensely hopeful that your learning at TNOU shall be stupendous, gratifying, and prosperous.
Wish you all success in your future endeavours!
With warm regards,

05, November 2020 (Prof. K. PARTHASARATHY)

CHENNAI – 600 015


Chairperson Dr.V.ULAGENDRAN
Dr. V. RAMASWAMY, Assistant Professor,
Professor and Nodal Officer, Department of Physics,
Department of Physics, Guru Nanak College, Velachery,
Annamalai University. Chennai – 600 042.
Annamalai Nagar- 608002
Internal Faculty Members Director, WooryAutomotives India Pvt.Ltd.,
Dr. E. KUMAR A1B, MMDA Industrial Complex,
Assistant Professor of Physics Maraimalai Nagar,
Department of Physics Kanchipuram Dist.,
School of Sciences Mr. VALANTINE,
Tamil Nadu Open University, Manager,Inkarp Instruments Pvt.Ltd.,
Chennai – 15 6A, 6B, Thaver Plaza,
Dr. P. SHANMUGAVELAN, 1A Nungambakkam High Road,
Assistant Professor of Chemistry Chennai – 600 034.
Department of Chemistry
School of Sciences Student on Roll
Tamil Nadu Open University, RAMADEVI R
Chennai – 15 Badal flats, No.5, Door No.17.
NSR Road, Nehru Nagar,
Member Subject Experts: Chrompet,
Dr. G. ANBALAGAN, Chennai – 600 044.
Department of Nuclear Physics,
University of Madras,
Associate Professor,
PG & Research Department of Physics
Presidency College (Autonomous),
Kamaraj Salai, Triplicane,
Chennai – 600 005.


School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Programme Project Report (PPR)

Programme’s Mission and Objectives:

Bachelor of Science in Physics Programme has been designed to provide in basic knowledge in Physics to those
students who are not having opportunity to study in regular mode and for drop-out students from rural and ur-
ban areas of Tamil Nadu. The main Objective of this Programme is to enable the students to understand the basic
knowledge of matter and energy and make them relevant to society.

Relevance of the Programme with HEI’s Mission and Goals:

The Programme B.Sc., (Physics) is offered to meet current needs of aspiring youths and adult population and also
create awareness about the basic scientific aspects to the society. This Programme aims at creating equity in edu-
cation by providing opportunity to rural people for whom Higher Education is unreachable.

Nature of prospective target group of Learners:

Bachelor of Science (Physics) is meant for students who have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with Phys-
ics as one of the Subjects or Secondary grade teachers are the target groups are the target groups. It also targets
the rural population to reach their dream of obtaining Higher Education for whom the opportunity was denied due
to lack of limited number of seats available in the conventional University system.

Appropriateness of Programme to be conducted in ODL mode to acquire specific skills

and competence:
Bachelor Degree Programme in Physics will meet out the present day needs of academic and Research, Institu-
tions and Industries. As Programme outcome of the students may acquire basic knowledge in Mechanics, Optics,
Nuclear, Electronics, Solid State Physics, Nanoscience which will motivate the students to go for higher studies/
research in Physics and also acquire skills in the field of application oriented, life oriented, and job oriented elec-
tronics. Their learning needs will be addressed by providing the printed copy of ‘Self Learning Materials (SLM)’ and
Practical classes and Examination are being conducted at LSC’s.

Instructional Design:
The Curriculum and the Syllabus for Bachelor of Science in Physics Programme has been designed to provide in
basic knowledge in Physics to those students who are not having opportunity to study in regular mode and for
drop-out students from rural and urban areas of Tamil Nadu. The main Objective of this Programme is to enable
the students to understand the basic knowledge of matter and energy and make them relevant to society. The
course for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Physics shall consist of three years ( Six Semester) and the medium
of instruction is English.

The Bachelor of Science in Physics Programme is offered through the Learner Support Centres established by TNOU
in the affiliated Arts and Science College, where the same Programme is offered through Conventional Mode.

The Faculty Members available at Department of Physics, School of Science of Tamil Nadu Open University and
the faculties approved as Academic Counselors of TNOU at Learner Support Centres will be used for delivering the
Bachelor of Science Degree Programme in Physics.

The credits systems suggested as per UGC-ODL Regulations-2020 have been assigned to The Bachelor of Science
in Physics Programme. The total number of credit assigned for the Programme is 96. The Self Learning Materials
in the form of print, e-content and audio/video materials wherever required has also been developed for the Pro-

Procedure for admissions, curriculum transaction and evaluation:

Candidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination (10+2 pattern) conducted by the Board of High-
er Secondary Education, Government of Tamilnadu or any other examination (10+3 pattern) accepted by Syndi-
cate, as equivalent thereto, with Physics as one of the subjects in the above said patterns.

The Programme Fee is Rs.18000/- for three years, plus Registration and other Charges. The admission are carried
out by Tamil Nadu Open University and through its Regional Centres located within the State of Tamil Nadu. The
Theory Counselling and the Practical Counselling will be conducted through the Learners Support Centres of Tamil
Nadu Open University. The evaluation will be carried by Tamil Nadu Open University consists of Continuous Inter-
nal Assessment through Assignment and External Assessment through Term End Examination.

Financial Assistance:
SC/ST Scholarship available as per the norms of the State Government of Tamil Nadu. Complete Admission fee
waiver for the Physically challenged/ differently abled persons.
Tamil Nadu Open University

Policy of Programme delivery:

The Academic Calendar for the Programme will be available for the learners to track down the chronological
events/ happenings. The Counselling schedule will be uploaded in the TNOU website and the same will be intimat-
ed to the students through SMS.

Evaluation System:
Examination to Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Physics is designed to maintain quality of standard. Theory will be
conducted by the University in the identified Examination Centres. For the Assignment students may be permitted
to write with the help of books/materials for each Course, which will be evaluated by the Evaluators appointed by
the University.

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA): Assignment:

1 assignment for 2 credits are to be prepared by the learners. E.g. If a Course is of Credit 6, then 3 number of
Assignments are to be written by the learner to complete the continuous assessment of the course. Assignment
carries 30 Marks (Average of Total no of Assignment), consists of Long Answer Questions (1000 words) for each

Sec - A Answer any one of the question not exceeding 1000 words out of three questions. 1 x 30 = 30 Marks

Theory Examination:
Students shall normally be allowed to appear for theory examination by completing Practical and Assignment. The
Term -End Examination shall Carry 70 marks and has PART: A, B and C and will be of duration 3 hours.

Question Pattern for Theory Examinations:

Max. Marks: 70 Time: 3 hours

PART - A (5 x 2 = 10 marks)
Answer all FIVE questions in 50 words
[All questions carry equal marks]

1. From Block - I

2. From Block - II
3. From Block - III
4. From Block - IV
5. From Block- V
PART - B (4 x 5 = 20 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions out of Seven questions in 150 words
All questions carry equal marks

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

6. From Block - I
7. From Block - II
8. From Block - III
9. From Block - IV
10. From Block- V
11. From any Block
12. From any Block
PART - C (4 x 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions out of Seven questions in 400 words
[All questions carry equal marks]

13. From Block - I

14. From Block - II
15. From Block - III
16. From Block - IV
17. From Block - V
18. From any Block
19. From any Block

Pattern of Question Paper for Practical Examinations;

Each set of question paper should contain SEVEN questions and the candidate has to choose one by lot.

Awarding of marks for Practical examinations.

Total Marks: 100 (External Practical 70 Marks +Internal (Record 20 Marks + Practical Counselling Class Attendance
10 Marks)

Distribution for 70 Marks:

Formula, circuit diagram and tabular column: 20 Marks
Observation: 35 Marks
Result: 5 Marks
Presentation: 10 Marks

Total: 70 Marks
Passing Minimum:
For Theory Examination:
The candidate shall be declared to have passed the examination if the candidate secures not less than 25 marks in
the University examination in each theory paper and overall 40 percent in both Term End Examination and Contin-
uous Internal Assment (Assignment) taken together.

Continuous Internal Assessment Term End Examination
Overall Aggregated Marks
(CIA) (TEE) Maximum
Minimum Pass Maximum Minimum Pass Maximum Marks
Mark Mark Mark Mark
13 30 25 70 40 100

For Practical Examination:

The candidate shall be declared to have passed the examination if the candidate secures not less than 30 marks in
the External Practical Examinations and secures not less than 10 marks in the Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
(Record Marks + Practical Counselling Class Attendance ) and overall aggregated marks is 40 marks in both external
and internal taken together. However submission of record notebook is a must.

Classification of Successful Candidate:

Candidates who pass all the Courses and who secure 60 per cent and above in the aggregate of marks will be
placed in the First Class. Those securing 50 per cent and above but below 60 per cent in the aggregate will be
placed in the Second Class.

Requirement of laboratory and Library Resources:

The Programme will be offered through the Learner Support Centre (LSC) maintained by Tamil Nadu Open Uni-
Tamil Nadu Open University

versity. The LSC’s have the required infrastructural facilities to conduct the Counselling for the students who wish
clear their doubts and also they are having well equipped laboratory facilities relevant to the Bachelor Degree
Programme in Physics.

A well-equipped Library is available in the University Headquarters with about 24,000 books and lot of research
journals. The Learners Support Centre through which the Degree Programme is to be offered is also equipped will
a full-fledged library having books and journals related Physics.

Cost estimate of the Programme and the provisions:

S.No Details Amount in Rs.

1 Programme development and launching cost (Expenditure) -7322888

2 Programme Fee charged for 3 years per student (Income) 18000

3 Examination Fee charged for 3 years (Income) per student 9000

4 Examination expenses per student for 3 years per student (Expenditure) -15000

Quality Assurance Mechanism & Programme Outcomes:

The Quality of the Bachelor’s degree Programme in Physics is maintained by adopting the curriculum suggested by
the UGC. As per UGC guidelines the core courses, four elective courses, two subject specific elective courses, four
practical courses are included in the Programme. The Curriculum of Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Physics was
approved by the Board of Studies on 19.06.2020. It will be placed for approval forthcoming Academic Council and
Syndicate of our University subsequently. As a part of Quality assurance, the curriculum for the Programme will be
updated once in three years. Necessary steps will be taken to obtain feedback from the students and the Academic
Counsellors who are part of the Programme for effective delivery of the Programme.

Programme Outcomes
After completion of the Bachelor of Science in PhysicsProgramme , the Learners will acquire

• Science Knowledge: Apply pure and interdisciplinary science knowledge for the solution of various scientific
and engineering problems.

• Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze scientific problems reaching val-
idated conclusions using basic principles of sciences.
• Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including
design of experiments, analysis, and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
• Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern IT tools includ-
ing prediction and modeling to complex scientific activities with an understanding of the limitations.

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

• The science and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health,
safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional practice.
• Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the scien-
tific practice.
• Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams,
and in multidisciplinary settings.
• Communication: Communicate effectively on various activities with the Science community and with society
at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effec-
tive presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
• Science projects and funding: Demonstrate knowledge for writing and managing scientific projects in various
disciplines and apply these to its own work, as a member and leader in a team, manage funds for scientific
projects from various funding agencies and NGOs.
• Lifelong learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and
life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15
Structure of the B.Sc Physics Programme
S. Marks Distribution
Course Code Course Title Category Credits
No CIA* TEE** Total
I Year - Semester – I
1 BFTM-01 Tamil Language 3 30 70 100
2 BFEG-01 Foundation in English Language 3 30 70 100
3 BPH-11 Properties of Matter and Sound CC 3 30 70 100
Tamil Nadu Open University

4 BMSS-A1 Allied Mathematicss – 1 GE 3 30 70 100

I Year - Semester - II
5 BFTM-02 Tamil Language 3 30 70 100
6 BFEG-02 Foundation in English Language 3 30 70 100
7 BPH-21 Mechanics CC 3 30 70 100
8 BMSS-A2 Allied Mathematicss – 2 GE 3 30 70 100
9 BPH-P1 Practical – I SEC 4 30 70 100
II Year -Semester – III
10 BFTM-03 Tamil Language 3 30 70 100
11 BFEG-03 Foundation in English Language 3 30 70 100
12 BPH-31 Optics and Spectroscopy CC 3 30 70 100
13 BPH-32 Heat and Thermodynamics CC 3 30 70 100
14 BCHY-A1 Allied chemistry-1 GE 3 30 70 100

II Year - Semester – IV
15 BFTM-4 Tamil Language 3 30 70 100
16 BFEG-04 Foundation in English AECC 3 30 70 100
17 BPH-41 Electricity and Magnetism CC 3 30 70 100
18 BPH-42 Basic Electronics CC 3 30 70 100
19 BCHY-A2 Allied Chemistry-II GE 3 30 70 100
20 CCE Environmental Studies AECC 2 30 70 100
21 BPH-P2 Practical- II SEC 4 30 70 100
III Year -Semester – V
22 BPH-51 Atomic Physics CC 3 30 70 100
23 BPH-52 Relativity and Quantum Mechanics CC 3 30 70 100
24 BPH-53 Digital electronics CC 3 30 70 100
25 BPH-54 Mathematical Methods CC 3 30 70 100
26 BPH-EL1/EL2 Energy Physics/Problem Solving DSE 3 30 70 100
skills in Physics

III Year - Semester -VI
27 BPH-61 Solid state Physics CC 3 30 70 100
28 BPH-62 Nuclear Physics CC 3 30 70 100
29 BPH-EL2 Nano Physics/LASER Physics DSE 3 30 70 100
30 BPHYP-03 Practical – III SEC 4 30 70 100
31 BPHYP-04 Practical –IV SEC 4 30 70 100
Total- [(I+II+III) Year] 96 930 2170 3100

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Courses for Other Departments
BPH-A1 Allied Physics – I GE 3 30 70 100
BPH-A2 Allied Physics – II GE 3 30 70 100
BPH-NE1 Basic Principle of Physics GE 2 30 70 100
BPH-NE2 Energy Physics GE 2 30 70 100

* Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

# Term End Examination (TEE)
CC- Core Courses
GE- Generic Electives
DSE- Discipline Specific Electives
SEC- Skill Enhanced Courses
AECC- Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – I year – I Semester (Distance Mode)

பாடப் பெயர் (Course Title) : தமிழ் - I (Tamil – 1)

பாடக் குறியீடு (Course Code) : BFTM - 01

பாட கற்றல் அளவெண் (Course Credits) : 3

Tamil Nadu Open University

பாட ந�ோக்கங்கள்
»» தமிழ் இலக்கியங்களை அறிமுக ந�ோக்கில் எடுத்துரைத்தல்
»» ம�ொழித்திறன், ம�ொழியறிவு, இலக்கியப் ப�ொது அறிவு பெறும் வகையில் விவரித்தல்
பாடத்தினைப் படிப்பதால் விளையும் பயன்கள்
»» தமிழிலுள்ள சமய இலக்கியங்கள், சிற்றிலக்கியங்கள், மரபுக் கவிதை, புதுக் கவிதை, உரைநடை
இலக்கியங்கள், மு.வ.வின் உரைநடைச் சிறப்புகள், பாரதிதாசனின் அமைதி நாடகச் சிறப்புகள் பற்றி
மாணவர்கள் விரிவாக எடுத்துரைப்பார்கள்.
பிரிவு – 1 பன்னிரு திருமுறைகள்
தமிழில் சமய இலக்கியங்கள் – சமய இலக்கியத் த�ோற்றம், சமணமும் ப�ௌத்தமும், சைவ
சமய வளர்ச்சி, பன்னிரு திருமுறை பட்டியல் - திருஞானசம்பந்தர் தேவாரம் பாடல்
சிறப்புகள். - (திருநாவுக்கரசரின் மாசில் வீணையும், நம்கடம்பனைப் பெற்றவள், சுந்தரர்
- பித்தா பிறைசூடி, ப�ொன்னார் மேனியனே, மாணிக்கவாசகர் - வானாகி மண்ணாகி,
பால்நினைந்து ஊட்டும், திருமூலரின் ஒன்றே குலமும் ஒருவனேதேவனும், அன்பும் சிவமும்
இரண்டென்பர், காரைக்காலம்மையார் - இன்று நமக்கெளிதே மாலுக்கும், அறிவானும்
தானே அறிவிப்பான் .
பிரிவு – 2 நாலாயிரத் திவ்யப் பிரபந்தம்
முதல் மூன்று ஆழ்வார்கள் – ப�ொய்கையாழ்வார் பாடல் - வையம் தகளியா வார்கடலே,
பூத்ததாழ்வார் பாடல் - அன்பே தகளியா ஆர்வமே - பேயாழ்வார் – திருக்கண்டேன்
ப�ொன்மேனி கெண்டேன், திருமழிசை ஆழ்வார் பாடல் – அன்பாய் ஆரமுதம் ஆவாய்,
நம்மாழ்வார் - இவையும் அவையும் உவையும், மதுரகவியாழ்வார் – நன்மையால் மிக்க நான்மறை,
குலசேகராழ்வார் – செல்வத்து அரம்பையர்கள், பெரியாழ்வார் – மாணிக்கம் கட்டி வயிரம்
இடைகட்டி - ஆண்டாள் – மத்தளம் க�ொட்ட வரிசங்கம், த�ொண்டரடிப் ப�ொடியாழ்வார் –
பச்சைமா மலைப�ோல் மேனி, திருப்பாணாழ்வார் – க�ொண்டல் வண்ணனைக் க�ோவலனாய்,
திருமங்கையாழ்வார் – குலம்தரும், செல்வம் தந்திடும், அடியார்.
பிரிவு – 3 சீறாப்புராணம் ( கதீசா கனவு கண்ட படலம்)
சீறாப்புராணம் – காப்பிய அமைப்பு, கதீசா கனவு கண்ட படலம், காப்பிய முன்கதைச்
சுருக்கம், படலக் கதைச் சுருக்கம் – கதீசா கனவு கண்டு எழுதல் – கதீசா கண்ட கனவு,
கதீசாவின் ஏமாற்றம் – கதீசாவின் இயல்பு நிலையில் மாற்றம் – ஒப்பனை துறந்த விரக்தி,
பஞ்சணை ப�ொருந்தா நிலை – கதீசாவின் புலம்பல் – விதவசம் ப�ொருந்தும�ோ எனல், மாதுலன்
வசனம் சிதையும�ோ எனல், கதீசா தேம்புதல். – மெசறாவின் மடல் வருதல் – மைசறா எழுதிய
பத்திரம், சித்திர வரித�ொறும் முத்தமிடுதல், கடலில் தவிப்பார்க்குக் கிடைத்த மரக்கலம்.

