Safety Inspection Manual
Safety Inspection Manual
Safety Inspection Manual
Record of Amendments
Issue Number 1
Status Public
Author J Cussins
J Cussins/J Donoghue/
Reviewed By
K Hunt
Owner J Cussins
Approved by
Contents Page
2. Legal Considerations 4
4. Network Hierarchy 5
5. Frequency of Inspections 10
10. Training 24
1 Introduction to the Manual
1.1 In line with the principles of Well-Managed Highway Infrastructure: Code of Practice October
2016, this manual has been produced with regard to local circumstances, and the relative
risks and consequences associated with these. The characteristics of the regime, including
the frequency of inspection, items to be recorded, and the nature of response are defined by
this Highway Safety Inspection Manual, which is set in the context of the West Yorkshire plus
York, Highway Infrastructure Asset management Group, Highway Management Hierarchy and
Highway Safety Inspection Policy.
1.2 This manual is intended for senior engineers/ engineers/inspectors who undertake the scheduled
highway safety inspections of the Kirklees Council highway network.
1.3 This manual is not intended to cover inspections of Public Rights of Way (generally rural footpaths
and bridleways as shown on the Definitive Map), detailed Street Lighting inspections, Tree
inspections or inspections of Highway Structures.
1.4 Unless otherwise stated, terms used in this manual are as defined in Well-Managed Highway
Infrastructure: Code of Practice October 2016.
2 Legal Considerations
2.1 The Highways Act 1980 sets out the main duties of Highway Authorities in England and Wales. In
particular, Section 41 imposes a duty to maintain highways maintainable at public expense, and
almost all claims against authorities relating to highway functions arise from the alleged breach
of this section.
2.2 Section 58 provides for a defence against action relating to alleged failure to maintain on grounds
that the authority has taken such care as in all circumstances was reasonably required to secure
that part of the highway in question was not dangerous for traffic.
3 Purpose of Safety Inspections
3.1 Safety inspections are designed to identify, record and prioritise the repair of all defects likely
to create danger or serious inconvenience to users of the highway network or the wider
community. The risk of danger is assessed on site and the defect identified with an appropriate
timescale for action.
3.2 The Safety Inspection regime forms a key aspect of Kirklees Council strategy for managing
liability and risk.
4 Network Hierarchy
West Yorkshire plus York districts have worked collaboratively to develop a common approach
to defining their network hierarchies. The districts have adopted the common approach and are
at various stages of reviewing and updating their network hierarchies.
Clearly it would be desirable for each district to have completed updates to their network
hierarchy and have implemented any changes to highway safety inspection frequencies by the
end of October 2018. The size of the task has meant that this has not been possible, and the
districts priority is to ensure that the hierarchy review and update is done thoroughly and in a
consistent manner. It is also important that any changes made to the hierarchy is integrated into
the highway safety inspection regime.
Existing network hierarchies are based on the (old) Well-maintained Highways Code of Practice
and have undergone periodic reviews and updates over recent years. As such, the districts are
comfortable that their existing network hierarchies are fit for purpose and align to the current risk
The benefit of updating the hierarchy to align to the new Code is recognised, however the districts
feel that it is essential that the transition is managed in an orderly manner. Such a measured
approach will ensure that the impact of changes to hierarchy, and therefore inspection frequency,
is managed and that inspections are not missed.
Kirklees council is responsible for the maintenance of over 1976km of highway network which is
split into different types of classification as shown below:
4.1.1 The hierarchy for carriageways has been broken down into two overarching strategies:
Strategic Roads – Motorways, West Yorkshire Key Route Network and Main Distributors
Local Roads
Table 4.1 Hierarchy – Carriageways
Carriageway Hierarchy
4.2 Footway Hierarchy
Pedestrian Volume
The proximity of schools or other establishments attracting higher than normal numbers of
Footway Hierarchy
Category Description
4.2 Cycleways Hierarchy
Category Description
Cycle facilities forming part of the carriageway, these will be assigned the hierarchy
Cycle Lane
of the footway/carriageway on which they exist
Cycle track, a route for cyclists not contiguous with the public footway or
Cycle Track carriageway. Shared cycle/pedestrian paths, either segregated by a white line or
other physical segregation, or un-segregated
Cycle trails, leisure routes through open spaces. These are not necessarily the
Cycle Trails
responsibility of the highway authority
The following functionality factors/traffic and pedestrian generators have been used to develop
the carriage and footway hierarchies.
