Leadership & Change Management INST - UG
Leadership & Change Management INST - UG
Leadership & Change Management INST - UG
Class Schedule and Chapter Level Course Objectives
Week Topics (Modules) Objectives
1 Chapter 1 – Leadership Introduction At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
1.1. Leadership definition Define the term leadership
1.2. Leadership Vs. Management Differentiate between leadership and
1.3. What makes effective leader management
1.4. Power for influence Understand factors for effective leadership
Explain the social sources of leadership power
2 &3 Chapter 2 - Leadership Theories & Styles
2.1. Leadership theories At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
2.1.1. Trait Theory Be familiar with various theories of leadership
2.1.2. Behavioral Leadership Theory Identify difference between transformational &
2.1.3. Contingency Leadership Theories transactional leadership behaviors
2.1.4. Transformational Leadership Identify different types of leadership styles
2.1.5. Servant leadership theory Understand leadership skills and competencies
2.1.6. Authentic Leadership Theory
2.2. Leadership styles
2.3. Leadership skills and competencies
4 Chapter 3- Overview of Change At the end of the chapter, you will be able to:
Management • Explain the meaning of change Management,
3.1. Definition and importance of change • Identify the factors for organizational change,
3.2. Deriving forces for Organizational • Understand the types of organizational change,
Change • Explain why transformation efforts fail,
3.3. Types of change • Explain the reason why employees resist
3.4. Common reasons for transformational change,
change failures • Understand ways to manage change resistance
3.5. Managing Resistance to Change
5&6 Chapter 4-Change Management Models & At the end of the chapter, you will be able to:
• Understand a range of change management
4.1. Models of Organizational Change:
4.1.1. John Kotter’s Change Model models and Theories
4.1.2. Kurt Lewin’s Model • Understand when and how to apply which
4.1.3. Readiness capability Assessment model for effective change management
(ADKAR) Model • Understand and be able to implement major
4.1.4. McKinsey seven “S” Model change management tools like BPR,TQM,
4.1.5. William Bridges’ Transition Model …
4.1.6. Kübler-Ross Five Stage Model
4.2. Change Management Tools
7& 8 Chapter 5- Conflicts and Conflict At the end of this chapter, students will be able
Management to:
5.1. Meaning and Nature of Conflict 5.5. Explain how the concept of conflict
5.2. Sources of Conflict 5.6. Understand views of conflict thought
5.3. Conflict Process 5.7. Understand the conflict process
5.4. Conflict Resolution and Stimulation 5.8. Understand sources of conflict
techniques 5.9. Develop the skills for managing conflict
resolution and management
9-13 Presentation of papers
14&15 Preparation time for Final Exam
16 Final Exam
Course expectation
Preparedness: You must come to class prepared by bringing with you the appropriate materials.
Complete the individual and group assignments and other activities on time. You must plan your
own learning through reading various course related materials and chapters in books. You are
expected to work much individually to meet the requirement of the course. You have to use your
time for group work and home study effectively.
Participation: Make active participation during discussions (you must participate in class). You
are not participating if you are simply talking to a friend, doing homework, daydreaming, or not
doing what the rest of the class is doing. If you are working in a group or with a partner, you
must talk to your group members or partner and be a part of the group. Always be ready and
willing to give constructive feedback to partners/group members and to listen to their comments
on your work
Attendance: It is compulsory to come to class on time and every time. If you are going to miss
more than three classes during the term, you should not take this course
Assignments: You must do your individual and group assignments and submit on time. No late
assignment will be accepted
Tests/Quizzes: You will have short quizzes and tests almost every unit. If you miss the class or,
are late to class, you will miss the quiz or test. No makeup test or quizzes will be given. You are
expected to observe the rules and the regulations of the University as well
Cheating: You must do your own work and not copy and get answers from someone else. When
you are in class: please do not chew gum, eat something, listen to recorders or CD players, or
involve in acts that spoil the normal teaching-learning process; switch off your cell phones
before class and exam sessions. Any attempt to use cell phones in exam sessions will be
considered an act of cheating and hence, dealt accordingly.
John P. Kotter and Dan S. Cohen, “The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People
Change their Organizations”, 2008
Kotter, J.P: Leading Change, HBR Press, 2012
William Bridges and Susan Bridges, Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change
John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber, Our Iceberg Is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under
Any Conditions,
The Harvard Business Review, HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Change Management, HBR Press
Spencer Johnson and Kenneth Blanchard, Who Moved My Cheese, New York, Putnam, 1998.
John C. Maxwell, Leader shift (The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace), 2019.
Leonard J. Marcus, Eric J. McNulty, et al., You’re It: Crisis, Change, and How to Lead When It
Matters Most, 2018
Jeffrey M. Hiatt, ADKAR: A model for change in business, government and our community,
Prosci Inc. Loveland, Colorado, USA, 2006.