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Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Probabilistic Reasoning

Computer Engineering Department

 Outline
 Approaches to Reasoning
 Probability And Bays’ Theorem
 Bayesian Networks
 Certainty Factors And Rule-Base Systems
 Dempster-Shafer Theory
 Fuzzy Logic
Approaches to Reasoning
 There are three different approaches to reasoning under uncertainties.
1. Symbolic Reasoning
2. Statistical Reasoning
3. Fuzzy logic Reasoning

1. Symbolic Reasoning : Symbolic logic deals with how symbols relate to each other. It assigns
symbols to verbal reasoning in order to be able to check the validity of the statements through
a mathematical process.
 Propositions:
A : All spiders have eight legs.
B : Black widows are a type of spider.
C : Black widows have eight legs.
The Ʌ means “and,” and the ⇒ symbol means “implies.”
 Conclusion: A Ʌ B ⇒ C
Symbolic Reasoning
 The reasoning is said to be symbolic when it can be performed by means of primitive
operations manipulating elementary symbols.
 Usually, symbolic reasoning refers to mathematical logic, more precisely first-order (predicate)
logic and sometimes higher orders.
Statistical Reasoning
 In the logic based approaches described, we have assumed that everything is either believed
false or believed true.
 However, it is often useful to represent the fact that we believe, something is probably true, or
true with probability 0.65.
 This is useful for dealing with problems where there is randomness and unpredictability (such
as in games of chance) and also for dealing with problems where we could, if we had sufficient
information, work out exactly what is true.
 To do all this in a principled way requires techniques for probabilistic reasoning.
 Probability quantifies the uncertainty of the outcomes of a random variable / event.
 Real world applications are probabilistic in nature, and to represent the relationship between
multiple events, we need a Bayesian network.
Review of Probability Theory
 Marginal probability is the probability of an event, irrespective of other random variables.
 Marginal Probability: The probability of an event irrespective of the outcomes of other random variables, e.g.
 The joint probability is the probability of two (or more) simultaneous events, often described in
terms of events A and B from two dependent random variables, e.g. X and Y. The joint
probability is often summarized as just the outcomes, e.g. A and B.
 Joint Probability: Probability of two (or more) simultaneous events, e.g. P(A and B) or P(A, B).
 The conditional probability is the probability of one event given the occurrence of another
event, often described in terms of events A and B from two dependent random variables e.g. X
and Y.
 Conditional Probability: Probability of one (or more) event given the occurrence of another event, e.g. P(A
given B) or P(A | B).
Review of Probability Theory
 The joint probability can be calculated using the conditional probability :

P(A, B) = P(A | B) * P(B)

 The joint probability is symmetrical : P(A, B) = P(B, A)

 The conditional probability can be calculated using the joint probability:

P(A | B) = P(A, B) / P(B)

 The conditional probability is not symmetrical : P(A | B) != P(B | A)

Bayes’ Theorem
 In statistics and probability theory, the Bayes’ theorem (also known as the Bayes’ rule) is a
mathematical formula used to determine the conditional probability of events.
 Essentially, the Bayes’ theorem describes the probability of an event based on prior knowledge
of the conditions that might be relevant to the event.
 The Bayes’ theorem is expressed in the following formula:
P A|B =
 Where:
 P(A|B) – the probability of event A occurring, given event B has occurred
 P(B|A) – the probability of event B occurring, given event A has occurred
 P(A) – the probability of event A
 P(B) – the probability of event B
 Note that events A and B are independent events
Bayesian network
 A Bayesian network is a probabilistic graphical model which represents a set of variables and
their conditional dependencies using a directed acyclic graph.
 In a directed acyclic graph, each edge corresponds to a conditional dependency, and each node
corresponds to a unique random variable.
 It is also called a Bayes network, belief network, decision network, or Bayesian model.
 Bayesian Network represents the dependency among events and assigning probabilities to
 Thus ascertaining how probable or what is the change of occurrence of one event given the
 It can be used in various tasks including prediction, anomaly detection, diagnostics, automated
insight, reasoning, time series prediction, and decision making under uncertainty.
Bayes Network - Example  Whether the grass is wet, W, depends on
whether the sprinkler has been used, S, or
whether it has rained, R.

 Whether the sprinkler is used depends on

whether it is cloudy, similarly for whether it
has rained.

 The probability of the grass being wet is

conditionally independent of it being cloudy,
given information about the sprinklers and
whether it has rained.

 This joint probability may be expressed as

P(C, S, R, W) = P(C)P(S|C)P(R|C,S)P(W|C,S, R)
Bayes Network - Example  It is cloudy, what’s the probability that the
grass is wet?

 So, we want to compute P(W = T|C = T).

