Unit 2 - Individual and Organisational Leadership.

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KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023


Learning can be defined as a process that brings together cognitive, emotional and
environmental influences and experiences for acquiring, enhancing or making changes in
one’s knowledge, skills, values and world views.
Leaming as a process focuses on what happens when the learning takes place. Explanations
of what happens constitute learning theories. A learning theory is an attempt to describe how
people and animals learn; thereby helping us understands the inherently complex process of

Learning is defined as “any relatively permanent change in that occurs as a result of practice
and experience”. This definition has three important elements.
- Learning is a change in behavior.
- It takes place through practice or experience.
- This change is for a very long time and permanent in nature.

1. Learning is a fundamental process of life.
2. It is a continuous process it affects all modes of behaviour.
3. Learning is change in response or behaviour, may be favorable or unfavorable.
4. It is a process of change not a product in the form of changed behaviour.
5. Learning takes place when an organism reacts in a situation.
6. Learning is universal.
7. Learning is total reaction of the individual to the total situation.
8. Learning is transferable.
9. Learning is a process and not a product.
10. The process of learning is determined by conscious as well as unconscious
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
Learning is of various types which are explained as under –
1. Motor learning
The day to day activities of an individual refer to motor activities. In order to maintain regular
life cach and every individual learns all these activities which include walking, running, skating.
Driving, climbing, etc. All these activities involve the powerfully built coordination.
2. Verbal learning
It refers to the language we speak and communicate. It also includes the various
communication devices which we use on a day-to-day basis. They mainly include signs,
pictures symbols, words, figures, sounds, etc. which are considered to be the tools used in
such activities.
3. Concept learning
It is the form of learning which requires higher order mental processes like thinking, reasoning,
intelligence etc. we learn different concepts from birth. Concept learning involves two
processes, which include construction and simplification. This learning is very useful in order
to understand and identify different things.
4. Discrimination learning
Discrimination refers to learning to differentiate between stimuli and showing a proper and
correct response to these stimuli. Example, sound horns of different vehicles like bus, car,
ambulance etc.
5. Learning of principles
Individuals learn certain principles, rules and laws related to science, mathematics, grammar,
etc. in order to manage and do their work effectively and efficiently. These principles help in
showing the relationship between two or more concepts.
6. Problem solving
Problem solving is considered to be a higher order learning process. This type of learning
requires the use of cognitive abilities which include thinking, reasoning, observation,
imagination, generalization etc. It is very useful to overcome difficult problems which are
encountered by the people.
7. Attitude learning
Attitude is a tendency which helps us in understanding and directing our. Every individual
develops different kinds of attitudes from birth about different people, objects and everything
around him. The behaviour which an individual has may be positive or negative depending
upon his attitudes.
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We can understand the concept of learning through some important theories which include –
1. Classical conditioning theory
2. Operant conditioning theory
3. Cognitive learning theory
4. Social learning theory
1. Classical Conditioning Theory
Classical conditioning is one of the simplest forms of learning yet it has a powerful effect on
our attitudes, likes and dislikes and emotional responses. We have all learned to respond in
specific ways to a variety of words and symbols. Our lives are profoundly influenced by
associations we learn through classical conditioning. Ivan Pavlov whose research on the
conditioned reflex in dogs revealed much of what we know about the principles of classical
Classical conditioning is modifying behaviour so that a conditioned stimulus is paired with an
unconditioned stimulus and elicits an unconditioned behaviour. Ivan Pavlov, a Russian
psychologist developed classical conditioning theory based on his experiments to teach dog
to salivate in response to the ringing of a bell.
Factors Influencing Classical Conditioning
There are four major factors that affect the strength of a classically conditioned response and
the length of time required for conditioning.
1. The number of pairings of the conditioned stimulus and the unconditional stimulus. In
general, the greater the number of pairings, the stronger the conditioned response.
2. The intensity of the unconditioned stimulus. If a conditioned stimulus is paired with a very
strong unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned response will be stronger and will be
acquired more rapidly than if it is paired with a weaker unconditioned stimulus.
3. The most important factor is how reliably the conditioned stimulus predicts the
