Biology and Health Sciences: Secondary

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Biology and
Health Sciences

Teacher’s Guide

G Matenda • E Ritchie Senior

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1. How to use this Teacher’s Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
2. How New Secondary Biology and Health Sciences for Rwanda S1
meets the needs of the new competence-based curriculum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
3. How to use the sample lesson plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
4. How to use the content map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
5. Biology and Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx

Topic 1 Biodiversity and classification

Unit 1 Introduction to Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Unit 2 Introduction to classification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Unit 3 The external structure and importance of flowering plants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Formal assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Topic 2 Organisation and maintenance of life

Unit 4 Magnifying instruments and biological drawings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Unit 5 Plant and animal cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Unit 6 Levels of organisation in multicellular organisms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Unit 7 Food nutrients and diet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Unit 8 Structure and functions of human gas exchange system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Unit 9 Tropic responses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Unit 10 Skeletal systems of organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Formal assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Topic 3 Health and disease

Unit 11 Classification of diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Unit 12 Human reproductive system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Unit 13 Puberty and sexual maturation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Unit 14 Reproduction, pregnancy and childbirth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Worksheets 1-14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-91

Memorandums 1-14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-107

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

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1 How to use this Teacher’s Guide assessment, teaching multi-ability learners

This Teacher’s Guide accompanies the (including those with special educational
textbook for New Secondary Biology and needs), classroom organisation, and
Health Sciences for Rwanda S1. It is designed different infrastructure and facilities. It
to support teachers in implementing includes a detailed Content map that
Rwanda’s new curriculum, set to be outlines the key components of each
launched in January 2016. The main learning unit in this course, as well as
purpose of the curriculum is to equip sample lesson plans. Finally, the
Rwandans with the necessary competences Introduction contains a clear explanation
(knowledge, skills, values and attitudes) to of New Secondary Biology and Health Sciences
realise the aims of Vision 2020 and recent for Rwanda S1 and its importance to
government policies. These involve learners in Rwanda and in society in
turning Rwanda into a competence-based general. The broad New Secondary Biology
society, which necessitates a curriculum and Health Sciences for Rwanda S1 syllabus
that incorporates the best of education competences are also outlined, as well as
practices in the developing world. the typical resources and skills required for
Teachers are encouraged to read the teaching this subject in the classroom.
Introduction to this Guide in order to Following the Introduction, the bulk of
understand how New Secondary Biology and this Teacher’s Guide consists of clear,
Health Sciences for Rwanda S1 meets the concise and user-friendly notes for the
needs of the new competence-based teacher that are designed to support the
curriculum. The Introduction provides a implementation of New Secondary Biology
clear explanation of what a competence- and Health Sciences for Rwanda S1. Notes are
based curriculum is, as well as how to presented unit by unit and correlate
develop competences in learners. It lists closely with the syllabus for New Secondary
the cross-curricular basic competences and Biology and Health Sciences for Rwanda S1.
describes the generic competences in These notes have been written as
user-friendly terms. In addition, it lists comprehensively as possible in order to
and explains the cross-cutting issues that provide all teachers with the support they
are integral to the curriculum, need. Thus, less confident teachers or
highlighting the importance of addressing those working in more challenging
these issues with young learners. Since the conditions are guided step-by-step
new competence-based curriculum through the teaching and learning process
requires a shift in terms of teaching, for this subject, and more confident
learning and assessment approaches, the teachers or those working in more
Introduction to this Guide also provides a favourable conditions are also encouraged
clear explanation of student-centred to extend and enrich their learners beyond
learning, formative and summative the syllabus requirements.

iv     Introduction

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2 How New Secondary Biology and Basic competences relate to:
Health Sciences for Rwanda S1 • Literacy
meets the needs of the new • Numeracy
competence-based curriculum • ICT and digital competences
New Secondary Biology and Health Sciences • Citizenship and national identity
for Rwanda S1 aims to meet the needs of • Entrepreneurship and business
the new competence-based curriculum development
through the provision of a textbook and • Science and technology
Teacher’s Guide that are based on the key Generic competences, on the other hand,
components of such a curriculum. are not subject-specific and may be
Following a brief description of a applied to any subject or situation. These
competence-based curriculum, these key core competences, which must be
components are explained in further emphasised in the learning process
detail below. alongside the basic competences, are the
ability to:
a) What is a competence-based • Critical thinking and problem-solving
curriculum? skills: Think creatively and widely in
The new curriculum is competence-based order to find solutions to problems in a
and designed to be relevant to the labour variety of situations.
market needs of the Country. This means • Creativity and innovation: Take the
in practice that the specified subject initiative and to use one’s imagination
content and knowledge should be to generate new ideas and construct new
delivered to students by the use of a wide concepts.
range of exercises and activities that • Research: Gather and use information
simultaneously develop the specified to formulate and answer questions, and
competences in the students as well as to explain ideas, concepts and
imparting content knowledge. The phenomena.
competence-based approach takes time • Communication in official languages:
but is not an ‘add-on’ to the knowledge Use the language of instruction to
curriculum. An integrated approach to communicate effectively and correctly
teaching and learning is required. through speaking and writing.
• Cooperation, interpersonal
b) How to develop competences in management and life skills: Cooperate
learners effectively with others in a team and to
A competency is the ability to do a certain demonstrate positive moral values and
task successfully, as the result of having respect towards the rights, feelings and
obtained a particular combination of beliefs of others; practically and actively
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. conserve and protect the environment;
The national policy documents, which are promote personal, family and
based on the aspirations of Rwanda as a community health, hygiene and
nation, focus on cross-cutting ‘basic nutrition, and to respond creatively to
competences’ and cross-cutting ‘generic life’s challenges.
competences’. Basic competences are • Lifelong learning: Advance one’s
addressed in the broad subject knowledge and skills independently and
competences and in the objectives listed to be equipped to deal with new
for each year and for each unit of learning. knowledge and learning challenges as
one progresses through life.
 Introduction v

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c) Cross-cutting issues people are under-informed or
There are eight cross-cutting issues, which misinformed about sexuality and
reflect key national concerns and are gender, and this can make them
integrated into the curriculum for all vulnerable to abuse, ill health and
subject areas. These are: unplanned pregnancies. Comprehensive
• Genocide studies: This is aimed at sexuality education deals with these
helping learners to understand the issues in a respectful, empathetic and
circumstances leading to genocide and open way, which emphasises basic
the inspiring story of healing and human rights.
rebuilding national unity. It is also • Peace and values education: Peace
aimed at encouraging learners to education is obviously vital in the
develop an awareness of the role and curriculum, since peace is a prerequisite
responsibility of each individual to for a society to flourish and for
ensure that nothing of this nature ever individuals to focus on personal
happens again. achievement and their contribution to the
• Environment and sustainability: This is nation. Values education helps to ensure
aimed at fostering learners’ that young people contribute positively to
understanding of the impact of humans society through promoting peace and
on the environment and their part in being committed to avoiding conflict.
sustaining the environment around • Financial education: This equips learners
them. Learners need to develop with sound financial practices and
knowledge of sustainability, as well as behaviours that ensure their economic
the skills, attitudes and values to well-being and that of the nation as a
practise and promote sustainability in whole. It provides them with the tools
their world. for participating in a healthy economy,
• Gender: This is designed to get learners to which has the potential for transforming
recognise basic human rights and the other areas of their lives as well.
importance of promoting female equality. • Standardisation culture: This helps
They learn to understand that preventing learners to understand the importance
the female population from participating of standards as a key component of
fully in society has a negative impact on economic development and
the development of the nation as a sustainability. The adoption of a
whole. A good understanding of gender standardisation culture has a positive
equality enables future generations impact on infrastructure,
ensure that the potential of the whole industrialisation, economic growth,
population is realised. trade and the welfare of the nation as a
• Comprehensive sexuality education: whole.
This issue deals with topics such as HIV/ • Inclusive education: This involves
AIDS, STI, family planning, gender ensuring that all learners are engaged in
equality and reproductive health. education, regardless of their gender or
Addressed in an age-appropriate, gender- ability, including those with learning
sensitive and life skills-based way, it difficulties or other disabilities. It
provides learners with the appropriate ensures that all learners participate
knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to actively and positively in education, and
make positive choices about their it embraces different learning styles and
sexuality and life style. Many young other difficulties.

vi     Introduction

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d) W
 hat is student-centred learning unsettling. However, this Teacher’s Guide
(SCL)? is designed to support and encourage
The new curriculum requires a move teachers in implementing SCL in the
towards student-centred learning (SCL) following ways:
and New Secondary Biology and Health • Suggestions are given for classroom
Sciences for Rwanda S1 is designed to organisation, which include whole class,
support this move. SCL (also sometimes group, pair and individual work,
called Active Learning) entails learners ensuring learners engage in participatory
being actively involved in their learning, and interactive activities;
rather than passive recipients of • Lists of suitable resources and materials
information passed on by the teacher or are provided that enable learners to
from a textbook. Thus, they learn by explore, discover and construct
engaging in activities that require them to knowledge in a variety of different ways;
question, discuss, do practical tasks, solve • Advice on how to elicit and assess prior
problems, work in a group, think critically, knowledge on new topics is given, so
use their imaginations and so on. that learners are able to build new
Typically, they construct knowledge for understandings based on what they
themselves by moving from the concrete already know;
through the pictorial to the abstract. In • A range of learning activities are
this way, they develop skills, attitudes and included that enable learners to develop
values in addition to content knowledge. and consolidate new knowledge, skills,
The creation of a learner-friendly values and attitudes in different ways
environment is therefore based on the that take into account the fact that
capabilities, needs, interests and individuals progress in different ways
experiences of the learners themselves. and at different rates;
SCL also helps learners to become more • Assessment procedures are clearly
responsible for their own learning and to outlined in order to determine the
develop an awareness of their preferred effectiveness of teaching and learning
learning styles. In addition, it teaches processes;
them to ‘think about their thinking’ and • Helpful questions and answers are
to have greater insights into the learning provided that enable teachers to
process and how they reach a particular evaluate learning and to offer
solution, product or decision. appropriate remediation, consolidation
The shift to student-centred or active and enrichment to learners.
learning necessitates a change in teaching Thus, not only does this Teacher’s Guide
styles too. Teachers (and textbooks) are no support teachers in creating a suitable
longer considered to be the ‘font of all learner-friendly environment to foster
knowledge’, as their roles shift to being learning both in and out of the classroom,
facilitators, organisers, advisors, but it also supports the development of
counsellors and role-models. For many teachers themselves in their new
teachers, who are accustomed to more professional roles.
traditional ways of teaching, this may be

 Introduction vii

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e) Assessment requirements addition, suggestions are provided for
Assessment plays a crucial role in a assessing learners’ prior knowledge or
learner-centred, competence-based experience at the start of a learning unit,
curriculum and it presents new challenges as well as for assessing the learning process
that are not applicable to a more during the unit. A variety of formative
traditional, knowledge-based curriculum. assessment methods are advocated,
Since the focus is now on how the learner including observation, oral questioning,
is able to apply knowledge, skills, values peer and self-assessments, pen and paper,
and attitudes in different contexts, the and so on. This Teacher’s Guide also
nature of assessment has changed both in focusses on involving the learners in the
terms of what to assess and how to assess. formative assessment process, so that they
The curriculum emphasises two types of become more aware of and responsible for
assessment, namely Formative or their own learning.
continuous assessment (assessment for
learning) and Summative assessment Summative assessment (assessment of
(assessment of learning). These two types learning)
of assessment are explained in more detail Summative assessment is used to assess
below: the learner’s competence at the end of a
process of learning. Typically, it is used to
Formative assessment (assessment for assess whether learning objectives have
learning) been achieved and the results may be used
Formative or continuous assessment may to rank or grade learners, to decide on
be formal or informal and it is used to progression, to select for the next level of
check if learning is actually occurring. education, or for certification. Summative
Before each learning unit, the teacher has assessment needs to be integrative in order
to identify assessment criteria and to show that the learner has mastered all
procedures for evaluating learners against the competences. Thus, assessment tasks
these criteria. Then, at the end of each require learners to apply their knowledge,
learning unit, the teacher has to ensure skills, values and attitudes in different
that every learner has mastered the key contexts. Summative assessment usually
unit competence before progressing on to occurs at the end of a learning unit, at the
the next unit. The teacher has to assess end of a school term and at the end of a
how well each learner masters both the school year.
subject and generic competences described As with formative assessment, this
in the syllabus and, from this, will develop Teacher’s Guide provides clear guidelines
a picture of the learner’s all-round to teachers for implementing summative
progress. assessments at the end of every learning
This Teacher’s Guide provides clear unit. Practical advice is given on what to
advice and guidelines to teachers for assess, how to assess and how to award
implementing formative assessment in marks or score via simple rubrics, answer
every learning unit. Key unit competence, memos, checklists and so on. These are
assessment criteria and learning objectives designed to assist teachers with assessing
are signposted at the start of every unit, learners’ competences in an integrative
and advice is given on what and how to way, and with making decisions about
assess learners at the end of every unit. In progression onto the next unit or level.

viii     Introduction

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f) Teaching multi-ability learners h) Gender representation
All learners have the right to engage with Learners with SEN difficulties are portrayed
their learning, regardless of their different in a positive way, and every attempt is
needs or abilities, whether these are made to involve them as active participants
physical, emotional, social or intellectual. in this course. Any kind of gender
This Teacher’s Guide therefore has a stereotyping is avoided in this course
section in every learning unit, which is material and every effort has been made to
aimed at assisting the teacher with demonstrate gender equality in the home,
catering for learners with different needs at school, in the work place, and in all
and abilities. These include those who other aspects of society. Where necessary,
require remediation, those who require notes have been included in this Teacher’s
consolidation, and those who require Guide to remind and encourage teachers to
extension work. Each subsection is clearly emphasise the important message of
signposted and typically includes gender equality, and to treat this issue with
questions (with possible answers) that can the importance and respect it deserves.
be posed to each group in order to
facilitate their learning. In addition, i) Different infrastructure and
careful thought has been given to the facilities
resources and materials listed for every As with many other education systems in
learning unit, so that the needs of Africa, there is a great deal of variation in
different learners may be met. Rwanda amongst schools in terms of
infrastructure, facilities, resources and
g) Catering for SEN learners conditions. This may be particularly so in
An integral part of teaching multi-ability urban versus rural schools. In more
learners includes catering for those with challenging circumstances, teachers may be
special educational needs (SEN). Inclusive tempted to ignore the requirements of a
education involves the provision of competence-based curriculum and focus
learning materials and activities that solely on teaching syllabus content. Thus,
enable those with physical, emotional, New Secondary Biology and Health Sciences for
social or intellectual difficulties to actively Rwanda S1 is designed to enable all schools
engage in and fully benefit from the and learners in Rwanda to develop the
learning process. SEN learners must feel required competences. It takes into account
acknowledged and as much a part of the basic levels of resource provision and
teaching and learning environment as clearly states the minimum level of work
those without these particular needs. needed for all schools and learners to meet
Thus, New Secondary Biology and Health the curriculum requirements. However, it
Sciences for Rwanda S1 reflects positive also takes into account higher levels of
images of the active inclusion of disabled resource provision and therefore
people in its texts, illustrations and incorporates a ‘layered approach’ to
activities. Suggestions are also given to learning activities that provides for schools
teachers in the unit notes of this Teacher’s with or without a computer lab, science
Guide to emphasise this message lab, library, Internet connectivity and so
whenever possible, both in and out of the on. Teaching notes may therefore consist of
classroom. alternative suggestions, depending on the
resources available at a particular school.

 Introduction ix

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For example, they may state: and speaking in a pair or group (such as
If your learners have access to the Internet, then… taking turns, making sure everyone has
If your learners do not have access to the a chance to say something, using
Internet, then… appropriate body language, learning a
few terms to express agreement or
k) Classroom organisation disagreement politely).
In keeping with the shift towards active, • Allocating different roles to different
student-centred learning that a members of each group (such as someone
competence-based curriculum demands, who writes down everyone’s ideas,
New Secondary Biology and Health Sciences someone else who reports back everyone’s
for Rwanda S1 emphasises the organisation ideas to the rest of the class, someone
of the classroom as an activity-based, who makes sure everyone contributes to
learner-centred environment. Different the discussion, and someone who collects
ways of organising the classroom are all the materials for the group).
suggested and encouraged including • Pairing or grouping learners according
whole class, large and small group, paired to their abilities so that they are able to
and individual activities. As group work progress at their own pace and benefit
and pair work may be unfamiliar and from remediation activities (weaker
therefore threatening to many teachers learners) or extension activities (stronger
(and learners), it is worth spending time at learners).
the start of the course to establish some • Mixing learners into multi-ability pairs
class agreements or rules about this type or groups so that weaker learners can
of interactive learning. It is also advisable benefit from the input of stronger
for teachers to introduce paired and group learners, and vice versa.
work activities slowly, and gradually to
increase them as they (and learners) 3H
 ow to use the sample lesson
become more familiar with them. plans
Suggestions for implementing paired and This Teacher’s Guide contains
group work activities include: comprehensive notes for the teacher on
• Establishing a signal that your class each learning unit in New Secondary Biology
understands means the start or end of and Health Sciences for Rwanda S1. Within
pair or group work (for example, raising the notes for each learning unit, there are
your hand, ringing a little bell, writing a clear and concise lesson plans. Lesson
particular symbol on the board). planning is crucial in order to ensure that
• Having each learner turn to the person all learning objectives in each unit are
next to/behind/in front of them for pair covered. Thus, comprehensive support is
work, in order to avoid too much provided so that the full range of
movement around the classroom. knowledge, skills, attitudes and values are
• Having each pair join up with the pair met over time through a variety of learning
next to/behind/in front of them for activities and experiences. In this Teacher’s
small group work. Guide, every effort has been made to
• Numbering learners from one to eight ensure the lesson plans are simple, direct
and then asking all the ones to form a and user-friendly. Below are two sample
large group, all the twos to form another lesson plans, which indicate the kind of
large group, and so on. useful information that these plans provide
• Having a few basic rules for listening for teachers of this course.

x     Introduction

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Sample lesson plan 1

School Name: ________________________________  Teacher’s name: ____________________________

Term Date Subject Class Unit Lesson Duration Class size

1 16/03/2016 Biology S1 1 1 of 4 40 min 45
Type of Special Educational Needs to be catered Visual difficulties: 2
for in this lesson and number of learners in Speech, language and communication: 1
each category
Unit title Introduction to Biology

Key unit competence Explain the meaning of Biology and its application; recall the
characteristics common to all organisms and be able to apply
safety and first aid in daily life.
Title of the lesson What is Biology?

Learning Objectives
Knowledge and understanding: Define Biology and state its main branches; list the importance of
studying Biology
Skills: Compare characteristics of Life throughout different groups of organisms focusing on their
nutrition, respiration, excretion, reproduction, growth, sensitivity and movement. Compare living
things and deduce their differences. Practice rules and Regulations governing the laboratory and
know how to avoid accidents in the laboratory. Use first aid kit
Attitudes and values: Acknowledge the diversity and uniqueness of different organisms.
Plan for this class Groups in classroom/laboratory or outdoors

Learning materials Student book

References References influencing the lesson planning: photos in the Student

book; some specimens of living and non-living things

 Introduction xi

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Timing for Description of teaching and learning activity
each step By discussing the meaning of Biology and its applications, the
learners will learn that Biology is the study of life.
and cross-cutting
issues to be
Teacher activities Learner activities addressed
Introduction: Explain learning objectives and any Discuss groups Generic
5 min associated assessment. of animals and competence:
diseases. Critical thinking;
research and
problem solving
Basic competence:
Arrange groups for oral activity. Talk about photos Cross-cutting
on page 2. issue:
Discuss photos in Student Book. Environment and
Biology will help
us understand
how living
interact with their
environments and
how they keep a
healthy balance to
Development Discuss Figure 1.3 on page 3 – the Complete Exercise
of lesson: branches of Biology. 1.1.
25 min Explain new terminology. Discuss whether
Discuss why studying Biology is learning outcomes
important. have been
Monitor progress against planned timing. achieved.
Conclusion: Discuss answers to Exercise 1.1. Contribute to
Summary Reinforce learning outcomes. feedback.
and assess-
ment 10 min
Teacher Evaluate what went well and how learning could have been improved.
self- Identify what needs to be carried forward to the next lesson.

xii     Introduction

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Sample lesson plan 2

School Name: ________________________________  Teacher’s name: ____________________________

Term Date Subject Class Unit Lesson Duration Class size

1 25/06/2016 Biology S1 5 1 of 4 40 min 45
Type of Special Educational Needs to be Visual difficulties: 2
catered for in this lesson and number of Speech, language and communication: 1
learners in each category
Unit title Plant and animal cells

Key unit competence Differentiate between animal and plant cells using a light
Title of the lesson The cell

Learning Objectives
Knowledge and understanding: State the role of a cell in a living organism; describe the structure of
plant and animal cells.
Skills: Organise a science practical, set-up according to instructions.
Attitudes and values: Appreciate the importance of cells; show perseverance when observing slides;
pay attention while handling slides and sharp instruments.
Plan for this class Groups in classroom/laboratory

Learning materials Microscope; prepared slides of onion epidermis and human cheek
cells; drawing paper
References References influencing the lesson planning: micrographs in the
Student’s book

 Introduction xiii

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Timing for Description of teaching and learning activity
each step By discussing and observing the different structures of plant and
animal cells under a microscope, the learners will learn how to
distinguish between a unicellular and a multicellular organism.
and cross-
cutting issues
to be
Teacher activities Learner activities addressed
Introduction: Introduce the unit by referring to Discuss the slides. Generic
10 min specimens of onion cells viewed in the Complete oral activity competence:
previous unit. in groups. Research
Arrange groups for oral activity. and problem
Development solving
Describe the cell and distinguish Look at Figure 5.2,
of lesson: Basic
between unicellular and multicellular and find organelles
20 min organisms. that are common
Refer to the diagrams of a plant and an to both plant and
Science and
animal cell in Figure 5.2 on page 51, animal cells.
and describe structures common to Complete Experiment
both. 5.1, and examine
Arrange groups for Experiment 5.1. whether learning
Distribute prepared slides. Facilitate outcomes have been
learners’ progress and check that they achieved.
When chemical
can calculate magnification.
products are
Conclusion: Make sure learners pack up carefully. Pay attention to purchased,
Summary and Set Exercise 5.1 for homework. storing microscopes they should
assessment Reinforce learning outcomes. correctly. be of a high
10 min standard or
It’s important
that they will
be disposed
of or recycled
to avoid
harming our
and human life
in general.
Teacher Evaluate what went well and how learning could have been improved.
self- Identify what needs to be carried forward to the next lesson.

xiv     Introduction

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4 How to use the Content map • Learning activities (list of learning
In addition to comprehensive notes for activities as per the syllabus)
each learning unit, New Secondary Biology • Competences practised (broad subject
and Health Sciences for Rwanda S1 also competences and generic competences)
contains a Content map in both the • Subject practice (content of particular
Teacher’s Guide and the textbook. The subject)
Content map is intended to provide a • Vocabulary acquisition (list of key new
clear and easy reference to both the words)
teacher and the learner on the following • Numeracy (if applicable to the subject)
for each learning unit: • Study skills
• Number of lessons (and homework) • Revision
• Introductory activity (for example, a • Assessments (informal and formal
class discussion on a particular topic) formative and summative assessments)
• Classroom organisation (whole class, • Learning outcomes (list of learning
groups, pairs and individual work) objectives as per the syllabus)
• Equipment required (list of resources
and materials required) Below is the Content map for New
Secondary Biology and Health Sciences for
Rwanda S1:
Content map
Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4:
Introduction to Introduction to The external Magnifying
Biology classification structure and instruments and
importance of biological
flowering plants drawings
Number of 4 lessons 6 lessons 10 lessons 6 lessons
Introduction Discuss classes of Group discussion Group discussion: Group discussion
animals learnt in on biodiversity in brainstorm on magnification
earlier grades Rwanda functions and magnifying
of flowers, instruments
of plants and
of plants, as
discussed in earlier
Classroom Individual; groups; Individual; pairs; Individual; pairs; Individual; pairs;
organisation class groups groups groups

 Introduction xv

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Equipment Reading materials; Reading and Charts and diagrams; Hand lens;
required worksheets and visual visual materials; collected specimens prepared slides;
materials; specimens, worksheets; of flowering plants; light microscope;
such as leaves and specimens, such as roots, stems, and collected specimens
insects; hand lens; leaves and insects; typical and modified (leaves, seeds,
preserved specimens hand lens; preserved leaves flower, etc.)
Activities Brainstorm; interpret Tabulate; recall; Observe and Identify parts of a
concept map; case match columns; identify parts; relate microscope; learn
study; practise use identification structure to function; how to use and care
observation skills keys biological drawings; for a microscope;
tabulate; research; observe specimens
write a report using a microscope;
drawings; calculate
Competences Literacy; Literacy; Literacy; Literacy;
practised critical thinking; critical thinking; research science and
research and problem data analysis data analysis, technology;
solving communication data analysis
Science Simple experiment: Identify an animal Observe parts of the Handle equipment;
practice Light a Bunsen burner using a key plant and modified follow instructions;
structures; biological calculate; biological
drawings; research drawing of
skills specimens viewed
with microscope
Vocabulary New words about New words about New words about New words about
acquisition branches of Biology classification the parts of the leaf, microscopes and
groups stem, root and flower magnification
Study skills Translation of Tabulation; use of Structure and function Calculation of
information from mnemonic relationship; biological magnification
concept map and drawing; functions of
diagrams; reading plant parts; definitions
a case study and of terminology; write
answering questions a report
Revision Classification of Differences Structure of a plant Biological drawing
organisms between living and from Unit 2
non-living things
Assessments Activities; exercises; Activities; Activities; exercises; Activities; exercises;
homework exercises; homework; formal homework
homework assessment
Learning Explain the meaning Explain the need Describe the external Identify the
outcomes of Biology and its for and apply structure of a typical components of a
application; recall classification; use flowering plant hand lens and light
the characteristics identification keys microscope; identify
common to all to name unknown proper use and care
organisms; apply safety specimens of a hand lens and
and first aid in daily life light microscope

xvi     Introduction

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Unit 5: Unit 6: Unit 7: Unit 8:
Plant and animal cells Levels of Food nutrients and Structure and
organisation in diet functions of human
multicellular gas exchange
organisms system
Number of 4 lessons 4 lessons 8 lessons 6 lessons
Introduction Class discussion Discussion in pairs Group discussion Revise prior
knowledge of
Classroom Individual; pairs; Individual; pairs; Individual; pairs; Individual; pairs;
organisation groups; class groups groups groups
Equipment Microscope; prepared Microscope; Bread, maize A dissecting set;
required slides prepared slides or porridge or plastic sheeting;
micrographs other complex a hand lens; lung
carbohydrate; test of a goat, sheep
tubes; a white tile; or cow (with the
droppers; iodine trachea and bronchi
solution; cooked intact); water; a
chicken, meat or container; a towel;
egg; butter; water; soap; disinfectant;
nuts (crushed); rubber tubing;
sodium hydroxide transparent plastic
solution; copper bottles; forked glass
sulphate solution; tubing or straws;
ethanol; test tube rubber bands or
racks; permanent string; microscope;
markers; test strips prepared slides
for testing proteins,
fats and glucose
Activities View specimens View prepared Food tests; data Dissection; draw;
using a microscope; slides using a analysis; case study build a model; view
biological drawing; microscope; prepared slides
calculate magnification biological drawing; using a microscope
Competences Literacy; Literacy; Literacy; Literacy;
practised science and critical thinking; science and science and
technology; science and technology; technology;
research technology; communication skills; research
research and cooperation
problem solving
Science Use a microscope Use a microscope Follow instructions; Follow instructions;
practice to view specimens; to view specimens; present results; data relate structure to
calculate magnification observe; biological analysis function; make a
drawings model; calculate