 By the chain rule of probability, the joint

probability of all the nodes in the graph above
P(C,S,R,W) = P(C)*P(S|C)*P(R|C,S) * P(W|C,S,R)
P(C,S,R,W) = 0.99 × 0.1 × 0.8 + 0.90 × 0.1 × 0.2
+0.90 × 0.9 × 0.8 + 0.00 × 0.9 × 0.2
P(C,S,R,W) = 0.7452
Certainty Factor
 A Certainty Factor (CF) is a numerical estimates of the belief or disbelief on a conclusion in the
presence of set of evidence. Different methods for adopting Certainty Factor have been
1. Use a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates certainly false ( total disbelief), 1 indicates definitely true (total
belief). Other values between 0 to 1 represents varying degrees of beliefs and disbeliefs.
2. use a scale from –1 to +1 where -1 indicates certainly false, +1 indicates definitely true, and intermediate
values represent varying degrees of certainty, with 0 meaning unknown.
 The weights express the perceived certainty of a fact being true.
 The use of certainty factors is similar to probabilistic reasoning but is less formally related to
probability theory.
 There are many schemes for treating uncertainty in rule based systems. The most common are
 Adding certainty factors.
 Adoptions of Dempster-Shafer belief functions.
 Inclusion of fuzzy logic.
Certainty Factor in a Rule based System
 In a rule based system, a rule is an expression of the form "if A then B" where A is an assertion
and B can be either an action or another assertion.
 A problem with rule-based systems is that often the connections reflected by the rules are not
absolutely certain or deterministic, and the gathered information is often subject to uncertainty.
 In such cases, a certainty measure is added to the premises as well as the conclusions in the
rules of the system.
 A rule then provides a function that describes : how much a change in the certainty of the
premise will change the certainty of the conclusion.
 In its simplest form, this looks like :
If A (with certainty x) then B (with certainty f(x))
Certainty Factor in a Rule based System
 Each rule has a certainty attached to it. Once the identities of the virus/bacteria are found, it
then attempts to select a therapy by which the disease can be treated.
 A certainty factor (CF [h, e]) is defined in terms of two components:
1. MB[h, e] - a measure (between 0 and 1) of belief in hypothesis “h” given the evidence “e”.
 MB measures the extent to which the evidence supports the hypothesis.
 It is zero if the evidence fails to support the hypothesis.
2. MD[h, e] - a measure (between 0 and 1) of disbelief in hypothesis “h” given the evidence “e”.
 MD measures the extent to which the evidence supports the negation of the hypothesis. It is zero if the
evidence support the hypothesis.

CF[h, e] = MB[h, e] - MD[h, e]

Dempster – Shafer Theory
 In Dempster-Shafer Theory we consider sets of propositions and assign an interval to each of
them in which the degree of belief must lie.
[Belief, Plausibility]
 Belief (denoted as Bel) measures the strength of the evidence in favor of a set of propositions.
 It ranges from 0 ( no evidence) to 1 (definite certainty)
 Plausibility (PI) is PI(s) = 1- Bel(¬s)
 It also ranges from 0 to 1 and measures the extent to which evidence in favor of ¬s leaves room
for belief in s.
 In short, if we have certain evidence in favor of (¬s), then Bel(not(s)) will be 1 and Pl(s) will be
 This tells us that the only possible value for Bel(s) is also 0.
 The interval, also tells about the amount of information that we have.
 If we have no evidence we say that the hypothesis is in the range of [0, 1].
Dempster – Shafer Theory
 Let’s take an example where we have some mutually exclusive hypothesis.
 Let the set {Allergy, Flu, Cold, Pneumonia} be denoted by θ and we want to attach some
measure of belief to elements of θ.
 The key function we use here is a Probability Density Function, denoted by m.
 The function m, is not only defined for elements of θ but also all subsets of it.
 We must assign m so that the sum of all the m values assigned to subsets of θ is 1.
 At the beginning we have m as under θ = (1.0)
 If we get an evidence of 0.6 magnitude that the correct diagnosis is in the set {Flu, Cold, Pneu}
{Flu, Cold, Pneu} = (0.6)
θ = (0.4)
Dempster – Shafer Theory
 Now to move further, let’s consider we have two belief function m1 and m2.
 Let X be the set of subsets of θ to which m1 assigns a nonzero value and let Y be the
corresponding set for m2.
 We define m3, as a combination of the m1 and m2 to be,

