MWE Important Questions-1
MWE Important Questions-1
MWE Important Questions-1
TE field
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TM waves
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2) what is velocty modultion? -How & t dfferest from normal
modul otion 1! Explain how Ve bciy modulehon is ukizect in
khystron omker.
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U'ntatioN Conve, tional tubes at micmwave fresenies.
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beam Curreyt = 30 A.
other farometers ave V- 3okV a =5Cm
mic wGve
freqwencies eylain.
uhat ae the different modes f opercion in Gung dsde !
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Draw he physicas strutux t TeArATt diode
pinp opertion
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(25 Marks)
1.a) Why TEM mode is not possible for rectangular waveguides? [2]
b A rectangular waveguide has the following values l=2.54 cm, b= 1.27 cm waveguide
thickness = 0.0127. Calculate the cut-off frequency. [3]
C What Magic is associated with a Magic Tee? [2]
d) A 20 dB coupler has a directivity of 30 dB. Calculate the value of isolation. [3]
e) What is slow wave structure? [2]
How oscillations are prevented in a Travelling Wave Tube? (3]
Write down the different types of magnetron. [2]
h) What are the Hull Cut-off and Hartree Conditions? [3]
Define scattering matrix. [2]
j) What is a VSWR meter and how will you determine the VSWR? [3]
Part- A
(25 Marks)
1.a) Metion the application bf waveguids. [2]
b) Write short notes on power transmission and power losses of rectangular waveguide.[3]I
c) List out the functions of various waveguide components and their applications. [2]
d) Explain any one application of Magic Tee. [3]
e) Classify microwave tubes. [2
f) Differentiate two cavity klystron and Reflex klystron. 3
Explain, RWH theory. [2]
h) Mention the application of TED's. (3]
Explain the significance of scattering matrix. [2]..
What is the need for an isolator in MW measurements and where it is placed? [3]
(25 Marks)
1.a). Calculate the group and phase velocities for an angle of incidence of 33". [21
b). Explain how ihejexcitation of modes is done, in rectangular waaeguide?
c) What is Q Factor? [2]
d) Write short notes on Waveguide Irises. [3]
What are the limitations of conventional vacuum tubes at microwave frequencies? [2)
f) What is the principle of working of Backward Wave Oscillator? [3]
8); What are the disdvantages of. strapping? [2]
h): ..A magnetron has a cathode radiss of 2.5 mm,and §n anode radius.of 5 mm. What is the
cut-off potential if a 0.27-Wb/m magnetic field is applied? [3]
i) What is Q of a Cavity Resonator? [2]
j) Why the S-parameters are used in microwaves? [3]
26 26 PART-A 26 26 (25 Marks)
1.a) What modes are the dominant modes in TE and TM waveguides. [2]
b) Define effective permittivity of Microstip line. [3]
c) Define Q factor of Circular waveguides. [21
d) Compare probe and loop connections. [3]
e) What are the reentrant cavities? [2]
f)How Microwave tubes are classified?
g) Whatis strapping in Magnetron?
26 26 [3]
How cross-field concept is used to produce oscillations in Magnetron? [3]
i) What type of slot is used in Microwave bench? (2]
What are the properties of S-matrix? [3]
20 20 PART-A O
(25 Marks)
1.a) What modes are the dominant modes in TE and TM waveguides. [2]
b) Define effective permittivity of Microstip Iine. [3]
c) Define Q factor of Circular waveguides. [2]
d) Compare probe and loop connections. [3]
What are the reentrant cavities? [2
f) How Microwave tubes are classífied?
g) LWhat is strapping in Magnetron? 26
h) How cross-field concept is used to produce oscillations in Magnetron?
[2] 26
What type of slot is used in Microwave bench? 2
What are the properties of S-matrix? [31
Part- A (25 Marks)
(25 Marks)
1.a) Draw the field pattern of TE10 mode in rectangular waveguide. [2]
b) Sketch microstrip line diagram and indicate important features. [3]
c) Draw the E-plane Tee junction diagram. [2]
d) Find the resonant frequency of an air-filled cavity resonator with dimensions
a=5 cm, b=3=cm and d=4 cm. [3]
e) Draw typical Applegate diagram. [2]
f) Explain transit time effect in conventional tubes. [3]
What is mode jumping in cavity magnetron / how this can be avoided? [2]
h) Draw the diagram of IMPATT diode and carrier concentration. [3]
i) State the significance of S-Parameters at high frequencies. [2]
j) What are the possible errors in high frequency measurements? [3]
JJ (25 Marks
1.a) Why TEM mode is not possible for rectangular waveguides?
b) A rectangular waveguide has the following values 1=2.54 cm, b = 1.27 cm waveguide
thickness= 0.0127. Calculate the cut-off frequency. [31
c) What Magic is associated with a Magic Tee? [2]
A 20 dB coupler has a directivity of 30 dB. Calculate the value of isolation. [3]
e) What is slow wave strùcture? [2]
How oscillations are pYevented in a Travelling Wave Tube? [3]
Write down the different types of magnetron. (2]
h What are the Hull Cut-off and Hartree Conditions? [3]
i) Define scattering matrix. (2]
j) What is a VSWR meter and how willyou determine the VSWR? (3]
20 PART- A
1.a) What modes are the dominant modes in TE and TM waveguides. [2]
b) Define effective permittivity of Microstip line. [3]
c) Define Q factor of Circular waveguides. [2]
Compare probe and loop connections. [3]
e) What are the reentrant cavities? [2]
f)HowMicrowaýe tubes are classífied?
What is Magnetron?. 2 26 [2] [3]