unconditioned stimulus. Rescorla has shown that classical conditioning does not occur
automatically just because a neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with an unconditioned
4. The temporal relationship between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned
stimulus. Conditioning takes place faster if the conditioned stimulus occurs shortly before
the unconditioned stimulus.
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2. Operant Conditioning Theory
Operant conditioning theory is also known as instrumental conditioning. This theory is &
learning process in which behaviour is sensitive to or controlled by its outcomes.
Operant conditioning induces a voluntary change in behaviour and learning occurs as a
“consequence” of such change. It is also known as reinforcement theory and it suggests that
behaviour is a function of its consequences. It is based upon the premise that behaviour or job
performance is not a function of inner thoughts, feelings, emotions or perceptions but is keyed
to the nature of the outcome of such behaviour
For example working hard and getting the promotion will probably cause the person to keep
working hard in the future.
Factors Influencing Operant Conditioning
Several factors affect response rate, resistance to extinction and how quickly a response is
1. The first factor is the magnitude of reinforcement. In general, as magnitude of
reinforcement. Increases, act on a rinse is greater. For example, workers would be
motivated o work harder and faster, if they were paid a higher salary.
2. The second factor affecting operant conditioning is the immediacy of reinforcement
Responses are conditioned more effectively when reinforcement is immediate. As a rule,
the longer the delay in reinforcement, the more slowly a response is acquired.
3. The third factor influencing conditioning is the level of motivation of the learner. If
you are highly motivated to learn to play football, you will learn faster and practice more
than if you have no interest in the game. Skinner found that when food is the rein forcer, a
hungry animal would learn faster than an animal with a full stomach.
Difference between Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning
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3.Cognitive Learning Theory
Cognition defines a person’s ideas, thoughts, knowledge, interpretation, understanding about
himself and the environment around him. This theory mainly deals with leaming by the process
of deep thinking about a particular problem or situation which are generally based on some
known facts and responding in an objective and more oriented manner. It perceives that a
person learns the meaning of various objects and events and also learns the response
depending upon.
Learning Strategies:
Behaviorist instructional strategies are concerned primarily with results. Cognitivist strategies
also underscore the importance of the learner’s observable behavior, but simultaneously
promote mental processing and emphasize the effectiveness of the entire knowledge
acquisition process to ensure meaningful learning
4. Social Learning Theory
Social learning integrates the cognitive and operant approaches to learning. It recognizes that
learing does not take place only because of environmental stimuli (classical and operant
conditioning) or of individual determinism (cognitive approach) but is a blend of both views. It
also emphasizes that people acquire new behaviors by observing or imitating others in a social
setting. In addition, learning can also be gained by discipline and self-control and an inner
desire to acquire knowledge or skills irrespective of the external rewards or consequences.
This process of self. Control is also partially a reflection of societal and cultural influences on
the development and growth of human beings.
Usually, the following four processes determine the influence that a model will have on an
1. Attention Process: People can learn from their models provided they recognise and pay
attention to the critical features. In practice, the models that are attractive, repeatedly
available or important to us tend to influence us the most.
2. Retention Process: A model’s influence depends on how well the individual can
remember or retain in memory the behaviour/action displayed by him when the model is
no longer readily available.
3. Motor Reproduction Process: Now, the individual needs to convert the model’s action
into his action. This process evinces how well an individual can perform the modelled
4. Reinforcement Process: Individuals become motivated to display the modelled action if
incentive and rewards are provided to them.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
The key statements of social learning theory are –
1. Leaming is not exactly behavioural; instead it is a cognitive process that takes place in
a social context.
2. Learning can occur by observing a behaviour and by observing the outcomes of the
behaviour (known as vicarious reinforcement).
3. Learing includes observation, extraction of information from those observations and
making decisions regarding the performance of the behaviour (known as observational
learning or modeling). Thus, learning can occur beyond an observable change in
4. Reinforcement plays an important role in leaming but is not completely responsible for
5. The learner is not a passive receiver of information. Understanding, environment and
behaviour all mutually influence each other.

