Buried Far From Home Sasanian Graves at
Buried Far From Home Sasanian Graves at
Buried Far From Home Sasanian Graves at
(a) (b)
Fig. 3.
Beads and stamp seals associated with Burial 1.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.
Burial 2 in situ: a. fragmented skull: b. associated finger-rings; c. post-
cranial skeleton.
The post-cranial skeleton is badly preserved and very reservoir correction was not applied, because there are
fragmented. None of the epiphyses are intact and therefore no indications that the buried individual had lived on
no measurements could be taken. Macroscopic examina- a marine-dominated or otherwise specialised diet for a
tion revealed no pathologic lesions or abnormal features in longer period of his/her life.
the post-cranium.
processes that lead finally to soil and subsoil formation. Jebel Faya. The western rim of the inland basin is formed
The influence of the latter should not be neglected, by a chain of anticline structures with an ophiolite core
because processes such as sediment transportation by and a partially preserved cover of Late Mesozoic lime-
rivers or glaciers over large distances may cause mixed stone. Further towards the west these formations dip under
geological sources of strontium uptake into living organ- the sands of the north-eastern extension of the Rub al-
isms (Bentley 2006). Khali desert. Where the sands are quarried deep enough
thick layers of ophiolithic gravel become visible.
4.2. Geological and geo-morphological environment Towards the east the inland basin is bordered by the Ha-
of the burials jar Mountains, which belong to the Oman Ophiolite Belt
The nearby surroundings of the two Sasanian burials can- and form its north-western end. The ophiolite itself has a
not have contributed much to the biogenic strontium con- complex structure of different lithological units, but in
tent of the skeletal remains. It is most unlikely that the two terms of their geological age they appear to be quite uni-
individuals lived where they were buried. The burial site form. Towards the north and south-east of the study area
lies in the eroded centre of the southern Jebel Faya anti- the ophiolite of the Hajar Mountains has a Mesozoic lime-
cline of which Jebel al-Emeilah is the south-eastern part stone cover. This information is based on the Geological
(Fig. 6). Aeolian sands on calcareous and ophiolithic hill- Map of the Northern Emirates 1:250.000 published by the
side scree form a hostile desert environment in this part of Ministry of Energy, Petroleum and Minerals, UAE (2006)
the landscape. The nearby rocks are ophiolites belonging and produced by the British Geological Survey. A detail
to the south-eastern Arabian ophiolite belt of the Hajar of this map for the area under discussion is reproduced
Mountains and—on top of them—Mesozoic marine car- here in Figure 6. This official map is more precise than the
bonates (Fig. 7). sketch maps used by Gregoricka (2013, 2014).
The nearest archaeological site where the two individu-
als might have lived for some time is the proto-historic 4.3. Expected local ranges of 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios
city of Mleiha, some 11 km north-north-east of the burial Determination of the ‘local range’ of 87Sr/86Sr ratios is a
site (see Figs. 1 and 6). There the underground consists major task in bio-archaeological mobility studies under-
mostly of fan deposits of ophiolite gravel. Deeper under- taken in areas where such analyses are still uncommon.
ground the gravel lies on the same Late Mesozoic lime- Problems involved in this task have been discussed exten-
stone that comes to the surface at the nearby anticline of sively (Bentley 2006; Laffoon et al. 2012: 2372). Most
possibilities can be excluded for the area concerned. Small
mammals are too rare and too difficult to catch in this des-
ert landscape for reasonable locally differentiated base-
lines to be produced.
Domestic animals are also inappropriate because they
are often fed on imported hay, or —like camels—are
mobile to an extent that no ‘local’ strontium ratios can be
based on their products or tissues. Compiling existing
measurements of 87Sr/86Sr ratios derived from archaeolog-
ical animal bone finds studied earlier (e.g. Nafplioti 2011)
is also not applicable, because only the recent studies of
L. Gregoricka (2013) provide some strontium isotope
determinations for animal remains from a small number of
sites, which are not representative for the area concerned
and for which large-scale transhumance cannot be
excluded. As proposed by Laffoon et al. (2012: 2372) an
appropriate sampling strategy had to be tailored according
Fig. 6.
to the local conditions.
Detail from the Geological Map of the Northern Emirates (Ministry of In the context of an ongoing project on Neolithic mobil-
Energy, Petroleum and Minerals 2006) indicating the burial site and the ity in this region it was decided to use the wood of local
late pre-Islamic settlement site at Mleiha. trees and shrubs for establishing a broad database of
Fig. 7.
A map of the geological environment (based on Drechsler 2008: fig. 7).
Sr/86Sr ratios for the area concerned. A similar approach reach the grasses and other low plants eaten by animals.
was applied by Valentine, Kamenov and Krigbaum These then enter the food chain of the human population.
