Mark Klimek Full Nclex Reviewer
Mark Klimek Full Nclex Reviewer
Mark Klimek Full Nclex Reviewer
sounds) -
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Yes No
Over ventilating & Under ventilating Prolonged vomiting/ suctioning Everything Else
(Ventilation means gas
here !*
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Quick Notes:
There’s a difference between s/s of acid base imbalances vs. causes of acid
base imbalances
Resp. rate doesn't matter, Sao2 matters.
Modifying phrase trumps original noun [Questions]
Ex. “An ocd pt who is now psychotic” (look @ psychotic) When would you want suction at bedside? for a patient
“A vomiting pt who is now dehydrated” (look @ dehydrated) with alkalosis bc of their risk for seizures!
If the pH and bicarb are in same direction, it’s metabolic When would you want an ambu bag at bedside? For
patient with acidosis bc of risk for resp depression!
Vent Alarms
High pressure alarm goes off: working too hard (obstruction)
1. Check for kinks → unkink
2. Water condensation in the tube → empty it
3. Mucus in the airway: turn/cough/deep breathe
(If that doesn't work then suction (last resort))
Low pressure alarm goes off: that was too easy (disconnection)
a. Main tubing: reconnect -
Lecture 2: Alcohol/Drugs
DENIAL is the #1 problem with abuse
#1 problem psychologically is denial
CONFRONT THEM Point out the difference from what they say and what they do
SET LIMITS & SAY NO “I’m saying no because I’m a good person”
Aversion Therapy
Wernicke Korsakoff- Psychosis induced by Vitamin B1/
Antabuse (disufiram) & ReVia (naltrexone)
Thiamine deficiency
Makes you hate alcohol and if you drink it you’ll get deathly ill
S/s: Amnesia with confabulation (memory loss with making up stories)
Takes 2 weeks to get into the system
Don't confront them or present reality. THEY BELIEVE WHAT THEY
Need 2 weeks to get out of system to safely drink again
ARE SAYING! Redirect them.
To prevent/stop it from getting worse: Take vitamin B1.
They don't have to stop drinking, and it’s irreversible.
www 1. Mouthwash
2. Aftershave
3. Perfumes/Cologne
Quick Notes: 4. Insect repellent
With abuse you confront, with loss you support 5. Anything that ends in elixir
Neutral: dependency/codependency has 2 pts. 6. Alcohol based hand sanitizer
Negative: manipulation has 1 pt. 7. Unbaked icing (vanilla extract)
The most abused drug is laxatives **They can have red wine vinegarette!
Drug Addiction in Newborns
Always assume intoxication, not withdrawal at birth
Baby has to be 24hrs old to go through withdrawal :
Withdrawal: difficult to console, exaggerated startle reflex, seizure risk, shrill
high pitch cry
② ① →
Only 2 cases to give orally: sterilize the bowel
1. Hepatic encephalopathy/hepatic coma/liver coma (when ammonia level gets too high & gets to your brain) Kills the E. coli in
the gut & lower the ammonia level
2. Pre-op bowel surgery to sterilize the bowel
Oral mycins will kill gram-negative bacteria in your gut (sterilize bowel)
Sargent asks: Who can sterilize my bowel? Neo can! NEOMYCIN and CANOMYCIN!
Lecture 3- Cardiac/Chest Tubes/Infection Precautions
Uses: CCB’s are negative inotropics, negative dromotropics, and negative chromotropics '
Weakens, slows down, and depresses the heart “It’s like Valium for your heart” the cat
Names of CCB’s:
Names ending in “dipine” (You're dipping in the calcium channel)
Others: Verapamil, Cardizem (Continuous IV drip)
Look out for: BP! Monitor BP intermittently. If systolic is below 100, hold.
For drip, if systolic was 98 titrate it down.
Cardiac Arrhythmias: When it comes to IV push, when you don’t know go slow
chaotic + lethal (In that order if Epi doesn’t work)
pattern bizarre
mmmm MM
Tach)If more than 6 PVC’s in a minute or row and/or if PVC falls
on the T wave of the previous beat
How many chest tubes & where would you place them for postop chest sx?
