MK Combined PDF
MK Combined PDF
MK Combined PDF
1. Kinks à unkink
2. Water condensing into dependent loops à empty
3. Mucus in airway à turn, cough and deep breathe, suction PRN.
MD orders to disconnect ventilator in AM @ 0900hr. At 0600hr, ABC reveals respiratory
acidosis. What do you do?
a. Follow order
b. Call MD and hold order
c. Call RT
d. Begin to decrease settings.
B is the answer because the patient is not able to breathe without the ventilator. The settings
are TOO low. Patient should be in respiratory ALKALOSIS.
Psychological problem in abuse is denial, which is refusal to accept the reality of a problem.
You treat denial by confronting it by pointing out the difference between what they say and
what they do.
Confrontation attacks the problem. Aggression attacks the person.
• You say you’re not an alcohol, but it’s 10AM and you already drank a 6-pack.
• You say you’re not a spouse abuser, but she has a restraining order against you.
Dependency: Abuser gets significant other to do things for them. The abuser is dependent on
• Call in sick for me. Go buy me this. Drop me off here.
Codependency: Significant other derives positive self-esteem from making decisions for or
doing things for the abuser.
• Aren’t I such a great wife for calling in sick for you?
• Abuser: Life without responsibility
• Significant Other: Positive self esteem
• Set limits and enforce them. Teach significant other to say NO.
• Work on self-esteem of the codependent person to solve the issue.
o I’m saying no and I’m a good person because I’m saying no.
• May solve the problem but may lose relationship.
Manipulation: Abuser gets significant other to do something that is not in the best interest of
significant other. Nature of act is dangerous or harmful.
• Set limits and enforce them. You say NO.
• Easier to treat because nobody likes being manipulated.
• No positive self-esteem issue with manipulation like there is with
• Do not present reality because they won’t learn it.
• Redirect à rechannel it into something they can do not telling them what they can’t do:
o Pt: “I’m going to presidential meeting at 8AM?”
o Well why don’t we take a shower then watch CNN and watch what’s going on in
• Preventable à take vitamin B1 which is a coenzyme needed for metabolism for alcohol; if
deficient, alcohol will be stored and ruin brain cells.
• Arrestable à They don’t have to stop drinking; they just have to take vitamin B1.
o Stop it from getting worse? Take vitamin B1
• Irreversible à 70% irreversible (on boards, answer with majority).
Patient Teaching
• Avoid all forms of alcohol to avoid nausea, vomiting, death including:
• Mouthwash even if they swish and spit
• Aftershaves even if they put it on topically b/c causes nausea
• Perfumes and colognes for the same reason
• Insect repellants
• Any OTC that ends in –elixir
• Alcohol based hand sanitizers
• Uncooked icings because they have vanilla extract
• They CAN have red wine vinaigrette
QUESTION 1: Every abused drug is either an upper or a downer. Therefore, figure out if
the drug is an UPPER or LOWER drug.
What is the #1 most abused class of drug that is not an upper or downer? Laxatives in the
When you get a question, establish if it’s an upper or a downer?
DOWNERS: THERE ARE 135. Everything that’s not an UPPER. So ONLY memorize the
Not B, because it’s not a downer. It’s an UPPER! Do not just use ABC’s.
QUESTION 2: After you distinguish whether the drug is upper or downer, the second
thing you ask is, are they talking about overdose or withdrawal?
Example: Bringing patient who is overdosed on cocaine. What would you expect to see, SATA.
1. Irritability
2. 4+ reflexes
3. Resp less than 12
4. Difficult to arouse
5. Borborygmi
6. Increased temp
Thought Process:
• Patient is on UPPER drug.
• Overdose on UPPER.
• Therefore TOO MUCH UPPER.
• This is a CNS drug not an AUTONOMIC.
Example: Caring for infant born to a quaalude addicted mom. 24 hours after birth, SATA.
1. Difficult to console
2. Low core body temp
3. Exaggerated startle reflex
4. Respiratory depression
5. Seizure risk
6. Shrill high-pitched cry
Thought Process:
• Downer drug
• Withdrawal of downer/Overdose on upper, since it’s 24 hours
• Too much UPPER
A. Every alcoholic goes through alcohol withdrawal 24 hours after they stop drinking.
Only a minority (under 20%) get delirium tremons.
• Occurs 72 hours after.
• Alcohol withdrawal always comes first within 24 hours.
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome always precedes delirium tremons; however, delirium tremons
does not always follow alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
C. Patients with AWS are not a danger to self or others. Patients with DT are dangerous
to self and others.
Regular diet. NPO or clear liquids.
Because RF seizure because withdrawing from
downer à UP S&S
Semi-private anywhere on unit Private room near nurses station b/c dangerous
and unstable. Usually on step down unit.
Up ad lib. Strict bed rest. No washroom privileges.
Go around anywhere they want to go.
No restraints (not a danger). Restraints needed.
Certain restraints are futile: Soft restraints not
safe/strong enough. Four point restraints are not
safe enough.
Restraints appropriate: Vest or two point locked
leathers (opposite arm and opposite leg).
Rotate q2h. What would you do first? Lock the
LEG first then the ARM, then release.
Antihypertensive: everything going up (withdrawal of downer)
Multivitamin containing Vitamin B1 to prevent WERNICKE KORSAKOFF
TROUGH: Drug at its lowest
PEAK: Drug at its highest
Example: LASIX
Smallest dose seen? 5mg or 10mg.
Largest dose seen? 120 mg
Therefore, WIDE range. No TAPS.
Example: DIGOXIN
Lowest: 0.125
Largest: 0.25
Therefore, NARROW range. TAPS, yes.
SL 30 mins before next dose 5-10 minutes after drug dissolved
IV 30 mins before next dose 15-30 minutes after drug is finished, not when you
hang it
C. Names of CCB
• -dipine
• Has to be DIpine not PINE
• Two others:
o Verapamil
o Cardizem
• Cardizem can be given continuous IV
o If SBP < 90 mmHg, slow and titrate the drip to keep SBP > 100 mmHg
2. Ventricular Fibrillation
3. Ventricular Tachycardia
4. Asystole
1. A lack of QRS’s = no QRS à asystole
2. Saw tooth = flutter à atrial flutter
3. Chaotic = fibrillation à atrial fibrillation with P wave
4. Chaotic = fibrillation à ventricular fibrillation with QRS
5. Bizarre = tachycardia à ventricular tachycardia
6. Periodic widened QRS à PVC; one snapshot of tachycardia
a. PVC’s are LOW priority unless…
i. If there are more than 6 PVC’s in a minute
ii. If there are more than 6 PVC’s in a row
iii. If the PVC falls on the T wave of the previous beat
b. If one of the three are true, you elevate priority of PVC client to MODERATE
c. PVC’s never reach HIGH priority level
When the rhythm changes, doctor will ask… DO YOU GET A PULSE WITH THAT?
If there is a pulse = THERE IS CARDIAC OUTPUT
1. VENTRICULAR TACH and PVCs: Amiodarone or lidocaine.
• Adenosine/ADENOCARD à push in less than 8 seconds à FAST IV PUSH
o IV PUSH: When you don’t know, you go slow BUT THIS IS ONE YOU HAVE TO
KNOW!!! Use BIG vein.
o Can go into asystole for 30 seconds since it’s such a fast push BUT they should
come back!!!
