Ec-1 Unit 3
Ec-1 Unit 3
Ec-1 Unit 3
(Regulation 2017)
Year/Semester: II/03
2021 – 2022
Prepared by
Assistant Professor/ECE
To understand the methods of biasing transistors
To design and analyze single stage and multistage amplifier circuits
To analyze the frequency response of small signal amplifiers
To design and analyze the regulated DC power supplies.
To troubleshoot and fault analysis of power supplies
BJT– Need for biasing — DC Load Line and Bias Point — DC analysis of Transistor circuits
— Various biasing methods of BJT — Bias Circuit Design — Thermal stability — Stability
factors — Bias compensation techniques using Diode, thermistor and sensistor — Biasing
BJT Switching Circuits- JFET — DC Load Line and Bias Point — Various biasing methods
of JFET — JFET Bias Circuit Design — MOSFET Biasing — Biasing FET Switching
Small Signal Hybrid p equivalent circuit of BJT — Early effect — Analysis of CE, CC and
CB amplifiers using Hybrid p equivalent circuits — AC Load Line Analysis- Darlington
Amplifier — Bootstrap technique — Cascade, Cascode configurations — Differential
amplifier, Basic BJT differential pair — Small signal analysis and CMRR.
Small Signal Hybrid p equivalent circuit of FET and MOSFET — Analysis of CS, CD and
CG amplifiers using Hybrid p equivalent circuits — Basic FET differential pair- BiCMOS
Linear mode power supply — Rectifiers — Filters — Half-Wave Rectifier Power Supply —
Full- Wave Rectifier Power Supply — Voltage regulators: Voltage regulation — Linear
series, shunt and switching Voltage Regulators — Over voltage protection — BJT and
MOSFET — Switched mode power supply (SMPS) — Power Supply Performance and
Testing — Troubleshooting and Fault Analysis, Design of Regulated DC Power Supply.
After studying this course, the student should be able to:
Acquire knowledge of Working principles, characteristics and applications of BJT and
FETFrequency response characteristics of BJT and FET amplifiers
Analyze the performance of small signal BJT and FET amplifiers - single stage and
multi stage amplifiers
Apply the knowledge gained in the design of Electronic circuits
1. Donald. A. Neamen, Electronic Circuits Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition, Mc
Graw Hill Education (India) Private Ltd., 2010. (Unit I-IV)
2. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nasheresky, ―Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory‖,
11thEdition, Pearson Education, 2013. (Unit V)
1. Millman J, Halkias.C.and Sathyabrada Jit, Electronic Devices and Circuits, 4th
Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Private Ltd., 2015.
2. Salivahanan and N. Suresh Kumar, Electronic Devices and Circuits, 4th
Edition, , Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Private Ltd., 2017.
3. Floyd, Electronic Devices, Ninth Edition, Pearson Education, 2012.
4. David A. Bell, Electronic Devices & Circuits, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press,
5. Anwar A. Khan and Kanchan K. Dey, A First Course on Electronics, PHI, 2006.
6. Rashid M, Microelectronics Circuits, Thomson Learning, 2007
EC8351- Electronic Circuits I Dept of ECE
Input Impedance Zi
Zi = RG
Output Impedance Zo
It is the impedance measured looking from the output side with input voltage Vi equal to Zero.
As Vi=0,Vgs =0 and hence gmVgs =0 . And it allows current source to be replaced by an open
Figure shows Common Source Amplifier With self Bias. The coupling capacitor C1 and
C2 which are used to isolate the d.c biasing from the applied ac signal act as short circuits for ac
analysis. Bypass capacitor Cs also acts as a short circuits for low frequency analysis.
The following figure shows the low frequency equivalent model for Common Source Amplifier
With self Bias.
Fig3.6 Small signal model for Common source amplifier model of JFET
The negative sign in the voltage gain indicates there is a 180o phase shift between input and
output voltages.
Now Rs will be the part of low frequency equivalent model as shown in figure.
Fig3.8 Small signal model for Common source amplifier model of JFET
Input Impedance Zi
Zi = RG
Output Impedance Zo
It is given by
3.6 Common source amplifier with Voltage divider bias (Bypassed Rs)
Figure shows Common Source Amplifier With voltage divider Bias. The coupling capacitor C1
and C2 which are used to isolate the d.c biasing from the applied ac signal act as short circuits
for ac analysis. Bypass capacitor Cs also acts as a short circuits for low frequency analysis.
The following figure shows the low frequency equivalent model for Common Source Amplifier
With voltage divider Bias
Fig3.10 small model of Common source amplifier with Voltage divider bias(Bypassed Rs)
The negative sign in the voltage gain indicates there is a 180o phase shift between input and
output voltages.