Number of Parking
Hospitals & Large Clinics <20 20-500 >500
Medical Space
Facilities number of doctors in
GP Surgeries n/a 5-10 >10
Number of Parking
Supermarkets <200 200-800 >800
Retail facilities Spaces
Business Parks Number of Units <10 10 - 50 >50
Passenger entry/exit
Railway Stations <50k 50k – 100k >100k
per annum
5 Frequency of Inspections
5.1 Highway Safety Inspection frequencies are based upon Network Management categories
developed from the West Yorkshire and York, Highway Infrastructure Asset management Group,
Highway Management Hierarchy and Highway Safety Inspection Policy.
5.1.1 Most carriageways and footways within Kirklees are inspected simultaneously with the frequency of
the inspection being set at the most frequent of the two intervals, therefore some streets are
inspected more frequently than indicated in the tables below:
Motorway N/A
WY Strategic Key Route Network 1 Month
Main Distributor 1 Month
High Traffic Local Network 1 Month
Medium Traffic Local Network 3 Month
Low Traffic Local Network 6 Month
Local Road 12 Month
Minor Access Road Inspection on Request
Prestige Walking Zones N/A
Primary Walking Routes 1 Month
Secondary Walking Routes 3 Month
Link Footways 6 Month
Local Access Footways 12 Month
Minor Footways Inspection on Request
Cycle Lane As for carriageway
Cycleway Cycle Track Yearly
Cycle Trails Yearly
5.2 Method of Inspection
Driven scheduled highway safety inspections are undertaken by two people in a suitable vehicle
with signage and mounted beacon, travelling at a speed that will enable adequate recording of
defects (less than 20mph), with one inspector/engineer driving and the other inspecting the
highway network. The driver will not be expected to be actively involved in identifying and
recording defects but will concentrate on ensuring the safe passage of the vehicle. However,
on occasion where the inspection vehicle will pass directly over a defect or potential defect the
driver may offer assistance to the inspector.
When carrying out driven safety inspections the vehicle may be stopped to examine potential
defects more closely on foot.
6 Additional Inspections and Exceptional Circumstances
6.1 Additional inspections may be necessary in response to user or community concern, as a result of
incidents, extreme weather conditions, monitoring information or roads being used for long term
diversions. The occurrence of any such inspection and its outcome is recorded as an additional
6.2 In exceptional circumstances, scheduled highway safety inspections may not be able to be
carried out, e.g. during periods of extreme weather. In these circumstances, s a fety
inspections may be suspended and/or a temporary ame ndme nt t o pro cedur e p ut in
7 Items for Inspection
7.1 Items to be considered and observed on scheduled highway safety inspections are outlined
below, this list is not exhaustive and is provided as a check list only. Inspectors/Engineers may
also record any other defects not included that they consider are likely to create danger or
serious inconvenience to the community.
Footway Carriageway
Surface Maintenance Arrange repair or making safe of Arrange repair or making safe of
footway defects including potholes and other surface defects
potholes, defective ironwork, kerb including ironwork and channel
and flags or edging defects. defects.
Highway Drainage Report excessive standing water or Arrange to make safe as necessary
excessive water flowing onto the and report excessive standing water
footway. or excessive water flowing onto or
across the carriageway.
Report blocked gullies, drainage
channels or grips. Report blocked gullies or kerb
drainage systems
Highway Obstructions Report or action any serious Report or action any serious
obstruction of the footway that are obstruction of the carriageway that
likely to cause a danger or serious are likely to cause a danger or serious
inconvenience to users inconvenience to users
Verge Maintenance Arrange for repairs or make safe Report obstruction to visibility and
any defects that are likely to cause sight lines caused by verge
a danger or serious inconvenience overgrowth.
to users
Safety Fences & Barriers Arrange to make safe as necessary Arrange to make safe as necessary
and report damaged safety fences and report damaged safety fences and
and barriers. barriers.
Street Cleansing Report to the Councils Cleansing Remove easily moved debris if safe to
Service any debris/fly tipping on so which is likely to cause a danger or
footway likely to cause a danger or serious inconvenience to users, from
serious inconvenience to users trafficked areas or arrange for removal
via customer services.
