A Micro Project On
A Micro Project On
A Micro Project On
A micro-project proposal
Data communication and computer networks have been growing with rapid technological
progress. Computer communication through networking becomes an essential part of our life. By
considering the importance of networking in day-to-day life, it is essential for students to know
the basic concept of networks like network classification, network topologies, and network
devices. This course deal with the important concepts and techniques related to data
communication and enable students to have an insight into the technology involved to make
network communication possible.
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Micro-Project Report
Data transmission
Data needs to be transmitted between devices in a computer system. Data is transmitted in the
form of bits. So an 8-bit byte, which stands for a single character, will be transmitted in 8 parts,
one signal for each bit.
Data transmission refers to the movement of data in form of bits between two or more digital
This transfer of data takes place and some form of transmission media.
Parallel Transmission:
• In the parallel transmission of data, all the bits of a byte are transmitted
simultaneously on separate wires. This type requires multiple circuits for
interconnecting the two
• It is practically possible only if two devices are close to each other.
• E.g. Data transmission between computer and printer.
• In parallel transmission, all the bits of data are transmitted simultaneously on
separate communication lines. •Parallel transmission is used for short-distance
• In order to transmit n bit, n wires or lines are used.
• More costly.
• Faster than serial transmission. Data can be transmitted in less time.
This diagram represents the parallel transmission of 8-bit digital data. This will
require 8 wires for connecting two devices.
1. All the data bits will be transmitted simultaneously, so the time required for
transmission of N number of bits will be only one clock cycle.
2. Due to transmission in only one clock cycle, the clock frequency can be kept low
without affecting the speed of operation.
3. Faster because all the bits are traveling at the same time.
Serial Transmission
1. In the serial transmission of data, all the bits of a byte are transmitted serially one
after the other on the same wire.
2. This type doesn't require multiple circuits for interconnecting the
two devices, indeed it just requires 1 wire to connect.
3. It is practically possible in all sorts of situations close or far.
4. E.g. Data transmission between computer and computer.
5. In serial transmission, the various bits of data are transmitted serially one after the
6. It requires only one communication line rather than lines to transmit data from
sender to receiver.
7. Thus all the bits of data are transmitted
8. on single lines in serial fashion. ·
9. Less costly.
10. Long-distance transmission.
11. This diagram represents the serial transmission of 8-bit digital data.
12. This will require only one wire for connecting two devices.
In data communication, Timing control of the reception of bits is important. There are
two methods of timing control for the reception of bits.
1. Asynchronous data transmission:
>Data is sent at one time in multiple bytes. Start and stop bit not used. The gap
between data units is not present. Data transmission speed fast.
>Cost high.
> Transfer of data between two computers. Synchronization between sender and
receiver is required.
1. The use of 'start' and 'stop' bits and gaps between data makes transmission slow.
2. The timing errors can take place.
Sends only one character at a time (one byte of data at a time) Synchronize two
devices using Start Bit and Stop Bit. Start bit refers to the start of the data. Usually,
O is used for the start bit. The stop bit indicates the end of the data. more than one
bit can be used for the end.
1. Speed of data is much higher because of no 'start' and 'stop' bits and continuity.
2. Timing errors are reduced due to synch.
Transmission modes
The term transmission mode defines the direction of the flow of information between
two communication devices i.e It tells the direction of signal flow between the two
There are three ways or modes of data transmission: Simplex, Half duplex (HDX),
Full duplex (FDX)
A half-duplex system can transmit data in both directions, but only in one direction at
a time which means half-duplex modes support two-way traffic but in only one
direction at a time. The interactive transmission of data within a time-sharing system
may be best suited to half-duplex lines. Both the connected devices can transmit and
receive but not simultaneously. When one device is sending the other can only
receive and vice-versa. Data is transmitted in one direction at a time, for example. a
In half-duplex transmission, data can be sent in both directions, but only in one
direction at a time. Both the connected device can transmit and receive but not
simultaneously. When one device is sending the other can only receive and vice-
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There are three ways or modes of data transmission: Simplex, Half duplex (HDX), Full duplex