பிரிவு – 4 தேம்பாவணி (காட்சிப் படலம்)
தேம்பாவணி – காப்பிய அமைப்பு, காட்சி படலம், காப்பிய முன்கதைச் சுருக்கம், படலக்
கதைச் சுருக்கம், - க�ோவர் கூட்டம் வந்து காணுதல் – குழந்தை இயேசுவைத் த�ொழுதல்,
முல்லையார் தந்த முல்லை மாலை, பேரின்பத்தால் உயிர் ஊஞ்சலாடல் - க�ோவலர் ப�ோற்றி
வாழ்த்துதல் – நீவிப் ப�ோன ஆட்டை மீட்கவ�ோ உதித்தனை எனல், பிணிக்குலத்தக்கது உதித்த
பெற்றி ப�ோற்றல், அன்னையையும் ஆண்டவரையும் வாழ்த்துதல் – க�ோவலர் செலுத்திய
காணிக்கை – இடைச்சியர் மாலை சாத்தல், இடையர் தந்த பால் காணிக்கை, குழந்தை
இயேசுவின் அருள்நோக்கு – ஓகன�ோடு ஓங்குதாயும் வாழ்த்தினாள் – அன்பால் பீறிட்ட

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

ஆனந்தக் கண்ணீர் மழை, வேந்தரை நீக்கி ஆயரைத் தெரிந்ததென் எனல்.
பிரிவு – 5 முத்தொள்ளாயிரம்
(யானை மறம் - மருப்பு ஊசி யாக, க�ொடிமதில் பாய்ந்துஇற்ற, அயிற்கதவம் பாய்ந்துழக்கி,
கைக்கிளைப் பாடல்கள் – உழுத உழுத்தஞ்சேய், நாண் ஒருபால் வாங்க நலன் ஒருபால்,
ஆய்மணிப் பைம்பூண் எனத் த�ொடங்கும் பாடல்கள்)
நந்திக்கலம்பகம் (ஊசல், மறம் உறுப்பில் அமைந்த பாடல்கள்)
தமிழில் சிற்றிலக்கியங்கள் சிற்றிலக்கியத் த�ோற்றம், சிற்றிலக்கிய வகைகள், கலம்பகம்,
பிள்ளைத்தமிழ் – முத்தொள்ளாயிரம் - நூல்பெயர் விளக்கம், அமைப்பு, யானை மறம்
விளக்கம், கைக்கிளை விளக்கம், - முத்தொள்ளாயிரம் – யானை மறம் பாடல்கள் – பாண்டியன்
யானை மறம் – ஒரு பாடல், ச�ோழன் யானை மறம் – ஒருபாடல், சேரன் யானை மறம் – ஒரு
பாடல் – முத்தொள்ளாயிரம் – கைக்கிளைப் பாடல்கள் – பாண்டியன் கைக்கிளை – ஒருபாடல்,
ச�ோழன் கைக்கிளை ஒருபாடல், சேரன் கை்கிளை ஒரு பாடல், - நந்திக்கலம்பகம் – ஊசல்,
மறம் – கலம்பக ஊறுப்புகள் 18 விளக்கம், ஊசல் உறுப்பில் அமைந்த பாடல், மறம் உறுப்பில்
அமைந்த பாடல் – நந்திக்கலம்பகம், தலைவன் தலைவி கூற்று – தலைவன் கூற்றுப் பாடல்,
தலைவி கூற்றப் பாடல்.
பிரிவு – 6 மீனாட்சியம்மை பிள்ளைத்தமிழ் (அம்புலி பருவம்)
பிள்ளைத் தமிழ் விளக்கம் – பிள்ளைத் தமிழின் பத்துப் பருவங்கள், பிள்ளைத் தமிழுக்கு
அம்புலி – விளக்கம், - சாமம் என்னும் வழிமுறை – சாமம் விளக்கம், சாமம் வழிமுறைப்பாடல்
– தானம் என்னும் வழிமுறை – தானம் விளக்கம், தானம் வழிமுறைப் பாடல் – பேதம் என்னும்
வழிமுறை – பேதம் விளக்கம், பேதம் வழிமுறைப் பாடல் – தண்டம் என்னும் வழிமுறை –
தண்டம் விளக்கம், தண்டம் வழிமுறைப் பாடல்.
பிரிவு – 7 இக்கால மரபுக்கவிதைகளும் பாட்டு இலக்கியமும்
மரபுக் கவிதைகளும் பாட்டு இலக்கியமும் – மரபுக் கவிதைகள் விளக்கம், பாட்டுக்கள் –
வள்ளலார், பாரதியார், பாரதிதாசன் – வள்ளலார் இராமலிங்க அடிகள் பாடல் – ஒருமையுடன்
நினது திருமலரடி… - பாரதியார் – யாமறிந்த ம�ொழிகளிலே – பாரதிதாசன் – காலைஇளம்
பரிதியிலே… நாமக்கல் கவிஞர், கவிமணி – நாமக்கல் கவிஞர் இராமலிங்கம்பிள்ளை பாடல்
– தமிழனென்று ச�ொல்லடா… - கவிமணி தேசிகவிநாயகம் பிள்ளை - புலர்ந்து விடியும்
ப�ொழுதினிலே…சுரதா, முடியரசன் – சுரதா – சுவரின்மேல் ஒட்டிக் க�ொண்டிருக்கும் –
முடியரசன் – சாதியைத்தான் முன்வைத்துச் சான்றுகின்றார்.
கண்ணதாசன் – கேள்வி பிறந்தது அன்று, மருதகாசி – சமரசம் உலாவும் இடமே,
பட்டுக்கோட்டையார் – சின்னப்பயலே சின்னப்பயலே…
பிரிவு – 8 புதுக் கவிதைகளும் ஐக்கூக் கவிதைகளும்
புதுக்கவிதைகளும் ஐக்கூக் கவிதைகளும் – புதுக் கவிதைகள் விளக்கம், - நா. காமராசன் –
பாற்கடல் அமுதத்தை…, அப்துல் ரகுமான்– நாற்காலியாய் இருந்தவன் …, மீரா – மூட்டை
மூட்டையாய்…, சிற்பி – அகன்ற உலகு நான்…, இன்குலாப் – பதவியூர் ப�ோகும்…, மு. மேத்தா
– என்னுடைய சம்பளநாளில்…, அபி – பகல்வெளியில் எங்கோ…, ஈர�ோடு தமிழன்பன்
– நீலச் சேற்றில்…, சேசாலம் – மண்ணின் வெடிப்பை…, வைரமுத்து – அவிழ்ந்த கூந்தலை
அள்ளிமுடிக்க…, ஐக்கூக் கவிதைகள் – அப்துல் ரகுமான் – இரவெல்லாம் …, அமுதபாரதி –
எரியும் பிணங்கள், மித்ரா – பசித்த குழந்தைகள், அறிவுமதி – மரம் வெட்டிய…, கழனியூரன்
– அன்புடைமை…
பிரிவு – 9 மு. வரதராசனாரின் “தமிழுக்கு முதல் இடம்”
தமிழில் உரைநடை வளர்ச்சி – உரைநடையின் த�ோற்றம், தமிழில் கட்டுரைகள், தமிழில்
மணிப்பிரவாள நடை, தமிழில் தனித்தமிழ்நடை, - மு. வரதராசனார் உரைநடை,-
ம�ொழிப்பற்று நூல் அறிமுகம், தமிழுக்கு முதல் இடம் – கட்டுரை உட்பொருள் – தமிழுக்கு

முதல் இடம் – தமிழ்நாட்டுக் க�ோயில்களில் வடம�ொழி, தமிழ் இசை கருநாடக இசையாக
மாறிப்போனது, தமிழ் இசைக்கு முதல் இடம், ஆட்சித் துறையில் தமிழுக்கு முதல் இடம்,
ஆட்சிம�ொழி எவ்வழி பிறதுறைகள் அவ்வழி, இதழியல் துறையில் தமிழுக்கு முதல் இடம்,
ஆங்கிலப் பத்திரிகைகளும் அமாவாசைச் சாமியார்களும்.
பிரிவு – 10 பாரதிதாசனின் “அமைதி” நாடகம்
தமிழில் உரைநடை நாடக வளர்ச்சி, - தமிழில் நாடகங்களின் த�ோற்றம், 20 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டில்
தமிழ் நாடகங்களின் நிலை, முத்தமிழில் நாடகத்தமிழ் விளக்கம், ம�ௌன ம�ொழி உலகப்
ப�ொதும�ொழி. – பாரதிதாசன் என்னும் நாடக ஆசிரியர் – புரட்சிக்கவிஞரின் நாடகப் புரட்சி,
பிரெஞ்சு நாடகத் தாக்கம், அமைதியின் சிறப்பு – அமைதி நாடகக் கதைச் சுருக்கம் – அமைதி
– களம் ஒன்று, களம் – இரண்டு , களம் மூன்று, களம் நான்கு, களம் ஐந்து, களம் ஆறு, களம்
ஏழு, அமைதி நாடகத் திறனாய்வு.

பார்வை நூல்கள்:
11. மு. வரதராசன், தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, சாகித்ய அக்காதெமி, புதுடெல்லி.
22. மது. ச. விமலானந்தன், தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.
33. தமிழண்ணல், புதிய ந�ோக்கில் தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.
Tamil Nadu Open University

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – I year – I Semester (Distance Mode)

COURSE TITLE : Foundation in English-I (Literature and Grammar)



»» To make the learners aware of the history of England
»» To cultivate the creativity among the learners
»» To improve the reading skills of the learners
»» To enhance the vocabulary of the learners
»» To make the learners read and write in English

On successful completion of the Course, the learners will be able to:
»» describe the history of England
»» critically analyse the literary texts
»» use the words correctly
»» write in flawless English

Block 1 Brief History of England

Tudor England- Stuart England -Restoration England -Revolutions -Eighteenth Century-19th Century Education- 20th

Block 2 Literary Texts

R.K. Narayan- An Astrologer’s Day and Sarojini Naidu - Bangle Sellers

Block 3 Reading Comprehension

Definition of Comprehension- Types of Comprehension- Reading Materials-Vocabulary- Critical Reading- Effective
Reading- Exercises

Block 4 Functional Grammars and Vocabulary

Parts of Speech- Tenses-Articles -Prepositions and Linkers –Punctuation-Common Mistakes -Polite Expression-Af-

Block 5 Language Skills

Reading Skills: SQ3R Technique -Writing Skills -Dictionary Use

1. Narayan R.K. Short Story Collections.
2. Sarojini Naidu. Bangle Sellers
3. Sinha C.A. Reading Comprehension. Prabhat Prakashan.
4. Xavier A.G. An Introduction to the Social History of England. Viswanathan S. Printers, Chennai. 2009.

Web Resources:

Tamil Nadu Open University

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – I year – I Semester (Distance Mode)




While studying the PROPERTIES OF MATTER AND SOUND, the Learner shall be able to:
»» To expose students to the fundamentals of properties of matter and sound.

After completion of the PROPERTIES OF MATTER AND SOUND, the Learner will be able to:
»» identify the materials suitable for construction of buildings, based on the moduli of elasticity.
»» have knowledge on properties of liquids and its determination.
»» understand the physics of sound and its applications
»» To know the different methods of producing ultrasonic waves and its applications
»» the concepts of acoustic comfort and better understanding of the theories used in building acoustics

BLOCK 1 Elasticity

Elasticity –- Hooke’s law – Elastic moduli – Poisson’s ratio- Beams – bending of beams – Expression for bending
moment – Cantilever- Theory of uniform and non – uniform bending - Determination of young‘s modulus -Koenig’s
method – Torsion of a body – Expression for couple per BLOCKtwist – Work done in twisting a wire – Torsional os-
cillations of a body - Rigidity modulus by dynamic torsion method (Torsional pendulum) and static torsion method.

BLOCK 2 Surface Tension

Surface tension – definition – Molecular forces – Explanation of surface tension on kinetic theory- Surface energy
– work done in increasing the area of a surface – Excess pressure inside a curved liquid surface – Excess pressure
inside a spherical and cylindrical drops- Determination of Surface Tension- bubbles-drop weight method- - angle
of contact- Quincke’s method - Application of Surface Tension-variation of surface tension with temperature-exper-
imental determination-Jaegar’s method.

BLOCK 3 Viscosity
Viscosity – Co efficient of viscosity – Streamlined and turbulent motion – critical velocity – Capillarity- Rate of flow
of liquid in a capillary tube – Poiseuille’s formula- Determination of Viscosity- viscosity of highly viscous liquid-ter-
minal velocity-stoke’s method-Ostwald Viscometer-Viscosity of gas-Mayer’s formula-Rankine ‘s method.

BLOCK 4 Sound
Simple Harmonic Motion –Composition of two S.H.M in a straight line-at right angles-Lissajous’s figures- Types of
Vibration-Free, Damped, Forced vibrations - Resonance -Fourier theorem-application-Laws of transverse vibration
of strings - Sonometer-Determination of AC frequency using sonometer – Determination of frequency using
Melde’s apparatus-Decibels - Intensity levels - decibel-noise pollution.
BLOCK 5: Ultrasonics and Acoustics

Ultrasonics –Production – Piezoelectric crystal method - Magnetostriction method- Properties and Applications of
Ultrasonics-Acoustics of building – Reverberation- Sabine’s Reverberation formula (No derivation) – Factors affect-
ing acoustics of building- Sound distribution in an auditorium- Requisites for good acoustics.

Book for Study:

1. Elements of properties of matter – D.S. Mathur – S. Chand & Co., 2004.
2. Properties of matter – R. Murugesan – S. Chand & Co., 2004.
3. Properties of matter – Brijlal and Subramanian S. Chand & Co., 2006.
4. Textbook of Sound, D.R.Khanna and R.S. Bedi, Atmaram and sons, 1969.
5. A Text Book of Sound, N.Subrahmanyam and BrijLal, Vikas Publishing House - Second revised edition,1995.

Books for reference:

1. Fundamentals of General Properties of Matter by H.R.Gulati, S. Chand & Co., NewDelhi (1982).
2. Fundamental of Physics, D. Hallidary , Resnick and J Walker, 6th Edition, Wiley, New York 2001.
Tamil Nadu Open University

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – I year – I Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the ALLIED MATEMATICS – 1, the Learner shall be able to:
»» To provide basic mathematical concepts required for students pursuing Physics and Computer
»» To provide basic mathematical tools used for computation in Physics
»» To introduce the concept of Operational Research

After completion of the ALLIED MATEMATICS – 1, the Learner will be able to:
»» understand basic mathematical concepts required for students pursuing Physics
»» understand basic mathematical tools used for computation in Physics
»» familiarize with the basics of Linear Programming Problem.
»» apply appropriate mathematical tools in Physical problems

BLOCK 1 Properties of Matrices

1.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
1.2 Cayley Hamilton Theorem
1.3 Similar Matrices
1.4 Diagonalization of Matrices possessing Distinct Eigenvalues

1.5 Eigenvalues for symmetric matrices

BLOCK 2 Differential Calculus

2.1 Higher Derivatives – nth derivative – Standard Results
2.2 Trigonometric Transformations
2.3 Formation of Equations Involving Derivatives
2.4 Liebnitz’s formula for nth derivative – Problems involving Liebnitz’s formula

2.5 Methods of Integration of functions of the Following Types:

BLOCK 3 Differential Equations

3.1 Partial Differential Equation
3.2 Formation of Equations by Elimination of Constants and an Arbitrary Function

3.3 Definition of General, Particular, Complete and Singular Integral
3.4 Solutions of First Order Equations in their Standard Forms

3.5 Lagrange’s Method of Solving of Linear Equations Pp + Qq = R

BLOCK 4 Fourier Series

4.1 Definition of Fourier Series
4.2 Finding Fourier Coefficients for a given Periodic Function with Period 2 p
4.3 Odd and Even Functions
4.4 Half - Range Series
4.5 Development in sine and cosine series

BLOCK 5 Linear Programming Problem

5.1 Formulation of LPP
5.2 Graphical Method
5.3 Simplex Method

Books For Study

Tamil Nadu Open University

1. Narayanan, S., Hanumantha Rao and T.K. Manicavachagam Pillai, Ancillary Mathematics – Volume - I. Ma-
dras.:Viswanathan, S, 2012.
Chapter 3: Sections 3.4, 3.5
Chapter 6: Sections 6.1
2 Narayanan S., R. Hanumantha Rao,T.K. Manicavachgam Pillay, and P. Kandaswamy.
3 Ancillary Mathematics – Volume – II. Madras.: Viswanathan, S, 1995 Reprint 2011.
Chapter 1 : Sections 8 (cases 5-9)
Chapter 2 : Sections 1 - 5
Chapter 6 : Sections 1-3, 5, 6.
4. Kalavathy S, Operations Research, Vikas Publishing House, Noida, Fourth Edition 2013
Chapter 2 : Sections 2.1, 2.2
Chapter 3 : Sections 3.1 – 3.3
Chapter 4 : Sections 4.1, 4.2

Books For Reference

1. Joseph, Edwards, An Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus, London: Macmillan, 1948.
2. Manicavachagam Pillai T.K., Natarajan T. and Ganapathy K. S, Algebra Volume I. Madras.: Viswanathan, S.,
3. Manicavachagam Pillai T.K., Natarajan T. and Ganapathy K. S, Algebra Volume II. Madras.: Viswanathan, S.,
4. Singaravelu A., Allied Mathematics, Chennai: Meenakshi, 2010
5. Sundaresan V., K.S. Ganapathy Subramanian, K. Ganesan. Resource Management Techniques,
4th ed. Arapakkam: A.R. Publications, 2007.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – I year – II Semester (Distance Mode)

பாடப் பெயர் (Course Title) : தமிழ் (Tamil )

பாடக் குறியீடு (Course Code) : BFTM - 02

பாட கற்றல் அளவெண் (Course Credits) : 3

பாட ந�ோக்கங்கள்
»» தமிழ் இலக்கியங்களை அறிமுக ந�ோக்கில் எடுத்துரைத்தல்
»» ம�ொழித்திறன், ம�ொழியறிவு, இலக்கியப் ப�ொது அறிவு பெறும் வகையில் விவரித்தல்

பாடத்தினைப் படிப்பதால் விளையும் பயன்கள்

»» தமிழ் உரைநடை பற்றியும், ஜெயகாந்தனின் சிறுகதைகள் பற்றியும் எடுத்துரைப்பர்.

