ETBR and Electrophoresis Protocol
ETBR and Electrophoresis Protocol
ETBR and Electrophoresis Protocol
Agarose gel electrophoresis is a simple and highly effective method for separating,
identifying, and purifying 0.5- to 25-kb DNA fragments (see Finney, 1988, for resolution
of larger fragments by pulsed-field electrophoresis). The protocol can be divided into
three stages: (1) a gel is prepared with an agarose concentration appropriate for the size
of DNA fragments to be separated; (2) the DNA samples are loaded into the sample wells
and the gel is run at a voltage and for a time period that will achieve optimal separation;
and (3) the gel is stained or, if ethidium bromide has been incorporated into the gel and
electrophoresis buffer, visualized directly upon illumination with UV light.
6.37 9.42
5.69 6.56
4.82 4.36
2.32 2.32
1.93 2.03 1.86
1.26 1.06
.12 .13 .12
Figure 10.4.1 Migration pattern and fragment sizes of common DNA molecular weight markers.
Molecular Biology
Copyright © 1991 by Current Protocols Supplement 2 CPI
Prepare the gel
1. Prepare an adequate volume of electrophoresis buffer (TAE or TBE; see commentary)
to fill the electrophoresis tank and prepare the gel.
To facilitate visualization of DNA fragments during the run, ethidium bromide solution can
be added to the electrophoresis buffer to a final concentration of 0.5 ìg/ml. If buffer is
prepared for the electrophoresis tank and the gel separately, be sure to bring both to an
identical concentration of ethidium bromide.
CAUTION: Ethidium bromide is a mutagen and potential carcinogen. Gloves should be
worn and care should be taken when handling ethidium bromide solutions.
2. Add the desired amount of electrophoresis-grade agarose to a volume of electropho-
resis buffer sufficient for constructing the gel (see Table 10.4.1 and commentary).
Melt the agarose in a microwave oven or autoclave and swirl to ensure even mixing.
Melted agarose should be cooled to 55°C in a water bath before pouring onto the gel
platform. This prevents warping of the gel apparatus. Gels are typically poured to a
thickness of 0.5 to 1 cm. Remember that the volume of the sample wells will be determined
by both the thickness of the gel and the size of the gel comb.
3. Seal the gel-casting platform if it is open at the ends. Pour in the melted agarose and
insert the gel comb, making sure that no bubbles are trapped underneath the combs
and that all bubbles on the surface of the agarose are removed before the gel sets.
Most gel platforms are sealed by taping the open ends with adhesive tape. As an added
measure to prevent leakage, hot agarose can be applied with a Pasteur pipet to the joints
and edges of the gel platform and allowed to harden.
Agarose Gel
Molecular Biology
Current Protocols in Immunology Supplement 30
PROTOCOL DNA can be photographed in agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide by illumination
with UV light (>2500 µW/cm2). A UV transilluminator is typically used for this purpose,
and commercial models are available designed specifically for DNA visualization and
photography (UVP Inc.).
CAUTION: UV light is damaging to eyes and exposed skin. Protective eyewear should
be worn at all times while using a UV light source.
A bellows-type camera equipped with a Polaroid film holder provides a convenient means
for gel photography (see sketch 10.4A). An orange filter (Kodak Wratten #23A) is
required to achieve a desirable film image of light transmitted by fluorescing DNA. A
clear UV blocking filter (Kodak Wratten #2B) is also helpful. Polaroid type 667 film
(ASA 3000) offers ideal sensitivity, allowing as little as several nanograms of DNA to be
detected on film after making adjustments of exposure time.