σ𝐗∩𝐘=𝐙 𝐦1 𝐗 ∙ 𝐦2 𝐘
𝐦3 𝐙 =
1 − σ𝐗∩𝐘=∅ 𝐦1 𝐗 ∙ 𝐦2 𝐘
Dempster – Shafer Theory
 For example, suppose m1 corresponds to our belief after observing fever:
m1= { F, C, P} = 0.6 and θ = (0.4)
 suppose m2 corresponds to our belief after observing runny nose:
m2= { A, F, C} =0.8 and θ = (0.2)
 Then we can compute their combination m3 using the following table.
{A,F,C } (0.8) Θ (0.2)
{F,C,P } (0.6) {F,C } (0.48) {F,C,P} (0.12)
Θ (0.4) {A,F,C } (0.32) Θ (0.08)

 So we produce a new, combined m3 as,

{Flu, Cold} (0.48) {All, Flu, Cold} (0.32) {Flu, Cold, Pneu} (0.12)
Θ (0.08)
Fuzzy Logic
 Fuzzy logic is a set of mathematical principles for knowledge representation based on degrees
of membership rather than on crisp membership of classical binary logic.
 Fuzzy logic is a form of many-valued logic in which the truth values of variables may be any real
number between 0 and 1.
 By contrast, in Boolean logic, the truth values of variables may only be the integer values 0 or 1.
 Fuzzy logic has been employed to handle the concept of partial truth, where the truth value may
range between completely true and completely false.
 Furthermore, when linguistic variables are used, these degrees may be managed by specific
membership functions.
 Such methods have been used in control systems for devices like trains, AC, and washing
 The concepts of Fuzzy Logic are extensively applied in business, finance, aerospace, defense,
Fuzzy Sets and Membership function
 The concept of a set is fundamental to mathematics. Crisp set theory is governed by a logic
that uses one of only two values: true or false.
 This logic cannot represent vague concepts, and therefore fails to give the answers on the
 In fuzzy set theory, an element is with a certain degree of membership. Thus, a proposition is
not either true or false, but may be partly true (or partly false) to any degree.
 This degree is usually taken as a real number in the interval [0,1].
Fuzzy Sets and Membership function
 The classical example in fuzzy sets is tall men. The elements of the fuzzy set “tall men” are all
men, but their degrees of membership depend on their height.

Name Height in cm Degree of Membership

Crisp Fuzzy
John 208 1 1
Tom 181 1 0.8
Bob 152 0 0.0
Mike 198 1 0.9
Billy 158 0 0.4
Architecture of a Fuzzy Logic  In the architecture of the Fuzzy Logic system, each
component plays an important role. The
System architecture consists of four different
1. Rule Base
2. Fuzzification
Rule base 3. Inference Engine
Crisp 4. Defuzzification
Fuzzification Defuzzification
Fuzzy Input Engine Fuzzy Output
Architecture of a Fuzzy Logic 1. Rule Base :
 Rule Base is a component used for storing the
System set of rules and the If-Then conditions given
by the experts are used for controlling the
decision-making systems.
 There are so many functions which offer
Rule base effective methods for designing and tuning of
Crisp fuzzy controllers.
Input  These updates or developments decreases
Fuzzification Defuzzification the number of fuzzy set of rules.
Fuzzy Input Engine Fuzzy Output
Architecture of a Fuzzy Logic 2. Fuzzification :
 Fuzzification is a module or component for
System transforming the system inputs, i.e., it
converts the crisp number into fuzzy steps.
 The crisp numbers are those inputs which are
measured by the sensors and then
Rule base fuzzification passed them into the control
Crisp systems for further processing.
Input  This component divides the input signals into
Fuzzification Defuzzification following five states in any Fuzzy Logic
Output system:
Inference i. Large Positive (LP)
Fuzzy Input Engine Fuzzy Output ii. Medium Positive (MP)
iii. Small (S)
iv. Medium Negative (MN)
v. Large negative (LN)
Architecture of a Fuzzy Logic 3. Inference Engine :
 This component is a main component in any
System Fuzzy Logic system (FLS), because all the
information is processed in the Inference
 It allows users to find the matching degree
Rule base between the current fuzzy input and the rules.
Crisp  After the matching degree, this system
Input determines which rule is to be added
Fuzzification Defuzzification according to the given input field. When all
Output rules are fired, then they are combined for
Inference developing the control actions.
Fuzzy Input Engine Fuzzy Output
Architecture of a Fuzzy Logic 4. Defuzzification
 Defuzzification is a module or component,
System which takes the fuzzy set inputs generated by
the Inference Engine, and then transforms
them into a crisp value.
 It is the last step in the process of a fuzzy
Rule base logic system.
Crisp  The crisp value is a type of value which is
Input acceptable by the user.
Fuzzification Defuzzification  Various techniques are present to do this, but
Output the user has to select the best one for
Inference reducing the errors.
Fuzzy Input Engine Fuzzy Output

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