»» தமிழ் பற்றியும் அலுவலகத் த�ொடர்பு மடல்கள் எழுதுவது எப்படி என்பது பற்றியும், ம�ொழியை திறம்பட
எவ்வாறு பயன்டுத்துவது என்பது பற்றியும் எடுத்துரைப்பர்.

பிரிவு – 1 ஜெயகாந்தனின் “நான் இருக்கிறேன்” – சிறுகதை

தமிழ் உரைநடையில் சிறுகதை வளர்ச்சி – தமிழில் கதை இலக்கியத் த�ோற்றம், தமிழ்ச்
சிறுகதைகளின் த�ோற்றமும் வளர்ச்சியும், சிறுகதை இலக்கணம் – தமிழ்ச் சிறுகதைகளில்
ஜெயகாந்தன் – ஜெயகாந்தன் சிறுகுறிப்பு – கதை அரங்கம் அறிமும், நான் இருக்கிறேன் கதைச்
சுருக்கம் – நான் இருக்கிறேன் சிறுகதை – வியாதிக்காரன் அனுபவங்கள், சாகக் கற்றுக்கொடுத்த
ந�ொண்டி, வாழக் கற்றுக்கொடுத்த வியாதிக்காரன், நான் இருக்கிறேன் அம்மா, - நான்
இருக்கிறேன் – சிறுகததைத் திறனாய்வு.

பிரிவு - 2 வா.செ.குழந்தைசாமியின் அறிவியல் தமிழ் ஆக்கம் இற்றை நிலை

அறிவியல் தமிழ் - இயற்றுதல் அறிந்தோம் புனைதல் இல்லை - தமிழில் அறிவியல் இலக்கியம்
படைப்போம் - வா.செ. குழந்தைசாமி - அறிமுகம் - அறிவியல் தமிழ் - எந்தத் துறைகளைக்
குறிக்கும் - அறிவியல் தமிழை உள்ளடக்கியது - த�ோற்றம் - கலைச்சொல்லாக்கப் பணி -
விடுதலைக்குமுன் - விடுதலைக்குப்பின் - பாடநூல் நிறுவனத்தின் பங்கு - பதிப்பகங்களின்
பங்கு - பல்கலைக்கழகங்களின் பங்கு - இதழ்களின் பங்கு - இலங்கைத் தமிழரின் பங்கு -
கருத வேண்டியவை.

பிரிவு - 3 சமய இலக்கியக் காலம் (கி.பி.700 - கி.பி 1100)

தமிழில் சமய இலக்கியங்கள் - சமண இலக்கியத் த�ோற்றம் - ப�ௌத்த இலக்கியத் த�ோற்றம்
- தமிழில் ப�ௌத்த இலக்கியங்கள் - வைணவ இலக்கியங்கள் - சைவ இலக்கியத் த�ோற்றம்
- தமிழில் சைவ இலக்கியங்கள் - வைணவ இலக்கியத் த�ோற்றம் - தமிழில் வைணவ
இலக்கியங்கள் - தமிழில் இசுலாமிய இலக்கியங்கள் - தமிழில் கிறிஸ்தவ இலக்கியங்கள்.

பிரிவு - 4 சிற்றிலக்கியக் காலம் (கி.பி. 700 - கி.பி. 1400)

சிற்றிலக்கியத் த�ோற்றம் - சிற்றிலக்கிய வகைகள் - இலக்கண நூல்கள் - உலா - கலம்பகம் -
பரணி - பிள்ளைத்தமிழ் - க�ோவை – தூது.

பிரிவு - 5 உரையாசிரியர்கள் காலம் (கி.பி. 1200 கிபி. 1800)
உரைநூல்களின் த�ோற்றம் - பயன்கள் - உரை வகைகள் - நக்கீரர் - இளம்பூரணர் -
பேராசிரியர் - சேனாவரையர் - நச்சினார்க்கினியர் - கல்லாடர் - தெய்வச்சிலையார்
ப�ோன்றோர் - அடியார்க்கு நல்லார் - பரிமேலழகர் - பிரபந்த உரையாசிரியர்கள் - நன்னூல்
உரையாசிரியர்கள் .

பிரிவு - 6 புத்திலக்கியக் காலம் (கி.பி. 1800 - கிபி 2000)

தமிழில் புதினம் - தமிழில் சிறுகதை - தமிழில் புதுக்கவிதைகள் - தமிழில் உரைநடை
நாடகங்கள் - புதினங்கள் - சிறுகதைகள் - இலக்கியங்கள் - மரபுக் கவிதை இலக்கியங்கள் -
புதுக்கவிதை இலக்கியங்கள் - தமிழில் ஐக்கூக் கவிதைகள்.

பிரிவு - 7 கருத்துப் பரிமாற்ற ம�ொழித்திறன்

கருத்து விளக்கக் கட்டுரைகள் - செய்திக் கட்டுரைகள் - ச�ொற்பொழிவு - குழு விவாதங்கள் -
நண்பர்களுடன் உரையாடும் திறன் - கணினித் தமிழ் - கட்டுரை - பெண்ணியம் - தலைப்பு
- தேர்ந்தெடுக்கும் முறை - தகவல்கள் சேகரிக்கும் முறை - தகவல் திரட்டல் - நகைச்சுவைத்
திறன் - அவை அறிதல் - உச்சரிப்புக் கவனம் - குழு விவாத அமைப்பும் குறிக்கோளும் -
உரையாடலில் - சுயபுராணம் தவிர்த்தல் - உடன்பட வைக்கும் நாகரிக உத்தி .

பிரிவு - 8 அலுவலகத் த�ொடர்பு மடல்கள்

நட்புறவு மடல்கள் - வேண்டுதல் மடல்கள் - குறை தெரிவிக்கும் / புகார் மடல்கள் - கருத்து
Tamil Nadu Open University

மடல்கள் - விண்ணப்ப மடல்கள் - அலுவலகத் த�ொடர்பு மடல்கள் - விண்ணப்ப மடலின்

படிநிலைகள் - தன்குறிப்பு விவரங்கள் - விண்ணப்ப மடலின் வடிவமைப்பு - விண்ணப்ப
மடல் எழுதும் முறை - குறிப்பு - வரைவு - கடிதம் - குறிப்பு மடல் - அலுவலக ஆணை -
நேர்முகக் கடிதம்.

பிரிவு - 9 எழுத்து - ச�ொல் பிழைகளும் திருத்தமும்

ஒலி மயக்கம் தரும் எழுத்துக்கள் - ர,ற ஒலி மயக்கம் - ந, ன,ண ஒலி மயக்கம் - ல,ள,ழ,ஒலி
மயக்கம் - ச�ொல் முதலில் வரும் எழுத்து மரபுகள் - ச�ொல் இடையில் வரும் எழுத்து
மரபுகள் - ச�ொற்களின் சந்திப்பு மரபுகள் - வேற்றுமைப் புணர்ச்சியும் அல்வழிப் புணர்ச்சியும்
- உயிர்முன் உயிர் புணர்தல் - குற்றியலுகரப் புணர்ச்சி - வல்லின ஒற்று மிகும் இடங்களும்
மிகா இடங்களும்.

பிரிவு - 10 இலாக்கிய அறிவு வினா விடை

பாடப்பகுதி த�ொடர்பானவை - ப�ொதுவான தமிழ் இலக்கியம் த�ொடர்பானவை.

பார்வை நூல்கள்:
11. மு. வரதராசன், தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, சாகித்ய அக்காதெமி, புதுடெல்லி.
22. மது. ச. விமலானந்தன், தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.
33. தமிழண்ணல், புதிய ந�ோக்கில் தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.
44. தமிழண்ணல், இனிய தமிழ்மொழியின் இயல்புகள் 1,2,3- பகுதிகள், மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.
55. முத்து – கண்ணப்பன்,தி.. தமிழில் தவறுகளைத் தவிப்போம், பாரிநிலையம், 184, பிராட்வே, சென்னை.
66. கீ. இராமலிங்கனார், தமிழில் எழுதுவ�ோம், கழக வெளியீடு, சென்னை.
77. செ. முத்துவீராசாமி நாயுடு, ஆவணங்களும் பதிவுமுறைகளும், கழக வெளியீடு, சென்னை.
88. டாக்டர் சு. பாலசுப்பிரமணியன், தகவல் த�ொடர்புக் கல்வி, மாநிலப் பள்ளிசாராக் கல்விக் குருவூலம், சென்னை.
99. எஸ். கலைவாணி, இதழியல் உத்திகள், பராசக்தி வெளியீடு, குற்றாலம்.
1010டாக்டர் அ. சாந்தா, டாக்டர் வீ. ம�ோகன், மக்கள் ஊடகத் த�ொடர்பியல் புதிய பரிமாணங்கள், மீடியா பப்ளிகேஷன்ஸ்,
1111பி.எஸ். ஆச்சார்யா, உயர்வுதரும் உரையாடல்கலை, நர்மதா பதிப்பகம், சென்னை.

1212மு. முத்துக்காளத்தி, பேசுவது எப்படி, கண்ணம்மாள் பதிப்பகம், பாரி நிலையம், சென்னை.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – I year – II Semester (Distance Mode)

COURSE TITLE : Foundation in English-II (Literature and Use of English)


»» To cultivate the creativity among the learners
»» To improve the reading skills of the learners
»» To enhance the vocabulary of the learners
»» To develop pronunciation skills
»» To imbibe the use of internet for developing language skills

On successful completion of the Course, the learners will be able to:
»» critically evaluate the literary texts
»» read the passages effectively
»» speak with good accent
»» communicate through online

Block 1 Literary Texts

Rabindranath Tagore’s Sacrifice and John Donne’s The Sun Rising

Block 2 Reading Comprehension

Reading passages-Preparing a glossary from passage- reading the meaning- respond to questions

Block 3 Vocabulary and Grammar

Synonyms and Antonyms- Homophones-Making of Nouns-Making of Adjectives-Compound Words-Phrases and
Idioms-Words often confused-Spelling- Tenses

Block 4 Pronunciation and Spoken English

Importance of English-Pronunciation: An Exposition-Speech Sounds-Sounds and Spelling: The Relationship-Attri-
butes of Good Speech-Dialogue Situations/ Situational Dialogues

Block 5 The Internet English

Email-Chat Groups-Virtual Words-The Web-Commentary

1. Balasubramanian T. English Phonetics for Indian Students - A Workbook. 2016.
2. Daniel Jones. Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
3. Tagore, Rabindranath. Sacrifice and Other Plays.Niyogi Books, 2012.

Web Resources:

Tamil Nadu Open University

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – I year- II Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the MECHANICS, the Learner shall be able to:
»» To give the students fundamental ideas on conservation laws, rotational and vibrational motion of
rigid bodies, Gravitational fields and some idea about fluid mechanics

After completion of the MECHANICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» Understand and define the laws involved in mechanics
»» apply conservation laws in collision experiments.
»» derive Bernoulli’s principle and apply pressure-velocity relation in fluid flow in the field of fluid

BLOCK 1 Laws of Motion

Laws of conservation of energy, linear momentum and angular momentum - Work energy theorem - work done
by gravitational force - work done by spring force. Potential energy - conservative and non conservative forces -
potential energy curve. Collision – Elastic and inelastic collision – (Fundamental laws of impact) – Newton’s law
of impact – coefficient of restitution - Impact of a smooth sphere on a fixed plane – Direct impact between two
smooth spheres. Oblique impact between two smooth spheres – Calculation of final velocities of the spheres –
Loss of K.E due to impact.

BLOCK 2 Dynamics of Rigid body

Moment of inertia – Theorems of perpendicular and parallel axes- M.I of a circular ring, disc, solid sphere- M.I of a
hollow sphere and cylinder about all axes. Compound pendulum – theory – equivalent simple pendulum- Revers-
ibility of centers of oscillation and suspension – determination of g and k

BLOCK 3 Gravitation
Newton’s law of gravitation – Kepler’s laws of gravitation – Universal Constant G by Boy’s method – Mass and
density of earth - Acceleration due to gravity – Variation of g with altitude, depth and rotation of earth - Value of
g at poles and equator. Gravitational field – Gravitational potential – Gravitational potential due to spherical shell
– Gravitational potential due to a solid sphere (inside and outside)

BLOCK 4 Central Force Motion

Angular velocity, angular momentum and K.E of rotation. Torque and angular acceleration – Relation between
them – Expression for acceleration of a body rolling down an inclined plane without slipping. Center of mass –ve-

locity and acceleration of centre of mass – determination of motion of individual particle. System of variable mass
- Rocket motion- Satellite

BLOCK 5 Statics and Hydrodynamics

Friction-laws of friction-angle of friction-cone of friction. Centre of gravity-solid and hollow tetrahedron-solid and
hollow hemisphere –Centre of pressure – vertical rectangular lamina – vertical triangular lamina.
Hydrodynamics - Equation of continuity– Pitot’s tube and Venturimeter – Euler’s equation of unidirectional flow
– Torricelli’s theorem – Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications.

Books for Study:

1. Mechanics – Part I and II by Narayanamoorthy, National Publishing Company.
2. Mechanics by D.S.Mathur, S.Chand& Co., 2ndEdition (2001).
3. Mechanics by P. Duraipandian, LaxmiDuraipandian, MuthamizhJayapragasam,
4. S.Chand& Co., New Delhi (1988).
5. Properties of Matter by R.Murugeshan, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi (2001).

Books for Reference:

Tamil Nadu Open University

1. Fundamentals of Physics by D. Halliday, R.Rensick and J. Walker, 6th edition, Wiley,NY (2001).

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – I year- II Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the ALLIED MATEMATICS – II, the Learner shall be able to:
»» To provide basic mathematical concepts required for students pursuing Physics
»» To introduce problem solving skills using Numerical Methods
»» To teach statistical tools using correlation

After completion of the ALLIED MATEMATICS –II, the Learner will be able to:
»» understand basic mathematical concepts required for students pursuing Physics
»» understand problem solving skills using Numerical methods
»» understand problem solving using correlation
»» apply Laplace transform in appropriate Physical problems

BLOCK 1 Beta, Gamma Integrals

1.1 Definitions of Beta and Gamma Integrals
1.2 Recurrence Formula for Gamma Functions
1.3 Properties of Beta Functions
1.4 Relation between Beta and Gamma Functions
BLOCK 2 Numerical Differentiation and Integration
2.1 Finite Differences- Forward and Backward
2.2 Derivatives using Newton’s Forward Difference Formula
2.3 Derivatives using Newton’s Backward Difference Formula
2.4 Numerical Integration using Trapezoidal Rule
2.5 Numerical Integration using Simpsons rule
BLOCK 3 Multiple Integrals
3.1 Definitions of Double and Triple Integrals
3.2 Change of Order of Integration for Two Variables
3.3 Double Integrals and Triple Integrals in Cartesian Coordinates
BLOCK 4 Laplace Transform
4.1 Definition and Transform of f ‘(t) & f ‘’(t)
4.2 Laplace Transform of Functions e-at, cos at, sin at, and tn where ‘n’ is a Positive Integer

4.3 First Shifting Theorem - Laplace Transform of e-at cos bt, e-at sin bt and e-at tn
4.4 Inverse Laplace Transform
4.5 Solving Second Order Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients using Laplace Transform
BLOCK 5 Statistics
5.1 Correlation
5.2 Scatter diagram and its uses
5.3 Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation
5.4 Correlation coefficient for a Bivariate Frequency Distribution
5.5 Probable error of correlation coefficient
5.6 Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
5.7 Merits and demerits of rank correlation coefficient

Books for Study

1. Narayanan S. and Manicavachagam Pillay T.K., Calculus-Vol II. Chennai: S.Viswanathan, 2012.
Chapter 7 Sec. 2.1, 2.3, 3 - 5
Tamil Nadu Open University

2. Narayanan S., R. Hanumantha Rao,T.K. Manicavachgam Pillay, and P. Kandaswamy.,

3. Ancillary Mathematics – Volume – II. Madras.: Viswanathan, S, 1995 Reprint 2011.
Chapter 3 Sec 1 - 3
Chapter 7 Sec 1 – 6
4. R. S. N. Pillai and V. Bagavathi, Statistics, S. Chand & company Ltd, New Delhi, 2007. Chapter 12: Page No:
363 – 395.
5. Sastry S.S., Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysi., Prentice – Hall of India Private Limited :
New Delhi(2000).
Chapter 3 : Sections 3.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2
Chapter 5 : Sections 5.1, 5.2(Numerical differentiation only), 5.4, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3

Books for Reference

1. Gupta B.D., Numerical Analysis. Delhi:.Konark Publishers pvt. Ltd. , 1999
2. S. C. Gupta and V. K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2007 Reprint
3. Jeffrey Alan, Handbook of Mathematical formulas and Integrals, United States: Academic, 2004.
4. Narayanan S. & T.K. Manicavachagam Pillay, Calculus-Vol I, Madras: S. Viswanathan, 1997.
5. Vedamurthy, V.N., N. Ch. S. N. Iyengar. Numerical Methods. Delhi : Vikas Publishing House, 1998.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus –I year -II Semester (Distance Mode)





1. Viscosity by Capillary flow method

2. Compound Pendulum – Determination of g and K.
3. Sonometer – Frequency of A.C.
4. Spectrometer – Refractive index of the prism.
5. Newton’s law of cooling – Specific heat capacity of the liquid.
6. Newton’s rings-determination of radius of curvature of the lens R.
7. Meter bridge – determination of specific resistance.
8. Young’s modulus – Uniform – Scale and telescope.
9. Young’s modulus – Uniform – Pin and microscope.
10. Surface tension by capillary rise method.
11. Comparison of surface tension by capillary rise method.
12. Lee’s disc –specific heat capacity of the bad conductor.
13. Focal length – Concave lens – Combination method (Two types)
14. Spectrometer –Dispersive Power of the prism.
15. Potentiometer – Internal resistance of cells.
16. Air Wedge – Thickness of Wire.
17. Moment of magnet – Tan C Position
18. Melde’s Strings – Frequency of Vibrator.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – II year – III Semester (Distance Mode)