(2008). In particular the use of trees seems most appropri- In this way the deep-rooted trees are major vectors for
ate for this purpose because they form the basis of impor- mediating the transportation of strontium from the geo-
tant processes that lead to the biological availability of sphere into the biosphere. In the context of the above-men-
strontium. tioned project a large number of wood samples were
As in other hyper-arid regions the local trees in south- collected throughout the Emirates. 87Sr/86Sr ratios were
eastern Arabia are very deep-rooted. Acacia tortilis and measured on twenty-nine of these samples. This set of
Prosopis cineraria are the most common trees in the area. strontium isotope ratios in woody plants (Table 1) was
The network of their roots is of similar size or larger than therefore used as reference for comparison with the
that of their branches. In particular the Ghaf tree (Prosopis Sr/86Sr ratios obtained from the two skeletons found
cineraria) is a major source of food for local plant-eating near Jebel al-Emeilah.
animals. Thus—in the case of the Ghaf tree—the averaged
underground strontium isotopic ratios are directly trans-
mitted to animals that contribute to human subsistence. 5. Residential mobility of the two individuals
The thorny Acacias do the same—but less directly—by buried near Jebel al-Emeilah
shedding their leaves and dry wood, which then transmit Studies on long-term mobility of humans or animals are
their mineral content to the surface soils, from where they based on comparisons of 87Sr/86Sr ratios in early and
Table 1. A list of 87/86strontium isotope ratios of the tooth enamel samples from the two skeletons excavated at Emeilah, and the twenty-nine wood
samples from all over the UAE.
Sample ID Type Comment Latitude Longitude 87/86Sr
549 Tooth enamel Emeilah Burial 1,M1 0.7081
550 Tooth enamel Emeilah Burial 1,M3 0.7080
552 Tooth enamel Emeilah Burial 2,M1 0.7080
553 Tooth enamel Emeilah Burial 2,M3 0.7081
386 Botanical sample Acacia 25.32202 55.86142 0.7087
387 Botanical sample Acacia 25.83335 56.02973 0.7087
388 Botanical sample Acacia 25.29930 55.49724 0.7088
389 Botanical sample Avicennia, Mangrove 25.00538 56.36763 0.7092
390 Botanical sample Acacia 23.79809 55.52812 0.7085
391 Botanical sample Acacia 24.31216 55.79544 0.7084
392 Botanical sample Avicennia, Mangrove 25.53138 55.59283 0.7092
393 Botanical sample Acacia 25.12369 55.84816 0.7086
394 Botanical sample Acacia 25.05904 55.99524 0.7086
395 Botanical sample Acacia 24.82210 56.12086 0.7085
396 Botanical sample Prosopis 24.95888 55.79212 0.7086
397 Botanical sample Acacia 24.99327 56.21597 0.7085
542 Botanical sample Acacia 25.57563 55.65447 0.7089
543 Botanical sample Acacia 25.00007 55.66258 0.7087
544 Botanical sample Acacia 25.60079 56.28722 0.7086
545 Botanical sample Prosopis 24.79071 55.59431 0.7087
601 Botanical sample Acacia 25.03938 55.81446 0.7086
602 Botanical sample Acacia 25.00370 55.79470 0.7087
603 Botanical sample Acacia 25.79837 56.07564 0.7085
604 Botanical sample Ziziphus 23.13312 53.78238 0.7085
605 Botanical sample Shrub 23.75565 53.65244 0.7088
606 Botanical sample Acacia 23.24101 54.34167 0.7087
607 Botanical sample Prosopis 22.96649 54.23739 0.7087
608 Botanical sample Akazie 25.39391 56.01283 0.7087
610 Botanical sample Prosopis 24.40181 55.37806 0.7087
611 Botanical sample Prosopis 24.10345 53.47748 0.7089
612 Botanical sample Shrub 24.24675 54.70476 0.7088
614 Botanical sample Acacia 25.22258 55.35185 0.7090
615 Botanical sample Prosopis 22.97402 53.40297 0.7086
later forming teeth (Montgomery 2010; Slovak & Paytan wood samples was performed by incinerating c.30–40 g
2012). Since tooth enamel is not renewed once it has of the wood in an oven at 550°C. The resulting ash was
formed, it represents an isotope archive of the childhood used for determining 87Sr/86Sr ratios.