 Introduction xvii

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Vocabulary New words about New words about New words about New words about
acquisition plant and animal cells tissues, organs and food nutrients and gaseous exchange
organ systems diet
Study skills Tabulate; compare; Relate structure Tabulate; interpret Tabulate; relate
research information to function; learn data structure to function
definitions of new
Revision Magnification Cell structure Food nutrients from Respiration from
earlier grades earlier grades;
definition, function
and gases
Assessments Activities; homework; Activities; Activities; exercises; Activities; exercises;
formal assessment exercises; homework homework
Learning Apply knowledge Explain Identify the different Describe the
outcomes of cell structure to specialisation of food nutrients and structure and
differentiate between cells, and the link list their significance functions of
animal and plant between levels to the human body the human gas
cells using a light of organisation exchange system
microscope in multicellular

Unit 9: Unit 10: Unit 11: Unit 12:

Tropic responses Skeletal systems Classification of Human
of organisms diseases reproductive
Number of 5 lessons 6 lessons 5 lessons 10 lessons
Introduction Revise root structure Discuss prior Discuss health and Discuss gender in
knowledge of disease – prevalence groups
skeletons and their and prevention in
functions local community
Classroom Individual; pairs; Individual; pairs; Individual; pairs; Individual; pairs;
organisation groups groups groups groups
Equipment Two bean plants; cotton Different bones; Sugar (table sugar); Two sets of cards of
required thread; ink; a ruler; a a sharp pencil; a table salt; two different colours
cardboard box; a pair ruler; an eraser; teaspoons; a clean
of scissors; a clinostat; drawing paper one-litre bottle with
bean seeds that have a lid; boiled water;
been soaked in water a clean measuring
overnight; paper towels; cylinder or any
elastic bands; marker suitable container;
pens; four glass jars; a soap
pot plant

xviii     Introduction

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Activities Conduct experiments Discuss; structure Classify diseases; Relate structure to
on tropisms; research and function of research the spread function; understand
different bones; of different diseases; sex determination
draw; case study interpret information using role-play;
on a poster; prepare discuss gender and
oral hydration fluid; gender equality
research ageing issues
Competences Literacy; Literacy; Literacy; Literacy;
practiced science and research; cooperation cooperation
technology; team work
data analysis,

Science Follow instructions; Interpret Follow instructions; Identify structures;

practice present and interpret information; research information relate structure
results; tabulate; biological drawing; to function; learn
research skills observe new terminology;
compare sperm and
Vocabulary New words about New words about New words about New words about
acquisition tropisms types of skeletons diseases, their spread sexual reproductive
and human bones and prevention organs, hormones
and gender issues
Study skills Research information; Learn terminology; Interpret data in a Learn terminology;
learn terminology comprehension pie chart label diagrams
Revision Root structure and Biological drawing Deficiency diseases How structure is
functions and the importance related to function
of a balanced diet
Assessments Activities; exercises; Activities; Activities; exercises; Activities; exercises;
homework exercises; homework homework
homework; formal
Learning Describe the response State the different Classify diseases Explain the
outcomes of plants to light and types of skeleton, and explain ways structure, function
gravity, and explain and identify the of preventing the and processes of
the importance of main parts of the spread of infectious the human sexual
tropic responses in skeleton diseases and reproductive
plants system, and relate to
understanding sex
and gender

 Introduction xix

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Unit 13: Unit 14:
Puberty and sexual maturation Reproduction, pregnancy and
Number of 8 lessons 8 lessons
Introduction Group discussion on teenage issues Discuss prior knowledge about pregnancy
Classroom Individual; pairs; groups Individual; pairs; groups
Equipment None None
Activities Learn new terminology; understand the Discuss; learn new terminology
events of the menstrual cycle; interpret
information in a chart; perform role-play
about unintended pregnancy
Competences Literacy; Literacy; critical thinking; cooperation
practised cooperation
Vocabulary New words about puberty and the New words about pregnancy and
acquisition menstrual cycle childbirth
Vocabulary New words about puberty and the New words about pregnancy and
acquisition menstrual cycle childbirth
Study skills Interpret information in a graph Learn structures and functions
Revision Reproductive structures and hormones Reproductive structures and hormones
Assessments Activities; exercises; homework Activities; exercises; homework; formal
Learning Explain the physical, emotional and social Explain the processes of reproduction,
outcomes changes related to puberty pregnancy and childbirth

5 Biology and Society and other related fields. It helps learners

to understand the natural world and their
The role of Biology in society role in it. It also encourages them to
Biology is the study of life, and it plays a develop the necessary knowledge, skills,
central role in our daily lives. Biology attitudes and values to tackle problems
helps us to understand living systems and relating to people and the environment.
how to maintain the health of people,
animals and plants. It also helps us to Broad Biology syllabus competences
understand what is beneficial and what is The syllabus lists the following broad
harmful to humans and the environment. Biology competences for learners at the
The study of Biology has contributed to end of the Ordinary Level:
developments in medicine, conservation, 1. Experience an enjoyable and
agriculture, fisheries and food processing worthwhile educational experience,
industries, in particular. whether or not they go on to study
science beyond this level.
Biology and the learner 2. Acquire sufficient knowledge and
Studying Biology as a subject prepares understanding to:
learners for future careers in medicine, • Use ICT skills effectively to enhance
agriculture, conservation, food science learning and education to become

xx     Introduction

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confident citizens in a technological the individual, the community and
world and develop an informed the environment
interest in scientific matters • We need to respect life and the
• Be suitably prepared for studies natural equilibrium
beyond the Ordinary Level of • We need to demonstrate awareness
secondary education. and concern for the environment,
3. Recognise that science is evidence- conservation and sustainability, and
based, and understand the usefulness act accordingly
and limitations of the scientific • We need to advocate personal, family
method. and community health, hygiene and
4. Analyse and explain scientific nutrition.
phenomena relating to real-life As explained earlier in the Introduction to
experience. this Teacher’s Guide, these broad Biology
5 . Use and experiment using a range of and Health Science syllabus competences
scientific and technological tools and are to be developed with the generic
equipment, and draw appropriate competences, so that learners are able to
conclusions. communicate, use their imaginations, and
6. Develop skills that: apply critical thinking and problem-
• Are relevant to the study and practice
solving skills in a wide range of situations
of Biology both inside and outside the classroom.
• Are useful in everyday life
• Encourage a systematic approach to
Ordinary Level Biology syllabus
problem solving The syllabus lists the following key
• Encourage safe and efficient practice
competences for Biology at the end of
• Encourage effective communication
Secondary one:
through the language of science • Explain the meaning of Biology and its
• Protect learners against common
application, recall the characteristics
illnesses and fatal diseases, including common to all organisms and be able to
HIV/AIDS and malaria apply safety and first aid in daily life
• Develop motor skills to perform a
• Explain classification and its significance
variety of physical skills for leisure. • Describe the external structure of a
7. Develop attitudes and basic values typical flowering plant
relevant to Biology, such as: • Identify components, proper use and
• Concern for accuracy and precision,
care of a hand lens and light microscope
objectivity, integrity, enquiry, • Differentiate between animal and plant
initiative, inventiveness, curiosity, cells using a light microscope
research skills and creativity • Explain specialisation of cells, and the
• Peace and tolerance, justice, respect for
link between levels of organisation in
others and for human rights, solidarity multicellular organisms
and democracy, patriotism, hard work, • Identify the different food nutrients and
commitment, resilience and dignity. their significance to the human body
8. Enable learners to appreciate that: • Describe the structure and functions of
• Science is subject to social, economic,
the human gas exchange system
technological, ethical and cultural • Describe response to light and gravity by
influences and limitations plants, and explain the importance of
• The applications of Science may be
trophic responses in plants
both beneficial and detrimental to
 Introduction xxi

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• Analyse the different types of skeletons Rwanda S1 is designed to support and
and identify the main parts of human encourage teachers to embrace the
skeleton challenge of implementing the new
• Classify diseases and explain ways of Biology competence-based syllabus in
preventing the spread of infectious Secondary One.
• Explain the structure, functions and Health and safety practices for
processes of the human sexual and Biology
reproductive system, and relate to Below are 10 basic rules for ensuring
understanding sex and gender Biology is taught and learnt in a healthy
• Explain the physical, social and and safe environment:
emotional changes related to puberty 1. Use the appropriate laboratory
• Explain the process of reproduction, equipment and materials to carry out
pregnancy and childbirth. experiments.
2. Demonstrate and explain clearly to
Since all learning occurs best in context,
learners how to use the equipment
New Secondary Biology and Health Sciences for
correctly and safely.
Rwanda S1 is designed to provide learners
3. Identify potentially dangerous
in Secondary One with a range of
situations in the laboratory, classroom
meaningful and stimulating contexts that
or during fieldwork, and ways to
appeal to learners at the Lower Secondary
prevent these from happening.
Level. Knowledge, skills, attitudes and
4. Keep a first aid box in the laboratory,
values are developed through different
classroom or out in the field, and have
activities, in which learners are required to
clear procedures in place in the event
question, observe, make hypotheses,
of an emergency.
experiment, take notes, handle equipment,
5. Store all materials safely and label
work as a team and so on. A variety of
them. Lock away hazardous materials.
resources are also used for activities in the
6. Wear protective clothing (for example,
classroom and for fieldwork, including
gloves, eye gear) when handling
science equipment, microscopes, hand
hazardous materials.
lenses, natural materials, posters, charts,
7. Dispose of hazardous materials safely
sorting trays, nets and measuring devices.
and legally.
Each key unit competence is addressed
8. Keep all materials, storage facilities,
effectively, and practical and helpful advice
work surfaces and your own hands
is given on what and how to assess
clean at all times. Wear disposable
whether learners have met this
gloves when necessary.
competence. In addition, particular
9. Use ICT tools (for example,
attention is given to assisting teachers with
computers, the Internet) to
organising learners in the science
demonstrate concepts and
laboratory or during fieldwork, and with
experiments that are too dangerous to
demonstrating how to use equipment
demonstrate in a school environment.
effectively. Subject-specific vocabulary is
10. Establish clear and firm rules for
highlighted too, so that learners develop
working in the laboratory, classroom
the necessary skills to understand and use
or out in the field, and ensure all
language in scientific contexts. Thus,
learners adhere to them at all times.
New Secondary Biology and Health Sciences for

xxii     Introduction

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TOPIC Biodiversity and
(Student’s Book pages: 1 – 38)

Sub-topic: Biodiversity
  UNIT 1    Introduction to Biology (Student’s Book pages: 2–15)

Key unit competence: To be able to explain the meaning of biology and its application , recall the
characteristics common to all organisms and be able to apply safety and first aid in daily life.

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Define Biology and state its main branches
• Explain the importance of studying Biology
• Identify different forms of life from a wide range of organisms
• List the characteristics of living things
• Explain the principles of the first aid and how and when first aid kit is used
• Compare characteristics of life throughout different groups of organisms focusing on their nutrition, respiration,
excretion, reproduction, growth, sensitivity and movement
• Compare living things and explain their differences
• Practice rules and regulations governing the laboratory and know how to avoid accidents
• Use first aid kit
• Know what to do if someone is injured in the laboratory
• Acknowledge the diversity and uniqueness of different organisms
• Appreciate the importance of Biology in society.

1.  Content summary 2.  Key vocabulary

• Introduction to biology and different Characteristics, photosynthesis, toxic
branches of Biology.
• Importance of studying biology. 3.  Competences practised
Characteristics of living things: Basic competence
• Nutrition • Literacy: Listening carefully for
• Respiration understanding and seeking clarification
• Excretion when necessary
• Reproduction Generic competence
• Growth • Research and problem solving: Research
• Sensitivity the internet or library for more
• Movement information on the branches of Biology.
• Safety rules and regulations in the • Critical thinking: Learn to be safe in a
laboratory laboratory or near scientific instruments.
• First aid and first aid Kit • Communication: Communication is
crucial when dealing with an accident
in a laboratory.

UNIT 1  Introduction to Biology 1

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4.  Cross-cutting issues   Lesson 2  Characteristics of living things
Environment and sustainability: Biology SB pp. 6-8
will help us understand how living • Teacher: Explain learning objectives and
organisms interact with their any associated assessment. Review prior
environments and how they keep a learning of characteristics of living
healthy balance to survive. things. Show learners some specimens
and decide whether they are living or
5.  Classroom organisation dead. Collect learners’ ideas for
Individuals and groups in classroom/ achieving the objective(s).
laboratory • Learners: Hold a group discussion on the
characteristics of living things. Observe
6.  Teaching materials specimens and decide whether they are
Student’s Book; some specimens of living living or non-living, and give reasons.
and non-living things; Bunsen burner; • Teacher: Discuss the seven characteristics
matches; beaker; water; poster of of living things, and explain all new
laboratory safety rules; first aid kit terminology. Discuss the diversity of
organisms. Outline the learning
7.  Before you start activities with clear guidelines relating
Teacher: Explain the learning objectives to effectiveness and timing. Check
and any associated assessment. Arrange tabulation skills, and revise if necessary.
groups for oral activity. Discuss the photos Supervise learning activity. Monitor
in the Student’s Book. progress against planned timing.
Learners: Ensure they understand • Learners: Review Table 1.1 on page 7 in
clearly the objectives, activities and the Student’s Book, and learn the seven
assessment. Discuss groups of animals and characteristics of living things. Learners
diseases. Talk about the photos on page 2. to complete Activity 1.1 individually and
examine whether the learning outcomes
8.  Teaching steps [4 lessons] have been achieved. Understand the
diversity of living things.
  Lesson 1  What is Biology? SB pp. 2-6 • Teacher: Check answers to Activity 1.1.
Reinforce learning outcomes.
• Teacher: Discuss Figure 1.3 – the
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
branches of Biology. Explain new ensure all learning outcomes have been
terminology. Discuss why studying met.
biology is important. Supervise Exercise
1.1. Monitor progress against planned
timing.   Lesson 3  Safety rules and regulations
• Learners: Complete Exercise 1.1. Discuss SB pp. 8-10
whether learning outcomes have been • Teacher: Review prior learning about
achieved. safety rules. Discuss the need for safety
• Teacher: Discuss answers to Exercise 1.1.
rules. Collect learners’ ideas for
Discuss case study on page 6. Reinforce achieving the objective(s). Ensure that
learning outcomes. there is a clear understanding of
• Learners: Contribute to feedback and
objectives, activities and assessment
ensure all learning outcomes have been • Learners: Explore and give feedback
met. relevant to prior learning

2  TOPIC 1  Biodiversity and classification

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• Teacher: Arrange groups to complete 9. Support for learners with
Activity 1.2. Demonstrate safe lighting of learning difficulties
a Bunsen burner to boil water. Supervise Remedial
activity, with concern for safety. Monitor 1. List the seven characteristics of living
progress against planned timing. things.
• Learners: Do Activity 1.2 with care. 2. Write down three branches of Biology.
Focus on learning objectives, and 3. Give definitions for each of the
concentrate on learning gains from each following terms:
activity. Complete tasks, and examine a) respiration    b) sensitivity.
whether learning outcomes have been
achieved. Answers
• Teacher: Capture feedback about safety 1. Movement, sensitivity, respiration,
precautions from Activity 1.2. Reinforce nutrition, excretion, growth,
learning outcomes by reading through reproduction
safety rules. 2. Any three branches described in
• Learners: Discuss whether safety rules Figure 1.3 on page 3.
were followed. 3. a) A series of chemical reactions that
take place in all living cells to make
  Lesson 4  First aid and the first aid kit  energy
SB pp. 11-13 b) Responsiveness to changes in the
• Teacher: Explain learning objectives and
any associated assessment. Discuss the
need for a first aid kit. Arrange groups. Consolidation
Collect learners’ ideas for achieving the 1. Write down any four branches of
objective(s). Biology and explain what each one is.
• Learners: Complete Activity 1.3 in
groups. Ensure that there is a clear 2. Give three resources that we get from
understanding of objectives, activities living things.
and assessment. 3. List three essential items in a first aid kit.
• Teacher: Discuss Activity 1.3. Review
4. Prepare and present the role-play
some of the first aid outlined in the described in Activity 1.5 on page 13 in
Student’s Book. Set up first aid kits for the Student’s Book.
learners to use. Supervise learning
activities. Monitor progress against Answers
planned timing. 1. Any four branches described in
• Learners: Provide feedback for Activity
Figure 1.3 on page 3.
1.3. Complete Activity 1.4 and discuss. 2. Any resources such as food crops,
Complete tasks, and examine whether fabrics, building materials, etc.
learning outcomes have been achieved. 3. Burn shield, plasters, eyewash
• Teacher: Discuss homework to be
completed – the self-assessment on Extension
page 14-15. 1. Write down any other career in Biology
• Learners: Make sure they understand the
that is NOT mentioned in this unit.
homework task. 2. Find out the names of two plants that
are used to make medicines.
3. Find out more about respiration.

UNIT 1  Introduction to Biology 3

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Answers industry and in the production of
1. Any career such as dietician, medicines, such as antibiotics
pathologist, etc. 3. Ecology is important as we need to
2. Answers will vary. Examples: quinine look after our planet to ensure the
comes from the quinine tree; aspirin survival of all organisms, including
comes from the willow tree. humans.
3. Learners can find out more about the 4. We study Biology because:
requirements and products of • It improves our understanding of
respiration. diseases and their causes, prevention
and treatment.
10. Assessment • It helps us to meet the needs of a
growing population; for example,
Assessment Task Marking through increased food production.
type • We can understand the variety of
Formative Exercise 1.1; Observe living organisms on Earth, and why
Case study; Activity 1.2, we need to look after all of them.
Activity 1.1; question • We can appreciate how all life on
Activity 1.2 3 (boiling Earth is connected.
water) • It helps us make decisions about our
Summative Self- See answers own health and form our opinions
assessment on pp. 5 and on controversial issues, such as
6. organ donation.
• It can provide us with career
11.  Suggested answers opportunities.
5. Ecologists, entomologists
  Oral activity     (SB p. 2)
1. Any animal group. Examples: insects Case study: Why do we study Biology?
– locusts, beetles; fish – trout, perch; (SB p. 5)
mammals – donkey, lion 1. Food, clothing, shelter, medicines
2. Mammals, fish, birds, arthropods, 2. Variety – it refers to the number of
reptiles, amphibians different species on Earth.
3. Foot and mouth, tuberculosis, 3. Plants
parasites, rinderpest 4. Two plants – maize, sorghum, any
4. Heart and blood vessels vegetables; two animals – cattle and
5. Bacteria
Exercise 1.1 (SB p. 4)
1. The study of life
2. Any three branches of Biology – use
Figure 1.3 on page 3 in the Student’s
Book. Examples: taxonomy – the
study of the classification of living
things, how they are identified, and
what makes them similar and/or
different; biotechnology – the study
of the use of biological processes in

4  TOPIC 1  Biodiversity and classification

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  Activity 1.1     (SB p. 8)   Activity 1.4     (SB p. 13)
1. Nutrition, sensitivity, movement, 1. Learners should base their lists on the
reproduction, growth school’s first aid kit.
2. Learners consider the characteristics 2. This will be based on the list, but
of life shown in each specimen. should include using eyewash to wash
3. Tabulate as follows: out chemicals that may have splashed
Name of Characteristic How it into the eyes, plasters for cuts, etc.
organism of life does this 3. Learners are to think of items that
should be in the first aid kit.

  Activity 1.2     (SB p. 9)
Self-assessment answers
1. Liquid on floor, sucking liquid out of
beaker, inserting finger into electrical  (SB p. 14-15)
plug socket, beaker on edge of bench, 1. A – respiration B – growth
dripping tap, leakage from apparatus, C – nutrition D – sensitivity
candle burning near liquid, broken 2. 2.1 – B 2.2 – E
glass on floor, spilt chemical powder, 2.3 – A 2.4 – G
pouring liquid close to Bunsen 2.5 – D 2.6 – C
burner, learner not wearing shoes, 2.7 – F
pouring liquid too fast and spilling, 3. Tell the teacher.
heating test tube without safety 4. Treatment for a cut:
glasses and pointing it at other • Stop the bleeding by applying
learners direct pressure on the area.
2. Learners make lists and compare them. • Clean the area using warm water.
3. Make sure benches are clear of chemicals, • Apply an antiseptic ointment.
carefully light Bunsen burner, wear safety • Cover the cut with a sterile bandage
goggles and laboratory coats, be careful or non-stick plaster.
of hot water. • If the cut is deep, go to a clinic or

  Activity 1.3     (SB p. 11)

1. Answers will vary. Examples: burns
from spilt chemicals, cuts from
broken glass, slipping on spilt liquids
2. Learners should list items such as
burn shields, plasters, tweezers, gauze
pads and bandages.

UNIT 1  Introduction to Biology 5

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TOPIC Biodiversity and
1 classification

Sub-topic: Classification of living things

  UNIT 2    Introduction to classification (Student’s Book pages: 16–25)

Key unit competence: To be able to explain the need for, and apply classification and use identification
keys to name unknown specimens.

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Explain why we need to classify living organisms
• Name the five kingdom system of classification
• Name the characteristics of the organisms making up the five kingdoms
• Apply the binomial system of naming species
• Compare living and non-living things and explain their differences
• Explain hierarchical classification
• Explain how organisms are grouped together into different taxonomic categories
• Use simple identification keys to identify given organisms
• Appreciate the need for classification of organisms.

1.  Content summary Generic competence

• Importance of classification • Data analysis: The use of identification
• The concept of hierarchical classification keys to gather data
• The binomial system for genus and • Critical thinking: Weigh up evidence
species and make appropriate decisions based
• The five kingdom system of on experience and relevant learning
classification and the main features of
each kingdom. 4.  Cross-cutting issues
• Use of simple identification keys. Peace and values education: When you are
working in pairs or as a group during an
2.  Key vocabulary activity, work in unity and respect each
Taxonomy, hierarchical classification, other’s point of view.
binomial system, prokaryotic,
dichotomous key 5.  Classroom organisation
Pairs and groups in classroom
3.  Competences practised
Basic competence 6.  Teaching materials
• Literacy: Listening carefully for Collected specimens and photos; collected
understanding and seeking clarification specimens of a variety of organisms
when necessary

6  TOPIC 1  Biodiversity and classification

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7.  Before you start Figure 2.4, on page 19. Show learners
• Teacher: Explain the learning objectives pictures and/or specimens from each
and any associated assessment. Review kingdom.
prior learning. Collect learners’ ideas for • Learners: Classify examples of organisms
achieving the objective(s). Facilitate oral into each of the five kingdoms.
activity. • Teacher: Practise the mnemonic for the
• Learners: In groups, complete oral classification groups. Reinforce learning
activity about living and non-living outcomes.
things. Guess the number of different • Learners: Contribute to feedback and ensure
animals and plants in Rwanda. Discuss all learning outcomes have been met.
how to put into groups.
  Lesson 3  The binomial system
8.  Teaching steps [5 lessons] SB pp. 20-22
• Teacher: Remind learners about the need
  Lesson 1  T
 he importance of to name organisms. Explain language
classification SB p. 17 difficulties.
• Teacher: Discuss the need for • Learners: Discuss how the naming of
classification of the diverse plants and organisms needs to be universal.
animals in Rwanda. Outline Activity 2.1 • Teacher: Develop the concept of the
and give clear guidelines relating to binomial system using examples. Set up
effectiveness and timing. Supervise the specimens and photos for learners to
activity and revise tabulation if necessary. place in groups. Monitor progress against
Monitor progress against planned timing. planned timing.
• Learners: Complete Activity 2.1 in pairs. • Learners: Practise naming different
Ensure tabulation is correct. Complete organisms. Place specimens into groups
tasks and examine whether learning based on characteristics.
outcomes have been achieved.
• Teacher: Capture feedback from Activity
2.1. Reinforce learning outcomes.   Lesson 4  Use simple identification keys
• Learners: Contribute to feedback and
SB p. 23
ensure all learning outcomes have been • Teacher: Ask learners how they would
met. classify the things in their desks or
pencil boxes. Explain what an
identification key is.
  Lesson 2  T
 he concept of hierarchical • Learners: Look in desks or pencil cases,
classification SB pp. 18-19 and arrange items in groups.
• Teacher: Consolidate the need for • Teacher: Refer to Figure 2.5. Go slowly
classification of the diverse plants and and carefully through the steps for using
animals in Rwanda. Explain the term a key in Activity 2.2.
‘hierarchical classification’. • Learners: Work out how to use
• Learners: Refer to the photos and identification keys.
diagrams in the Student’s Book. • Teacher: Consolidate how to use a key.
• Teacher: Discuss the five kingdoms used Reinforce learning outcomes.
for classification, and explain the • Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
characteristics of each one. Use the ensure all learning outcomes have been
example of real classifications in met.

UNIT 2  Introduction to classification 7

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  Lesson 5  Use simple identification keys Consolidation
SB p. 23 1. Give an example of one organism in
• Teacher: Consolidate identification keys.
each kingdom.
Set up specimens and pictures of 2. Explain how the binomial system works.
different organisms. 3. List the features of plants.
• Learners: Check understanding of steps
in using an identification key. Answers
• Teacher: Refer to question 5 in Activity
1. Animal – human; plants – maize; fungi
2.2. Outline the learning activities with – mushroom; protoctista – amoeba;
clear guidelines relating to effectiveness monera – bacteria
and timing. Learners to complete 2. Each organism is given two names: a
question 5 using specimens. Monitor genus and a species name. These are
progress against planned timing. Latin names, so they are recognised
• Learners: Draw up an identification key
using specimens and/or photos. 3. They contain chlorophyll and have cell
Complete tasks and examine whether walls.
learning outcomes have been achieved.
• Teacher: Consolidate how to use a key.
Reinforce learning outcomes. 1. What does the word ‘prokaryotic’ mean?
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
2. Find out the scientific names of any
ensure all learning outcomes have been three organisms not mentioned in this
met. unit.
3. Design an identification key. Collect
9. Support for learners with four different leaves from outside. Call
learning difficulties them A, B, C and D. Draw up a key to
Remedial  identify them. Let other learners test
1. Name the five kingdoms of organisms. your key.
2. Identify the kingdoms to which each of
these organisms belongs: Answers
a) It has a cell wall and chloroplasts. 1. It means that there is no membrane
b) It is a single cell. around the genetic material of an
c) It reproduces by means of spores. organism.
3. In the name Panthera leo, which is the
species and which is the genus name? 10. Assessment

Answers Assessment Task Marking

1. Animals, plants, fungi, protoctista, type
monera Formative Activity 2.1; Mark in class
2. a) Plants Exercise 2.1
b) Protoctista Summative Self- See answers
c) Fungi assessment below and on
3. Panthera is the genus; leo is the species. p. 11.

8  TOPIC 1  Biodiversity and classification

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11. Suggested answers 12.