பாடப் பெயர் (Course Title) : தமிழ் - Tamil

பாடக் குறியீடு (Course Code) : BFTM - 03
பாட கற்றல் அளவெண் (Course Credits) : 3

பாட ந�ோக்கங்கள்
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» தமிழிலுள்ள சங்க இலக்கியம், காப்பிய இலக்கியம், நீதி இலக்கியம் குறித்து அறிமுக நிலையில்
மாணவர்களுக்கு அறிமுகம் செய்வத�ோடு, தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு குறித்தும் அறிமுகம் செய்தல
பாடத்தினைப் படிப்பதால் விளையும் பயன்கள்
»» தமிழிலுள்ள சங்க இலக்கியம், காப்பிய இலக்கியம், நீதி இலக்கியம் குறித்து அறிமுக நிலையில்
மாணவர்களுக்கு அறிமுகம் செய்வத�ோடு, தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு குறித்தும் எடுத்துரைப்பார்கள்.
அறிமுகம் செய்தல்.
பிரிவு - 1 எட்டுத்தொகை - புறநானூறு
எட்டுத்தொகை அறிமுகம் - புறநானூறு - அதியமான் நெடுமானஞ்சியை ஔவையார்
பாடியது(புறம். 91) - வேள் பாரியைக் கபிலர் பாடியது (புறம். 107) - வையாவிக்
க�ோப்பெரும்பேகனைப் பரணர் பாடியது (புறம். 142) - பாண்டியன் ஆரியப்படை கடந்த
நெடுஞ்செழியன் பாடல் (புறம். 183) - சேரமான் கணைக்கால் இரும்பொறை பாடல் (புறம். 74)
- ப�ொன்முடியார் பாடல் (புறம். 312) - ஔவையார் பாடல் (புறம். 91) - பெருங்கோப்பெண்டு
பாடல் (புறம். 248)- கணியன் பூங்குன்றனார் பாடல் (புறம். 192) - நரிவெருஉத்தலையார்
பாடல் (புறம். 195) - த�ொடித்தலை விழுத்தண்டினார் பாடல் (புறம். 243) - பூதப்பாண்டியன்
மனைவி பெருங்கோப்பெண்டு பாடல் (புறம். 248)
பிரிவு - 2 நற்றிணை, குறுந்தொகை
அகத்திணை பாடல்கள் - அன்பின் ஐந்திணை - நற்றிணை - குறுந்தொகை - பாடப்பகுதி
- நற்றிணையில் குறிஞ்சி (1) – முல்லை (142) - மருதம் (210) – நெய்தல் (172) - பாலை (284) -
குறுந்தொகையில் குறிஞ்சி (40) - முல்லை (167) - மருதம் (8) - நெய்தல் (290) – பாலை(135).
பிரிவு - 3 கலித்தொகை
கலித்தொகை - ஐந்திணை பாடிய புலவர்கள் – பாலைக்கலி (9)- பாலைபாடிய பெருங்கடுங்கோ
- குறிஞ்சிக்கலி கபிலர் பாடல்(51) - நெய்தல்கலி நல்லந்துவனார் பாடல் (133).
பிரிவு - 4 பத்துப்பாட்டு – நெடுநல்வாடை
பத்துப்பாட்டு அறிமுகம் - நெடுநல்வாடை - இரண்டு களம் க�ொண்ட நாடகம் ப�ோன்றது
- நெடுநல்வாடை - அகமா புறமா? - வாடைக்கால வருணனை - அரண்மனைத் த�ோற்றம்
- அந்தப்புர அமைப்பு - அரசியின் இல்லமும் படுக்கையும் - புனையா ஓவியம் கடுப்ப
அரசி - த�ோழியர், செவிலியர் அரசியை ஆற்றுதல் - உர�ோகிணியை நினைத்து அரசியின்
பெருமுச்சு - பாசறையில் அரசன் - முன்னோன் முறைமுறை காட்டல் - நள்ளென்
யாமத்தும் பள்ளிக்கொள்ளான் - நெடியவாடை - பிரிவுத்துயர்ப்படும் அரசிக்கு - பாசறையில்
பணிக�ொட்டும் இரவிலும் தூங்காமல் புண்பட்ட வீரரைப் பார்க்கவந்த அரசனுக்கு
நெடுநல்வாடை பெயர்ப்பொருத்தம்.

பிரிவு - 5 திருக்குறள்
பதினென்கீழ்க்கணக்கு - அறிமுகம் - திருக்குறள் - முப்பால் - பாடப்பகுதி - தீமையிலாத
ச�ொல்லுதல் வாய்மை - நெஞ்சமும் வாய்மையும் - வாய்மை எல்லா அறமும் தரும் - அகம்
தூய்மை - முயற்சிப்பது சிறப்பு - முயற்சியில்லாதவனது நன்மை - வறுமைக்குக் காரணம்
- முயற்சி விடற்பாலது அன்று - தலைவியின் குறிப்பினைத் தலைவன் அறிதல் - நாணமும்
மகிழ்ச்சியும் அறிதல் - அயலவர்போல் ச�ொல்லினும் குறிப்பறிதல் - அவள் நகைப்பின்
நன்மைக் குறிப்பு - த�ோழி தனக்குள்ளே ச�ொன்னது.
பிரிவு - 6 நாலடியார், பழம�ொழி நானூறு

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

செல்வம் சகடக்கால் ப�ோல வரும் - பெண் கல்வி - கல்வி அழகே அழகு - கல்வி கரையில
கற்பவர் நாள்சில - நாய் அனையார் கேண்மை - கால்கால்நோய் காட்டுவர் ப�ொதுமகளிர்
- குலவிச்சை கல்லாமல் பாகம்படும் - நாய் பெற்ற தெங்கம் பழம் - நுணலும் தன் வாயால்
கெடும் - நிறைகுடம் நீர்த்ளும்பல் இல் - இறைத்தோறும் ஊறும் கிணறு
பிரிவு - 7 ஏலாதி, திரிகடுகம், ஆசாரக்கோவை
அன்புடையார்க்கு உள்ள ஆறு குணம் - எழுத்தின் வனப்பே வனப்பு - யாருக்கெல்லாம்
ஈதல் வேண்டும்? திரிகடுகம் ப�ோலும் மருந்து - இம்மூன்றும் நன்மை பயத்தல் இல - இவர்
மூவர் பெய் எனப் பெய்யும் மழை - முந்தைய�ோர் கண்ட முறை - என்றும் அசையாத
உள்ளத்தவர் - திறத்துளி வாழ்தும் என்பார் - பேதைகள் அல்லார் புகாஅர்.
பிரிவு - 8 இன்னா நாற்பது, இனியவை நாற்பது
கடனுடையார் காணப் புகல் - உணர்வார் உணராக்கடை - யாம் என்பவர�ொடு நட்பு -
இளமையுள் மூப்புப் புகல் - த�ொன்மை உடையார் கெடல் - எனைமாண்பும் தான் இனிது -
ஈதல் எத்துணையும் ஆற்ற இனிது - திறம்தெரிந்து வாழ்தல் இனிது - அறிந்துஉரைத்தல் ஆற்ற
இனிது - கற்றலின் காழ் இனியது இல்.
பிரிவு - 9 சிலப்பதிகாரம் – கனாத்திறம் உரைத்த காதை
சிலப்பதிகாரம் - அமைப்பியல் விளக்கம் - காப்பியக் கதைச் சூழல் - காதையின் கதைச்சுருக்கம்
- அகனகர் வருணனை - மாலதி பாலளிக்கப் பாலகன் ச�ோர்தல் - பாசண்டச் சாத்தற்குப்
பாடு கிடந்த மாலதி - இடுபிணம் தின்னும் இடாகினிப் பேய் - பாசண்டச் சாத்தனின்
அருளுதவி - தேவந்தி கதை - கண்ணகி தான்கண்ட கனவுரைத்தல் - பீடு அன்று - க�ோவலன்
வருகை - சிலம்புள க�ொண்ம்.
பிரிவு - 10 மணிமேகலை – ஆபுத்திரன் திறம் அறிவித்த காதை
மணிமேகலை கர்ப்பிய அமைப்பு - முன்கதைச் சுருக்கம் - கதை நிகழும் சூழல் - காதையின்
கதைச்சுருக்கம் - அபஞ்சிகன் மனைவி சாலி ஈன்ற குழவி - ஆ பாலுட்டி வளர்த்தல் - ஆ
மகன் அல்லன் என் மகன் - ஆபுத்திரன் கல்வி கற்றல் - புலைசூழ வேள்வி - நள்ளிருளில்
க�ொண்டு நடக்குவன் - நீ மகன் அல்லாய் நிகழ்ந்ததை உரையாய் - இதன�ொடு வந்த செற்றம்
என்னை - சிறியை நீ, அவ ஆமகன் அதற்கு ஒத்தனை - ஆவ�ொடு வந்த அழிகுலம் உண்டோ?.

பார்வை நூல்கள்:
11. புறநானூறு மூலமும் உரையும், (இரண்டு த�ொகுதிகள்) ஔவை சு. துரைசாமிப்பிள்ளை உரை, கழக வெளியீடு,
22. நற்றிணை மூலமும் உரையும், (இரண்டு த�ொகுதிகள்) ஔவை சு. துரைசாமிப்பிள்ளை உரை, அருணா பப்ளிகேஷன்ஸ்,
1-13 உஸ்மான் சாலை, சென்னை.
33. குறுந்தொகை மூலமும் உரையும், டாக்டர் உ.வே. சாமிநாதையர் உரை, கவீர் அறக்கட்டளை, சென்னை.
44. கலித்தொகை மூலமும் உரையும், பெருமழைப்புலவர் ப�ொ.வே. ச�ோமசுந்தரனார் உரை, கழக வெளியீடு, சென்னை.
55. நெடுநல்வாடை மூலமும் உரையும், பெருமழைப்புலவர் ப�ொ.வே. ச�ோமசுந்தரனார் உரை, கழக வெளியீடு, சென்னை.
66. திருக்குறள் – பரிமேலழகர் உரையுடன், ஸ்ரீ காசி மடம், திருப்பனந்தாள்.
77. பதினென்கீழ்க்கணக்கு, நியூசெஞ்சுரி புக் ஹவுஸ் பிரைவேட் லிமிடெட், சென்னை.
88. மு. வரதராசன், தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, சாகித்ய அக்காதெமி, புதுடெல்லி,
99. மது. ச. விமலானந்தன், தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.
1010தமிழண்ணல், புதிய ந�ோக்கில் தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – II year – III Semester (Distance Mode)

COURSE TITLE : Foundation in English-III (Soft Skills)


»» To cultivate the positive mind
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To improve body language

»» To develop interview skills
»» To prepare a comprehensive CV
»» To enhance interpersonal skills

On successful completion of the Course, the learners will be able to:
»» approach the life positively
»» communicate in good manner
»» join in a team in working place
»» develop an impressive CV
»» express managerial skills

Block 1 Introduction to Soft Skills

Soft Skills: An Introduction – Definition and Significance of Soft Skills; Process, Importance and Measurment of Soft
Skill Development- Self-Discovery: Discovering the Self; Setting Goals; Beliefs, Values, Attitude, Virtue. 3. Positivity
and Motivation: Developing Positive Thinking and Attitude; Driving out Negativity; Meaning and Theories of Moti-
vation; Enhancing Motivation Levels.

Block 2 Body Language & Etiquettes

Non-Verbal Communication: Importance and Elements; Body Language- Social and Business.

Block 3 Group Discussion& Interview Skills

Interviewer and Interviewee - in-depth perspectives- Before, During and After the Interview- Tips for Success-
Meaning, Types and Models, Group and Ethical Decision-Making, Problems and Dilemmas in application of these
Block 4 Preparation of Curriculum Vitae’ (CV)
Definition of CV and its purposes- CV versus Resume- Rules- Covering Letter
Block 5 Emotional Intelligence Skills
Meaning, History, Features, Components, Intrapersonal and Management Excellence; Strategies to enhance Emo-
tional Intelligence.

1. Dhanavel S.P. English and Soft Skills. Orient Blackswan India, 2010.
2. Ghosh B.N. (Ed.) Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development. McGraw Hill India, 2012.

Web Resources:

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – II year – III Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To understand the concept of aberrations in lenses and prisms, phenomenon like interference,
diffraction, polarization through wave nature of light and its applications and to gain knowledge in

After completion of the OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY, the Learner will be able to:
»» The knowledge of geometric optics is helps in the practical design of many optical systems and
instruments including aberrations in lens system.
»» The study of phenomena interference, diffraction, and polarization lays the foundation for an
understanding of concepts such as as holograms, interferometers.
»» The knowledge of Spectroscopy helps to extract the dynamic information about the molecule

BLOCK 1 Geometrical optics

Lens – Spherical aberration in lenses – Methods of minimizing spherical aberration. Chromatic aberration in lens-
es – condition for achromatism of two thin lenses (in and out of contact) –Aplanatic lens – Dispersion – Angular
and Chromatic dispersion – combination of prisms to produce i)dispersion without deviation ii) deviation with-
out dispersion. Direct vision spectroscope –Eyepieces – Ramsden’s and Huygens’s eyepieces –simple microscope
(magnifying glass) – compound microscope.

BLOCK 2 Interference
Conditions for interference – Theory of interference fringes – interference due to reflected light ( thin films) -co-
lours of thin films – Wedge shaped thin film - Air wedge– theory – determination of diameter of a thin wire by Air
wedge – test for optical flatness. Newton’s rings by reflected light – Determination of wavelength of light. Michel-
son’s Interferometer – theory and its Application (Measurement of wavelength) – Jamin’s interferometers – deter-
mination of refractive index of gases.

BLOCK 3 Diffraction
Fresnel’s and Fraunhofer diffraction –Rectilinear propagation of light – zone plate –action of zone plate -diffrac-
tion at circular aperture – opaque circular disc – Fraunhofer diffraction at single slit – Double slit. Plane diffraction
grating – theory of plane transmission grating - experiment to determine wavelength (Normal incidence method).
Resolving power– Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution – resolving power of a telescope – resolving power of a micro-
scope – resolving power of a prism - resolving power of grating.

BLOCK 4 Polarisation
Double refraction –Nicol Prism – Nicol Prism as polarizer and analyzer - Huygens’s explanation of double refraction
in uniaxial crystals– Plane, elliptically and circularly polarized light. Quarter wave plates and Half wave plates –
Production and detection of plane, circularly and elliptically polarized light. Optical activity– Fresnel’s explanation
of optical activity – Specific rotatory power –Laurent’s half shade polarimeter.

BLOCK 5 Spectroscopy

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Infrared spectroscopy – sources and detector – uses. Ultraviolet spectroscopy – sources – quartz spectrograph -
applications. Raman Spectroscopy – Quantum theory of Raman effect – applications - Nuclear magnetic resonance
–Nuclear quadrupole resonance -– Electron spin resonance spectroscopies- (Qualitative study)

Books for Study:

1. A text book of Optics – Subramanyam and Brijlal, S. Chand and co.., 25th Edition, New Delhi 2004.
2. Optics and Spectroscopy – R.Murugeshan, S. Chand and co., 6th Edition, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Elements of Spectroscopy – S.L. Gupta, V.Kumar and R.C.Sharma Pragati Prakashan, 13th Edition, Meerut,
4. Molecular structure and spectroscopy – G.Aruldhass, PHI Pvt Ltd, , II Edition, New Delhi, 2007.

Books for Reference:

1. Optics – Sathyaprakash, Ratan Prakashan Mandhir, VIIth Edition, New Delhi, 1990.
2. Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy –C.N.Banewell,TMH publishing co. IV Edition, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Ajoy Ghatak, Optics, (TMH), New Delhi, Fourth edition, 2009.
4. Optics and Atomic Physics, Singh & Agarwal, Pragati Prakashan Meerut,Nineth edition, 2002.
5. Fundamentals of Physics, by D.Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, Wiley, 6thEdition, New York (2001).

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – II year – III Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To understand the phenomena connected with various units of measurement of temperature,

knowing the concept of specific heat capacities of matter, transmission of heat, concept of lowering
the temperature, liquefying gases and process of making heat to do mechanical work.

After completion of the HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» learn experimental methods to determine the transmission of heat.
»» understand the laws of thermodynamics and their applications.
»» Analyse Maxwell’s thermo dynamical relations and their applications

BLOCK 1 Thermometry and Calorimetry

Platinum resistance thermometer - Calendar and Griffith’s bridge. Thermoelectric effect – Seebeck effect - Thermo-
electric thermometers- International temperature scale – Thermistor. Specific heat capacity of solids – Regnault’s
method of mixtures(solid) – specific heat capacity of liquids – Callendar and Barnes method – Specific heat capac-
ity of gases – Cp and Cv – Meyer’s relation – Cv by Joly’s differential steam calorimeter method – Cp by Regnault’s

BLOCK 2 Low Temperature Physics

Joule - Kelvin effect - Liquefaction of Air-Linde’s Process. liquefaction of hydrogen - liquefaction of helium-Kammer-
ling - Onne’s method - Helium I and II. Lambda point - production of low temperatures - adiabatic demagnetization.
Practical applications of low temperature - refrigerators and air-conditioning machines - super fluidity - application
of super fluidity.

BLOCK 3 Transmission of Heat

Conduction – coefficient of thermal conductivity – Rectilinear flow of heat along a bar - Convection – lapse rate
– Stability of the atmosphere –Newton’s law of cooling – determination of specific heat capacity of liquid – Radia-
tion - black body – Kirchhoff’s law – Stefan – Boltzmann law - energy distribution in black body spectrum - Wien’s
law – Rayleigh Jean’s law. Planck’s law - Solar constant – water flow pyroheliometer.

BLOCK 4 Kinetic Theory of Gases

Kinetic Theory of gases- assumptions - Molecular collisions – mean free path – expression for mean free path
– Transport phenomenon. Brownian motion and its features - expression for viscosity, Diffusion and thermal con-
ductivity of gas. Experimental verification -Vander walls equation of state - Determination of Vander walls constant
- Relation between Vander Wall’s constant and critical constants.

BLOCK 5 Thermodynamics
Zeroth and first law of thermodynamics – reversible and irreversible processes. -Isothermal process-adiabatic pro-
cess-gas equation during adiabatic process - work done during adiabatic and isothermal process - Second law
of thermodynamics – Carnot’s engine – its efficiency. Entropy – change of entropy in reversible and irreversible
processes – temperature – entropy diagrams – physical significance of entropy - change of entropy when ice con-
verted into steam. Third law of thermodynamics – Extensive and Intensive thermodynamic variables – distinction
between them. Maxwell thermodynamical relations – derivation and application – Clausius - Clapeyron equation
and specific heat relation .