• Beta-blockers à “-lol”
o Negative ino/chrono/drono = they are like valium for your heart
o Treat AAA and AA
o Therefore SE à Hypotension & headache just like CCB
• Calcium Channel Blockers à like VALIUM for your heart; same as Beta Blockers
• Digitalis à digoxin, lanoxin KNOW NAMES!**
3. VFIB: For VFIB you DFIB
• Shock them!
4. ASYSTOLE: Epinephrine and atropine in that order
• Re-establishes negative pressure in pleural space so that the lung expands when the chest
wall moves
• Negative pressure is good in pleural space = makes things stick together (visceral and
parietal layer)
• Positive pressure pulls things apart = more work; less air; because of positive pressure
CT for HEMOTHORAX – what would you report?
1. No bubbling
2. CT drained 800 ml in first 10 hours
3. CT is not draining à b/c it is not doing what it’s supposed to do
4. CT is intermittently bubbling
Your apical CT is draining 300ml/hr à BAD!
Your basilar CT is NOT bubbling à GOOD!
Hemo à Basilar
Pneumo à Apical
Pneumo/Hemo à BOTH
How many CT and where would they be placed for unilateral pneumohemothorax?
Two. Apical for pneumo. Basilar for hemo.
How many CT and where would they be placed for bilateral pneumothorax?
Two. Both apical.
How many CT and where would they be placed for post op chest sx?
Two. Apical and basilar on side of sx.
Always assume UNILATERALITY.
Only time you’re taking care of BILATERAL is when they say.
How many CT and where would you place them for post op right pneumonectomy?
Only for lobectomy, wedge resections, etc. but NOT PNEUMONECTOMY.
• Closed chest drainage systems (pneumovac, pleuravac, emerson – plastic containers w/
tube connected)
1. If you knock it over à set it back up and they need to take deep breaths à not a
medical emergency
2. If device breaks à positive pressure can get into pleural space
a. CLAMP it so nothing gets in
b. CUT the tube away from broken device
c. SUBMERGE end of tube into sterile water
d. UNCLAMP it b/c re-established water seal
e. That is the order (alphabetical)!
f. NOTE: best question is different than a first question
i. BEST = what’s the one thing you could do if you only had one choice?
ii. FIRST = what would you do first? CLAMP.
3. If the CT gets pulled out
a. FIRST = Take a gloved hand and cover the hole
b. BEST = Cover in vaseline gauze
4. Bubbling à sometimes it’s good sometimes its bad…
a. Ask yourself two questions à Where is it bubbling? When is it bubbling?
b. INTERMITTENT WATERSEAL = always good, document it.
c. CONTINUOUS WATERSEAL = there is a leak, this is bad. Find it and tape it
until it stops leaking.
enough. Suction is too low. Go to the wall and turn it up until continuous
i. Just remember one situation, and the other is opposite.
ii. Continuous bubbling in water seal is like a bottle of pop. If it was
continuously bubbling, would you buy it? NO. There’s a leak. Just like
a CT.
• Every congenital heart defect is either trouble or no trouble. It either causes a lot of
problems or it’s not big deal at all. There is no in between.
• Memorize ONE word à TRouBLe
• Nurses role in defects à teach about implications, NOT diagnosis.
Ventricular septal defect à no trouble
Tetrallogy of Fallor à TROUBLE
Patent foramen ovale à no trouble
Truncus arteriosis à TROUBLE
Transposition of great vessels à TROUBLE
• Only ONE exception
o Boards will not bring this up
2. Contact à Private room preferred, cohort of same disease that are POSITIVE through
CULTURE, no mask, gloves, gowns, hand washing, eye face shield no unless needed,
special filter mask no, patient mask no, dedicated equipment (stethoscope, BP, etc, toy
would be dedicated), negative airflow no.
o Anything ENTERIC which means can be caught from intestine (fecal-oral)
§ Hepatitis A (A stands for ANUS = fecal oral)
§ Cholera
o Staph infections
o RSV – respiratory syncytial virus which is fatal in babies
§ How is it transmitted? DROPLET. But it is on CONTACT precaution.
Because with little kids, they get it through contact of contaminated
o Herpes
o Shingles (herpes zoster)
3. Droplet à Private room preferred, cohort of same disease based on POSITIVE CULTURE,
mask, gloves, NO gown, hand washing, eye face shield not unless needed, special filter
mask no, patient mask needed when leaving room yes, dedicated equipment yes, negative
airflow no.
o Bugs that travel 3 feet
o Meningitis
o H flu which causes epiglottitis
4. Airborne à Private room required unless cohorting, mask yes, gloves, gown not
necessarily, hand washing, eye face shield not unless needed, special filter mask only for
TB, patient mask needed when leaving room yes, dedicated equipment not necessarily,
negative airflow yes.
o Measles
o Mumps
o Rubella
o TB
o Spread by droplet, but airborne precaution.
• Varicella chicken pox
A. Dosage calculations
B. IV drip rates:
D. IV Replacement Questions
2. Use the odd numbered gait (three point) when one leg is odd.
3. If they can’t bear weight / amputation for instance, use swing through.
1. Early stages of rheumatoid arthritis. Two point à systemic disease therefore two.
2. LAK amputation. Swing through.
3. First day post op right knee replacement, partial weight bearing allowed. Three point.
4. Advanced stages of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Four point.
5. Left hip replacement, second day post op, NWB. Swing through.
6. Bilateral total knee replacement, first day post op, WB allowed. Four point.
7. Bilateral total knee replacement, three weeks post op. Two point.
• “Up with the good, down with the bad”
• Upstairs: lead with good foot then crutches go second.
• Downstairs: lead with the bad foot then crutches go second.
• Crutches always move with bad leg.
F) Miscellaneous
• Always hold on opposite side of bad leg/GOOD leg side, but advance it with the bad leg
• You must decide whether the patient is non psychotic of psychotic when you receive a
psychiatric question!
o This matters because determines treatment, goals, meds, prognosis, LOS, legalities,
• Psychotic symptoms
• ONLY psychotic persons HAVE these symptoms
• Example: Alice is depressed she said, “I can’t stand this depression, it’s ruining my life.”
o Dec energy level – yes
o Psychomotor retardation – yes
o Delusions of persecution – no
• Delusion: False fixed (they don’t change it) idea or belief. There is no sensory component.
With a delusion you’re not hearing/tasting/seeing anything. You’re ONLY thinking it. It’s just
a thought.
1. Paranoid delusion: False fixed belief that people are out to harm you. The
police/mafia/wife/kids lying/stealing/etc.
2. Grandiose delusion: You think you are superior. Christ/ghandi/smartest/etc
3. Somatic delusion: False fixed belief about a body part. I have x-ray vision, I can
melt stones with my eyes, my brain is a martian super conducting proton
accelerator. There are worms inside my arm. Pregnang 83y/o male.
• Hallucination: False fixed sensory idea or belief. You hear/feel/taste/smell/touch these
o Five types of hallucinations; one for each sense.
o Most common is AUDITORY.
§ Most common auditory hallucinations are voices telling you to hurt yourself.
o Next most common is VISUAL.
o Third most common is TACTILE.
o Last two are GUSTATORY (taste) and OLFACTORY are relatively rare.
• Illusion: Misinterpretation of reality. It is a sensory experience.
1. FUNCTIONAL PSYCHOSIS: They can function in every day life. They can have a
marriage, family, job, etc. NO brain damage, just chemical imbalance & ineffective
a. Four diseases that fall under 90% this “schizo, schizo, major, manic”
i. Schizoprenia
ii. Schizo-affective disorder
iii. Major depression (different from depression)
iv. Manic
- Are bipolars functional? Yes. Are they always psychotic? No. Only in acute
• No brain damage
• Therefore, potential to learn reality
• Nurse: Teach reality by the use of the four step process!