Place apical & basilar on same side of surgery Apical for Air, Basilar for Blood
Always assume chest sx / trauma is unilateral unless specified as bilateral
Trick Q: Where to put tubes for a post op right Pneumonectomy? NOWHERE because that is the removal of the lung
→ knocked down a closed drainage device? set it back up, tell pt to take deep
:*:* breaths, NOT an emergency
1. Clamp the water seal
→ water seal breaks? EMERGENCY 2. Cut it away
Year chest tube dislodged? COVER IT! first cover with gloved hand
: best : cover with vaseline gauze
Best Question: think if you could only do ONE thing out of all the answers, which one would you do? (you have everything at hand)
First Question: you can do everything in the answer choices but think which one you would do first?
continuous bubbling is always:good .
. .
Quick Notes
A straight-cath (in and out foley) is to a foley (continuous drainage) as a thoracentisis (in and out chest tube) is to a chest tube
(continuous drainage)
Higher risk for infection- Foley & chest tube
Rules for clamping tubes
Never clamp a tube for longer than 15 secs w/o a Dr order
Use rubber tip double clamps
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The RIGHT side of the heart has deoxygenated blood and needs to go to Tetralogy of Fallot = VarieD PictureS Of A RancH
the lungs… if it bypasses the lungs and goes to the LEFT side of the Ventricular Defect
heart, this deoxygenated blood will get pumped to the body (no use for it Pulmonary Stenosis
because it’s not oxygenated!) Overriding Aorta
Right Hypertrophy
This is BAD! need surgery to live, short life expectancy
delayed growth & development, exercise intolerance, financial difficulties,
pediatric cardiologist -
QUICK Note -
PPE Always take off in alphabetical order . Gloves, goggles, gown, mask
Lecture 4: Crutches/Canes/Walkers/Psych
ASK YOURSELF → How many legs are affected? ( even forever , oddforodd )
{ }
2 legs? Use 2 or 4 point gait
1 leg? Use odd # gait (3)
Bad !
ao →☐ a☐ at → ich ich
at ☐☐ → ao ich
D. AD → AD
AD → ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
→ .
. →. . →. . -
Swing through: non-weight bearing (amputation) (Amputation with a prosthetic: can bear weight)
STAIRS: Up with the good, down with the bad
Going upstairs, lead with good foot (crutches move with bad legs)
Cane remember COAL - cane opposite affected leg (cane on strong side!)
Walkers - Pick it up, set it down, walk to it
If they must tie something to the walker, tie it to side, not the front of it
No wheels, or tennis balls on walkers**
Has insight (know that they’re sick & know it’s messing up Doesn’t think they’re sick & has no insight
their life), reality based S/S: Delusions, Hallucinations, Illusions
ANSWER: good therapeutic communication
“Tell me more about…”
Lecture 5: Diabetes
an error in glucose metabolism
Diabetes Insipidus → DI high & dry HIGH urine output, DRY body (polyuria, super thirsty polydipsia, leading to
dehydration due to low ADH, low specific gravity, fluid volume deficit)
too much anti diuretic body will hold onto fluids
- __
Low urine output, oliguria, not thirsty, high specific gravity, fluid volume excess
Check expiration date - After you open a bottle, the new expiration date is 30 days after that, label it!
Teach pts to refrigerate their insulin at home. Hospitals keep unopened bottles of insulin in the fridge, but they can come out of
the fridge once opened.
Eat snack before exercise! (Rapidly metabolized carbs)** Exercise does the same thing as insulin.
Take insulin even when sick! When diabetics are sick their glucose goes up. They have to take their insulin even when they’re
not eating. Take sips of water or they might get dehydrated. Stay as active as possible.
Humulin 70/30- percentages mixed of insulin Regular (30%) and NPH (70%) (N is in the numerator)
Mix insulin in the same syringe? Yes. Clear before cloudy is Regular before NPH! R to N for RN!
