Pacer Po) re ree aC ees [Per Oeeaer Pv |e
Seay BICC Pex y Ce ey UY Te TE tery
Sbaly g At SM
AyalSdially Aylaill lAdl 9 sill lal! apis
etl pel ph eel >
(ge hares orl dew whe oi
pala yh ay BDL joeel pl pyle Ate SWAN Lut oe et abe 38 Lean gf RS OIE alae
Sigiaaill Wh alana Gi US (opad of (Lieb lS clgus) dy 50 colygtaall @LLS aingy dyyLiaadly ASL OLLI jul
ale dose Cylay jleall inal Lpliad Carell Vo GAB Lgg i gi all glgSly Waal gh ond ll a LAS lal
ality cilapbath ay Leal VICE Jolity LoS cagtuatll yb Anata ally lish
Abstract. Whether it is real or artificial, classification has dominated archaeological thinking since
troduction of the "three-age system". It was meant to establish sequence, define cultural entities and
order in archaeological artifacts (pottery or otherwise). Goals of classification and attributes select
termine the kind of classification and the kind of types formed. This paper discusses the issues ofp
classification and presents the broud theoretical and methodological approaches utilized in such st
Problems of such theoretical and methodological approaches are discussed along with current trends,
SIREN uta oY eM opel Gola! cps AB olka 384 cua
saad page Jal iby tell Un ll os GBM jet ayia Lgl ght ate Uptyany Leal
1 Gall ALAS Laps pasa of lle agai Laat LVANE Ball) Aa gle SI LE! oe Y) sane! oe pill
rm Jalal oa. E La aIL a Lgl tga Laat = YYALYAAT 5) HAV = VAD SVAVY ligula ste ait
spVAMA ove aT
any 9B aula 290g Cydol Eppa puaall die Gptal Spe V AY) gemaail e484 jal
Rel y5Jl Aungleng Glpenll pula! dus Abe ye ol) GbLill Shy BLEW othe 2d yuh Sign Shad y (ate
bel Grid opin 8 Ble Oe SE Al Ae OL Ley Ls SAM LAM ages alld Lg tS ps pte 2 Gai
Imamura 1996) @.3 )¥++> p95 i) Leal ape Aadjal O18 S51 Ayal Gag Baal ow he Lol
Jeol 3 sae Sib Bye ye bb S29 Gpll by
29.(WV SAME (yuan) goleall CAIN Hl £95 cle Gb
3 £555 6 pS clpecall oo Ble 9 de GS Last
slo Ail Jgey (Barich 1987: 197) «3 g/Lutt wi)
Hamin) pd qe BIN ctl by52 Hloguall daaalgl 2
ssl gps slay Y alSsy «(and Mohammed-Ali 2004
JRL -AyLAd Sy Nghe Eye Gamal peal! ie
£4 et +3 Gon) glo - 81870 a5 seten
lg apdy cama ay ga
Aubgll WdLe Le os Y Ley
AaLee Deady Lobes} (ya 1d Ly!
ej daylas
ected 8 Gila us le
| ngll Samy Mul y Gye Al Sap ata gt
Nga! A gg 2 wllily petal Blam 28 Lede
oo pha SLA a8 98 gf ISB Cale SS Al
ay LS sg Laball Sy ple ally Qu} RAW Lal
ay LDS cyeg polly yball 29 Cel BS pdyy Aap
Leng colpgll w le
JyjLenatl Goda!) jLe all Say Hyland! dba ag
si byline JAS pal Sletals oleate!
Sigil poles Ge SILA) Sle Ml ae Ja eae
silly Ligaen Laity Qa! olegentl SLiail Say
belgian cal pBLSH AG gale pS all cil ysl One cot
seall SOLS cyag ill pad gi By S5II gl aaeal gi JCA
tal spo gla Leal
ie pisally yulgodly AS yall Lyi eck JSD 3} cms BM
san AMS gang cL jlly Golelly apnea! SilgaWly pleats
a glad dl SS gs Lele (Sad diy gS ASN
miuaiy geelsdy Lgeenny Lgiaiaine (Sarg coll
Lang LgiSly Leal Las cong cilyptall oe Lads ol
FN ple og pd SLad yl acolal sd coll Jeog all
sb ag Wola 68 EDU G Sey AL Lee ed
fal Ay aU) peed Lgtuslyog
bisag La; | ots sLicit doLesf da pee pela!
sigs othe Carina Yel agate LaLa’! oika oll Jpueglly
Leslie cilgsl epee JS es yo wale gee ye
AG pa Lay ed go GIS Some yatlind ob ulti
wleyeatl ye Lepage JS IES 6S gag atleast!
La pall pple gay JS 2b gpa gees Geiaailly pS
ele canes tas else asi pun ugg dana
ekegld AUB Slyphall WAST go ep SM ly sheall ios
ole ge ala 29 el ALLS La 3ST aut L 4
abl Sale dis 3155 MILy « spams Gla 28 Y ST ol
Lge Fags Bue lee aieilys dygpeo epee eB gh ob
GUE gy) Slay Seat pipe Leal sap st eka 7
ety pele eed Ley IR Lops QyLall Qa
Kee Laaytd a 381 Qblpt galt (8 aeLes All il yytall
pad Le ype geal Gas Ltl gh pam gg Litany
2 ot Seb
-(seriation) gti! alos
ltl 2 Sid
gaya le
esalgo gangll Wigs [958 OF Sey Bale sled sy Gill!