1. Learning is active: Active learning goes beyond providing opportunities for hands-on,
experiential learning. It involves engaging the learner’s mind as well as they are
encouraged to question and evaluate information critically. The emphasis on enquiry,
processes and skills promotes transference.
2. Learning is holistic: Learning is discipline based but interconnectedness of knowledge
is promoted. Learning is also made more coherent with regular opportunities to see the
connection of learning to real life.
3. Learning requires met cognition: All learners are capable of being proactive, self-
reflecting and self-regulating. Met cognitive processes should be taught explicitly and
opportunities must be made available for learners to self-regulate.
4. Learning is social: Learning is influenced by social interactions, interpersonal relations
and communication with others.
5. Learning is contextual: Learning is facilitated by conducive environmental factors.
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1. Engage: This phase sparks students’ interest and gets them thinking about the desired
concept or skill. Engagements can elicit students prior knowledge about the subject and
collect information on what students know, which can be used to guide instruction.
2. Explore: During this phase, students grapple with a problem, task, or situation in an
attempt or understand the material on their own or in groups. Students can identify what
they are confused about, where their ideas conflict and what unanswered questions
they may have.
3. Elaborate: This phase requires students to apply what they have learned to novel
problems or contexts. This follows the Explain phase because students’ confusions and
questions should have been addressed, and students need to try out their new
4. Evaluate: During this phase, students reflect on and demonstrate their understanding
or mastery of concepts and skills and instructors have opportunities to evaluate student
progress toward achieving learning objectives.


Learning can be defined as the activity or process of acquiring knowledge or skill by studying,
practicing, being taught or experiencing something.
The factors influencing individual behaviour are:
1. Perception: It is the result of various senses like feeling, seeing, hearing etc.
2. Attitude: It is either have a positive attitude or negative attitude, like I like my job is
expressing a positive attitude towards my work.
3. Personality: For example, some people seem to be very friendly, while there are some
who take time to open up.
4. Values: It influences perception of problem and marks individual’s decision making
5. Emotions: There are happy moments we cherish and the sad moments like anger,
frustration, etc. that we try to forget.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
Faving developed the model over many years prior, David Kolb published his learning
styles model in 1984.
Academics, educators, managers, and trainers now recognise Kolb’s learning styles model
and experiential learning theory as really seminal works that provide the foundation for
understanding human learning behaviour and assisting others in learning.
Based on a four-stage learning cycle, Kolb’s learning theory identifies four different learning
preferences or styles. (which also may be seen as a “training cycle”)
This “cycle of learning” is a key component of Kolb’s experiential learning theory, which is
commonly represented as the four-stage cycle of learning, where “immediate or tangible
experiences” serve as the foundation for “observations and reflections.”
These “observations and reflections” are taken in and reduced to “abstract notions,” which
result in new implications for action that can be “actively investigated,” which in turn results
in new implications for action.
Kolb’s model, therefore, works on two evels – a four-stage cycle:

a) Concrete Experience – (CE)

b) Reflective Observation – (RO)
c) Abstract Conceptualization – (AC)
d) Active Experimentation – (AB)
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And a four type definition of learning styles, (each representing the combination of two
preferred styles, rather like a two-by-two matrix of the four-stage oycle styles, as illustraleg
below), for which Kolb used the terms:
a) Diverging (CE/RO)
b) Assimilating (AC/RO)
c) Converging (AC/AB)
d) Accommodating (CE/AE)
1. Concrete Experience – the learner encounters a concrete experience. This might be a
new experience or situation, or a reinterpretation of existing experience in the light of
new Concepts.
2. Reflective Observation of the New Experience – the learner reflects on the new
experience in the light of their existing knowledge. Of particular importance are any
inconsistencies between experience and understanding.
3. Abstract Conceptualization – reflection gives rise to a new idea, or a modification of
an existing abstract concept (the person has learned from their experience).
4. Active Experimentation – the newly created or modified concepts give rise to
experimentation. The learner applies their ideas to the world around them to see what


