Ancient Times
Ancient Times
Ancient Times
a. SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION --- Group results were pretty accurate. Using these data,
1 astronomers were able to predict lunar eclipse
b. BABYLONIAN CIVILIZATION --- and later, solar eclipse.
Group 2
c. EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION --- Group 3 3. How was it used and how did it affected the
d. GREEK CIVILIZATION --- Group people or change the society during those times?
e. ROMAN CIVILIZATION --- Group 5 -The Babylonian astronomers had been
f. CHINESE CIVILIZATION --- Group 6 observing the skies for centuries and had
MEDIEVAL/ MIDDLE AGES --- Group recorded their observations in astronomical
7 diaries, astronomical almanacs, catalogs of stars
MODERN TIMES --- Group and other texts. The exploration of the Sun,
8 Moon and other celestial bodies affected the
PHILIPPINE INVENTIONS (from ancient to development of Mesopotamian culture. The
modern times) --- Group 9 study of the sky led to the development of a
calendar and advanced mathematics in these
societies. It helps people understand where we
came from, where we are going, and how physics
works under conditions which are impossible to
recreate on Earth. Computers, satellites and the
smartphones they service, GPS, MRI scanners
are few of technological advances that are the
legacy of astronomy.
Babylonian astronomy was the study or
recording of celestial objects during the early
history if Mesopotamia during the 7th century
CODE OF HAMMURABI is a set or collection of 282
laws written by Hammurabi, the sixth king of the first
One such priest, Nabu-rimmani, is the first
Babylonian dynasty, during his reign 1792-1750 BCE. It
documented Babylonian astronomer.
is one of the earliest extent set of laws and one of the
best-preserved examples of this type of document from
1. What led to its development or invention?
ancient Mesopotamia.
They began studying and recording their belief
Hammurabi created the codes to protect his citizens. He
system and philosophies dealing with an ideal
states that he wants to make justice visible in the land, to
nature of the universe and began employing an
destroy the wicked person and the evil-doer, that the
internal logic within their predictive planetary
strong might not injure the weak. At that time, it was
systems. Astronomers predicted where planets
very important because his kingdom needed order so
would be, using arithmetic methods. This was an
that everyone could live together. Because before the
important contribution to astronomy and the
codes were created, each case was judged separately and
philosophy of science.
in a chaotic way. Hammurabi’s code relates to criminal
law, civil law, and family law.
2. Describe the science behind.
The Code of Hammurabi utilizes the concept of order,
-Tablets dating back to the Old Babylonian
organization, and systems. As this is meant to judge the
period document the application of mathematics
unfair, it involves analysis in order to understand,
to the variation in the length of daylight over a
explain events, and why such things happened. It is
solar year. The ancient scientists who lived in
known that within systems, interactions between
Babylon made important discoveries in
components can involve forces and changes acting in
mathematics, physics and astronomy. Among
opposing directions and that for a system to be in a
their many accomplishments, they developed
steady state, these factors need to be in a state of balance
trigonometry, used mathematical models to
or equilibrium.
track Jupiter and developed methods of tracking
time that are still used today. There was a lot of
The Code of Hammurabi includes many harsh
punishments, sometimes demanding removal of the
guilty party’s tongue, hands, breasts, eye, or ear. It is also
one of the earliest example of an accused person being
considered innocent until proven guilty. The code also
addressed civil cases about agriculture, particularly relief
from creditors. It greatly impacted the Babylonians
during Hammurabi’s reign. With the help of these laws,
it regulated almost all aspects of everyday life. Because
these were the largest set of laws at the time, the codes
regulated trade, business, and social relationships in
Babylon. It served justice to people during the
Babylonian civilization.
NAME: MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) MRI has had a significant impact in many areas of
INVENTOR: RAYMOND DAMADIAN modern medicine. Because of its good image resolution,
PERIOD: MODERN tissue characterization, and functional assessment of
various organs and systems, MR imaging has become an
essential modern technology in clinical practice and
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) medical research. MR imaging has excellent flexibility in
viewing anatomic structures in arbitrary image planes.
Magnetic resonance imaging is a medical technique that With ultrafast MR imaging techniques, images of areas
uses a magnetic field and computer-generated radio of interest can be obtained quickly, with the elimination
waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues of physiologic motion artifacts.
in our body. MRI scans diagnose a variety of conditions,
from torn ligaments to tumors. It helps examine the Today, FONAR is working on a new MRI called the OR-
brain and spinal cord. 360°, a new-sized MRI designed to help surgeons
operate more efficiently on patients and provide patients
Magnetic resonance imaging was invented by Raymond with a visual experience.
