04 Master Skill List
04 Master Skill List
04 Master Skill List
Compiled by Edwin “The Mordheimer” Molina, based on previous work by Tim Leach, some additional
compilation work by Andrew Aulenback
Updated: Friday, October 07, 2005
Updated: Tuesday, December 29, 2020
In the last year of the second Millennium, five hundred years before the rule of the most benevolent
Emperor Karl Franz, there fell a time unlike any other. Just as they had before the birth of Divine Sigmar,
the wings of fire in the sky again heralded the coming of great things; the coming of Plague, the coming of
War, the coming of Pestilence and Hunger. Though its unholy name is now stricken from the records of the
Great Library at Altdorf, and its ruins razed by Magnus the Savior of the Empire, I would tell you the tale
of the cursed city, brought low by the wrath of gods. I would tell you the tale of…
Combat Skills
Strike to Injure: The warrior can land his blows with uncanny accuracy. Add +1 to all injury rolls caused
by the model in hand-to-hand combat. (RB 122)
Combat Master: The warrior is able to take on several opponents at once. If he fights against more than
one enemy at a time, he gains an extra Attack in each hand-to-hand combat phase as long as he is fighting
two or more enemy models. In addition, the warrior is immune to ‘All Alone’ tests. (RB 122)
Weapons Training: A warrior with this skill is adept at using many different weapons. He may use any
hand-to-hand combat weapon he comes across, not just those in his equipment options. (RB 122)
Web of Steel: Few can match the ability of this warrior. He fights with great skill, weaving a web of steel
around him. The model gains +1 to all his rolls on Critical Hit tables in hand-to-hand combat. (RB 122)
Expert Swordsman: This warrior has been expertly taught in the art of swordsmanship. He may re-roll all
missed attacks if he is using a sword in the hand-to-hand phase of the turn that he charges. Note that this
only applies when they are armed with normal swords or weeping blades, and not with double-handed
swords or any other weapons. (RB 122)
Step Aside: The warrior has a natural ability to avoid injury in combat. Each time he suffers a wound in
close combat he may make an additional saving throw of 5+. This save is never modified and is taken
after all other armour saves. (RB 122)
Bulwark: A defensive style requiring a shield in one hand and a hand weapon such as a sword in the
other. A warrior armed with a single-handed weapon (sword, spear, hammer, etc.) and a shield gets an
additional +1 bonus on his armour saving roll in close combat.(MiM)
Lunge: Using a spear or dagger your warrior can strike foes that would normally be out of reach. Increase
the reach of your melee attacks when charging by moving 1" further forward. Lunge attacks can only be
avoided with the Step Aside skill on a roll of 6. Armour saves apply as normal. (MiM)
Whip Master: The hero is so skilled with a whip that he may re-roll all missed to-hit rolls when using a
whip [or steel whip, or beastlash, or scourge]. Only one re-roll is allowed per attempt, and you must
accept the second roll even if it is worse. (TC 14)
Shooting Skills
Quick Shot: The warrior may shoot twice per turn with a bow or crossbow (but not a crossbow pistol).
(RB 122 – Official Errata 2002)
Pistolier: The warrior is an expert at using all kinds of pistols. If he is equipped with a brace of pistols of
any type (including crossbow pistols), he may fire twice in the Shooting phase (though note that normal
reloading rules apply). If he has a single pistol then he may fire it in the same turn it was reloaded. (RB
122 – Official Errata 2002)
Eagle Eyes: The warrior’s sight is exceptionally keen. He adds +6" to the range of any missile weapon he
is using. (RB 122)
Weapons Expert: The warrior has been trained to use some of the more unusual weapons of the known
world. He may use any missile weapon he comes across, not just the weapons available from his
warband’s list. Nimble: The warrior may move and fire with weapons that are normally only used if the
firer has not moved. Note that this skill cannot be combined with the Quick Shot skill. (RB 122)
Trick Shooter: The warrior can shoot through the tiniest gap without it affecting his aim. He ignores all
modifiers for cover when using missile weapons. (RB 122)
Hunter: The warrior is an expert at getting his weapon loaded and ready. He may fire each turn with a
handgun or Hochland long rifle. (RB 122)
Knife-Fighter: The warrior is an unrivalled expert at using throwing knives and throwing stars. He can
throw a maximum of three of these missiles in his shooting phase and may divide his shots between any
targets within range as he wishes. Note that this skill cannot be combined with the Quick Shot skill. (RB
Target Practice: The warrior can fire a single missile attack when being charged. Models that stand and
shoot suffer a -1 modifier to hit.(MiM)
Crossfire: After going on heroic quests the warrior has learned a thing or two about firing weapons in
close quarters. The Hero can use missile weapons whilst in close combat to shoot at enemy models not
involved in the combat. Apply the -1 to hit modifier for moving. Friendly models standing in the way can
be ignored when checking for line of sight. (MiM)
Hunter's Eye: When activated, the Hero is able to make as many ranged attacks as he has melee attacks
for the turn. This ability can only be used once per game. (MiM)
Academic Skills
Battle Tongue: This skill may only be chosen by a leader. The warrior has drilled his warband to follow
short barked commands. This increases the range of his Leader ability by 6". Note that Undead leaders
may not use this skill. (RB 123)
Sorcery: This skill may only be taken by Heroes capable of casting spells. A warrior with this skill gains
+1 to his rolls to see whether he can cast spells successfully or not. Note that Sisters of Sigmar and
Warrior-Priests may not use this skill. (RB 123)
Streetwise: A warrior with this skill has good contacts and knows where to purchase rare items. He may
add +2 to the roll that determines his chances of finding such items (see the Trading section). (RB 123)
Haggle: The warrior knows all the tricks of bargaining and haggling. He may deduct 2D6 gold crowns
from the price of any single item (to a minimum cost of 1gc) once per post battle sequence. (RB 123)
Arcane Lore: Witch Hunters, Sisters of Sigmar and Warrior-Priests may not have this skill. Any warrior
with this skill may learn Lesser Magic if he owns a Tome of Magic. (RB 123)
Wyrdstone Hunter: The warrior has an uncanny ability to find hidden shards of wyrdstone. If a Hero with
this skill is searching the ruins in the exploration phase you may re-roll one dice when rolling on the
Exploration chart. The second result stands. (RB 123)
Warrior Wizard: This skill may only be taken by spellcasters. The mental powers of the wizard allow him
to wear armour and cast spells. (RB 123)
Scribe: The warrior is a natural adept at writing and making scrolls. Any warrior with the ability to cast
spells or use prayers may take this skill. It allows them to make a scroll before the battle and inscribe a
single spell or prayer upon it that they are versed in. The scroll may be used just before they are about to
cast the spell or prayer and allows the caster +2 to his difficulty roll. Once used the scroll will crumble to
dust and is useless. Scrolls may not be saved up from battle to battle if they are not used. (TC7)
Mind Focus: The warrior possesses a great strength of mind which allows him to concentrate beyond the
levels of most normal men. This skill may only be taken by a warrior capable of using prayers or casting
spells. When using a spell or prayer the warrior with this skill may reroll one dice roll used in the
difficulty roll. (TC7)
Tactician: This skill may only be taken by a warband leader. The warrior has a great tactical mind and can
often find the best positions for his warriors to meet the oncoming attack. In any scenario the warband
leader may reposition his warriors after his opponent has set up and may even advance them up to 12 inch
onto the board instead of 8 inch. (TC7)
Beast Handler (e.g. Dog Handler): This skill is highly beneficial if non-ridden animals are to be included
in a warband. This skill must be taken for specific animals and may be taken multiple times for different
animals. It represents knowledge of the general care and well being of the animal as well as training
techniques. A warrior with this skill has a beneficial effect on the animals under his care. If a warrior has
the Animal Handling skill for a particular animal, any such animals may use his Leadership provided he is
within 6". If the warband’s leader is also nearby, a player may choose which of the warriors’ Leadership
to use unless the animal is stupid, in which case only the Handler’s Leadership may be used. In addition,
stubborn animals with a Handler in base contact, ignore the effects of stubbornness. (TC 14)
Hunch: This skill may only be taken by the warband leader. The warrior has an uncanny knack of placing
his men in the right place at the right time, as if he senses danger through instinct alone. In any scenario
the warband leader may position up to 3 of his men capable of earning experience in any ruined building
on the board that is at least 12 inch away from an enemy model and not in the enemy deployment zone.