Inject air into NPH, then Inject air into Regular, draw up regular, then draw up NPH — NRRN
Hypoglycemia (Drunk + Shock)
Causes: Too much insulin/meds***, not enough food, too much exercise
S/s: [Drunk] Staggering gait, slurred speech, impaired judgment, delayed reaction times, labile (emotions all over the
[Shock] Low BP, tachycardia, tachypnea, pallor, clammy, mottled skin
Rapidly metabolized carbs (sugar), juice, soda, candy, 1/2 skim milk, orange juice & crackers, apple juice & turkey
*If unconscious give glucagon IM (at home), D10W / D50W IV (in hospital)
etones, Kussmaul, K+
cidotic, Acetone breath (fruity breath), Anorexia
Tx: IV fluid fast rate w/ Regular Insulin
*Best test for long term is HBA1C (Glycosated Hemoglobin) Good = 6 & lower, Needs work up / evaluation = 7,
Out of control = 8 & up
Tx: High HOB, High fluids, high carbs, Everything needs to be high, except protein (low)
Do the same as the prefix except for heart rate* and urine output
tK+ hypokalemia Lethargy, bradypnea, dynamic ileum, constipation, flaccid muscles, hyporeflexia, polyuria, tachycardia
Agitation, irritability, tachypnea, tall p waves, elevated ST waves, diarrhea, borborygmi, spastic muscles,
Tkt hyperkalemia
hyperreflexia, oliguria, bradycardia
Never IV push K+! Never give more than 40 of K+ per liter of IV fluid!
Fastest way to lower K+ = Give D5W with regular insulin TEMPORARY FIX BUT WORKS FAST
(K+ in blood will kill you, not K+ in cells)
Do the opposite of prefix. Muscles & nerves* (Ca and Mg have same s/s) Pick calcium > Magnesium
[AH tecalmg)
Tachycardia, agitation, irritability, tachypnea, diarrhea, borborygmi, spastic muscles,
hyperreflexia, seizure, chvostek (cheek, face spasm) sign & trousseau sign (BP
hand spasm), gay french man* lol
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in your cheek
Dehydration Vs. Fluid Overload **The one with the E is dehydration, the one with the O is overload**
Overload- HypOnatremia, fluid restriction & give Lasix
Ng-11 9NaH
Dehydration- HypErnatremia, hot flushed skin give lots of fluids, hot/flushed skin
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Radioactive Iodine PTU Thyroidectomy
Pt should be isolated for 24 hrs, Stands for = Puts Thyroid Under Total = lifelong hormone replacement,
They have to be careful with their urine, Monitor WBC’s, (b/c it’s a cancer drug) risk for hypocalcemia (total = total of
flush 3 times your life you will need tx)
If they spill it you need to call hospital Sub = risk for thyroid storm (sub =
hazmat team storm)
Thyroid storm/crisis/thyrotoxicosis
Very high temps of 105+, very high BP (stroke category), severe tachycardia, psychotically delirious. VERY BAD! Causes brain damage
Ice pack (First), Cooling blanket (Best), 02 per mask @ 10 L
Do not medicate. They will either come out on their own or die, 2 staff to 1 pt
Post Op Risks:
In the first 12 hrs, top priority is airway
2nd is hemorrhage.
12-48hrs for Total is Tetany r/t hypocalcemia 12-48hrs for Subtotal is Storm
Thyroid hormone Synthroid (levothyroxine)
CAUTION: Do not sedate these people! They will get into a myxedema coma
"••÷;::?n lhavecininfection.MY?mYYuIoYuppression
Cushy = more (cushy tushy)
) oooo
high gynecomastia
_N¥ wa☒-
Tx: Bilateral adrenalectomy (can lead to
striae obesity
Addison’s, which means they have to take boom ELI loses Kt steroids, which makes them seem like they have
cushings all over again, it’s a cycle!