  Activity 2.1     (SB p. 17) Self-assessment answers

1. Living: frog, sprouting seed;  (SB pp. 24-25)
non-living: aeroplane, tree log 1.
2. The frog and the seed show the seven Kingdom Animalia Cow, perch, locust,
characteristics of living things; the lion, donkey,
aeroplane and the log do not. leopard
3. a) Aeroplane Phylum Chordata Cow, perch, lion,
b) Tree log donkey, leopard
4. Animal: frog; plant: sprouting seed Class Mammalia Cow, lion, donkey,
5. The frog feeds on other organisms leopard
and moves around. The sprout is Order Carnivora Lion, leopard
green, so it contains chlorophyll and Family Felidae Lion, leopard
makes its own food in the presence of (cats)
2. Learners to draw a dichotomous
key using visible features to identify
Exercise 2.1 (SB p. 21)
the following:
1. Animals,
 plants, fungi, protoctista,
A – fish; B – pigeon; C– butterfly; D
– ant.
2.  a) Plants
b) Protoctista
c) Fungi
1. Has a backbone
3) species, genus, family, order, class,
_____________________________  See 2
phylum, kingdom
Does not have a backbone
____________________________  See 3
Exercise 2.2 (SB p. 22)
2. Moves by means of wings
1. a) Linnaeus
_______________________________  Pigeon
b) Hierarchical classification
Moves by means of fins
c) Taxonomy
_______________________________ Fish
2.1 – F 2.2 – D 2.3 – E 2.4 – B
3. Can fly ____________________  Butterfly
2.5 – G 2.6 – C 2.7 – A
Cannot fly ________________________  Ant
Homework (SB p. 22)

Kingdom Animalia Buffalo, hyena, hare,

cheetah, jellyfish,
Phylum Chordata Buffalo, hyena, hare,
cheetah, lynx
Class Mammalia Buffalo, hyena, hare,
cheetah, lynx
Order Carnivora Hyena, cheetah, lynx
Family Felidae Cheetah, lynx

UNIT 2  Introduction to classification 9

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TOPIC Biodiversity and
1 classification

Sub-topic: Classification of living things

  UNIT 3   The external structure and importance of flowering
plants (Student’s Book pages: 26-39)

Key unit competence: To be able to analyse the external structure of a typical flowering plant

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Explain why we need to use magnifying instruments
• Identify a given unknown specimen
• Recall that a hand lens is a simple magnifying glass for observing relatively small objects
• Identify the different components of a light microscope and explain their functions
• Recall that microscopes are delicate instruments that need great care
• Explain that the light microscope has various levels of magnification
• List the features of a good biological drawing
• Explain that magnification is the number of times larger an image is than the object (specimen) under the microscope
• Manipulate a hand lens to observe relatively small specimens
• Manipulate a light microscope to observe various specimens from prepared slides
• Illustrate the biological specimens observed under a light microscope
• Illustrate well labelled biological diagrams of specimens
• Compare the relationship between the actual size of the specimen and its image
• Measure and calculate the magnification of a given specimen
• Appreciate the need for using a light microscope and a hand lens in observation of specimens
• Show perseverance when making scientific observations
• Show care and proper use of the magnifying instruments.

1.  Content summary 3.  Key competences practised

• External structure of a flowering plant Basic competence
limited to the shoot system: stems, • Literacy: Listening carefully for
leaves and flowers. understanding and seeking clarification
• External structure of root systems and when necessary
functions. Generic competence
• Functions of modified stems, leaves and • Data analysis and presentation of
roots. findings: Learn how to collect data,
• Importance of flowering plants. analyse and present findings.
• Communication: Develop good
2.  Key vocabulary communicating skills when working in
Monocotyledons, dicotyledons, node, groups.
internode, pollination, dispersal, modified, • Research: Research hydroponics
asexual reproduction, lamina, petiole,
surface area, midrib, influorescence,
ovules, tap root, fibrous root

10  TOPIC 1  Biodiversity and classification

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4.  Cross-cutting issues 8.  Teaching steps [10 lessons]
Environment and sustainability: We
need to ensure that we use sustainable   Lesson 1  T
 he external structure of a
farming practices in Rwanda. flowering plant SB p. 27
• Teacher: Describe the structure of a
5.  Classroom organisation flowering plant using the specimen.
Individuals, pairs and groups in Draw a table to show the differences
classroom/laboratory between monocotyledonous and
dicotyledonous plants. Monitor progress
6.  Teaching materials against planned timing.
Specimens of flowering plants (with roots, • Learners: Observe the specimens of
stem, leaves and flowers) – one monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous
monocotyledon and one dicotyledon, e.g. plants. Analyse the differences listed in
a bean plant or black jack; a hand lens; Table 3.1 on page 27 in the Student’s Book.
specimens or photos of a rhizome of Complete tasks, and examine whether
ginger, a canna lily, couch grass or potato; learning outcomes have been achieved.
a creeping stem of oxalis; a corm of coco • Teacher: Prepare learners for doing
yam; a stolon of a strawberry; specimens Experiment 3.1 in the next lesson by
of different types of leaves and of revising biological drawings. Reinforce
modified leaves, e.g. onion, cactus; learning outcomes.
specimens of different flowers; plants with • Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
fibrous and tap root systems; examples of ensure all learning outcomes have been
modified roots such as carrots, cassava and met.
sweet potato; specimens or photos of prop
roots of maize or sugarcane; clasping roots
of vanilla; aerial roots of Ficus; buttress   Lesson 2  T he external structure of a
roots of flamboyant tree; breathing roots flowering plant SB pp. 27-28
of white mangrove; stilt roots of red • Teacher: Arrange learners in pairs.
mangrove; storage root of carrot or sweet Provide guidance for Experiment 3.1.
potato; reference books • Learners: Read instructions for
Experiment 3.1.
7.  Before you start • Teacher: Facilitate learners’ completion
• Teacher: Arrange learners in groups. of Experiment 3.1. Monitor progress
Facilitate discussion on prior knowledge against planned timing.
from Upper Primary about the functions • Learners: Complete Experiment 3.1, and
of flowers and asexual reproduction. examine whether learning outcomes
Discuss the importance of food crops in have been achieved.
reference to Figure 3.1. • Teacher: Check drawings. Reiterate main
• Learners: Do the Oral activity in groups. parts of the plant. Set Exercise 3.1 for
Ensure a clear understanding of homework. Reinforce learning outcomes.
objectives, activities and assessment. • Learners: Do Exercise 3.1 for homework.
Contribute to feedback, and ensure all
learning outcomes have been met.

UNIT 3  The external structure and importance of flowering plants 11

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  Lesson 3  The stem SB pp. 28-29   Lesson 5  Leaves SB p. 31
• Teacher: Set up specimens of different • Teacher: Revise leaf structure. Review
stems. Discuss stem modifications. modified leaves with reference to Figure
Revise biological drawings. 3.6. Discuss functions of modified
• Learners: Consolidate position and leaves. Outline the learning activities
features of stem. with clear guidelines relating to
• Teacher: Describe how the stem’s effectiveness and timing.
structure is related to its functions. • Learners: Complete tasks, and examine
Outline the learning activities with clear whether learning outcomes have been
guidelines relating to effectiveness and achieved.
timing. Learners complete Experiment • Teacher: Consolidate structure related to
3.2. Monitor progress against planned function. Reinforce learning outcomes.
timing. • Learners: Contribute to feedback and
• Learners: Complete Experiment 3.2. ensure all learning outcomes have been
Complete tasks and examine whether met.
learning outcomes have been achieved.
• Teacher: Check drawings. Consolidate
structure and function relationship.   Lesson 6  Flowers SB p. 32
Reinforce learning outcomes. • Teacher: Use specimens of flowers to
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and show learners the different parts of a
ensure all learning outcomes have been flower. Decide whether specimen is a
met. monocotyledon or a dicotyledon.
• Learners: Observe flower parts.
• Learners: Identify the parts of a flower
  Lesson 4  Leaves SB pp. 30-31 and explain the function of each part.
• Teacher: Use specimens to show how Complete Exercise 3.1. Complete tasks
leaves can differ. Recall differences in and examine whether learning
leaves in monocotyledons and outcomes have been achieved.
dicotyledons. • Teacher: Discuss answers to Exercise 3.1.
• Learners: Observe leaves. Reinforce learning outcomes.
• Teacher: Review leaves with reference to • Learners: Contribute to feedback and
Figure 3.5. Outline the learning ensure all learning outcomes have been
activities with clear guidelines relating met.
to effectiveness and timing. Discuss the
functions of leaves.
• Learners: Ensure they know new   Lesson 7  Revision
terminology and functions of the parts • Teacher: Revise prior knowledge about the
of leaves as shown in Table 3.2 on structure of parts of plants. Arrange
page 31 in the Student’s Book. learners in groups and distribute
• Teacher: Consolidate structure related to specimens.
function. Reinforce learning outcomes. • Learners: Ensure they understand the
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and structure and functions of plant parts.
ensure all learning outcomes have been • Teacher: Check that biological drawing
met. rules are followed. Outline the learning
activities with clear guidelines relating

12  TOPIC 1  Biodiversity and classification

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to effectiveness and timing. Facilitate • Learners: Understand the importance of
completing Experiment 3.3. plants.
• Learners: Complete Experiment 3.3. • Teachers: Outline Activity 3.2, giving
Complete tasks, and examine whether clear guidelines relating to report
learning outcomes have been achieved. writing, effectiveness and time frame.
• Teacher: Check drawings and functions Monitor progress against planned
of parts. Reinforce learning outcomes. timing.
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and • Learners: Complete Activity 3.2.
ensure all learning outcomes have been Examine whether learning outcomes
met. have been achieved.
• Teacher: Reinforce learning outcomes.
  Lesson 8  T
 he external structure of a • Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
root system  SB pp. 33-34 ensure all learning outcomes have been
• Teacher: Consolidate prior knowledge of
parts of plants. Revise differences
between roots of monocotyledonous   Lesson 10  Assessment  SB p. 36
and dicotyledonous plants. Arrange
• Teacher: Give guidance on peer
learners in groups.
• Learners: Explore and give feedback
assessment. Arrange learners in pairs.
• Learners: Read through the assessment
relevant to prior learning.
• Teacher: Use specimens to show
• Teacher: Monitor progress of assessment
different root systems: tap and fibrous.
Discuss the main functions of roots. activity against planned timing.
Describe root modifications using Introduce formal assessment task.
• Learners: Complete assessment activity
examples. Outline Experiment 3.5 with
clear guidelines relating to effectiveness in pairs. Complete Formal assessment
and timing. Monitor progress against task, and examine whether learning
planned timing. outcomes have been achieved.
• Teacher: Reinforce learning outcomes.
• Learners: Observe types of roots,
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
understand their functions and identify
modifications of roots. Complete ensure all learning outcomes have been
Experiment 3.5. Complete tasks, and met.
examine whether learning outcomes
have been achieved. 9. Support for learners with
• Teacher: Collate feedback from
learning difficulties
Experiment 3.5. Check accuracy of Remedial
drawings. Reinforce learning outcomes. If learners have difficulty grasping the
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
structure of flowering plants, give them
ensure all learning outcomes have been the following three questions:
met. 1. Define each of these words:
a) node
b) stamens
  Lesson 9  T
 he importance of c) lamina
flowering plants SB p. 35 d) modified
• Teacher: Outline the importance of
e) petiole
plants to human beings. f) midrib.

UNIT 3  The external structure and importance of flowering plants 13

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2. Draw a diagram to show the difference c) Light is needed for photosynthesis,
between a tap root system and a fibrous so a large surface area enables more
root system. photosynthesis to occur.
3. Give two examples of plants that have 2. a) Ginger, potato, yam, strawberry,
modified: banana, sisal
a) roots b) Carrot, sugarcane, sweet potato
b) stems c) Onion, garlic, succulent, cactus
c) leaves. 3. a) Absorb water and mineral salts and
provide anchorage in soil.
Answers b) Transport water and food and
1. a) The place where a shoot/leaf provide support for the leaf.
attaches to the stem c) Provide attachment for leaves and
b) The male parts of the flower; they flowers; support fruits; can
consist of the anthers and the photosynthesise; transport water
filaments and food.
c) The thin, flat surface of the leaf
d) Changed for a particular function Extension
e) The short stalk that attaches a leaf 1. Some plants are modified for asexual
to the stem reproduction by having suckers and
f) The main vein in a leaf stolons. Find out about other ways in
2. See Figure 3.8 on page 33. which plants can reproduce asexually.
3. a) Carrot, sweet potato 2. A plant has flowers parts in multiples
b) Ginger, potato, yam of four and a net-like pattern of veins.
c) Onion, garlic, cactus What type of plant is this?

Consolidation Answers
1. a) What is meant by the term ‘surface 1. Use the following websites for research:
b) Why does a leaf have a large surface reproduction.html
c) How does this help the leaf in its reproduction-in-plants-advantages-
function of photosynthesis? disadvantages-types.html
2. List three plants that have modified: 2. It is a dicotyledonous plant.
a) stems
b) roots 10. Assessment
c) leaves.
3. Give two functions of: Assessment Task Marking
a) roots type
b) veins Formative Exercise 3.1; Mark Activity
c) stems. drawings from 3.2 report
Experiment using checklist
Answers 3.2; 1, below.
1. a) ‘Surface area’ refers to the area of Experiment
the outside part of an object. 3.3, question
b) To trap the maximum amount of 3; Exercise 3.2;
light energy Activity 3.2

14  TOPIC 1  Biodiversity and classification

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Summative Activity 3.1, Mark using Internode – the distance between two
drawings checklist 2 on shoots
p. 18. Leaves – photosynthesis
Peer See answers Stem – supports flowers and leaves;
assessment on p. 19. pathway for transport of water and
Formal See answers food
assessment on pp. 19 and Flowers – reproductive structures
20. Fruits – contain seeds
Roots – absorb soil water; anchor the
Checklist 1 plant into the soil.
2. A maize plant is a monocotyledonous
Report … Yes No plant, so its leaf venation, root system
1. is accurate 1 0 and flower structure will be different.
2. contains sufficient information 1 0
3. uses some subheadings 1 0 Exercise 3.2 (SB p. 32)
4. shows evidence of research 1 0 1 a) Carries food made by
5. is neat and well presented 1 0
photosynthesis from the leaf to the
stem; transports mineral salts and
Total 5 5
water from the stem to the leaf;
supports the leaf.
Checklist 2
b) The transfer of pollen grains from
the stamens to the stigma.
Drawing … Yes No
c) A plant that has one seed leaf, or
1. is accurate 1 0 cotyledon.
2. has correct labels for features or 1 0 2 a) Leaves are the main organs of
parts photosynthesis.
3. is large and clear 1 0 b) Leaves are suited to their function in
4. has straight label lines 1 0 the following ways:
5. has a heading/title 1 0 • They have a large surface area, to
Total 5 5 trap sunlight.
• They contain chlorophyll, which
11. Suggested answers is needed for photosynthesis.
Experiment 3.1 (SB p. 27) • They contain stomata, which
3. Check that learners have correctly enable the exchange of gases.
labelled shoot system, root system, • Their veins transport water to the
bud, node, internode, leaves, stem, cells for photosynthesis and move
flowers, fruits and roots. the products of photosynthesis to
other parts of the plant.
Exercise 3.1 (SB p. 28) 3. A monocotyledonous plant
1. Shoot system – enables the plants to
make leaves Experiment 3.5 (SB p. 33)
Root system – absorbs soil water; • Prop roots – large roots above ground
anchors the plant into the soil that support the plant.
Bud – produces new leaves and flowers • Clasping roots – roots with outgrowths
Node – the place where shoots form on that can twist around other plants for
the main stem support.

UNIT 3  The external structure and importance of flowering plants 15

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• Aerial roots – thick roots above ground • It contains stomata, which enable
that support the plant. the exchange of gases.
• Buttress roots – thick roots above • Its veins transport water to the cells
ground that support the plant. for photosynthesis and move the
• Breathing roots – roots with large spaces products of photosynthesis to
between their cells to enable gases to other parts of the plant.
move through them.
• Stilt roots – large roots above ground 13.
that provide support.
• Storage roots – roots that contain tissues Formal assessment answers
that can be used to store carbohydrates.
 (SB pp. 37-38)
Learners to make labelled drawings of
1. A – mongoose
some roots that they have collected.
B – black-backed jackal
  Activity 3.2     C – bat-eared fox
(SB p. 35)
D – duiker
Learners should research plants that are E – buffalo
used in Rwanda. For example, they F – large-scaled girdled lizard
could discuss food crops grown in their G – scorpion
local area, plants that are used as H –blue crane (8)
medicines in their community, and 2. a) Modified leaves 
plants used to make different items, e.g. b) Modified stem
cotton, sisal, wood for construction and c) Modified root (3)
furniture. 3. 3.1 Animals
3.2 Plants
3.3 Accept any plant, e.g. hibiscus
12.  3.4 Reproduce by means of spores/
do not photosynthesise 
Peer assessment answers 3.5 Mushroom/yeast
 (SB p. 36) 3.6 Protoctista 
1. a) Lamina 3.7 Do not have a nucleus (7)
b) Tap root 4. a) Learners draw a labelled
c) Monocotyledons diagram similar to Figure 3.7 on
2. Learners to draw a diagram of a page 32 in the Student’s Book. (8)
flower using Figure 3.7 on page 32 in b) Tap root and fibrous root
the Student’s Book to help them. system (2)
Then, they must ask their partners to c) Flowering plants are important
label the different parts: petals, because they:
sepals, stigma, style, anther, ovary, • are a food source for animals
nectary, carpel and stamen. and people
3. The leaf is adapted in the following • maintain a balance of gases in
ways to enable it to photosynthesise: the atmosphere
• It has a large surface area, to trap • are important food crops
sunlight. • provide shelter
• It contains chlorophyll, which is • are a source of timber
needed for photosynthesis. • can be used to make medicines

16  TOPIC 1  Biodiversity and classification

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• can be used to make fabrics
• help to make our surroundings
beautiful. (Any 3) (3)
5. Use rubric 1 to mark the poster: (14)

Rubric 1


5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Very good Good Fair Needs help
Headings, main Excellent. Clear heading. Clear heading. Heading Not clear/
points, facts/ Bold heading. Facts clear Facts mostly clear but not muddled.
concepts Relevant facts. and well clear and well appropriate. Important
Interesting, ordered. Well ordered Facts clear facts left out/
with evidence researched. but not well lost in detail
of research ordered
and insight
Interesting Excellent Good Adequate Poorly
information information. information. information. researched.
Evidence of Evidence of Little evidence Insufficient
extensive some research of research information
Organisation, Excellent Eye-catching. Adequate
layout, layout and Good use use of colour
aesthetic organised use of colour/ and order in
appeal, use of of relevant additional layout.
colour visuals/colour. relevant A good effort
Strikingly pictures.
appealing Appealing
Total marks: 45

UNIT 3  The external structure and importance of flowering plants 17

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TOPIC Organisation and
2 maintenance of life
(Student’s Book pages: 39 – 110)

Sub-topic: Cell structure

  UNIT 4   Magnifying instruments and
biological drawings (Student’s Book pages: 40-49)

Key unit competence: To be able to explain the components and demonstrate proper use and care of a
hand lens and light microscope.

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Explain why we need to use magnifying instruments
• Identify a given unknown specimen
• Recall that a hand lens is a simple magnifying glass for observing relatively small objects
• Identify the different components of a light microscope and explain their functions
• Recall that microscopes are delicate instruments that need great care
• Explain that the light microscope has various levels of magnification
• List the features of a good biological drawing
• Explain that magnification is the number of times larger an image is than the object (specimen) under the
• Manipulate a hand lens to observe relatively small specimens
• Manipulate a light microscope to observe various specimens from prepared slides
• Illustrate the biological specimens observed under a light microscope
• Illustrate well labelled biological diagrams of specimens
• Compare the relationship between the actual size of the specimen and its image
• Measure and calculate the magnification of a given specimen
• Appreciate the need for using a light microscope and a hand lens in observation of specimens
• Show perseverance when making scientific observations
• Show care and proper use of the magnifying instruments.

1.  Content summary 3.  Competences practised

• Need for magnifying instruments in Basic competence
Biology • Literacy: Listening carefully for
• Features of a hand lens understanding and seeking clarification
• Parts of a light microscope. when necessary
• Functioning of the light microscope • Science and technology: Learn how to
• Biological drawings use magnifying instruments and how to
• Calculation of magnification. take care of them.
Generic competence
2.  Key vocabulary • Data analysis and presentation of
Magnified, epidermis, proportion, findings: Collect biological specimens
magnification for Homework activity

18  TOPIC 2  Organisation and maintenance of life

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4.  Cross-cutting issue • Teacher: Consolidate what
Environment and sustainability: Think magnification is and which instruments
about how you dispose of microscopes and are used for magnifying specimens.
other old pieces of technology. How can Reinforce learning outcomes.
you do this in a way that doesn’t damage • Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
the environment? ensure all learning outcomes have been
5.  Classroom organisation
Pairs and groups in classroom/laboratory   Lesson 2  P
 arts and functioning of a
microscope SB pp. 42-43
6.  Teaching materials • Teacher: Show learners a hand lens. Pass
Hand lenses; microscopes; microscope it around the class, and let the learners
slides; glycerine; razor blade; pollen grains; look through it.
cover slips; needle; forceps or small • Learners: Understand how hand lenses
tweezers; dropper; onion bulb; iodine and microscopes enlarge images.
solution; dead fly or mosquito; biological • Teacher: Demonstrate the compound
specimens microscope and the functions of its parts
using an actual microscope, or use
7.  Before you start Figure 4.5 on page 42 in the Student’s
• There are practical activities in this unit
Book. Outline the learning activities
for which you will need to prepare in with clear guidelines relating to
advance of the lessons. If your school effectiveness and timing. Learners
does not have sufficient microscopes for complete Experiment 4.2 in groups.
the learners to use, you can do the Monitor progress against planned
practical activities as a demonstration. timing.
• Teacher: Discuss the new topic and
• Learners: Observe the parts and
sub-topics. Look at Figure 4.1, and start functions of a light microscope.
learners thinking about why we need Complete Experiment 4.2, and examine
microscopes. Establish prior knowledge. whether the learning outcomes have
Arrange learners in groups. been achieved.
• Learners: Understand the content of the
• Teacher: Ensure learners are confident
new topic and learning outcomes. with the parts and functions of the
microscope in preparation for the next
8.  Teaching steps [6 lessons] lesson. Reinforce learning outcomes.
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
  Lesson 1  W hy do we need magnifying ensure all learning outcomes have been
instruments? SB p. 41 met.
• Teacher: Outline the learning activities
with clear guidelines relating to
effectiveness and timing. Facilitate the   Lesson 3  H
 ow to use and store a
oral activity. Monitor progress against microscope SB pp. 43-44
planned timing. • Teacher: Read through the instructions
• Learners: Complete the oral activity in for Activities 4.1 and 4.2, and
groups. Complete tasks, and examine demonstrate how to use and store the
whether learning outcomes have been microscope. Emphasise the need to look

UNIT 4  Magnifying instruments and biological drawings 19

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after microscopes and handle them   Lesson 5  Biological drawings
properly. SB pp. 46-48
• Learners: Listen carefully to how to use a • Teacher: Discuss learners’ drawings from
microscope. the previous lesson. How could they be
• Teacher: Outline the learning activities improved?
with clear guidelines relating to • Learners: Look at drawings, and comment
effectiveness and timing. Learners on how they could be improved.
complete Activities 4.1 and 4.2. • Teacher: Make a list of features of a good
Facilitate learners as they work through biological drawing. Discuss
the two activities. Monitor progress magnification, and work though the
against planned timing. worked example on page 48 in the
• Learners: Complete Activities 4.1 and Student’s Book. Then relate
4.2, and examine whether learning magnification to biological drawings.
outcomes have been achieved. Do the worked example. If time allows,
• Teacher: Check that microscopes have ask learners to do Exercise 4.1, or set this
been safely packed away. Reinforce as a homework task.
learning outcomes. • Learners: Think of ways to improve
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and drawings, and examine whether
ensure all learning outcomes have been learning outcomes have been achieved.
met. • Teacher: Check answers to Exercise 4.1 if
it was completed in class. Reinforce
  Lesson 4  E
 xperiment using a learning outcomes.
microscope SB pp. 44-45 • Learners: Contribute to feedback and
• Teacher: Explain to learners that they ensure all learning outcomes have been
will be using hand lenses and met.
microscopes to view specimens. Outline
the learning activities with clear
guidelines relating to effectiveness and   Lesson 6  Assessment  SB p. 49
timing. Demonstrate how to peel off the • Teacher: Allow learners time to go
onion skin and make the slide. outside to collect specimens for viewing.
Emphasise caution with the handling of • Learners: Collect specimens.
the razor blade. Briefly discuss drawing, • Teacher: Outline the learning activities
as this will be covered in more detail in with clear guidelines relating to
the next lesson. Learners complete effectiveness and timing. Learners
Experiment 4.3, and answer the complete Experiment 4.3. Monitor
questions. Monitor progress against progress against planned timing.
planned timing. • Learners: Complete Experiment 4.3. Use
• Learners: Observe how to make a slide. a hand lens to view the specimen and
Complete tasks, and examine whether do a neat biological drawing. Calculate
learning outcomes have been achieved. the magnification of the drawing.
• Teacher: Discuss the answers to the questions. Examine whether learning outcomes
Reinforce care of the microscopes. have been achieved.
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and • Teacher: Discuss difficulties that learners
ensure all learning outcomes have been may have had during the activity.
met. Reinforce learning outcomes. Set the
assessment task for homework.

20  TOPIC 2  Organisation and maintenance of life

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• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and Answers
ensure all learning outcomes have been 1. 10 × 100 = 1,000×
met. 2. 10 ÷ 2 = 5×
3. 15 ÷ 3 = 5×
9. Support for learners with
learning difficulties Extension
Remedial  1. List two advantages and one
1. Copy Figure 4.7 to practise biological disadvantage of hand lenses.
drawing. 2. Find a leaf that has an epidermis that is
2. A learner looks through a microscope easy to peel off. View the epidermis
using a 10× eyepiece lens and a 40× using a microscope.
nosepiece lens. What is the total 3. A learner draws a specimen using a
magnification that he or she is using? scale bar. His scale bar shows that 1 cm
3. A learner draws a leaf 20 cm long. The represents 50 m. His drawing is 10 cm
leaf is actually 4 cm long. What is the in length. What is the actual length of
magnification of the drawing? the specimen?

Answers Answers
1. Assess the drawing use this checklist: 1. Advantages – easy to carry in the field;
• is accurate easy to operate; not as fragile as a
• has correct labels for features or parts microscope
• is drawn with single, unbroken lines Disadvantages – can only view at lower
• is large and clear magnifications
• has straight label lines 3. 10 × 50 = 500 m
• has a heading/title
• is not shaded or coloured in. 10.
2. 10 × 40 = 400×
3. 20 ÷ 4 = 5× Assessment answers

Assessment Task Marking

1. A learner looks through a microscope
Formative Experiment Observe
using a 10× eyepiece lens and a 100×
4.2; Activity Experiment
nosepiece lens. What is the total
4.1; Exercise 4.2 and
magnification that he or she is using? 4.1 Activity 4.1.
2. A learner draws a leaf 10 cm long. The
Summative Experiment Mark using
leaf is actually 2 cm long. What is the
4.3; checklist 3 on
magnification of the drawing? Homework page 22.
3. A learner draws a leaf 15 cm long. The drawing
leaf is actually 3 cm long. What is the Self- See answers
magnification of the drawing? assessment on p. 22.

UNIT 4  Magnifying instruments and biological drawings 21

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Checklist 3 Exercise 4.2  (SB p. 48)
1. Assess the drawing use this checklist:
Drawing … Yes No • is accurate
1. is accurate 1 0 • has correct labels for features or parts
2. has correct labels for features or 1 0 • is drawn with single, unbroken lines
parts • is large and clear
3. is large and clear 1 0 • has straight label lines
• has a heading/title
4. has straight label lines 1 0
• is not shaded or coloured in.
5. has a heading/title 1 0
2. 10 × 40 = 400×
Total 5 5
11.  Suggested answers
Experiment 4.2  (SB p. 42) Self-assessment answers
2. Use Figure 4.5 on page 42 in the
 (SB p. 49)
Student’s Book.
1. Hand lens and light microscope
Experiment 4.3 (SB pp. 44-45)
1. You can use a hand lens outside the Eyepiece Objective Total
magnification lens magnification
laboratory. You can change the
magnification of a microscope, which
5× 25× 125×
you cannot do with a hand lens.
10× 10× 100×
2. Advantage of hand lens – easy to use
outside. 3. 3 ÷ 1,5 = 2×
Advantage of microscope – can view 4. A – coarse focus adjustment knob
specimens at a higher magnification. B – nosepiece objective lens
3. The high power objective is very close C – stage
to the glass slide. If you use the coarse D – diaphragm
focus adjustment knob, the objective E – mirror
lens will go through the slide.