Magical Aptitude: This skill may only be taken by a warrior capable of casting spells. It may not be used
by Sisters of Sigmar or Warrior Priests. The warrior has a keen aptitude for magic and can push himself
beyond normal limits to produce a storm of spells. The warrior may attempt to cast two spells each turn as
long as he is not in hand-to-hand combat. After attempting the first spell, he must take a toughness test. If
he passes he may attempt a second spell that turn, or even cast the same spell twice. If he fails he must
roll on the injury table immediately with no saves treating out of action results as stunned instead. (TC7)
Drive Chariot: Chariots are very difficult to control and a warrior must have this skill to drive a chariot
effectively in combat. A charioteer without this skill cannot charge. (TC18)
Driver: A wagon driven by a Hero with this skill may re-roll results on the Out of Control Chart. The
second result must be accepted even if it is worse. (BTB)
Pilot: A boat piloted by the Hero may re-roll results on the Propulsion Damage Chart once. The second
result must be accepted even if it is worse. (MiM)
Scholar: Only warriors capable of casting spells or using prayers may pick this skill. Whenever the
warrior may learn a new spell or prayer through an advance, he may choose which one he learns instead
of determining at random, or he may decrease the difficulty of any one spell or prayer he already knows
by –1 permanently. (BTB)
Trap Expert: The Hero will never advertently set off traps but may be subject to their effects if standing
too close to one as it goes off! An attempt can be made to disarm any traps the Hero comes across. The
warrior stops at the trap during the Movement phase, and may do nothing else that turn. To disarm any
simple traps, the warrior must roll 6+ on 2D6. To disarm any special kinds of traps or a complex trap, the
warrior must roll 8+ on 2D6. If unsuccessful, an Initiative test is required. A failed test means the trap has
been inadvertently set off! A Hero with this skill can repair and activate dud traps or restore previously
de-activated traps, in which case they become active traps. To determine what an activated trap becomes,
roll a D6: D6 Result 1-4 Simple: The trap is a simple device. 5-6 Complex: The trap is a complex design.
A previously disarmed simple trap or complex trap will always revert back to what it was originally. If
restoring simple traps, a roll of 6+ on 2D6 is required. A roll of 8+ on 2D6 is required to restore a
complex trap. Failure will mean that the trap has failed to activate. (TC 17)
Pawnbroker: The Hero is skilled in finding the best price for sold items and as such gains an extra 2D6
gold per item that the warband sells (up to its full value) if he was not taken out of action. (MiM)
Strength Skills
Mighty Blow: The warrior knows how to use his strength to maximum effect and has a +1 Strength bonus
in close combat (excluding pistols). As his Strength is used for close combat weapons, the bonus applies
to all such weapons. (RB 123)
Pit Fighter: The warrior has learned how to fight in enclosed spaces from his time in the dangerous
fighting pits of the Empire. He is an expert at fighting in confined areas and adds +1 to his WS and +1 to
his Attacks if he is fighting inside buildings or ruins. It’s a good idea to define which bits of your terrain
collection count as ‘buildings or ruins’ at the start of a battle to avoid confusion later. (RB 123)
Resilient: The warrior is covered in battle scars. Deduct -1 Strength from all hits against him in close
combat. This does not affect armour save modifiers. (RB 123)
Fearsome: Such is the reputation and physique of the model that he causes fear in opposing models. (RB
Strongman: The warrior is capable of great feats of strength. He may use a double-handed weapon
without the usual penalty of always striking last. Work out order of battle as you would with other
weapons. (RB 123)
Unstoppable Charge: When he charges, the warrior is almost impossible to halt. He adds +1 to his
Weapon Skill when charging. (RB 123)
Dirty Blow: Strike the targeted enemy with a dirty blow! Attacks ignore armour but no weapons bonuses
or Strength modifiers apply. (MiM)
Rigger: The Hero is skilled in fixing minor damage to watercraft. If the boat or barge is stationary and has
not moved during the last turn then if the Hero is in contact with it, he may repair one location previously
damaged or set on fire. ie, a paddle or mast. The Hero may do nothing else that turn and the boat may not
be moved. A boat cannot be repaired if an enemy model is in contact with the Hero or the watercraft.
Handyman: The warrior is skilled in fixing minor damage on a wagon, cart or coach. If the wagon is
stationary and has not moved during the last turn then if the warrior is in contact with the wagon, he may
repair one previously damaged wheel. The Hero may do nothing else that turn and the wagon may not be
moved. He can even set in a new wheel if it flew off. A wagon cannot be repaired if an enemy model is in
contact with the handyman or the wagon, as the situation is far too dangerous to focus on the cart. (BTB)
Beastmaster: The Hero is able to communicate on a Beastmaster: primal level with any beast he
encounters. If the model confronts an animal (not mount!) in hand-tohand combat, then before combat is
fought he may take a Leadership test. If the test is failed combat proceeds as normal. If the test is
successful the animal falls under his command. Place the models 1” apart from each other. The player
may now control the animal model. However, the beastmaster must pass a Leadership test at the
beginning of his turn otherwise control over the animal is lost. The animal must always remain within 6”
of the Hero or control is lost immediately. No more than one animal can be controlled this way. (BTB)
Speed Skills
Leap: The warrior may leap D6" in the movement phase in addition to his normal movement. He may
move and leap, run and leap, or charge and leap, but he can only leap once per turn. A leaping warrior
may jump over opposing man-sized models, including enemies, and obstacles 1" high, without penalty.
The leap may also be used to leap over gaps, but in this case you must commit the warrior to making the
leap before rolling the dice to see how far he jumps. If he fails to make it all the way across, he falls
through the gap (see page 28). (RB 123)
Sprint: The warrior may triple his Movement rate when he runs or charges, rather than doubling it as
normal. (RB 123)
Acrobat: The warrior is incredibly supple and agile. He may fall or jump from a height of up to 12"
without taking any damage if he passes a single Initiative test, and can re-roll failed Diving Charge rolls.
He can still only make a diving charge from a height of up to 6". (RB 123)
Lightning Reflexes: If the warrior is charged he will ‘strike first’ against those that charged that turn. As
the charger(s) will also normally ‘strike first’ (for charging), the order of attack between the charger(s)
and the warrior with this skill will be determined by comparing Initiative values. (RB 123)
Jump Up: The warrior can regain his footing in an instant, springing to his feet immediately if he is
knocked down. The warrior may ignore knocked down results when rolling for injuries, unless he is
knocked down because of a successful save from wearing a helmet or because he has the No Pain special
rule. (RB 123)
Dodge: A warrior with this skill is nimble and as fast as quicksilver. He can avoid any hits from a missile
weapon on a D6 roll of 5+. Note that this roll is taken against missiles as soon as a hit is scored to see
whether the warrior dodges it or not, before rolling to wound, and before any effects from other skills or
equipment (such as lucky charms). (RB 123)
Scale Sheer Surfaces: A warrior with this skill can scale even the highest wall or fence with ease. He can
climb up or down a height equal to twice his normal Movement, and does not need to make Initiative tests
when doing so. (RB 123)
Tunnel Rat: Some warriors are at home beneath the city. They pick their way along the ledges as
surefooted as a cat. Any characteristic-based tests being taken for scenarios set in sewers or elsewhere
underground by the Hero can be re-rolled. (MiM)
Spry: The Hero is used to climbing in and out of portholes, as well as running along rooftops with catlike
stealth. To reflect this, the warrior may run or charge while climbing. (MiM)
Cavalry Skills
Ride (eg. Ride Horse): This skill is vital if a rider wishes to ride an animal into combat. The skill is
specific to a particular type of animal and must be gained again if the warrior wishes to be able to ride a
different kind of animal. For instance, a warrior with Ride Horse would need to gain the skill Ride
Warhorse if he wanted to be able to ride such a spirited mount. This skill is available regardless what skill
lists are applicable to a given fighter type, and other Cavalry Skills can be taken after, and only after, this
skill is acquired. Warriors without this skill may still ride animals, but must test against their Leadership if
hit by any missile, and at the beginning of any Combat phase when a standing enemy is in base contact. If
the test is failed they lose control of their mount and must roll on the Whoa, Boy! table. This skill can be
taken by hero types who do not have Cavalry skills in their skills list (TC 14)
Cavalry Commander. Mounted Heroes are an impressive sight. With a good vantage point, they can see
(and be seen) far more readily than if they were on foot. If the warband’s leader has this skill and is
mounted, he may add an extra 6" to the distance within which other warriors in the warband may use his
Leadership. This is in addition to any other bonuses that increase the range of the leader’s influence. (TC
Trick Riding. By athletically hanging off the side of his mount, a rider makes himself harder to hit. While
a rider is trick riding all missile attacks against him suffer -1 to hit in addition to other modifiers. The
rider must declare that he is trick riding before moving. He must then make an Initiative test and, if
successful, may move full distance. If he fails he loses control of his mount and must roll immediately on
the Whoa Boy! table. This skill may not be used with heavy armour because of the agility required. In
addition, trick riding requires both hands, so the model may not use a shield or missile weapons whilst
using the skill. Warriors without Ride may not use this skill. (TC 14)
Combat Riding. The rider has trained his mount to use its bulk to trample any unmounted enemy before
him. A warrior with this skill may make a single additional S4 attack when charging an unmounted
opponent. In subsequent rounds of combat, or if charged by enemy warriors, the mounted warrior fights
as normal. (TC 14)
Evade. The rider has trained his mount to swerve from side to side in combat, wrongfooting his opponent.