Traffic Signs / Signals Report damaged signs and traffic Report damaged signs and traffic
signals signals
Additional Information
Defective apparatus including utility boxes (manholes) are the responsibility of statutory undertakers, in
such cases the defect will be recorded, and a section 81 notification of unsatisfactory apparatus issued to
the relevant utility by the back office team.
Highway Drainage
Extensive water on the carriageway can cause aqua-planing, vehicles swerving to avoid standing water
and ice formation in the winter. The most common cause can be blockages to gullies, drainage channels
or grips.
Any incidences of extensive water recorded and passed to the drainage team.
Physical obstruction can be caused by anything deposited on or suspended over the highway. The extent
of any potential danger risk assessed in each individual circumstance taking into account the nature of
the obstruction, site layout and the level of traffic using the highway.
In the majority of instances, the most appropriate first action will be to seek the removal of the
obstruction by the person responsible for it. If this results in a rebuff or non-action within a reasonable
period, then the matter shall be reported for enforcement action to be considered.
In exceptional circumstances direct action by Highways Operations to remove the obstruction may be
Verge Maintenance
Verges can present problems to highway users through poor surface condition or obstruction to visibility
and sight lines caused by thorough overgrowth. Arrange for repairs or make safe any defects that are
likely to cause a danger or serious inconvenience to users, having due regard to its level of use
Damaged safety barriers should be made safe and reported to the Reactive team for permanent repair if
Projections from the damaged fence or barrier, which extend into areas which, might reasonably
be used by pedestrians or vehicles.
Missing section of pedestrian guard rail above a vertical drop.
Highway Trees
Visual inspection only, any tree seeming dead or badly diseased reported to the Forestry Section for
further investigation. Record excessive surface disturbance from roots.
Street Cleansing
Any urgent action required to remove needles and other sharp objects from the highway, large scale
spillage and tipped material if causing obstruction, dead animals etc. should be rung through to customer
services to arrange for removal.
Under no circumstances should the inspector undertaking the inspection handle needles, syringes or
other sharp objects.
Any urgent traffic sign or signal faults should be rung through to customer service to arrange for the
sign/signal to be made safe or repaired. Examples:
Electrical covers missing
Exposed wires
Insecurely rooted traffic signal and signposts leaning into carriageway
Signal heads or sign lighting units hanging loose
Other traffic sign/signal defects should be recorded and passed to the Street Lighting Department/Urban
Traffic Control sections.
Street Lighting
Any urgent street lighting faults should be rung through to Customer Services to arrange for the faults to
be made safe or repaired. Examples:
Missing doors/exposed wires on lighting columns
Severely leaning/bad cracks on lighting columns
Other street lighting defects should be recorded and passed to the Street Lighting Department.
Badly faded road markings at give way and stop junctions, which are likely to cause a danger or serious
inconvenience to users, recorded and passed to Highway Safety section.
During an inspection defects may be identified which are not the responsibility of the Authority to repair.
However, the Authority does have a duty of care to highway users. Inspection staff will make every effort
to identify the person(s) responsible for the defect and draw their attention to both the defect and their
responsibilities. If necessary, appropriate temporary action taken to protect the public.
Cellar heads covering the footway are the responsibility of the property they serve and
maintenance for such lies with the owner/occupier of that property.
Initially arrangement should be made for the area to be made safe, generally by way of covering
with a walk board and or cones/barriers.
Defective cellar heads should be recorded, and a letter issued to the owner/occupier of the
property to arrange for repairs to be carried out.
Drainage Conduits are the responsibility of the property they serve and maintenance of such lies
with the owner/occupier of that property.
Initially arrangement should be made for the area to be made safe, generally by way of covering
with a walk board and or cones/barriers.
Defective drainage conduits should be recorded, and a letter issued to the owner/occupier of the
property to arrange for repairs to be carried out.
Any defect identified where the person(s) responsible is unknown shall be recorded and passed to
the Reactive team for follow up investigations to be undertaken to identify the responsible party.
Uneven Surfaces
8 Risk Based Inspection
A risk-based approach to defect categorisation and repair times, enables maintenance that
is appropriate to the level of risk presented to all highway users, in the context of the entire
highway asset for which the Council is responsible. This approach will wherever practicable,
enable a right first-time approach to permanent repairs which will reduce the risk to the
travelling public.