1. Acknowledge feeling.
- Usually the word “FEEL” is in the answer
- Or you can specify a feeling for instance
- I see you’re _____
- This must be very distressing for you
2. Present reality.
- I know that ____ is real to you but I do not ______
- Tell them what is reality, “I am a nurse, this is a hospital, etc.”
3. Set a limit.
- This topic is off limit
- We are not talking about this
- Stop talking about those ______
- We’re not going to talk about those voices
- You can be this directive/strong!
4. Enforce the limit.
- I see you’re too ill to stay reality based so our conversation is over
- Ending the conversation
- Not taking away a privilege à punishment
- Bad answers construed as punishment à “Since you can’t follow the rules, you lose your
telephone privileges, etc”
- The only enforcement is ending the conversation!
Example: Schizophrenia says I’m going to kill you all tomorrow and slit your throats.
1. I see that you’re upset.
2. We are all going to be kept safe while we’re here. (POSITIVELY STATED) rather than, you
are not going to kill anybody as this is inappropriate (NEGATIVELY STATED).
3. We are not going to talk about that kind of stuff. Those kinds of ideas are real to you but are
off limits in this conversation.
4. I see you’re too ill to have a reality based conversation, so our conversation is over. Would
you like some medication to help you with this symptom?
a. Show them that this is not them it is their illness
b. They can take medication to deal with symptoms and be compliant with medications!
• Structural brain damage
• Cannot learn reality
• Two step process
2. Redirect them.
- Channel them to do something they can do instead of what they can’t do.
Example: You have a patient with dementia who is psychotic. She is in the waiting room; in the
lobby of the nursing room; all dressed up. It’s Sunday. You say, “Ms. Smith you’re all dressed
up.” She says, “Yes, my husband is gonna pick me up, we’re going to church.” Problem:
Husband is dead for 10 years.
• Temporary, sudden, dramatic, secondary, loss of reality.
• Usually due to some chemical imbalance in the body.
• Different from functional:
o It’s temporary and sudden
• Different from dementia:
o It’s temporary, sudden, secondary
• Who are these people?
o People who are crazy for the short term because of something else that’s causing
them to be crazy
o For instance, drug reaction à lose touch with reality
o People that are high on uppers
o Withdrawing from downer (DT would be this)
o Post op psychosis especially in OA
o ICU psychosis due to sensory deprivation
o UTI in OA
o Thyroid storm
o Adrenal crisis
• Good news: It’s temporary
• Treatment:
o Removing underlying cause
o Keep them safe
• Two step process
1. Acknowledge feeling.
2. Reassure.
- That it’s temporary
- They will be kept safe
1. Person with schizo affective disorder who points to two people across the room and they say,
“Those people are plotting to kill me”. What would you say?
2. Person with Alzheimer’s who points to two people across the room and they say, “Those
people are plotting to kill me”. What would you say?
3. Person with delirium tremens who points to two people across the room and they say, “Those
people are plotting to kill me”. What would you say?
• Real Sick Personality D/O: Antisocials, Borderlines, Narcisists can treat like FUNCTIONAL
o Most of the others à good therapeutic communication.
LOOSENING OF ASSOCIATION: Your thoughts are all over the map.
1. Flight of Ideas – You go from thought to thought to thought. You say phrases that are
coherent but the phrases are not tightly connected. Each phase by itself is coherent but
together they are not.
2. Word Salad – They cannot make a phrase that is coherent. They just babble random
words. They are sicker than flight of ideas.
4. Narrowed Self Concept – When a psychotic refuses to leave their room or change
their clothes. It is a functional psychotic. The reason why they are doing it is because the
way they define who they are is very narrow à based on two things à where they are
what they are wearing.
5. Ideas of Reference – When they think people are always talking about them.
Diabetes: Cannot metabolize glucose → cell death because glucose is needed for energy
Diabetes Insipidus:
• is a total different disease; not a type of diabetes mellitus
• Diabetes Insipidus is polyuria, polydipsia → dehydration due to low ADH
• This looks like a lot like diabetes mellitus but they’re not the same thing
• It is like diabetes mellitus with the fluid part but not the glucose part
• Do they have a low urine output or a high urine output? HIGH just like diabetes mellitus
• Opposite of diabetes insipidus → SIADH
• Everybody knows DM has polyuria and polydipsia → DI also has the same symptoms →
SIADH is the opposite = oliguria and are not thirsty because they are retaining water
• DM: high urine output, low urine specific gravity
• DI: high urine output, low urine specific gravity
• SIADH: low urine, high urine specific gravity
• Of the three, who would have FVD? DM, DI.
• Of the three, who would have FVE? SIADH.
Type 2:
• Opposite names
o Non Insulin Dependent
o Adult Onset
o Non Ketosis Prone
• Adult Onset not used anymore
• If you don’t treat DM1 they could D.I.E.
o Diet à least important of the three
o Insulin*** à most important tx modality
o Exercise
a) It is a calorie restriction.
b) They need 6 small feedings per day.
a. Keeps the blood sugar levelled à don’t have big peaks à more normoglycemic
Question: You have a type 2 diabetic, what is the best dietary action to take?
a. Restrict calories to an appropriate level.
b. Divide their food into 6 feedings a day.
Thought process:
- “BEST” means you’re only choosing ONE. Therefore, think it through.
- If you choose a, you will most likely eat three meals following their calorie restriction.
- If you choose b, you will split into 6 feedings, but they can eat as many calories as they
- Therefore, choose A.
• Lowers the blood glucose
• Four types that you need to know
1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
124 = regular
681012 = NPH
They test the PEAKS! 2 and 8-10.
3: Humalog: Lispro
Onset: 15 mins
Peak: 30 mins
Duration: 3 hrs
15, 30, 3.
- Give as they begin to eat; give WITH meals
- Not ac meals
4: Lantus: Glargine
Peak: none.
Duration: 12-24 hours
- So slowly absorbed it has no essential peak
- This one has low risk for hypoglycaemia (little to no risk)
- Only insulin you can safely give at bedtime
What action by the nurse invalidates the manufacturer’s expiration date on the bottle?
- Opening it.
- The minute you open a vile, the expiration date is not valid.
- The new expiration date is 30 days after that!
- Make sure you write the date with EXP or OPENED then the date.
Refrigeration is optional. You don’t have to refrigerate in the hospital but at home, the
patient does.
- In the hospital à unopened viles should be refrigerated.
- When you open the vile à it now does not have to be refrigerated.
Complications of Diabetes
There are 3 acute complications, which you have to know!!!
- Not enough food
- Too much insulin/medication*
o PRIMARY CAUSE à it is impossible for a diabetic to have a low glucose without
being overmedicated.
- Too much exercise
- Staggering gait
- Slurred speech
- Poor judgment
- Slow reaction time/delayed
- Labile emotions (all over the place – laugh cry, laugh cry)
- Decreased social inhibition (loud, obnoxious)
SHOCK (vasomotor)
- Hypotension
- Tachycardia
- Tachypnea
- Skin is cool and clammy
- Pallor
- Mottled extremities
- Rapidly metabolized carbohydrates (sugar)
o Any juice
o Regular pop
o Chewed up candy
o Milk
o Honey
o Icing
o Jam
o Jelly
- too much food
- not enough medication
- not enough exercise
- none of those are the #1 cause
#1 cause is: acute viral upper respiratory infections within the last two weeks.
