Least Mastered Maximo THMNHS
Least Mastered Maximo THMNHS
Least Mastered Maximo THMNHS
Grade 7
Second Quarter Describe the different levels Levels of Biological
of biological organization Organization
from cell to biosphere;
Third Quarter
Infer that light travels in a Colors of Light
straight line (S7LT-IIIg-11)
Grade 8
First Quarter Infer that circular motion Laws of Motion
requires the application of Relationship of Circular
constant force directed Motion and
toward the center of the Newton‘s 2nd Law of
circle; Motion
S8 FE-Ia-18-19
Relate the laws of motion to
bodies in uniform circular
Infer that circular motion
requires the application of
constant force directed
toward the center of the
circle. S8FE –Ib-18 /19
Grade 10
Second Quarter Predict the qualitative Law of Reflection
characteristics (location, Multiple Images
orientation, type, and Images Formed by Curved
magnification) of images Mirrors
formed by plane and curved
mirrors and lenses. (S10FE-