DLL g7 Q3W1
DLL g7 Q3W1
DLL g7 Q3W1
C. Learning Competencies
(Subject Matter) 1.1 Use the appropriate form in Measuring tools and CSS hand tools
requesting for electrical tools, instruments
supplies and materials for a
specific job
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Curriculum Guide K-12 MELC’s p. 443 K-12 MELC’s p. 443 K-12 MELC’s p. 443
2.Learner’s Materials Pages EIM Lesson 2 EIM module 1 EIM module 2
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning Resources
Tv, Laptop, Activity Sheet Tv, Laptop, Activity Sheet Tv, Laptop, Activity Sheet
A. Review Previous Lessons The teacher will conduct a review The teacher will ask question about The teacher will ask the class about The teacher will ask the
regarding the previous lesson. the lesson yesterday. the previous lesson. class about the previous
B. Establishing purpose for the The teacher will a pre – test to assess The teacher will a pre – test to assess The teacher ask the class to identify
Lesson (Motivation) the learners prior knowledge. the learners prior knowledge. the pictures shown on the tv screen. The class will name the
(Hand Tools) picture of EIM tools.
What is hand tools? Answer will be written on
their notebook.
C. Presenting examples /instances of Call someone in the class to do the The teacher show
the new lessons activity in front. pictures of EIM tools and
Attraction by a charge object The class will do the picture parade. call a student to give its
(Pictures of EIM Tools) uses.
The teacher will ask the class about the Supplies and Materials:
word form and what are the dorm they Comb
already know. Small pieces of paper
E. Discussing new concepts & Group Activity! Group Game! Pick and tell Game! Pick and tell Game!
practicing and concern to new skills Each group will accomplish Each group will answer the Accompanied by the music the ball Accompanied by the
#2 the requisition slip form. given question. will pass around and the one who music the ball will pass
hold it once the music stop will be around and the one who
the one to pick a picture inside the hold it once the music
box. stop will be the one to
Direction: Identify the picture. pick a name of hand
tools inside the box.
Direction: Give the uses
of each hand tool.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative assessment Individual Activity! Group Activity:
Formative Assesment 3 (activity (Matching Type) EACH LEARNER WILL ANSWER THE Each learner will answer the Activity Each group will complete
after the lesson) GIVEN FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Sheet. the activity sheet.
Directions: Matching type
Match the picture to the name of
hand tools.
G. Finding Practical Applications of 1. What are the importance Do you think you can accomplish a How important to know
concepts and skills in daily living of knowing the basic task w/o the presence of proper the proper use of hand
(application) hand tools? tools before using?
principles of electricity?
Have you experience in your life
accomplishing those forms?
2. What do you think is the
relevance of this course in
the society?
H. Making Generalizations & The learner will write their The teacher ask the class about their Group reflections and
Abstractions about the lessons What have you learned today? understanding of the topic presented acquired knowledge in today’s synthesis of the lesson
in the given format. lesson.
What I have learned from the lesson
I. Evaluating Learning Short quiz Short quiz! Short quiz!
(assessment/test) Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Short quiz