SAFETY: No small toys for kids under 4, No metal/die-cast toys if o2 is in use (sparks), Beware of fomites
TOYS (teddy)(nonliving object that harbors microorganisms)
Teach object permanence (looks for the toy when you hide it) Best option is a “cover/uncover toy” (Ex: Jack in the
6-9 months box, peek a boo), Second best: large plastic/wood/metal
Worst toy is a musical mobile!
NEVER pick answers with the words: build, sort, stack, make, construct, for a child under 9 months
9-12 months Learning to speak, Speaking toys, Talking books, purposeful activities (build, sort, stack, make, construct)
Adolescence Hang out with friends! (unless pt is fresh out of post op (<12 hrs), contagious
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disease, or immunosuppressed)
* ⇐÷ ± i ÷ : ÷ "
Pre op: Cough/Bowels (coughing using abdominal muscles)
Thoracic Complications: Pneumonia & Paralytic Ileus
Discharge teaching:
4 temporary restrictions (6 weeks)
Don’t sit for longer than 30 mins
Lie flat & log roll
No driving
Do not lift more than 5 pounds (gallon of milk)
3 permanent restrictions:
Never lift objects by bending with the waist
Cervical lams not allowed to lift ANYTHING over their head
No jerking, horse back riding, 6 flags
Anterior Thoracic: From the front thru the chest to the spine —> will have a chest tube
Laminectomy w/fusion: Bone graft from the iliac crest, incisions include one on the hip & one on the spine
Hip incision will have the most pain/bleeding/draining
Both have equal risk for infection! Spine has highest risk of rejection!
Range A, B, C, or D Nursing
pH 7.35- 7.45 Anything in the 6’s is a (D) Are they alive? check vitals & call doc
P02 78-100 Low 70s it’s a (C) Assess respiratory, prepare to give 02
60s and lower is a (D) RESP FAILURE Give 02, assess respirations, prepare
for intubation/ventilation, call respiratory
therapy then doctor
O2 93-100 <93 it’s a (C) Falsely elevated with anemia Assess respirations, raise head of bed, give
and dye 02, unless “best” question then just give 02
Hematocrit 36-54 54+ is a (B) . Assess for dehydration
3x’s the hemoglobin
BNP < 100 100+ (B) Look for signs of CHF
Sodium 135-145 (B) Unless change in LOC, then it’s a (C) Assess for dehydration or overload
Platelets <90,000 is a (C) <40,000 is a D
RBCs 4-6 mil B
WBC 5,000-11,000 Less than normal value for WBC, ANC, CD4 Neutropenic Precautions**
ANC 500+ are all (C)
CD4 200+ Low CD4=AIDs
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Neutropenic Precautions
-Strict Hand washing
-Shower BID with antimicrobial soap
-Avoid Crowds
-Private Room ¥I⇐÷¥ÉÉ
-Limit numbers of staff entering room
-Limit Visitors for Healthy Adults
-No fresh flowers or potted plants ¥¥¥÷i÷¥
-Low Bacteria Diet: No Raw Fruits, Veggies, Salads, No Undercooked meat
-Do not drink water than has been standing longer than 15 minutes
-Vital signs (Especially Temperature) every 4 hours
-Check WBC (ANC) Daily
-Avoid the use of an indwelling catheter
-Do not re-use cups.. must wash between uses
-Use disposable plates, cups, straws, plastic knife, fork, spoon
-Dedicated Items in Room: Stethoscope, BP Cuff, Thermometer, Gloves
Deconate = after the name of a drug, it is a long acting drug IM form given to non compliant patients
Tricyclic Antidepressants: (NSSRI’s)
**Take for 2-4 weeks before you see effects** Takes 2-4 weeks for Ava(til)
Elavil, Tofranil*, Avatil, Desyrel (it rhymes) to learn how to ride a tricycle.
Elavil elevates your mood, E for Euphoria She is SUPER HAPPY.