(Lae Lat he (Ht) (Thermolumiscence)
SLY) ls gates oof ie ae Sh GNI pap Vso as
605) gL galt Lal GaSas yb gle
(Seed) ehh pe Ones pete gl Ls Raloie Gag
seepeeg piles [Sts dle Sa AN ol eially Vgc!
ae Ink Le DIS on tenn jg G42 Gl geben
Jay gill HRN gga Leet Say ogg egal ge
Bagh Jolpe per gL e all -UYLD gat! eetall dl}
SSL gLS gb Cie Lea slg I
ji JB Bousay
SSN as) Li ob ALLAN oo Ipc Ly LST
SNSSang Spal ob bpd le qulacall Ralls i (eel
Ra pall gue Lyd US ALS Joye Lapatis Jolt olny
coh eB ual pedal boas of ay Y delved! angle
2 jLeall gLS go) Aalays he Leal Lelie Ge Soy
ina ge
sb ily ALIAS GgLeeall Say yeh! Goda! 2
OYLS gata! Leal (all 2 yiall Lely! dale Sas
eh - + £ (ga) gg - 21 £70 550 Slax piibsll wl oeHeiMy Ay LAN GIGS) 1g SY1 at,
«(After Marks and Mohammed-Ali 1991 )(!) 29431 32 g8g0 Laub ye jL AAI L)DLio Banya gb Jgo =)
re eres Goal aly niatoRs olesslgatlias € any
woleges 8 lyst! ecog9 aaieatll Jol! 5)
SS Lees 78 Fy SIS A) LRd Rela IS pe Julaall
Aske cil aglee S13 ol] WLS gsm sah Vag. Lesliy
La Aged) Sybll Gye Lape dad CB yl Ud ay
fe 28) Bde wea lope i Sy Vy SY
Pps G6 CB agai ABDLall ole Lasts Of poten coed
Agen Lei Sty o(glgiMl gf cLiall) clegegeall splot
Bll 28 Sp Sly Ab Oy OULU ely oe gS Las
Ea AS a age ot gS ly epee uy all!
“ASu)By GliDLeg Bgl) Aan ge Lana! LI Jesosll
ASN 5aULl GatLiad jp Gedeecll fl UU Gye abies
DLaally Aabally QUAI Slyell ag EM le Igy
US geeky yy Lena!
uuatt! jailnd (Orton 1980; 33) agis¢l sasi ay
gly LS Sagal Sal gs
Ae Lie 955 oF Cony sols gil ages all cal shall -1
OS ¥ ol
Rab ae 1 GY ogg Cat yg all
Ag lite
Cilegeatl sl) gli Gya5 of Cams —
2219 Gglaaill Gilles Go GSW Say
se ogee GY Esill tuted Mapes SalI oe euse 3
cI 33h Caycal fo)
Glia La aad or
ge Rabe Sypua) 89 le C8 Grivel! Gals Ses
ge Fay ily phall JS Rpm! cilgsHlly Galally Lea
Tels gold DL Sy Leyes J5LMy alall fe palgbal
SI Oe SL Gait 208 ple Ge aa
Site ll sal Sal AW splat LeSY) yous gap dial
Rin yoy ApuSall RAL oe Sy sbatlly Ayla Oy Speed
Jamil Gye Le A eal ehh le gill ile!
eae aie lus aig uot ull Lunia
relent Ge subtle a SULIU pull gag Lay ss
PASI pee pe aa Of Spl Sas age peay
ihe pee ll Salt SL bi gf (YAU gh oe tatt)
Lao ly deperee US alpal ony Lets yelay cums Ausilae
pein 318i Os G35 Lege Sf eg leg eal oy
ae Liles Lill (dus gy of yy el Gad alas
BY lem of Galea dt oe .88II Ga aha cay
Ay enol all es 2 (pat oly Bp ual! Gailia stl
Rises Gailiad 9 yySp2ty bali es dope ee Jo
oF Lash Bi yi all SV de geal aL bt ge ge)
op One OF edjued CS) Goilas
thal! Gena Blaei 1-7
shell Lab olgsM gf pal oof tt og
Pl eet Ollie al Gf ale 5ygucp Lia dday abbey
gall gal gh oye opt ube aegle ge LSI Zstl
Belo JS ad pall Sle Leg ayia all Ne eLiaay
Shea Sey Ley Rao SU Lgl fly Ly tlaal aad gies
tole Lege AREA Gobigtaetll op 2S ut ASAI GlaaY
Fol SLL pS all oo gs 8N Gee at) vel
BUD gi he gees Ul) peutig [paula
3 SS 2 OpS pity bah at.atd gf deg eee IS gt tes
gi cle geal oy GLEE uss Bs valent aw
cated Letts dbypee ge Goll Guest Sa!
Leg ASEAN tLe pasedy So p8tl lyse yl
eb aay 8 oll 695 Laie yep SS Lg
Las a5 patLia dll ga SuBlie foal G15 okay .(types)
tei Lead algal he ola JSity 354 Sypacy
(Say Lal oe Ones gH ALAS GAIMIy pul gl She
OLS 1Say A DLeally pL Sal! Gated uit of
Sel 0 pS sled doy doa GET Kc pLgSSU LEY
et: + Wom) aly - alscoasiches calell wellS03 Li giiad ogstey of le Opp uas gil YY agin!
waa Il oye uh ely el dap eo Gaya Lab yiel
Ny (LYPES) cls) Gap ne lis alumi
Lag Lidge ABT yu 80 ye tls Ged ulling (classes)
2 A> ly Mets Le Bays Gif Golgi! YS gf ale
Villey and Philips 1958: 13; Adams) 222.