Damadian, a physician who performed the first whole- With their futuristic design capabilities, they are
body scan of a human being in 1977. continuously working on the Open Sky MRI, allowing
them to feel like they are in a scenic landscape. The
In 1970, Damadian, M. D made the seminal discovery walls, floor, ceiling, and magnetic poles, are decorated
that led to the invention of the MRI, which was that with a landscape mural of flowers, beaches, and many
abnormal cancer cells had longer relaxation time lengths more options. There are even options specifically for
than normal cells. The discovery made him realize the children.
possibility of diagnosing diseases with a human-sized
scanner he had envisioned. This is the foundation of
MRI history.
How does this invention help the people? What lead to the invention? (Date, when, why, how,
Ancient kinds of toothpaste were used to treat some of where)
the same concerns that we have today – keeping teeth
· The art of wig-making can be dated back to Ancient
and gums clean, whitening teeth and freshening breath. Egypt. [1] The earliest specimen was found in a female
burial at Hierakonpolis dating from c. 3400 BC.
It was the Ancient Egyptians who invented writing on · Egyptologists believe that the Nubian wig was
Papyrus sheets. As the papyrus plant was found adopted by Queen Nefertiti after witnessing the hairstyle
abundantly across the Nile Delta, it gained widespread being worn by Nubians in the Pharaoh's army.
use as a writing material. It subsequently became an
· ancient Egyptians (c. 2700 BCE)
important writing material that was used throughout the
Mediterranean and in the Kingdom of Kush. Ancient What is the science concept behind?
Egyptians also used papyrus to make mats, baskets and
reed boats. Additionally, Europe used papyrus sheets as · The ancient Egyptians created the wig to shield
a writing material as well. Until an embargo on exporting shaved, hairless heads from the sun. They also wore the
forced Europeans to use parchment. wigs on top of their hair using beeswax and resin to keep
the wigs in place.
What led the Egyptians to make the papyrus?
· Unfortunately, syphilis was also on the rise in
Europe, ultimately affecting more Europeans than the
Black Plague. This happened well before the discovery of time. The sundial is made of a flattened piece of
antibiotics, so people afflicted with syphilis suffered all limestone, called an ostracon, with a black semicircle
the effects, including sores and patchy hair loss. As good divided into 12 sections drawn on top. Small dots in the
hair was associated with status and style, baldness and middle of each of the 12 sections, which are about 15
hair loss compounded the shame of having syphilis. degrees apart, likely served to give more precise times.
· Wigs were composed of various materials such as Explain how the Sundial was used; how the
human hair, wool, plant fibers, and horsehair. The most Sundial affected the people or change the society
expensive wigs were made of human hair or black sheep during those times
wool, or both.
– A Sundial is also known as a shadow clock. As the day
How does the invention help the people? progresses, the sun moves across the sky, causing the
shadow of the object to move and indicating the passage
· In Early Egypt, long hair and thick beards were of time. Sundials have been used to visualize the length
hugely favored by men, not just because they depicted of hours. The device have been also used to measure
the gods and kings, but they also represented levels of work hours as it was found in the Valley of the Kings
'manliness'. A man's thick beard and long hair was often which is the burial place of pharaohs and nobility. The
seen as a representation of maturity, fertility, and workers made a small sundial using a chip of discarded
capability, so obviously the bigger the better! limestones to mark their days. Before the invention of
the clock, the sundial was the only source of time. After
· Wealthy Egyptians would wear elaborate wigs and the invention of the clock, the sundial maintained its
scented head cones of animal fat on top of their wigs. importance, as clocks needed to be reset regularly from a
sundial, because the accuracy of early clocks was poor. A
clock and a sundial were used together to measure
Gregorio's invention. However, it started to rise in
popularity in the 1990s when the digital age began and
finally in the 2010s, getting the recognition he deserved
MODERN) paved many paths for long distance video calling and
video conferences, it is truly something to be proud of.
Zara died in 1978 but his legacy lives on everytime a
1. “Bamboo Incubator” - Dr. Fe Del Muno (1941) Filipino Overseas Worker connects with his or her family
in the Philippines using an internet videophone or
modern software applications like video chatting in
This is a bamboo incubator and it was made by Dr. Fe
Messenger or Skype.
