Probabilistic Reasoning
Probabilistic Reasoning
Probabilistic Reasoning
Anna University
TN School
Entrance Exam
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Probabilistic Reasoning
Probability theory is used to discuss events, categories, and hypotheses about which there is not
100% certainty.
Probabilistic Reasoning
P(S) = 0.1
P(R) = 0.7
The first of these statements says that the probability of S (“it is sunny”) is 0.1.
The second says that the probability of R is 0.7. Probabilities are always
expressed as real numbers between 0 and 1. A probability of 0 means
“definitely not” and a probability of 1 means “definitely so.” Hence, P(S) = 1
means that it is always sunny.
Many of the operators and notations that are used in prepositional logic can
also be used in probabilistic notation. For example, P( ¬ S) means “the
probability that it is
not sunny”; P(S ∧ R) means “the probability that it is both sunny and rainy.”
P(A ∨ B), which means “the probability that either A is true or B is true,” is
defined by the following rule: P(A ∨ B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A ∧ B)
The notation P(B|A) can be read as “the probability of B, given A.” This is
known as conditional probability—it is conditional on A. In other words, it
states the probability that B is true, given that we already know that A is true.
P(B|A) is defined by the following rule: Of course, this rule cannot be used in
cases where P(A) = 0.
For example, let us suppose that the likelihood that it is both sunny and rainy
at the same time is 0.01. Then we can calculate the probability that it is rainy,
given that it is sunny as follows:
The basic approach statistical methods adopt to deal with uncertainty is via the
axioms of probability:
Probabilities are (real) numbers in the range 0 to 1.
So given a pack of playing cards the probability of being dealt an ace from a
full normal deck is 4 (the number of aces) / 52 (number of cards in deck)
which is 1/13. Similarly the probability of being dealt a spade suit is 13 / 52 =
If you have a choice of number of items k from a set of items n then the
A graph where the directions are links which indicate dependencies that exist
between nodes.
In order to decide whether to fix the car myself or send it to the garage I make
the following decision:
If the headlights do not work then the battery is likely to be flat so i fix it
If battery and starting motor both gone send car to garage. The network to
represent this is as follows:
Bayesian probabilistic inference
Bayes’ theorem can be used to calculate the probability that a certain event
will occur or that a certain proposition is true
The theorem is stated as follows:
P(A ∧ B) = P(A|B)P(B)
Note that due to the commutativity of ∧, we can also write
P(A ∧ B) = P(B|A)P(A)
Hence, we can deduce: P(B|A)P(A) = P(A|B)P(B)
Bayesian statistics lie at the heart of most statistical reasoning systems. How is
Bayes theorem exploited?
The key is to formulate problem correctly:
P(A|B) states the probability of A given only B's evidence. If there is other
relevant evidence then it must also be considered.
All events must be mutually exclusive. However in real world problems events
are not generally unrelated. For example in diagnosing measles, the symptoms
of spots and a fever are related. This means that computing the conditional
probabilities gets complex.
In general if a prior evidence, p and some new observation, N then
Thus Simple Bayes rule-based systems are not suitable for uncertain reasoning.
Certainty factors
Dempster-Shafer models
Bayesian networks.
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