Exercise 4.1 (SB p. 48)

1. 12 ÷ 4 = 3×
2. 10 × 25 = 250×

22  TOPIC 2  Organisation and maintenance of life

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TOPIC Organisation and
2 maintenance of life

Sub-topic: Cell structure

  UNIT 5    Plant and animal cells (Student’s Book pages: 50-57)

Key unit competence: To be able to differentiate between animal and plant cells using a light microscope.

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Explain the role of a cell in a living organism
• Describe the structure of a plant and animal cells
• Identify the different parts of the cell
• Explain the uses of the various structures seen under the light microscope in the plant and animal cell
• Explain that cells with high rates of metabolism contain large numbers of mitochondria for sufficient energy
• Organize a science practical setup according to given instructions
• Prepare slides of human cheek cells and epidermal cells of an onion
• Explain the differences in the structure of plant and animal cells seen under a light microscope
• Demonstrate that plant and animal cells differ in shape
• Appreciate the importance of cells in organisms
• Show perseverance when observing slides of plant and animal cells
• Pay attention while handling delicate slides and sharp instruments to avoid injury.

1.  Content summary 3.  Competences practised

• The cell as a basic unit of life. Basic competence
• The structure of a plant to (cellulose) • Literacy: Listening carefully for
cell wall, nucleus, cytoplasm, understanding and seeking clarification
chloroplasts, vacuoles and location of when necessary
the cell membrane. • Science and technology: Use microscopes
• The structure of animal cell limited to and micrographs to identify structures
cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm and not seen with the naked eye.
vacuoles. Generic competence
• Uses of the structures seen under the • Research: Use the library or internet to
light microscope in the plant and research other cell organelles not learnt
animal cell. in the unit.
• Role of mitochondrion.
4.  Cross-cutting issue
2.  Key vocabulary Standardisation culture: You need to buy
Unicellular, multicellular, organelles, good quality materials, that are not
selectively permeable, enzymes, harmful to humans.
permeable, chlorophyll

UNIT 5  Plant and animal cells 23

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5.  Classroom organisation Experiment 5.1, and examine whether
Individuals and groups in classroom/ learning outcomes have been achieved.
laboratory • Teacher: Make sure learners pack up
carefully. Set Exercise 5.1 for homework.
6.  Teaching materials Reinforce learning outcomes.
Microscope; prepared slides of onion • Learners: Pay attention to storing
epidermis and human cheek cells; drawing microscopes correctly.
paper; slides of micrographs of organelles;
  Lesson 2  S
 tructures found in plant and
7.  Before you start animal cells SB pp. 51-54
• This unit is an introduction to plant and
• Teacher: List structures in both plant
animal cells. Try to find some and animal cells.
micrographs of different organelles in • Learners: Understand that there are
books or on the Internet. Emphasise the some organelles that are common to
differences between plant and animal plant and animal cells.
cells. • Teacher: Use slides to explain the
• Teacher: Introduce the unit by referring
structure and function of the cell
to specimens of onion cells viewed in membrane, nucleus, mitochondria and
the last unit. Establish prior knowledge vacuoles.
of cells. Arrange learners in groups for • Learners: Review Exercise 5.1, and
oral activity. examine whether learning outcomes
• Learners: Discuss cells as seen in onion
have been achieved.
epidermis slides. Complete oral activity • Teacher: Discuss the answers to
in groups Exercise 5.1. Reinforce learning
8.  Teaching steps [4 lessons] • Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
ensure all learning outcomes have been
  Lesson 1  The cell SB p. 51 met.

• Teacher: Describe the cell, and

distinguish between unicellular and   Lesson 3  S
 tructures that are found only
multicellular organisms. Refer to the in plant cells
diagrams of a plant and an animal cell  SB p. 55
in Figure 5.2 on page 51 in the Student’s • Teacher: List structures in plant cells.
Book. Describe structures common to • Learners: Understand that there are
both. Arrange groups for some organelles that are found only in
Experiment 5.1. Distribute prepared plant cells.
slides. Remind learners about setting up • Teacher: Use slides to explain the
and using microscopes. Facilitate structure and functions of the cell wall
learners’ progress, and check that they and chloroplasts. Use Table 5.1 on
can calculate magnification. page 55 in the Student’s Book to show
• Learners: Complete the oral activity in
the differences between plant and
groups. Look at Figure 5.2, and find animal cells. Give guidance on
organelles that are common to both completing Exercises 5.2 and 5.3.
plant and animal cells. Complete

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Monitor progress against planned timing. animal cells have an irregular shape.
• Learners: Complete Exercises 5.2 and b) Vacuoles in plant cells are large;
5.3, and examine whether learning vacuoles in animal cells are small, or
outcomes have been achieved. there are none.
• Teacher: Discuss the answers to c) Plant cells have a cell wall and a cell
Exercises 5.2 and 5.3. Reinforce learning membrane; animal cells have only a
outcomes. cell membrane.
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
ensure all learning outcomes have been Consolidation
met. 1. Fill in the missing words in the
following sentences:
a) The nucleus is found near the ______
  Lesson 4  Assessment  SB p. 57 of an animal cell and on the ________
• Teacher: Explain to learners that they of a plant cell.
will do the assessment in the lesson, b) The _______________ is a darker region
working on their own. Monitor progress in the nucleus.
against planned timing. c) Mitochondria have a _______________
• Learners: Complete the assessment task. membrane.
• Teacher: Collect the assessment for d) Vacuoles are filled with a fluid
marking. ____________ that contains __________,
_________________ and _______________.
9. Support for learners with 2. Copy and label Figure 5.2 on page 51
learning difficulties in the Student’s Book.
Remedial 3. Explain the difference between a
1. What is the difference between a permeable membrane and a selectively
unicellular organism and a permeable membrane.
multicellular organism?
2. Give the functions of the following Answers
organelles: 1. a) The nucleus is found near the
a) nucleus b) mitochondrion centre of an animal cell and on the
c) chloroplast. side of a plant cell.
3. What is the difference between a plant b) The nucleolus is a darker region in
cell and animal cell in their: the nucleus.
a) shape    b) size of vacuoles c) Mitochondria have a double
c) outer covering? membrane.
d) Vacuoles are filled with a fluid that
Answers contains water, mineral salts and
1. Unicellular organisms consist of only food molecules.
one cell; multicellular organisms 3. A permeable membrane allows all
consist of many cells. molecules to pass through it; a
2. a) Controls the functioning of the cell; selectively permeable membrane allows
contains hereditary information. only some molecules to pass through
b) Produces energy. it, and not others.
c) Is the place where photosynthesis
3. a) Plant cells have a regular shape;

UNIT 5  Plant and animal cells 25

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Extension changing proteins made by the
1. Find out about the structure and endoplasmic reticulum.
functions of the following cell organelles: • The modified proteins are secreted
a) endoplasmic reticulum from the cell in a similar way to
b) ribosomes the proteins made by the ER.
c) Golgi bodies. 2. An electron microscope uses electrons
2. A scientist viewed a nucleus using an instead of light to form an image of a
electron microscope. What is an specimen. It can view specimens at
electron microscope? very high magnifications.
3. The nucleus was seen to be 5 cm wide 3. 5 cm = 5 × 10,000 m = 50,000 m
when using an electron microscope. Width of nucleus = 50,000 ÷ 10,000
The magnification used was 10,000×.    =5 m
What is the actual width of the
nucleus? 10. Assessment

Answers Assessment Task Marking

1. a) Endoplasmic reticulum: type
• The endoplasmic reticulum is a Formative Experiment 5.1; Observe
network of membranes inside the Exercise 5.2 Experiment
cell. 5.1.
• Some parts of the membranes Mark
have ribosomes attached to them. Experiment 5.1
This forms rough endoplasmic and Exercises
reticulum (rough ER). Some parts 5.2 & 5.3 in
do not have ribosomes, and this is class.
called smooth endoplasmic Summative Exercise 5.1 See answers on
reticulum (smooth ER). p. 30.
• Proteins are made by the Self-assessment See answers on
ribosomes on rough ER. p. 31.
• The smooth ER forms a transport
system through which proteins 11.  Suggested answers
can move.
• Proteins made by ER are   Oral activity     (SB p. 50)
sometimes secreted by the cell. 1. cell
b) Ribosomes: tissue
• These are small structures inside organ
the cytoplasm that play an organism
important role in making protein 2. Light microscopes and electron
molecules. Proteins are used inside microscopes
the cell. 3. The biologist would have to decide on
• Protein production is controlled the amount of detail that he or she
by the nucleus. needed to see. Light microscopes
c) Golgi bodies: magnify only up to 2,000×, whereas
• Golgi bodies from a network of electron microscopes magnify several
membranes inside the cell. hundred thousand times.
• Golgi bodies are important for

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Experiment 5.1 (SB p. 52) Homework  (SB p. 56)
1. Answers will vary. Examples: worked
carefully with glass slides; worked Plant cell Animal cell
carefully with microscopes. Shape Regular Irregular
2. Plant cells a have regular shape; animal Outer Cell wall Cell membrane
cells have an irregular shape. covering
3. The onion cells have a cell wall and a Organelles Nucleus, Nucleus,
vacuole; the cheek cells have neither of mitochondria, mitochondria,
these structures. chloroplasts, cytoplasm,
4. Answers will vary. cytoplasm, vacuoles
Exercise 5.1  (SB p. 54) Vacuoles Large Small or none
1. a) An organism that consists of one
b) An organism that consists of many
Self-assessment answers
c) A structure within a cell that has a
particular function.  (SB p. 57)
2. Unicellular – amoeba; multicellular 1. 1.1 – B;   1.2 – C;
organism – jellyfish, dog, etc. 1.3 – F;   1.4 – D;
3. a) Controls entry and exit of 1.5 – E;   1.6 – A
substances into and out of the cell. 2. a) A structure that allows free
b) Controls the functioning of the cell. movement of substances through
4. Mitochondria it
5. a) Mineral salts and food molecules b) Passed on to offspring
b) Vacuoles in animal cells are small, c) Chemicals that speed up reactions
and are found on the side of the d) Chemical reactions in plants that
cell; those found in plant cells are use light energy and chlorophyll
large and are found in the centre of to convert carbon dioxide and
the cell. water to oxygen and glucose.
Exercise 5.2 (SB p. 55) Plant cell Animal cell
1. a) It gives the cell its shape; it enables Shape Regular Irregular
substances to move freely into and Outer Cell wall Cell
out of the cell. covering membrane
b) Cellulose Organelles Nucleus, Nucleus,
2. a) They are where photosynthesis takes mitochondria, mitochondria,
place. chloroplasts, cytoplasm,
b) Chlorophyll cytoplasm, vacuoles
Vacuoles Large Small or none

UNIT 5  Plant and animal cells 27

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TOPIC Organisation and
2 maintenance of life

Sub-topic: Cell structure

  UNIT 6   Levels of organisation in multicellular
organisms (Student’s Book pages: 58-67)

Key unit competence: To be able to explain specialisation of cells, and the link between levels of
organisation in multicellular organisms

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Recall that a cell is a basic structure of an organism
• Describe the different types of cells in this unit and state their functions
• Describe the different cell structures found in animals and plants and how they relate to their functions
• Identify different levels of organisation in multicellular organisms
• Observe and illustrate different types of cells and tissues under light microscope or micrographs
• Categorize plant and animal tissues using observation of micrographs or slides
• Illustrate well labelled structures of xylem and phloem tissue from slides or micrographs of sections of vascular
• Sequence the levels of organization of multicellular organisms from the simplest to the most complex
• Differentiate the relationship between the structure and function of specialised cells
• Appreciate the complexity of life from the tiny cell through to the tissue, organ, system and organism levels of
• Be aware that an organism is a complex organisation of cells, an important unit of life.

1.  Content summary 3.  Competences practised

• Structure and function of ciliated cells, Basic competence
root hair cells, xylem vessels, palisade • Literacy: Listening carefully for
and mesophyll cells, nerve cells, red understanding and seeking clarification
blood cells, sperm and egg cells when necessary
• Advantages of specialization of cells • Science and technology: Use
• Levels of organization in multicelluar microscopes and micrographs to
organisms. identify structures not seen with the
naked eye. These microscopic structures
2.  Key vocabulary help explain cell specialisation in
Specialised, adapted, cilia, mucus, nerve multicellular organisms.
impulses, surface area, haemoglobin, Generic competence
flagellum, motile, enzymes, acrosome, • Critical thinking: Explore and evaluate
ova, nutrients, zygote, palisade mesophyll alternative explanations to those
cells, spongy mesophyll cells presented by others
• Research: Create mind maps to establish
what they have learnt in the previous

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4.  Cross-cutting issue   Lesson 2  Revision
Comprehensive sexuality education: • Teacher: Consolidate the basic structure
Understanding what healthy cells are and of the cell, and emphasise that it is the
how they function in the body, enables us basic unit of life. Revise specialised cells
to live a happy, healthy life. discussed in previous lesson.
• Learners: Revise cell specialisation.
5.  Classroom organisation • Teacher: Define specialisation again, and
Pairs in classroom describe some examples of specialised cells.
Use slides and micrographs to help your
6.  Teaching materials explanation of sperm cells, egg cells, root
Micrographs or slides of specialised cells hair cells, xylem cells and mesophyll cells.
Emphasise how the cells are specialised for
7.  Before you start their functions. If time allows, ask learners
• This unit builds on the work covered in to complete Exercise 6.2. Monitor progress
the previous unit. Once again, you will against planned timing.
need to have microscopes or • Learners: Complete Exercise 6.2.
micrographs of plant and animal tissues • Teacher: Discuss answers to Exercise 6.2.
set up before the lessons. Focus on • Learners: Provide feedback for
structure related to function in each Exercise 6.2.
type of tissue.
• Teacher: Consolidate the basic structure
of the cell, and emphasise that it is the   Lesson 3  S
 pecialised animal
basic unit of life. Arrange learners in and plant cells SB pp. 59-60
pairs for the oral activity. • Teacher: Give guidelines for Experiment
• Learners: Complete oral activity.
6.1. Arrange learners in groups, and
distribute materials.
8.  Teaching steps [4 lessons] • Learners: Set up microscopes according
to rules.
  Lesson 1  Cell specialisation SB pp. 59-61 • Teacher: Learners to complete
Experiment 6.1. Facilitate learners’
• Teacher: Define specialisation, and
progress, and offer assistance with
describe some examples of specialised drawings where necessary. Monitor
cells. Use slides and micrographs to help progress against planned timing.
your explanation of ciliated cells, nerve • Learners: Observe micrographs and slides
cells and red blood cells. Emphasise how and describe how cells are suited to their
the cells are specialised for their functions. Make drawings of observed
functions. If time allows, ask learners to slides. Complete Experiment 6.1.
complete Exercise 6.1. • Teacher: Discuss answers to questions
• Learners: Observe how cells are
for Experiment 6.1.
structurally different, depending on • Learners: Provide feedback and ensure
their function. learning outcomes have been achieved.
• Teacher: Consolidate new words and
answers to Exercise 6.1.
• Learners: Give feedback on answers.

UNIT 6  Levels of organisation in multicellular organisms 29

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  Lesson 4  O
 rganisation in multicellular b) Allowing molecules to pass though
organisms SB pp. 69-71 c) The single cell formed after
• Teacher: Ask learners if they know what
is meant by ‘levels of organisation’. d) Able to move
Discuss unicellular and mulitcellular 3. Specialisation enables cells to grow
organisms, with examples. bigger and to carry out complex
• Learners: Understand the difference
processes. Different cells carry out
between unicellular and multicellular different functions. Specialised cells
organisms. can work together to form tissues,
• Teacher: Describe the increase in
organs and organ systems.
complexity of cells, tissues, organs,
organ systems and organisms. Use an Consolidation
animal and a plant as examples. 1. Use the information in Unit 6 in the
Emphasise the advantages of cell Student’s Book to draw a mind map to
specialisation. Learners complete show information about the following
Exercise 6.3 if time allows. Otherwise, animal cells: ciliated cells, red blood
set it as a homework task. Monitor cells, nerve cells, sperm cells and egg
progress against planned timing. cells.
Learners to complete peer assessment. 2. Use the information in Unit 6 in the
• Learners: Complete Exercise 6.3 and the
Student’s Book to draw a mind map to
assessment task. show information about the following
• Teacher: Discuss the answers in class.
plant cells: root hair cells, xylem cells
• Learners: Provide feedback on the answers
and mesophyll cells.
to the exercise and assessment task. 3. Give one example of a specilaised cell,
and state its function.
9. Support for learners with
learning difficulties Answers
Remedial  1. Learners should draw a mind map to
1. Arrange the following structures in the show the information in Unit 6 in the
correct order, starting with the smallest: Student’s Book.
organ   cell   tissue  2. Learners should draw a mind map to
organ system   organ show the information in Unit 6 in the
2. Give a definition for each of the Student’s Book.
following terms: 3. Learners should give an example of a
a) specialisation specialised cell, and state its function.
b) permeable Examples: ciliated cells, nerve cells, red
c) zygote blood cells, sperm cells, egg cells, root
d) motile. hair cells, xylem cells and mesophyll
3. Give three advantages of specialisation cells.
of cells.
Answers 1. a) Make a list of the specialised tissues
1. cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organ in the stomach. Use Figure 6.10 on
2. a) When structures have become page 64 in the Student’s Book to
adapted to perform particular help you.

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b) What other tissue do you think 4. No, some are single-celled and some
would be found in the stomach? are multicellular. Single-celled
2. a) Make a list of the specialised tissues organisms are called unicellular.
in a leaf. Use Figure 6.11 on page 65 Organisms that consist of many cells
in the Student’s Book to help you. are called multicellular. Examples of
b) Which organelle is found in organisms that have many cells in
abundance in the leaf? their bodies include: cat, goat, locust,
maize plant, etc.
1. a) Epithelial tissue, muscle tissue
b) Nerve cells Exercise 6.1 (SB p. 60)
2. a) Epidermal tissue, mesophyll tissue, 1. a) Adapted to perform a particular
xylem and phloem tissue function
b) Chloroplast b) Tiny hair-like structures found on
epithelial cells
10. Assessment c) Nerve cells that can conduct nerve
d) A red pigment found in red blood
Assessment Task Marking
type cells that binds to oxygen molecules
2. a) Ciliated cells line surfaces, such as
Formative Exercise 6.1; Observe
Exercise 6.3 Exercises 6.1 &
the lungs, where they trap dust.
6.3, and mark They are also found in the oviducts,
in class. where they help to move the ovum
Summative Exercise 6.2 See answers on
towards the uterus.
p. 36. b) They have cilia along one side, and
there are mucus secreting goblet
Experiment Mark using
6.1, drawing checklist 3 on cells in-between them that help the
p. 25. ciliated cells in their functions.
3. a) Red blood cells transport oxygen.
11.  Suggested answers b) Red blood cells have a large surface
area to which oxygen molecules can
  Oral activity     (SB p. 58) attach. They also are made of
haemoglobin molecules, which
1. The cell is the simplest living unit. attract oxygen. They do not have a
Some organisms consist of just one nucleus, so there is more space to
cell. carry oxygen.
2. No, not all cells are the same. There c) Learners should draw something
are animal and plant cells. Some cells similar to Figure 6.4 on page 60 in
are specialised to do certain functions. the Student’s Book.
3. Chloroplasts
Exercise 6.2 (SB p. 61)
1. a) A tail-like structure that enables a
cell to move
b) Able to move

UNIT 6  Levels of organisation in multicellular organisms 31

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c) A region in the head of a sperm cell d) A group of organs that work
that contains enzymes. The enzymes together to perform a particular
are involved in penetrating the egg function
during fertilisation. 2. Cell – neuron; tissue – muscle tissue;
d) The single cell formed when the egg organ – heart; organ system – digestive
and a sperm fuse during fertilisation. system
2. a) Sperm cells carry the hereditary 3. Learners should draw something
information from the father. similar to Figure 6.10 on page 64 and
b) They are motile so they can swim to 6.11 on page 65 in the Student’s Book.
meet the egg. They have many 4. Animal tissues – nerve tissue, muscle
mitochondria, which produce tissue; plant tissues – epidermal tissue,
energy to help them swim. The xylem tissue, mesophyll tissue
nucleus contains genetic
information. Exercise 6.4  (SB p. 66)
c) Learners should draw a diagram 1. c ell, tissue, organ, organ system, organ
similar to Figure 6.5 on page 60 in 2. a) W hen structures have become
the Student’s Book. adapted to perform particular
3. a) Egg cells carry the hereditary functions
information from the mother. b) Allowing molecules to pass though
b) When a sperm cell meets an egg c) T
 he single cell formed after
cell, enzymes from the sperm break fertilisation
down the membrane around the egg d) Able to move
cell. The nucleus of the sperm cell
fuses with the nucleus of the egg 12.
c) There are nutrients in the cytoplasm Peer assessment answers
that provide the zygote with energy  (SB p. 67)
for cell division. The ovum’s cell 1. Neurons
membrane allows only one sperm to 2. Mitochondria. Large amounts of
pass through it. The large nucleus energy are needed for muscle
contains the hereditary information. contraction.
3. a) Red blood cells transport oxygen.
Experiment 6.1 (SB p. 63) b) Xylem cells transport water and
4. Check learners’ drawings. You can use mineral salts.
them as an assessment task. 4. a) A – neurons
B – xylem vessels
Homework (SB p. 65) C – root hair cells
1. a) The simplest unit of life D – red blood cells
b) A group of similar cells that work b) Animal cells – neurons, red blood
together to perform a particular cells
function Plant cells – xylem vessels, root
c) A group of similar tissues that work hair cells
together to perform a particular

32  TOPIC 2  Organisation and maintenance of life

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c) Neurons transmit nerve impulses.
Xylem vessels transport water and
mineral salts. Root hair cells
increase the surface area of roots
for water absorption. Red blood
cells transport oxygen.
d) Red blood cells have a biconcave
shape, which gives them a large
surface area. They are packed with
haemoglobin, which attracts
oxygen molecules. They do not
have a nucleus, so there is more
space for haemoglobin and
oxygen molecules. They are
elastic, so they can squeeze
through narrow blood vessels.

UNIT 6  Levels of organisation in multicellular organisms 33

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TOPIC Organisation and
2 maintenance of life

Sub-topic: Nutrition
  UNIT 7    Food nutrients and diet (Student’s Book page 68-83)

Key unit competence: To be able to analyse the different food nutrients and their significance to the
human body.

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Explain the importance of the classes of foods
• List the main sources of food nutrients
• List the chemical elements that make up carbohydrates, fats and proteins
• Explain that large molecules consist of smaller molecules joined together
• State that a balanced diet is eating a variety of foods containing all the nutrients and in the correct proportions
• Explain that people have different dietary needs, dependant on age, gender and activity levels including pregnant
and breastfeeding mothers
• Explain the effects of malnutrition
• Explain that obesity is the build-up of excess fat in the body due to excess intake of calories
• Apply knowledge of deficiency symptoms to identify the different deficiency diseases among individuals
• Test for carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in different food samples
• Demonstrate the different functions of water, mineral salts and vitamins in the body
• Acknowledge the importance of having a balanced diet and its relation to age and gender
• Appreciate the need for a specific diet for individuals who carry out strenuous activities like sports and manual
• Take care when using reagents to test for food types
• Appreciate the myths and values communities attach to certain foods
• Adopt and develop healthy eating habits by eating a balanced diet.

1.  Content summary • Deficiency symptoms limited to vitamin

• Food nutrients and principal sources in C and D and calcium, and iron only)
food stuffs of food nutrients • Functions of vitamins, water and
• Importance of nutrients in human body mineral salts
and of having a balanced diet • Malnutrition limited to starvation,
• Composition of biological molecules obesity, constipation and scurvy.
limited to carbohydrates, lipids and
proteins 2.  Key vocabulary
• Formation of large biological molecules Nutrients, elements, carbohydrates,
(starch, glycogen, cellulose, proteins and monosaccharides, polysaccharides, lipids,
lipids) from small molecules such as proteins, amino acids, reagents, balanced
glucose, amino acids and fatty acids/ diet, malnutrition, deficiency diseases

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3.  Competences practised • Teacher: Arrange learners in groups for
Basic competence the oral activity.
• Literacy: Listening carefully for • Learners: Complete the oral activity.
understanding and seeking clarification
when necessary 8.  Teaching steps [8 lessons]
• Science and technology: Use
experiments to test for various food
nutrients.   Lesson 1  Food nutrients SB p. 69
Generic competence • Teacher: Discuss what learners eat, and
• Communication: Develop good review the oral activity. Discuss the
communicating skills when working in impotance of nutrients, and list the six
groups. types. Refer to Table 7.1 on page 69 in
• Cooperation: Understand what healthy the Student’s Book for sources of food
eating is so that knowledge can benefit nutrients. Read through the instructions
their families. Understand that for Activity 7.1. Monitor progress
unhealthy eating can lead to nutritional against planned timing.
disorders. • Learners: Think about their favourite
foods. Learners complete the oral
4.  Cross-cutting issue activity in groups. They complete
Peace and values education: When you are Activity 7.1 in pairs.
working in pairs or as a group during an • Teacher: Discuss the answers to
activity, work in unity and respect each Activity 7.1 in class.
other’s point of view. • Learners: Provide feedback on answers
to Activity 7.1.

5.  Classroom organisation   Lesson 2  F

 ood nutrients and food
Pairs and groups in classroom groups  SB pp. 69-72
• Teacher: Consolidate food nutrients and
6.  Teaching materials give examples of each food group.
Bread, maize porridge or other complex Describe the structure and functions of
carbohydrate; test tubes; a white tile; carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins,
droppers; iodine solution; cooked chicken; mineral salts and water. Refer to Table
meat or egg; butter; water; nuts (crushed); 7.2 on page 72 in the Student’s Book.
sodium hydroxide solution; copper Monitor progress against planned
sulphate solution; ethanol; test tube racks; timing.
permanent markers; test strips for testing • Learners: Understand Table 7.2. Learners
proteins, fats and glucose having difficulty can do Exercise 7.1.
• Teacher: Prepare learners for food tests
7.  Before you start by asking them to bring in some local
• This unit involves food tests. Make sure foods to test.
that you have all the reagents needed • Learners: Write down a reminder to
well before the lesson. Facilitate the bring food samples.
food tests as learners complete them. If
you do not have sufficient equipment or
reagents for the learners, you can
demonstrate the food tests to the class.