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Books for Study:
1. Heat and Thermodynamics – Brijlal and Subramanyam, S.Chand & Co, 16th Edition New Delhi, 2005.
2. Heat and Thermodynamics – D.S. Mathur, Sultan Chand & Sons, 5th Edition, New Delhi, 2014.
3. Thermal Physics – R. Murughesan and Kiruthiga Sivaprasath, S.Chand & Co, II Edition, New Delhi, 2008

Books for Reference:

1. Heat & Thermodynamics – J.B. Rajan,  SC Publisher, New Delhi, 1985.
2. Concepts of Physics Volume I and II – H.C. Varma, Bharati Bhawan Publishers, New Delhi, 2015
3. M. Narayanamoorthy and N. Nagarathinam, Heat, National publishing Co,Chennai, Eight edition, 1987.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – II year – III Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the General Chemistry - I course, the student shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» Know about the need, types and uses of chemical bonds

»» Understand the need, types and uses of organic reactions
»» Gain knowledge on the characteristics, types and applications of catalysis
»» Study the characteristics, types and applications of biomolecules
»» Acquire knowledge on the types and effect of pollutions

After completion of the GeneralChemistry - I course, the student will have the ability to:
»» Understand the need, types and uses of chemical bonds
»» Get awareness on the need, types and uses of organic reactions
»» Know about the characteristics, types and applications of catalysis
»» Acquire knowledge onthe characteristics, types and applications of biomolecules
»» Gain knowledge on the types and effect of pollutions

BLOCK 1 Chemical bonds

Unit-1- Introduction, definition and need of chemical bond.

Unit-2-Types of bonds: Ionic, Covalent, Co-ordinate covalent, Metallic and Hydrogen bond with suitable illustra-

BLOCK 2 Organic reactions

Unit-3-Introduction, definitionand example to an Organic reaction-Definition to Nucleophiles and Electrophileswith
suitable illustrations.

Unit-4-Types of organic reactions - Addition, Elimination, Substitution, Rearrangement and Polymerization reac-
tions with suitable illustrations.

BLOCK 3 Catalysis
Unit-5-Introduction, definitionand example to Catalysis and Catalysts- Types of catalysts - Positive, Negative, Ho-
mogeneous and Heterogeneous catalysts.

Unit-6-Definitionand example to Autocatalysis, Enzyme catalysis and Acid/Base catalysis.

BLOCK 4 Biomolecules - I
Unit-7-Introduction and definition toCarbohydrates - Monosaccharides, Disaccharides and Polysaccharides - clas-
sification, properties and structures.

Unit-8-Introduction and definition toVitamins -classifications - structure, occurrence and deficiency diseases
caused by Vitamin A, B complex, C, D, E and K.

BLOCK 5 Pollution

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Unit-9-Air pollution: definition, sources and effects of air pollutants - effects of fluorocarbons, ozone layer and
green-house effect

Unit-10-Water pollution: definition, sources and effects of water pollution - industrial effluents - water sewages -
water pollution control - water treatment.
Unit-11-Radioactive pollution: sources, nuclear traces, wastes, effect of radiation and preventive methods.

Text Books:
1. Environmental Chemistry and Green Chemistry by Asim K. Das.
2. Introduction to Chromatography by V.K. Srivastava, K.K. Srivastava. Edition II.
3. Organic Chemistry by AnupaSaha and AnupPathak, Volume I & II.
4. A text book of Organic Chemistry by ArunBhal, B.S. Bhal, and S. Chand.
5. Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry R. Mukhopadhyah, S. Dattaand R.K. Das.
6. A New Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee.
7. Text book of organic chemistry, P.L. Soni.
8. Organic chemistry of Natural Products by GurdeepWat, Volume I.
9. A Text book of Medical Biochemistry by S. Ramakrishnan, K.G. Prasanan and R. Rajan.
10. Fundamentals of Biochemistry by J.L. Jain.
11. A Text of Medical biochemistry by AmbikaShanmugam.
12. Principles of Physical Chemistry by Puri, Sharma and Pathania.

Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry by T.W.GrahamSolomen, John Wiley & Sons; 4th edition (1994).
2. Principle of organic synthesis- R.O.C. Norman and J. M. Coxon.(ELBS).
3. Advanced organic chemistry (McGraw-Hill) J. March.
4. Inorganic Chemistry, J.E. Huheey, Harper and Collins, NY, IV Edition, (2010).
5. Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J. D. Lee,Wiley; Fifth Edition edition (2016).
6. Principles of Physical chemistry, P.W. Atkins, C.J. Clougston, Longman, (1986).
7. A.K.De, “Environmental Chemistry”, New Age International, (2003).
8. R.Shangi, M.M.Srivatsava, “Green Chemistry”, Narosa Publishers, New Delhi, (2003).
9. M.Z.Jacobson, Air Pollution and Global Warming 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, (2012).

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – II year – IV Semester (Distance Mode)

பாடப் பெயர் (Course Title) : தமிழ் ( TAMIL )

பாடக் குறியீடு (Course Code) : BFTM - 04
பாட கற்றல் அளவெண் (Course Credits) : 3

பாட ந�ோக்கங்கள்
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» தமிழிலுள்ள சங்க இலக்கியம், காப்பிய இலக்கியம், நீதி இலக்கியம் குறித்து அறிமுக நிலையில்
மாணவர்களுக்கு அறிமுகம் செய்வத�ோடு, தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு குறித்தும் அறிமுகம் செய்தல்.
பாடத்தினைப் படிப்பதால் விளையும் பயன்கள்
»» தமிழிலுள்ள சங்க இலக்கியம், காப்பிய இலக்கியம், நீதி இலக்கியம் குறித்து அறிமுக நிலையில்
மாணவர்களுக்கு அறிமுகம் செய்வத�ோடு, தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு குறித்தும் எடுத்துரைப்பார்கள்.
»» மரபுத் த�ொடர்கள், இணை ம�ொழிகள் பற்றியும் எடுத்துரைப்பத�ோடு, ஓரங்க நாடகம், ஐக்கூ கவிதை
படைக்கும் முனைப்பினையும் பெறுவார்கள்.
பிரிவு - 1 சீவகசிந்தாமாணி – குணமாலையார் இலம்பகம்
சீவகசிந்தாமணி - காப்பிய அமைப்பு - முன்கதைச்சுருக்கம் - இலம்பகத்தின் கதைச்சுருக்கம்
- கண்ணப் பூசல் - குணமாலையும் சுரமஞ்சரியும் ப�ொழிலாடல் - சுரமஞ்சரி சூளுரை -
கண்ணப்பொடியுடன் த�ோழியர் - மீன்சூழ் மாமதிப�ோல் சீவகன் - த�ோழியார் வேண்டல் -
சீவகன் தீர்ப்புரை - வாரம் பட்டுழித் தீயவும் நல்லவாம் - வண்டுகளின் தீர்ப்பு - இடியுண்ட
நாகம்போல் சுரமஞ்சரி - குணமாலையின் இனிய பண்பு.
பிரிவு - 2 கம்பராமாயணம் – நகர்நீங்கு படலம்
கம்பராமாயணம் - முன்கதைச்சுருக்கம் - படலத்தின் கதைச் சுருக்கம் - மகளிர் அவலம்
- விலங்குகளின் அவலம் - பிற மக்களின் அவலம் - மரவுரியில் இராமன் - மனத்துயரில்
சீதை - வருவென் ஈண்டு வருந்தலை நீ - தீய வெஞ்சொல் செவிசுடத் தேபுவாள் - என்னை
என்னை இருத்தி என்றாய் - நின் பிரிவினுஞ் சுடும�ோ பெருங்காடு - சீதையும் மரவுரி
தரித்தல் - எல்லையற்ற இடர் தருவாய் என்றான்.
பிரிவு - 3 சங்க காலம் (கி.மு. 300 – கி.பி. 100)
முச்சங்க வரலாறு - சங்கம் இருந்ததா? இல்லையா? ஒரு சங்கம் இருந்ததற்கான சான்றுகள் -
எட்டுத்தொகை நூல்கள் - பத்துப்பாட்டு நூல்கள் - சங்க காலம் ஒரு ப�ொற்காலம்
பிரிவு - 4 பதினெண் கீழ்க்கணக்குக் காலம் (கி.பி. 100 – கி.பி. 600)
களப்பிரர் காலம் - தமிழக வரலாற்றின் இருண்ட காலம் - அகத்திணை நூல்கள் - புறத்திணை
நூல்களில் ப�ோர் பற்றியது - அறநூல்கள்
பிரிவு - 5 காப்பிய காலம் (கி.பி. 200 – கி.பி. 1100)
தமிழின் முதல் காப்பியம் - இரட்டைக் காப்பியங்கள் - ஐம்பெருங்காப்பியங்கள் -
ஐஞ்சிறுங்காப்பியங்கள் - தமிழின் பிற காப்பியங்கள்.
பிரிவு - 6 தமிழ் இலக்கியத்தில் சமணர், ப�ௌத்தர் செல்வாக்கு
தமிழகத்தில் சமணர் செல்வாக்கு - தமிழகத்தில் ப�ௌத்தர் செல்வாக்கு

பிரிவு – 7 மரபுத் த�ொடர்கள், இணைம�ொழிகள்
எதிர்மறைக் குறிப்புத் த�ொடர் - இடக்கரடக்கல் - மங்கலவழக்குத் த�ொடர் -வசைம�ொழித்
த�ொடர் - சுவைதரும் வெளிப்பாட்டுத் த�ொடர் - பிற மரபுத்தொடர்கள் - ஒருப�ொருள்
இணைம�ொழிகள் - எதிர்நிலை இணைம�ொழிகள் - பிற இணைம�ொழிகள் - வட்டார
இணைம�ொழிகள் - கிகர கீகார ம�ொழிகள்.
பிரிவு – 8 ச�ொற்பொழிவுத்திறன் பயிற்சி
இலக்கியச் ச�ொற்பொழிவு - சமயச் ச�ொற்பொழிவு - அரசியல் ச�ொற்பொழிவு - பிற

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

ச�ொற்பொழிவுகள் - குறிப்புகள் சேகரித்தல் - கேளாரும் வேட்ப ம�ொழியும் திறன் -
நகைச்சுவைத் திறன் - ஈர்ப்புத் திறன் - அவிநயமும் உச்சரிப்பும்
பிரிவு – 9 ஓரங்க நாடகம் படைக்கும் முயற்சி
ஓரங்க நாடகம் எழுதும் படிநிலைகள் - நாடகக் கதையை முடிவுசெய்தல் - களம் பிரித்தலும்
நிகழ்வுக் குறிப்பும் - உரையாடல் எழுதுதல் - நாடகப் பிரதியைச் செப்பனிடுதல் - நடிகர்கள்
தேர்வு - ஒத்திகை முறைகள் - நாடக இயக்கம் - திட்டமிடுதலும் நிகழ்த்தலும் .
பிரிவு – 10 ஐக்கூக் கவிதை புனையும் பயிற்சி
ஈற்றடி இலக்கணம் - உள்ளடக்கப் பாடுப�ொருள் இலக்கணம் - வெளிப்பாட்டு உத்தி -
இயற்கையைப் பாடும் ஐக்கூ - வாழ்வியல் ஐக்கூ - காதல் ஐக்கூ - சென்ரியூ -எள்ளல்
அல்லது நகைச்சுவை ஐக்கூ
பார்வை நூல்கள்:
11. மு. வரதராசன், தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, சாகித்ய அக்காதெமி, புதுடெல்லி,
22. மது. ச. விமலானந்தன், தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.
33. தமிழண்ணல், புதிய ந�ோக்கில் தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு, மீனாட்சி புத்தக நிலையம், மதுரை.
44. பி.எஸ். ஆச்சார்யா, உயர்வுதரும் உரையாடல்கலை, நர்மதா பதிப்பகம், சென்னை.
55. மு. முத்துக்காளத்தி, பேசுவது எப்படி, கண்ணம்மாள் பதிப்பகம், பாரி நிலையம், சென்னை.
66. பரட்டை, நடிக்க நாடகம் எழுதுவது எப்படி? வைகறைப் பதிப்பகம், திண்டுக்கல். 1998
77. சே. இராமாணுஜம், நாடகப் படைப்பாக்கம் அடித்தளங்கள், எட்டாம் உலகத் தமிழ் மாநாடுபதிப்புச் சூழல் நிதி
வெளியீடு, தமிழ்ப்பல்கலைக்கழகம், தஞ்சாவூர், 1994.
88. சுஜாதா, ஹைக்கூ ஒரு அறிமுகம், பாரதி பதிப்பகம், 108 உஸ்மான் சாலை, தி. நகர், சென்னை, 1991.
99. மேஜர் கதிர் மகாதேவன், ஐக்கூ நூறு, ஒப்பிலக்கியத்துறை, மதுரை காமராசர் பல்கலைக்கழகம், மதுரை, 1994.
1010நெல்லை சு. முத்து, தமிழில் ஹைக்கூ, அன்னம் வெளியீடு, சிவன்கோயில் தெரு, சிவகங்கை, 1994.
1111திரு. பட்டாபி சீத்தாரமான், ஹைக்கூ வடிவக் கவிதைகள், காவ்யா, சென்னை.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – II year – IV Semester (Distance Mode)

COURSE TITLE : Foundation in English (Writing Skills)


»» Train the learners to write the academic essays
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To make them learn different steps of writing

»» To develop the learners’ creativity
»» To distinguish between fact and opinion, cause and effect, problem and solution, similarities and
differences, general and specific ideas, and relevant and irrelevant information.
»» To convey information through written language
»» To involve in note- taking, gathering information, drafting, free-writing, revising, proofreading, and
editing when engaged in writing.

On successful completion of the Course, the learners will be able to:
»» write without mistakes
»» draft formal and informal letters
»» take notes for writing purpose
»» explain the tables/ pictures in words
»» edit the written matters

BLOCK 1 Basic Writing Skills

Learn the basic paragraph structure: main idea, supporting sentences, use of examples, conclusion- Use basic sen-
tence structures to write a paragraph; use cohesive devices to connect sentences in a paragraph; use transitional
devices for cohesion and for contrast paragraph internally and between paragraphs (The above structures and
devices to be consciously used in all writing tasks)- Understand and use text structures in paragraphs: sequencing,
comparing and contrasting, relating cause and effect, problems and problem solving

BLOCK 2 Informal and Formal Communication

Write informal letters, applications, and official letters of request and denial- Write official e-mails, memos and

BLOCK 3 Note-Making and Summarising

Prepare notes from reading texts- Take notes from spoken texts-Summarize key ideas and information in organized
points developed from the notes prepared

BLOCK 4 Study Skills (Information Transfer, Reference Skills)
Use charts, tables, other graphics and multimedia, as appropriate for the written texts; present summary to a

BLOCK 5 Technical Editing

Technical Editing – The Big Picture- Working Collaboratively- Organization: The Architecture of Information- Visual
Design and Font Selection- Editing Methods – Then and Now- The Power of Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling-

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Basic Copyediting- proofreading -Ethical and Legal Issues

1. Graham King. Collins Improve your writing skills
2. Norman Coe and Robin Rycroft. Writing Skills A Problem Solving Approach. CUP.
3. Robyn Najar and Lesley Riley. Developing Academic Writing Skills.Macmillan Publications.
4. Scheraga, Mona. Practical English Writing Skills: A Complete Guide to Writing in English

Web Resources:

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – II year – IV Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the ELECTRICITY AND ELECTROMAGNETISM, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To provide comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the basics of Electricity and Magnetism.
To expose the students to the applications of Electricity and Magnetism.

After completion of the ELECTRICITY AND ELECTROMAGNETISM, the Learner will be able to:
»» understand fundamental laws of electricity and magnetism and electromagnetic waves ,identify and
explain chemical, thermal and magnetic effect of electric current,analyses and solves electrical circuits
with dc and ac source
»» apply the knowledge of electricity and magnetism to technological advances
»» To develop problem solving skills.


Magnetic flux and magnetic induction- Biot Savart law- magnetic induction at a point due to a straight conductor
carrying current - magnetic induction at a point on the axis of a circular coil carrying current- Amperes circuital
law-magnetic field inside a long solenoid -toroid- Lorent’z force on a moving charge- direction of force-torque on
a current loop in a uniform magnetic field. Moving coil Ballistic galvanometer-theory -experiment to find charge
sensitivity and absolute capacity of a capacitor-De-sauty’s bridge
Thermoelectricity- Seebeck effect- laws of thermo e.m.f - measurement of thermo e.m.f using potentiometer-Pelt-
ier effect-demonstration— Thomson effect- demonstration - thermodynamics of thermo couple –thermo electric
diagram –uses-applications-thermopile-Boy’s radio micrometre –thermo-milli ammeter - Faradays laws of elec-
trolysis- electrical conductivity of an electrolyte-specific conductivity- Kohlrausch’s bridge method of determining
the specific conductivity of an electrolyte. Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation- –-mobility of ions- Second-
ary cells- Gibbs –Helmholtz equation for a reversible cell
Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction-self induction –self inductance of a long solenoid - self inductance
of toroidal solenoid- determination of L by Anderson’s and Rayleigh’s methods-Owen’s bridge. Mutual induc-
tion-mutual inductance between two co-axial solenoids- experimental determination of mutual inductance
–-co-efficient of coupling- energy stored in a coil. Eddy currents-uses - Earth inductor-uses-search coil- induction
coil and its uses

Growth and decay of current in LC,LR and CR circuits with d.c.voltages - determination of high resistance by
leakage –growth and decay of charge in LCR circuit-conditions for the discharge to be oscillatory –frequency of

Alternating Current- j operator method –use of j operator in the study of AC circuits-Resistance in an AC circuit-In-
ductance in an AC circuit. Capacitance in an AC circuit-AC through an inductance and resistance in series- capac-
itance and resistance in series – LCR series resonance circuit -sharpness of resonance-parallel resonance circuit

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

-power in an AC circuit-power factor.


Introduction- Maxwell’s equations- -Displacement current- Poynting vector- Electromagnetic waves in free space-
Hertz experiment for production and detection of EM waves. Wave equations for Electric field and Magnetic
field-monochromatic plane waves. EM waves in a matter-Reflection and Transmission at normal incidence and
oblique incidence-Polarization by reflection.

Books for study:

1. Electricity and Magnetism, R. Murugeshan, S Chand & Co, New Delhi,2008
2. Electricity and Magnetism, BrijLal & Subramanyam, Ratan Prakashan Mandir Publishers, Agra, 2005
3. Electricity & Magnetism, M.Narayanamurthy & N.Nagarathnam, NPC pub., Revised edition.