Supplement 30 Current Protocols in Immunology
Background Information should be considered before undertaking an
Virtually all scientific investigations involv- electrophoretic separation. Parameters affect-
ing nucleic acids use agarose gel electrophore- ing the mobility of the DNA (i.e., applied voltage
sis as a fundamental tool. Two papers with and agarose concentration) should be chosen for
detailed descriptions of this technique and its optimal resolution of the desired DNA frag-
practical use for DNA analysis are McDonell ment(s). The protocol should be designed such
et al. (1977) and Southern (1979). that the progress of the electrophoretic separation
Voltage applied at the ends of an agarose gel can be monitored and the results accurately inter-
generates an electric field with a strength de- preted. This includes using such tools as tracking
fined by the length of the gel and the potential dyes and molecular weight markers.
difference at the ends (V/cm). DNA molecules
exposed to this electric field migrate toward the Parameters affecting the migration of DNA
anode due to the negatively charged phosphates through agarose gels
along the DNA backbone. The migration ve- Agarose concentration. Molecules of linear,
locity is limited by the frictional force imposed duplex DNA (form III) travel through gel ma-
by the gel matrix. While charge and/or size can trices at a rate that is inversely proportional to
affect the rate at which macromolecules will the log of their molecular weight (Helling et al.,
pass through a gel, the charge to mass ratio is 1974). The molecular weight of a fragment of
the same for DNA molecules of different lengths. interest can therefore be determined by com-
Therefore, it is the size of the DNA that deter- paring its mobility to the mobility of DNA
mines the rate at which it passes through the gel, standards of known molecular weight. This is
thereby allowing an effective separation of DNA the most valuable feature of agarose gel elec-
fragment-length mixtures by electrophoresis. trophoresis, as it provides a reproducible and
accurate means of characterizing DNA frag-
Critical Parameters ments by size.
Although agarose gel electrophoresis is Agarose concentration plays an important
straightforward and easy to perform, several factors role in electrophoretic separations, as it deter- Molecular Biology
Current Protocols in Immunology Supplement 2
mines the size range of DNA molecules that trations and low applied voltages (∼1 V/cm,
can be adequately resolved. Figure 10.4.2 0.5% agarose).
shows the effects of agarose concentration on Electrophoresis buffers. The two most
mobility of fragments of different molecular widely used electrophoresis buffers are
weights. For most analyses, concentrations of Tris/acetate (TAE) and Tris/borate (TBE).
0.5% to 1.0% agarose are used to separate While these buffers have slightly different ef-
0.5-to 30-kb fragments. However, low agarose fects on DNA mobility (Fig. 10.4.2C), the pre-
concentrations (0.3% to 0.5%) are used to sepa- dominant factor that should be considered in
rate large DNA fragments (20 to 60 kb), and choosing between the two is their relative buff-
high agarose concentrations (1% to 1.5%) can ering capacity. Tris/acetate is the most com-
resolve small DNA fragments (0.2 to 0.5 kb). monly used buffer despite the fact that it is more
See also Table 10.4.1. easily exhausted during extended or high-volt-
Applied voltage. In general, DNA fragments age electrophoresis. Tris/borate has a signifi-
travel through agarose at a rate that is propor- cantly greater buffering capacity, but should be
tional to the applied voltage. With increasing avoided for purification of DNA from gels (see
voltages, however, large DNA molecules mi- gel purification protocols).
grate at a rate proportionately faster than small DNA conformation. Closed circular (form
DNA molecules. Consequently, higher volt- I), nicked circular (form II), and linear duplex
ages are significantly less effective in resolving (form III) DNA of the same molecular weight
large DNA fragments, as shown in Figure migrate at different rates through agarose gels
10.4.2. For separating large DNA molecules, it (Thorne, 1967). In the absence of ethidium
is best to run gels at both low agarose concen- bromide, closed circular supercoiled DNAs
0.5 0.5%
A 1.0% B
0.5 + EtBr
TAE - EtBr
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
Mobility (cm)
Agarose Gel Figure 10.4.2 Effect of (A) agarose concentration, (B) applied voltage, (C) electrophoresis buffer,
and (D) ethidium bromide on migration of DNA through agarose gels.