UNIT 7  Food nutrients and diet 35

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  Lessons 3 and 4  Food tests SB pp. 72-74 • Learners: Think about what different
• Teacher: The food tests will take two people eat.
lessons. Arrange groups and set up • Teacher: Discuss how young people,
materials. sportspeople, and pregnant and
• Learners: Assist with set up of practical breastfeeding women need different
activity. foods and in different amounts.
• Teacher: Read through instructions with • Learners: Understand why different
learners, and ensure that they have all people need different diets.
the equipment and food samples • Teacher: Prepare for the next lesson by
needed. Facilitate the learners whilst asking learners about what happens if
they are doing the activity, and assist we do not have a balanced diet.
when necessary. Monitor progress • Learners: Think about the consequences
against planned timing. of not having a balanced diet.
• Learners: Complete Experiment 7.1.
Answer the questions for homework.   Lesson 7  Nutritional disorders
• Teacher: Make sure that learners have  SB pp. 78-81
written down their results in the table.
• Learners: Check that all results are • Teacher: Distinguish between nutritional
written in the table. disorders and deficiency diseases.
• Learners: Provide feedback.
• Teacher: Describe some deficiency
  Lesson 5  A balanced diet  SB pp. 75-77 diseases, for example, scurvy, rickets and
• Teacher: Discuss with learners whether anaemia. Talk about starvation, obesity
they think they have a balanced diet. and the impact of deficiency diseases. If
Define a balanced diet. time allows, set Activity 7.4 for learners
• Learners: Think about diets. to complete in class. Alternatively, set as
• Teacher: Look at the percentages of a homework task. Monitor progress
different food groups in a balanced diet against planned timing.
given in Table 7.3 on page 76 in the • Learners: Complete Activity 7.4.
Student’s Book. Read through Activity • Teacher: Discuss answers to Activity 7.4.
7.2, and let learners complete in pairs. • Learners: Provide feedback on answers
Monitor progress against planned timing. to exercises.
• Learners: Complete Activity 7.2. • Teacher: Explain what learners need to
• Teacher: Discuss the answers to Activity do for the Homework activity on
7.2. You may need to consolidate bar page 81 in the Student’s Book.
charts. • Learners: Read through instructions for
• Learners: Provide feedback on answers the Homework activity, and complete
to exercises. the activity for homework.

  Lesson 6  B
 alanced diets for different   Lesson 8  Assessment SB p. 83
people  SB p. 77 • Teacher: Discuss the answers for the
• Teacher: Ask learners whether they all
Homework activity.
• Learners: Mark own answers for the
need to eat the same foods and in the
same amounts. Homework activity.
• Teacher: Set the assessment task for

36  TOPIC 2  Organisation and maintenance of life

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learners to complete in class. If they do c) In each case, explain why the
not have enough time, they can person needs a different diet.
complete as if homework. 3. What is the difference between
• Learners: Complete the assessment task, marasmus and kwashiorkor?
and hand it in for marking.
9. Support for learners with 1. Iodine would change from orange-
learning difficulties brown to blue-black.
Remedial 2. a) A balanced diet is a diet that
1. Name six groups of food nutrients. contains all the required food
2. Name the building blocks of: nutrients in the correct amounts for
a) proteins an individual.
b) carbohydrates. b) Very active people, sportspeople,
3. List any three functions of: pregnant and breastfeeding women,
a) vitamins and young people need different
b) lipids. diets.
c) Active people need more energy foods.
Answers Sportspeople need more energy foods
1. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and proteins for muscle building.
vitamins, mineral salts, water Pregnant and breastfeeding women
2. a) Amino acids need extra energy and nutrients to
b) Monosaccaharides sustain the growing baby and to make
3. a) Vitamin C is needed to fight breast milk. Young people need extra
infections and heal wounds, and for energy and nutrients for growth.
healthy bones, teeth, skin and Marasmus occurs when there are not
gums. Vitamin D helps the body to enough nutrients in a child’s diet.
absorb calcium from food, which is Kwashiorkor occurs when there are not
needed for healthy bones and teeth. enough proteins, mineral salts and
b) Lipids: vitamins in a child’s diet.
• Provide energy.
• Help with absorption of fat-soluble Extension
vitamins A, D, E and K. 1. A child has the symptoms listed below.
• Form a layer beneath the skin that For each symptom, state which
insulates the body and reduces deficiency disease the child is suffering
heat loss. from.
• Form a layer around organs to a) bleeding gums
provide protection from injury. b) bent legs
c) little energy.
Consolidation 2. List the food groups found in:
1. What would be the colour change if a a) fruits
food sample, tested for starch with b) eggs.
iodine, was positive for starch? 3. Distinguish between an element
2. a) Explain the term ‘balanced diet’. and a molecule.
b) Which people should have a
different diet from an average adult?

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1. a) Scurvy 6. Butter Stays Stays blue Becomes
b) Rickets orange cloudy
c) Anaemia
2. a) Carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral Questions (SB p. 74)
salts 1. Learners’ lists will vary, depending on
b) Proteins, vitamins which food they tested. Note that food
3. An element is a single unit that cannot samples may contain more than one
be broken down into anything simpler; nutrient.
for example, carbon and potassium. A 2. Care with reagents; care with Bunsen
molecule is made up of many elements burner
joined together; for example, water and 3. Learners’ answers will vary.
sodium hydroxide.
  Activity 7.2     (SB p. 76)
10. Assessment 1. a) Male athlete
b) Woman aged 70
Assessment Task Marking 2. The male athlete needs the most energy
for his sporting activity. The old
Formative Activity 7.1 Observe and woman does not need as much energy,
mark in class.
as she is inactive.
Summative Activity 7.2 See answers
Homework See answers on   Activity 7.3     (SB p. 81)
p. 43. 1. a) Learners’ answers will vary,
depending on their community.
11.  Suggested answers b) i) S tunted growth, increased
likelihood of getting infections,
  Activity 7.1     (SB p. 70) blindness (in the case of untreated
1. Carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins vitamin A deficiency), being
unable to take part in everyday
activities, deformity and death
Experiment 7.1  (SB pp. 73-74) ii) The sick person takes up the time
1. of family members who care for
Colour change him or her, so there is less time
Food Iodine Biuret Ethanol for food production.
sample test iii) There is less time for agriculture
1. Bread Orange to Stays blue No practice.
blue-black change iv) The health services and economy
2. Maize Orange to Stays blue No are negatively impacted.
porridge blue-black change
3. Stays Becomes Becomes
2. a) Five
Chicken orange purple cloudy b) January
c) Foods rich in iron, such as spinach
4. Meat Stays Becomes Becomes
orange purple cloudy and red meat
d) Vitamin D and calcium
5. Egg Stays Becomes No
orange purple change

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Homework (SB p. 81)  (SB p. 83)
1. 1. 1.1 – D 1.2 – C
1.3 – B 1.4 – A
Disease Cause Prevention 2. a) Sodium hydroxide and copper
Scurvy Lack of vitamin Improve intake sulphate
C of vitamin C b) Iodine
Rickets Lack of vitamin Improve intake 3. a) The boy
D and calcium of vitamin D b) The boy is growing, so he needs
and calcium extra nutrients in his diet.
Anaemia Lack of iron Improve intake 4. Miss Umutoni was suffering from a
of iron deficiency of vitamin C and iron. The
Marasmus Shortage of Improve food foods that the doctor told her to eat
food intake are rich in vitamin C and iron, so
Kwashiorkor Shortage of Improve intake after they had been included in her
proteins of proteins diet for some time, her symptoms
Obesity Too much food Reduce food disappeared.
and insufficient intake and 5. Any two nutritional disorders; for
exercise increase example:
Nutritional Cause Treatment Prevention
Exercise 7.1 (SB p. 81) disorder
1. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, Scurvy Lack of Vitamin A diet that
vitamins, mineral salts, water vitamin C supple- includes
C ments foods
2.  a) bread b) meat c) vegetables
3.  a) carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
b) carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen
C, e.g.
c) carbon, hydrogen and oxygen oranges
4.  a) glucose
Rickets Lack of Vitamin A diet that
b) amino acids vitamin D and includes
c) one glycerol molecule and three fatty D and calcium foods
acids calcium supple- containing
5. It is a diet that contains all the required ments vitamin
food nutrients in the correct amounts D and
for an individual. calcium,
6. Scurvy, rickets and anaemia. e.g. milk


Self-assessment answers

UNIT 7  Food nutrients and diet 39

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TOPIC Organisation and
2 maintenance of life

Sub-topic: Gas exchange and smoking

  UNIT 8   Structure and functions of human
gas exchange system (Student’s Book pages: 84-91)

Key unit competence: To be able to describe the structure and functions of the human gas exchange

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Identify the structures of the human gas exchange system namely the larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles,
alveoli and associated capillaries
• List the functions of the parts of the human gas exchange system
• Observe the structure of gas exchange system and relate it to its functions
• Demonstrate the structure of human gas exchange system using models
• Appreciate the similarity between the human gas exchange system and that of other mammals.

Generic competence
1.  Content summary
• Research: Broaden their knowledge by
• Structure of the human gas exchange
researching gaseous exchange in other
• Functions of the parts of the human gas
exchange system.
4.  Cross-cutting issue
Environment and sustainability: Breathing
2.  Key vocabulary
safe air ensures good health. Rwandans
Respiration, gas exchange, diffusion,
strive to maintain a clean environment
breathing, nostrils, trachea, bronchi,
and by planting trees and conserving
bronchioles, alveoli, mucus
them. The areas of Umutara and Bugesera
have been transformed by planting trees.
3.  Competences practised
Basic competence
• Literacy: Listening carefully for
5.  Classroom organisation
Groups and pairs in classroom
understanding and seeking clarification
when necessary
• Science and technology: use
6.  Teaching materials
A dissecting set; plastic sheeting; a hand lens;
experiments to explain natural
a lung of a goat, sheep or cow (with the
phenomena i.e. breathing.
trachea and bronchi intact); water; a container;
a towel; soap; disinfectant; rubber tubing;
transparent plastic bottles; forked glass tubing
or straws; rubber bands or string

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7.  Before you start alveoli, between the air and the blood.
• In this unit the human respiratory Then move on to talk about gas
system is described in terms of its exchange at the cell surface.
structure and functions. Ensure that you • Learners: Refer to Figure 8.4 on page 88
explain the difference between in the Student’s Book.
breathing, respiration and gas exchange, • Teacher: Review the instructions for
as these important concepts need to be Experiment 8.2. Allow learners to build
understood later on in Biology. the model, or you can do a
• Teacher: Arrange learners in groups for demonstration. Set up a microscope to
the oral activity. view slides in Activity 8.3.
• Learners: Complete the oral activity. • Learners: Complete Experiment 8.2 and
Activity 8.1.
8.  Teaching steps [2 lessons]
9. Support for learners with
  Lesson 1  S
 tructure of the human gas learning difficulties
exchange system  SB pp. 85-88 Remedial
• Teacher: Discuss the oral activity, and let
1. Define each of the following terms:
learners complete it in groups. a) gas exchange
• Learners: Complete oral activity and
b) respiration
provide feedback. c) breathing.
• Teacher: Distinguish between
2. Name two places where gas exchange
respiration, breathing and gas exchange. takes place in humans.
Use the diagram in Figure 8.2 on 3. Write down the structures that air
page 85 in the Student’s Book to help travels through until it reaches the
your explanation of diffusion. alveoli in the lungs.
• Learners: Review Figure 8.2, and
understand diffusion. Answers
• Teacher: Describe the structure of the
1. a) The exchange of oxygen and carbon
human lungs. Write key words on the dioxide across a membrane
board, and use charts and diagrams to b) A series of chemical reactions that
assist you. Set up the dissection as a use oxygen and glucose to produce
demonstration, or learners can work in energy, carbon dioxide and water
groups. Facilitate their progress. c) The process of taking air into the
• Learners: Complete Experiment 8.1 in
lungs (breathing in) and releasing it
groups. (breathing out)
• Teacher: Set Exercise 8.1 for homework.
2. In the alveoli and in the tissues
3. Nostrils, nasal cavity, mouth cavity,
larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles
  Lesson 2  Gas exchange in humans
SB pp. 88-90 Consolidation
• Teacher: Consolidate structure of the
1. Distinguish between gas exchange,
lungs and difference between breathing, breathing and respiration.
gas exchange and respiration. 2. Look at Figure 8.5 on page 89 in the
• Learners: Understand new concepts and
Student’s Book, and then write down
provide feedback. what each of the following structures
• Teacher: Describe gas exchange in the
in the model represents:

UNIT 8  Structure and functions of human gas exchange system 41

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a) rubber sheet 10. Assessment
b) bell jar
c) balloon Assessment Task Marking
3. a) Name one type of tissue that is type
found in the human respiratory Formative Experiment 8.1; Observe
system. Exercise 8.1; group work in
b) How is this tissue adapted to its Activity 8.3 Experiment 8.1.
function? See answers for
Exercise 8.1 on
Answers p. 47. Mark the
1. Gas exchange is the exchange of exercise and
oxygen and carbon dioxide across a Activity 8.1 in
membrane. Breathing is the process of class.
taking air into the lungs (breathing in) Summative Self-assessment See answers on
and releasing it (breathing out). p. 47.
Respiration is a series of chemical
reactions that use oxygen and glucose 11. Suggested answers
to produce energy, carbon dioxide and
water.   Oral activity     (SB p. 84)
2. a) Diaphragm 1. Respiration is a series of chemical
b) Thorax reactions that use oxygen and glucose
c) Lungs to produce energy, carbon dioxide
3. a) Ciliated epithelium and water.
b) It has cilia which trap dust particles 2. To provide energy
and prevent them from entering the 3. Oxygen
lungs. 4. Carbon dioxide
5. Lungs
Extension 6. No; e.g., fish have gills
1. The ciliated epithelial cells in the lung 7. Nostrils, nasal cavity, mouth cavity,
are 10 m tall. A learner draws them larynx, trachea, bronchus,
2 cm high; what magnification has the bronchioles
learner used?
2. Research a disease that affects the lungs.
Exercise 8.1 (SB p. 88)
Answers 1. Learners should draw a diagram similar
1. 20,000 ÷ 10 = 2,000× to Figure 8.3 on page 86 in the
2. Learners should find out about Student’s Book.
emphysema, lung cancer or TB. 2. a) Keep the trachea open.
b) Warms and moistens the air before
it reaches the lungs.
3. Air sacs in the lungs

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4. Elastic 12.
Part Functions Self-assessment answers
Trachea Passage for air to the  (SB p. 91)
lungs 1. – B
Rings of cartilage in Keep bronchi open 2. – A
the bronchi 3. – B
Cilia in the nasal Trap dust particles in 4. – C
passage the air 5. – C

Experiment 8.2 (SB p. 89)

3. The balloons inflate.
4. The balloons deflate.

Exercise 8.2 (SB p. 90)

1.  a) G
 as exchange is the exchange of
oxygen and carbon dioxide across a
membrane. Breathing is the process
of taking air into the lungs
(breathing in) and releasing it
(breathing out).
b) Diffusion is the movement of
molecules across a membrane from
a place of higher concentration to a
place of lower concentration.
Breathing is the movement of air in
and out of the lungs.
2. nostrils, nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles, alveoli
3. It takes place in the alveoli and in the
cells of the body.
4.  a) ciliated epithelial cells
b) The tiny, hair-like structures help the
mucus move down the trachea to
the pharynx.

UNIT 8  Structure and functions of human gas exchange system 43

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TOPIC Organisation and
2 maintenance of life

Sub-topic: Co-ordination in plants and animals

  UNIT 9    Tropic responses (Student’s Book page 92-97)

Key unit competence: To be able to explain a plant’s response to light and gravity and explain the
importance of tropic responses in plants.

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Recall that plants have a root system
• Identify the parts of the shoot that respond to light
• Define phototropism as a response in which parts of a plant grow towards or away from the light source
• Explain that gravitropism is a response in which parts of a plant grow towards or away from gravity
• Describe the change in shape of the shoot and root tips when exposed to light and ground level
• Explain the importance of phototropism and gravitropism in plants
• Carry out investigations showing the response of a plant shoot towards light and gravity
• Observe and illustrate plant shoots growing toward stimuli of light and gravity
• Show that plants respond quite differently compared to animals
• Appreciate the importance of tropisms in plants
• Show patience and perseverance when carrying out experiments that take a long time to get results.

1.  Content summary 4.  Cross-cutting issue

The need for tropisms in plants Environment and sustainability: Tropism
(phototropism and gravitropism) helps us understand how plants react to
their surroundings. This helps farmers to
2.  Key vocabulary choose the correct land for their crops.
Sensitivity, stimulus, tropism,
phototropism, gravitropism,
5.  Classroom organisation
3.  Competences practised Pairs and groups in classroom
Basic competence
• Literacy: Listening carefully for 6.  Teaching materials
understanding and seeking clarification Two bean plants; cotton thread; ink; a
when necessary ruler; a cardboard box; a pair of scissors;
• Science and technology: use bean seeds that have been soaked in water
experiments to explain natural overnight; paper towels; elastic bands;
phenomena i.e. tropism. marker pens; four glass jars; a pot plant
Generic competence
• Data analysis and presentation of
findings: Learn how to gather data and
present their findings

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7.  Before you start progress against planned timing.
• This unit describes tropisms in plants • Learners: Water plants daily. Check
– the response of plants to different plants after 4 to 6 days. Answer
stimuli. The focus is on phototropism questions about results after 4 to 6 days.
(response to light) and gravitropism • Teacher: Discuss gravitropism (also
(response to gravity). There are some called geotropism).
practical activities for which you will • Learners: Refer to Figure 9.4 on page 94
need to collect the materials before the in the Student’s Book.
lesson. If your school does not have
sufficient materials and equipment, you
can set up the activities as   Lesson 3  E
 xperiment demonstrating
demonstrations. gravitropism  SB pp. 94-95
• Teacher: Arrange learners in groups for
• Teacher: Soak bean seeds the night
the oral activity. before the lesson. On the day of the
• Learners: Complete oral activity
lesson, set up Experiment 9.2 and
demonstrate how to fold the seeds in
8.  Teaching steps [5 lessons] the paper towel.
• Learners: Read instructions for
  Lesson 1  What is a tropism? Experiment 9.2.
 SB p. 93 • Teacher: Observe learners as they set up
the experiment. Supervise learning
• Teacher: Introduce the unit and review
activities. Monitor progress against
the oral activity. planned timing. Make sure that learners
• Learners: Learners complete the oral
mark their jars clearly. This experiment
activity. runs over ten days, so the learners will
• Teacher: Discuss tropisms as well as the
need an opportunity to check their bean
words ‘sensitivity’, ‘response’ and seeds every second day and record their
‘stimulus’. Describe phototropism. results.
• Learners: Read though Experiment 9.1
• Learners: Complete the questions on
in preparation for the next lesson. completion of the experiment.

  Lesson 2  E
 xperiment demonstrating   Lesson 4  W
 hy do plants respond to
phototropism  SB p. 94 light and gravity?  SB p. 96
• Teacher: Arrange learners in groups and • Teacher: Discuss why plants respond to
set up Experiment 9.1. If you use a light and gravity. Mention
clinostat, describe its functioning. thigmotropism, and demonstrate
• Learners: Read instructions for Experiment examples of plants that show this.
9.1. Help set up the practical. Arrange pairs for Activity 9.1.
• Teacher: Observe set up, and offer • Learners: Provide feedback.
assistance when necessary. This activity • Teacher: Read through the instructions
takes place over some time, so learners for Activity 9.1.
will need to have an opportunity to look • Learners: Find information about
at their plants after 4 to 6 days. The thigmotropisms and write up a report of
plants will need to be watered daily. findings.
Supervise learning activities. Monitor

UNIT 9  Tropic responses 45

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  Lesson 5  Assessment SB p. 97 3. Make a labelled drawing to show how
• Teacher: Set the assessment task as a the shoot and root grow in a seedling.
class activity.
• Learners: Complete the assessment task. Answers
• Teacher: Monitor progress against 1. a) The response of a plant to a stimulus
planned timing. Take in assessment task b) A factor that brings about a change
for marking. in an organism or a response
c) A change that occurs as a result of a
9. Support for learners with stimulus
learning difficulties d) The response of plants to light
Remedial 2. a) Plant shoots respond to light
1. Give the meaning of each of the because they need it for
following terms: photosynthesis.
a) tropism b) Roots grow downwards into the
b) stimulus soil in response to the downward
2. a) Name two types of tropisms. force of gravity, to find water and
b) For each type, write down the minerals.
stimulus and response in the stems 3. Learners should draw a diagram similar
and roots. to Figure 9.2 on page 93 and Figure 9.4
3. Explain why roots grow downwards. on page 94 in the Student’s Book.

Answers Extension
1. a) The response of a plant to a stimulus 1. Write a paragraph to compare how
b) A factor that brings about a change animals and plants respond to stimuli.
in an organism or a response 2. Find out about taxic responses in
2. a) Phototropism and gravitropism animals.
b) Phototropism – the stimulus is light;
stems grow towards light; roots Answers
grow away from light. 1. Animals respond quickly; plants
Gravitropism – the stimulus is respond slowly. Animals respond to a
gravity; stems grow against gravity; greater number of stimuli than plants
roots grow with gravity. do. A response in an animal often
3. Roots grow downwards into the soil to involves its whole body; in plants it
find water and minerals. involves only part of the plant.
2. A taxic response is an animal’s response
Consolidation to a unidirectional stimulus, for
1. Give the meaning of each the following example, light, temperature, gravity or
words: chemicals.
a) tropism
b) stimulus
c) response
d) phototropism.
2. Give one reason why plant shoots
respond to:
a) light
b) gravity.

46  TOPIC 2  Organisation and maintenance of life

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10. Assessment Experiment 9.2 (SB pp. 94-95)
1. The roots grew downwards, and the
Assessment Task Marking
stems grew upwards.
2. Root – positively gravitropic; stem
Formative Experiment Observe and
– negatively gravitropic
9.1; Activity mark in class.
3. a) The stem started to grow upwards.
b) The plant grew like this as it is
Summative Experiment Mark using
negatively gravitropic.
9.2; Self- rubric 2,
assessment below.
c) The pot plant was put into a dark
cupboard so that it would not
receive light, which meant that only
Rubric 2 the effect of gravity was tested.

Content: 5 4 3 2 1   Activity 9.1     (SB p. 96)

Includes all
1. a) The plant leaves curl up in
response to touch.
b) Learners should show the curling
Presentation: 5 4 3 2 1
response in their drawings.
Neat and well
2. Learners should write up a short
paragraph that includes the following
Includes 5 4 3 2 1
5 – Excellent;  4 – Very good;  3 – Good; Stimulus Name of Positive Negative
2 – Fair;  1 – Needs help tropism response response
of plant of plant
part part
11.  Suggested answers
Touch Thigmotropism Curls No
  Oral activity     (SB p. 92) (‘thigmo’ response
means touch)
1. Tap and fibrous root systems
Water Hydrotropism Moves Moves
2. Roots absorb water and mineral salts
(‘hydro’ means towards away
from the soil; they anchor the plant water) water from
into the soil; some are modified for water
food storage.
Chemicals Chemotropism Moves Moves
3. Roots have a large surface area for the
(‘chemo’ towards a away
absorption of water; they contain means chemical from a
transport tissue and have root hairs. chemical) chemical

Experiment 9.1 (SB p. 94)

1. a) The roots grew downwards, and the
stems grew upwards.
b) The roots grew downwards, but the
stems grew towards the light.
2. A stem grows towards light, so it is
positively phototropic.

UNIT 9  Tropic responses 47

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Self-assessment answers
 (SB p. 97)
1. No. An animal responds quickly; a
plant responds slowly. Animals
respond to a greater number of
stimuli than plants do. A response in
an animal often involves its whole
body; a response in a plant involves
only part of the plant.
2. a) The growth of a stem towards or
away from a light stimulus is called
b) Plant stems are negatively
c) Plant roots are positively
3. To absorb maximum light for
4. Learners should show the plant shoot
bending upwards.
5. Learners should write an
experimental report as follows:
Materials: germinating bean seeds;
clinostat; pins
1. Place four seedlings onto the
clinostat (on its side) and start it
2. Place another four seedlings on to
a stationary clinostat (on its side).
3. Leave the seedlings for two days.

On the rotating clinostat, the seedlings’
roots grew straight. On the stationary
clinostat, they grew downwards.

Seedlings’ roots respond positively to
the downward force of gravity; they are
positively gravitropic.

48  TOPIC 2  Organisation and maintenance of life

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TOPIC Organisation and
2 maintenance of life

Sub-topic: Support and locomotion

  UNIT 10    Skeletal systems of organisms (Student’s Book page 98-109)

Key unit competence: To be able to analyse the different types of skeletons and identify the main parts of
a human skeleton.

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Recall the different types of skeleton in organisms
• List the characteristics of hydrostatic skeletons, exoskeletons and endoskeletons
• Explain the role of the different types of skeletons
• State the functions of the human/ mammalian skeletal system
• Describe the general structure of the human skeleton and identify the bones of the central and peripheral parts
• Recognise the different parts of the human skeleton from models in class
• Practice illustrating and labelling the major bones
• Research on the skeleton and presentation of the findings
• Take care of your bones so your skeleton stays strong and healthy.

1.  Content summary 3.  Competences practised

• Types of skeletons (hydrostatic, Basic competence
exoskeleton, endoskeleton). • Literacy: Listening carefully for
• Parts of human skeleton: Central understanding and seeking clarification
skeleton consisting of the skull, when necessary
vertebral column and thoracic cage Generic competence
• The peripheral skeleton consisting of • Research and team work: Work together
the upper and lower limbs, the shoulder in activities to collect data and present
and pelvic girdles their findings.
• Functions of human skeleton
• Practices that favour good health of the 4.  Cross-cutting issue
skeletal system. Inclusive Education: When you are
working in groups during an activity,
2.  Key vocabulary make sure everyone is involved and
Support system, skeleton, hydrostatic allowed to give their input or opinion.
skeleton, exoskeleton, moulting, joints,
flexible, endoskeleton, cartilage, 5.  Classroom organisation
chordates, backbone, central skeleton, Pairs and groups in classroom
peripheral skeleton, vertebrae, spinal cord,
thorax, ribs, hip bones

UNIT 10  Skeletal systems of organisms 49

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6.  Teaching materials in the Student’s Book to compare the
Illustrations and computer-aided study three types of skeletons. Arrange
materials; prepared slides, microscopes; learners in pairs for Activity 10.1.
pictures of small animals (rat/rabbit/ • Learners: Complete Activity 10.1.
guinea pig, toad/frog, and cockroach/ • Teacher: Monitor learners’ progress and
locust); specimens of different bones; assist where necessary. Discuss the
specimen jars learners’ answers in class.
• Learners: Provide feedback and ensure
7.  Before you start learning outcomes have been met.
• This unit describes skeleton types and
structures. Try to obtain some bones to
show learners. Discuss how different   Lesson 3  Human skeleton SB pp. 101-104
animals’ skeletons are suited to their • Teacher: Arrange learners in groups for
locomotion. Activity 10.2. Allow learners to go
• Teacher: Arrange learners in groups for outside to collect some specimens.
the oral activity. Emphasise that they need to treat their
• Learners: Complete the oral activity. specimens with care and that they must
return them unharmed to the place
8.  Teaching steps [6 lessons] where they found them. Provide
collecting bottles.
• Learners: Complete Activity 10.2.
  Lesson 1  Types of skeletons • Teacher: Describe the human skeleton.
 SB pp. 99-100 Use charts to help you, and Figure 10.6
• Teacher: Review the oral activity. Arrange on page 106 in the Student’s Book.
learners in groups to complete it. • Learners: Understand the structure of
• Learners: Complete oral activity. the human skeleton.
• Teacher: Describe the need for skeletons, • Teacher: Talk about the central skeleton,
and mention the three types: which is made up of the skull, vertebral
hydrostatic, exoskeleton and column and thoracic cage.
endoskeleton. Give examples of animals
that have each type. Discuss hydrostatic
and exoskeletons in more detail.   Lesson 4  Peripheral skeleton 
• Learners: Understand types of skeletons SB pp. 104-106
and refer to Figures 10.2–10.5 on • Teacher: Consolidate the previous
pages 99-100 in the Student’s Book. lesson, and revise the structure of the
  Lesson 2  C
 haracteristics of hydrostatic • Learners: Ask questions about the
skeletons, exoskeletons and skeleton.
endoskeletons SB p. 101 • Teacher: Describe the peripheral skeleton,
which is made up of the upper and lower
• Teacher: Consolidate work from limbs, pectoral girdle and pelvic girdle.
previous lesson. Give guidelines to Give guidelines on Exercise 10.2. If there
learners for completing Exercise 10.1.
• Learners: Complete Exercise 10.1. is insufficient time, learners can complete
• Teacher: Describe endoskeletons in more this for homework.
detail. Refer to Table 10.1 on page 101 • Learners: Complete Exercise 10.2.