LSS eam G93 SLEly Jal ue day (1991: 279
stall 2 BAN cok eaten Hl GalS ge Sg GI os
Wasps Hye! slaeY Lied AS) gay de rall Ay Sill
seule Blot auiaadll GF 2 LS Oe Le asl ARLE Sy
phe gore 3A 50 SUL AGN gf cilgail elas aye
shes Salailly Lgclariaa! guid 3 gues (Groups)
Lely pLaceYl Ugale lis Leal) bina O2l of
ondon) anal 5c Clali etal ling Aue Lill
ay LeVGLudy Le dliai S9LGSL ats (1997: 460
ool be I Slash put olghaill olla git
(Temporal typolgy) 24331 accu) yyy
yet Lay 2Sig chain ol plyil a Bi ggill [aa wal
Spal seh! pus LRA! JIGAN ppl Jules yang Lacily
soly SS te poles (Seriation) sa Gaul
alll Egil) cls colyghall aad ag (1 JEN) Reape
awe 05 poe Splat Bel pektll iS Lauded
plall og ails yglad 9 Ayal SyLaanl of ala! le
Lasey Mass (Seay py ost ah AA oy os
Aathes gh Baad edt goglt
“Label 9 «gle
All Leal ga,t5 gSe L
SUisMly bg Billy CAS SAMS a) BARI ALI cy SM) cul shally
seal Byyatl syshautl LAM gl gaslill Abgyall Zay5St)
£ oseS apy Lets Maps Lae ASL gf gaylilly
gly oll gigi coplits daa Lea gosh ty gh cll
1} Lesa sap Ida ob
N3Sag BBN Ga sap cL)
2 Kaul ¢1sSM) okay AyLeall cle pend! gajLa! yLb|
dds G55 pb aeled ol Sey geplll Abgyall cob Leall
Belly Ay LN OYIKS) yg SY)
crb das! Ie 4s -(typological debate) “ya
ale als Glas (ya sy
OS of Leg gsi agn9 gl cagadll Gas Jy Up
SY cya spatatl pie ple ge
Sig JBM gs Gong Gatien ail pl ine old Lagee uly
ate GBM age AES Soo Sorell fo lossy pal
Biel Stelie Jol ope Meats Lil pl cl shall ally
CBN LB ad em ELF pay Aaa Il onal
2 Jail (ae .(London, 1997: 460)
Os eb all le all gouels yal
Wap Javolad 8 Gogh! 0959 pened On bl "Laie! dl
angSyll SOM 9 BIN jleeol Ge pati Uf Ses pall
CeO 5yf cseg SO ple 28 Gaal Leal pS byl
fagey gall Ol Sots GA gl lytl gp ass gull
Krieger 19442) p25 y2 JS 239 oti 2 lags
etl (Tylor 1948: 130) j5t.t55 (273
Gifford 1960:) s,,2.%5 (Spaulding 1953: 305)
cos (Cluster) sg3ie Gt juts gyi! oF Gllaie gay 341-7
BIY Rie 955 Curmy p28 3 8 aN aL atlas
Lapancd Sey Lg Beeline riled gf Leds Saale oy
Sos 8 je sates yep Si Lid giclass ats agile
OF cela A BMT ols a es ILS ge GST oh
Apap BS te patlinse falysl ead depen eS jue
Sia I a By ees pile Sl oe apd
Ra Sey Lagat (L251 Se of ay Y (Clustering)
By Aad Syguay Ay SVN SLU ae Le,
Beals ABAD sg dial 28 EM day chp ll Me she
fall ob RaeSN Cabell be aS 1 sym Laie
SAT Gye 4 BIEN gill laced gu BMI Lad. gu tell gyal
Rouse 1960: 313+) esis (Brew1946: 65) 3
Chang) gs» (Ford 1938; 1953) 3,5 3, (323
Read ).s; (Hodder 1982: ) 345 (1967: 6-17
Cognitive) 4,525 aut gf grater (1982: 6041
Got Leal Spell oases teams hate See (Structure
Aad 0
Spay ag 5a GLB Ge gb pI ley aly Caen DLS
wt. os Beall oles — a Vern 2401 edes tiatinallsbi plbll ULay jamal Gplees G1 LSS! Leale p25
Le pee spay (lg cite ua Zale cisad gi Lele
ga Leilenetis LetijLs Leggy pepe! JU play bpd
Be Least S1p8Yl GLulall ye Fpl Slatin
Lal tal Id 95S AB QM ye data! gf Alaa de
ll clea ae of oe jell Gay sLpgbly Banas
Geaoy AB AL igi ailing cnet ape 8 Gils
Beeb All pace ees Hig Ses gaily Rapes
LEB pee mney AB sail ob Qeag ill a gf opel
Leda pa Stig
(Cognitive Typology) .st)s31 axa! 4-7
Laos JSS aN eal gle eal gpill Vue aay
ag as pa ol] all lacie 89 gD
Shs poles one beagle LA! apt all elyg Le Gt
Lay SLaLel Lal ys Gall Spb YN Nae JE fd Spell
foil of ed QF LY Leaner a Ayghinaly Atal! Ih
SUB (Gs) gill Lede vgalall pagal plat onto (1)
easy Lyfe LAAN Aa pb yyastll Sty le Sls
ple cee tas aes lic asi Gull elgg) as
Byaly cy Syl 9 Lede gptall ate syd! Olga
@_43y.(cross-dating) aLayl A Lab weil a
wpa 25-5 BUH Lut all 8 Ryeal Leal Laas
eldg lieall Mlauulsy [yaad Lig Bill oe pS 75)
Sua GeasLatt Jolings gal VE ogeyS Aleny BLESS! Je
Sy Sling gpl of i] Lis pe OF ae Wy eS
glial ayia ape gs cole Lgl By)j ah Bly Sle
sauasl 81 Lad g Lil Go»
(Morphological typology) 163) isiaeU! -1-Y-
cbgalgoiy MjLecdll ilg9! JSST Gaiaoatl Mis J yliiy
pas LY apa pau ney ieee pas > Cl 9
at gh gyaS Supa!” gh eee Rasa ie ISI yu
asec Ls Gye gusty Baglly alld gong "Wagiene Fue
Lge lis lq eed AygLa atl eatgoStt BLS Cauny sled 4
SST QBlghl pe Anyled ots
(Technological typology) 2201) aeuau! —r-y
chgulaty 20 gino Aya SI Lasky po coat Il [de
Ujlee lst Ae gare sf clil eine Gplo nil Uslae 5
sas es 80I glo Lisl, La_Sy Syl
gpl Na gm ALES Gua SOs ply (Functionalists)
aypidy ag) 2753 Le wgibadl 8 GLS Leyy9 Wasa Il oye
Ipecac ALES is Ley cpap pad caag8 ol
os bbe
Regal) cilecieeal cpuileadd aLabe
pS dy La all IM of aks ALY aS oF le
Byjleaa ples hing quill Say atgbe ge peasy
| IS 2 SL ps LS tts Ssscultural norms
LESS) gis cgay Le saatael gas IT Bglly ileal
Gs a5 il ( cultural values ) aj! eal!
