0502 About - Basell
0502 About - Basell
0502 About - Basell
About Basell
❍ Basell, together with its joint ven- ❍ Global leader in the production of
tures, has manufacturing operations polypropylene, with capacity of
in 20 countries and its products are nearly 8,000 KT (including
sold in more than 120 countries. joint ventures)
The products are used by customers
in the production of a wide number ❍ 7th largest producer of polyethylene
of consumer and industrial goods in the world (#1 in Europe), with ca-
from food and beverage packaging pacity of nearly 2,300 KT
to automobile components, and (including joint ventures)
from household products to under-
ground piping. ❍ Corporate centre: Hoofddorp,
The Netherlands
❍ As a technology-driven company
with research and development cen- ❍ Regional offices: Brussels, Belgium;
ters located in Europe, North Ameri- Frankfurt, Germany;
ca and the Asia-Pacific region, Basell Elkton, Maryland, USA; São Paulo,
invests significantly in R&D to assure Brazil; Hong Kong
a sustained flow of new and enhanced
polyolefin catalysts, processes and ❍ Internet address: www.basell.com
products for its customers.
3 Core
Innovation is a main driver for olefin producers to have a single ❍ Lupotech G technology – fluidized
Basell’s growth and the company in- provider for all polyolefin processes bed gas-phase process for the pro-
vests substantially in technology to and catalyst systems. duction of linear low density poly-
assure a sustained flow of new and ethylene (LLDPE) and HDPE
enhanced polyolefin catalysts, Polyolefin Processes and Services
processes and products. The Tech- Licensed by Basell ❍ Spherilene technology – swing gas-
nology Business is responsible for phase process for the production
the commercialisation of innovations ❍ Spheripol technology – most wide- of LLDPE and HDPE
and the development of new ven- ly used process for the production
tures. The main activities of the busi- of polypropylene homopolymer, Basell’s Catalyst Systems
ness are the licensing of polyolefin random copolymer and heteropha-
technologies, catalyst sales and the sic copolymer grades ❍ Avant ZN – Ziegler-Natta catalysts
development of new venture projects for polypropylene
through partnerships with third par- ❍ Spherizone technology – Basell’s
ties. newest process for the production ❍ Avant Z – Ziegler catalysts for
of polypropylene homopolymer, polyethylene
Basell is the leading licensor of poly- random copolymer and heteropha-
olefin process technologies and its sic copolymer ❍ Avant C – Chromium catalysts for
Spheripol technology is the most polyethylene
widely used manufacturing process ❍ Hostalen technology – leading low-
for polypropylene. Basell is also a pressure slurry process for the ❍ Avant M – Metallocene catalysts
leading supplier of polyolefin cata- production of bimodal high densi- for polypropylene
lysts and its family of advanced cata- ty polyethylene (HDPE)
lysts provides optimum performance
for Basell’s process technologies as ❍ Lupotech T technology – high-pres-
well as other third party processes. sure tubular reactor process for
the production of low density
Basell’s ability to offer a complete polyethylene (LDPE)
technology portfolio enables poly-
*Basell does not sell polybutene-1 for use in pipe applications intended for use in North America,
and requires its customers not to sell products made from PB-1 into North America pipe applications.