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• Teacher: Discuss the answers to Exercise 2. Name three different types of skeletons,
10.2, and mark in class. and give an example of an animal that
• Learners: Provide feedback, and ensure has each type.
learning outcomes have been met. 3. Give three functions of the skeleton.

  Lesson 5  Functions of the skeleton  1. a) Humerus, radius and ulna, carpals,
SB p. 106 metacarpals and phalanges
• Teacher: Review the functions of the
b) Femur, patella, tibia and fibula,
skeleton as outlined in Table 10.2 on tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges
page 106 in the Student’s Book. Set up 2. Exoskeleton – crab, locust, beetle;
some bones for learners to observe, and hydrostatic skeleton – earthworm;
draw as required in Exercise 10.2. endoskeleton – human, cow, gorilla
Arrange learners in pairs. 3. Support, protection and movement
• Learners: Complete Exercise 10.2.
• Teacher: Facilitate learners as they work
on Exercise 10.2. Offer assistance if 1. Group these animals into three groups
needed. according to the type of skeleton that
• Learners: Provide feedback, and ensure
they have.
learning outcomes have been met. frog snake fly goat centipede butterfly
flatworm caterpillar mosquito donkey
  Lesson 6  L
 ooking after our skeletal 2. Name two animals that have:
system  SB p. 107 a) a hydrostatic skeleton
• Teacher: Ask learners if they can think of
b) an exoskeleton
ways we can look after our skeletons. c) an endoskeleton.
Read through the section ‘Looking after 3. Make a neat, labelled drawing to show
our skeletal system’ on page 107 in the the bones of the pectoral girdle.
Student’s Book. Help with vocabulary if
necessary. Answers
• Learners: Read the section ‘Looking after
our skeletal system’ on page 107 in the Hydrostatic Exoskeleton Endoskeleton
Student’s Book. skeleton
• Teacher: Ask learners to complete the flatworm, fly, centipede, frog, snake,
assessment task for homework. caterpillar, butterfly, goat, donkey
• Learners: Complete the assessment task octopus mosquito
for homework. 2. a) Snail, slug, worm, jelly fish
b) Locust, spider, crab, scorpion
9. Support for learners with c) Human, dog, elephant, bird
learning difficulties 3. Learners should draw a diagram similar
Remedial to Figure 10.10 on page 104 in the
1. Name three bones in the human Student’s Book.
skeleton found in the:
a) upper limbs
b) lower limbs.

UNIT 10  Skeletal systems of organisms 51

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Extension 11.  Suggested answers
1. Find out about how bones heal after
they have been fractured.   Oral activity     (SB p. 98)
2. Find out about the incidence of 1. The bones of the skeleton
osteoporosis in women worldwide. In 2. Muscles
which country are the women worst 3. Vital organs such as the brain, heart
affected? What tests are available to and lungs
find out if a woman has osteoporosis? 4. No, some organisms have a fluid
3. Find out about the exoskeleton of skeleton, e.g. worms, and some have
insects. What are the skeletons made an external skeleton, e.g. insects.
from? How are the muscles attached to 5. Yes, animals are able to move
them? differently. Animals can fly, crawl,
swim, run, etc. Their bodies are
Answers adapted in different ways, for
1. Use the following websites for example, by having wings, fins, long
information: legs, etc.
footankleinfo/Bone_Healing.htm Exercise 10.1 (SB p. 100)
broken_bones.html 1. Worms, leeches, slugs, snails,
2. Use the following websites for flatworms, jellyfish
information: 2. Fluid 3. Crabs, spiders, scorpions
facts-statistics 4. a) When an outer skeleton is shed as the animal grows
and-you/osteoporosis-facts-and-statistics/ b) Their bodies get too big for their
3. Use the following websites for exoskeleton.
information: 5. They have muscles attached to their skeletons.
outside-body-9265.html 6. It gives protection against injury and predators; it can help camouflage the
tutorial/integ.html animal; it prevents water loss.

10. Assessment   Activity 10.1     (SB p. 101)

1. Learners should group the animals
Assessment Task Marking according to their skeletons.
type 2. Answers will vary, depending on the
Formative Exercises Observe and specimens.
10.1–10.3 mark in class.
Summative Activity 10.2 Mark in class.
Self-assessment See answers on
p. 59.
Formal See answers on
assessment p. 59.

52  TOPIC 2  Organisation and maintenance of life

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Exercise 10.2 (SB p. 105) 4. Joint
1. It protects the brain. 5. Skull
2. There are 12 pairs of ribs. 6. Vertebrae
3. a) Backbone 7. To protect the spinal cord
b) Vertebrae 8. They have joints where the
4. The ribs, sternum and vertebral column exoskeleton is flexible, and muscles.
5. Femur, vertebrae 9. a) As the amount of calcium a
6. It protects the spinal cord; it provides person eats increases, so does
points of attachment for muscles. their bone density.
7. a) Ribs, sternum, vertebrae b) Exercise, sunshine, age
b) Scapula, clavicle
c) Femur, patella, tibia and fibula,
tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges 13.
8. A – clavicle;  B – sternum;
C – scapula;  D – humerus Formal assessment answers
 (SB pp. 109-110)
Exercise 10.3 (SB p. 106) 1. a) 10 × 40 = 400×  (3)
1. a) An outer skeleton found in b) 6×  (1)
invertebrates and made of a 2. Complete the table below by filling
substance called chitin in the correct information.
b) A structure found at the place where Plant cell Animal cell
two bones meet Shape Regular Irregular
c) A skeleton found inside the body of Outer Cell wall and Cell membrane
an animal covering cell membrane
d) A skeleton made up of fluid Organelles Nucleus, Nucleus,
2. a) Locust, crab, scorpion mitochondria, mitochondria,
b) Worm, slug, snail, jelly fish chloroplasts, cytoplasm,
3. a) Humerus, radius and ulna, carpals, cytoplasm, vacuoles
metacarpals and phalanges vacuoles
b) Clavicle, scapula Vacuoles Large Small or none
c) Vertebrae, hip bones
4. Support, protection and movement (10)
3. a) i) A group of similar cells that
Experiment 10.1 (SB p. 106) perform a particular function
Learners should draw diagrams similar to ii) A  group of similar tissues that
those in Figures 10.10 and 10.11 on pages work together to form a
104 and 105 in the Student’s Book. particular function  (2 × 2 = 4)
b) A – xylem;
12. B – red blood cells  (2 × 2 = 4)
c) Xylem transports water and
Self-assessment answers mineral salts. Red blood cells
transport oxygen. (4)
 (SB p. 108) 4. a) 1 – nose;
1. Bones 2 – right bronchus;
2. They moult and produce a new 3 – cartilage rings;
3. Heart, lungs

UNIT 10  Skeletal systems of organisms 53

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4 – bronchioles;
5 – trachea;
6 – left bronchus;
7 – diaphragm (7)
5. a) i) Carbohydrate
ii) Vitamin C  (2)
b) Vitamin B and vitamin C  (2)
c) Iron (2)
d) i) Anaemia
ii) Scurvy (2)
6. a) i) Starch and proteins
ii) Lipids (3)
b) Place food sample on a white tile.
Use a dropper to place a few drops
of iodine on the sample. Observe
colour change. If the sample turns
blue-black, starch is present. If the
colour remains orange-brown, no
starch is present. (6)
7. Use rubric 3 to assess learners’

Rubric 3
5 4 3 2 1
Examples All given Three Two examples One example No examples
examples given given given
Drawings Very clear, neat Clear and Quite clear and Not very clear Unclear and no
and labelled some labels a few labels and very few labels
Specialisation Well explained; Very good Good Fair Not
related to excellent grasp explanation; explanation; explanation; understood
function of concept very good good grasp of fair grasp of
grasp of concept concept
Presentation Neat Fairly neat Untidy
Total mark: 68

54  TOPIC 2  Organisation and maintenance of life

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TOPIC Health and disease
3 (Student’s Book pages: 111-151)

Sub-topic: Infectious and non-infectious diseases

  UNIT 11    Classification of diseases (Student’s Book page 112–123)

Key unit competence: To be able classify diseases and explain ways of preventing the spread of infectious

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Define good health as a state of mental, social and physical wellbeing
• Define disease as any physical or mental disorder or malfunction with a characteristic set of signs and symptoms
• Explain how infectious diseases (cholera, tuberculosis, malaria, Ebola, HIV/AIDS) are spread
• Explain ways in which infectious and non-infectious diseases can be prevented
• Classify diseases into infectious, non-infectious, inherited, degenerative, social, mental, eating disorder and
deficiency diseases
• Adopt and encourage the practices that enhance good health
• Be aware that the clearing of bushes and grasses in the habitats of the anopheles mosquitoes and the treatment
of the stagnant water for the anopheles larvae are necessary for eradicating malaria.

Generic competence
1.  Content summary
• Cooperation: Understand diseases and
• Health and disease
how to prevent them.
• Classification of diseases
• The spread and prevention of infections
• Non-infectious diseases: sickle cell,
4.  Cross-cutting issue
Comprehensive sexuality education:
allergies, ageing, osteoporosis, cancer,
Rwandans need to ensure that they lead
cardiovascular diseases, eating disorders,
healthy lifestyles so that they can
deficiency diseases.
contribute to the Rwandan economy. HIV/
AIDS is a serious disease that impacts on
2.  Key vocabulary
the lives of many Rwandans as well as the
Health, disease, pathogens,
country’s economy.
communicable, infections, quarantine,
gene, haemoglobin, carrier, immune
system, menopause, obesity, calories,
5.  Classroom organisation
Individuals, pairs and groups in classroom

3.  Competences practised 6.  Teaching materials

Charts and computer-aided materials
Basic competence
• Literacy: Listening carefully for
understanding and seeking clarification
when necessary

UNIT 11  Classification of diseases 55

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7.  Before you start consolidate information that learners
• Learners always enjoy learning about included on their posters.
diseases. Try to elicit responses about
learners’ own communities to add   Lesson 3  Experiment to make an ORS
context to this unit. However, be SB pp. 114-116
sensitive to learners’ situations as they • Teacher: Revise types of diseases, and
may have lost family members to give guidelines for Activity 11.4.
different diseases. • Learners: Complete Activity 11.4.
• Teacher: Arrange learners in groups for
• Teacher: Set up materials for
the oral activity. Experiment 11.1.
• Learners: Complete oral activity.
• Learners: Complete Experiment 11.1.
• Teacher: Capture feedback from
8.  Teaching steps [5 lessons] Experiment 11.1. Reinforce learning
  Lesson 1  Health and disease SB p. 113 • Learners: Contribute to feedback and
ensure all learning outcomes have been
• Teacher: Explain the learning objectives
and any associated assessment. Review
prior learning. Collect learners’ ideas for
achieving the objective(s). Facilitate oral   Lesson 4  Non-infectious diseases 
activity. SB pp. 117-120
• Learners: Complete oral activity in
• Teacher: Introduce learners to some
groups. non-infectious diseases. Give guidance
• Teacher: Discuss the terms ‘good health’
on Activity 11.5.
and ‘disease’. Arrange learners in groups • Learners: Collect information for
for Activity 11.1. Activity 11.5.
• Learners: Complete Activity 11.1.
• Teacher: Capture feedback from activity.
• Teacher: Provide feedback and facilitate
Reinforce learning outcomes.
discussion about practices that promote
good health. Arrange groups to make a
poster in Activity 11.2. Give guidelines   Lesson 5  Non-infectious diseases 
as to what makes a good poster. This SB pp. 120-122
task can be completed for homework. • Teacher: Reinforce the meaning of
‘non-infectious disease’.
  Lesson 2  Types of diseases  • Learners: Make sure that ‘non-infectious
SB p. 114-117 disease’ is understood.
• Teacher: Distinguish between infectious • Teacher: Describe sickle cell anaemia,
and non-infectious diseases, and give allergies, ageing, osteoporosis, cancer,
examples of each. Review Activity 11.3, cardiovascular diseases, eating disorders,
and arrange learners in groups. deficiency diseases and mental illnesses.
• Learners: Complete Activity 11.3. Mention signs and symptoms, and
• Teacher: Give feedback and monitor treatments for each disease. Review
progress. Define a communicable Exercise 11.1. This could be set as a
disease, and describe ways that homework task.
communicable diseases can be spread • Learners: Complete Exercise 11.1 and
from one person to another. This will Activity 11.6.

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• Teacher: Capture feedback from Answers
exercises and activities. Reinforce 1. Infectious disease, non-infectious
learning outcomes. disease, inherited disease, eating
disorder, deficiency disease
9. Support for learners with 2. a) A disease that can spread from one
learning difficulties person to another
Remedial b) High blood pressure
1. Name two infectious and two c) An injection that helps our bodies
non-infectious diseases. to fight disease
2. Mention three ways to prevent the d) A pigment in red blood cells that
spread of disease. carries oxygen molecules
3. List any three practices that promote 3.
good health. Name of disease Causes
Sickle cell anaemia A gene passed from
Answers parents
1. Infectious – TB, cholera; Allergies Reaction by immune
non-infectious – scurvy, osteoporosis system to a substance
2. Warn people about a disease outbreak; Stroke Too little oxygen
improve public hygiene; quarantine reaching the brain
people with a disease; immunise
against diseases. Extension
3. Eat a balanced diet; eat at regular 1. Do research in the library or on the
intervals; get enough sleep; maintain Internet to find out about ageing and
good hygiene of the body, clothes, the osteoporosis.
home and foods; drink safe water; a) What are the signs of ageing?
exercise regularly; avoid eating too b) Which diseases occur more often in
much salt; wash your hands before older people?
each meal and after going to the toilet. c) How can you take care of a person
suffering from ageing?
Consolidation d) Explain how a person gets osteoporosis.
1. List five types of diseases. e) What can a person do to avoid
2. Give the meaning of each of these getting osteoporosis?
terms: 2. Find out about malaria in Rwanda – the
a) infectious disease incidence, steps to eradicate it, and
b) hypertension ways people can avoid getting it.
c) immunisation
d) haemoglobin. Answers
3. Draw a table like the one below, and 1. a) Slowing down physically, mentally
complete it. and socially
Name of disease Causes b) Cancer, osteoporosis, mental
Sickle cell anaemia illnesses
c) Learners should mention patience,
caring and tolerance in their
Stroke answers.

UNIT 11  Classification of diseases 57

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d) Lack of vitamin D, calcium, lack of   Activity 11.3     (SB p. 116)
exercise and lack of sunshine 1. An infection is a disease caused by an
e) Eat foods that contain vitamin D organism inside a person’s body.
and calcium, and do exercise. 2. a) HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB),
2. Use the following websites for malaria, measles, mumps, flu
information: b) Learners to research these diseases:
en/home/mdgoverview/overview/mdg6. Transmission Prevention
html Tuberculosis Spread by Treat infected people living people with
country-profiles/profile_rwa_en.pdf in crowded antibiotics. conditions.
Spread in
droplets in the
10. Assessment
air when people
Assessment Task Marking
Malaria Transmitted Destroy
by mosquitoes mosquitoes.
Formative Activities Observe and that carry the
11.2–11.4 and mark in class. pathogen.
Activity 11.5
Ebola fever Spread in Quarantine
Summative Exercise 11.1 See answers on droplets when and isolate
p. 64. people touch infected
each other. people.
11.  Suggested answers HIV/AIDS Transmitted Use condoms.
through sexual
  Oral activity     (SB p. 112) intercourse with
1. Being able to lead an active life an infected
2. Answer will vary, depending on the person.
learners’ community. 3. a) Wash hands after going to the
5. Learners should come up with their toilet. Wash hands before eating.
own definitions. Drink safe water.

b) Keep food covered. Ensure rubbish

  Activity 11.1     (SB p. 113) and sewage are properly removed.
• Eat a balanced diet. c) Take them for treatment at a
• Eat at regular intervals. hospital. Give the person
• Get enough sleep. rehydration fluid.
• Maintain good hygiene of the body,
clothes, the home and foods.
• Exercise regularly.
• Avoid eating too much salt.
• Wash your hands before each meal
and after going to the toilet.
• Drink safe water.

58  TOPIC 3  Health and disease

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  Activity 11.4     (SB p. 117) 12.
1. ‘Ageing’ is the natural process that
Peer assessment answers
takes place when people get older.
Osteoporosis occurs mostly in older  (SB p. 134)
women, as a result of their bones 1. a) Cardiovascular disease
becoming brittle. b) Diabetes
2. Slowing down mentally and 2. Education and awareness campaigns;
physically improved public hygiene; quarantine
3. We can take care of ageing people by and immunisation
helping them to prepare meals, 3. Crowded conditions
assisting them with shopping and 4. a) Spraying with insecticides;
visiting them. removal of sources of stagnant
water; spraying with oil
b) Resistance of the malarial parasite
  Activity 11.5     (SB p. 120) to medicines
1. a) Infectious disease – HIV/AIDS, 5. Sport is beneficial for people as it
tuberculosis (TB), malaria results in healthy, fit individuals; it
b) Non-infectious disease – anaemia, promotes social interactions; it
kwashiorkor, obesity, high blood teaches sportsmanship and
pressure (hypertension) perseverance.
c) Inherited disease – cystic fibrosis
d) Eating disorder – obesity,
e) Deficiency disease – anaemia
2. Cholera – infectious disease; scurvy
– deficiency disease; sickle cell
anaemia – inherited disease; stroke
– non-infectious disease

Exercise 11.1 (SB p. 121)

1. a) Cholera, malaria, tuberculosis
b) Sickle cell anaemia, haemophilia,
cystic fibrosis
c) Arthritis
2.  a) A disease characterised by a gradual
decline in function; often associated
with ageing.

b) Negative social behaviour, such as

drug dependence; often caused by
social pressure.
c) A disease caused by a poor diet that
lacks one or more essential nutrients
3. a) Vitamin C
b) Vitamin D

UNIT 11  Classification of diseases 59

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TOPIC Health and disease
Sub-topic: Reproductive health
  UNIT 12    Human reproductive system (Student’s Book page 124-135)

Key unit competence: To be able to analyse the structure, functions and processes of the human sexual
and reproductive system and relate to the understanding of sex and gender.

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Describe the structure and function of the human sexual and reproductive system
• List the external and internal organs of the male reproductive system
• List the external and internal organs of the female reproductive system
• Explain the production of sex cells: gametogenesis
• Compare the size and shape of ovum and sperm
• Explain the role of hormones in growth, development and the regulation of the reproduction organs and sexual
• Define sex determination
• Analyse how culture, tradition and religious practices influence one’s thinking about sex, gender and reproduction
• Appreciate that gender stereotypes are not biologically determined and can be challenged.

1.  Content summary hypophysis, menstrual cycle,

• External and internal reproductive chromosomes, gender equality, germinal
organs cells
• The process of sperm and ovum
production 3.  Competences practised
• Determination of sex Basic competence
• Role of hormones in growth, • Literacy: Listening carefully for
development, and the regulation of understanding and seeking clarification
reproductive organs and sexual when necessary
functions Generic competence
• Influence of culture, tradition and • Cooperation: Practising positive ethical
religious practices on one’s thinking and moral attitudes with respect to
about sex, gender and reproduction. socially acceptable behaviour - gender
2.  Key vocabulary
Neutralise, prostate gland, ejaculation, 4. Cross-cutting issue
ova, oestrogen, progesterone, erectile, Comprehensive sexuality education:
vagina, hymen, cervix, uterus, • HIV/AIDS, STIs, family planning, gender
endometrium, ovaries, ovulation, oviduct, equality and reproductive health are
gametogenesis, germinal cells, puberty, important issues in Rwanda.

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• Healthy people can work to sustain models or diagrams you have available
themselves. People with HIV/AIDS have to help your explanation.
a greater chance of slipping into poverty • Learners: Use any available visual
or to remain in poverty. materials to help with understanding the
structure and function of the external
5.  Classroom organisation male structures.
Individuals, pairs and groups in classroom

6.  Teaching materials   Lesson 2  Male reproductive organs 

Charts and computer-aided materials SB pp. 125-127
• Teacher: Consolidate what was learnt in
7.  Before you start the previous lesson. Move on to discuss
• Learners enjoy this topic, as it is relevant
the internal organs as shown in
to their lives as teenagers. Be sensitive to Figure 12.3 on page 126 in the Student’s
learners’ development – some are more Book. Review Table 12.1 on page 126 in
mature than others, and they may the Student’s Book. Give guidance on
respond differently to the information Exercise 12.1.
in this topic. You should also be open • Learners: Complete Exercise 12.1.
and honest when answering learners’ • Teacher: Facilitate learners’ progress and
questions; treat the questions in a ensure learning outcomes have been
scientific and objective manner. When met. Discuss answers to Exercise 12.1.
discussing gender issues and equality, • Learners: Provide feedback.
encourage learners to respect other
learners’ opinions.
• Teacher: Arrange learners in groups for   Lesson 3  Female reproductive organs
the oral activity. SB pp. 127-129
• Learners: Complete oral activity.
• Teacher: Describe the female
reproductive organs using any charts
8.  Teaching steps [10 lessons] and diagrams that you may have. Use
Table 12.2 on page 127 in the Student’s
  Lesson 1  Reproduction  SB p. 125 Book to assist your explanation of the
structure and function of the external
• Teacher: Introduce the topic of
reproduction and gender using the oral • Learners: Review structure and function
activity. of external organs.
• Learners: Learners complete the oral
• Teacher: Describe the structure and
activity. function of the internal organs.
• Teacher: Monitor learners’ progress and
• Learners: Complete Exercise 12.2.
facilitate the discussion. Explain the • Teacher: Observe learners, and monitor
functions of the reproductive organs in their progress and timing. Mark Exercise
terms of gamete production, transport of 12.2 in class and discuss.
the male gametes to the ovum, • Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
production of hormones, and as a site for ensure all learning outcomes have been
development of the embryo. Describe met.
the external structure of the male
reproductive organs using any charts,

UNIT 12  Human reproductive system 61

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  Lesson 4  Production of sex cells • Learners: Complete Exercise 12.3.
SB pp. 129-130 • Teacher: Observe and assist learners
• Teacher: Remind learners that the
when necessary. Reinforce learning
reproductive organs are responsible for outcomes.
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
the production of gametes. Explain the
word ‘gametogenesis’. Refer to ensure all learning outcomes have been
Figure 12.5 on page 129 in the Student’s met.
Book and describe the structure of a
sperm cell.   Lesson 7  Sex determination  SB p. 132
• Learners: Review structure of a sperm
• Teacher: Arrange learners in pairs for
cell, and understand the functions of the
different parts. Activity 12.1. Distribute coloured cards,
• Teacher: Refer to Figure 12.6 on page 130
and explain what the learners have to
in the Student’s Book. Ask learners for do.
• Learners: Complete Activity 12.1 in
the differences between the male and
female gametes. pairs.
• Teacher: Monitor progress against
• Learners: Try to work out the differences
between the male and female gametes. planned timing.

  Lesson 5  T
 he role of hormones in   Lesson 8  Gender equality  SB p. 133
reproduction  SB pp. 130-131 • Teacher: Gender equality and gender
• Teacher: Mention that the reproductive
issues are topical subjects for teenagers.
organs are also responsible for the The influence of religion, traditions and
production of hormones. Explain the culture is important. Exercise sensitivity
word ‘hormone’. Refer to Table 12.5 on when discussing this topic, and respect
page 131 in the Student’s Book and other peoples’ views. Arrange learners in
describe the male and female hormones: groups, and read through Activity 12.2.
• Learners: Complete Activity 12.2.
where they are made and their
• Teacher: Observe learners and facilitate
• Learners: Understand the reproductive
learners’ discussion. Monitor progress
hormones. against planned timing.
• Teacher: Give guidance on the
homework activity. Reinforce learning   Lesson 9  Gender equality SB pp. 134-135
• Teacher: Discuss gender equality. Refer
to the table on page 133 in the Student’s
  Lesson 6  Sex determination Book.
SB pp. 131-132 • Learners: Complete Activity 12.3.
• Teacher: Observe learners and facilitate
• Teacher: Ask learners how males and
females/boys and girls come about. learners’ discussions. Monitor progress
Discuss learners’ ideas, and then against planned timing. Take in learners’
describe the sex hormones. Use paragraphs for marking.
diagrams to help your explanation of
sex determination. Read through
Exercise 12.3.

62  TOPIC 3  Health and disease

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  Lesson 10  Self-assessment  SB p. 135 b) Testosterone – produces secondary
• Teacher: Set the assessment task as male sexual characteristics.
summative assessment. Oestrogen – produces secondary
• Learners: Complete the assessment task, female sexual characteristics; is
and hand it in for marking. involved in the development of the
• Teacher: Observe learners as they ovum; plays a role in the menstrual
complete the assessment task. cycle. Progesterone – is important in
the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
9. Support for learners with FSH –is involved in the production
learning difficulties of ova. LH – causes ovulation to take
Remedial place.
1. Give the function of each of these parts
of the male reproductive system: Consolidation
a) testes 1. Give a reason for each of the following:
b) penis a) The uterus has powerful muscles.
c) prostate gland. b) The oviducts are lined with ciliated
2. Give the function of each of these parts epithelium.
2. Draw a table to show
of the female reproductive system: the structure and functions of each
a) uterus       b) oviducts internal part of the female reproductive
c) ovaries. system.
3. a) Name: 3. Draw a table to show the differences
i) one male hormone between the production of sperm cells
ii) two female hormones. and the production of ova.
b) Give the function of each hormone
mentioned in question (a). Answers
1. a) To contract during childbirth and
Answers expel the foetus
1. a) Produce testosterone; the place b) To move the ovum along the
where sperm cells are made oviduct towards the uterus
b) The organ that is placed in the 2. Learners should draw a table similar to
vagina during sexual intercourse for Table 12.3 on page 128 in the Student’s
delivery of semen Book.
c) Produces fluid that neutralises the 3. Learners should draw a table similar to
acidity of the urine in the urethra, Table 12.4 on page 130 in the Student’s
improves the mobility of sperm Book.
2. a) Involved in the menstrual cycle; is
the place where the baby develops Extension
during pregnancy 1. Find out about some diseases that
b) Where fertilisation takes place affect the human reproductive system,
c) Where an ovum is produced each for example, sexually transmitted
month infections (STIs) and types of cancer.
3. a) i) testosterone 2. Conduct research about gender
ii) oestrogen, progesterone, follicle equality in two countries.
stimulating hormone (FSH), 3. Make models of the male and female
luteinising hormone (LH) reproductive systems using coloured

UNIT 12  Human reproductive system 63

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Answers 3. Learners should build models of the
1. Learners can use the following websites reproductive organs using the diagrams
to find information: in the Student’s Book.
male-reproductive-system/ 10. Assessment
male-reproductive-system-diseases/ Assessment Task Marking
female-reproductive-system/ type
female-reproductive-system-diseases/ Formative Exercises Observe and
2. Use the following websites to find 12.1–12.3 mark in class.
information: Homework Mark in class. Summative Activity 12.3, Mark using
features/12-things-know-2012-gender- paragraph rubric 4 below.
equality Self-assessment See answers on p. 73.