A rider with this skill always strikes first in close combat against dismounted opponents. When charged
by an opponent, or otherwise fighting an enemy also entitled to strike first, attacks are carried out in order
of Initiative. If Initiative is equal, the model with greater Experience strikes first. Warriors without Ride
may not use this skill. (TC 14)
Running Dismount. The rider is able to dismount from his mount at speed. The rider may ride up to the
mount’s normal move distance and then dismount immediately. No further movement or shooting is
possible. This skill may be used to move into contact with the enemy, counting as a diving charge from a
height of 2" – all the usual rules for diving charges apply. Note that the rider then counts as dismounted,
gaining no further assistance from his mount. Warriors without Ride may not use this skill. (TC 14)
Athletic Mount. Without breaking stride, the warrior is able to leap onto the back of his mount and
immediately spur it into a full gallop. Once the warrior is on board, the mount may make a run or charge
move as normal. The warrior must be within half his full move distance of his steed to use this skill. (TC
Horse Archer. The rider has learned the skills of the steppe nomads and can shoot from a running mount.
The rider may shoot in a 360 degree arc whilst mounted, and may shoot while his mount is running;
however, the shot suffers a -1 to hit penalty in addition to all other normal modifiers. Warriors without
Ride may not use this skill. (TC 14)
Mounted Combat Master. The rider is especially skilled at combat against a mounted opponent. If the
model is fighting mounted against a mounted opponent and successfully wounds the enemy, the wounded
model must add +1 to his roll on the Whoa Boy! table. Warriors without Ride may not use this skill. (TC
Shaggy Hide: The beastman’s massively shaggy hide acts as armour, deflecting sword strokes and
protecting him from harm. The model gains a 6+ armour save that can be combined with other armour as
normal. (Rules Review)
Mutant: The Beastman may buy one mutation. (EiF 74)
Horned One: The Beastman has mighty horns, and can make an additional Attack with its basic Strength
on a turn it charges. (EiF 74)
Bellowing Roar: Only the Beastman Chief may have this skill. He may re-roll any failed Rout tests. (EiF
Manhater: Will be affected by the rules of Hatred when fighting any Human warbands. (EiF 74)
Marks of Chaos
With exception to the Mark of Chaos Undivided there may never be two models in the warband with
different Marks. Upon being hired Seers choose their Mark when in correspondence with the tribe,
granting an audience with their god. A Seer becomes leader at the same time has to choose the Mark for
his associated patron when being rewarded through the Eye of the Gods. Being netitled to check for Eye
of the Gods costs 15 gc at hire for leaders, and 10gc for spellcasters.
Mark of Chaos Undivided A Hero with this mark believes in Chaos in its purest form instead of the
division into four Chaos Gods. Leader: All warband members within the leader rule's radius (6" normally
and 12" with Battle Tongue) may re-roll all failed Ld tests. Seer: With the Seer of Chaos Undivided as the
tribe's spiritual leader the warband may include 0-3 Chaos Marauders (see BTB) that count towards the
maximum number of warband members. Re-roll all results of ‘The lad’s got talent’ for them. A Seer of
Chaos Undivided uses the Chaos Rituals (see p. 59 in the Mordheim rulebook).
Mark of Tchar the Eagle Tchar the Great Eagle is the Changer of the Ways. He is the Master of the
ever-mutating energy known as magic and his followers are skilful practitioners of the arcane arts.
Leader: The Hero is capable of casting spells and immediately learns one random spell from the Tchar
Rituals. However, he suffers –1 on all rolls for Difficulty unless he was a wizard before. Seer: A Seer of
Tchar has command of powerful sorcery. The sorcerer starts with two spells from the Tchar Rituals. One
can be chosen freely, the second is randomly determined.
Mark of Arkhar the Dog Arkhar the Dog is the God of War. He is worshipped on the battlefield by his
warriors who shed blood in his name, charging their enemies with the battle-cry “Blood for the Blood
God!” Leader: The Hero is subject to frenzy from now on. In addition, any spell that targets the Hero fails
on a roll of 4+. Seer: A Seer with the mark of Arkhar counts as a Bloodfather. A Bloodfather is a
war-priest and cannot cast spells. Instead he communes with daemons and his almighty deity through
visions. Take a Leadership test each time a Bloodfather takes an enemy out of action in hand-to-hand
combat. If the test is passed add +1 to the Weapons Skill, Strength, Toughness or Initiative of the
war-priest until the end of the battle. Each characteristic can be increased only once in this way. A
Bloodfather may take Strength skills in addition to those normally available to a Seer.
Mark of Onogal the Crow Onogal the Crow is the Lord of Decay who unleashes pestilence upon the
world. Therefore his followers are almost completely immune to diseases and serious wounds. Leader:
The Hero gets +1 T and may re-roll on the Serious Injuries table once. In addition, he is immune to
poison. Seer: The Seer uses the Nurgle Rituals (see p. 65 in the Empire in Flames Supplement). However,
replace the first spell in the list with the Touch of Onogal as described in Border Town Burning. A Seer of
Onogal is immune to poison.
Mark of Shornaal the Serpent Shornaal the Serpent is the Dark Prince of Chaos. The Lord of Pleasure is
the patron of all things beautiful and seductive. Leader: Enemy models that are not immune to psychology
cannot attack the Hero in close combat unless they pass a Ld test with 3D6, discarding the lowest D6
result. If the roll is failed, these models are hit automatically in close combat. Once they pass, they do not
have to test again for the duration of the battle. Note that the Lizardman’s Cold Blooded special rule
cannot be applied to this effect. Seer: A Seer of Shornaal uses the Shornaal Rituals. If the Seer wasn't
taken out of action during the battle, instead of searching for rare items he may brew a strong drink for the
warband (treat as Bugman's Ale). Note that this item cannot be sold.
Virtue of Purity: The knight’s purpose is to serve the lady of the lake. His purity of heart and discipline
endow him with the strength of spirit to resist enemy magic. Any spell cast against the Knight will be
dispelled on the D6 roll of a 4+. (TC8)
Virtue of Valor: The Knight may re-roll any missed to hit rolls against an enemy with a higher strength.
Virtue of Discipline: Once per game, if the Knight is not Out of Action, Stunned or Knocked Down, you
may re-roll a failed Rout Test. (TC8)
Virtue of Noble Disdain: The Knight is subject to Hatred of all enemies armed with shooting weapons.
Virtue of the Impetuous: The Knight gains an additional +D3" to his move when charging. Roll the dice
each time you wish to charge and before moving the model. (TC8)
Virtue of the Squire: Squires only. The squire has accepted his place in the world, his is a hunter’s heart.