3.7 Common source amplifier with Voltage divider bias (unbypassed Rs)
Fig3.11 small model of Common source amplifier with Voltage divider bias(without
Bypassed Rs)
Now Rs will be the part of low frequency equivalent model as shown in figure.
Input Impedance Zi
Zi = RG
Output Impedance Zo
It is given by
Common drain circuit does not provide voltage gain.& there is no phase shift between input and
output voltages.
Table summarizes the performance of common drain amplifier
In this circuit, input is applied between source and gate and output is taken between drain and
It is given by
2. Output Impedance Zo
It is given by
In practice, we need amplifier which can amplify a signal from a very weak source such as a
microphone, to a level which is suitable for the operation of another transducer
such as loudspeaker . This is achieved by cascading number of amplifier stages, known as
multistage amplifier
Voltage gain :
The resultant voltage gain of the multistage amplifier is the product of voltage gains of the
various stages.
Gain in Decibels
In many situations it is found very convenient to compare two powers on logarithmic scale rather
than on a linear scale. The unit of this logarithmic scale is called decibel (abbreviated dB). The
number N decibels by which a power P2 exceeds the power P1 is defined by
Decibel, dB denotes power ratio. Negative values of number of dB means that the power P2 is
less than the reference power P1 and positive value of number of dB means the power P2 is
greater than the reference power P1.
For an amplifier, P1 may represent input power, and P2 may represent output power.
Both can be given as
Where Ri and Ro are the input and output impedances of the amplifier respectively.Then,
If the input and output impedances of the amplifier are equal i.e. Ri = Ro= R, then
This configuration serves as the gain stage. The disadvantage is high output impedance.
Capacitor CS is included such that the stage is connected to a current source for biasing
Common-Gate Configuration
This amplifier provides gain and is useful when a specific (low) Rin is required. This is,
e.g., the case when the impedance needs to be matched, as with transmission lines (e.g. to 50 Ω).
Another application of the CG configuration is that it acts as a current buffer (current gain close
to unity, small Rin, large Rout).
Source Follower (Common-Drain Configuration)
This configuration acts as a voltage buffer. It provides no gain, but has low output
impedance. It is typically the last stage in a multi-stage amplifier.
By grouping the different factors in this expression, we can find a physical interpretation
for the cascading. This physical interpretation can be used to guide simulation or analysis of the
different stages separately, before combining them into a cascaded amplifier.
1. What is meant by small signal?
2. What is the physical meaning of small signal parameter ro?
3. Write the equation for small signal condition that must be satisfied for linear amplifiers.
4. Draw the small signal equivalent circuit common source NMOS.
5. What is another name for common drain amplifier?
6. Draw the source follower amplifier circuit.
7. List the applications of MOSFET amplifiers.
8. Compare the characteristics of three MOSFET amplifier configurations.
9. Draw the small signal equivalent JFET common source circuit.
10. How does a transistor width-to-length ratio affect the small signal voltage gain of a common
source amplifier?
11. How a MOSFET can be used to amplify a time varying voltage?
12. How does body effect change the small signal equivalent of the MOSFET?
13. Why in general the magnitude of the voltage gain of a common source amplifier relatively
14. What is voltage swing limitation?
15. What is the general condition under which a common gate amplifier would be used?
16. State the general advantage of using transistors in place of resistors in integrated circuits.
17. Give one reason why a JFET might be used as an input device in a circuit as proposed to a
18. What are features of cascode amplifiers?
19. What are the applications of BiCMOS?
20. Discuss one advantage of BiCMOS circuit.
1. Describe the operation and analyze the basic JFET amplifier circuits.
2. Derive the small signal analysis of common source amplifier.
3. Develop a small signal model of JFET device and analyze basic JFET amplifiers.
4. Explain graphically the amplification process in a simple MOSFET amplifier circuit.
5. Describe the small signal equivalent circuit of the MOSFET and determine the values of small
signal parameters?
6. Sketch the small signal high frequency circuit of a common source amplifier & derive the
expression for a voltage gain, input & output admittance and input capacitance.
7. Sketch a simple source-follower amplifier circuit and discuss the general ac circuit
8. Characterize the voltage gain and output resistance of a common-gate amplifier.
9. Apply the MOSFET small signal equivalent circuit in the analysis of multistage amplifier
10. Explain common source amplifier with source resistor and source bypass capacitor.
11. Write short notes Voltage swing limitations, general conditions under which a source
follower amplifier would be used.
12. Describe the characteristics of and analyze BiCMOS circuits.