jb glaall glgil aul pass aa gual gle! LOY!
Gee Mayas ge US 3 Lal ual pa eal gf
ABDLey ual! 4d pid geletel pls aaa
London 1997:} 2,59) atjLiasJly olalaull atliaily
sgginkall Jesu theays Legs
Salll glyii ab pal Aulyall audy ally gi aotigally sh
ogy Teall dea 5 Alas gs Jude Ly s Leal iniey els
gk Layee ast Ged Jot LeS geld
bpp alata cil gid JSG ploy Lg ely
Kp tye Chabal oye gill Hae Gl -cypall cabelas
Aacalyp tally Gap eel Luly! 3eLiney Lull
SST Subady lp BW Gp at sel GtyLac sl clo!
-(Wear analysi
{bY ol of Lae GL
(Functional typology) 2st 531 aenac3i £-)
cM gigleg Ayan lf 51M alco RLS AB pas os,
2 Law UL
apes Lal Chea gel
Gilby Mayas weld Apasbgll wulal Ube lepers,
culuce ly ASU de pees Le oH Alea Gil
Lei pasee 15d Dis ob SIM aes placid ad peeg
ete st (eal) aby 21270 3S W Sila silat yall °sdk Lal) cp0 (S38 Aypune QBloee Que GLE go ll
eal ga gyLah as alld 51S, .gBphl wild lasted Gila
rigger 1989:) clisse 24) ald all Ablath gL
oy Blas WAS. (NOE: Yeo JLuils 197, 200 - 201
fe qulsll 4 p58) Giatis 2 (Pit - Rivers ) 5,2,
gia he pers C5 ol Logiily gb Rocked pyle Gayay
aL poli JS of GS) Jung Lateny syste Jeulas 2
od pals yesh Lualad od Lellgsl a8, 5 oe All!
Jey aa ly Maylene) GLa poe
2 EY Os 5
a9 stan gy LAL alasS aolaall Alay plo ull slant
foes QLUSLs ) BO le go “aaiual! als Lai Oe Ul
«(Trigger 1989: 197 sy
BLAST Ay Sl gBlyll aL gas ge whl lpaby
LaSly pupled le Spl Spey yLeeall JISET oe ll
sI3L! sbade dl aly cg ye obSsT gt) «peas hell Gaaieasl
ssUeall 19M Gb) Jumailly 2uel GSE Gyle ule
ia Spal Lee pl Gal IN SLact ob paSily ALLS
ABN pas) Real pty abei Yl 5855 cll (pV AYE) ol poles
ondon 1997:)szo elLally ia4l Spt galye 2
UY ple 2 padi! 2 4yLall Ggiatll deal Say
2 89 le Ga)G 9 Asli Jol of Raa LS
ed gh A Lt Lae Jae ypagcn AN
pS 5 epee ohghilly gieogll Gaba oly te Lyle
(Willey and Sabloff 1974: 5-6) alaa¥1 ub te
pad GLE pa GL; EW pole cep tall Ga sli by
Lut (A.V.Kidder) )uls, (Nels Nelson) gs.uli
sete! Brat! GLY! papill gill G8 Likes pols
aN CallaSU GSI Geoglly Gy pce aaah BLGI te
\Idenderfer) glgil i) Lpxpusdiy ab SU Le atl
.(1996: 728
als Ig
poeall (pall JSlgh eat al
WM ayaa diogy cagieatll Chapel cape Il ibaa jall
eitly Ay LAN OYE ag SY
oe ee
QUAN aaa gh
SY Sola pall 93 jLee dll aaa Lajas Syliy spat
Spat BB voyglady JOM ele SLAG oe SM oll B
HaySM) alll Malad ggie ap ay Fg ANSHT Gig 8
greg QSLeaM BLAM Aye al) calgs¥l .galall Leal fi)
Beal OLS yal SLY pie) feats quay! (Ul
By 591 BaLLl Bool AS ga 89! Leal cael al ealill sal
UpSyal go aay cibaglall ope ja paSt cle Spe ol gs
PLAY SUL ey ys SLES II Jpeg! a
WWE Lies peed AS alias Ugde IS asd wcle pee
Bog ALIS pocky Lag tially Lagglad ce dapeay
soe qabal opi! 28 EWN ale 9 aha
«(Greene 1992: 19) clin Ys Lenstsuell ale shi
Lae gael Qa GUM le 78 aa Syl clan gay
BgLae cis sLyiyghy A259 53Lll ge Yb ube dl
corleigS Gace 2 ILI ypacall pl olen ana