Polypropylene is characterised by an
outstanding combination of physical
and mechanical properties, excellent
processing characteristics and low
specific gravity. Basell continues to ex-
pand polypropylene’s end uses, includ-
ing displacing traditional materials
and other plastics, by expanding its
Basell Main
Product Lines
Basell’s Main Product Lines ❍ Hostalen – High density polyethy- ❍ Lupolex – Linear low-density poly-
lene for use in customer applica- ethylene for use in customer film
❍ Adflex – Very soft, flexible poly- tions including film, blow moulding, applications
olefins based on Catalloy process pipe, injection moulding, tapes,
monofilaments and fibers ❍ Metocene – Homopolymer, random
❍ Adstif – High crystallinity polypro- and impact copolymer products
pylene with very high stiffness ❍ Hostalen PP – High density based on single-site metallocene
polypropylene for use in customer catalysts
❍ Adsyl – Low seal initiation tempera- pipe and sheet applications
ture resins based on Catalloy process ❍ Moplen – Homopolymer, random
❍ Lucalen – Ethylene/acrylic and impact copolymer products
❍ Clyrell – Polypropylene resins with acid/acrylate copolymer for use in based on Ziegler-Natta catalysts
an outstanding combination of customer film and steel pipe coat-
transparency and impact strength ing applications ❍ Pro-fax – Homopolymer, random
and impact copolymer products
❍ Hifax – Grades with outstanding im- ❍ Luflexen – Metallocene-based linear based on Ziegler-Natta catalysts
pact performance for industrial and low-density polyethylene for use in
exterior automotive applications; customer film applications ❍ Pro-fax Ultra – High performance
grades for wire & cable and grades polypropylene resins
with flame retardant properties ❍ Lupolen – Low density polyethy-
lene and medium density polyethy- ❍ Purell – Specialty polypropylene
❍ Hostacom – Glass fibre-reinforced, lene; high density polyethylene for and polyethylene products for use
mineral-filled grades and unfilled use in customer applications such in customer medical and pharma-
coloured grades for use in customer as film, blow moulding, steel pipe ceutical applications
applications such as electrical appli- coating, pipe and injection mould-
ances, automotive interiors and ing ❍ Softell – Exceptionally soft, flexible,
under-the-hood components soft touch resins based on Catalloy
Contact Information:
109 B e 02/05
Adflex, Adstif, Adsyl, Avant, Catalloy, Corporate Centre North America Sales Offices
Clyrell, Hifax, Hostacom, Hostalen,
Hostalen PP, Lucalen, Luflexen, Lupolen, Basell N.V. USA
Lupolex, Lupotech G, Lupotech T, Hoeksteen 66 Basell North America Regional Office
Metocene, Moplen, Pro-fax, Pro-fax Ultra, 2132 MS Hoofddorp and Research & Development Centre
Purell, Softell, Spherilene, Spheripol and The Netherlands 912 Appleton Road
Spherizone are trademarks owned or tel. +31 20 4468 644 Elkton, Maryland 21921-3920
used by Basell. fax +31 20 4468 649 tel. +1 410 996 1600
fax +1 410 996 1660
Adflex, Adstif, Adsyl, Clyrell, Hifax,
Hostacom, Hostalen, Lucalen, Luflexen,
European Sales Offices Basell North American
Lupolen, Lupotech, Moplen and Pro-fax
Advanced Polyolefins Business
are registered in the U.S. Patent and
Benelux and Technical Centre
Trademark Office.
Basell Polyolefins Company N.V. 2727 Alliance Drive
Woluwe Garden Lansing, MI 48910
Woluwedal 24 tel. +1 517 336 9600
1932 Zaventem (Brussels) fax +1 517 336 9611
tel. +32 2 715 80 00
fax +32 2 715 80 50
Asia-Pacific Sales Office
Before using a Basell product, customers and other users should make their own independent determination that the product is suitable for the
intended use. They should also ensure that they can use the Basell product safely and legally. (Material Safety Data Sheets are available from Basell
particular purpose. No one is authorized to make such warranties or assume any liabilities on behalf of Basell except in writing signed by an au-
thorized Basell employee. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the exclusive remedy for all claims is replacement of the product or refund of the
at www.basell.com). This document does not constitute a warranty, express or implied, including a warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
Technology Business
Basell Polyolefine GmbH You can find out more about Basell
Industriepark Hoechst by visiting our website at: www.basell.com
Building B 852
D – 65926 Frankfurt am Main
tel. Licensing: +49 69 305 85450
tel. Catalysts: +49 68 305 85451
fax Licensing: +49 69 305 85494
fax Catalysts: +49 69 305 85493