1.1 Contractor shall provide all equipment in well maintained and in good operating condition and technical support and services required for the
performance of complete Services at Well site. All the equipment can operate in oil with H2S, serious asphaltene and sand condition, high acid
concentration 15-20% and no flaring or dumbing any fluids.
1.2 The equipment of one complete set shall be as indicated in the table below but not limited to the following:
Emergency shutdown system consists of 3” ID surface
safety valve, single action fail hydraulic actuator, 3 - Contractor to clearly mention the
parallel remote control technical details of his proposed
consoles, air driven pump, hydraulic tank, storage reels equipment.
10k Emergency with adequate air hoses and hydraulic hoses. Service: - Contractor to attached detailed
1 Shutdown System H2S, NACE MR0175 Min. ID: 3” technical specification sheet of his
Work. Pressure: 10,000psi proposed equipment.
Work. Temperature:-20 to 250 deg F/-29 to 121 deg C
(Per 1 set) (Detail specification to be provided)
- 5 valves body
- One fixed choke and one adjustable choke 1 set of Chokes - Contractor to clearly mention the
in sizes 4/64" to 64/64" in increments of 4/64" and technical details of his proposed
10K Choke Manifold from 64/64" to 2" in 16/64" Increments equipment.
1.2 1 - FIG1502 union on inlet and outlet. - Contractor to attached detailed
- Min. ID: 3” technical specification sheet of his
- Work. Pressure: 10,000psi proposed equipment.
- Work. Temperature:-20 to 250 deg F/-29 to 121 deg C
- Service: H2S and meet NACE MR0175
10k psi WP piping, crossovers to rig up upstream. - Contractor to clearly mention the
1.4 Set of Interconnecting 5k psi WP piping, crossovers for downstream. Enough technical details of his proposed
1 Piping , crossovers, fittings crossovers, connections, flanges, valves, e l b o w, equipment.
and Hoses fittings and hoses to rig-up the surface line; And flanges - Contractor to attached detailed
to connect the production line. technical specification sheet of his
-- Service: H2S, and meet NACE MR0175 proposed equipment.
- Gas>65MMSCFD, Liquid>13,000BPD with sand
- Level control system with level scales for water/oil and - Contractor to clearly mention the
oil/gas interface. technical details of his proposed
- Interface for both manual data acquisition and equipment.
computerized data on vessel, gas line, oil line and water - Contractor to attached detailed
1 3-Phase Separator line. technical specification sheet of his
- Work. Pressure: 1,440 psi proposed equipment.
- Work. Temperature:-20 to 250 deg F/-29 to 121 deg C
- Designed to hold any acid or sand percentage in fluid
flowed back through it.
- Service: H2S, and meet NACE MR0175
(Per 1 set) (Detail specification to be provided)
The 3” ID oil and gas diverter should have - Contractor to clearly mention the
interconnected valves for diverting flow from separator technical details of his proposed
to gauge/surge tanks o r storage tank. equipment.
2 Oil and Gas Work. Temperature:-20 to 250 deg F/-29 to 121 deg C - Contractor to attached detailed
Manifold/diverter Work pressure 1440psi technical specification sheet of his
- Service: H2S, and meet NACE MR0175 proposed equipment.
Electrically driven, another one as backup. Shall be - Contractor to clearly mention the
flame proof to be supplied with enough electrical cable. technical details of his proposed
A check valve to prevent back flow of fluid through the equipment.
pump - Contractor to attached detailed
2 Oil Transfer Pump technical specification sheet of his
Rate of pumping: minimum 4000 bbl/d @ pressure of
proposed equipment.
400 psi
H2S service and CO2 service are required.
16 Analogue Inputs for Pressure, Temperature and
Differential. 8 Digital inputs for Liquid Flow Rates.
Manually enter coefficients for calculations. Expandable up
to 100 input channels.
All transducer values and calculated values displayed on
color screen up to 8 trends on simultaneously, of real time or
historic data. This trend can be output to a printer. A real
- Contractor to clearly mention the
time printout of all relevant data configurable to customer
technical details of his proposed
requirements, Real time mimics of process. Instantaneous
access to historic data which can be printed plotted or
- Contractor to attached detailed
viewed on screen. Calculation variables and manually input
1.14 technical specification sheet of his
data can be displayed and printed. Client configurable
proposed equipment.
calculations can be entered on site. Alarms on all logged
data can be output.
1 Data Acquisition System REPORTING:
Fully configurable to client's format including: measured,
calculated or manually entered values. Output can be to a
printer, screen or Excel compatible format document.
Max.1 Hz screen update rate. Max.1 Hz sampling rate.
Work. Temperature:
-20 to 250 deg F/-29 to 121 deg C
(Per 1 set) (Detail specification to be provided)
Pump for chemicals injection (scavenger, methanol, - To attach detailed technical
glycol, separation enhancement additives) shall have specification sheet.
full redundancy and be equipped with filtration
Air drive Injectors – Txt 5002, 15,000psi WP. Quick
1.15 1 Chemical Injection Pump connection to data header via autoclave valve, service
– H2S
Ignition System including ignition head, cable and - To attach detailed technical
1.16 1
Remote Ignition System switch box specification sheet.
Minimum Capability: 120KVA; with 10m3 diesel tank - To attach detailed technical
1.17 2 and the switch box, cables etc. + one backup. specification sheet.
Truck mounted tanker to transfer oil to CPF - To attach detailed technical
1.18 2 30m3 oil tanker
Minimum 3 tankers, 30m3 each one specification sheet.