Boll g5h au areal) AAV algal) dasiady leith
eel 8 (ose sige spe) Lei icol ey abl
ed Le pee Lecaly pe QL Gp all Ye Si
BL) gabeand Jeet gh ysl al eas al
Gia Stl slgy gag (Trigger 1989: 75:8
Oscar) jap atige )Sangl angel sBM tle Lasl
ade Lest Leet Saka 4 al (Montelius
gle 55S) ahead pee sLagyyl ell gig ll pana
Trigger 1989: 156-157) ss1_= scp ai te
«(;Aldenderfer 1996 ; 727
SGM slggll ge pte pala gillayyall JEW gle aay
ple plea apinad Jyl Sef 3) ay 59) oll! ad
(Seriation) 2153) Gye tl yay Le py cp
apes PB lp JB Le gBlpe Led Gautuad Ue (abel
oe Cll Gupte GB eal
Baecly Bap ee lt Leese ill oo Lalghe Lead Jae
(Sum colle Gunes cuabjy of eps pULialy pall Bat
shyt vpald
eT+ + € Vga) gly = 21470 550 Soler jilallowdlcall
toy rlasell Kupal Que Golis Bue 2 aad LT Lge
feramics for The Ar-) gigie cist p40% plic gob
yiloes Leal AS split cys 23, (chaeologist
(thin-sections) atest p51 cul plaaal:
Bo jLeall RASS alps Slee 22 35 ;LU Clues ll ag
pS ga ws
Frederick R. Matson) juste ulus uy ball
wall ues! Sap gall Ogle! Go tall gral gill
shes 8 2 Spill Balada 38 jLeedll aie elias ill
JS LB Lillanys bp (Matson 1965) ales 65 le
ahjp-Sp j_s2ges (Hodges 1962: 1963) 3 25.0
3 il, JLeets (Cornwall and Hodges 1964)
BBs | pole! of pad LAI A Laljs lee
seeall ay te OLS jLaall Laka! il dll Latys
Ny Sih ype Sly bg
23. 4,1 gall. (David Peacock 1968) JSo 112
Baal dee lp Lael of Lake cueyt pad
Lill Baal yo 8 Lgalantoel Lagi Sey yp decall Gasoy
pall tal) Gtially degare JS yailiad sla!
got) SEY ele eels yp ob ns ll
Sl aall dL daaLe .(Archaeometric approach)
ets + $ (ga) oly - 21 E70 AFM Shoe ilalloisll@ le ares ee ule acy uel! uly h Las
AsM ---+
GaSb -<
Os NLS _y
Boel AILS _¢
a3L aN any — 0
eLoaxy pei -4
SN ae Ly
BselaN has 4
ALAN Laat ta oy USI
eis € Gos) y= aero SMS ,ilelloall ohsuLG ALS ag Quay ill cletl aaa Lal (go du, 88I
SS gly Sage Slats sla Jglatl wat ge gsi
(LYPE) got! ayy LLcads Cnapage chigy ays cay
si aes opesly GB gl gly tay Lag Rags compel itl
Lila banding Sagaree Sule} col ill Sypuareeg Sle 9S
LS «3,.(Wheat, Gifford & Wasley 1958: 34)
79 Baytall Splat! cLeuWl dapyd UsLae gill gals plas
-(Sinopoli 1991: 52) sustats ast, Ub)
28 ol (Type) g53 Lal os egtll owls yl by
eB se Gael ple Adpae Leal! Ge daype (class)
atin5y (diagnostic traits) sy.) leu! gi jatlast!
broad Type ) paypal! gsi! ge (Varieties) otegzt!
Aye pall yatladl yo SST gT Baly pac dull 25 gl
FIL gall gece (Variety) oats est ga
ez ol (VaTiety) gy oll Sas Yo gpl) gilajily
Ste laud! AevLeapaiie ob Egil Ge Lyage Lapis
pLAIH Salt! gf aa, 51 5 Lay
(type cluster) ‘gill op3te" aiLe sing pill aug
LeSlie gitng Say LEN jLivall Lobes Leiged ag
$2185 605 “Ay Lad lai " Cle geme 39 Ayleall p1gs8
72 lal LBS paints (Sang (Ibid: 52) Less ols oly
(ceramic system) "g;leall allaul!’y "gsi! ap3ic" jLlo}
asd Wn Sl Sat gi
ULES yf LaS ali)