SAME SE, EXCEPT E is for Euphoria (no F or G) Elevil for Elevated Mood
Can take for rest of life
Lithium: Bipolar disorder →
Decreases mania! Not for depression
Only psych drug that doesn’t mess with neurotransmitters
SE: 3 P’s- Peeing, Pooping, Paresthesia - Give & don’t call the Dr
Toxic effects: Tremors, metallic taste, severe diarrhea - Hold & call Dr
Low sodium = makes lithium toxic / High sodium = lithium won’t work
SE: A, B, C, D, & E for Euphoria
*Insomnia- Give BEFORE noon, NOT at bedtime*
Increased suicide risk when changing doses with young adults
Geodon (Ziprasidone)
Black box warning- Prolongs QT interval and can cause sudden cardiac arrest, DON’T give to people with heart conditions.
**St. John Wort + Zoloft = Serotonin syndrome** I need to stay it
away 8
Lecture 10 & 11- Maternal/Newborn
*% First day of the LMP + 7 days - 3 months
Average weight gain- 28 lbs plus or minus 3 lbs
1 1
1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3rd Trimester
1-12 weeks 13 - 27 weeks 28 - 40 weeks
1 lb/month, total: 3 lbs 1 lb/week 1 lb/week
Fundus not palpable Fundus at umbilicus or below it Fundus above umbilicus
Mother is Priority Mother is Priority Baby is Priority
If you can palpate the fundus or she At 20-22 weeks the fundus is at Ideal weight gain: [Week of gestation] - 9 plus or
gains 10lb, she might have a the umbilicus minus a couple lbs
hydatiform mole, or not really be in Quickening (kicking): 16-20 weeks If more than 3 lbs, you need to assess,
the 1st trimester Visit once a month something could be wrong
You can palpate the fundus at the Difficulty breathing Week 28 come once every 2 weeks until week 3?
end of the 1st tri Back Pain Week 36 every week until delivery until week 42.
Visit once a month Frequent urination
Frequent urination Difficulty breathing
Back Pain
OB Questions
HR begins to beat at 5 weeks, but you can hear it at 8-12 weeks, and when the examiner palpates fetal movement
“First”pick earliest part of range When would you first auscultate a fetal heart?” - 8 weeks
“Most likely”pick mid part of range “When would you most likely auscultate a fetal heart?” - 10 weeks
“Should” pick end of range “When should you first auscultate a fetal heart by?” - 12 weeks
Signs of Pregnancy:
Fetal skeleton on x-ray, fetal presence on ultrasound, auscultation of FHR, examiner palpates fetal movement
Pt Teaching:
When to visit
Frequent Urination? Minimum Q2hrs void (1st and 3rd)
Difficulty Breathing? Tripod Position (2nd and 3rd)
Back Pain? Pelvic Tilt Exercises (2nd and 3rd)
Hemoglobin will fall, it can fall to 10 & still be normal
Treat morning sickness w/ dry carbs before you get out of bed, not for breakfast
Relationship between the fetal presenting part & the
ischial spines
Negative station: Presenting part is above the tight
squeeze (-1, -2) BAD
Positive stations: Presenting part is below the tight .
squeeze (+1, +2) GOOD
Relationship between the spine of mom & spine of baby
Vertex lie (longitudinal): Compatible for natural birth -
Mom’s spine and baby’s spine are parallel (Good)
Transverse lie (shoulder presentation): Trouble
vertex transverse
Stage One: purpose of uterine contractions in 1st stage: dilate & efface the cervix
Phase 1 (Latent) 0-4 cm, frequency 5 - 30 mins apart, lasts 15-30secs, intensity mild
Phase 2 (Active) 5-7 cm, frequency 3-5 mins apart, lasts 30-60 secs, intensity moderate
Phase 3 (Transition) 8-10 cm, frequency 2-3 mins, lasts 60-90 secs, intensity strong st
Stage Two: Delivery of the baby Stage Three: Delivery of the placenta
Deliver head Make sure it’s all there
Suction the mouth then nose Check for a 3 vessel cord- 2 arteries 1 vein- AVA
Check for nuchal (around the neck) cord
Deliver shoulders then body
Baby must have ID band on before leaving the delivery area
Uterine contractions
# Duration
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Pain management: Do not administer pain med to a woman if the baby is likely to be born when the med peaks
Painful back labor: OP (occiput posterior) IS OH PAIN
Position THEN Push: Knee chest(FaceDownAssUp), then push (take fist & push into sacrum)
Prolapsed Cord: BAD - Cord is presenting part
PUSH THEN POSITION (push the head back in then position knee chest)
Interventions for all other complications of birth: LION
If Pitocin is running stop the Pitocin first! & then do LION*****
Left Notify
side I "¥f 02
Post Partum Assessment = BUBBLE 4-8 hrs
decel V C cord compression Early late variable
mmmm mhwrmhnwmhhhhn
decel E H head compression
acceleration A 00K .