Here are brief descriptions of the four Kolb learning styles:
1. Diverging (feeling and watching – CE/RO) –
These folks have the capacity to view situations from various angles. They’re delicate.
Instead of acting, they prefer to observe, gathering information and coming up with creative
solutions to issues. They excel at taking a variety of perspectives on specific issues.
Because these people perform better in settings requiring the creation of ideas, like
brainstorming, Kolb named this type “Diverging.” People with a variety of leaming styles are
curious and have diverse cultural interests.
2. Assimilating (watching and thinking – AC/RO) –
The inclination of assimilating learners is for a clear, methodical approach. People are not
as significant as ideas and ideals. These individuals require a decent, clear explanation as
opposed to a useful opportunity. They are excellent at comprehending complex material
and organising it logically and clearly. Assimilating learners are more interested in ideas
and abstract concepts than they are in people.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
3. Converging (doing and thinking – AC/AE) –
Converging learners are capable of problem-solving and will apply what they have learned
to address real-world situations. They prioritise technological duties over interpersonal and
social responsibilities. It is easiest for those with a Converging learning style to apply
concepts and theories in real-world situations. By figuring out answers to questions and
solving difficulties, they can make choices.
4. Accommodating (doing and feeling – CE/AE) –
The hands-on, intuitive learning method of accommodating is more important than logical
thinking. These individuals prefer to use a hands-on, experiential approach while using
other people’s analysis. They are drawn to taking on new tasks and activities as well as
following through on plans. They frequently follow instinct rather than reason when making


An organisation that prioritises learning is said to be a learning organisation. Learning new
things and spreading that information throughout the company are the main goals of all
communications and decision-making. Companies with learning organisations respect any
chance to assist staff in discovering their talents and abilities and include employee
development in their corporate culture.


1. Develop a plan for learning and growth.

Establishing a strategy that is clearly stated and understood is the first step in taking an all-
encompassing approach to learning and development. Your L&D function’s goal and vision
are established by the strategy, which also establishes a point of agreement for the entire
2. Encourage a culture of lifelong learning and improvement.
Employees’ beliefs and behaviour are ultimately influenced by your company’s culture.
Starting at the top, with leadership support, and spreading throughout the company,
cultivating a mindset where people not only have a strong desire to learn, but also want to
share their expertise with others, is essential.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
3. Incorporate talent management.
Starting with clearly defined responsibilities and levels within each function, learning and
development should be closely correlated with talent management. To design career paths
for advancement, specify the expected abilities and competences for each level.
4. Establish a framework for learning and development.
A solid infrastructure that enables the continual creation, administration, and delivery of
training programmes and curricula is essential for the L&D function to be successful. Your
organisational structure, as well as the rules and regulations required to run the L&D
function, should be addressed in your infrastructure.
5. Utilize learning management systems.
The best L&D departments make use of systems and technology to organise, distribute,
and consume training programmes in an efficient manner. Employees may easily view their
learning paths and know what courses are accessible thanks to today’s learning
management systems, provided they are configured properly.
6. Monitoring and measuring performance
Continuous skill improvement is an essential component of success in every firm. To stay
productive, employees must upgrade their knowledge and competencies. Think about
where you are right now in terms of your approach to growth and learning.

