Bdko1103 Basic Interpersonal Communication 9
Bdko1103 Basic Interpersonal Communication 9
Bdko1103 Basic Interpersonal Communication 9
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Face to Face Communication.......................................................................................................3
1.2 Communication Involving Both Sender and Receiver..................................................................4
1.3 Distances between Both Communicators....................................................................................4
1.4 Verbal and Non-Verbal................................................................................................................4
2.0 The Interpersonal Communication Elements between Customers and Frontline Staff in an
2.1 People..........................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Message.......................................................................................................................................8
2.3 Channels......................................................................................................................................8
2.4 Context........................................................................................................................................9
2.5 Noise..........................................................................................................................................10
2.6 Feedback....................................................................................................................................10
3.0 The Possible Causes of Interpersonal Conflict between Customers and Frontline Staff............12
3.1 Poor communication.................................................................................................................12
3.2 Role Incompatibility...................................................................................................................13
3.3 Personal differences..................................................................................................................13
3.4 Environmental Stress.................................................................................................................14
3.5 Informational deficiencies.........................................................................................................14
4.0 Recommendation on the Strategies to Resolve Interpersonal Conflict.....................................15
4.1 Listen reflectively.......................................................................................................................15
4.2 Talk assertively to others...........................................................................................................15
4.3 Generate possible solutions that aim for win-win outcomes....................................................16
4.4 Focus on Issues, Not Personalities.............................................................................................16
5.0 Summary..................................................................................................................................18
6.0 Reference.................................................................................................................................19
Part 2 Online Class Participation.....................................................................................................20
1.0 Introduction
Interpersonal communication is an exchange of information between two or more people. It is
part of our social interaction that form interpersonal relationship. Interpersonal
communication is formed when one person interacts with another person, regardless of what
their intention is. During interpersonal communication, there is message sending and message
receiving. This can be conducted using both direct and indirect methods. Successful
interpersonal communication is when the message senders and the message receivers
understand the message Since it is person-to-person contact, it includes everyday exchange
that may be formal or informal and can take place anywhere by means of words, sounds,
facial expression, gestures and postures. This is an ideal and effective communication
situation because both of parties can get immediate feedback.
and Non-verbal Information Conveyance. Each of these basic elements is essential towards
the forming of Interpersonal Communication.
Thus, we can better understand the entire process and some of its components by using the
interpersonal communication model. There are six common elements of interpersonal
communication that researchers have identified in order to break down interpersonal
communication into a number of elements. Modelling the interpersonal communication
process helps us to visualise and assess the connections and functions of each part of the
entire communication process.
3.0 The Possible Causes of Interpersonal Conflict between Customers and
Frontline Staff
According to, William and Joyce Hocker,” conflict in communication is an expressed
strategy between at least two independent parties who perceive in incompatible goal, scarce
resources and interference from other in achieving their goal. Interpersonal conflict in the
workplace is a point of stress, which may be encountered at all stages in a persons' career. It
may be particularly difficult to handle in a person' 20's and 30's, although midlife re-
assessment and job-change may be spurred on by tensions at work. These problems, as well
as health issues related to stress, are reasons for constructive conflict resolution to be an
important aspect of a working adult’s educational experience. (Weitzman, Weitzman 2006).
There are many possible causes of interpersonal conflict in our workplace
4.0 Recommendation on the Strategies to Resolve Interpersonal Conflict
It is true that conflict is a natural part of human relationship and communication. When the
time come it will arise, and no single relationship can be safe from this. If you are currently
experiencing conflict with another person, there are a variety of methods to resolve conflict in
ways that benefit everyone. According to Richard Bolstad, trainer and author of
"Transforming Communication," more than 90 percent of the people who sign up for his
classes do so in order to resolve conflict. Listening to people, being assertive and problem-
solving with others help to smooth over disputes and foster more satisfying personal
relationships long term.
5.0 Summary
As a conclusion, in order to attain a clear interpersonal communication both party have to
take into consideration every element will affect them. The elements are people, message,
channels, context, noise and feedback. All these elements have to give attention to avoid any
conflict in the interpersonal communication between two people.
6.0 Reference
Peters (1974). Conflict mediation across cultures. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox
Richard Bolstad (2019). The Accident at Three Mile Island and the Shuttle Challenger
Disaster.” In Textual Dynamics of the Professions: Historical and Contemporary
Studies of Writing in Professional Communities, edited by Charles Bazerman and
James Paradis, 279–305. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1990.
Part 2 Online Class Participation