6 March 23
motor skills and movement patterns demonstrating the connection between their
surroundings while playing this game to insure the safety for themselves and their
Equipment/Materials Needed:
○ 4 - Blue cones
○ 4 - Yellow cones
○ 4 - Orange cones
○ 4 - Red cones
○ 4 - green cones
guide their gross motor skills, hand eye coordination and balance. Students will
also learn complex skills through trial and error while figuring out what works
best for themselves while catching the cone by throwing in the air with their feet.
math calculations to add their points when the activity has ended; each colored
● Affective: Students will enjoy participating, and show their ability to effectively
communicate with their teammates throughout the activity. Students will also
Before the activity students will participate in a warm up that consists of hopping,
running, and catching; practicing skills that will be used during the activity. I will then
explain the game to the students verbally: I will be separating students into two teams (I
will do this by counting off students) . We will start the game by standing on opposite
sides standing in a line behind the large cone. Once the game begins one student will run
to the middle and place foot inside the cone and proceed to kick the cone into the air and
attempt to catch the cone. If a student does not catch the cone on their first try they will
run back to their teammates (going to the back of the line) and the next teammate in front
of the line will run to the middle and continue to attempt kicking cones in air and
catching the cone. When students successfully catch the cone they will run back to the
large cone; in which teammates are standing behind and stack their cone onto the larger
cone. This process will continue until all the cones are collected. I will then get a
volunteer to demonstrate the process of the activity. After both verbal and visual
instructions I will check for understanding by asking students a variety of questions such
as: What do you do when you catch a cone? Where do you stand while another teammate
is in the middle trying to catch a cone? If you do not catch the cone on your first try what
do you do? Where do we stand when we are waiting for our turn? Each cone will be
worth a different amount of points; Yellow & Orange cones = 1 point, Green cones = 2
points, Red cones = 3 points, and Blue cones = 4 points. After the game students will
work together to count their points to find their total number of points.
Modification: Placement of cones and students will remain the same. But, instead of
kicking the cone in the air and catching the cone, students will place foot inside the cone
and hop on the opposite foot to the larger cone; proceeding to stack the cone (with hands)
Closure question: What takeaways from this lesson will be important/used outside of
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