speeendil OnBN SS Goes Gash JluadU Couses 3 Lal
Ul uli pla geval plNOA ale p4 4idLe| tay
Vays! alll BT ple 2 paeS Je (She Satan
PPL) Radon Bm UN LNG ond igi ob Lee
Bd LS aaa agit Nhe GF gg splat Say a
Hels Ut! algae! eal of ull ellall 52 Lest (lb
Ab 95S 5 (gb Sly waslealll apg ob oy 8 8 SASSY
1 UY! Nove Geng «LRA aug! eee alla stare!
use 8 AST 3) Lae Sey ARES gBlgll Qo pLeall
Belly Aya OC g 81 a
Vad SLASY UsYl ge Fades colpale le sata df
0 pall cle WoL dpeay hy ule Lyade jaulll
os SES Bagel aI alpall aya 2 Lode
ce Ste ef pll la 8 Lal 5 ll (patterns) Lai)
AST YY Le eli] YS 5 Gath ccal
Yay Ra
UN os epee Gb JS Cb Sylyall Aaya gl
Leste Lakes St Gabe pense! uel Sy Lal
iple JSty jleill Gained 2 Laas Spud 1D catuall of
soapadll 4a ule jLAall gn sual
cal Ah Shy Lapua Gilg Lgl Agena bial 9
Bly nabs eel yu GL Cla 2 Ll
of Gal
sneaglall phe Lad Langy apace ye gaa
Magy 9h Fake ay Lgienaoy Ldn cya Sly LIS
pineal jl 5 5uly Spans Lady pally Le se
ela) ode fie 955 Goi Guuai8 peg 2p ll otal
olay Leay
Applies gilts ole Mane Of Lge ALi Lepaall
Ca Sf Bygpectls LOY paVilue sSy of ysl aly
Baltes gS 1 Lag Gl ag gf daLcaly spall pd!
Reetoll oldies Lb alld I! Rolin! deat ally
Ay le Laidley Uale Blual ld Luis 5 (&.
Ay She Re US le LW ye
Riba te GLAU LatdLe Jat GSI, La ol
eM by Salt gf yh, Aa Sle Ue
Bye B99 Egill Gales Bagel! eel gill la gpl
(Gifford) s,.255 (Wheat) cy ota Lti 13 god
USI te Jad 2p Sp VACA ale 2 (Wasley)
OLY s apd apie a Lal gli pba slat
lait Malad elt > e891 Conall 5p sloil gad dual
eenlpe BALIN Ip) Qaeudy aaa cu, be
eyes Van) alo - a isro ashes alhy Le jt
5 ne
Tagine dogs —]
Aageeibslhs __ |}
Jablits bylas
Jsauae pat
BS pee
destin daglad dss
Sepaa digas,
i ne
ager sls
iabliie doglas
My ( gladly basalt tly Sie ) Qua 5 ayo,55 de yl
G8) oeLS pl a alesoly LYN JS GLaall Gb aR
Gade Spats patil LO egies caine DW JLt a Sy
LGLN Gayl) eB La 5d Lana gle gl Gaal!
any Lag a2 3 (Moundville) J. 2.ijLe
Steponaitis 1983)
Gia Us 8 el
llype categories) gyill sits sunt olvite B95
JAS py gla AalLeay tl g ll sey cl ail okay
(ple ares teal ue alte andy used uligad asin
‘Algal! Gl pat
pee CS) pe
Rees ut Chl
ES GolS pies LAAN aed caged a JT
-(Ibid: 53) abe gf /y ASIEU cat gist
BALE cLeaty bale gls9 pos gol Gul wale ay
col Aba eal Ot} 34 ew! .(Philips 1970)
Ledge pl paS Ablade COUST clus gLall Gle Lead phe
AL pada AL ally pa Jy Egil gle Byatt IS ae
sIpecas 1fie A551 gl ala Males G8 Leal aes
Ex eal pSiy ld pond Bley oS ppt Ra jae
gt Rol A Gaya oH pats 381, Labs Ge (Variety)
Cane Leal gf Lege cSt of Sey RalSll odkay gyi Lane
avr ce Unies eraeacetiedec wi asSNpgite Lats of Say We glad lil emod ASpall
jal assy scLGYN pL ly UY! dayeeiey Zale dase
ABLeg LoLS)! apaydaadley .(¥ JI) Wlld gay aL
sy OY Se gL) a52 Lead col aa oa
S95 3 Kyl SY! LBDLAI oe Gf 13Say aie gLa5,l
la Ahm ule Sil paitll ode GY SLA JS Ue Aillae
sy\gHh(Y Ss) JU Ua 22 pemeey oly a ga SY
Aa yty days ASN gf RS ala SLE |
pe Ws 9S Lee Ll «= (Variation)
Discrete) 52a AyjLe all -i)5! pli (modes)
Joc (yd VAIL ods 8 lng 5S Blaise
LA Gi Gt ASLAM gl pL gs Mie anal 3)
(discrete) (Aa! ,21) p42) 3322! 31,91 (classes)
-(actual patterns) 2.5.30) Le! a gas
Lu pla te Le ate oI ie
eb Ley eS LR Ae j48 9S gy Ya oLeay!
sete gill Syl eal Reps all Aes GySy GLAS!
IS reset OF GBT gl le galas uel! yay Agata
zal] pcb l Ils Sige of 5
Steal) ay a Lal pled pl aly
Has Sigal 9S Gf ome ip tell i (judgemental)
1 B54! 3 opi! (Variation) gl WU plat! poet)
-( Ibid 57) aataat
Bi ge ily Lnall de pene
ot pakio spe gle Les BEI 5555 5 paStl gilgll by
ib By gByll al af JSD SL tes By ally ua pall
2 Uyglatl Ay Leal Leper Ls 2b LS cL!
| soy Of Say YEARS cable Lauds Lats alge
) iil ping Y Mibg Ags AyyLecall Gilyyhaell Stee Leal!
ile S39 alll Balsa ob jLinall [ie placa! gubtd
Bailly Ay GIG 91
oped ll ebaigle La GES Babe ypanay lf
Base lp diy Led sles ig! ole Ldel gy
Sigal 95 jLinalll indy hype Lek Slit Ie
plane LR iol) glad Andee le fk Last
_(unburnished) jyaos p02 jaa, (bum
Ray S HN pa ade aHl 8 pal ol GILT
-(Sinopoli 1991:5
LyPe Va ) piaall g gl ould ggtl Land pll Sal
PLS (al geil! 2 SLI 54 Le se
Reseed! poled LS of AptElly ASL! a
ike silly gl) yy 2b Lyles (SLA all
(ie dtll Guoglly Ls Lalaie Ld (types & varie!