Behavioural Intelligence is a set of skills and abilities used to select and execute at will the
right behaviours to be effective with people and situations.
Decision-makers can address a variety of human and cultural difficulties by using
organisational behavioural intelligence services to get clear, actionable intelligence. It is
structured and methodical, enabling senior decision-makers to avoid the pitfalls of pre-
existing biases through the use of obiective evidence in understanding the existing culture
of the organisation and the attitude of their emplovees in order to address challenging
situations, handle organisational conflict, and gain acceptance for organisational change.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
A team is a cooperative group whose members interact with each other towards the
accomplishment of special objectives. In many organizations, employees work in regular
small groups called teams where their efforts must fit together like the places of a picture
puzzle. When their work is interdependent, they act as work and seek to develop a
cooperative state called teamwork.
Definitions of Team
According to Katzenbach and Douglas Smith, “It is a small number of people with
complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals
and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable”
1. Clear Direction: Clear direction means that the tears are given a clear and distinct
goal. The teams may be empowered to determine how to achieve that goal, but
management, when forming the team, generally sets the goal. A clear direction also
means that term outcomes are measurable.
2. Clear Responsibilities: Clear responsibilities mean that each team member
understands what is expected of her or him within the teams. The role must be clear
and interesting to the team members.
3. Knowledgeable Members: An effective team will be comprised of individuals who
have the skills and knowledge necessary to complete the team’s task. Cooperation is
essential at at early stage in inventorying the skills and knowledge each member brings
to the teams and working to determine how to utilize those skills to accomplish the
team’s task.
4. Reasonable Operating Procedures: It needs a set of rules by which it operates.
5. Interpersonal Relationship: They are composed of diverse individuals, each of whom
comes to the team with his or her own set of values. Understanding and celebrating
this diversity helps to make stronger, more effective teams.
6. Sharing Success and Failures: Everyone wants to feel appreciated. Within a team,
members should be willing to express their appreciation, as well as their criticisms, of
other’s efforts.
1. Setting a Clear Direction: Organizations are often in a big hurry to get a move on their
projects and deliver them as quickly as possible. The battle with the clock often leads
to project teams getting pulled together without deciding on the goals and desired
outcomes first. You just want to get started.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
2. Open and Honest Communication: Communication and chemistry go hand in hand.
Communication is a crucial part of building a sense of belonging and camaraderie
between team members. On the other hand, the failure to communicate effectively
within the team is the cause of a multitude of teamwork problems.
3. Support for Risk Taking and Change: Risk-taking and experimentation in pursuit of
change and improvement are some of the staples of effective teams. You should openly
support it. You will not always be right, but even mistakes are an opportunity to learn.
By promoting this mindset and helping your team get aboard the initiative, Your team
will be able to do amazing things.
4. Defined Roles: Even though the roles might shift within your team after you start
operating, it’s essential to understand the skills and competencies needed to reach your
goals. Therefore, you should have a good handle on those roles before you begin
5. Mutual Accountability: Effective teams can notice the problems when they arise and
start problem-solving before they escalate. They are not happy when elephants are
sitting in the room. It’s crucial to define and accept responsibility both as an individual
and as a team.
Team dynamics are the unconscious, psychological forces that influence the direction of a
team’s behaviour and performance. They are like undercurrents in the sea, which can carry
boats in a different direction to the one they intend to sail.
1. Communication
2. Conflict resolution
3. Rapport-building and listening
4. Decision-making
5. Problem-solving
6. Organizational and planning skills
7. Persuasion and influencing skills
8. Reliability
9. Respectfulness
10. Tolerance
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
Various Teamwork Skills are as follows:
1. Communication
The ability to get your point across, and truly understand what other people want to tell you
is the cornerstone of effective teamwork. And it doesn’t matter if you communicate in
person, via email writing, instant messages, or on the phone the exchange of information
must be effective regardless of the medium.
2. Conflict resolution
Conflict is part and parcel of any team effort. What matters most is how adept you are al
why the best team players are also great mediators. Dealing with issues as they arise.
Remember, it’s crucial not to let any conflicts escalate that’s why the best team players are
also great mediators.
3. Rapport-building and listening
You can only build rapport if you’re listening to other people’s voices. Mind you it’s equally
important to pay heed to their enthusiasm and the lack of it. Rapport and listening skills go
hand in hand, one can’t exist without the other.
4. Decision-making
Making decisions may seem like a pretty straightforward thing to do. And that’s the case
when everyone agrees on the course of action. But everything changes when opinions start
to differ and you need to make an unpopular decision.
5. Problem-solving
The very idea behind organizing a team is to solve a problem. That’s why problem-solving
skills are fundamental for each and every team member. The ability to look at an issue from
multiple angles and utilize your time management skills on the basis of individual team
member’s skills drive the entire team’s performance and success.
6. Organizational and planning skills
To solve any problem effectively and efficiently you must be able to devise a master plan
that every team member understands, follows, and knows where it leads to. Once the plan
is agreed upon, all team members will be able to organize their tasks, establish deadlines,
and orchestrate their efforts.
7. Persuasion and influencing skills
Being persuasive isn’t a character trait. It’s a skill you can learn. In the context of teamwork,
this applies mostly to team leaders who must inspire everyone to contribute to achieving
team goals and objectives. A good start to build such leadership skills is to hone-in on your
presentation skills.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
8. Reliability
Teams form because they can achieve more than each team member could on their own.
That’s obvious, isn’t it? What people tend to forget, though, is that when working together
as a team you depend on the others as much as they depend on you. Show your reliability
by sticking to deadlines, delivering your tasks, and over communicating any obstacles along
the way.
9. Respectfulness
Being respectful towards other people doesn’t mean you have to like them or agree with
them. Show your respect by not taking anyone for granted, and listening to them actively.
Don’t know where to start? Learn your teammates’ names first!
10. Tolerance
Tolerance and respectfulness go hand in hand. Be open-minded and eager to learn. People
of diferent ethnicities, religions, or minorities are what makes this planet such a fascinating
place to live.
Various Tips for a better team work are as follows:
1. Think about your team first: Every individual should think of his team first and his
personal interests should take a backseat. Do not mix your personal issues with your
professional life keep them separate.
2. Never underestimate your team member: Do not neglect any of the members, instead
work together and also listen to them as well. Never try to impose your ideas on any
member. Avoid demotivating any team member.
3. Discuss: Before implementing any new idea, it must be discussed with each and
every member on an open platform. Never ever discuss with anyone separately as the
other person feels left out and reluctant to perform and contribute to the team.
4. Avoid criticism: Stay away from criticism and making fun of your team members. Help
each other and be a good team player. Be the first one to break the ice and always
create a friendly ambience. If you do not agree with any of your team member, make
him understand his mistakes but in a polite tone and do guide him. Avoid negativity
within the team.
5. Transparency must be maintained and healthy interaction must be promoted
among the team members. The communication must be effective, crystal clear and
precise so that every team member gets a common picture.
6. The team leader must take the responsibility of encouraging the team members to
give their level best and should intervene immediately in cases of conflicts. The
personality of the leader should be such that every team member should look up to him
and take his advice whenever required.
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7. For better team work, try to understand your team members well. Do not just
always talk business, it is okay if you go out with your team members for lunch or catch
a movie together. It improves the relations and strengthens the bond among the team
members. The fear members must trust each other for maximum output.
8. Avoid conflicts in your team. Don’t fight over petty issues and find faults in others.
One should be a little adjusting with each other and try to find an alternative best suited
to all the team members.
9. Rewards and Recognition: Healthy competition must be encouraged among the team
members. The performance of every team member must be evaluated timely and the
best performer should be rewarded suitably so that the other members also get
motivated to perform.