Books for Reference:

1. Electricity and Magnetism -D.N.Vasudeva (Twelfth revised edition)
2. Electricity and Magnetism - K.K.Tiwari ,S.Chand &Co.
3. Electricity and Magnetism -E.M.Pourcel,Berkley Physics Cource, Vol.2 (Mc Grraw-Hill)
4. Electricity and Magnetism - Tayal (Himalalaya Publishing Co.)
5. Electicity and Magnetism ,D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J.Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, Wiley India,Pvt
6. Introduction to Electrodynamics, David J. Griffith, PHI, New Delhi, 2012

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – II year – IV Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the BASIC ELECTRONICS, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To enable the students to understand the aspects of analog electronics in a lucid and comprehensive

After completion of the BASIC ELECTRONICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» illustrate network theorems like Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem etc.,
»» understand the fundamental principles of semiconductors including p-n junctions and zener diode
»» understand the operation of transistor can amplifier, oscillator and multivibrator
»» To acquire knowledge on transistor and its applications

BLOCK 1 Linear circuit analysis and semiconductor diodes

Constant voltage source - constant current source - Maximum power transfer theorem- Thevenin’s theorem - pro-
cedure for finding Thevenin Equivalent circuit. PN junction theory - V-I characteristics of a PN junction diode - Half
wave rectifier - Bridge rectifier – Efficiency. Filters - Shunt capacitor filter – pi filter - Zener diode - equivalent circuit
- voltage egulator. LED - V-I characteristics – advantages - applications - photo diode - characteristics -applications.

BLOCK 2 Transistor Amplifier

Transistor - Different modes of operations-CB mode &CE mode - Two port representation of a transistor- h pa-
rameter. AC equivalent circuit using h parameters- analysis of amplifiers using h parameters (CE only). RC coupled
amplifier - transformer coupled amplifier – Power amplifier -classification of amplifiers - Class A, Class B and Class
C - Push pull amplifier – Emitter follower.

BLOCK 3 Oscillators and Multivibrator

Feedback principle -effect negative feedback-and Barkhaussen criterion - Phase shift and Wien Bridge oscillators
using transistors –Expression for frequency. Multivibrators- Astable and Monostable multi vibrators. Bistable multi
vibrators using transistors - Schmitt trigger.

BLOCK 4 Special Semiconductor Devices

Clipping and clamping circuits. - Differentiating circuit - Integrating circuit - Field effect Transistor FET-MOSFET- UJT.
SCR -characteristics - FET as a VVR-UJT relaxation oscillator-SCR as a switch and rectifier

BLOCK 5: Operational Amplifier

Operational Amplifier- characteristics-parameters-applications- Inverting amplifier - Non inverting amplifier - Volt-

age follower- Adder - Subtractor- Integrator – Differentiator- Solving simultaneous equations. Comparator -square
wave generator -Wien bridge oscillator -Schmitt trigger

Books for Study:

1. Hand Book of Electronics by Gupta and Kumar - PragatiPrakashan – Meerut,2002.
2. Principles of Electronics by V.K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta S. Chand & Co.,2006.

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

3. Electronics by M. Arul Thalapathi, ComptekPublishers,2005.
4. Elements of Electronics by M.K.Bagde and Singh S.P., S. Chand & Co., NewDelhi,1990.
5. Applied Electronics by A. Subramanyam – National Publishing Co.,1997.
6. OP - AMPs and Linear Integrated Circuits by Ramakant A. Gayakwad, PrenticeHall of India(1994).

Books for Reference:

1. Electronic Devices by Mittal.G.K., G.K. Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1993.
2. Basic Electronics by B.L. Theraja, S. Chand & Co., 2008.
3. Solid State Electronics by Ambrose and Vincent Devaraj, Meera Publication.
4. Applied Electronics by R.S. Sedha, S. Chand & Co.1990.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – II year – IV Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the General Chemistry - II course, the student shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» Know about the types of mass units and terms involved in the volumetric analysis
»» Understand thetypes and uses of purification techniques of organic molecules
»» Study the definition, types and applications of polymerization and polymers
»» Get awareness on the definition, types and applications of biomolecules
»» Gain knowledge on the types of laboratory hygiene and safety rules

After completion of the GeneralChemistry - II course, the student will have the ability to:
»» Gain knowledge on the types of mass units and terms involved in the volumetric analysis
»» Acquire knowledge on the types and uses of purification techniques of organic molecules
»» Know the definition, types and applications of polymerization and polymers
»» Know the definition, types and applications of biomolecules
»» Understand the characteristics and types of laboratory hygiene and safety rules

Block 1 Mass units and Volumetric analysis

Unit-1- Mass units: Definition and examples to Molarity, Molality and Normality - Weight and volume composition

Unit-2-Volumetric analysis: Introduction and principle - Titration - Equivalence point - End Point - Analysis of end
point - Indicators - Standard solutions (primary and secondary).

Block 2: Purifications of Organic Compounds

Unit-3- Types of purification - Distillation, Fractional distillation, Steam distillation, Distillation under reduced pres-
sure - Sublimation - Crystallizations - Fractional Crystallization.

Unit-4- Basic principle and types of Chromatography - RF value - applications of Column, Thin layer and Paper
Chromatography techniques.

Block 3: Polymers
Unit-5- Definition and examples to polymerization and polymers - types and properties of polymers - Addition and
Condensation polymerization.
Unit-6- Natural rubber - Vulcanization of rubber - Preparation and applications of Polythene, Polystyrene, Teflon
and Buna-S-rubber.

Block 4 Biomolecules - II

Unit-7- Definition, examples and uses of Hormones, reproductive hormones, Anti-malarial, Antiseptics and Disin-
fectants - Definition and uses of Chloroquine, Pamaquine chloramine-T, Iodoform and Dettol.

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Unit-8-: Definition and uses of Antibiotics: Definition and uses of Penicillin, Chloromycetin, Streptomycin and Tet-
racycline - Definitions and examples for analgesics, anaesthetics, antipyretics and antiinflammatory.

Block 5 Laboratory hygiene and Safety rules

Unit-9- Common safety methods - Storage and handling of Carcinogenic chemicals, Poisonous chemicals, easily
vaporizable chemicals and Inflammable Chemicals.

Unit-10- Waste disposal - Fume disposal - General precautions for avoiding lab accidents - First aid techniques.

Text Books:
1. Environmental Chemistry and Green Chemistry by Asim K. Das.
2. Introduction to Chromatography by V.K. Srivastava, K.K. Srivastava. Edition II.
3. Organic Chemistry by AnupaSaha and AnupPathak, Volume I & II.
4. A text book of Organic Chemistry by ArunBhal, B.S. Bhal, and S. Chand.
5. Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry R. Mukhopadhyah, S. Dattaand R.K. Das.
6. A New Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee.
7. Text book of organic chemistry, P.L. Soni.
8. Organic chemistry of Natural Products by GurdeepWat, Volume I.
9. A Text book of Medical Biochemistry by S. Ramakrishnan, K.G. Prasanan and R. Rajan.
10. Fundamentals of Biochemistry by J.L. Jain.
11. A Text of Medical biochemistry by AmbikaShanmugam.
12. Principles of Physical Chemistry by Puri, Sharma and Pathania.

Reference Books:
1. A text book of Oranic Chemistry by ArunBhal, B. S. Bhal, and S.Chand.
2. Stereochemistry, Conformation and Mechanism by P.S. Kalsi, New Academic Science, (2020).
3. Organic Chemistry by I. L.Finar, and ELBS Longman, Volume I, 5th edition.
4. Organic Chemistry by AnupaSaha and Anup Pathak, Volume I & II, Books & Allied Ltd (2013).
5. Advanced Organic Chemistry (Organic Synthesis, Heterocycles& Biomolecules) by N. Tewari, Books & Allied
Ltd (2013).
6. Reactions, Rearrangements and Reagents by S.N. Sanyal, BharatiBhawan Publishers & Distributors; 4th edi-
tion (2019).

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – II year- IV Semester (Distance Mode)



Tamil Nadu Open University

While studying the ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, the Learner shall be able to:
»» To help students to gain the fundamental knowledge of the environment
»» To create in students an awareness of current environmental issues
»» To inculcate in students an eco-sensitive, eco-conscious and eco-friendly attitude.

After completion of the ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, the Learner will be able to:
»» Articulate the interdisciplinary context of environmental issues
»» Adopt sustainable alternatives that integrate science, humanities and social perspectives
»» Appreciate the importance of biodiversity and a balanced ecosystem
»» Calculate one’s carbon print

Block 1
The Multi-disciplinary nature of environmental studies - Definition, scope and importance - Need for public

Block 2
Natural Resources - Renewable and non- renewable resources - Natural resources and associated problems.
a. Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams
and their effects on forests and tribal people.
b. Water resources: Use and over – utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over
water, dams – benefits and problems.
c. Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources,
case studies.
d. Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern
agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity case studies.
e. Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate
energy sources. Case studies.
f. Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and
Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources - Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.

Ecosystems - Concept of an ecosystem - Structure and function of an ecosystem - Producers, consumers and de-
composers - Energy flow in the ecosystem - Ecological succession - Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids
- Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem:-
a. Forest ecosystem
b. Grassland ecosystem
c. Desert ecosystem

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

d. Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)

Block 4
Biodiversity and its conservation - Introduction – Definition : genetic, species and ecosystem diversity - Biogeo-
graphical classification of India - Value of biodiversity : consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic
and option values - Biodiversity at global, National and local levels - India as a mega – diversity nation - Hot-spots
of biodiversity - Threats to biodiversity : habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man wildlife conflicts - Endangered and
endemic species of India - Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.

Block 5
Environmental Pollution - Definition - Causes, effects and control measures of : Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil
pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, Nuclear hazards - Solid waste Management - Caus-
es, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes. - Role of an individual in prevention of pollution
- Pollution case studies - Diaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.

Block 6
Social issues and the Environment - From Unsustainable to Sustainable development - Urban problems related to
energy - Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management - Resettlement and rehabilitation of
people; its problems and concerns. Case studies - Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions - Climate
change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case studies - Waste-
land reclamation - Consumerism and waste products - Environment Protection Act - Air (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act - Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act - Wildlife Protection Act - Forest Conservation
Act - Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation - Public awareness.

Block 7
Human Population and the Environment - Population growth, variation among nations - Population explosion -
Family Welfare Programme - Environment and human health - Human Rights - Value Education - HIV / AIDS - Wom-
en and Child Welfare - Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health - Case Studies.

1. Carson, R.2002.Slient Spring, Houghton Miffin Harcourt.
2. Gadgil, M.,&Guha,R. 1993. This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India, Univ. Of California Press.
3. Glesson, B. And Law, N.(eds.)1999, Global Ethics and Environment, London, Routledge.
4. Glieck,P.H.1993.Water Crisis, Pacific Institute for Studies in Dev. Environment & Security, Stockholm Env.
Institute, Oxford Univ. Press.
5. Groom, Martha J., Gary K.Meffe, and Carl Ronald Carroll, Principles of Conservation Biology. Sunderland:
Sinauer Associate, 2006.
6. Grumbine.R.Edward, and Pandit,M.k.2013.Threats from India’s Himalayas dams.Science,.339:36-37
7. McCully,P.1996.Rivers no more :the environmental effects of dams(pp.29.64).Zed books.
8. McNcill John R.2000.Something New Under the Sun: An Environmental History of the Twentieth Century.
9. Odum,E.P..Odum, H.T.& Andrees.J.1971.Fundamenetal of Ecology, Philadelphia Saunders.
10. Pepper.J.J...Gerba.C.P. & Brusseau.M.L.2011.Environmental and Pollution Science. Academic Press.
11. Rao.M.N.& Datta,A.K 1987.Waste Water Treatment, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd.
12. Raven,P.H..Hassenzahl,D.M & Berg.L.R..2012 Environment.8th edition.John Willey & sons.
13. Rosencranz., A.. Divan,S..& Noble, M.L.2001.Environmental law and policy in India, Tirupathi 1992.
Tamil Nadu Open University

14. Sengupta,R.2003.Ecology and Economics: An approach to sustainable development. OUP

15. Singh.J.S..Singh..S.P and Gupta,.S.R.2014.Ecology E nvironmental Science and Conservation, S.Chand Pub-
lishing .New Delhi .
16. Sodhi,N.S..Gibson.I..&Raven,P.H(EDS).2013.Conservation Biology :Voices from the Tropics.John Willey & Sons.
17. Thapar,V.1998.Land of the Tiger: A Natural History of the Indian Subcontinent.
18. Waren,C.E.1971.Biology and water Pollution Control. WB Saunders.
19. Wilson.E.O.2006. The Creation: An appeal to save life on earth.New York: Norton.
20. World Commission on Environment and Development.198.Our Common Future. Oxford University Press.

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School of Sciences
Department of Physics

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus –II year -IV Semester (Distance Mode)




1. Rigidity Modulus – Torsional Pendulum – With & Without symmetrical masses
2. Quincke’s method – Surface Tension and Angle of Contact of Mercury
3. Specific heat capacity – Newton’s law of cooling – Spherical calorimeter
4. Spectrometer – Hollow prism – Refractive index of the Prism
5. Determination of MH and BH
6. Zener diode - Characteristics
7. Spectrometer – (i – i’ ) curve
8. Newton’s rings – Refractive index of a lens
9. Reduction factors of a Tangent Galvanometer - BG
10. Comparison of Mutual Inductance - BG
11. Spectrometer – Grating – Minimum deviation & Normal Incidence
12. Young’s Modulus – Koenig’s Method – Non Uniform bending
13. Young’s Modulus – Koenig’s Method – Uniform bending
14. Spectrometer – Cauchy’s constant
15. Spectrometer – Dispersive Power
16. Spectrometer – Narrow Angled Prism
17. Carey Foster’s Bridge – Temperature Coefficient
18. Potentiometer – EMF of a thermocouple
19. B.G - Absolute Capacity
20. B.G – Determination of High Resistance

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – III year – V Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the ATOMIC PHYSICS, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To provide an introductory account about the atomic structure and the impact of X-rays.

After completion of the ATOMIC PHYSICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» Understand the evolution of Different atomic models and their merit and limitations
»» Adequate knowledge on the fundamental principles governing the structure of the atom and the
interactions of particles at high energies.
»» Sufficient knowledge in atomic physics to follow courses at the advanced level.


The free electron theory of metals – expressions for electrical conductivity. Thermal conductivity – Wiedman-Franz’s
law. Hall effect-magneto resistance-determination of electronic charge – Millikan’ s oil drop method – electron
microscope. Band theory of solids – classification of solids on the basis of band theory.


Discovery-properties- analysis – Thomson’s parabola method. Aston’s mass spectrograph- Bainbridge’s mass spec-
trograph. Dempster’s mass spectrograph-Dunnington’s method of determining e/m.


Early atomic spectra-Thomson model-Alpha particle scattering-Rutherford ‘s nuclear model-drawbacks. Bohr
atom model –Bohr’s interpretation of the Hydrogen spectrum-correction for nuclear motion-evidences in favour of
Bohr’s theory- Ritz combination principle-correspondence principle-Sommerfield’s relativistic atom model-draw-
backs. The vector atom model – Quantum numbers associated with the vector atom model - The Pauli’s exclusion
principle – periodic classification of elements


Coupling schemes-L-S Coupling-j-j Coupling- Hund rules- magnetic dipole moment due to orbital motion of the
electron- due to spin of the electron - Stern and Gerlach experiment-spin-orbit coupling. Optical spectra-spectral
terms-spectral notation- selection rules- intensity rules- interval rule- fine structure of sodium D line- hyperfine
structure- Normal Zeeman effect- theory and experiment- quantum mechanical explanation - Larmor’s theorem
-Anomalous Zeeman effect- Paschen –Bach effect-Stark effect.

BLOCK 5 X-Rays and Photo Electric Effect
Production of X-rays – properties-absorption of X-rays – X-ray absorption edges. Bragg’s law – Bragg’s X-ray spec-
trometer –the powder crystal method –Laue’s method. Rotating crystal method –X-ray spectra- continuous spec-
tra- characteristic spectra-Moseley’s law -importance–width of spectral lines-Doppler broadening-collision broad-
ening. X-ray Detectors-scintillation detector-semiconductor detectors - Compton effect- theory and experimental

Photo Electric Effect: Einstein’s photoelectric equation-photoelectric cells-photo emissive cells-photovoltaic

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

cells-photoconductive cells-applications of photoelectric cells

Books for Study:

1. Modern Physics by R. Murugeshan, KiruthigaSivaprasath, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2008.
2. Modern Physics by D.L.Sehgal, K.L.Chopra and N.K.Sehgal. Sultan Chand & Sons Publication, 7th Edition, New
3. Atomic Physics by J.B. Rajam, S. Chand & Co., 20thEdition, New Delhi,2004.
4. Atomic and Nuclear Physics by N. Subrahmanyam and BrijLal, S. Chand & Co. 5th Edition, New Delhi,2000.

Book for Reference:

1. Modern Physics by J.H. Hamilton and Yang, McGraw-Hill Publication, 1996.
2. Concepts of Modern Physics by A. Beiser, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 1997.
3. Fundamentals of Physics by D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J. Walker, Wiley, 6th Edition, New York,2001.
4. Modern Physics by Kenneth S.Krane, John Willey & sons, Canada, 1998.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – III year – V Semester (Distance Mode)




While studying the RELATIVITY AND QUANTUM MECHANICS, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» The aim of this course is to acquire sufficient knowledge in the concept of dual nature of Relativity,
matter waves, Evolution of Quantum mechanics, Schrodinger equation and its applications.

After completion of the RELATIVITY AND QUANTUM MECHANICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» to gain knowledge in the concepts of special and theory of relativity
»» to evolve ideas about dual nature of matter
»» to recognize basic terms in Quantum Mechanics and different operator mechanism
»» to Apply of Schrodinger’s equation to micro system

BLOCK 1 Relativity
Frames of reference - Galilean transformation - Michelson - Morley experiment - Postulates of special theory of
relativity - Lorentz transformation - length Contraction – time dilation. Relativity of simultaneity - addition of veloc-
ities - variation of mass with velocity. Mass energy relation - Elementary ideas of general relativity.

BLOCK 2 Wave Nature of Matter

Phase and group velocity - wave packet - expression of De Brogile’s wave length. Davisson and Germer’s experi-
ment - G.P.Thomson’s experiment - Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and its consequences.