The Squire may never become a knight through the Knighted rule, but may now learn Shooting skills and
may learn one immediately when taking this skill. (MiM)
Fury of Khaine: The Dark Elf is infused with an intense raging thirst for blood and is a whirlwind in
hand-to-hand combat, moving from opponent to opponent. The Dark Elf may make a 4" follow up move
if he takes all of his opponents out of action. If he comes into contact with another enemy this starts a new
combat. This new combat takes place in the following turn and the model counts as charging. May not
follow up in the opponent’s turn. (TC10)
Powerful Build: The warrior is strongly built for an Elf and is capable of feats of strength. A warrior with
this skill may choose skills from the Strength table. The Sorceress may never take this skill and no more
than two warriors in the warband may take this skill at any one time. (TC10)
Fey Quickness: Few can ever hope to match an Elf ’s inhuman quickness and agility. An Elf with Fey
Quickness can avoid melee or missile attacks on a roll of 6. If the Elf also has Step Aside or Dodge this
will increase to a 4+ in the relevant area. For example, an Elf with Fey Quickness and Step Aside avoids
melee attacks on a 4+ and missile attacks on a 6. (TC10)
Infiltration: A Skaven with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and
can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than
12" away from any enemy model. If both players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the
lowest roll sets up first. (RB 93)
Master of Poisons: The Dark Elf is proficient in concocting different poisons. If the Hero doesn’t search
for rare items, he may make D3-1 doses of Dark Venom instead. There is a chance of getting none, as the
hero doesn’t have access to a stable workplace. The poison must be used in the next battle and cannot be
sold or traded to other warbands as the Dark Elves guard their secrets very carefully. (TC10)
Dwarves' Skills
Master of Blades: This Dwarf’s martial skills surpass those of a normal warrior; he has fought unscathed
against hordes of Orcs and Goblins. When using a weapon that has a Parry special rule, this hero parries
successfully if he beats or matches his opponents highest ‘to hit’ roll, not just if he beats the roll. In
addition, if this warrior is using two weapons that have the Parry special rule, he is allowed to parry two
attacks (if his two dice match or beat the two highest Attack dice against him) instead of the normal
maximum of one. Note that if this Dwarf has two Dwarf axes (as detailed above) he can reroll any failed
parries. (A02 24)
Extra Tough: This Dwarf is notorious for walking away from wounds that would kill a lesser being.
When rolling on the Heroes Serious Injury chart for this Hero after a game in which he has been taken out
of action, the dice may be re-rolled once. The result of this second dice roll must be accepted, even if it is
a worse result. (A02 24)
Resource Hunter: This Dwarf is especially good at locating valuable resources. When rolling on the
Exploration chart at the end of a game, the Hero may modify one dice roll by +1/-1. (A02 24)
True Grit: Dwarfs are hardy individuals and this Hero is hardy even for a Dwarf! When rolling on the
Injury table for this Hero, a roll of 1-3 is treated as knocked down, 4-5 as stunned, and 6 as out of action.
(A02 24)
Thick Skull: The Hero has a thick skull, even for a Dwarf. He has a 3+ save on a D6 to avoid being
stunned. If the save is made, treat a stunned result as knocked down instead. If the Dwarf also wears a
helmet, this save is 2+ instead of 3+ (this takes the place of the normal Helmet special rule). (A02 24)
Ferocious Charge: The Slayer may double his attacks on the turn that he charges. He will suffer a -1 to
hit penalty on that turn. (TC14)
Monster Slayer: The Slayer always wounds any opponent on a roll of 4+, regardless of Toughness, unless
his own Strength (after all modifiers due to weapon bonuses, etc) would mean that a lower roll than this is
needed. (TC14)
Berserker: The Slayer may add +1 to his close combat to hit rolls during the turn which he charges. (may
not be used with Ferocious Charge). (TC14)
True Grit Dwarfs are hardy individuals and this hero is hardy even for a Dwarf! When rolling on the
Injury Table for this hero, a roll of 1-3 is treated as Knocked Down, 4- 5 as Stunned and 6 is Taken Out.
Thick Skull The hero has a thick skull even for a Dwarf. He has a special 3+ save on a D6 to avoid being
Stunned. If the save is made, treat a Stunned result as Knocked Down instead. If the Dwarf also wears a
Helmet, this save is 2+ instead of 3+ (this takes the place of the normal Helmet special rule). (MiM)
Extra Tough This Dwarf is notorious for walking away from wounds that would kill a lesser being. When
rolling on the Heroes Serious Injury Chart for this hero after a game in which he has been taken Out of
Action, the dice may be re-rolled once. The result of this second dice roll must be accepted, even if it is a
worse result. (MiM)
Tunneler The Sapper has an uncanny sense of direction and knows exactly where to position charges in
tunnels. if equipped with a cinderblast charge and underground, the Sapper may use the charge to blow a
hole to the surface. any mode standing directly above the position of the charge suffers a S4 hit and a new
opening to underground is made in that spot. Sapper Only. (MiM)
Tinkerer The dwarf is constantly thinking improvements, even in the head of battle! In the post game the
dwarf may roll on the customisation chart to try and improve the gyropcopter. If they have chosen to
tinker they may not do any other action post game. (MiM)
Quick Thinker The dwarf may add +1 to any roll on the experimental weapons chart. Master Inventor
The Engineer may now attempt D3+1 inventions in the post-game phase rather than 1. Expelled Engineer
Only. (MiM)
Forest Goblins’ Skills
Animosity: A Forest Goblin Brave may choose to remove his Animosity instead of choosing a skill,
should they earn one. (NC)
Darkstalker: The warrior is accustomed to darkness and has almost cat-like sight. Ignores All Alone tests,
and may double his initiative when looking for Hidden models. (LotD)
Instinctual Violence: The warrior has experienced too many Undead bursting out of the coffin that he is
trying to rob that he has developed an almost casual response to such an act. When charged by any
number of Undead models, the Hero does not have to check for Fear; in addition, he may nominate one of
his attacks to Strike First. (LotD)
De-animator: The warrior is adept at fighting animated corpses and literally tears them apart. Ignores the
No Pain rule for Undead, as his shattering blows can still stun undead as he tears limbs from sockets and
breaks bones. (LotD)
Hardy Constitution: The Hero is a veteran of grave-robbing, and has come across many different diseases
and withstood them all. He is completely immune to all diseases and poisons. (LotD)
Body Dealer: The warrior is brave and corrupt enough to sell human bodies to whomever pays, and is
usually sneaky enough to avoid getting caught. However, he is not the only one with looting the dead on
their mind! On a roll of 4+, you can recover the body of a Hero or Henchman that died (as a result of a
Serious Injury) from your Warband. His equipment is recovered and added to the warband's stash; in
addition, the body itself may be sold for 2d6 gc. You may also attempt to recover the bodies of fallen
enemies, but there is a chance that the character is noticed and chased away. Roll a D6 and add the Body
Dealer's Initiative; the enemy Leader does the same (if their leader was taken OOA, they use the I value
of the model with the most experience); if the enemy's score was higher, the Body Dealer was noticed and
chased away. If the Body Dealer's score was higher, he may attempt to recover the bodies of the enemy as
well as those of his own warband. If you lose the roll by rolling a '1' your Body Dealer is captured by the
enemy warband as per the Captured result in the injury table. (LotD)
Halflings’ Skills
Crude belch Halflings will eat anything spicy. Consequences are to be expected from those inconsiderate
enough to consume a rich meal before battle. A Hero with this 'condition' may unleash his thunderous
fumes on all enemies engaged in close combat. Those that do not pass a Leadership test suffer a –1 'to hit'
modifier for the turn. The Halfling must wait until a new enemy engages him in combat before he relieves
himself again. (MiM)
Stealthy: The Halfling can hide even after running, and can run while within 8" of enemy models if he
starts and ends his move hidden. (MiM)
Tea-leaf! Halflings are most adept at picking pockets! The Hero may attempt to steal one item during the
post battle sequence. Choose any item, if it is a common item the Halfling successfully steals it on a 2+ on
a D6. Rare items are successfully stolen by rolling higher than the availability number on 2D6. Any items
stolen may be used in exactly the same way as one that was bought. If the Hero fails to steal the item roll
a D6. On a score of 1-5 the Halfling is chased out of the trading post and escapes. On the score of a 6 the
Hero is caught by whatever authorities there may be and is hung. Remove him from the warband roster.
Flan-eater Halflings are generally considered civilized and it is proven they are prone to absorb foreign
customs when travelling the world. Some eventually learn strange new skills before returning home to
their communities. This Halfling may immediately learn one skill from the Combat or Strength skill lists.