1. A clear, elevating goal: This is a goal which has been communicated to all.
2. A results-driven structure: The goal has been jointly decided by all the team members.
They are fully committed towards achieving it.
3. Competent members: Each team member has the required skill set in order to achieve
the team objectives.
4. Unified commitment: There is nothing happening in silos. With the total commitment
from team members, achieving organizational goals becomes easier.
5. A collaborative climate: Commitment from team members and a good leadership leads
to a collaborative team with a productive work environment.
6. Standards of excellence: Quality orientation is vital to the success of any organization.
7. External support and recognition: Appreciation as well as appraisal is required to keep
the morale of the team high.
8. Principled leadership: Leadership defines a team. An able-bodied leadership can chart
the team’s path to success.
9. Each leam member parficipates actively and positively in meetings as well as projects.
This shows a person’s commitment as well as understanding towards a project.
10. Team goals are clearly understood by all: Communication is vital for achieving
successfu completion of any project.
11. Individual members have thought about creative solutions to the team’s problem.
Thinking our of the box is vital in today’s economic scenario.
12. Members are listened to carefully as well as given a thoughtful feedback. Listening is
an important skill for any team. Each team member is important.
13. Everyone takes the initiative in order to get things done. There is no concept of passing
the buck. This is an indication of clear communication leading to understanding of
individual responsibilities.
14. Each team member trusts the judgment of others: Mutual trust and respect is highly
important for the team. This is the only way to achieve the organization goals.
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15. The team has to be willing to take risks: Risk taking is an attitude which comes with
confidence. Confidence on yourself as well as on the team, besides the ability to face
all consequences.
16. Everyone has to be supportive of the project as well as of others. A team is one unit.
Unless these cohesive forces are there, the team will never be able to work efficiently
17. There is ample communication between the team members.
18. Team decisions are made by using organized as well as logical methods.
19. Dissenting opinions are never ignored: In fact, they are always recorded in order to be
revisited in case the future situations dictate so.
20. Teams are given realistic deadlines: External support as well as aid is vital to the
success of any team.