Oe ASLBy 1)SaN yguall 0 fares pl 6b pull
PUN Batol Sabiaill dye pS) Rp jy pula oll
ebST Ob ely JSS agian pula Ld at La
Saude (Varieties) ( Igilesic ) gle pay (types) lad
SDL aye ay 5 a BYly Ut dL Leal
ABLES GLA aytody asd cl gals ow Jel
Ayla NM plakcal blag Lal auabl ay
ol est (Stylistic) opheMy act! oulbatly (Qk
S51 Rdainad goalie lg
plainly iy Sef gall duel yall Cal ab
Of eal pail ya AST gf CT aloes Aslan
cot Byles goat aH LS ay Leal lie GG
Lae EL leet old Say yeah a
Lis (qualitative) deg cols Inf.
ai, si (nomin
Aas S cals yj (mumerical) Lo; Lp os,
UWS Le} EAL clei gS ot
e+ <& Gow) ale - 21s to a5 cles ctlellaellAe ares aie ule acig «Gun uitgsl aa
Siiattl lg osm! ail peta
ool asl
set yi
eal Js
Satie! il pitt
AS gs ..
ight | isan
oll wil, =A
ily 3h
*a | au | ce —
“a uals
eal L GAl
— gal
7 LTB cae tpt yay of JS
Saas bs,
pS SLEE Gace Jods Se LE placed Lysbpee
ally (x-ray diffraction) ap.) Got9! a1, ait
all nally gp ¥ Li] Aaya
lectronic scanning microscope) qui! i819!
3,.((Grim 1968 : 126 - 164 ; Rye 1981 : 30
Sea tall LS p> BS hy ha ISIY poet! Ja
52 eal Le gle Sbigy SYN oye Joon dads allay
pels Lyles 3) deed Jordy Rial! 2 tig SY!
Say .(fluorescent) ai0 sls le gi aly ssizall
Lapa 0 Say Lee cplall lige AS 5 Jee sfubeel
Jeasy (Rice 1987: 402 - 403) clilasy entail glyii
dayglall Apap AB pee Asie! See al it oLia
Lata) AY daglaaty Ayla Lady Kee cyl puolial
sole UH S35 I ge Gua JS Leal ge Bape le
ds pny AREY poms gl hay Lge daly ISy saline
tLaslgs AuSail! gf Ady mill aa ded [ay Alias
[bid 1987:) aayagll galall ole byeally poses WEIS
Lesic elas | Aa Sl pani! Janse (383 - 386
se yan’ Of alls wyalall pe 3ppine depere le Sy
yo dans dyplacoe Lalp cel dng of Ses Lele aS
Agialas geil Tapes Sagencall
salall Gls Lises GLa oulall ale ot ge eS oll ules
2985 of Sap GLa yo Wyte Gey ngs IN yl
alshl 23 golly Calall jolie Mapes ot Lege itp
(trace minerals) 53:11 Gale! le Spo Sarg pl!
Jel tl Jad aE oo
(neutron activation analysis) 455.1! da ucils
Ne ote plod aly
atomic absorption) .¢353) oluaie ly pyle) Jubal y
x-ray dif-) Aigutl 489 ute! gi (spectroscopy
(Rice 1981: 47) . (fraction
pooliall Lape pb Lesa cell Jilugll ST sos! of
Joy Stl Jule tl ps ( trace elements ) 3,241!
aih alghl Gonad am arigsigaill
ge lia sigatll Je Litly BI Gye Ae pd GLa UB ag
willis Sgill Lact a,
Beitly wasn Svc 4g SM ja
a Jeni Aipall Ape S CSLS ALAS ayy Le atl
Jub AyLinall ily deel cle dined
cls MT one AbeoLall Gylsally spall cals Ibs
CIM cae obs GLa! 8 Lap aed pS
S5LS 13) Lol Lagat 3p pine lize Jo Leis Se
Seals By Byle® ogry Aecoly pats Aaralé clin
eB SpaeS line apey Leg crash Sian os
eat a)
Ugdapaty Coladitl Last
sled! Gatluns gle by Soll ity Olygiall JS OLS
Aol .(£ USE) disincd tie ail patie yf (attributes)
ody -Lgdapaty Laj) 3 (Sep Alaa se Sade deus,
tag Endl! 8 all
Aa yatbeaddl 0
(Bll aly lly (Cela) pL abt Ja
SS Las JSy Leto gh! Luss gi Soles Rabel! ale
Ge hgh a Say Gal fhe BS pine Lage
sAogplall oV5Lucll ole bbe} Lead 65 il lps
SUS LEMS ay Ld Mine Gas gf Lie lle fof ST la
ghd GAS Tile tga iyo Bang Guay Le lpi ge
LiL Sajgtns af eee Lal lay Site gael gle
oBlpcilly pli 330) yatlad 9 jh
oth Fane SLES JE Ge ALS alpll Layee Seg
uleatl GI AaLa| Sajal opal Gasnlly gga gal
Rossel pLAM agll add dh oa Lint Les Slash
phase ly cole Lally lpehlly coda! jLaeall Lelie
pL Gul Sal ay ss Say (paints or pigments)
Gall Lape gh olygly ol (1 Spell) 3onee pbs
ecsss Gaal alo = altro ad clue alia:Gene tg wa
Splat alan Iyiay Sighs dpe
3801 ygott
Cra) bat gg Sy das
aad) Basi Shoot
Sy puoLiad) apes
yA aad Jules
BUN prolial Raye
Syl palates pinta Juleat
Relat! Rayay pct dae
eblebariat Jala
PSrell Jule elgg da,Liast alg Glas le
Die Sal ay La WIISAEIG Sly planed le cc
HS 5p SM Akay! gly pa All gy gl tl ony
Jay of Se LeSSy Stab all ame GLb NSSag Lgl
BLES! Sa jolaatly waist! Elsi Za Cle Sats
(Ibid: 58) teat clay Las ygalpeu
Psi Slly Oplall Salat Aaya Lela dl way,
Sia) A Sj)pol Aa yo Lalo Ob age Glyal Bylo!