Del Mundo. The reason for its invention is to help
families in rural communities. Like any other incubators,
this is used to provide a safe controlled space for a 3. Sustainable Alternative Lighting (SALt) Lamp -
premature baby to live while its vital organs develop. The Aissa Minejo (2012)
baby is placed on a flat surface with a radiant heat
element either positioned above or offering heat from Sustainable Alternative Lighting or SALt lamp is an
below. The heat output is automatically controlled by the environmental friendly source that uses salt water and is
temperature of the baby's skin. Although it is an open run using salt water. So it is marketed as a saltwater-
incubator, it can still monitor a baby's vital functions and powered lamp which makes it safe and emits no toxic
warm them. The reason why premature babies need such gases. Electricity is one of the major needs in the
medical care is because a baby who is born too early, can Philippines especially in the rural areas which has a very
have problems such as low birth weight, irregular limited source of electricity or light. Aissa Mineio
temperature and unstable vital signs. With this invented the SALt lamp in 2012 with focus in replacing
incubator their temperature is controlled. Moreover, this kerosene lamps as the main source of lighting for rural
invention is inexpensive, thus it can be reproduced by areas in the Philippines. Instead of pouring kerosene,
people who have limited access to medical advancements you are pouring salt water, instead of lighting up a
and electricity. With that being said, it is clear that it match, you are switching a button on and off. The lamp
benefited society in that time by saving premature babies uses the science behind the galvanic cell which is the
from long term intellectual and developmental basis for battery-making and change the electrolytes to a
disabilities. non-toxic saline solution. It made the entire process safe
and harmless. This lamp provides a more efficient source
2. Videophone "Video Telephone" - Gregorio Y. of light for people who used kerosene lamps and candles.
Zara (1954) It also leaves a small amount of carbon footprint which
makes it environmental friendly
The world's first videophone or a two-way television-
telephone was invented by Filipino engineer and 4. Salamander Amphibious Tricycle - Victor
physicist, Gregorio Y. Zara. His invention enabled the Llave and H2O Technologies Inc. - 2015
caller & recipient to see each other on a screen while
communicating. The Salamander or Salamander Amphibious Tricycle is
the First Filipino-made amphibious multi-utility trike.
Gregorio graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of It’s an alternative mode of transport that can maneuver
Technology with Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering in on both lands and in floodwaters. H2O technologies
1926. He also took his master's degree in aeronautical launched it at the capital Commons Center in Pasig City
engineering in 1927 and graduated summa cum laude at in 2015. Victor “Atoy” Llave invented the Salamander
the University of Michigan and earned a doctorate in
with H2O technologies headed by Dominic N. Chung and
Physics at Sorbonne University, Paris France, where he
also graduated as suma cum laude. He earned a Tres Lamberto Armanda. This vehicle can be used as a cost-
Honorable award which is only given to the highest effective, fuel-efficient, and environment-friendly
student graduate honor. Zara grew up living in poverty solution to transportation as a security patrol,
in his early childhood years, that's why he worked hard distributing relief goods, responding to emergencies and
disasters, and more importantly, bringing people to a Gunpowder or otherwise known as ‘black
safer place in flood-prone towns. In water, it is buoyant powder’ or ‘smokeless powder’ was created from
and very stable, is GPS ready, has a proprietary gearbox, a mixture of sulfur, charcoal and potassium
nitrate otherwise known as saltpetre. With this
a multi-compartmentalized hull, and has a type of
mixture the sulfur and charcoal act as a fuel for
propeller that can penetrate even in garbage-invested the powder with the sulfur also lowering the
floodwaters. It has two power-plant choices, powered by energy required for the explosive reaction to
a 5-kilowatt electric motor that runs on electricity and a occur while the saltpetre acts as an oxidizer, but
300 cc internal combustion type gasoline engine which instead of creating an elixir of life, they
both can sit up to 4 to 6 people, and comes with 6 accidentally invented a black powder that could
Emergency Life Vests and 2 Retractable Aluminum Oars. actually generate large amounts of heat and gas
in an instant. Ironically, instead of prolonging
life, gunpowder is widely used to propel bullets
from guns and cannons which cause countless
CHINESE deaths.
How it affected the society on recent times 4. Silk Production (1600-1046 BCE)- Empress
- it became one of the tourist spots of china
which gives a boost to china’s economic value.
What leads to the development or invention of silk?
3. Tea Production (2737 BC) - Emperor Shen - Due to an unexpected and unusual occurrence,
Nung the silk was developed and invented when the
wife of the Yellow Emperor Huangdi discovered
Tea production or tea processing is the method in which that a cocoon is made up of long threads that are
the leaves from the tea plant Camellia sinensis are
strong and soft. It was later on realized that it
transformed into dried leaves for brewing tea beverages.