This skill may be taken only once. (MiM)
Looter The Hero is an expert in finding valuables on a victim before moving on. If the Hero takes any
warriors of the enemy warband out of action (and he was not taken out of action himself), the Hero's
warband receives one additional Treasure. This does not affect the opposing warband's number of
Treasures. (MiM)
Taunt After years of baiting persecutors into drunken brawls, this Halfling has learned some of the vilest
insults in the Empire. During the Shooting phase, the Halfling may choose to taunt one enemy instead of
shooting with a missile weapon. The Hero must be able to see the enemy and taunting requires a line of
sight as it would for shooting. The player should insult the enemy warrior whenever possible (perhaps his
hat looks like a strangled parrot or his mother was a Bretonnian!) and the enemy then takes a Leadership
test. If he passes, nothing happens but if he fails he must spend his next movement phase trying to get into
close combat with the Halfling who taunted him. (MiM)
Banditry Between missions, the bandit goes off and robs travelers or other innocent victims. Instead of
searching for Rare equipment, the hero may engage in banditry - roll a D6, on a result of 2-6, the banditry
is successful and the hero adds D6+1 gold to the warband's stash. However, on a result of 1, the attempted
robbery has somehow gone wrong - roll on the Serious Injury table for the bandit, as if he had been taken
Out of Action in the last game. If several heroes have this skill, it is quite possible that some are
successful and some not in their Banditry attempt between games...that is the nature of theives' honor - if
a man falls behind, he is usually on his own! This skill may not be combined with the Huckster's Slick
Operator special ability. (NC)
Hide in shadows The Bandit has become an expert at concealing himself from his enemies (and potential
victims!). An enemy warrior attempting to detect this warrior when he is Hidden must halve his Initiative
(round up) before measuring the distance. (NC)
Jump back This warrior is an expert at getting himself out of sticky situations. If the warrior is in close
combat with an enemy warrior (and not Knocked Down or Stunned) at the start of his Movement Phase,
he may attempt to jump out of combat. To attempt to do so, the warrior must make an Initiative test. If he
fails the test, the warrior will automatically strike last in that round of combat. However, if he passes,
immediately move him 1" away from the enemy warrior (this does not count against his movement for
that Movement Phase); he may then move and otherwise act normally for the test of that that turn (even
charging back into combat if he chooses!). (NC)
Sniper The bandit is an expert at shooting his victims from the comfort of cover. When Hiding, the
warrior may cast spells or shoot and still remain Hidden. Note that the bandit may not use this skill if he is
shooting a Blackpowder weapon! (NC)
Throw voice This rogue has mastered the art of misdirecting enemies who get too close by making them
hear noises or voices some distance from his location. If an Enemy warrior is attempting to detect the
bandit While he is Hidden, roll a D6 - on a result of 4 or better, the bandit is undetected and remains
Hidden. (NC)
Lizardman Skills
● Skink Skills
Infiltration The Skink is a great hunter and is an expert at sneaking upon his prey unnoticed. The
Hero may set up anywhere on the table but no closer than 12" to an enemy and he must start the game in
hiding. (TC 12)
Great Hunter The Skink Great Crest is adept at making the most of the cover available and
imposes an additional -1 to hit the Skink if he is in cover, IE a -2 to hit penalty. (TC 12)
● Saurus Skills
Skills list prohibitions: Saurus cannot receive the Academic skill and can never use missile
Bellowing Battle Roar The Saurus’ roar is so deafening that enemy models in base contact
suffer -1 to hit in the first round of combat against them. (TC 12)
Toughened Hide. Through years of battle the Saurus’ hide has become hardened and the Saurus will only
be taken out of action on a 6+. (TC 12)
Backstabber: The Hero specializes in attacking his targets when their back is turned. The Hero may
charge an opponent he cannot see (he knows you're there!) as long as the target model is within his charge
reach. If he does this, he surprises his opponent and receives a +1 to hit him with all attacks and any rolls
on the Serious Injuries chart are at +1. The bonus lasts for the first round of combat only, as his opponent
will swiftly recover his wits if he survives the initial assault. (MiM)
Pick Locks: The Hero knows how to open doors that others find impossible. When testing to open a
locked door, the Hero just needs to make an Initiative test in order to be successful. (MiM)
Poisoner: A warrior with this skill knows how to prepare lethal poisons and potions. The Hero knows
exactly where to resource the drugs and arcane herbs required to produce them himself. The Hero starts
each game with his weapons coated with Black Lotus or Dark Venom. The controlling player decides
which poison the Hero is armed with before the game starts, and the poison does not need to be traded for.
The Hero cannot poison other warrior's weapons, nor will he loan his out! (MiM)
Slaver: Any Hero or Henchman put out of action by the Slaver in hand-to-hand combat will automatically
be captured (see 'Captured' on the Serious Injuries chart, p.119 of the Mordheim Rulebook) unless the
Mobsmen warband is routed. Any Hero or Henchman captured must be sold or exchanged to another
warband during the post battle sequence. If an arrangement cannot be reached with another warband, then
that particular Hero or Henchman is sold into slavery and removed from the warband roster. There may
never be more than two warriors with this skill in the warband at any one time. (MiM)
Stealthy: The Hero can hide even after running, and can run while within 8" of enemy models if he starts
and ends his move hidden. (MiM)
Cutpurse: The Hero makes his profession by finding items others have lost. At the end of the game when
the warband rolls to find Treasures, they receive one additional Treasure as long as the Hero was in the
battle, and wasn't taken out of action. (MiM)
Chosen of chaos The Hero has been found worthy of his god’s service and entered the rank of a Chaos
Warrior. He uses the maximum profile for Warriors of Chaos and the Hero equipment list (if he does not
already). (BTB)
Tattooed body Only the warband's leader may have this skill. The Hero's body is covered with unholy
Chaos signs to attract his patron's attention. The Eye of the Gods special rule's effect (of becoming a
Chaos Spawn or receiving a Mark) happens on a result of 10+ instead of 12+ only. Note that for the less
favoured Norse leaders this is 11+. (BTB)
Sweeping blow Whenever the Hero takes an enemy model out of action using a double-handed weapon he
may immediately make an additional attack against another model in base contact. Requires the
Strongman skill. (BTB)
Mutant The Hero may buy one mutation. See the Mutations section of the Possessed on special rules.
Heroes with the Mark of Onogal may choose a Blessing of Nurgle instead (see Empire in Flames, page
66) except the Mark of Nurgle. Note that unlike other skills Marauder Heroes may take this skill more
than once. (BTB)
Heart of the warrior Only the warband’s leader may have this skill. He may re-roll any failed Rout test
and is immune to fear and all alone tests. (BTB)
Fungus Farmer The industrious little git has a mushroom crop back at the cave. If the Hero doesn’t
search for rare items, he may pick D3-1 Madcap Mushrooms instead. There is a chance of getting none, as
there is no guarantee they will be ready for harvest. Each Madcap Mushroom must be used in the next
battle and cannot be sold or traded to other warbands as they are a special high yield/low shelf life crop.
Hide in Shadows The sneaky Goblin has become an expert at concealing himself from his enemies (and
potential victims!). An enemy warrior attempting to detect this warrior when he is Hidden must halve his
Initiative (round up) before measuring the distance. (TBMF)
Infiltrate The Goblin can infiltrate. This skill is exactly the same as the Skaven skill of the same name.