Team management refers to the various activities which bind a team together by bringing
the team members closer to achieve the set targets. For the team members, their team
must be their priority and everything else should take a back seat. They should be very
focused on their goals.
1. Management is essential in every walk of life. Even what we eat should be managed.
You just can’t put anything in your mouth. One needs to be cautious. In the same way,
a team must be managed effectively to expect the best from the team members. The
team leader plays an essential role in managing his team well.
2. For effective team management, it is important that the team leader is more of a mentor
to his team members rather than just being a strict boss. Understand your team
members well. Gone are the days when people used to fear their bosses. Now a day’s
employees share a healthy relation with their superiors and the comfort level has
increased to a large extent. Don’t impose things on them.
3. Ensure that each and every team member willingly participates in team discussions.
Debates are important, but make sure you don’t end up fighting with each other.
Suggestions must be invited from all and do not discuss issues separately with
4. Communication among the team members must be clear and transparent for an
effective team management. Every team member should get the same information and
should have an easy access to the superiors in case of any query.
5. The team members must not pass on any information to anyone outside the team. Learn
to keep things to yourself. It is unethical to share your professional secrets with others.
Don’t leak information or any confidential data.
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6. The team members must be motivated on a regular basis. Appreciation is a must. If any
team member has performed extraordinarily, do give him a pat on his back.
Performance appraisals, perks, incentives, trophies, prizes are all instrumental in
motivating the team members to perform even better the next time. Avoid criticizing any
of your team members.
7. Loose talks, blame games, dirty politics should find no place in the team. They spoil the
environment and people lose interest in their work and organization. If you come to
know anything about someone, it’s better to discuss with him face to face, else ignore.
It is easy to create a team but it is actually difficult to bind the team members together
and even make them work.

Interpersonal communication involves the information, ideas, and feelings being
exchanged verbally of non-verbally between two or more people. Face-to-face
communication often involves hearing, seeing, and feeling body language, facial
expressions, and gestures.

Natural language processing and machine learning, are combined to create conversational
intelligence. Conversational intelligence (CI) uses the adaptive capabilities of artificial
intelligence (AI) to nimbly infer intent, sentiment, and meaning from such data, as opposed
to depending on surface-level evaluations of written or spoken material. Because of this,
teams can quickly and thoroughly evaluate a huge number of encounters.
1. Input evaluation: This phase involves analysing text or speech that has been turned to
text in order to ascertain its meaning or purpose. This could require applying a variety
of sophisticated techniques, including relationship extraction, name recognition, and
lexical semantics analysis (parsing word meanings in context.
2. Creation of Responses: A conversational intelligence system creates a suitable
response in this case based on the input it has evaluated. In order for the response to
be helpful, it is critical that this be handled swiftly.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
1. Decide who will use it and why before attempting to integrate conversational intelligence
into your workflow or organisation. You can keep each new implementation of this
technology in line with your goals by specifying your audience in advance.
2. Don’t compel users to engage with AI. By offering a simple alternate or “exit,”
conversational AI can enhance the consumer journey without becoming a hindrance.
3. Don’t disregard the information that conversational intelligence techniques gather.
Capture user interactions with your system as they occur for deeper analysis, trend
detection, and business performance enhancement.

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