of an individual, providing information on the geology Isotope ratio measurements were performed on the
of the place where the individual has spent his/her child- FinniganMAT 262 TIMS located at the isotope lab of the
hood during the time when the enamel formed. If signif- Geochemistry Group of the University of T€ ubingen
icant differences are found, they provide evidence for (Germany). Powdered enamel samples were weighted into
trans-location or, if not, for potential local residence of Savillex© Teflon beakers. Strontium was leached from the
the respective individual. It is recommended that a range ashes of the wood samples with 5M HAc by placing the
of 2 standard deviations from the mean of the local closed beakers on a hot plate at 80°C overnight. Samples
values—in our case determined from tree samples— were centrifuged and the liquid including the dissolved
should be applied in order to delimit the potential vari- strontium was pipetted into a new beaker and dried down.
ability of human values for the respective local range Tooth and bone samples were then dissolved in HNO3
(Grupe et al. 1997). Individuals with 87Sr/86Sr ratios (65%) in closed beakers on a hot plate at 80°C overnight
higher or lower than this range can thus be classified as and subsequently dried. Wood and tooth samples were
non-locals. then redissolved in 2.5M HCl for the separation of stron-
tium by conventional ion-exchange-chromatography using
5.1. Sampling and analytical procedures quartz glass columns filled with BioRad AG 50W-X12
In spite of the poor preservation of the skeletal remains of (200–400 mesh). Subsequent purification of strontium was
the two described individuals from Jebel al-Emeilah, their achieved in micro-columns filled with Eichrom© Sr-spec
teeth were remarkably well preserved and thus appropriate resin. Strontium separates were loaded with a Ta-activator
for anthropological analysis and strontium isotope studies. on Re single filaments and isotope ratio measurements
Tooth enamel is considered the optimal material for were performed in dynamic mode. Analytical mass frac-
obtaining reliable results (e.g. Trickett et al. 2003; tionation was corrected using a 88Sr/86Sr ratio of 8.375209
Hedges, Stevens & Koch 2006; Hoppe, Koch & Furutani and exponential law. External reproducibility for NBS
2003). When buried, tooth enamel is considered more SRM 987 (n = 9) is 0.710258 11 for the 87Sr/86Sr ratio.
resistant to diagenetic alterations than bone. The total procedural blank (chemistry and loading) was <
Samples of tooth enamel of the first and third molars 1130 pg for strontium. The analytical error was 0.000012.
were taken in order to obtain results for two different onto-
genetic stages during the life of the two individuals. The
first permanent molar (M1) starts to develop in utero and 6. Results of strontium isotope analyses
the mineralisation of its crown is completed by approxi- The strontium isotope ratios of twenty-nine analysed wood
mately 3 years of age (Knipper 2011). The third molars samples (Table 1 and Fig. 8) collected in the United Arab
(M3) develop later during childhood and the time of their Emirates range from 0.7084 to 0.7092 with a mean of
crown mineralisation is relatively variable. Mineralisation 0.7087 0.00019 (1r). The 2r-range thus extends from
starts around 7 and is completed by 16 to 20 years of age 0.7083 to 0.7091. These values coincide with the range
(2011: 132–134). used by Gregoricka (2014) of 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7086–
The first and third molars of both skeletons were sam- 0.7090 based on faunal samples. The values of the tree
pled using a dental drill. After the surface layer of the samples are used as a local baseline for comparison with
enamel was removed and discarded, c.5 mg of the inner the ratios determined for the two individuals from Jebel al-
enamel was isolated. Based on established methodologies Emeilah. Values outside the 2r range are considered as
(modified after Balasse et al. 2002), enamel powder was deriving from non-locals (Grupe et al. 1997). The
then broken down in 1.5 ml of 2.5% NaOCl solution in Sr/86Sr ratios for the first and third molars of both skele-
order to eliminate organic matter. Afterwards the samples tons are very similar to each other and range from 0.7080
were treated with a 0.1 M lithium-acetate buffer (contain- to 0.7081 (Table 1). Thus they are all clearly outside the
ing 0.1 M lithium acetate dihydrate, 99.999% trace metals 2r range of the total of the twenty-nine wood samples
basis and 0.1 M acetic acid). This buffer dissolves second- (Fig. 9).
ary carbonate inclusions and also washes out diagenetic One wood sample (Table 1, sample 601) derives
strontium. Sample preparation of the cleaned comparative directly from the burial site. This sample and four others
Fig. 9.
Strontium isotope values of enamel samples of the two human skeletons excavated at Emeilah and of twenty-nine recent wood samples from the UAE.
The 2r s.d. of the local values is delimited by the dotted line. Comparative strontium isotope ratios of tooth enamel of humans and fauna from Bahrain
(Barbar and burial mounds), Kuwait (Failaka) and Iran (Tepe Yahya) from Gregoricka (2011), and tooth enamel of humans from Mesopotamia (Ur)
from Kenoyer, Price and Burton (2013), are included for comparison.
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