Rubric 4
3 2 1 0
Includes own Yes No
Written in a Yes No
logical way
Neat Yes No
Includes Extensive and Fairly extensive Some appropriate No appropriate
information appropriate and mostly information information
on cultural, information appropriate included included
traditional and included information
religious practices included

11.  Suggested answers b) Oestrogen and progesterone are

produced in the ovaries. (FSH and
Exercise 12.1 (SB p. 127) LH are produced in the pituitary
Learners’ table must be similar to Table gland.)
12.1 on page 126 in the Student’s Book. 3. a) To expel the foetus from the uterus
during childbirth
Exercise 12.2 (SB p. 129) b) To move the ovum along the
1. Learners’ table must be similar to Table oviduct towards the uterus
12.3 on page 128 in the Student’s Book.
2. a) Oestrogen, progesterone, follicle
stimulating hormone (FSH),
luteinising hormone (LH)

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Homework (SB p. 131)
1. Learners should draw diagrams similar   Activity 12.3     (SB p. 132)
to Figures 12.5 and 12.6 on pages 129 Learners should discuss gender equality/
and 130 in the Student’s Book. inequality in their community and how
2. Testosterone cultural, traditional and religious
3. a) Oestrogen, progesterone, follicle practices influence peoples’ views. After
stimulating hormone (FSH), their discussion, they should write a
luteinising hormone (LH) paragraph about this and hand it in for
b) Oestrogen – produces secondary marking.
female sexual characteristics; is
involved in the development of the 12.
ovum; plays a role in the menstrual
cycle. Progesterone – important in Self-assessment answers
the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.  (SB p. 135)
FSH – involved in the production of 1 a) A – D
 iagram to show the structure
ova. LH – causes ovulation to take of the male reproductive
place. system (front view)
B – D  iagram to show the structure
Exercise 12.3 (SB p. 132) of the female reproductive
1. By the presence of external system (front view)
reproductive organs and by the type of b) 1 – epididymis 
sex chromosomes they have in their 2 – sperm duct
cells. 3 – bladder 
2. A chromosome is a structure found in 4 – ureter
the nucleus of a cell that carries 5 – seminal vesicles 
information about an organism’s 6 – prostate gland
characteristics. 7 – penis
3. The X chromosomes and the Y 8 – urethra
chromosomes c) 9 – ovary  
4. The baby will be a boy – XY. 10 – oviduct
5. The father has some sperm cells that 11 – cervix  
have an X chromosome and some that 12 – vagina
have a Y chromosome. The ovum has d) Epididymis – stores sperm; sperm
an X chromosome. If a sperm cell with duct – transports sperm from
an X chromosome fuses with the epididymis; bladder – stores urine;
ovum, then the resulting baby will be a ureter – transports urine from
girl (XX). If a sperm cell with a Y kidneys to bladder; seminal
chromosome fuses with the ovum, vesicles – produce neutralising
then the resulting baby will be a boy fluid; prostate gland – produces
(XY). neutralising fluid that helps sperm
motility; penis – transfers semen
to female body; urethra –
transports urine and semen out of
male body.

UNIT 12  Human reproductive system 65

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e) Ovary – produces ova and female
hormones; oviduct – passage for
ova to uterus, site of fertilisation;
cervix – ring of muscle, important
in childbirth; vagina – place
where penis is placed during
intercourse, the passage for the
baby out of female body during

66  TOPIC 3  Health and disease

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TOPIC Health and disease
Sub-topic: Reproductive health
  UNIT 13    Puberty and sexual maturation (Student’s Book page 136-141)

Key unit competence: To be able to analyse the physical, emotional and social changes related to puberty.

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Define puberty and how it affects the body emotionally and physically
• State the key emotional and physical changes during puberty
• Describe the hormones that bring about these changes
• Describe the various phases of the menstrual cycle
• Analyse the physical, emotional, and social changes associated with puberty between girls and boys
• Show respect for diversity in when and how peers develop and change during puberty

1.  Content summary 3.  Competences practised

• Puberty is a time of sexual maturation Basic competence
which leads to major physical and • Literacy: Listening carefully for
emotional changes and can be stressful. understanding and seeking clarification
• Puberty occurs at different times for when necessary
different people, and has different effect Generic competence
on boys and girls. • Cooperation: Understanding puberty
• Male and female hormones differ and and its social challenges
have a major influence on the
emotional and physical changes that 4.  Cross-cutting issue
occur over one’s lifetime. Comprehensive sexuality education:
• Hormones can affect body shape and Pressure to have sex at an early age could
size, body hair growth, development lead to social and economic problems.
and other changes. Understand the consequences of
• The menstrual cycle. unplanned pregnancies. Honour yourself
and your body.
2.  Key vocabulary
Puberty, primary sexual characteristics, 5.  Classroom organisation
secondary sexual characteristics, Individuals, pairs and groups in classroom
testosterone, oestrogen, menarche,
menopause 6.  Teaching materials
Illustrations and computer-aided materials

UNIT 13  Puberty and sexual maturation 67

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7.  Before you start   Lesson 2  Hormones and puberty
• As in the previous unit, you will need to SB p. 138
be sensitive to learners’ contribution or • Teacher: Consolidate the material
lack of contribution to discussions. Be covered in the previous lesson by
sensitive to learners’ development – referring to Table 13.1 on page 138.
some are more mature than others, and • Learners: Ensure that secondary sexual
they may respond differently to the changes that occur during puberty are
information in this unit. You should understood.
also be open and honest when • Teacher: Introduce learners to the
answering learners’ questions; treat the hormones that bring about these
questions in a scientific and objective changes. They will need to use this
manner. information when discussing the
• Teacher: Explain the learning objectives
menstrual cycle.
and any associated assessment. Review • Learners: Ensure the role of hormones is
prior learning. Collate learners’ ideas for understood.
achieving the objectives.
• Learners: Ensure they understand clearly
the objectives, activities and assessment.   Lesson 3  The menstrual cycle 
SB pp. 138-139
8.  Teaching steps [8 lessons] • Teacher: Remind learners about the term
‘menstrual cycle’, and mention that
  Lesson 1  Puberty  SB pp. 137-138 hormones are involved, as discussed in
the previous lesson.
• Teacher: Arrange learners in groups of
• Learners: Use Figure 13.3 on page 138 to
girls and boys for the oral activity. visualise the changes that take place in
• Learners: Complete oral activity about
the uterus during the menstrual cycle.
teenage issues. Relate events to the days of the cycle.
• Teacher: Facilitate oral activity. Be sensitive
• Teacher: Discuss the phases of the
to the issues raised as these may be menstrual cycle using Figure 13.3 on
difficult for some shy learners to discuss. page 138 to help you.
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
ensure all learning outcomes have been
met.   Lesson 4  P
 rimary and secondary sexual
• Explain the word ‘puberty’. Ensure that characteristics  SB p. 140
learners understand the difference • Teacher: Consolidate the events of the
between primary and secondary sexual menstrual cycle. Arrange learners in
characteristics. pairs for Activity 13. 1
• Learners: Contribute to an
• Learners: Complete Activity 13.1 in
understanding of what puberty is. class.
• Teacher: Refer learners to Figure 13.2 on
• Teacher: Spend time going over the
page 137 to consolidate changes that occur answers to Activity 13.1.
during puberty in males and females. • Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
ensure all learning outcomes have been
ensure all learning outcomes have been met.

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  Lesson 5  P
 rimary and secondary sexual 9. Support for learners with
characteristics  SB p. 140 learning difficulties
• Teacher: Allow learners to complete
Exercise 13.1 in class, individually. 1. On which days in the menstrual cycle
• Learners: Complete Exercise 13.1.
do the following occur?
• Teacher: You could mark this exercise in
a) ovulation
class with the learners, or you could take b) menstruation
it in for summative assessment. c) the time when falling pregnant after
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
unprotected sex is most likely
ensure all learning outcomes have been 2. Make a list of changes that occur
met. during puberty in:
a) boys b) girls.
3. Name three hormones that are
  Lesson 6/7  Social issues and puberty  involved in reproduction in males and
SB p. 140 females.
• Teacher: Discuss the consequences of
teenage pregnancy and unintended Answers
pregnancy. Be aware that this is a 1. a) Between days 10 and 15 b) On
sensitive issue and take care that you do days 1 to 5
not offend any learners during the c) Between days 10 and 15
discussion. Arrange learners in groups so 2. a) Facial, pubic and underarm hair
that they can plan their role-play, as starts to grow; voice deepens; body
outlined in Activity 13.2. size increases and becomes more
• Learners: Plan and prepare the role-play.
muscular; sex organs increase in
• Teacher: Facilitate the discussion of the
size; sperm are produced in the
role-play. testes; acne may occur.
• Learners: In the next lesson, perform the
b) Pubic and underarm hair starts to
role-play. grow; breasts enlarge; fatty tissue is
• Teacher: Facilitate discussion with the
deposited on the hips and thighs;
class after each role-play, highlighting hips broaden; menstruation starts;
important points that may have been ova are released from the ovaries;
demonstrated. acne may occur.
3. Oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone

  Lesson 8  Self-assessment  SB p. 141 Consolidation

• Teacher: Arrange learners to complete
1. Define each of the following words:
the assessment task. You can use this for a) puberty
summative assessment. b) menarche
• Learners: Complete the assessment task,
c) menstruation.
and hand it in to the teacher for 2. During which phase of the menstrual
marking. cycle do the following occur?
• Teacher: Mark the assessment task.
a) ovulation
b) preparation of the endometrium for
possible pregnancy
3. List three consequences of an
unintended pregnancy.

UNIT 13  Puberty and sexual maturation 69

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Answers 11.  Suggested answers
1. a) The time when boys and girls
become sexually mature   Activity 13.1     (SB p. 153)
b) The first menstrual cycle 1. Approximately 28 days
c) When the lining of the uterus is 2. Menstruation begins.
shed 3. Six days
2. a) Ovulatory phase b) Luteal phase 4. An ovum is released from the ovary.
3. Negative impact on education and 5. Between days 11 and 18. The ovum
career prospects; family disruption has been released and is moving
along the oviduct at this time. If it
Extension meets sperm, fertilisation could occur.
1. Find out about the impact of family 6. If the egg is not fertilised, it dies, and
planning on a woman’s health and her the uterus lining is shed during
pregnancies. menstruation, after a few days.
2. Do research on the different types of
family planning available, and list the
advantages and disadvantages of each Exercise 13.1  (SB p. 140)
type. 1. Primary sexual characteristics are
present from birth; secondary sexual
Answers characteristics develop during puberty.
1.and 2. Use the following websites for 2. a) Testosterone b) Oestrogen and
information: progesterone 3. b) Between days 11 and 18
en/ c) No, the day can vary in different women.
teenagers-sexual-health-behaviour d) Day 28 or day 1 e) No, the day can vary in different
family-planning-in-rwanda women.
4. a) The time in a woman’s life when the
10. Assessment menstrual cycle stops
b) The phase during the menstrual
Assessment Task Marking
cycle when the egg is produced in
an ovary in preparation for
Formative Activity 13.1; Observe Activity
ovulation; the endometrium starts
Activity 13.2 13.1 and mark
in class.
to get thicker.
Observe Activity
Summative Exercise 13.1; See answers for
Self-assessment Exercise 13.1 on
p. 70.
See answers for
on p. 71.

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Self-assessment answers
 (SB p. 141)
1. 1.1 – E
1.2 – A
1.3 – F
1.4 – B
1.5 – C
1.6 – D
2. 30 July

UNIT 13  Puberty and sexual maturation 71

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TOPIC Health and disease
Sub-topic: Reproductive health
  UNIT 14   Reproduction, pregnancy
and childbirth  (Student’s Book page 140-152)

Key unit competence: To be able to analyse the process of reproduction, pregnancy and childbirth.

At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:

• Describe male and female reproductive systems
• Explain the process of fertilisation
• Explain how a pregnancy occurs
• Describe the signs of pregnancy, and the stages of foetal development and childbirth
• Define maternal mortality and list major causes of maternal mortality
• Describe ways that poverty and gender inequality lead to death among pregnant women and how these
outcomes can be prevented
• List health risks associated with early pregnancy and birth
• Analyse using simulations of stages of pregnancy and discuss the signs and behavioural symptoms of pregnancy
• Appreciate the importance of the steps that should be taken to promote safe pregnancy and childbirth
• Show concern about maternal mortality as an issue in the region.

1.  Content summary 3.  Competences practised

• Reproduction: Male and female Basic competence
reproductive systems • Literacy: Listening carefully for
• Intercourse and fertilization understanding and seeking clarification
• Pregnancy and its signs when necessary
• Foetal development Generic competence
• Ante-natal care • Cooperation: Understand the risks and
• Childbirth and consequences of teenage pregnancies
• Health risks associated with teenage • Critical thinking: Think reflectively,
pregnancy and early child birth broadly and logically about challenges
• Steps to promote safe pregnancies and encountered in all situations
4.  Cross-cutting issue
2.  Key vocabulary Comprehensive sexuality education:
Ejaculation, fertilisation, conception, Unintended pregnancies and teenage
zygote, implantation, embryo, foetus, pregnancies may lead to health problems
placenta, umbilical cord, labour, Caesarian as well as social and economic difficulties.
section, maternal mortality, abortion, Healthy pregnancies, childbirth, antenatal
unintended pregnancy and postnatal care are essential for all
Rwandan women.

72  TOPIC 3  Health and disease

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5.  Classroom organisation   Lesson 2  T
 he male and female
Individuals, pairs and groups in classroom reproductive systems 
SB p. 143
6.  Teaching materials • Teacher: This lesson consolidates work
Illustrations and computer-aided materials covered in Unit 12 – the structure and
function of the male and female
7.  Before you start reproductive systems.
• As in the previous two units, you will
• Learners: Learners complete Exercise
need to be sensitive to learners’ 14.1 on their own.
contribution or lack of contribution to • Teacher: Discuss the answers to Exercise
discussions. Be sensitive to learners’ 14.1 in class. Revise any areas about
development – some are more mature which learners seem unsure. Use charts
than others, and they may respond and models of the reproductive system
differently to the information in this to help you.
unit. You should also be open and • Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
honest when answering learners’ ensure all learning outcomes have been
questions; treat the questions in a met.
scientific and objective manner.
• Teacher: Explain the learning objectives
and any associated assessment. Review   Lesson 3  S
 exual intercourse and
prior learning. Collate learners’ ideas for fertilisation  SB p. 144
achieving the objectives. • Teacher: Discuss sexual intercourse,
• Try to access computer simulations of
fertilisation and foetal development. Be
the stages of pregnancy to show to sensitive to learners’ levels of maturity.
learners. Discuss these topics in a scientific and
• Arrange for a medical official to visit the
objective manner whilst allowing time
school to discuss health risks associated for learners to ask sensible questions.
with early pregnancy and birth. • Learners: Ensure that all new words are
understood. Draw up a list of new words
8.  Teaching steps [8 lessons] and their meanings.

  Lesson 1  T
 he male and female
reproductive systemsSB p. 143   Lesson 4  Foetal development 
• Teacher: Arrange learners in groups of
SB pp. 144-145
girls and boys for the oral activity. • Teacher: Consolidate foetal
• Learners: Complete the oral activity development, and explain the
about reproduction. importance of the placenta.
• Teacher: Facilitate the oral activity. Be • Learners: Complete Exercise 14.2 in class.
sensitive to the issues raised, as these • Teacher: Discuss the answers to Exercise
may be difficult for some shy learners to 14.2 with learners in class, and let them
discuss. mark their own work. You could set this
• Learners: Contribute to feedback and as a homework task if you do not have
ensure all learning outcomes have been time for its completion in class.
met. • Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
ensure all learning outcomes have been

UNIT 14  Reproduction, pregnancy and childbirth 73

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  Lesson 5  Pregnancy and childbirth  • Learners: Discuss dangers in their
SB pp. 145-146 community associated with pregnancy
• Teacher: Describe the signs of pregnancy
and childbirth, and the facilities
and the stages of childbirth. available to help.
• Learners: Learners should refer to
Figure 14.6 on page 146.   Lesson 8  Self-assessment SB p. 150
• Teacher: Discuss problems that may
• Teacher: Arrange the learners in the
occur during childbirth. Be sensitive to
learners’ experiences. classroom so that they can write the
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
assessment task as a test to be used for
ensure all learning outcomes have been summative assessment.
• Learners: Complete the assessment task,
and hand it in for marking.

  Lesson 6  Unintended pregnancy 9. Support for learners with

SB p. 147 learning difficulties
• Teacher: Use this lesson to build on the
role-play of an unintended pregnancy in 1. Make a neat, labelled drawing to show
Unit 13. the fusion of a sperm and an ovum.
• Learners: Complete Exercise 14.3 in
2. Give any three functions of the
class. placenta.

• Teacher: Discuss the answers to Exercise

14.3 with learners, and revise any 1. Learners should draw a diagram similar
misconceptions or inaccurate facts. to Figure 14.2 on page 144.
• Learners: Contribute to feedback, and
2. Provide the foetus with nutrients;
ensure all learning outcomes have been remove waste products from the foetus’
met. blood; exchange oxygen and carbon
• Teacher: Discuss teenage pregnancy, and
dioxide between the foetus’ blood and
arrange learners in groups for Activity the mother’s blood; act as a filter for
14.1. harmful substances, although some
• Learners: Complete Activity 14.1 in
substances, such as nicotine, drugs and
groups and discuss unintended alcohol, as well as viruses such as HIV,
pregnancy, the consequences of teenage can pass through it and reach the
pregnancy and maternal mortality. foetus; secrete hormones

  Lesson 7  H
 ealth risks associated with 1. What is another name for each of the
teenage pregnancy  following?
SB pp. 148-149 a) pregnancy
• Teacher: Reinforce the risks associated
b) birth
with pregnancy and childbirth, and state 2. Explain why the baby must position
the ways that these can be mitigated by itself with its head down during
attendance at health clinics, and childbirth.
antenatal and postnatal care.

74  TOPIC 3  Health and disease

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Answers Extension
1. a) Gestation b) Parturition 1. Design a poster for a clinic in Rwanda
2. The baby positions itself so that its to display, which shows the steps a
head will move through the birth canal pregnant woman should take for a
first. This prevents the arms and legs healthy pregnancy and childbirth.
from getting stuck, which would make 2. Two people are needed to make a baby.
the birth difficult. Are two people needed to look after it?
Write a paragraph to express your
3. Find out the gestation time for any
three mammals.

1. Use the rubric below to mark the

5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Very good Good Fair Needs help
Content: Main Excellent. Clear heading. Clear heading. Heading Not clear/
points, facts/ Bold heading. Facts clear and Facts mostly clear but not muddled.
concepts Relevant facts. ordered. Well clear and well appropriate. Important
Interesting, researched ordered Facts clear facts left out/
with evidence but not well lost in detail
of research ordered
and insight
Interesting Excellent Very good Good Adequate Poorly
information information. information. information. information. researched.
Evidence of Evidence of Evidence of Little evidence Insufficient
extensive good research some research of research information
Organisation, Excellent Very good use Good use of Adequate Partially
layout, layout and of colour/ colour/ use of colour ordered
aesthetic organised use additional additional and order in layout.
appeal, use of of relevant relevant relevant layout. A good Incomplete/
colour visuals/ pictures. pictures. effort not easy to
colour. Appealing Layout could follow. Some
Strikingly layout be more eye- use of colour
appealing catching

UNIT 14  Reproduction, pregnancy and childbirth 75

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2. Learners should write a paragraph to Exercise 14.2  (SB p. 145)
give their opinion on whether one or 1. a) The single cell that forms after an
both parents are needed to raise a egg and sperm cell fuse
child. Each will have, and is entitled to, b) The fusion of an egg and sperm cell
his or her own opinion. c) The moment when fertilisation
3. Answers will vary. Examples of takes place
gestation times: elephant – 21 months; d) The structure that forms to provide
dog – 63 days; donkey – 12 months. the developing foetus with oxygen
and nutrients and to remove carbon
10. Assessment dioxide and waste products
2. a) Provide the foetus with nutrients;
Assessment Task Marking remove waste products from the
type foetus’ blood; exchange oxygen and
Formative Exercises Observe and carbon dioxide between the foetus’
14.1, 14.2 mark in class. blood and the mother’s blood; act as
and 14.3 a filter for harmful substances,
Summative Self- See answers although some substances, such as
assessment on p. 84. nicotine, drugs and alcohol, as well
as viruses such as HIV, can pass
11. Suggested answers through it and reach the foetus;
secrete hormones
  Oral activity     (SB p. 142) b) Drugs and alcohol can cross the
1. Production of hormones; placenta and enter the foetus’ blood
development of the foetus if the mother consumes them
2. Around the time of ovulation (days during her pregnancy. This can
11 to 18) harm the baby and lead to mental
3. Circumstances differ, but usually an and physical disabilities.
unintended pregnancy occurs when an
unmarried woman or teenager falls Exercise 14.3 Consolidation  (SB p. 147)
pregnant, or after rape. Other causes of 1. a) The structure that develops eight
unintended pregnancy include not using weeks after fertilisation
contraception or not using it properly, b) The single cell that forms after
lack of education about unprotected sex fusion of the male and female sex
and lack of family planning. cells
4. Unintended pregnancies can have c) The process during which a child is
negative emotional, social and health born
consequences. 2. An embryo consists of mainly
undifferentiated tissue; a foetus has
developed different tissues and organs.
Exercise 14.1  (SB p. 143) 3. Complications from delivery, such as
1. a) Testes b) Penis severe bleeding; infection; unsafe abortion
2. Ovary, oviduct, uterus, cervix, vagina 4. An unintended pregnancy is an
3. a) Oviducts b) Uterus unplanned pregnancy.

76  TOPIC 3  Health and disease

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Extension 13.
Use the rubric on page 17 of this Teacher’s
Guide to mark the posters. Formal assessment answers
 (SB pp. 151-152)
12. 1. 1.1 – C 
1.2 – B
Self-assessment answers 1.3 – B 
 (SB p. 150) 1.4 – C
1. Production of hormones; 1.5 – C 
development of the foetus 1.6 – B 
2. a) When the penis is placed in the 1.7 – C  (7 × 2 = 14)
vagina 2. a) 1 – bladder
b) When the ball of cells (blastocyst) 2 – urethra
burrows into the lining of the 3 – testis
uterus 4 – scrotum
c) The process during which a child 5 – epididymis
is born through the vagina 6 – sperm duct
3. Not using contraception, or not 7 – seminal vesicles
using it properly; lack of education 8 – prostate gland (8)
about unprotected sex; lack of b) 1 – oviducts 
planning; rape 2 – ovary 
4. Taking vitamins; resting; eating 3 – cervix 
healthily; avoiding alcohol, caffeine 4 – vagina;
and cigarettes; seeing a health worker 5 – muscular wall of uterus
to assist at the birth; eating well- 6 – egg (6)
cooked foods; not changing cat litter 3. a)  i) 27 % ii) 14 % (2 × 2 = 4)
boxes b)  i) Rural areas  (2)
5. Menstruation stops; slight bleeding ii) L  ess access to health care; lack
or cramping as the embryo implants of information; cultural
in the uterus; tender breasts; extreme practices; poverty (2 × 2 = 4)
tiredness; backache; nausea or 4. Health issues – premature labour;
sickness; needing to urinate more maternal death
often; headaches, due to the sudden Social/emotional issues –
rise of hormones in the body; stigmatisation and/or exclusion from
darkening of the skin around the family or community
nipples; food cravings or aversions; Socio-economic issues – dropping out
emotional sensitivity and outbursts, of school; reduced employment
due to high hormone levels opportunities  (3 × 2 = 6)
6. It has cultural significance for some 5. Awareness/health education;
Rwandans. Some Rwandans bury it improved public hygiene;
to keep away evil spirits. quarantine/isolation; immunisation;
improved health care (3 × 2 = 6)
Total marks: 50

UNIT 14  Reproduction, pregnancy and childbirth 77

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Worksheet 1

  UNIT 1    Introduction to Biology  (Student’s Book page 2)

1. a) List any two aspects of biology. (2)

b) Which aspect of biology deals with:
i) the study of insects
ii) the study of microscopic living things? (2)

2. Matching columns. Match the term or description in Column A with the

term in Column B.
Column A Column B

2.1 Characteristic A. toxic

2.2 A dangerous situation B. feature
2.3 Poisonous C. genetics
2.4 The study of the structure of living things D. hazard
E. anatomy (4)

3. Complete the following sentences using the words below:

movement growth organisms reproduce

Biologists call living things _______________________. All living things produce

offspring when they _______________________. _______________________ is more easily
seen in animals than in plants. When living things get bigger and increase in
mass, it is called _______________________. (4)

4. List any three safety rules that should be followed in a laboratory. (3)

5. Explain how you would treat a student who has splashed a chemical into
his or her eye. (3)

6. Explain why it is important to wash your hands after handling chemicals. (2)
[20 marks]

78  Worksheets

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Worksheet 2

  UNIT 2    Introduction to classification (Student’s Book page 16)

1. Write down two sentences to explain why scientists need to classify living things. (2)

2. Give an example of a non-living thing that:

a) has always been dead
b) was once alive but is now dead. (2)

3. Write down the scientific names below correctly.

a) Rhizopus Nigrans
b) panthera leo (2)

4. List two characteristics of all organisms in the following kingdoms:

fungi. (3 x 2 = 6)

5. Draw a dichotomous key that could be used to identify the following insects.
A – dragonfly;
B – housefly;
C – beetle;
D – termite (8)



[20 marks]

Worksheets 79

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Worksheet 3

UNIT 3 The external structure and importance of

flowering plants (Student’s Book page 26)

1 . Draw a table like the one below to show four differences between
monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants .

Monocotyledons Dicotyledons
Number of seed leaves
Type of root system
Number of flower parts
Pattern of veins on leaves (8)

2 . List:
a) three functions of the stem
b) two functions of the veins in leaves
c) two functions of roots . (7)

3 . Give two reasons why plants can have modified leaves . (2)

4 . Redraw the diagram below and label the parts 1-3 . (3)

[20 marks]

80 Worksheets

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Worksheet 4

UNIT 4: Magnifying instruments and

biological drawings (Student’s Book page 40)

1 . Eric measures the length of a flower . It is 4 cm long . He makes a biological

drawing it . The flower is 12 cm . By how much has the flower been magnified? (3)

2 . A student uses a microscope with the 20x eyepiece lens and a nosepiece
lens of 40x . What is the total magnification? Show your working . (3)

3 . Provide labels for the microscope parts A to D . (4)


4 . Make a labelled biological drawing of the bee shown below .

Remember to give your drawing a heading . (10)


fore wing

rear wing


[20 marks]

Worksheets 81

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Worksheet 5

  UNIT 5    Plant and animal cells (Student’s Book page 50)

1. Matching columns. Match the description in Column A with the term in

Column B.

Column A Column B

1.1 structures inside cells that perform special

A. cytoplasm

1.2 single celled organisms B. muscle cells

1.3 a jelly like substance inside all cells C. organelles

1.4 animal cells that contain many mitochondria D. skin cells

E. unicellular (4)

2. Give the main function(s) of each of the following organelles:

a) two functions of the nucleus    
b)  cell membrane
c) chloroplast            
d) vacuole
e) mitochondria. (6)

3. Draw a table to show the differences between a plant and an animal cell. (10)
[20 marks]

82  Worksheets

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Worksheet 6

  UNIT 6   Levels of organisation in

multicellular organisms (Student’s Book page 58)

1. Define the following terms:

a) tissue      
b) organ      
c) system. (3)
2. Make a labelled drawing of the following cells:
a) root hair cell (5)
b) nerve cell (4)
3. Arrange the terms below in the correct order starting with the smallest.
tissue, organism, cell, organ, organelle, organ system (3)
4. Write down two advantages that cell specialisation gives to organisms. (2)
5. Matching columns. Match the description in Column A with the term
in Column B.

Column A Column B

5.1 a structure in the head of a sperm cell that

A. motile
contains enzymes

5.2 when water can pass easily through a membrane B. acrosome

5.3 a red substance found in red blood cells C. permeable

D. haemoglobin

E. selectively permeable (3)

[20 marks]

Worksheets 83

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Worksheet 7

  UNIT 7    Food nutrients and diet (Student’s Book page 68)

1. Write down any two reasons why we need food nutrients. (2)

2. List three elements that are found in all food nutrients. (3)

3. Complete the table below.

Food nutrient Two foods it is found in



carbohydrates (6)

4. Give any two reasons why the following nutrients are important:
a) proteins
b) fats. (4)

5. Explain what is meant by the term balanced diet. (2)

6. A learner tested a food sample for food nutrients.

He recorded his results in a table.

