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Some Rules
The Sample Space
• The word “Sample” is used in a very wide
statistics area.
• Sample space defined as the set of all
possible outcomes
• Ex: Mr. T may choose 4 of his 25 students
to solve the mathematic problems in the
white board. How many does the sample
space consist of?
Experiment: A fair die is cast.
An Event is
the collection
of one or more
Possible outcomes: The
outcomes of an numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
experiment or
One possible event: The
any subset of a occurrence of an even
sample space. number. That is, we collect
the outcomes 2, 4, and 6.
Mutually Exclusive and
Independent Events
Events are Mutually
Exclusive if the Events are Independent if the
occurrence of any one occurrence of one event does not
event means that none of affect the occurrence of another.
the others can occur at the
same time.
Independence: Rolling a 2
on the first throw does not
Mutually exclusive: influence the probability of
Rolling a 2 prohibits a 3 on the next throw. It is
rolling a 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 still a one in 6 chance.
on the same roll.
• The union of two events A and B, denoted by
A ∪ B, is the event that consists of all elements
(outcomes) contained in event A, in event B, or in
• The intersection of two events A and B, denoted
by A ∩ B, is the event that consists of all the
elements (outcomes) contained in both A and B.
• The complement of event A, denoted by A′, is the
event that consists of all the elements (outcomes)
of the sample space that are not contained in A
• A student marks 7 books with the numbers 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6 and 7, so that the sample space for selecting
one of books is the set S = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}. Let
X = {1,3,5,7}
Y = {1,2,4,6}
Z = {2,4,5,6}
List the outcomes that comprise each of the
following events:
a. X ∩ Y c. Y′ ∩ Z′
b. X ∪ Y d. Y ∩ Z′
Some Basic Rules of Probability
• Probabilities are real numbers between 0 and 1,
• If an event is certain to occur, its probability is 1,
and if an event is certain not to occur, its
probability is 0
• The sum of the probabilities that an event will
occur and that it will not occur is equal to 1
• If two events are mutually exclusive, the
probability that one or the other will occur equals
the sum of their probabilities
Basic Rules of Probability
If two events
A and B are mutually exclusive,
Special Rule of Addition states
that the
Probability of A or B occurring
equals the sum of their
respective probabilities.
p = --------
Stereo 100
Example (Cont’d)
If a student is selected at
random, what is the probability
that the student has only a
stereo or TV? What is the
probability that the student has
both a stereo and TV?
The probability of
event A occurring
given that the event
B has occurred is
written P(A|B).
Conditional Probability
• In Formula:
P(A⏐B) = ------------
• Example: The records of annual meetings of a
certain corporation show that the probability is 0.3
that its stockholders will attend the annual meeting
in person. The probability that a stockholder who
will attend the meeting in person and will vote at
the meeting is 0.25. What is the probability that a
stockholder will vote given a time that he or she
will be attend the meeting in person??
General Rule of Multiplication
% of
% of total underfilled
production bottle
A 55 3.0
B 45 4.0