- viral pharyngitis
- they recover within 3-5 days but after they recover initially, they start going downhill à
- The stress of the illness was not shut off à fats were burned for fuel
- Dehydration
o Dry, poor elasticity, warm skin (water in body is same as water in car meaning it
is a coolant), headache, flushed, tachycardia
- K for:
o Ketones
§ Ketones in blood yes?
§ If you have ketones in your urine do you have DKA? Not necessarily.
§ Therefore ketones in blood confirms the diagnosis.
o Kussmaul respirations
§ Deep and rapid
o K+
§ High potassium
- A for:
o Acidotic (metabolic acidosis)
o Acetone breath
§ Fruity odour
o Anorexia due to nausea
§ They don’t want to eat
o IV with regular insulin at around 200ml/hr
o Main solution doesn’t matter even if it has D5W (because 1L only has 300
calories in it)
o D5W does not even stay in the vein à it will not create hyperglycemia unlike D10
or D50
Which one is insulin the most essential in treating? DKA.
Which one has a higher fatality rate? HHNK/HHS.
If a DKA or HHS comes in ER, which one is higher priority? DKA.
- DKA comes in a lot later due to worse symptoms that occur only later in disease
- HHNK is treated but in bad shape
- Die first without treatment: DKA
Due to:
- Poor tissue perfusion
- Peripheral neuropathy
Renal failure, impotence, incontinence, can’t feel when they injure themselves, can’t heal
properly when they injure themselves, retinal neuropathy.
Which lab test is the best indicator of glucose control? HbA1C/glycosylated haemoglobin
- In control: 6 and lower
- Out of control: 8 and above
- Therefore, at risk/on the border 7
o Need evaluation, work up, infection somewhere.
- Anti-mania drug
- Used for bipolar
- Not used for depression but for mania
- Therapeutic level: 0.6 – 1.2
- Toxic level: 2.0 or greater
- There is a grey area (1.2 – 2.0) à no books agree to what is going on with lithium at that
- Treats AFIB and CHF
- “DIG” = AFIB à abcD
- Therapeutic level: 1.0 – 2.0
- Toxic level: 2.0 or greater
- Therefore, 2.0 can be therapeutic or toxic à If it gives you 2.0 you answer it is toxic
rather than therapeutic (to be safe)
- Airway antispasmodic
- Technically not a bronchodilator à it does not stimulate the B2 agonists to
bronchodilate, it just relaxes a spasm
- The airway dilates since it was narrowed but it is not a bronchodilator
o For instance, acute asthma attack à bronchodilator may not work initially due to
spasm; therefore, use antispasmodic (aminofilin) to melt spasm then give
- Therapeutic level: 10 – 20
- Under 10 is non therapeutic à need more or are they taking it?
- Toxic level: 20 or greater
- Used for seizures
- Therapeutic level: 10 – 20
- Toxic level: 20 or greater
- Therefore, 20 is toxic
- Not a drug; byproduct of breakdown of RBCs
- Only tested in newborns on NCLEX
- Newborns have high bilirubin because breaking down mom’s RBCs
- Therapeutic level: Elevated level which is 10 – 20
- 9.9 and less, is normal for a newborn
- Toxic level: 20 or greater
- Question: A child with what bilirubin and above do you think needs to come to the
o Usually about 14-15 where doctors start thinking about hospitalizing these kids
o 10-13 can be managed with sunlight
- Kernicterus: Bilirubin in the brain which usually occurs when level is around 20 because
irritation of bilirubin
- Jaundice: Yellow colour due to bilirubin in the skin
- Opisthotonos: Position the baby assumes when they have kernicterus à
HYPEREXTEND due to irritation of meninges with the bilirubin
o Newborns are unbelievably flexible
o When they extend, their heels will come and touch their ears
o Rigid
o Question on NCLEX: What position do you place an opisthotonic child?
§ Put them on their side
- Physiologic Jaundice: Bilirubin is abnormal at birth, over the next 2-3 days goes high
on bilirubin.
- Pathologic Jaundice: Bilirubin is high at birth, yellow at birth.
Therefore, if they come out yellow, SOMETHING IS WRONG. If they turn yellow, it’s NORMAL.
NOTE: Lithium and Lanoxin both start with L. Their toxic level is 2.
The rest à Dilantin, bilirubin, aminofolin are 20.
Select a product for this proof:
§ Is unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left to take care of himself or herself
Signs and Symptoms - Plain GERD à Heartburn and - Easiest way to remember is
indigestion to take what you already
- You can have GERD for many know and combine it to
reasons but GERD makes hiatal equal dumping syndrome
hernia - Talk about DRUNK
- Hiatal hernia is GERD if you lie o Staggering gait
down after you eat o Slurred speech
- If you have indigestion and o Impaired judgment
heartburn, doesn’t mean you o Delayed reaction
have hiatal hernia time
- Examples: o Labile emotions
o Nurse gets up in o BECAUSE with
morning, skips breakfast, dumping syndrome
passes meds, then at à decreased
1100 gets epigastric cerebral perfusion
burning pain, indigestion - Talk about SHOCK
à GERD, yes. HIATAL o Hypotension
HERNIA, no because o Tachycardia
she didn’t lie down and o Tachypnea
didn’t eat. o Pale, cold, clammy
o Go home, eat dinner at skin
8pm, sits down watches - DRUNK + SHOCK à
tv, half hour later eats HYPOGLYCEMIA
cereal, 20 mins later - Then add ACUTE
eats chips, 20 mins later ABDOMINAL DISTRESS
eats, then they get tired, o Cramping
they go to bed, half hour o Pain
later à burning, o Guarding
epigastric pain, o Borborygmi
indigestion à HIATAL o Tenderness
HERNIA, yes, because o Diarrhea
laid down right after they o Bloating
ate. o Distention
1. Kalemia’s (potassium) do the SAME AS the prefix except for heart rate and urine
a. Prefix meaning HYPO or HYPER
b. Hyperkalemia = Low urine output, low HR
c. Hypokalemia = High urine output, high HR
A. Hyperkalemia (possibility)
B. Hypokalemia (NO)
C. Hypocalcemia (possibility)
D. Hypomagnesemia (possibility)
A. Hyperkalemia (possibility)
B. Hypokalemia (NO)
C. Hypocalcemia (possibility)
D. Hypomagnesemia (possibility)
A. Hyperkalemia (possibility)
B. Hypokalemia (NO)
C. Hypercalcemia (NO)
D. Hypomagnesemia (possibility)
THOUGHT PROCESS: This symptom is UP (^)
Three possibilities
Rule out HYPERcalcemia because it is the OPPOSITE
Don’t just think calcium = muscles/nerves
Don’t just think potassium = heart
Therefore, it is a tie breaker between magnesium and potassium à Pick potassium à A
HypErnatremia à See letter E à dEhydration
HypOnatremia à See the O à Overload
Question: A student nurse runs to RN à I just ran a whole litre of sodium in 10 minutes, I forgot
to close the clamp. What electrolyte imbalance would you expect to see? Hyponatremia
because of fluid overload.
Question: Which patient is put on a fluid restriction and Lasix? Hyponatremia.
Question: Which one is given lots of fluids? Hypernatremia.
Question: Who has hot, flushed, dry skin? Hypernatremia.
Question: In addition to HYPERKALEMIA in DKA, what other electrolyte imbalance is possible?