Name of reagent used Colour before test Colour after test

Iodine orange blue-black

ethanol clear milky

Sodium hydroxide and copper sulphate blue blue

Which nutrients are:

a) present in the food sample
b) absent in the food sample? (3)
[20 marks]

84  Worksheets

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Worksheet 8

UNIT 8 Structure and functions of the human

gas exchange system (Student’s Book page 84)

1 . Multiple choice . Choose the correct answer .

1 .1 Blood that flows to the alveoli in the lungs has:
A) a high concentration of oxygen and a low concentration of carbon dioxide
B) a low concentration of oxygen and a high concentration of carbon dioxide
C) equal concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide
D) no carbon dioxide and a high concentration of oxygen

1 .2 The diagram shows a model that can be used to show breathing .

Which of the following statements is correct?




A) When the rubber sheet is pulled down the balloons inflate

B) When the rubber sheet is pushed up the balloons inflate
C) The balloons represent the thorax
D) The plastic bottle represents the lungs . (2 x 2 = 4)

2 . Distinguish between:
a) respiration, gaseous exchange and breathing (6)
b) diffusion and gaseous exchange (4)

3 . List the structures through which air passes from the time when it enters
the nostrils to when it is inside the alveoli . (4)

4 . Name two places where gaseous exchange takes place . (2)

[20 marks]

Worksheets 85

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Worksheet 9

  UNIT 9    Tropic responses (Student’s Book page 92)

1. Matching columns. Match the description in Column A with the term in Column B.

Column A Column B

1.1 A roots response to gravity A. tropism

1.2 Growth towards or away from a stimulus B. clinostat

1.3 An apparatus that turns C. positive gravitropism

1.4 Response to touch D. thigmotropism

E. negative gravitropism (4)

2. A student set up the apparatus below.

Glass window

a)  What was the aim of this experiment? (2)

b) If the plant had been placed on a clinostat, what would you expect the
result to be? Explain your answer. (2)
c) If the glass window was blocked out, what would you expect the result to be?
Explain your answer. (2)
d) Why do plants respond to light in the way shown in the experiment? (2)

3. Describe how you would set up an experiment using seedlings to show

the response of roots and shoots to gravity. (10)
[20 marks]

86  Worksheets

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Worksheet 10

UNIT 10 Skeletal systems of organisms (Student’s Book page 98)

1 . Copy and complete the table below .

Type of skeleton Two characteristics of this Example of an animal that

type of skeleton has this type of skeleton


2 . List three functions of the human skeleton . (3)

3 . Explain why it is important for our bones if we receive plenty of sunshine . (2)

4 . Identify the bones labelled 1 to 3 in the diagram below . (3)

[20 marks]

Worksheets 87

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Worksheet 11

  UNIT 11    Classification of diseases (Student’s Book page 112)

1. Matching columns. Match the description in Column A with the term in Column B.

Column A Column B

1.1 an eating disorder A schizophrenia

1.2 a deficiency disease B. cholera

1.3 an organism that causes disease C. rickets

1.4 an infectious disease D. obesity

1.5 a mental illness E. pathogen

F. alcoholism (5)

2. List four ways that the spread of infectious diseases can be prevented. (4)

3. a) An elderly lady was frequently breaking bones. Which disease could she have? (1)
b) A person was found to have unusually shaped red blood cells.
Which disease could he have? (1)
c) A student started to get itchy eyes and a rash. What is this called? (1)

4. The incidence of three diseases, rickets, scurvy and anaemia at a clinic in 2015 was
recorded. The results are shown in the table. Draw a graph to show these results.

Disease Number of people with the disease in 2015

rickets 100

scurvy 275

anaemia 400 (8)

[20 marks]

88  Worksheets

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Worksheet 12

  UNIT 12    Human reproductive system (Student’s Book page 124)

1. Multiple choice. Choose the correct answer.

1.1  The function of the urethra is:
A) to provide a passage for urine
B) to provide a passage for semen
C) to provide a passage for both semen and urine
D) to lubricate the passage of semen

1.2  The function of the oviduct is:

A) to produce the ovum
B) to provide a passage for the ovum from the ovaries to the uterus
C) to produce female hormones
D) to provide a place for the foetus to develop

1.3  Sperm are produced in:

A) the epididymis
B) the prostate gland
C) the sperm ducts
D) the seminiferous tubules (3 x 2 = 6)

2. Explain the difference between sex and gender. (4)

3. Write a paragraph to explain how the father determines the sex of a baby. (6)

4. Draw a table to show two differences between sperm and ova. (4)
[20 marks]

Worksheets 89

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Worksheet 13

  UNIT 13    Puberty and sexual maturation (Student’s Book page 136)

1. Define the following terms:

a) puberty
b) ovulation
c) conception
d) menopause
e) menstrual cycle
f) secondary sexual characteristics
(6 x 2 = 12)

2. Draw a labelled diagram to show how the endometrium changes during the
menstrual cycle. Use the axes below to help you. (6)

Day 1      Day 4 Day 14    Day 28

3. Write down two sentences to explain why unintended pregnancies should

be avoided by young people. (2)
[20 marks]

90  Worksheets

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Worksheet 14

  UNIT 14   Reproduction, pregnancy

and childbirth (Student’s Book page 142)

1. a) List three health risks associated with teenage pregnancy. (3)

b) Give two ways that teenage pregnancies can be avoided. (2)

2. Explain the difference between postnatal and antenatal care. (2)

3. Write down two other terms that mean the same as childbirth. (2)

4. List five functions of the placenta. (5)

5. Define the following terms:

a) implantation
b) embryo
c) foetus. (6)

6. Complications during childbirth at a rural clinic were recorded over a one year
period. The results are shown in the table. Draw a bar chart to show these results.

Complication Number of women

Infections 4

High blood pressure 7

Pre-existing condition 5

Blood clots 1
[28 marks]

Worksheets 91

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Memorandum: Worksheet 1

  UNIT 1   Introduction to Biology (Student’s Book page 2)

1. a) genetics , entomology , physiology , microbiology ,

biotechnology , cytology , taxonomy , ecology , taxonomy . (any 2 = 2)
b) i) entomology
ii) microbiology  (2)

2. 2.1 – B ;
2.2 – D ;
2.3 – A ;
2.4 – E  (4)

3. Biologists call living things organisms  . All living things produce offspring
when they reproduce . Movement is more easily seen in animals than in plants.
When living things get bigger and increase in mass, it is called growth. (4)

4. Any three safety rules on page 10 in the SB.  (3)

• Remove contact lenses immediately
• Flush immediately with cool water and continue for about 15 minutes .
• Seek medical attention eye .  (3)

6. The chemicals could be poisonous or they could burn your hands.  (2)
 [20 marks]

92  Worksheet answers

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Memorandum: Worksheet 2

  UNIT 2   Introduction to classification (Student’s Book page 16)

1. Scientists need to classify living things as there are so many living organisms
on Earth . They need to sort them into groups so that they can study them
recognise them more easily.  (2)

2. a) steel objects, plastic etc.

b) wood.  (2)

3. a) Rhizopus nigrans
b) Panthera leo  (2)

4. a) Animals - Their cells do not have a cell wall . They are multicellular
and feed on other organisms . They move around .  (any 2)
b) P  lants – Contain a green substance called chlorophyll and make their
own food by photosynthesis . Their cells have a cell wall .  (any 2)
c) Fungi – Reproduce using spores instead of seeds .
Do not photosynthesise  (any 2)
 (3 x 2 = 6)
1. Has wings go to 2
Does not have wings go to 3

2. Has a long thin body dragonfly

Has a round body housefly

3. Has long antennae and a diamond shaped abdomen beetle

Has a short antennae and a rounded abdomen termite (8)
[20 marks]

Worksheet suggested answers 93

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Memorandum: Worksheet 3

  UNIT 3   The external structure and importance

of flowering plants (Student’s Book page 26)

Monocotyledons Dicotyledons
Number of seed leaves Have one seed leaf or Have two seed leaves
Type of root system Fibrous roots Tap root
Number of flower parts multiples of three Multiples of four or five
Pattern of veins on leaves Narrow leaves with parallel Leaves with a net-like
veins pattern of veins (8)

• t ransports water and mineral salts from the roots to the leaves and to
other parts of the plant
• transports sugars from the leaves to all other parts of the plant
• supports buds and the leaves so they can receive enough sunlight for
• holds flowers in the best position for pollination
• supports the fruits and seeds in the best position for dispersal
•m  anufactures food for the plant by photosynthesis  (any 3)

b) s upport the lamina , transport water and mineral salts and collect food  (any 2)

c) • hold the plant firmly in the soil

• absorb water and minerals from the soil
• transport water and minerals to the stem.  (any 2)
• prevent animals eating the plant
• prevent water loss
• store water
• store food ( any 2 = 2)

4. 1– stigma ; 2 – anther 3 – sepal  (3)

[20 marks]

94  Worksheet suggested answers

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Memorandum: Worksheet 4

  UNIT 4   Magnifying instruments and

biological drawings (Student’s Book page 40)

1. 12/4 = 3 . The flower has been magnified three times in the drawing (3)

2. total magnification
= eyepiece x nosepiece
= 20 x 40
= 800x  (3)

3. A – fine focus;
B – nosepiece lens;
C – stage;
D – diaphragm (4)

4. Rubric for biological drawing:

Drawing …

1. is accurate 2 1 0

2. has correct labels for features or parts 2 1 0

3. is large and clear 2 1 0

4. has straight label lines 2 1 0

5. has a heading/title 2 1 0

Total 10
[20 marks]

Worksheet suggested answers 95

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Memorandum: Worksheet 5

  UNIT 5   Plant and animal cells (Student’s Book page 50)

1.1 – C ;
1.2 – E ;
1.3 – A ;
1.4 – B  (4)

2  a) nucleus – controls functioning of cell ; contains hereditary information

   b) cell membrane – controls what goes into and out of the cell
   c) chloroplast – place where photosynthesis occurs
   d) v acuole – stores substances; help keep shape of cell  (any one)
   e) mitochondria– produce energy . (6)

Plant cell Animal cell

Shape Regular Irregular

Outer covering Cell wall Cell membrane

Organelles Nucleus, Nucleus,

mitochondria, mitochondria,
chloroplasts, cytoplasm ,
cytoplasm, vacuoles vacuoles
(any 2) (any 2)

Vacuoles Large Small or none (10)

[20 marks]

96  Worksheet suggested answers

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Memorandum: Worksheet 6

  UNIT 6   Levels of organisation in

multicellular organisms (Student’s Book page 58)

1  a) tissue – a group of similar cells that perform a function, for example,

muscle tissue
   b) organ – a group of tissues that form a structure that performs a function
   c) s ystem – a group of organs that work together to perform a function . (3)

2. a) S tudents should draw a diagram similar to Figure 6.7 on page 61 in

the Student’s Book (5)
b) S tudents should draw a diagram similar to Figure 6.3 on page 59 in
the Student’s Book. (4)

3. organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism  (3)

• it allows cells to get bigger
• it allows cells to carry out complex processes; different cells
carry out different functions
• Specialised cells can work together to form tissues, organs and
organ systems.    (any 2 =2)

5.1 – B ; 5.2 – C ; 5.3 - D  (3)
[20 marks]

Worksheet suggested answers 97

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Memorandum: Worksheet 7

  UNIT 7   Food nutrients and diet (Student’s Book page 68)

• e nergy for daily activities
• building blocks for growth and repair of cells
• substances that keep them functioning properly and staying healthy  (any 2 = 2)

2. carbon , hydrogen and oxygen  (3)

Food nutrient Two foods it is found in

proteins Meat, milk, chicken, fish, eggs, groundnuts, soybeans, seeds

(any 2)

fats Nuts, fish oils, meat, milk, butter, cheese, cooking oil
(any 2)

carbohydrates Sweets, sugar, fruits, rice, bread, pasta, potatoes,

cassava, maize, sorghum
(any 2) (6)

4  a) p
 roteins – Needed for growth , for repair of damaged tissues
and for producing the enzymes  (any 2)
   b) f ats – Provide energy ; help with absorption of fat-soluble
vitamins A, D, E and K ; they form a layer beneath the skin that
insulates the body ; form a layer around organs to provide
protection from injury  (any 2)

5. A balanced diet refers to a diet that contains all the required nutrients
in the correct amounts .  (2)

6.  a) starch and fats

   b) proteins  (3)
[20 marks]

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Memorandum: Worksheet 8

  UNIT 8   Structure and functions of the human

gas exchange system (Student’s Book page 84)

1.1 – B ;
1.2 – A  (2 x 2 = 4)

2.  a) respiration is a process by which glucose is broken down using oxygen

to release energy in cells ; gaseous exchange is the movement of gases
across a surface or a membrane in opposite directions and breathing is
movement of air into and out of the lungs in mammals  (6)
  b) d  iffusion is the movement of molecules from a high concentration to
a lower concentration and gaseous exchange refers to the movement
of gas molecules across a surface  (4)

3. Nasal passages , trachea , bronchus , bronchioles  (4)

4. Gas exchange takes place in the cells and in the lungs . (2)
[20 marks]

Worksheet suggested answers 99

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Memorandum: Worksheet 9

  UNIT 9    Tropic responses (Student’s Book page 92)

1. 1.1 – C ;
  1.2 – A ;
  1.3 – B ;
  1.4 – D  (4)

2. A student set up the apparatus below.

Glass window

a) To show that plants respond positively to one sided light  (2)
b) T he plant would grow straight up . It would receive light from all sides
as it would be turning  (2)
c) The plant would grow straight up as there would no longer be light
coming from one direction .  (2)
d) Plants are positively phototropic . This means that they grow towards
a light source .  (2)

You will need:
bean seeds that have been soaked in water overnight, paper towel,
elastic bands, marker pens, three glass jars, a pot plant

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What to do:
1. F
 old each paper towel into 12 cm long, narrow strips.
2. Moisten the paper towel so that it is damp.
3. Place one seed on the end of each strip and roll it up.
Keep the seed inside the paper towel using an elastic band.
4. Place the pot plant on its side and put it in a dark cupboard for a few days.
5. Leave the seeds for a few days but keep them damp with water.
6. Choose the nine best seedlings. Mark each paper towel 1, 2 or 3.
7. a) Place three paper towels with seedling in jar 1 with the roots facing downwards.
b) P  lace three paper towels with seedling in jar 2 with the roots pointing sideways.
c) Place three paper towels with seedling in jar 3 with the roots facing upwards.
8. Make sure that the jars are labelled 1, 2 and 3.
9. Check the seedlings every second day for ten days.

Rubric for experiment:

1. all equipment is listed 2 1 0

2. method is in point form 2 1 0

3. correct terminology is used 2 1 0

4. method is correct 2 1 0

5. neatly presented 2 1 0

Total 10
[20 marks]

Worksheet suggested answers 101

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Memorandum: Worksheet 10

  UNIT 10   Skeletal systems of organisms (Student’s Book page 98)

Type of skeleton Two characteristics of this Example of an animal that
type of skeleton has this type of skeleton

Hydrostatic skeleton • inside the Worms, snails, leeches

body (any one)
• made of fluid
• muscles push against it to
bring about movement
(any 2)

Exoskeleton • outside the body Spiders, insects, scorpions

• made of (any one)
non-living material
• does not
• has muscles attached to it
(any 2)

Endoskeleton • inside the Birds, fish, amphibians

body (any one)
• made of living material
• grows
• muscles attached to it
(any 2)

2. Support , protection , movement  (3)

3. Sunshine is important for our bones as it allows vitamin D to form in

our skin . Vitamin D increases the strength of bones by increasing the
amount of calcium absorption . (2)

4. 1 – sternum ; 2 – ribs ; 3 – vertebrae  (3)

[20 marks]

102  Worksheet suggested answers

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Memorandum: Worksheet 11

  UNIT 11   Classification of diseases (Student’s Book page 112)

1.1 – D ;    1.2 – C ;    1.3 – E ;    1.4 – B ;    1.5 – A    (5)

• I ncreasing awareness by informing and warning people about a particular
infectious disease such as cholera or Ebola fever.
• Improving public hygiene .
• I solation or quarantining people in places where they do not have contact
with many other people except for health workers.
• Immunization can protect people against many infectious diseases.
• Increase the number of health centres  (any 4 = 4)

3. a) osteoporosis (1)
  b) sickle cell anaemia (1)
  c) allergy (1)


Rubric for graph:

Assessment criteria Mark allocation

Correct type of graph 2
(bar graph)
Title/heading for graph 2
Correct label for x- axis 1
Correct label for y-axis 1
(number of people)
Plotting the bars 2: Plots all 3 values 2: Plots 2 values 1: Plots 1 or no
correctly correctly values correctly (8)
[20 marks]

Worksheet suggested answers 103

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Memorandum: Worksheet 12

  UNIT 12   Human reproductive system (Student’s Book page 124)

1. 1.1 – C ;
  1.2 – B ;
  1.3 – D  (3 x 2 = 6)

2. Sex refers to biological characteristics while gender refers to a

person’s behaviour, roles and activities in society . (4)

3. The father’s sperm may contain either an X or Y chromosome . The mother’s

eggs all contain an X chromosome . So depending on which sperm fuses
with the female X egg cell , the baby will either be a boy (XY) or a girl (XX) . (6)

Sperm Ova

Made in testes of males Made in the ovaries of the females

Produces many sperm l One egg cell

Small but motile Large but non-motile (any 2 x2 = 4)

[20 marks]

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Memorandum: Worksheet 13

  UNIT 13   Puberty and sexual maturation (Student’s Book page 136)

a) puberty – a time of sexual maturation when physical and emotional changes
take place in a person’s body
b) ovulation – the release of an ovum from an ovary into the oviduct
c) c onception – the fusion of the nuclei of the male and female sex cells
d) m  enopause – the time in a woman’s life when she stops menstruating
e) menstrual cycle – a series of events that prepares the uterus for
possible pregnancy
f) secondary sexual characteristics – features in males and females that
develop at puberty    (6 x 2 = 12)

2. Students should draw a diagram similar to Figure 13.3 on page 138

in the Student’s Book.

menstruation, ovulation, thickness of endometrium, uterus lining
breaks down, luteal phase, ovulation phase, menstrual phase  (any 6 = 6)

3. Young people may find it difficult to manage the responsibilities of

having a child . They will lose many education and career opportunities
and also cause family disruption .  (2)
[20 marks]

Worksheet suggested answers 105

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Memorandum: Worksheet 14

  UNIT 14   Reproduction, pregnancy

and childbirth (Student’s Book page 142)

1 a)
• There is a greater risk of the baby having a low birth weight
• The mother going into premature labour
• A higher risk of maternal death  (3)
b) S ex education and access to birth control .  (2)

2. Postnatal care is looking after the mother after the birth of her child
and antenatal care refers to looking after the health of a pregnant woman . (2)

3. Labour and parturition  (2)

• to provide the foetus with nutrients
• to remove waste products from the foetus’ blood
• exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide between the foetus’ blood and the
mother’s blood
• act as a filter for harmful substances, although some substances like nicotine,
drugs and alcohol as well as viruses like HIV can pass through it and reach
the foetus
• to secrete hormones  (any 5)

a) implantation – the burrowing of the foetus into the uterine wall
b) embryo – an unborn human during the first eight weeks after fertilisation
c) foetus – an unborn human after eight weeks after fertilisation until birth  (6)


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Rubric for graph:

Assessment criteria Mark allocation

Correct type of graph 2

(bar graph)

Title/heading for graph 2

Correct label for x- axis 1


Correct label for y-axis 1

(number of women)

Plotting the bars 2: Plots all 3 values 2: Plots 2 values 1: Plots 1 or

correctly correctly no values correctly (8)
[20 marks]

Worksheet suggested answers 107

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acrosome – a part of a sperm cell that makes communicable (disease) – a disease that can
enzymes be transmitted from one person to another
adapted – modified or changed to suit a conception – fusion of the nuclei of the male
particular function and female sex cells
alveoli – small sacs that enable exchange of Cowper’s gland – a gland that produces
gases seminal fluid
amino acids – the building blocks of proteins deficiency diseases – diseases caused by a
backbone – a column of bones that is found shortage of a food nutrient, such as a
in the back of an animal; also called a particular vitamin
vertebral column density – how hard or compact a substance is
balanced diet – a diet that contains a detection – identification
combination of the food nutrients needed diffusion – the movement of molecules from
for healthy living, in the right amounts a high concentration to a lower
breathing – the movement of air into and out concentration
of the lungs in mammals disease – a disorder in structure or function in
bronchi – tubes that branch from the trachea a person’s body
bronchioles – smaller tubes that branch from diversity – variety
the bronchi ejaculation – a reflex action in which semen
Caesarian section – a type of birth, when a is released from the body
surgical procedure is done elements – the simplest substances on Earth;
carbohydrates – nutrients made from carbon, they cannot be made smaller
hydrogen and oxygen; e.g. simple sugars and flagellum – a tail on a cell that enables it to
starch move
cartilage – a type of tissue that is found in embryo – an unborn human during the first
some places in an endoskeleton eight weeks after fertilisation
cervix – a narrow opening at the top of the endometrium – the lining of the uterus
endoskeleton – a type of skeleton that is
characteristics – features of something, such found inside an organism’s body
as an organism
enzymes – special molecules that take part in
chlorophyll – a green pigment molecule in chemical reactions in cells
leaves that is important for photosynthesis
epidermis – a single layer of cells on the
chordates – animals that have a spinal cord outside of some organisms
chromosomes – long coiled structures made epididymis – a coiled tube inside the testes
from special molecules called DNA and that that stores sperm until they are released
carry genetic information
erectile (tissues) – tissues that can fill with
cilia – hair-like extensions on the membrane blood and become hard
of some animal cells
exoskeleton – a support system that is found
circumcision – a surgical procedure that is on the outside of an organism’s body
performed to remove the foreskin
clinostat – a motorised machine that turns
fertilisation – the fusion of male and female
clitoris – a sensitive area in the female sex cells to form a zygote
external sex organs

108  Glossary

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fibre – substances in the diet that help food to inside their body that makes them sick
move through the digestive system insulates – keeps at a constant temperature
foetus – an unborn human after eight weeks joint – a structure found where bones come
from fertilisation, until birth together
gametogenesis – the process by which sex labia majora – an external skin fold near the
cells are made opening of the vagina
gas exchange – the movement of oxygen and labia minora – a skin fold that protects the
carbon dioxide across a membrane in openings of the urethra and vagina
opposite directions
labour – the birth process
gender – being masculine or femine
lipids – food nutrients made up of carbon,
gender equality – when males and females hydrogen and oxygen; their molecules
are considered to be equal consist of one molecule of glycerol joined to
gene– a unit that can be passed from parents three fatty acids
to their children magnification – how many times bigger an
germinal cells – special cells that line the image is compared to the actual object
ovaries and the seminiferous tubules and are magnified – made larger using a scientific
able to make the female and male sex cells instrument or by drawing
gravitropism – the response of plants to the malnutrition – when a person does not get
effect of gravity enough, or gets too much of a food nutrient
haemoglobin – a molecule found in red blood menopause – the time in a woman’s life when
cells that helps to transport oxygen she stops menstruating
health – a person’s physical, mental and social menstrual cycle – a series of events that
state prepares the uterus for pregnancy
hereditary – something that is passed on from monosaccharides – simple sugars, such as
one generation to another; inherited glucose
hip bones – large flat bones to which the leg motile – able to move
bones are attached
motility – the ability to move
hydrostatic skeleton – a support system
moulting – shedding an outer covering
found inside an organism’s body; the
mucus – a sticky substance that is made by
muscles work against fluid that is trapped
some animal cells
inside spaces in the body
multicellular – multi–celled; refers to an
hymen – a membrane over the opening of the
organism that consists of many cells
vagina that is broken during sexual
intercourse nerve impulses – messages that move around
the nervous system
hypophysis – a part of the brain that secretes
some hormones; also called the pituitary neutralise – to keep the level of acidity
gland constant
immune system – a system in the body that nostrils– two openings in the nose
fights off substances in our bodies that
should not be there nutrients – food substances that organisms
need to live and grow
implantation – the process during which the oestrogen – a female hormone that is secreted
ball of cells burrows into the wall of the by the ovaries and stimulates the production
uterus of secondary sexual characteristics; it is also
infection – when a person has an organism involved in the menstrual cycle

 Glossary 109

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organ – a group of tissues that form a proportion – the different sizes of objects
structure that performs a function; e.g. the relative to one another
heart prostate gland – a gland that produces
organ system – a group of organs that work seminal fluid
together to perform a function; e.g. the proteins – food molecules made up of carbon,
digestive system hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes
organelles – structures found inside cells and sulphur
that perform different functions puberty – a time during which secondary
ova – female sex cells sexual characteristics develop in males and
ovaries – the female sex organs that produce females
female sex cells and hormones reagents – chemicals used for testing
oviducts – tubes that lead from each ovary to substances
the uterus; the pathway for the female sex respiration – a chemical process for the
cells making of energy using food molecules and
ovulation – the release of an ovum from an oxygen
ovary into an oviduct ribs – the thin bones that protect the lungs
palisade mesophyll cells – long thin cells and heart
found in leaves and that are specialised for scrotum – a sac that covers the testes
photosynthesis selectively permeable – a structure that
pathogens – disease-causing organisms, such allows only certain molecules to pass
as bacteria through it
penis – the part of the male reproductive seminal vesicles – structures that produce and
system that is used to place sperm in the release seminal fluid into the sperm duct
female vagina during intercourse seminiferous tubules – long coiled tubes in
permeable – a structure that lets molecules which sperm are produced
pass through skeleton – a structure on the inside or the
photosynthesis – a life process that happens outside of the body that gives support to the
in green plants and that uses sunlight, body and protects the softer parts
carbon dioxide and water to make food specialised – changed to do a special function
molecules, such as glucose
sperm duct – a tube that transports sperm out
phototropism – the reaction of a plant to of the testes
spinal cord – part of the nervous system; an
placenta – an organ that develops in the extension of the brain in the backbone
spongy mesophyll cells – cells in leaves that
pleural membranes – two membranes found contain lots of chloroplasts and have air
inside the chest; one covers the outside of spaces between them
the lungs, and the other lines the inside of
stimulus – something that causes a reaction
the chest
support system – a system that gives strength
polysaccharides – nutrients made from many
and holds the body upright
simple sugars joined together
porous – a substance that has holes in it
surface area – the area on the outside of a
sensitivity– being able to respond to a change
in the environment
taxonomy – the classification of things,
progesterone – a female hormone that
especially organisms, into groups based on
prepares the uterus for pregnancy
their similarities and differences

110  Glossary

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testicles – a male reproductive structure in
which male sex cells are made; also called
testosterone – a male hormone that is
important in the development of sperm and
secondary sexual characteristics
thorax – the scientific name for the chest
tissue – a group of similar cells that perform a
function; e.g., muscle tissue
toxic – poisonous
toxins – poisons
trachea – a tube that leads from the throat
into the lungs
tropism – a movement of a plant in a certain
direction in response to a stimulus
umbilical cord – the organ that connects the
foetus to the placenta
unicellular – single-celled; refers to an
organism that consists of a single cell
urethra – a tube that is a passage for urine
from the bladder to the outside of the body;
it also transports sperm during intercourse
uterus – also called the womb; the place
where a baby develops
vagina – the birth canal
vertebrae – bones that make up the backbone
zygote – a single cell that forms when the
nucleus of a sperm cell fuses with the
nucleus of an ovum

 Glossary 111

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