BLOCK 3 Schrodinger Equation

Inadequacy of classical mechanics - Basic postulates of quantum mechanics -Schrodinger equation. Properties of
wave function - Probability interpretation of wavefunction – linear operators - self adjoint operators - expectation
value - eigenvalues and eigenfunctions - commutativity and compatibility.

BLOCK 4 Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics

Orbital angular momentum operators and their commutation relations – Separation of three dimensional Schro-
dinger equation into radial and angular parts. Elementary ideas of spin angular momentum of an electron - Pauli

BLOCK 5 Solutions of Schrodinger Equation

Free particle solution - Particle in a box - Potential well of finite depth (one dimension) - linear harmonic oscillator
- rigid rotator and hydrogen atom.
Books for Study:
1. A Text book of Quantum mechanics by P.M.Mathews and S.Venkatesan, TataMcGraw - Hill, New Delhi,2005.
2. Quantum Mechanics by V.K.Thankappan, New Age International (P) Ltd.Publishers, New Delhi,2003.
3. Quantum mechanics by K.K.Chopra and G.C. Agrawal, Krishna PrakasamMedia(P) Ltd., Meerut First Edi-

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

4. Modern Physics by R. Murugeshan and KiruthigaSivaprasath, S. Chand &Co.,2008.

Books for Reference:

1. Mechanics and Relativity by Brijlal Subramanyam, S.Chand& Co., New Delhi, 1990.
2. Concepts of modern physics by A.Beiser. Tata McGraw - Hill, 5thedition, NewDelhi,1997.
3. Introduction to quantum mechanics by Pauling and Wilson, McGraw – Hill.
4. Quantum mechanics by A.Ghatak and Loganathan, Macmillan India Pvt. Ltd.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus – III year – V Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the DIGITAL ELECTRONICS, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To acquire knowledge on number system, arithmetic building blocks, memories.

»» To understand the fundamental concepts of logic gates, counters, registers, fiber optics etc.
»» To develop skill to build and troubleshoot combinational digital circuits.

After completion of the DIGITAL ELECTRONICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» Understand the structure of various number system and basic logic gates.
»» to design and solve the Boolean Algebra simplification and Karnaugh Maps.
»» to construct sequential circuits and to design counters.
»» Understanding AM, FM and PM modulation and demodulation techniques
»» Learn the basic concepts of fiber optics and types of fiber
»» Learn the working principle of satellite communication system

BLOCK 1 Digital Fundamentals

Number Systems and Conversions - BCD Code - Gray code - 1’s and 2’s complements. Basic logic gates - NAND, NOR
and EX-OR gates - NAND and NOR as Universal Building blocks. Laws and theorems of Boolean algebra –- NAND-
NAND circuits – Karnaugh’s map- SOP and POS- applications

BLOCK 2 Sequential Logic

Flip-flop -RS, Clocked RS, D flip-flop - J-K and J-K Master-Slave Flip-flop. Shift registers and Counters- Multiplexers
and Demultiplexers. Decoders and Encoders - Memory Circuits -D/A and A/D converters

BLOCK 3 Modulation and Demodulation

Amplitude modulation - Frequency modulation, Phase Modulation and Pulse Width Modulation.

Detectors of AM, FM, Detectors of PM and PWM, PLL - Noise in Communication Systems
BLOCK 2 Digital and Satellite Communication

ASK, FSK, PSK Modulation and Demodulation, Advantages and disadvantages of digital communication. Communica-
tion Satellite Systems - Telemetry - Tracking and Command System. Satellite Links - Commonly Used frequency in
Satellite Communication - Multiple access - Error Detection.

BLOCK 5 Fibre Optic Communication

Basic Fibre Optic System - Advantages of Fibre Optic System.- Propagation of light through fibre - Numerical aper-
ture - Acceptance angle – Losses and distortion in optical fibres.Basic fibre Optical communication and links - Special

Books for Study:

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

1. Digital Principles and Application by Malvino Leach, Tata McGraw Hill, 4thEdition(1992).
2. Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L. Floyd, Universal Book Stall, New Delhi(1998).
3. Introduction to Integrated Electronics by V.Vijayendran, S. Viswanathan (Printersand Publishers) Pvt. Ltd.,

Books for Reference:

1. Digital Electronics by Practice Using Integrated Circuits - R.P.Jain - Tata McGrawHill(1996).
2. Linear Integrated Circuits by D. Roy Choudhury and Shail Jain - New AgeInternational (P) Ltd.(2003).
3. Electronics - Analog and Digital by I.J. Nagrath - Prentice - Hall of India, NewDelhi(1999).
4. Integrated Electronics by J.Millman and C.Halkias, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi(2001)

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus –III year -V Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the MATHEMATICAL METHODS , the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To understand various approximation methods to find solution to problems

»» which do not have exact solutions.

After completion of the MATHEMATICAL METHODS, the Learner will be able to:
»» the ability to solve equation using an appropriate numerical method

BLOCK 1 Errors and Root of Equations

What is Numerical analysis-numbers and their accuracy. Errors-measurement of errors-round off error-truncation
error-absolute error-relative error-percentage error-inherent error-accumulated error-general error formulae -con-
vergence - Roots of equations-Iteration method-Maclaurin’s series method. Newton-Raphson method-Von-Moises
formula-Bisection method.

BLOCK 2 Matrix and Linear Equations

Introduction- pivotal condensation method- system of linear equations. Gauss Elimination method- Gauss Seidal
Iteration method. Gauss Jordan elimination method- Matrix Inversion method .

BLOCK 3 Interpolation and Approximation

Linear Interpolation –Quadratic Interpolation. - Lagrange’s Interpolation. Richardson’s Extrapolation - Aitken’s iter-
ated Interpolation

BLOCK 4 Numerical Differentiation and Integration

Numerical differentiation-approximation of derivatives using interpolation polynomials- Taylor series method. Nu-
merical Integration - trapezoidal rule-simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rules.

BLOCK 5 Differential Equations

Introduction-Euler’s method (Adams Bashforth first order method)- Backward Euler method- Taylor’ s series
method. Runge-kutta method - Predictor corrector methods

Books for study and Reference:
1. Introductory methods of numerical analysis – S.S. Sastry, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi ,2000.
2. Numerical methods – A. Singaravelu, Meenakshi Agency, Chennai,2001.
3. Numerical method in Science and Engineering – M.K. Venkataraman, PHI –New Delhi ,1997.
4. Mechanics and Mathematical methods, R. Murugesan, S. Chand & Co, NewDelhi ,1999.

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

5. Numerical methods by P. Kandasamy, K. Thilagavathy and K. Gunavathy, S. Chand & Co. 2002.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus –III year -V Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the ENERGY PHYSICS, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To provide an understanding of the present energy crisis and various available energy sources.

After completion of the ENERGY PHYSICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» the ability to Use various Energy source and save energy
»» aware about climate change and Environment

BLOCK 1 Introduction to Energy Sources

World’s reserve of Commercial energy sources and their availability- India’s production and reserves. Conventional
and non-conventional sources of energy, comparison – Coal- Oil and natural gas. Conventional and non-conven-
tional energy applications - merits and demerits.

BLOCK 2 Solar Thermal Energy

Solar constant -Solar spectrum-Solar radiations outside earth’s atmosphere –at the earth surface- on tilted sur-
faces – Solar Radiation geometry-Basic Principles of Liquid flat plate collector –Materials for flat plate collector
– Construction and working- Solar distillation–Solar disinfection - Solar drying. Construction and working of Solar
cooker(box type)-Solar water heating systems – Swimming pool heating.

BLOCK 3 Photovoltaic Systems

Introduction-Photovoltaic principle-Basic Silicon Solar cell- Power output and conversion efficiency. Limitation to
photovoltaic efficiency-Basic photovoltaic system for power generation-Advantages and disadvantages- Types of
solar cells- Application of solar photovoltaic systems - PV Powered fan – PV powered area - lighting system – A
Hybrid System.

BLOCK 4 Biomass Energy

Introduction-Biomass classification- Biomass conversion technologies. Bio-gas generation-Factors affecting bio-di-

gestion -Working of biogas plant- floating and fixed dome type plant -advantages and disadvantage of Bio-gas from
plant wastes. -Methods for obtaining energy from biomass- Thermal gasification of biomass-Working of downdraft
gasifier- Advantages and disadvantages of biological conversion of solar energy.

BLOCK 5 Wind Energy and Other Energy Sources

Wind Energy Conversion-Classification and description of wind machines, wind energy collectors-Energy storage.
Energy from Oceans and Chemical energy resources-Ocean thermal energy conversion-tidal power, advantages
and limitations of tidal power generation- Energy and power from waves- wave energy conversion devices- Fuel
cells- and application of fuel cells- batteries- advantages of battery for bulk energy storage- Hydrogen as alternative
fuel for motor vehicles.

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Books for study:
1. Renewable energy sources and emerging Technologies,Kothari D.P., K.C. Singal and Rakesh Ranjan, Prentice
Hall of India, 2008.
2. Solar Energy-principles of thermal collection and storage-S.P.SUKHAME-tata- McGraw-Hill publishing compa-
ny ltd.

Books for References:

1. Solar Photvoltaics Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications,Chetan Singh Solanki, 2ndEdition, PHI Learn-
ing Private Limited, 2011.
2. Non conventional Energy sources, Rai G. D, 4th Edition, Khanna Publishers, 2010.
3. Solar Energy: The State of the Art, Jeffrey M. Gordon, Earthscan, 2013.
4. Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and Systems Kalogirou S.A., , 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 2013.
5. Handbook of Renewable Energy Technology,Zobaa A.F.and Ramesh Bansal, World Scientific, 2011.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus –III year -V Semester (Distance Mode)



Tamil Nadu Open University

While studying the PROBLEMS SOLVING SKILLS IN PHYSICS, the Learner shall be able to:
»» to solve problems in core physics. Minimum of 20 problems based on various principles of Physics
are required in each unit.

After completion of the PROBLEMS SOLVING SKILLS IN PHYSICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» the ability to solve the problems in physics
»» apply their skills in real world problems.
»» to appear for research-oriented entrance examinations

BLOCK 1 Problems in Mechanics

Newton laws of motion for various systems (1, 2 and 3 dimension), Conservation laws and collisions, Rotational
mechanics, central force, Harmonic oscillator, special relativity

BLOCK 2 Problems in Thermal Physics

Kinetic theory- MB distribution-Laws of thermodynamics–Ideal Gas law-Various Thermodynamic process- Entropy
calculation for various process-Heat engine-TS and PV diagram-Free energies various relations

BLOCK 3 Problems in Electricity & Magnetism

Electrostatics- calculation of Electrostatic quantities for various configurations- Conductors,Magneto statics- Cal-
culation of Magnetic quantities for various configuration, Electromagnetic induction, Poynting vector, Electromag-

BLOCK 4 Problems in Quantum mechanics

Origin of Quantum mechanics- Fundamental Principles of Quantum mechanics- potential wells and harmonic
oscillator- Hydrogen atom.

BLOCK 5 Problems in General Physics& Mathematics

Plotting the graphs for various elementary and composite functions-Elasticity-Viscosity and surface tension- flu-
ids-Buoyancy-pressure-Bernoulli’s theorem-applications-waves and oscillations, Errors and propagation of errors.

Text book for reference:
1. Mechanics(in SI units) by Charles Kittel, Walter D knight etc. (Berkeley Physics course-volume 1), Tata Mc-
Graw Hill publication ,second edition.
2. Thermal physics by S.C.Garg,RM Bansal &CK Ghosh. (Tata McGraw Hill Publications), 1st edition.
3. Electricity & magnetism(in SI units) by E.M.Purcell, Tata Mcgraw hill Publication, 2nd Edition.
4. Quantum mechanics by N.Zettili, Wiley Publishers, second edition.

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

5. Introduction to quantum mechanics by David. J.Griffith, Pearson Publications, second edition.
6. Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday & Resnick, Wiley Publications, 8th Edition.
7. Advanced level physics by Nelkon and Parker,CBS publishers, 7th edition
8. Play with graphs by Amith Agarwal, Arihant Publications.
9. Properties of matter by D.S.Mathur, S.Chand Publications, 11th Edition.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus –III year -VI Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the SOLID STATE PHYSICS, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To understand the different types of bonding in solids

»» To understand the magnetic and dielectric properties of crystalline structures.
»» To acquire knowledge on the basics of magnetic phenomena on materials and
»» various types of magnetization.
»» To know the properties of superconducting materials

After completion of the SOLID STATE PHYSICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» Summarize how crystalline materials are studied using diffraction
»» Able to discuss about the interatomic forces and bonds between solids
»» Explain the behavior of solids with their magnetic properties.
»» Analyze the importance of superconducting materials in engineering applications.

BLOCK 1 Bonding in Solids

Types of bonds in crystals - Ionic, covalent, Metallic, Vander waal’s and Hydrogen Bonding - Bond energy of sodium
chloride molecule - variation of inter atomic force with inter atomic spacing – Cohesive energy - cohesive energy
of ionic solids - application to sodium chloride crystal - evaluation of Madelung constant for sodium chloride.

BLOCK 2 Crystal Structure and Crystal Diffraction

Crystal Lattice -Primitive and BLOCKcell-seven classes of crystal-Bravais Lattice-Miller Indices - Structure of crys-
tals-Simple cubic, Face centered cubic, Body centered cubic and Hexagonal close packed structure -Sodium Chr-
loride, Zinc Blende and Diamond Structures. Crystal Diffraction – Bragg’s law-Experimental methods-Laue meth-
od, powder method - Rotating crystal method-Reciprocal lattice- Intensity and structure factor.

BLOCK 3 Magnetic Properties

Spontaneous Magnetization – Weiss Theory – Temperature dependence of Magnetization –
Classical Theory of Diamagnetism – Weiss theory of Para magnetism. Ferromagnetic domains – Bloch wall – Basic
ideas of anti-ferromagnetism. Ferrimagnetisms – Ferrites in computer Memories.

BLOCK 4 Dielectric Properties

Band theory of solids –classification of insulators, Semiconductors, conductors – intrinsic and extrinsic semicon-

ductor. Carrier concentration for electron - Barrier Potential Calculation – Rectifier Equation. Dielectrics - Polariza-
tion – frequency and temperature effects on polarization-dielectric loss- Local field-Clausius Mosotti relation-de-
termination of dielectric constants.

BLOCK 5 Super Conductivity

Introduction - General Properties of Superconductors - effect of magnetic field. Meissner effect - effect of current
- thermal properties - entropy - specific heat -energy gap - isotope effect - London equations. AC & DC Josephson
effects – applications. Type–I and Type–II Superconductors - Explanation for the Occurrence of Super Conductivity

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

- BCS theory. High TC superconductors- Application of Superconductors.

Books for Study:

1. Materials Science by M.Arumugam, Anuradha Agencies Publishers.,2002.
2. Solid State Physics by R L Singhal, Kedarnath Ram Nath& Co., Meerut 2003.
3. Introduction to Solid State Physics by Kittel, Willey Eastern Ltd.,2003.
4. Materials Science and Engineering by V. Raghavan, Prentice Hall of India PrivateLimited, New Delhi,2004.

Books for Reference:
1. Solid State Physics by S.O.Pillai, New Age International (P) Ltd.,2002.
2. Solid State Physics by A. J.Dekker, Macmillan India,1985.
3. Solid State Physics by HC Gupta, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2001.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus –III year -VI Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the NUCLEAR PHYSICS, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To acquire knowledge on static properties of nuclei and its stability.

»» To understand the background of various nuclear models.
»» To know about different modes of decay and interaction of nuclear radiations with matter

After completion of the NUCLEAR PHYSICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» Understanding on the basics of nuclear physics that treats atomic nuclei as self bound many-body
quantum systems
»» Knowledge about particle- antiparticle, decay processes and their outcomes.
»» Basic interaction between fundamental particles.

BLOCK 1 Properties and structure of Nuclei

General properties of nucleus- binding energy – BE/A curve - significance - proton electron theory- proton neutron
theory. Nuclear forces –characteristics –Meson theory of nuclear forces – Yukava Potential- Nuclear models.

BLOCK 2 Radio Activity

Fundamental laws of radio activity -theory of α ,β and ϒ decay- properties of alpha, beta and gamma
rays. Neutrino and its properties-electron capture. - nuclear isomers. Mossabauer effect - applications-
Radio carbon dating- radio isotopes – uses.

BLOCK 3 Nuclear Reactions

Kinematics of nuclear reaction-Nuclear fission- Nuclear reactor- atom bomb uses.- Nuclear fusion –hydrogen
bomb-fusion reactor –plasma confinement. Artificial transmutation-Q value of nuclear reaction-types of nuclear

BLOCK 4 Nuclear Detectors and Particle Accelerators

Neutron sources and properties- Detectors-G.M.Counter-scintillation counter-bubble chamber-Wilson cloud
chamber. Accelerators-cyclotron-synchrocyclotron-betatron-synchrotrons

BLOCK 5 Cosmic Rays and Elementary Particles

Cosmic rays-introduction-discovery-latitude, altitude and azimuth effects-longitudinal effect-north –south ef-

fect-seasonal and diurnal changes. Primary and secondary cosmic rays-nature of cosmic rays- cosmic ray show-
ers-Van Allen belt- origin of cosmic radiation. Elementary particles-introduction-particles and antiparticles-anti-
matter-the fundamental interaction-elementary particle quantum numbers. Conservation laws and symmetry-the
quark model

Books for Study:

1. Atomic and Nuclear Physics by N. Subrahmanyam and Brijlal, S Chand & Co.,New Delhi,1996.

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

2. Nuclear Physics by Tayal D.C., Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai,2006.
3. Nuclear Physics by R.C.Sharma, K.Nath& Co., Meerut, 2000
4. Nuclear Physics by Irving Kaplan, Narosa Publishing house, New Delhi.

Books for Reference :

1. Nuclear Physics by R.R.Roy and B.P.Nigam, New Age International (P) Ltd., NewDelhi,1997.
2. Fundamentals of Elementary Particle Physics by Longo, McGraw-Hill.
3. Nuclei and Particles by Serge., W.A. Benjamin, USA
4. Elements of Nuclear Physics by ML Pandya and RPS Yadav, Kedarnath Ram Nath, Meerut.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus –III year -VI Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the NANOPHYSICS, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To create the basic knowledge in nano materials.

»» To understand the scientific perspective of nanomaterials.
»» To identify the techniques suitable for nanomaterial synthesis.
»» To understand the methods of synthesis, characterization techniques and applications of nanomaterials
»» To know the significance of nanomaterials.