Current Protocols in Immunology Supplement 2
with several possible causes. including ethidium bromide in the gel and
Poor resolution of DNA fragments. The monitoring the progress of the run directly by
most frequent cause of poor DNA resolution is visualization with UV light.
improper choice of agarose concentration. Mini- and midigels are typically run at high
Low–percentage-agarose gels should be used voltages relative to gel size (>10 V/cm) and are
to resolve high-molecular-weight DNA frag- often completed in <1 hr. Two consequences of
ments and high-percentage gels for low-mo- high-voltage runs should be kept in mind: first,
lecular-weight DNAs (see Table 10.4.1). Fuzzy as mentioned above, buffers become quickly
bands, encountered particularly with small exhausted and therefore TBE should be used,
DNA fragments, result from diffusion of the or gel tanks with large buffer capacities. Sec-
DNA through the gel. This is especially true ond, high voltages provide poor resolution of
when gels are run for long periods of time at high-molecular-weight DNA fragments (see
low voltages. previous discussion). If large DNA fragments
Band smearing. Trailing and smearing of are to be separated, it is advisable to use larger
DNA bands is most frequently observed with gels and/or lower applied voltages.
high-molecular-weight DNA fragments. This
is often caused by overloading the DNA sample Literature Cited
or running gels at high voltages. DNA samples Finney, M. 1988. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.
loaded into torn sample wells will also cause In Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (F.M.
Ausubel, R. Brent, R.E. Kingston, D.D. Moore,
extensive smearing, as the DNA will tend to run
J.G. Seidman, J.A. Smith, K. Struhl, eds.) pp.
in the interface between the agarose and the gel 2.5.9-2.5.15. Greene Publishing and Wiley-In-
support. terscience, New York.
Melting of the gel. Melting of an agarose Helling, R.B., Goodman, H.M., and Boyer, H.W.
gel during an electrophoretic separation is a 1974. Analysis of EcoRI fragments of DNA from
sign that either the electrophoresis buffer has lambdoid bacteriophages and other viruses by
been omitted in the preparation of the gel or has agarose gel electrophoresis. J. Virol. 14:1235-
become exhausted during the course of the run.
For high-voltage electrophoresis over long time Johnson, P.H. and Grossman, L.I. 1977. Electropho-
resis of DNA in agarose gels. Optimizing sepa-
periods, TBE should be used instead of TAE as
rations of conformational isomers of double-and
it has a greater buffering capacity. Also, minigel single-stranded DNAs. Biochemistry 16:4217-
and midigel boxes, which typically have small 4224.
buffer reservoirs, tend to exhaust buffers more Maniatis, T., Fritsch, E.F., and Sambrook, J. 1989.
readily. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (2nd
ed.). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold
Anticipated Results Spring Harbor, N.Y.
DNA fragments of ∼0.5 to 25 kb are well Sharp, P.A., Sugden, B., and Sambrook, J. 1973.
resolved using the basic protocol. It is neces- Detection of two restriction endonuclease activi-
ties in Haemophilus parainfluenzae using ana-
sary to use pulsed-field gel electrophoresis for
lytical agarose. Biochemistry 12:3055-3063.
resolving molecules from ∼10 to >2000 kb
Thorne, H.V. 1967. Electrophoretic characterization
(Finney, 1988).
and fractionation of polyoma virus DNA. J. Mol.
Biol. 24:203.
Time Considerations
The parameter that has the greatest effect on Key References
the length of time required to complete an McDonell, M.W., Simon, M.N., and Studier, F.W.
electrophoretic separation is the applied volt- 1977. Analysis of restriction fragments of T7
age. Most large agarose gels are run overnight DNA and determination of molecular weights by
electrophoresis in neutral and alkaline gels. J.
(∼16 hr) at between 1 and 1.5 V/cm. While gels Mol. Biol. 110:119-146.
can be run much faster, particularly if the gel
Southern, E. 1979. Gel electrophoresis of restriction
is cooled, resolution of larger DNA frag-
fragments. Methods Enzymol. 68:152-176.
ments is lost due to the higher voltages. Since
the resolution required depends on the rela-
tive molecular weights of the fragments of
Contributed by Daniel Voytas
interest, the time required for adequate sepa-
Iowa State University
ration is best determined empirically. As de- Ames, Iowa
scribed above, this is most easily done by
Agarose Gel