Netter The Goblin applies skills learned hunting wild Cave Squigs in the depths of the mountains to
disable enemies even while they are scrapping with his allies. The Goblin may throw a net at an enemy
who is in close combat, even with a member of the Night Goblin warband. If the target is entangled they
count as knocked down (but not actually knocked down for skills such as Jump Up) this turn and as
having just stood up after their next recovery phase. If the net misses or the target breaks free, there is no
effect. If the Goblin rolls a one while throwing, he hits another random model in that same close
Sneaky Git The Goblin specializes in attacking his targets from the shadows. He may charge an opponent
from hiding, even if he cannot see the target. There is no need for an initiative test, and the target may be
over the normal 4” limit for charging unseen targets. If the charge is successful, he surprises his opponent
who will attack at half weapon skill and half initiative, rounded up. This penalty lasts for the first round of
combat only, as his opponent will swiftly recover his wits if the initial assault is survived. (TBMF)
Norse Skills
Barbarian courage As Norse warriors strive to die bravely in battle, they learn to fear nothing and
embrace hardship. This hero never needs to take all alone tests and may re-roll failed fear tests. (TC 13)
Berserk charge The Norse are very skilled with weapons that many other races see as primitive and
savage. When this hero is armed with an axe or double handed weapon, he may re-roll all failed to hit
rolls when he charges. (TC 13)
Battle tongue Only a hero with the leader skill may gain this skill. It allows models within 12” of him to
use bis leadership, rather than the normal 6”. (TC 13)
Shield master Norse warriors begin training with shields when they are still children. Some warriors
become so skilled with these weapons they can stop almost any blow against them. When this hero is
armed with a shield he may parry with it in addition to getting a 6+ save. (TC 13)
Crushing blow Norse warriors train in almost all of their spare time. They are expert fighters and learn to
put all of their strength into very powerful attacks. No enemy may parry an attack made by this hero
because it strikes with such great power that it pushes right through a buckler or sword. (TC 13)
Ogres’ Skills
Master of arms The Ogre learns how to use his size. He may now wield a Difficult to Use weapon and a
hand weapon at the same time, but not two Difficult to Use weapons. (BTB)
Crude belch Ogres eat almost anything. Consequences are to be expected from those inconsiderate
enough to consume a rich meal before battle. A Hero with this 'condition' may unleash his thunderous
fumes on all enemies engaged in close combat. Those that do not pass a Ld test suffer a –1 ‘to hit’
modifier for the turn. The Ogre must wait until a new enemy engages him in combat before he relieves
himself again. (BTB)
Maneater. Ogres are not civilized of their own accord but it is proven they are prone to absorb foreign
customs when travelling the world. Some eventually learn strange new skills before returning home to
their tribes. This Ogre may immediately learn one skill from the Shooting or Academic skill lists. This
skill may be taken only once and may not be taken by the Guide. (BTB)
Bull charge Ogres learn to use their vast bulk in a charge, trampling the enemy to the ground. When
charging, an Ogre with this skill may attempt a single attack with a +1 ‘to hit’ modifier rather than
making his normal attacks. If successful the enemy model is automatically knocked down. (BTB)
Dog of war When an Ogre travels south he can find employment as a tavern bouncer. Some are enlisted
by Paymasters to fight for Tilean City States. Drawing from experience gained during a stint on foreign
soil, the band can now hire those Hired Swords available for Mercenaries. This skill may only be taken by
the leader and if he dies all Hired Swords are removed from the Warband. (BTB)
Bellowing roar An Ogre leader expects challenges to his authority. One of the best ways to suppress a
mutineer in the ranks is to give his ear drums a good pounding. This skill may only be taken by the
warband leader, allowing him to re-roll the first failed Rout test. (BTB)
Orc Skills
’ard ead: The warrior has a thick skull even for an Orc. He has a special 3+ save on a D6 to avoid being
stunned. If the save is made, treat a stunned result as knocked down instead. If the Orc also wears a
helmet, this save is 2+ instead of 3+ (this takes the place of the normal helmet special rule). (A02 13)
Waaagh!: Orcs are aggressive creatures and some are experts at bulldozing charges. The warrior may add
+D3" to his charge range. (A02 13)
’ere we go!: Orcs often charge even the most fearsome opponents. The model may ignore Fear and Terror
tests when charging. (A02 13)
Da cunnin’ plan: Only the Boss may have this skill. The warband may re-roll any failed Rout tests as
long as the Boss is not out of action. (A02 13)
Well ’ard: (not available to Black Orc warband) The Orc has a thick, dark-green skin, possibly indicating
Black Orc blood. Such is the toughness of the Orc that he may add +1 to any armour saves. (A02 13)
’eadbasher: Orcs have massive physical strength and some of them even learn to aim their blows at the
heads of their opponents, with obvious results. Any knocked down results which the Orc causes in
hand-to-hand count as stunned results instead. (A02 13)
Proven warrior (Black Orc Young’uns only) This young warrior has proven himself worthy of his Black
Orc heritage. This skill may only be taken by a Young’un with the Black Orc blood ability and 25
experience. Once he gains this skill, the model is now considered a full Black Orc Warrior (yet still retains
the title of Young’un). He follows all the rules for Black Orcs and uses their equipment list and has access
to the same skill lists as a Black Orc. (NC)
Ostlanders’ Skills
Bull Rush: This warrior is huge, even by Ostlander standards, and can use his massive girth to overpower
his opponents. When he charges, this Hero may attempt to knock down his opponent rather than making
his normal attacks. Roll to hit once with a +1 to hit modifier, though no ‘to wound’ roll is necessary.
Instead, if the warrior hits with this attack, the opposing model is Knocked Down. (Models with the Bull
Rush skill should have a suitably large beer-belly modeled out of putty whenever possible.) (A02 46)
Foul Odour: Ostlanders are one and all prodigious drinkers and none too hygienic! This warrior rises
head and shoulders above the rest. After a lifetime of drinking, liquor has little effect on him any more...
not that this stops him from consuming massive quantities! His unwashed clothes and sweat reek of
alcohol and all living enemies (not Undead or Possessed) are at -1 to hit him in hand-to-hand combat. In
addition, the warrior cannot carry any open flames (torch, lantern, etc.) and fire attacks made against him
are resolved at +1 Strength as his beer soaked clothing burns readily. (A02 13)
Taunt: After years of baiting opponents into drunken brawls the Ostlander has learned some of most vile
insults in the Empire. During the shooting phase the warrior may choose to taunt one enemy instead of
shooting with a missile weapon or casting a spell. The warrior must be able to see the enemy and taunting
follows all the LOS rules for shooting (you must taunt the nearest opponent, etc.). The player should
insult the enemy model in some manner whenever possible (perhaps his hat looks like a strangled parrot
or his mother was a Bretonnian.). The enemy then takes a Leadership test. If he passes, nothing happens
but if he fails he must spend his next movement phase trying to get into close combat with the warrior
who taunted him. (A02 13)
Animal Friendship: Having grown up amidst the animals of the forest this warrior exudes a certain
charm to all ‘normal’ animals (i.e. warhorses, Warhounds, etc.). Animals will never attack him and up to
two Wardogs (see Mordheim book, page 54) that the warrior owns do not count against the maximum
number of models in the Warband. (A02 13)
Blood Oath: The leader of an Ostlander Warband sometimes takes a Blood Oath never to leave any of his
fallen ‘family’ members behind. Such is his determination to protect his fallen Blood-kin that it is
extremely difficult to cause him to Rout from the field. Only a Warband’s leader may have this skill,
which allows him to re-roll a single Rout test once per game. (A02 13)
Pirates’ Skills
(Modified Skill List by Andrew Aulenback)
Captain Blood. The pirate is adept at leaping from the Tops into the melee below. When making attacks
during a Diving Charge, the pirate makes Critical Hits on a 5+ instead of a 6+. (Fan Created)
Sea Legs The pirate swings through rope and rigging with ease. When attempting a Diving Charge, the
pirate may re-roll a failed Initiative Test, as if he had the Acrobat skill. He may also fall or jump up to
12” without taking any damage if he passes a single Initiative Test (Note: Mates do not have access to
Speed skills, so this duplication of the Acrobat skill is intentional). (Fan Created)
Cutlass Master Pirates are used to fighting with anything ready to hand, be it barstool, belaying pin, or
cutlass. The pirate may make a Parry attempt when equipped with any non-two-handed weapon as if he
were equipped with a sword, however this “Cutlass Master” parry does not combine with either a sword
or buckler to allow a parry re-roll or a second parry per turn. (Fan Created)
Treasure Hunter (Captain only) The pirate may modify one Exploration die by +1 or -1, so long as they
were not taken Out of Action during the scenario. (Fan Created)
Swashbuckler The pirate cuts a dashing figure in combat, mixing dazzling swordplay and acrobatic feats
with charm and witty comments. Even the basest villains in Mordheim respect (and curse) his ability to
always seem to effortlessly slip from their grasp. The pirate may make a Leadership Test at the end of
any Hand to Hand phase (pirate’s or enemy’s turn) if he is still in base contact with any enemy models. If
he passes, he may make an immediate normal movement away from the enemy (but may not run or
charge), without the enemy striking any blows on him. If he fails the test he remains in melee combat and
must fight as normal in the following turn. (FO 65)
Sea Shanty Singer The pirate is renowned throughout the seas as one of the greatest singers aboard a
ship, able to raise the spirits of any crew with his stirring renditions of ‘The Sloop Johan Bee’, ‘What do
you do with a Drunken Halfling?’, and other famous pirate ditties. At the start of his Close Combat phase
he can suddenly burst out in song, distracting one opponent in base contact of his choosing. That enemy
must pass a Leadership test, or loose 1 Attack that turn. This does not effect Undead or other non-living
creatures, such as Possessed. (FO 65)
Sea Legs Even in the strongest seas, the pirate has learned to keep his footing and equilibrium. If he Falls
during a battle, he may ignore the effects of the D3 hits on a roll of 4+ (make a single roll to see if any of
the hits take effect or not). In addition, if he is knocked down or stunned within 1" of a precipice he may
re-roll his Initiative test to see if he falls down or not. (FO 65)
Cutlass Master These short, single bladed swords are the mainstay weapon of any pirate crew, and in the