Patient is Dehydrated à Hypernatremia
Question: What nursing diagnosis would be essential for hyponatremia? Fluid volume excess
- For SIADH à overload à Hyponatremia
- For DI à dehydration à Hypernatremia
- For HHNK à dehydration à Hypernatremia
Other Notes:
ü The earliest sign of any electrolyte imbalance = NUMBNESS AND TINGLING
o PARESTHESIA = numbness and tingling
ü Circumoral paresthesia = numbness and tingling of the lips
ü All electrolyte imbalances cause muscle weakness
o PARESIS: Muscle weakness
- Only tests potassium*
3. Give D5W with regular Insulin à drives potassium into the cell and out of the blood
a. Fastest way to lower potassium
b. It is the potassium in the blood that will kill you, not the potassium in the cells
c. Does D5W get rid of the extra potassium? NO. It just shifts it into the cells.
d. Does it solve the problem? NO.
e. Why do we do it? To save their life!!!
f. Potassium will leak right back into the blood after a couple of hours
h. Downside: TEMPORARY
4. Kayexelate
a. Goes into your but (enema) or oral
b. It is full of SODIUM
c. It releases sodium into your blood
d. But to maintain negative equilibrium à potassium is kicked out of the blood into
the gut
f. Defecate K
g. Blood starts out hyperkalemic and ends up with hypernatremia à
i. Therefore, cure the hypernatremia with fluids
h. Upside: Get rid of the excess potassium out of the body à doesn’t reoccur
i. Downside: It takes a long time!!! Hours, and you may not live that long
Grave’s Disease → Hyperthyroidism → “You’re going to run yourself into the grave”
1. Radioactive Iodine
a. Patient should be by themselves for 24 hours (private room)
b. After that, they have to be very careful with urine → flush three times; if
they spill urine on the ground → call hazardous team NOT housekeeping
c. Risk to nurse → URINE
2. PTU (propyl thyo uracil)
• Must bring down thyroid hormones
• Primary use is for cancer but one of it’s special uses is for thyroids
• Watch WBC due to immunosuppression
3. Surgical Removal → Thyroidectomy (remove part or all of the thyroid)
• Pay attention to if it is a total or subtotal thyroidectomy; if you treat all the same, you
will get it wrong!!!
• Life long hormone replacement
• You are at risk for HYPOCALCEMIA because it’s almost impossible to spare the
• Parathyroid Gland → Low PTH, low Calcium
• S&S -- calcium do the opposite of the prefix
• May be on hormones for a bit but not life long
• No hypocalcemia with this; however, they are at risk for
o THYROID STORM or THYROTOXICOSIS (total thyroidectomies never are at
1. SUPER high temperatures of 105F and above
2. Extremely high BP → Stroke category → 210/180 (for instance)
3. Severe tachycardia → 180’s - 200
4. Psychotically delirious
• TREATMENT of Thyrotoxicosis:
o Get temperature DOWN
o FIRST: Ice packs
o BEST: Cooling blanket
• Get oxygen UP
o O2 per mask @ 10L
o How can you keep an oxygen mass on this delirious patient? This is hard.
o They will come out of it themselves or they will die
o You do not want to medicate
o For instance, tylenol won’t work because the hypothalamus is not
o This is self limiting condition
o All we do is SPARE THE BRAIN until they come out of it
o Two staff for ONE patient (2:1)
In the first 12 hours, no matter if it’s total/subtotal,
1. Airway
• Edema → presses on airway
2. Hemorrhage
• Endocrine gland has lots of BV
After 12 hours…
A. Post op risks 12-48 hours after a TOTAL → TETANY due to HYPOcalcemia
B. Post op risks 12-48 hours after a SUBTOTAL → STORM
After 48 hours…
Biggest risk is infection.
1. Not enough hormone therefore, GIVE THEM THYROID HORMONES
2. Do not sedate these people because they’re already super slow → coma
a. QUESTION NPO before surgery because then they can’t take their meds!!! If they don’t
have their hormones → anaesthetic in sx can kill them
b. NEVER HOLD SYNTHROID without expressed orders to do so
1. Steroids
a. End in -sone
You have too much → You need to cut it out → ADRENALECTOMY
• Bilateral adrenalectomy: Problem is you can induce Addison’s disease
• Then you have to take corticosteroids
• Then you end up looking like Cushman again!!!
• Takes a year or two → normal
*This is the same as hyperthyroidism: You get a thyroidectomy → take thyroid hormones →
signs and symptoms look like grave’s disease
1. Is it safe?
2. Is it age appropriate?
3. Is it feasible?
1. No small toys under age 4 → RF aspiration
a. If they’re over 4, it is fine
2. No metal toys if oxygen is in use
. RF sparks
a. Fancy word that may be used → DIE-CAST
3. Beware of fomites
. Fomites → non living object that harbours micro organisms
a. Vector → living thing that harbours micro organisms
b. Toys are notorious fomites in pediatric ward because kids stick it in their mouth and it
passes onto other kids
c. Which toys are the worst fomites?
d. What are the best toys?
. HARD PLASTIC → disinfect
Can you do it? Could you actually play it with the child in the situation?
Example: Is swimming okay for a 13 year old? YES. More likely, common self.
• Best toy: Musical mobile
• These kids are sensory-motors
• Something that stimulates BOTH sensory and motor
• If boards does not have musical mobile, second best answer is: something SOFT but
has to be LARGE → due to RF aspiration
• Work on fine motor
• Finger dexterity
• Work on their balance
• Examples: Tricycles, dance class, ice skates, etc.
• Cooperative play → Play together and interact
• They like to pretend → Highly imaginative
Lamina: Vertebral spinus processes → have you ever felt the bumpy bones on the back of
somebody? It’s not the body of the vertebrae, it’s the wingy thingies → those are the lamina.
Do you remove the round bodies of them? NO. You removed the wings. The posterior
processes of the vertebral bones.
WHY a laminectomy? To remove nerve root compression because sometimes when they
come out of the spinal cord there’s calcium or herniated disks or inflammatory masses pressing
on them → cut away the bone → give nerve more room to exit → relieve compression of nerve
Post-op Complications
Depends on location!
• Cervical: They won’t breathe deeply after surgery → PNEUMONIA
• Thoracic: They won’t cough so well → PNEUMONIA and ILEUS
Question: You are caring for patient with lumbar oligodendrocytoma. What is the number one
a. Airway
b. Ileus
c. Cardiac arrhythmia
d. Urinary retention
→ Because it’s LUMBAR. All you need to know is the location, you don’t need to necessarily
know what it is!
• Typically you don’t have chest tubes with laminectomies but with an anterior thoracic
laminectomy → from the front, you go through the chest, to the spine.
• Pneumohemothorax → requiring CT
• Laminectomy WITH FUSION → takes a bone graft from the iliac crest
• If you take the disc out, you cannot have bone on bone
• You take bone from hip, and put in between to fuse it so there’s no grinding
• Therefore they will have TWO incisions
• One on hip and one on spine
• Of those two incisions, which one will have more pain? THE HIP.
• Which has the most bleeding and drainage? THE HIP.
• Which has the highest risk for infection? THEY ARE EQUAL.
• Highest risk for rejection? THE SPINE.
• Therefore, HIP causes more problems.
• Why do surgeons want to get rid of hip incision? Shorter recovery,
decreases RF infection, decreases pain.
• Surgeons are using cadaver bones from bone banks to just have one
incision instead of two
• Nowadays they are moving away from cadavers to synthetic bonding
1. Do not sit for longer than 30 minutes which applies for 6 weeks.
2. Lie flat and log roll for 6 weeks.
3. No driving for 6 weeks
4. Do not lift more than 5 pounds for 6 weeks.
a. A gallon of milk is about 5 pounds.
