DETAILED LESSON PLAN - The Internal Structure of The Earth
DETAILED LESSON PLAN - The Internal Structure of The Earth
DETAILED LESSON PLAN - The Internal Structure of The Earth
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Motivation:
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
How are you today? Were fine and doing great ma’am.
That’s good!
Have you ever wonder what is inside the earth? Yes ma’am! We wonder, when we dig it it’s made of soil
and rocks, but when a volcano erupted; magma comes
out and became lava.
Yes it is!
So, what do you imagine about earth’s interior? It is made of solid and liquid ma’am.
To check whether your answer is correct, go to your (Students go to their group and form a circle)
group and form a circle.
B. Presentation
Let us watch and listen to the song I prepared.
Listen carefully because I will give you 5 minutes to
practice and then afterwards you’re going to perform
here in front.
Do you understand? Yes ma’am!
(after 5 minutes)
Any question?
None ma’am.
You can start.
(After 5 minutes)
Time’s up! Let us discuss what you have written on the
activity sheet.
Who will read what she/he writes on its paper?
(students raise their hands)
Yes Joanna.
I know that I know something about the layers of the
Earth. First, is the outer part of the Earth which is the
crust and it ranges from 5 to 40 km. The crust is also
made of rock and soil. In addition, below the crust is the
mantle where convection is going on. Finally, the outer
in inner core where it is like a wave of metal mush of
nickel iron and liquid gel while the inner core is holding
on atoms and it is solid. Now you know something that I
Very Good! know about the layers of the Earth.
Gwyneth can you read what you have written on your
I know that I know something about the layer of the
earth. It is made up of rock and soil and ranges from 5 to
40 km. in addition, mantle is below the crust where
lithosphere and asthenosphere is located and
convection is going on. Finally, the core where it is
divided into two, the outer core and inner core. The
outer core is made of liquid gel while the inner core is
solid. Now you know something that I know about the
Very Good! layers of the Earth.
Who wants to share also his /her answer on the
(Many of the students raise their hand. And some of
Very good! them called and share their answers.)
Prepared by:
Science Teacher