00,4nA N M
decel L P placental insufficiency
{ Low fetal HR- under 110 STOP PIT & LION
High fetal HR- over 160, normal, document take moms temp
Low baseline variability- stays the same, does not fluctuate, BAD, LION
High baseline variability- always changing, good, document
Late decels- baby’s heart slows after contraction, BAD, LION
Early decels- baby’s heart slows before or at contraction, good
Variable decels- very bad, prolapsed cord, put mom in push then position
***Any position that starts with L, do LION, except variable (push position)***
V’s = Variable = VERY BAD
Check fetal heart rate — always a good choice on test
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OB Meds:
Tocolytics: Stops labor
Terbutaline - (causes maternal tachy)
Mag Sulfate- (causes hypermagnasemia) making uterine contractions, HR, BP, reflexes, respiratory rate, and LOC go down)
As long as the respirations are above 12, it’s ok. If under titrate down 2+ reflexes is good, 1+ is bad
Oxytoxics: Stimulate & strengthen labor
Pitocin- Causes uterine hyper stimulation (longer then 90, closer then q 2
Methergine- Causes high BP
Fetal Lung Maturing Meds:
Betamethasone (steroid)- Mom gets it, given IM, given before the baby is born
Servanta (surfactant)- Given to the neonate, given trans-tracheal (blown nto the trachea), given after the baby is born
**The only antipsychotic pregnant women can get is Haldol**
Humulin 70/30- percentages mixed of insulin IM: 21 gauge/1inch 1in 1M looks like 1
Regular (30%) and NPH (70%) (N is in the Subcutaneous: 25gauge 5/8ths SMSQIOOKS like -5
Mix insulin in the same syringe? Yes. Clear before
cloudy is Regular before NPH! R to N for RN!
kt WASTING us sparing
Inject air into NPH, then Inject air into Regular, draw Any diuretic ending in X X’s out K+ (wastes) + Diuril
up regular, then draw up NPH — NRRN All others are sparing
Lecture 12 - Prioritization/Delegation/MGMT
Question Format
Age, gender, dx, and modifying phrase, i.e.: "10 yr old male w/ hypospadias who's throwing up bile & emesis."
*Irrelevant are age and gender*
Dx & modifying phrase is important, but modifying phrase is always more important
Acute Chronic 1st 12hr8 POSTOP
Unstable > stable
Stable Pts
The word “stable” Chronic illness Local or regional Anesthesia Unchanged assessment
Post op greater than 12hrs Lab abnormalities of an A or B level
Phrases “ready for discharge”, "to be discharged”, or "admitted longer than 24hrs ago"
Experiencing the typical expected s/s of the disease with which they were diagnosed
Unstable Pts
The word “unstable” Acute illness General Anesthesia Changing/changed assessment
Post op less than 12hrs Lab abnormalities of C or D
Phrases "not ready for discharge”, "newly admitted”, "newly diagnosed”, or "admitted less than 24 hrs ago"
Experiencing unexpected s/s of the disease with which they're diagnosed
Always Unstable Regardless of Whether It's Expected or Not (4):
Hemorrhage (there’s a difference between bleeding)
High fevers (105+)
Pulselessness or breathlessness **Unless it was unwitnessed, then they're dead already and not a priority**
Pulselessness, Breathlessness, Fixed and dilated pupils (even if they’re still breathing)
The more vital the organ, the higher the priority (organ in modifying phrase, not dx)
④ Brain #③ Heart
Lungs 4. Liver
5. Kidney
6. Pancreas
E valuate
DELEGATION Do not delegate what you can EAT
A ssess
Starting/Hanging/Mixing anything IV, NO IVP meds (they can only maintain and doc flow)
They can’t administer blood or mess with central lines (including flushing or
changing central line dressings unless thats the only option they can do)
They cannot plan or create the care, BUT they can implement
They can’t perform/develop teaching, BUT they can reinforce it
They can’t care for unstable patients
They can’t do the first of anything, RN must do the first of anything New is for you!