Tea was invented way back in 2737 BC, according to can compose a fabric which is a silk. And that
legends. silk became a prized export for the Chinese that
nobles and kings of foreign lands desired silk
Shen Nung, a Chinese emperor and the Chinese father of and will gladly pay a large amount of prices for
Agriculture was once sitting under a Camellia Sinensis the cloth. It was developed to the point that the
tree while his servant was boiling water when some emperors of China wanted to keep the process
leaves fell from the tree and landed on the boiling water.
for making silk a secret.
Shen Nung is a renowned or well-known herbalist, so he
decided to try the infusion that his servant accidentally
created. What is the science concept behind the silk invention?
(How it was built, what it’s made of and how it works)
Tea production was developed when an unknown
- Silk was first produced in Neolithic China within
Chinese inventor created a machine that was able to
shred tea leaves into strips. Because of this invention, the Yangshao culture (4th millennium BCE)
the Chinese were able to increase their production of tea from the filaments of the cocoon of the silk
and other nations. After tea was introduced to other worm. According to the legend and the writings
countries it became a popular beverage worldwide. For of Confucius, the Chinese Empress Leizu (also
millennia after it was invented, it was originally a known as Xi Ling Shi), discovered silk by
medical beverage because it does have beneficial effects accident when a silkworm cocoon dropped into
like boosting your immune system, ward off cancer and her cup of tea. She innovated the production of
heart diseases but around the 3rd century CE, it became a silk called sericulture where a mulberry leave are
daily drink and that’s when tea cultivation and tea cultivated as a way of tending the silkworms in
production/processing began. order to gather the threads from the cocoons.
People usually boil cocoons, draw silk from them
The steps of tea processing or tea production start with and later spin it into thread.
considering the quality of leaves to harvest. “Flush” is the
term that they used to define a harvest of tea leaves. How is silk used in ancient China?
Selecting a fresh flush of young leaves because they are
the perfect ones for tea making. The next process is - Silk was extremely valuable in Ancient China. It
steaming. They have a steamer that utilizes a colander is used to make clothing (especially long robes,
over a pan of boiling water. When the leaves turn to gowns, and jackets). At first, only members of
olive-green color, it is ready for shaping. The shaping the royal family were allowed to wear silk that
process gives the tea leaves their flavour. After the merchants and peasants were not allowed to
shaping process is oxidation. It is a chemical process that wear silk until the Qing Dynasty which rules
is easiest to observe by looking at a dried leaf’s color. The
from 1644-1911. It was not only for clothing but
greener the leaf, the less oxidized it is. The last part is
drying and it can be done in 2 ways: drying by pan frying also used as a valuable commodity as a form of
and drying by oven baking. After that, the leaves are currency or money. Traders used it is a payment,
ready for brewing. people paid their tax with it, and even armies
were sometimes paid in silk. Other than that, it
serves other purposes such as being used as a animal allowed the plow to break the soil
paper, fishing lines, bowstrings, and canvas for successively. Plowing aerates and stirs up the soil,
painting. o How did silk invention affected the
removing and compacting soil layers. It also helps
people or change the society during the ancient
times? to mix in organic material and bring more nutrients
to the soil. Plowing has been used for thousands of
years to prepare and improve the soil, making it
- Silk invention affected the people and even more conducive to growing crops
change the society for the better as it became a
staple source of income for small farmers. The How were they put to use?
reputation of Chinese silk spread so fast that it ● The Sumerians created the plow in order to
became highly desired across the empires of the
ancient world. As China's most important export make the process of breaking up their soil
for much of its history, the material gave its easier and more efficient.
name to the great trading network, the Silk ● It also enabled them to create larger and
Road which was essential in Chinese culture more complex irrigation systems, bringing
because economically, it helped China in trading water to the fields and allowing them to
with the west, east and Europe. And because of
produce much more.
that, completely different technologies were
introduced like gun powder, paper making and ● Plows became an important tool for the
lots. It was the main reason that China was able ancient Sumerian civilization, not just for
to connect with the world as it bridged the gap tilling their soil but also as a symbol of social
between the Western world and the middle standing and power.
How did it affect the lives of the people?
● The workload of the farmers has dramatically decreased.
● They were able to increase their agricultural
output, leading to greater food security and
a larger population.
● The invention of the plow has helped them
sustain relatively large cities.
● All these impacts greatly changed the
Sumerian Plow course of Sumerian civilization, pushing it
What led to the development of the invention? from a nomadic society to an urban society
How did they come up with it? with a huge population.
Prior to the invention of the plow, the Sumerians
used hoes and digging sticks to break up the hard
ground, which was both labor-intensive and time-
consuming. As their society grew and demanded
more food, the Sumerians had to find a way to
make their work more efficient, which led to the
invention of the plow.