1. Do not pick up objects by bending at the waist; bend with the knees!
2. Cervical laminectomies are not allowed to lift anything OVER THEIR HEAD.
a. Need a step stool in the house
3. No jerky car rides, bike rides, roller coasters, etc.
This lecture can be used to get any spinal cord questions correct!
Know which lab values are more dangerous than what other lab value? Prioritization.
A. Low priority: Yes it’s abnormal, may be presence of disease, but no big deal. For
instance, you could wait all night then have it assessed tomorrow, it’s okay.
B. Still a low priority: It is abnormal, you need to be concerned, you just need to watch them
D. Highest priority
Phone call worthy only if they were going for a test that
had a dye in it
Call physician/RT/etc.
Potassium 3.5 – 5.3 A LOW potassium is a C
Do you hold? NO.
Ax the heart.
Prepare to administer K+
Call MD
CO2 35 – 45 A CO2 that’s high but in the 50’s à those are C levels
It’s critical
Not COPDers just normal
Ax respiratory status
Pursed lip breathing
Call MD
In 60’s it’s a D
Respiratory failure
- CO2 in 60’s
- O2 in 60’s
- Both in 60’s à intubate and ventilate
If they give you an elevated blood value, you have no idea, dehydration is a good guess
because when you’re dehydrated, your blood cells are inc = dehydration.
- Ax before you do unless delaying what you do before you ax would put your patient at
higher risk.
- Delaying stopping the blood to do an ax à inc risk; therefore you do before you assess
- Position first if there’s TWO DO’S
- But what if it’s a FIRST question versus BEST question?
o BEST = O2
o FIRST = Raise HOB
All the rest, you don’t have to remember since they’re not important!
Her last menstrual period was June 10 – June 15
June 10 + 7 days = June 17
June 17 – 3 months = March 17 of the following year
Note: June is the 6th month – 3 = 3rd month which is March
1. Average typical pregnancy is what they are talking about here.
3. In the second and third trimester, she is gaining much faster. She gains 1 pound, per
On NCLEX, if they give you a woman in a particular week of gestation, you have to be
able to predict what her weight gain should be.
Example: Woman in her 28th week, she has gained 22 lbs. What is your impression?
A) Fine
B) Underweight
C) Overweight
D) Do an ax
Within 1-2 lbs = okay
3 lbs off = ax
4 lbs off = trouble
Example: If in 31st week gained 15 lbs à 31 – 9 is 22. Therefore, she is underweight by more
than 4 lbs à do an ax like a biophysical profile.
Fundus: Top part of the uterus. Not palpable until week 12.
What if she’s gained 10 lbs in trimester, and fundus is WAY up high she’s either not in the 1st
trimester or she has hypermolar pregnancy (Cancerous).
2. You can palpate the fundus after the END of the 1st trimester.
3. 2nd and 3rd Trimester à When is the fundus at the belly button/umbilicus?
20 – 22 weeks of gestation.
Only two categories on boards à POSITIVE and EVERYTHING ELSE.
Most OB information has a range where it occurs because every woman is different. Because of
that, be careful because there could be 3 different questions for every fact.
The first question would be: When would you first auscultate a fetal heart? 8 wks
The second question would be: When would you most likely auscultate a fetal heart?
10 wks
The third question would be: When should you auscultate a fetal heart by? 12 wks
If woman comes in for 12th week check up, she comes in next at… 16th week. Then 20th, then
24th, then 28th, then 30th, then 32, 34, 36, 37, 38…
3. Discomforts of pregnancy
a. Morning sickness
i. 1st trimester
ii. Tx: Dry carbohydrates before she gets out of bed
b. Urinary incontinence
i. 1st and 3rd trimester
ii. 2nd trimester à no incontinence because it’s not on bladder it’s in
iii. Tx: Void q2hrs all the way from the day she gest pregnant until 6 weeks
after delivery
c. Difficulty breathing
i. 2nd and 3rd trimester
ii. Tx: Tripod position à Feet flat, arms on table, leaning forward
d. Back pain
i. 2nd and 3rd trimester
ii. Tx: Pelvic tilt exercises à tilt the pelvis forward
That’s it for pregnancy because the rest should be common sense à when you get a
question you don’t know the answer to à pick the answer that you would pick for
someone else. Pregnancy is not a disease!
• Dilation: Opening of cervix. It goes from 0-10cm. A cervix that is 0 = closed. A cervix that is
10 = fully dilated.
• Effacement: Thinning of the cervix. It goes from THICK to 100%. A cervix that is not effaced
is described as thick. A completely effaced cervix is 100%.
• Station: Relationship of fetal presenting part to mom’s ischial spines.
o Ischial Spines: smallest diameter that the baby has to pass through in order to be
birthed vaginally. If it cannot fit through there, it cannot be birthed vaginally.
o Negative station: Presenting part is ABOVE ischial spines.
o Positive station: Presenting part is BELOW ischial spines.
§ Way to remember stations: “Positive numbers are positive news. Negative
numbers are negative news.”
• Engagement: Station 0. Presenting part is AT the ischial spines.
• Lie: Relationship between spine of mother and spine of baby.
o Vertical lie: Compatible with vaginal birth, uncomplicated.
§ Mom’s spine and baby’s spine are parallel = GOOD = BABY
o Transverse lie: Baby’s spine is perpendicular to mom’s spine, complicated, trouble.
§ T which is transverse = BAD = TROUBLE
• Presentation: Part of baby that enters the birth canal first. Wonderful little alphabet soups.
o Nobody really knows the presentations (it’s not an average question)
o Most common: ROA so just pick that one! Or LOA.
What is the purpose of uterine contractions in the 1st stage? To dilate and efface the cervix.
What is the purpose of uterine contractions in the 2nd stage? To push the baby out.
What is the purpose of uterine contractions in the 3rd stage? To push the placenta out.
What is the purpose of uterine contractions in the 4th stage? To contract the uterus to stop
When does post partum technically begin? Two hours after the placenta is delivered.
What is the number one priority in the second PHASE? Pain management
What is the number one priority in the second STAGE? Airway of baby
Important nursing action in the third PHASE? Checking dilation, helping with pain, helping with
Important nursing action in the third STAGE? Making sure there’s three vessels in the cord.
Note: How do you remember that 70 is N? 7030 is like a fraction. The top number is called a
Numerator which starts with N and so does Insulin NPH.
- If you gave 100U of 7030 à there would be 70U of NPH and 30U of Regular
- If you gave 50U of 7030 à there would be 35U of NPH and 15U of Regular
You want to be an RN right? Then do it in that order. Regular then NPH. Clear then cloudy.
3. Injections
- They will give you the name of the injection but ask what needle you need to use:
The clue is in the abbreviation:
- IM. Look at the first letter. I looks like 1. Therefore, choose the answer that has both 1’s
in them.
- If you’re getting a SC injection. Look at the abbreviation, SC. S looks like 5. Choose an
answer that has 5 in both parts. Therefore, d.
4. Heparin versus Coumadin
Heparin Coumadin
Route IV or SC PO only
Therapeutic Works immediately Takes a few days to a week to work
Cannot be given for longer than Can be given for the rest of your life
3 weeks (except for Lovanox)
because in 21 days you start to
make heparin antibodies
Antidote Protamine Sulfate Vitamin K
What’s the only major tranquilizer that can be given to pregnant women? Haldol.