After completion of the NANOPHYSICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» Apply optical properties of materials at nano scale and analyze the synthesis techniques
»» Analyze various characterization techniques
»» Discern the basic knowledge of nanomaterials to technological applications
»» Implement the synthesis techniques in tailoring of nanomaterials
»» Describe the basic science behind the properties of materials at the nanometer scale

BLOCK 1 Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Introduction- Nano and Nature- Scientific Revolution, Definition of Nanotechnology, Emergence of Nanotechnol-
ogy- Bulk to Nano Transition- Nanosize Effects - Size Dependent Phenomena - Bohr Exciton radius-Quantum Con-

BLOCK 2 Types of Nanostructures and Functional Nanomaterials

Definition of a Nano System - Types of Nanocrystals-One Dimensional (1D)-Two Dimensional (2D) -Three Dimen-
sional (3D) Nanostructured Materials – Quantum Dots (0 D) - Quantum Wire - Core/Shell Structures. Carbon
(Fullerene, CNT, Graphene), Noble Metals (Au, Ag), Metal Oxides (Tio2, Sno2, Zno), Semiconductors (Cds, Cdse,
Cdte), Magnetic Nanoparticles, Semiconductor Nanocomposites (Si:Ge):

BLOCK 3 Synthesis of Nanomaterials

Physical Method: Ball Milling, Sputter Deposition, Ion Beam Techniques. Chemical Method: Wet Chemical Syn-
thesis – Sol-Gel Processing, Co- Precipitation, Hydrothermal, Chemical Bath Deposition - Vapour Method: Thermal
Evaporation - Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

BLOCK 4 Characterisation Techniques
Powder X-Ray Diffraction - UV-Vis Absorption Spectroscopy-Photo Luminescence -Scanning Electron Microscopy
(SEM) - Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).

BLOCK 5 Applications of Nanomaterials

Applications in Physics: Nanoelectronics, Quantum Dot and Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Photovoltaics, Photocata-
lytic Applications, CNT Based Transistor and Field Emission Display - Applications in Other Fields of Science: Nano-

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

sensors, Nanomedicine, Nanocoatings, Nanopaints

Books For Study

1. Nanostructures and Nanomaterials. GuoZhong Cao., Imperial College Press, U.K, 2004.
2. Nano Materials. Viswanathan. B. Narosa, India,2010.
3. Nano: The Essentials. Pradeep T. Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007.

Books For Reference

1. A Hand Book on Nanophysics. John D. Miller. Dominant, India, 2008.
2. Introduction to Nanotechnology. Charles P. Poole, Jr., Frank J. Owens. Wiley, New Delhi, 2009.
3. Nanotechnology- Basic Science and Emerging Technologies, Mick Wilson, Kamalikannangora Geoff Smith,
Michelle Simmons, Burkhard Raguse, Overseas, New Delhi,2005.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus –III year -V Semester (Distance Mode)



While studying the LASER PHYSICS, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To study the principles of Laser

»» To acquaint student with different types of Lasers and their applications

After completion of the LASER PHYSICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» Understand light matter interaction
»» Understand the basic principle and operation of a Laser
»» Differentiate various types of lasers and their means of excitation
»» Identify the various types of Lasers
»» Appreciate the usage of Lasers in fields like Medicine, Industry, Defence etc

BLOCK 1 Basic Theory

Quantum Nature of Light – Energy Levels – Thermal Equilibrium - Population-Population Inversion - Absorption
– Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission – Condition for Stimulated Emission- Einstein’s Coefficients – Relation
Between Them – Schawlow -Towne’s Threshold Condition for Laser Oscillations in Terms of Population Difference
- Basic Components of a Laser- Active Medium- Pumping Agents- Different Pumping Methods- Optical Resonator-
Action of Optical Resonator- Optical Resonator – Cavity Configuration - Plane Parallel Cavity-Confocal Cavity- Hemi-
spherical and Long Radius Cavity
BLOCK 2 Rate Equations and Solid State Lasers
Laser Rate Equation- Two Level System- Three Level System- Four Level System (Qualitative Treatment Only)-Qual-
itative Explanation of Line Broadening Mechanism - Classification of Lasers (on the Basis of Active Medium) - Solid
State Laser -Nd: YAG Laser–General Description-Structure- Energy Level Diagram – Working - Laser Beam Charac-
teristics – Introduction- Directionality-Divergence- Coherence- Temporal and Spatial Coherence- Monochromatic-
BLOCK 3 Gas and Liquid Lasers
Gas Lasers–Molecular Gas Laser (Helium Neon laser and Carbon Dioxide Laser)-General Description-Structure - En-
ergy Level Diagram – Working - Liquid Laser – Dye Laser - Description - Energy Level Diagram – Working - Chemical
Laser– HCl Laser- HF Laser

BLOCK 4 Semiconductor Laser and Holography
Semiconductor Laser – Intrinsic Semiconductor Laser - Doped Semiconductor Laser - PN Junction– Population
Inversion-Energy Level Diagrams- Homojunction Laser- Diode Laser Operation- Advantages of Laser Diodes over
LED. Introduction to Holography –Recording and Reconstruction of the Image - Characteristics – Applications in

BLOCK 5 Applications

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Laser in Industry – Drilling - Cutting – Welding – Laser Printing - Lasers in Nuclear Energy – Isotope Separation –
Nuclear Fusion- Lasers in Defense-Lidar – Precision Length Measurement – Velocity Measurement. Lasers in Med-
icine – Cancer Therapy– Laser Eye Surgery- Laser Angioplasty- Lasers in Consumer Electronics Industry –Bar Code
Scanners - Lasers in Communications-Block Diagram-Basic Principles of Optical Computers-Laser Ablations.

Books for study:

1. N. Avadhanulu , An introduction to LASERS, S. Chand & Company,2001.

Books for References:

1. William T. Silfvast, Laser fundamentals, University Press, Published in South Asia by Foundation books, New
Delhi, 1998
2. K. Thyagarajan and A.K. Ghatak, LASER Theory and Application, Mc Millan, India Ltd, 1984.

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus –III year -VI Semester (Distance Mode)




Tamil Nadu Open University

1. Bistable Multivibrator
2. R.C. Coupled Amplifier – Transistor single stage
3. Hartley Oscillator – Solid State
4. Colpitt’s Oscillator – Solid State
5. Tuned Plate Oscillator
6. Tuned Grid Oscillator
7. Astable Multivibrator
8. Series and Parallel resonance circuits
9. Differential Circuit and Integrating Circuit
10. Clipping and Clamping Circuits
11. Study of Solar Cell
12. Logic Gates – Discrete components
13. Emitter Follower
14. IC – Regulated Power Supply
15. Transistor – Regulated Power Supply
16. Dual Power Supply
17. Square wave generator using 555 IC
18. Study of LDR
19. UJT Characteristics
20. Bridge rectifier with voltage regulation

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Chennai – 15

B.Sc., Physics - Syllabus –III year -VI Semester (Distance Mode)




1. Verification of Truth tables of IC gates: OR, AND, NOT, XOR, NOR and NAND.
2. NAND as universal building block- AND, OR, NOT
3. Verification of De Morgan’s theorem.
4. Boolean Algebra –problem solving
5. Study of RS Flip-Flop.
6. Study of Shift –Registers –Serial in Parallel out.
7. Decade counter using 7490.
8. Half adder.
9. Full adder
10. Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor.
11. 4 BIT – Binary Adder & Subtractor using 7483.
12. Code converter ( Binary to gray and vice versa) & Seven segment Decoder
13. Binary Counter using 7493.
14. Parity check logic.
15. Up/Down Counter using 74190
16. 8085 ALP for 8 bit Addition and Subtraction
17. 8085 ALP for One’s Complement, Masking off most significant 4 bits and setting bits.
18. 8085 ALP for Two’s compliment Addition and Subtraction

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

Allied Course Offered by the Department of Physics to Students of Mathematics and Chemistry



While studying the ALLIED PHYSICS - I, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To learn the basic concepts of physics

»» To understand the fundamentals of Waves, Properties of matter, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism.

After completion of the ALLIED PHYSICS-I, the Learner will be able to:
»» Demonstrate conceptual understanding of the fundamental Physics principles.
»» Identify various properties responsible for their behavior
»» Understand the concept of elasticity and identify the materials suitable for a particular application
»» Apply the basics laws of mechanics to understand the working of simple machines.
»» Appreciate the usage of the basic concepts of Physics in everyday life

BLOCK 1 Waves and Oscillations

Simple harmonic motion – composition of two simple harmonic motion at right angles (periods in the ratio 1:1)
– Lissajou’s figures – uses. laws of transverse vibrations of strings – Melde’s string – transverse and longitudinal
modes - Sonometer- determination of a.c frequency using sonometer (steel and brass wires). Ultrasonics – pro-
duction – application and uses – reverberation – factors for good acoustics of hall and auditorium.

BLOCK 2 Properties of matter

Elasticity : Elastic constants – bending of beam – Young’s modulus by non- uniform bending. Energy stored in
a stretched wire – torsion in a wire – determination of rigidity modulus by torsional pendulum – static torsion.
Viscosity: Coefficient of viscosity – Poissuelle’s formula – comparison of viscosities - burette method – Stoke’s law
– terminal velocity – viscosity of highly viscous liquid – lubrication. Surface tension: Molecular theory of surface
tension – excess of pressure inside a drop and bubble – variation of surface tension with temperature – Jaeger’s

BLOCK 3 Thermal Physics

Joule-Kelvin effect – Joule-Thomson porous plug experiment – theory and application. - liquefaction of gasses –
Linde’s process – Helium I and II – adiabatic demagnetization. Thermodynamic equilibrium – laws of thermody-
namics – entropy change of entropy in reversible and irreversible processes.

BLOCK 4 Electricity and Magnetism

Capacitor – energy of a charged capacitor - loss of energy due to sharing of charges – Magnetic field due to a
current carrying conductor – Biot Savart’s Law – Field along the axis of the coil carrying current. AC current: peak,

average and RMS values of ac current and voltage – power factor and current values in an ac circuit. Circuit control
and protective devices - switch and its types – fuses circuit breaker and relays.

BLOCK 5 Geometrical optics

Refraction – Refractive index by microscopy – air cell – refraction at grazing incidence and grazing emergence in
prisms – Dispersion- combination of two small angled prisms to produce dispersion without deviation and devi-
ation without dispersion – direct vision prism – constant deviation prism – defects of images – coma – distortion.
Lens: spherical and chromatic aberration in lenses.

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Books for study
1. Allied Physics by R. Murugesan, S.Chand & Co, New Delhi(2008).
2. Waves and Oscillations by Brijlal and N. Subramanyam, Vikas Publishing house,New Delhi.
3. Properties of Matter by Brij Lal and N.Subramaniam, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi(1994).
4. Heat and Thermodynamics by J.B.Rajam and C.L.Arora, S.Chand & Co., 8th edition, New Delhi(1976).
5. Optics and Spectroscopy by R. Murugesan, S.Chand & Co, New Delhi, (2005).

Books for Reference

1. Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick Halliday and Walker, John Willey and Sons, Asia Pvt.Ltd., 6th edition,
2. Text book of Sound by V.R.Khanna and R.S.Bedi, Kedharnaath Publish & Co, 1st edition, Meerut (1998).
3. Electricity and Magnetism by N.S. Khare and S.S. Srivastava, Atma Ram & Sons, 10th Edition, New Delhi
4. Optics by D.R. Khanna and H.R. Gulati, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi (1979).

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15

Allied Course Offered by the Department of Physics to Students of Mathematics and Chemistry



While studying the ALLIED PHYSICS - II, the Learner shall be able to:
Tamil Nadu Open University

»» To learn the basic concepts of physics

»» To understand the fundamentals of Optics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics and Electronics.

After completion of the ALLIED PHYSICS-II, the Learner will be able to:
»» Understand the differences in the important phenomena namely interference, diffraction and Polarization
and apply the knowledge in day to day life.
»» Will be able to understand the working of analog and digital circuits.
»» To understand the basic principles of logic gates
»» Appreciate the usage of the basic concepts of Physics in everyday life

BLOCK 1 Physical Optics

Velocity of light – Michelson’s method. Interference : Colours of thin films –air wedge – determination of diameter
of a thin wire by air wedge – test for optical flatness – Diffraction – Fresnel’s explanation of rectilinear propagation
of light – theory of transmission grating – Normal incidence. Polarization – double refraction - optical activity –

BLOCK 2 Atomic Physics

Atom model – vector atom model – electron, spin, quantum numbers – Pauli’s exclusion principle – Electronic
configuration of elements and periodic classification of elements – various quantum numbers – Magnetic dipole
moment of electron due to orbital and spin motion – Bohr magneton – spatial quantisation – Stern and Gerlach

BLOCK 3 Nuclear Physics

Nuclear model – liquid drop model – magic numbers - shell model – Nuclear energy – mass defect – binding energy.
Radiation detectors – ionization chambers – GM Counter – Fission Controlled and Uncontrolled chain reaction –
nuclear reactor – Thermonuclear reactions – stellar energy.

BLOCK 4 Elements of relativity and quantum mechanics

Postulates of theory of relativity – Lorentz transformation equations – derivation – length contraction – Time dila-
tion- Mass energy equivalence – uncertainty principle – Postulates of wave mechanics – Schrodinger’s equation
– application to a particle in a box.
BLOCK 5 Electronics
Basic Electronics: Zener diode – voltage regulator – LED – Transistor RC coupled amplifier – feedback principle –
condition for oscillation – phase shift oscillator – Wein’s bridge oscillator.

Digital Electronics: NAND and NOR gates – Universal building blocks. Boolean algebra – Demorgan’s theorem –
verification – elementary ideas of ICs – SSI , MSI, LSI and VLSI – Half adder, Full adder, Half Subtractor and Full

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

Books for study
1. Allied Physics by R. Murugesan, S.Chand & Co, New Delhi(2008).
2. Allied Physics by K. Thangaraj and D. Jayaraman, Popular Book Depot, Chennai(2004).
3. Text book of Optics by Brijlal and N. Subramanyam, S.Chand & Co, New Delhi(2002).
4. Modern Physics by R. Murugesan, S.Chand & Co, New Delhi (2005).
5. Applied Electronics by A. Subramaniyam, National Publishing Co., 2nd Edition, Chennai(2001).

Books for Reference

1. Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick Halliday and Walker, John Willey and Sons, Asia Pvt.Ltd., 6th Edition,
2. Optics by D.R. Khanna and H.R. Gulati, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi (1979).
3. Concepts of Modern Physics by A.Beiser, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, New Delhi(1997).
4. Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L.Floyd, Universal Book Stall – New Delhi (1998).

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15




Tamil Nadu Open University

While studying the BASIC PRINCIPLE OF PHYSICS, the Learner shall be able to:
»» To learn the basic concepts of physics
»» To understand the principles of various machines through experiments

After completion of the BASIC PRINCIPLE OF PHYSICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» Demonstrate conceptual understanding of the fundamental Physics principles.
»» Explain the behavior of light in different mediums
»» Understand the basic concepts of Current, Electricity and Voltage.
»» Apply the basics laws of mechanics to understand the working of simple machines.
»» Appreciate the usage of the basic concepts of Physics in everyday life

BLOCK 1 Mechanics
Force – Weight – Work – Energy – Power – Horsepower – Centrifuge – Washing machine

BLOCK 2 Heat
Variation of boiling point with pressure – Pressure cooker – Refrigerator – Air conditioner – Principle and their
capacities – Bernoulli principle – Aero plane

BLOCK 3 Sound and Optics

Sound waves – Doppler effect – Power of lens – Long sight and short sight – Microscope – Telescope – Binocular
– Camera

BLOCK 4 GeoPhysics and Medical Physics

Earthquake – Richter scale – thunder and lightning – Lightning arrestors – Cosmic showers – X-rays – Ultrasound
scan – CT scan – MRI scan

BLOCK 5 Space science and Communication

Newton’s law of gravitaion – Weather forecasting and communication satellites – Indian satellites – Electromagnet-
ic spectrum – Radio waves – AM and FM transmission and reception

Books for Study
1. The Learner’s series – Everyday science – Published by INFINITY BOOKS, New Delhi
2. The Hindu speaks on Science, Vol I & II, Kasturi & Sons, Chennai.

Books for Reference

1. Fundamentals of Physics by D. Halliday, R.Rensick and J. Walker, 6th edition, Wiley, NY (2001).
2. Physics, Vols I, II, III by D.Halliday, R.Resnick and K.S.Krane, 4th Edition, Wiley, New York (2001).

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

3. The Feymann Lectures on Physics Vols I, II, III by R.P. Feynmann, R.B. Leighton & M. Sands,Narosa, New

Tamil Nadu Open Universit y
School of Sciences
Department of Physics
Chennai – 15



While studying the ENERGY PHYSICS, the Learner shall be able to:
»» To understand various types of energy
»» To stress the importance of conservation of energy and the need for alternate source of energy
Tamil Nadu Open University

After completion of the ENERGY PHYSICS, the Learner will be able to:
»» Learn what energy and work mean in Physics and how they are related to each other.
»» Describe the environmental impact of the fossil fuels and the need for cleaner sources of energy.
»» Acquire knowledge about all proposed renewable energy technologies
»» Explain the production of electricity from renewable sources of energy
»» Understand and be aware of the importance of sustainable energy.

BLOCK 1 Solar energy

Conventional Energy sources – Renewable Energy sources- solar energy – solar radiation and its measurements-
solar energy collectors- parabolic collector- storage of solar energy

BLOCK 2 Applications of solar energy

Solar water heater- solar driers- solar cells- solar electric power generation- solar distillation- solar pumping – solar

BLOCK 3 Wind energy

Basic principles of wind energy conversion- power in the wind – forces in the Blades- wind energy conversion-
Advantages and disadvantages of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) Energy storage- Applications of wind

BLOCK 4 Oceanic energy

Energy from the oceans- Energy utilization- Energy from tides- Basic principle of tidal power – Utilization of tidal

BLOCK 5 Energy from other sources

Chemical energy – Nuclear energy - Energy storage and distribution

Books for study
1. Non-conventional sources of energy by G.D. Rai, 4th edition, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi (1996).
2. Solar Energy, Principles of thermal collection and storage by S.P.Sukhatme 2nd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi (1997).

Book for reference

1. Energy Technology by S.Rao and Dr. Parulekar

School of Sciences - Department of Physics - B.Sc., Physics

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