They can’t do admission/discharge/transfer/first assessment after a change
WHAT YOU CAN DELEGATE; Topical OTC barrier creams, Vital signs, accucheck, enemas, ADLs (not the first one and only on
stable patients)
BESIDES THAT, they cannot chart about the pt (can only chart what they did), give meds, assess, treat, nor delegate to the family
of the pt safety responsibilities (i.e.: taking off restraints for a family member in the room)
With sitters/care givers, they can only do what you teach them to do and you must make sure you document that you taught them
Staff Management
How do you handle inappropriate behavior amongst staff?
There are always four answers: “Tell supervisor,” “Confront them and take over immediately,” “Approach them later on and talk
to them about it,” and “Ignore the behavior”
Never ignore inappropriate behavior. That is never the answer!
How To Guess: Use knowledge first, then common sense, then educated guess
Psych questions: Best answer is “the nurse will examine their own feelings about...” to prevent countertransference. Another is “Establish
a trusting relationship”.
Nutrition questions: Pick chicken (unless it’s fried), if chicken’s not there pick fish (not shellfish). Also never pick casseroles for children.
Never mix meds in children’s food. For toddlers choose finger foods. Preschoolers leave them alone, one meal a day is okay.
Pharmacology questions: Memorize side effects of drugs. If you know what a drug does but you don’t know the side effects, pick a side
effect in the same body system where the drug is working (i.e: GI drug pick diarrhea or a CNS drug pick drowsiness etc...). If you don’t
know what the drug is, look to see if it’s PO pick a GI side effect (works about 50/50). Never tell a child medicine is candy.
OB questions: check fetal heart rate.
Med Surg questions: LOC over airway on assessments, but the first thing you do should be establish airway
Pediatric Growth and Development questions-
3 Rules based on the principle: Always give the child more time, don’t rush their growth and development
Rule 1: When in doubt call it normal
Rule 2: When in doubt pick the older age (if there is 2 ages it could be, pick the older age)
Rule 3: When in doubt pick the easier task (roll over is easier then sitting up)
Rule out generalized absolutes if you’re guessing (all, never, everyone, etc…)
If two answers say the same thing, neither of them is right
If two answers are opposite, one of them is probably right
The “Umbrella Strategy”: look for an answer that covers all the others without saying it does (i.e: use safety and good body mechanics
when transferring a patient from bed to wheelchair)
If the question gives you four right answers and the question is asking for prioritization, use the rules above, however if they give you one
patient in the question and it asks “which needs is highest priority” don’t use it! Do the worst consequence game. Choose the answer with
the most severe consequence.
When you’re stuck between two answers, re-read the question
The Sesame Street Rule: (use as a last resort) Right answers tend to be different then the others because it is the only one which is
right so the other “wrong” answers have something in common
Don’t be tempted to answer a question based on your ignorance instead of your knowledge. Pull the “thing” you don’t know out of the
question and answer it with the things you know. Boards will give you things you never heard of to measure your common sense
If something really seems right, it probably is. DON’T go against your gut answer unless you can prove why the other is superior
Conflicts on the job: never say “you” Always say “I”
Headache good thing to check on SATA!
DO NOT have these 3 Expectations because they cause negativity:
Rule #1*: Don’t expect 75 questions, prepare to get all 265 questions.“I’m still in the game”.
Rule #2: Don’t expect to know everything.
Rule #3: Don’t expect everything to go right.