hands of a trained seaman they are superb weapons for close quarters fighting. If the pirate is equipped
with a Sword, this skill will give him the additional benefit of also being able to parry successfully if the
player rolls equal to the number rolled to hit, not just higher as normal. This extra ability only apply if the
Pirate is not in the open; ie., only when in cover or in a building, within 2" of a terrain feature like a wall
or tree, etc. (FO 65)
Booming Voice (Captain only) The Captain has spent many a battle bellowing orders to his crew, yelling
above the roar of the cannons and the screams of the enemy. Once per turn, the captain may shout
encouraging words (or threats) at any one pirate within 8" who just failed his test to see if he runs away
from combat, or to stop running away if he was already fleeing. That pirate may then re-roll the test. This
can only be done if the Captain is on his feet, but not if the Captain is in close combat himself. (FO 65)
Hardy Constitution Many months at sea, and especially many months eating hardtack, have hardened the
pirate’s body to effects that would cause a lesser man to collapse. During the battle, the pirate may ignore
any Critical Hits on a roll of 5+ (the wound is treated as normal if the roll is successful). If the roll is
failed, the Critical Hit is worked out as normal. (FO 65)
Swashbuckler The pirate cuts a dashing figure in combat, mixing dazzling swordplay and acrobatic feats
with charm and witty comments. Even the basest villains in Mordheim respect (and curse) his ability to
always seem to effortlessly slip from their grasp. The pirate may make a Leadership Test at the end of any
Hand-to-Hand phase (pirate’s or enemy’s turn) if he is still in base contact with any enemy models. If he
passes he may make a normal movement away from the enemy (he may not run or charge), without the
enemy striking any blows on him. If he fails the test he remains in combat and must fight as normal in the
following turn. (FO 65)
Pit Fighter: All Pit Fighters automatically have the Pit Fighter skill as described in the Strength Skill List
(+1 WS, +1 A when fighting in ruins, buildings and The Pit). (TC14)
Free the Slaves!: Pit Fighters hate all slavers. The Pit Fighters will never sell their captured opponents to
the slavers. (TC14)
In the Pit! Pit Fighters who capture an opponent may decide to let him fight in the infamous fighting pits
of Cutthroat’s Haven. The Pit Fighter warband may decide to send in one or more of their own fighters to
fight the captive, if the Pit Fighter wins he gains +2 Experience, the warband gets all the captive’s armour
and weapons +50gc, if the Pit Fighter loses then roll to see whether he is dead or injured as normal
(ignore all following results: Robbed, Captured, Hardened, Sold to the Pits and Survives against the
Odds), he will not lose his armour or weapons, the captive will get the 50gc and the +2 Experience when
he wins. If the captive wins, the audience decides whether he gains his freedom. Roll a D6 on a 4+ the
audience raise their thumbs and he is free. A 1-3 means he remains the Pit Fighters captive and may be
fielded in the pits after future games. (TC14)
Corpse Bomb: Special magics and rituals can cause a Zombie to explode when they are near the enemy.
Secretly nominate one Zombie at the beginning of the battle to be a Corpse Bomb. If the enemy charges
or is charged by the Zombie, it immediately detonates. All models within D6 inches take D3 Strength 4
hits. The detonated Zombie may never be used again as it is splattered in a million pieces! Corpse bombs
killed by shooting do not detonate. Only one Zombie at a time can be a corpse bomb although the skill
can be taken by both the Necromancer and the Liche.
Deathspeaker: At the start of the battle, the undead player may deploy D3 Zombies for free. These
zombies do not count towards the maximum number of models in the warband, but increase the
warband’s rating as normal. Zombies created in this way may not be used as Corpse Bombs. These
Zombies only last for the duration of the battle.
Wraith Touch: The hero may make a Wraith Touch attack instead of their normal attacks in close combat.
The hero making a Wraith Touch makes a single unarmed attack, if it hits, it wounds automatically, all
rules that apply to unarmed attacks apply to the Wraith Touch. If a Liche uses this skill and wounds, then
he may regain one lost wound. This may not take the hero beyond his starting total. Necromancers do not
regain wounds with this skill. This skill has no effect on the Possessed or Undead.
Forbidden Rite: If the hero with this skill did not search for rare items during their last exploration phase,
then they start the next battle with a pool of D3+1 (+1) modifiers they can use to increase their casting
rolls. They may use as many of these modifiers at a time as they desire.
Infiltration: An Elf with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and can
be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than 12"
away from any enemy model. If both players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the
lowest roll sets up first. (MiM)
Luck: The Elf is blessed by Lileath, the Elven goddess of luck. Once per game he may re-roll any dice
roll he makes (but not one made by other members of the warband). (MiM)
See in Shadows: The warrior's senses have become especially keen from years spent walking the
shadows. As long as he has movement to reach them, the warrior may always roll to charge opponents he
cannot see (instead of the normal 4"). (MiM)
Hide in Shadows: Over time the Hero has learned how to freeze in place and remain undetected, even
from the heightened senses of their Dark Elf cousins. An enemy warrior attempting to detect this warrior
when he is Hidden must halve his Initiative before measuring the distance. (MiM)
Powerful Build: The warrior is strongly built for an Elf, and is capable of feats of strength not often seen
among the elder race. A warrior with this skill may choose skills from the Strength skills table from now
on. There may never be more than two Elves with this skill in the warband at any one time. (MiM)
Fey: Hostile magic spells will not affect the Elf on a D6 roll of 4+. (MiM)
See in Shadows: The warrior’s senses have become especially keen from years spent walking the
shadows. As long as he has movement to reach them, the warrior may always roll to charge opponents he
cannot see (instead of the normal 4"). (TC10)
Hide in Shadows: Over time Shadow Warriors have learned how to freeze in place and remain
undetected, even from the heightened senses of their Dark Elf cousins. An enemy warrior attempting to
detect this warrior when he is Hidden must halve his Initiative before measuring the distance. (TC10)
Sniper: Long years of guerrilla warfare against the Dark Elves have taught Shadow Warriors how to
strike from the shadows without being seen. If Hidden, a warrior with this skill may shoot or cast spells
and still remain Hidden. (TC10)
Powerful Build: The warrior is strongly built for an Elf, and is capable of feats of strength not often seen
among the people of Ulthuan. A warrior with this skill may choose skills from the Strength skills table
from now on. This skill may not be taken by Shadow Weavers. There may never be more than two Elves
with this skill in the warband at any one time. (TC10)
Master of Runes: The Shadow Weaver has learned to harness the power of the High Elven runes of
power (see Elven Runestones, below) to a degree few mages attain. When using Elven Runestones, the
mage is +1 to his dispel roll. In addition, the mage can inscribe the weapons and armour of one of his
fellow warriors with Elven runes. One member of the Warband may re-roll a single failed armour save or
Parry roll once per battle. After a single battle, the runes lose their glamour and must be redone. This skill
may only be taken by Shadow Weavers. (TC10)
Sign of Sigmar: The Sister is favored by the great god Sigmar. Possessed or Undead opponents lose their
first attack against the Priestess in the first round of hand-to-hand combat (down to a minimum of 1). (RB
Protection of Sigmar: The Sister has been blessed by the High Matriarch. Any spell which would affect
her is nullified on a D6 roll of 4+. Note that if the spell is nullified it will not affect any other models
either. (RB 83)
Utter Determination: Only the Matriarch may have this skill, which allows her to re-roll any failed Rout
tests. (RB 83)
Righteous Fury: The Sister feels cold fury and utter contempt towards any evil that pollutes the soil of
the holy Empire with its presence. The model hates all Skaven, Undead or Possessed warbands and all
models in them. (RB 83)
Absolute Faith: The Sister puts her faith in Sigmar, and faces dangers unflinchingly. She may re-roll any
Fear tests and does not have to test for fighting alone against several opponents. (RB 83)
Skaven Skills
Black Hunger: The Skaven can draw upon the dreaded Black Hunger, the fighting frenzy which gives
him unnatural strength and speed but can ravage him from inside. The Skaven Hero may declare at the
beginning of his turn that he is using this skill. The Hero may add +1 attack and +D3" to the total move to
his profile for the duration of his own turn but will suffer D3 S3 hits with no armour save possible at the
end of the turn. (RB 93)
Tail Fighting: The Skaven may wield a shield, knife or a sword with its tail. The model gains an extra
attack with the appropriate weapon or a +1 bonus to its armor save. (RB 93)
Wall Runner: The Skaven does not need to take an Initiative test when climbing up walls and other sheer
surfaces. Suggested Changes: May run or charge up walls, always striking last when charging in this
manner. (RB 93)
Infiltration: A Skaven with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and
can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than
12" away from any enemy model. If both players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the
lowest roll sets up first. (RB 93)
Art of Silent Death: The Skaven has patiently mastered the deadly art of open-hand fighting, as taught by
the mystics of Cathay in the temples of the far East. In hand-to-hand combat, the Skaven can fight with
his bare paws without any penalties and counts as having two weapons (i.e., +1 attack). In addition, a
Skaven Hero with this skill will cause a critical hit on a To Wound roll of 5-6 instead of just 6. This skill
may be used in conjunction with the Eshin Fighting Claws (+2 Attacks instead of +1). (RB 93)
Skaven Metal Mongers’ Skills
Tail Fighting: The Skaven may wield a shield, dagger or a sword with its tail. The model gains an extra
attack with the appropriate weapon or a +1 bonus to its armour save. (MiM)
Infiltration: A Skaven with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and
can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than
12" away from any enemy model. If both players have models that infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the
lowest roll sets up first. (MiM)
Unblinking Eye: Thanks to the sorcerous devices built by the Warlock Engineers, one of its eyes was
replaced with a monstrous telescopic lens. The sharpshooter Hero can spot hidden enemies at twice his
Initiative value in inches. (MiM)
Metallic Body: Elaborate armour encases the Hero, arms and legs locked inside complicated frameworks
of pipes and gears. The Hero has a 3+ armour save. (MiM)
Respirator: A complex pump system of tubes has been fed directly into the skaven respiratory organs.