5. K Wasting Diuretics
- If it ends in X or + DIURIL à X’s OUT K à it is POTASSIUM WASTING
- If it does not end in x and is not a diuril à it is POTASSIUM SPARING
2 Side Effects:
1. Drowiness/Fatigue
2. Muscle weakness
3 Teachings:
1. Don’t drink
2. Don’t drive
3. Don’t operate heavy machinery
Pre-teach? Parent
Fantasy oriented Teach them BEFORE
How long before? Shortly before.
3-6 YEAR OLDS Example: “The morning of, the day
Illogical of, 2 hours before”
OPERATIONAL Thinking obeys NO rules What do you teach them? What you
are going to do. Future tense.
“PRE SCHOOL / You cannot reason with
PRE them How? Play.
They understand the future
and the past
CONCRETE They cannot abstract What do you teach them? What you
OPERATIONAL are going to do AND how to do
Rigid skills. They will do it the way you
“711 is taught them every single time.
surrounded by Only ONE way to do things
concrete. No How? Age appropriate reading and
flowers” demonstration.
D, yes!!!
Managing = 12+
Skills = 7+
2. Gift Giving
- Don’t accept gifts from mental health patients
5. Immediacy
- If a pt says something, what’s the best answer? The one that keeps them talking. Don’t
refer them to someone else. Keep them talking to keep communication in your
- It’s never wrong to get your patient to talk.
Example: Woman has breast biopsy. When do you think the results will come back? My sister
died from breast cancer…
A. Results will come back in 2-3 days and MD will discuss them with you
B. You’re concerned with the results of your breast biopsy.
6. Concreteness
- Don’t use slang or the word they used!
- No figurative speech
- Patient says, “I feel rotten about what I did” Don’t say, “Oh you feel rotten?” they will take
it literally.
- Don’t tell patient to “chill”
- Patient says, “youre a real brinsklacebick” you should say, “you’re really angry” don’t ask
what it is!!!
7. Empathy
- Best psych answers are those that communicate to the patient that the nurse accepts
the patient’s feelings as being valid, real, and worthy of action
- Empathy is all about feeling
Examples of bad answers:
- Don’t worry…
- Don’t feel…
- You shouldn’t feel…
- I would feel…
- Anybody would feel…
- Nobody would feel…
- Most people feel…
- That’s very upsetting…
- Everything that has happened is devastating…
- I see that you’re sad…
3. Ask myself, if I said those words, and I really meant them, how would I be feeling right
Three coloumn, sequential table. There’s 3 columns, the other leaves off, the next one picks up.
Easiest way to master is to memorize the MIDDLE column (active).
Note: Contractions should not be longer than 90 seconds or closer than 2 minutes.
How will they ask this?
• How do you know a woman is in trouble. For instance, they will give you four women and
ask, who is in trouble?
• How do you know a woman is in uterine tetany?
• How will you know a woman is in uterine hyperstimulation?
• What parameters would make you stop ptosin?
Teach mom how to do this!
Frequency: Beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction.
Duration: Beginning to end of one contraction.
Intensity: The strength of contraction which is purely subjective.
* Teach her to palpate with ONE HAND over the fundus with the PADS of the fingers.
Question: You have a primigravida (first timer) at 5cm, who wants her IV push pain med. Will
you give it to her, or not?
Is it likely that a primigravida at 5cm is gonna deliver in the next 15-30 minutes after you
give it (we learned IV meds peak at 15-30 mins)?
Question: You have a multigravida at 8cm, who wants her IM pain med? Will you give it to her
or not?
Is it likely that a multigravida at 8cm is gonna deliver in the next 30-60 minutes after you
give it (we learned that IM meds peak in 30-60 mins)?
1 Very bad: Variable decelerations
3 Bad: Start with L which you do Lion. L and L.
3 Good: Document it. If it doesn’t start with L, it’s good.
Variable decelerations Cord compression
Early deceleration Head compression
Acceleration Okay
Late deceleration Placental insufficiency
They’re always winners. In OB, there’s an answer that always wins.
1. Deliver the head
2. Suction the mouth then suction the nose (alphabetical mouth then nose)
3. Check for nuccal cord
a. Nuccal: Around the neck
4. Deliver the body
5. Baby must have an ID band on before it leaves the delivery area
FOURTH STAGE OF LABOUR à RECOVERY (First 2 hours after the delivery of placenta.)
Four things you do, four times an hour (q15mins), in the fourth stage! 4x4x4
B reast
U terine Fundus Boggy à Massage
If not midline à Catheterize
Ax: Height of fundus in relation to belly button
- Fundal height = day post partum
- You want it MIDLINE!!!
Example: In 4th post partum day, point and click…
B ladder
B owel
L ochia Occurs in this order:
Rubra à If you rub and rub and rub something à RED.
Serosa à “ROSA” à if your cheeks are rosey, they are à PINK.
Alba à If you are an ALBino à WHITE.
4 - 6 inches on a pad is normal
Excessive bleeding is saturated pad in 15 minutes or less
E pisiotomy
H emoglobin and
E xtremity Check Ax for THROMBOPHLEBITIS
- Best answer: Bilateral calf circumference measurement
- NOT Homan’s sign*
A ffect Emotional
D iscomfort
1. Milia: Distended sebacious glands which appear as tiny white spots on babys face.
3. Mongolian spots: Bluish/black macules appearing over the buttocks and or thighs of
darker skinned neonates.
4. Erythema toxicumneonatorum: Red papular rash on babys torso which is benign and
disappears after a few days.
9. Vernixcaseosa: Whitish, cheese like substance which covers the skin on an unborn
10. Acrocyanosis: Normal cyanosis of the babys hands and feet which appears
intermittently over the 1st 7-10 days.
Parameters of Titration:
Respirations: If respirations are at least 12 it’s okay. If it’s below 12, you need to slow it
Reflexes: You want 2+. If it’s 1+, slow it down. If it’s 3+, speed it up.
Note: Methergine and Magnesium Sulfate both start with M and are used in OB. One of them
lowers BP and one of them elevates BP.
2. Servanta (surfactant)
a. Given to neonate
b. Given TRANSTRACHEAL (blown in through trachea)
c. Given AFTER baby is born
You need to… decide which patient is sickest or healthiest.
• Be sure you know which one you’re looking for
o There’s been a disaster in your town and you have to discharge one of the
following people to make room for incoming wounded, which patient would you
discharge? Highest priority or lowest priority? LOWEST
o You receive report on all of the following four patients, which patient will you
check first before you get out of report? Highest priority or lowest priority?
10-year-old male with hypospadias whose throwing out bile stained emesis.
* Two of those are always irrelevant and you do NOT use them in your answer,
EXCEPT in pediatric question.
• Age
• Gender
* Diagnosis and the Modifying phrase are both important. Which is MORE
• Modifying phrase is always more important
o The patient had angina pectoris versus myocardial infarction; who is the
higher priority patient? MI.
o The patient with angina pectoris + with unstable VS versus MI with stable
VS? Angina pectoris with unstable VS.
Example: If you have the following patients, who is the highest priority?
a. CHF
c. Appendicitis
Appendicitis, because it’s acute versus the others which are chronic.
Doesn’t matter how bad the surgery is, if you aren’t 12 hours in, you aren’t high risk. You
are recovery!