8.2.1 All defects identified during the inspection process shall be evaluated in terms of their
significance, which means assessing the likely impact should an incident occur and the
probability of it actually happening.
8.2.2 Examples of parameters which may be taken into consideration when assessing the risk may
The depth, surface area or other degree of deficiency of the defect or obstruction.
The location of the defect relative to other highway features such as retaining walls,
bridges, embankments, junctions, and bends.
The location of the defect if it could adversely affect non-highway features such as
neighbouring properties.
The location of the defect relative to the positioning of all highway users.
8.3.1 The risk factor for a particular hazard (defect) is the product of the impact and the probability,
which is measured on a scale of 1 to 16.
8.3.2 The risk factor can be used to identify the overall significance of the risk and consequently the
appropriate response required.
Category 1 (risk ranking 16) those defects categorised as a high risk that require prompt
attention because they represent an immediate or imminent hazard and should be repaired
within 1 day.
Category 2 (risk ranking 9-12) those defects which are categorised as a medium risk following a
risk assessment, are deemed not to represent an immediate or imminent hazard but should
where practicable be repaired within 7 working days.
Category 3 (risk ranking 6-8) those defects which are categorised as a low risk following a risk
assessment and should be where practicable repaired within 28 working days.
Category 4 (risk ranking 1-4) those defects which require maintenance but do not represent a
safety hazard to users of the highway network and may be considered for a future maintenance
8.4.2 Consideration should be given to the extent of damage or injury to be caused if an incident
occurred. The impact is likely to change with different defects, the amount and type of traffic
and speed.
8.5.2 Consideration should be given to the likelihood of users encountering the defect including
location, and both vehicular and pedestrian usage.
8.6.1 The risk matrix below determines the risk factor from the impact and probability assessments.
8.6.2 The category of repair is identified by its risk factor (table 8.6) and allocated a timescale for
repair based upon this risk factor.
8.6.3 The repair timescales in working days, commence at the point in time that the Council has
visited site and categorised the defect.
8.6.4 Timescales are designed to enable actionable highway defects to be, wherever practicable,
actioned by a permanent repair. This balances the immediate risk posed to highway users with
the ongoing risk that will be posed as a consequence of a failed temporary repair.
8.6.5 In some situations, it may be necessary to respond to certain defects as soon as reasonably
Very low Low Medium High
Negligible 1 2 3 4
Low 2 4 6 8
Moderate 3 6 9 12
High 4 8 12 16
Consider for
Response Minimum
forward 28 days 7 days 1 day
Time Frame
8.7 Category
Category 1
Those defects which require prompt attention because they represent an immediate or
imminent hazard or because there is a risk of short-term structural deterioration.
Normally all category 1 defects will be actioned within 1 day. If felt to be necessary, the
inspector shall remain at the site to warn highway users of the hazard until Operations have
Category 2
Defects which do not form an immediate hazard to the highway user but warrant an earlier
repair than 28 working days. The defect is recorded and issued for repair within 7 working days.
Category 3
Defects which do not form an immediate hazard to the highway user. The defect is recorded and
issued for repair works to be carried out within 28 working days.
Category 4
Do not represent a safety hazard to users of the highway network and may be considered for a
future maintenance program.
9 Recording and Monitoring of Information
9.1 All information obtained from safety inspections, together with the nature of response,
including nil returns, shall be recorded consistently on the safety inspection database. Data
stored electronically on a server which is backed-up on a daily basis.
9.4 Category 1 defects recorded, and the details rung through to the back office team to action the
9.5 Records of scheduled highway safety inspections will be retained by the Authority for future
9.6 The Authority will ensure that the routes include the existing adopted highway network and that
newly adopted highways, where appropriate are added to the highway safety inspection routes.
10 Training
10.1 Inspectors will be trained and accredited to national guidelines and will also be affiliated of any
national organisation for example The National Register of Highway Safety Inspectors, where
reasonably practicable. Any new safety inspectors will receive in-house training to continue
consistency in the identification of actionable defects and the prioritisation of repairs. All
inspectors will be competent in risk assessing defects and making on site judgements.
11.1 The Council receives claims for damages for alleged failure of its statutory duty that is Section 41
- duty to maintain a highway. The inspection records constitute an important part of the Council’s
defence documents. In the event of such a claim the person(s) undertaking the inspection may
be required to comment and may be called as a witness to defend the claim in court.