The breathing apparatus means the Hero is able to ignore the effects of gas or soporific based attacks.
Furthermore the skaven is immune to poison. (MiM)
Tinker-Rat: The Hero can't resist making modifications. The beauty of the Machine-Ogre is that, even
though it starts off a bit pathetic, battlefield trials are the best way to see what needs to be improved.
During the post battle sequence when you would roll for Hero and Henchmen advances, you may decide
to have a tinker with your Machine-Ogre. If you do, your Hero cannot be used for anything else in the
post battle sequence. Roll 2D6 on the Customisation Chart to see what happens:
2D6 Result
2 That didn't go well! Over-enthusiastic tinkering coupled with a wobbly ladder means that
something important has been sliced off! Roll again on this chart (rerolling any further instances
of 'That didn't go well!' and 'Breakthrough!') but instead of increasing the characteristic rolled,
decrease it!
3 Warpfire Projector. A smaller version of the dreaded warpfire thrower has been built into the
machines arm.
4 Every Gear and Gizmo. For some reason, the engineer decided that more gizmos were needed!
Although it may seem illogical, the extra gears give the MachineOgre +1 Movement.
5 Warp-powered Skeleton. A stroke of genius on the engineer's part has hardened the bones with
warpstone dust resulting in +1 Weapon Skill.
6 Faster Pistons. New rumbling pistons with faster moving joints lets the Machine-Ogre react
faster meaning it gains +1 Initiative.
7 More Reliable. The engineer has tuned the skeletal automaton. The result of the D6 roll to
activate and work the MachineOgre can be re-rolled each turn.
8 Extra Arm. Drawing inspiration from a passing mutant, the engineer decides more arms are a
great idea! The Machine-Ogre gains +1 Attack.
9 Bigger Claws. Welding bigger, heavier claws to the Machine-Ogre means that it can grip with
more force! The MachineOgre gains +1 Strength.
10 Reinforced Cavity. Chest plates of steel, wire and tubing running from machinery behind the
ribs to sink into metal rods bolted to each arm and leg make the skeletal bulk more durable. The
MachineOgre gains +1 Toughness.
11 Steel Spine. A new sub-frame gives the Machine-Ogre a more durable design. The
Machine-Ogre gains +1 Wound.
12 Breakthrough! If by accident or by design, the tinkering has worked brilliantly! Roll a further
D3 times on this chart, ignoring any further rolls of 'Breakthrough!'
Strigany Skills
Knowledge of Myths and Legends: The Hero has spent most of their life chasing rumours of promised
glory and heeding cryptic prophecies of those with supernatural abilities. During the Exploration phase, if
the Hero was not taken out of action, you may re-roll one dice, keeping the second result even if it is
worse. (MiM)
Bull Rush: This warrior can use his massive girth to overpower his opponents. When he charges, the
Hero may attempt to knock down his opponent rather than making his normal attacks. Roll to hit once
with a +1 to hit modifier, though no roll to wound is necessary. Instead, if the warrior hits with this attack,
the opposing model is knocked down. (MiM)
Songster: Entertaining shanties and novelty songs boost the morale of all those around. Any friendly
model within 6" of the Hero may re-roll any failed Leadership test with a +1 to Leadership. This includes
rout tests.
Prize-fighter: The Hero suffers no penalties whatsoever for fighting unarmed and they receive +1 Attack
when doing so. (MiM)
Animal Charmer (eg. Dog Charmer): The Hero can control up to five animals using Strigany charms
provided that they remain within 6" of him. If an animal is not within 6" of the Animal Charmer in the
Movement phase, they will move D6" in a random direction. If that takes them into contact with a model,
either friend or foe, it will attack as if charging. (MiM)
Infiltration: A Strigany with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and
can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than
12" away from any enemy model. If both players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the
lowest roll sets up first. (MiM)
Sand worm The warrior can bury himself in sand and become almost undetectable. The model can Hide
in open ground. Cannot be used inside buildings.
Hit and run The warrior can run and shoot but suffers -2 to hit instead of the usual -1 for moving.
Weather tolerant The warrior has grown so used to the weather that it doesn’t affect him anymore.
Weather conditions such as heat no longer affect this model.
Vampires' Skills
Transfixing Glare: The Vampire is able to hypnotize a victim using his glowing red eyes, the victim will
remain passive and wait for the Vampire to close. The Glare may be used on any living model in base
contact that is not Immune to Psychology. The victim must pass a Leadership test on a 2D6 or be
transfixed. A transfixed model may not attack in close combat and is treated as being knocked down for
purpose of being attacked. Roll for the Glare at the start of the combat phase. (TC11)
Mist Form: A Vampire's human form is only one of many and a few can transform into a thin mist in the
recovery phase. While in this state the Vampire has a move of 2D6" per turn. He may not attack in close
combat, shoot with a missile weapon or cast spells and he gains no protection from armour. All to hit rolls
against the Vampire need a natural '6' to hit and all to wound rolls need a natural '6 '. Note that this may
not be modified by any bonuses as it represents the protection of a non-physical form. The Vampire may
reduce the injury roll by -2. If the Vampire is knocked down he immediately reverts to his physical form.
The Vampire may change back to Vampire form in any subsequent recovery phase by choice. (TC11)
Ratswarm Form: Some Vampires hold a sway over nature and they can transform into animals such as a
wolf, a swarm of rats or a giant bat. A Vampire can change form in the recovery phase regardless of
whether the Vampire is Knocked Down or Stunned but he suffers all penalties for standing up for
example. The Vampire may change back to Vampire form at the start of any subsequent recovery phase.
M6 WS3 BS0 S3 T3 W* I* A4 Ld* *Use the same characteristics as the Vampire. While in Ratswarm
form the Vampire may not use weapons and does not receive any protection from armour. He cannot
shoot with a missile weapon or cast spells but can attack in close combat without a penalty for fighting
without a weapon. The Vampire should be represented by a Ratswarm base but treat the Vampire as being
the size of a single rat for moving through alleys or similar small spaces. The Vampire may move through
small holes and gaps that would allow a single rat-sized creature to pass through and can thus move
through walls as most have a small holes in them. (TC11)
Bat Form: Many Vampires can transform into giant bats. A Vampire can change form in exactly the same
manner as detailed above. M8 WS3 BS0 S3 T2 W* I* A1 Ld* *Use the same characteristics as the
Vampire. Whilst in Bat form the Vampire may fly and ignores movement penalties, he cannot run as such
but may move double distance and a charge move is also doubled. The Vampire may not use weapons and
does not receive any protection from armour. He cannot shoot with a missile weapon or cast spells but can
attack in close combat without a penalty for fighting without a weapon. (TC11)
Giant Wolf Form: Many Vampires can transform into Giant Wolves. A Vampire can change form in
exactly the same manner as described above. M9 WS4 BS0 S4 T3 W* I* A2 Ld* *Use the same
characteristics as the Vampire. Whilst in Wolf form the Vampire may not use weapons and does not
receive any protection from armour. He cannot shoot with a missile weapon or cast spells but can attack in
close combat without a penalty for fighting without a weapon. (TC11)