Words to look for in an answer or modifying phase that makes a patient either:
“Stable” “Unstable”
Chronic Illness Acute Illness
Post-op > 12 hours Post-op < 12 hours
Local or Regional anesthesia General anesthesia but only in first 12 hrs
Lab abnormalities of an A or B level Lab abnormalities of a C or D level
“Ready for discharge” “Not ready for discharge”
“To be discharged” “Newly admitted”
“Admitted longer than 24 hours ago” “Newly diagnosed”
“Admitted less than 24 hours ago”
Unchanged assessments Changing or changed assessments
Experiencing the typical expected signs Experiencing unexpected signs and
and symptoms of the disease with which symptoms of the disease with which they
they were diagnosed were diagnosed
MISTAKE: Do not prioritize based on symptom severity. Prioritize on appropriateness of
symptom occurrence.
One patient experiencing mild pain versus a patient experiencing severe pain.
If the patient has severe colick pain who has kidney stones à This is EXPECTED.
If the patient has mild pain who had a CXR à This is UNEXPECTED.
Therefore, mild pain is unstable!
Thought process:
Rule out age and gender
1. Meningitis = Acute (^) 1. IBS = chronic (v)
2. No fresh post op 2. No fresh post op
3. “who has had” = stable (v) 3. “spiked” = unstable (^)
“fever” = expected (v) “fever” = unexpected (^)
“admission 3 days ago” = stable (v) “this afternoon” = unstable (^)
B has more ^ than A and they are in the MODIFYING PHRASE. B is the answer.
1. Hemorrhage
o DIC and hemophilia. He’s hemorrhaging.
§ Don’t say that you would expect a pt with DIC and hemophilia to hemorrhage,
so since it’s expected, it’s low priority. NO, this is a medical emergency!
§ Don’t confuse hemorrhage with bleeding. There’s a huge difference.
§ “Bleeding” = could be high or low depending on if it’s an expected symptom
§ “Hemorrhaging” = HIGH
3. Hypoglycemia
• A patient has hypoglycemia. Their BGL is 3.0. Even though this is expected, it’s a
HIGH priority.
4. Pulselessness or Breathlessness
• Pt with vtach/asystole has no pulse. Even though this is expected, it’s a HIGH
• Except at the scene of an unwitnessed accident à they are dead à LOWEST
§ BUT if you WITNESS the accident à they are the HIGHEST priority
If they have ANY of the three, you gotta go to someone else because they need your
help more.
1. Pulselessness
2. Breathlessness
3. Fixed and dilated pupils (even if they are breathing and have a pulse)
a. CHF with K of 6.6, no EKG changes.
b. CRF with creatinine of 24.7 with pink frothy sputum.
c. Acute hepatitis with jaundice, increase ammonia level who you cannot arouse
d. Angina pectoris with crushing chest pain not relieved by rest or 3 nitroglycerin
3. Pushing IV PUSH medications. They can MAINTAIN and DOCUMENT the flow.
4. Administer blood or mess with central lines (flushing or even changing a dressing).
5. PLAN care. The RN makes the care plan. The LPN can implement it.
8. The FIRST of anything because the RN must do this in order to AX and PLAN.
a. Can they tube feed? Yes. But not the first one after an NG insertion.
b. Can they change post op dressings? Yes. But not the first one.
c. Can they ambulate post op clients? Yes. But not the very first time getting out of
d. Can they take VS? Yes. But not the first set of VS post-op sx.
a. Admission
b. Discharge
c. Transfer
d. The first one after there has been a change in status
In report, a nurse says, “I think I heard crackles in the patient. He’s never had that before…”
Therefore, the RN should assess the patient because something may have changed.
LPN should check A. RN should check B. He could be going into a thyroid storm.
1. Charting.
a. They can chart about what they did but not about the patient.
Note: IN an EXTENDED CARE FACILITY, LPNs can do many of the things they cannot do
in a hospital because the clientele is considered STABLE.
• Example: If MD decides that the mother can give the kid an insulin shot. Can
you do it? YES. As long as you document in the chart that you taught her and
ensured that she is competent in the skill.
• Example: What if mother says, “I’m not done finishing my baby yet. Would
you leave the side rail down and I’ll finish bathing her and I’ll put it back up
when I’m done.” NO. “I’ll stay with you to help you with this bath and when
you’re finished I’ll put the side rail up.”
One of those is never the answer: IGNORE. You never ignore the behaviour. You always take it
as an opportunity to teach.
If it’s illegal and harmful, first you intervene and then you tell supervisor.
b. If it’s NO à go to number 3
1. You suspect that an RN with whom you work is diverting narcotics for private
a. Illegal so tell supervisor.
2. You walk by the room of an AID who is giving perineal care to a patient and the
AID is not wearing gloves.
a. Not illegal.
b. Anyone in harm? AID.
c. Confront them and take over.
4. You are an LPN in the OR and you notice the surgeon contaminates the pinky of
the left hand.
a. Not illegal.
b. Anyone in harm? YES the patient
c. Confront them.
NOTE: When confronting somebody, you use “I” not “YOU” language.
6. Passing narcotics to patients but you notice he is somewhat incoherent and not
as attentive as usual.
a. Could be illegal.
b. Anyone in harm? Yes.
c. Confront and then report.
1. Nurse will examine his or her own feelings about…
• This is the best because you need to be self-aware so that you do not counter
transfer your feelings
1. In a tie, pick chicken except if it’s fried. If chicken is not there, then pick fish. BUT not if
it’s shellfish because this is high in CHOL.
2. Never pick casseroles (tuna, chicken, etc) for children because they won’t eat it.
3. Never mix medication in children’s food. Before you ever do so with any patient, you
need permission.
1. Most tested area is side effects.
• Don’t memorize dosages, routes, frequencies
• Memorize side effects because you are a nurse and your job is to ax for side effects
and to see if drugs are working
2. If you know what a drug does but you don’t know the side effects, how do you proceed?
• Pick a side effect in the same body system where the drug is working
• Example: You knew the drug was a GI drug but you didn’t know the side effect.
Would you choose drowsiness, tachycardia, or diarrhea? Diarrhea. If it was a heart
drug, choose tachycardia. If it was a CNS drug, choose drowsiness.
3. If you have no idea what the drug is, look to see if it’s PO. If it is, pick a GI side effect.
(50% chance).
1. ACE OF SPADES = Check fetal heart rate
1. First thing to assess à LOC
a. Example: ACLS in a code à HEY WHATS YOUR NAME? That’s the first thing
you do which is ax LOC
Principle: “Always give the child more time to grow and develop!”
2. When in doubt, pick the older age (of the two you are stuck on).
2. Two answers that are saying the same thing cannot be correct! For instance, increased
bowel sounds and borborygmi à these are both incorrect.
Example: When you transfer a patient from the bed to the wheelchair, what’s important?
a. Bring the chair as close as possible to the bed.
b. Remove the foot petal so you don’t trip over it.
c. Use safety and good body mechanics when transferring.
d. Lead into the bed with the strong foot.
5. If the question gives you four right answers and asks you to choose the top priority…
o If four patients à use four rules
o But if they give you ONE patient and which of the following NEEDS is the
highest priority… you take each option and ask yourself, if I did not do this,
what is the worst thing that could happen?
Example: Which of the following is the highest priority when caring for a suicidal patient:
a. If you do not give him a tranquilizer à agitation
b. If you do not orient him to the unit à get lost and d/o
c. If you do not put him on suicidal precautions à dead
d. If you do not introduce him to staff à wouldn’t know anybody
1. Don’t expect 75 questions! Expect 265 questions. Prepare yourself to go for the
• This is a computer adaptive test. It would have shut off if you were failing!!!
• You are still in the game.