ie Jn Uitte Rebs alas SLigh dy
Bylym cal js aie Lglle ja
Byes ol Aagle OWT Sylym Bayo ade esp JS Gt! gacts
feolele pag LAN AE) al all lie OLS
Sy Gyo LST jLieal Yt Gay Gall 3,10 obeys
GI ALS Ayes 2) LS Goll Glenys Bul old
es olally Malic ol Aagtis GLa Lb Gyo OISt clus
Slashes Lage oF Sey (COTE) Cal aly Uy Laall 31,41
FP (Sea eS call app bl i) pail any
Rs Dalal GES (Lub ) cares oLy Guill Boul
“elle oP Lain Sls 2691 og 555 Lb Laat
La SIV uu (reduced) gue Ss) aoe fas
soll oly wets (Rye 1981: 114 - 118) 3.1 by
Spal i Syl HM 5 Lg ayes le Lag!
PAIS atledt! —10-9
SI JIT, LY! JS ADL a) Jats
EEN) Ligh Leal Sopally Jplall GAD Sey Gl in
+(After Sinopoli 1991:56, table 3.1) Uadl ob plat aight Relyad RasScutl SLASH as) Jou)
By peal Syed Mab GUD Oplall Co Sage gll pola
J gases Ss .(short - lived gamma rays) Us debi
USL Tapes A gSaug sdldD Sep 4 Gold Lald plat
ALR 5p aS) ob Sage sll 3 il SlyLe sly Las II
Sobel obo scaled | gga AY,V A Gaal! otigSca Ledley
wily (localized) ss1ms Leistely Luuai dyati acl
polio Map al Zena a
Lé oo 83H galatl Lata gla
Byatt Leal Seay gh jet Ppl! cull
Abaealgy Colinall 9 GolglVly Places Calptll oLigSe le.
cissigll eal bel
webb Wlgiidny Ais Cabell she Gard
halal gf Aypgnll lal all ay eelaseal Cons ally
SLUR och ple Sl pay AAS JY) Say all Gully
eoligad QysLd 2009 Glut al da LIST
ALBIN 5aULl 8 ge Gul agegs LOSE Ce Ud Oy
nonplastic inclu-
Lot ARR Cl, St of
rally Laude anal (Sey Laall 3 4535 i! (sions
ite Spell Sy Gag dee ala kil of dapat
CEN Ia ata pom plead LALe cally
Y ASLanay Maladie LSI ye el yt peg yl atl Aaball
Polarized) Cadi e yo dally Bayi LSI 9 ,SLe
ADA ated JeLaas Ua) dey Sl ll te (rays
Cpl paral Say Satine Gyles (dase lege tay
PB SI Spall Sig S 2 Ayal 63M Gatlin SIy
ILasl 8 ay SLi39.. Leal!
WSpB ll LEI pall gh cl pnts Lgidpne GSayy Leal
Gym oll Saal SIy cul
eines CASE oo. Le, ——
ors va Cec abeL.@
Sl eagyy pall SLES oh Spell Glad) Say
OEE Yy Sake WLS I cl Wl Gye Gab Le (1)
lS 8 Leda Siang Stade C965 3 GSM lpactl
JUS ly (neLall Ld She) Saat! Lull dagiiee
Pe OT pall ad cals RS pala! plaid Shall
Sie opto aot Gale IL lt Ypeldy By Lgaya
Y Lagi cL Go SY uly JNU oye Lif dL kd
BSL of SelB Saag Le tL as Sep calagles Gdn ew
Go ASLAM 35,2 at yh LaLa 4 Gully Gy pall
colaball 1p 88N sae ula GUS, SLU SST 8 GLI
hepa ell Gre ell wake ASH cable ules yf
ESTs Ltt cae peels Ayla all 31 SU LaLa
AU Ganties Yyh ghey aT piney Lege! ls Jals
Stbe Ala eI Co Jet ote LaLaael Lele Litas
(G8 Sey lls paciy Gob GLAbI Gly SI clea’
“Eli os US la cobaeatS Jaa! Le) aula pl atal
By ig! JIS 5
2 aed alse) le ull eas
Sy ell etal gS
PALS gf LIT Cpa ayes age cy
Hens ELM cpeate aL 8 ula gf Lia
Bgglaall 1M IAI og
Classifi- guest aiys ole Bees SLintead YY ot
cation of manufacturing stages
le sates Lisle 39S) qaliadl Lol slant Lel
Nga Gyy gn I Splog tiny teas
ANS Ges Gos Yay 51 gLBY a Lest
Aeclailly Gaba sored oe gill (a 8 jE yuy dane
geht SoS gl gpl AYN Le dag a gl USL
okay AEN SBS) Cea LST oA all cilglas
Laify a pelad) LSS Luss dead Lots Yoolshst
pleat cilgbads tl gill JOAN cL US Jol Jats
soe Slee ulady 59 Agnes oo LY eljet
4) yt JIS iliad atest of ga gb
Sols AM MS EY Gs yu all wlLia gf al
eerie Joley Lae Qiold JICAY) duly ate
(quantitative) tus lel ual A