10 1016@j Rser 2020 110015
10 1016@j Rser 2020 110015
10 1016@j Rser 2020 110015
Keywords: With the rapid development of new energy electric vehicles and smart grids, the demand for batteries is
Battery modeling increasing. The battery management system (BMS) plays a crucial role in the battery-powered energy storage
State estimation system. This paper presents a systematic review of the most commonly used battery modeling and state esti
Energy storage
mation approaches for BMSs. The models include the physics-based electrochemical models, the integral and
Battery management
Lithium-ion battery
fractional order equivalent circuit models, and data-driven models. The state estimation approaches are analyzed
from the perspectives of remaining capacity and energy estimation, power capability prediction, lifespan and
health prognoses, and other crucial indexes in BMS. This present paper, through the analysis of literature, in
cludes almost all states in the BMS. The estimation approaches of state-of-charge (SOC), state-of-energy (SOE),
state-of-power (SOP), state-of-function (SOF), state-of-health (SOH), remaining useful life (RUL), remaining
discharge time (RDT), state-of-balance (SOB), and state-of-temperature (SOT) are reviewed and discussed in a
systematical way. Moreover, the challenges and outlooks of the research on future battery management are
disclosed, in the hope of providing some inspirations to the development and design of the next-generation BMSs.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: wangyujie@ustc.edu.cn (Y. Wang), tjq1992@mail.ustc.edu.cn (J. Tian), szd1996@mail.ustc.edu.cn (Z. Sun), change94@mail.ustc.edu.cn
(L. Wang), rlxu@mail.ustc.edu.cn (R. Xu), limince@mail.ustc.edu.cn (M. Li), chenzh@ustc.edu.cn (Z. Chen).
Received 11 March 2020; Received in revised form 7 June 2020; Accepted 17 June 2020
Available online 16 July 2020
1364-0321/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131 (2020) 110015
management are selected to discuss. The basic theory and application voltage, and proposes a partial differential equation for liquid electro
methods of battery system modeling and state estimation are reviewed lyte material conservation and charge conservation, which improves the
systematically. The most commonly used battery models including the simulation accuracy. They also solved the problem of multi-parameter
physics-based electrochemical models, the integral and fractional-order estimation in SPMe and conducted sensitivity analysis on these
equivalent circuit models, and the data-driven models are compared and parameters.
discussed. The battery states including the state-of-charge (SOC), state- Doyle and Newman et al. [14] presented the
of-energy (SOE), state-of-power (SOP), state-of-function (SOF), state-of- pseudo-two-dimensional (P2D) model. The P2D model treats the anode
health (SOH), remaining useful life (RUL), remaining discharge time and cathode of the cell as porous electrodes composed of numerous
(RDT), state-of-balance (SOB), and state-of-temperature (SOT) and their spherical particles, and the spaces between particles are filled with the
estimation approaches are reviewed and discussed. Moreover, the electrolyte. The concentration distribution and potential distribution of
challenges and outlooks of the research on battery modeling and state the lithium-ion in the electrolyte liquid phase and the solid phase of the
estimation are proposed. electrode material particles are described by several coupled partial
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews differential equations (PDEs), so as to comprehensively examine the
the battery modeling techniques. Section 3 provides the state of the art main reaction and side reaction rates inside the cell. Since the P2D
of battery state estimation methods. The challenges and outlooks of the model contains several coupled PDEs, it is necessary to simplify the P2D
research on battery modeling and state estimation are presented in model from the perspective of engineering practice [15,16]. Further
Section 4, and finally, Section 5 concludes the paper. more, some coupled battery models have been proposed to represent
different features of battery. A P2D electrochemical-thermal-capacity
2. Battery modeling fade coupled model was developed in Ref. [17]. Ref. [18] Proposed a
fully coupled electro-chemo-mechanical model for thin-film battery,
The battery models presented in literature mainly fall into the which accounted for several mechanical and electrochemical factors.
following three main categories: the physics-based electrochemical One of the main reasons that the physics-based electrochemical models
models [7], the electrical equivalent circuit models (include the are difficult to apply in real-time applications is due to a large number of
integral-order and fractional-order models) [8,9], and the data-driven unknown variables need to be identified using global optimization
models establish by artificial intelligence algorithms such as the neu methods. Inevitably, they are likely to run into over-fitting or local
ral network [10] and support vector machine [11]. optimization problems. In the absence of accurate and detailed model
parameters, the simulation results of the actual physics-based electro
chemical models are often not ideal.
2.1. Physics-based electrochemical models
The single-particle (SP) model is the most mature simplified model 2.2. Electrical equivalent circuit models
for the physics-based electrochemical models [12]. In the SP model, a
single particle is used to represent the concentration distribution of The electrical equivalent circuit models have gained much interest in
lithium-ion in the electrode. The SP model can be used to investigate the real-time applications due to their simplified model structure and easy to
primary performance and the effect of solid-phase diffusion of the be identified. The electrical equivalent circuit models use electrical
electrodes. However, the accuracy of the SP model is relatively low. components to mimic the battery behavior. In literature, the equivalent
Grandjean et al. [13] established the SPMe model based on the SP circuit models can be divided into two groups: the integral-order models
model. The model considers the influence of electrolyte on the output and fractional-order models.
Y. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131 (2020) 110015
Y. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131 (2020) 110015
circuit model and Kalman filter to estimate the SOC of the lithium-ion 3.1. Remaining capacity and energy estimation
batteries. Wang et al. [35] proposed the fractional-order models for a
battery and supercapacitor hybrid system. Hu et al. [36] and Tian et al. Physically, discharging a cell moves lithium from the negative
[37] employed the fractional-order models to estimate the battery SOH electrode to the positive electrode, and the charging process does the
and degradation state. In Ref. [38], the fractional-order model was used opposite. Electrochemically, the cell state-of-charge (SOC) is positively
for the battery external short circuit fault diagnosis. A comparison of the related to the average concentration of lithium in the negative-electrode
benefits and drawbacks of the integral-order and fractional-order solid particles, and negatively related to the average concentration of
models is shown in Fig. 4. lithium in the positive-electrode solid particles [44]. It should be noted
that the cell voltage depends on electrode particle surface concentra
2.3. Data-driven models tions but SOC depends on average particle concentrations, which makes
determining SOC using only voltage problematic. This is why the battery
The data-driven methods have been widely used in the development capacity is difficult to obtain and measure directly. Another question for
of battery models. Wang et al. [39] presented a thermal-electrical the BMS to answer is how much energy is available in the battery pack.
coupled model based on neural network. The effectiveness of the pro This question is most important for the electric vehicle because it is a
posed approach was validated by different battery tests. Zhang et al. fundamental input to vehicle range calculations which can tell the
[40] proposed a data-driven state estimation approach by combining the drivers how far they can drive. Therefore, the remaining energy or
neural network with particle filtering. Dong et al. [41] proposed a state-of-energy (SOE) estimation is crucial.
data-driven battery model based on wavelet-neural-network. In
Ref. [42], the Stacked Denoising Autoencoders algorithm and the 3.1.1. Review of state-of-charge estimation approaches
Extreme Learning Machine algorithm were combined to form a big
data-driven lithium-ion battery model, which considered the impact of Look-up table method. The look-up table method is convenient
temperature. Although the data-driven approaches have good perfor and straightforward, which measures SOC based on the mapping rela
mance to nonlinear problems, they are easily influenced by training tionship between characteristic parameters (such as impedance spec
datasets and training methods. In addition, the dynamic simulation troscopy, internal resistance, OCV, etc.) and SOC [45].
technology is also used in battery modeling. Vigneshwaran et al. [43]
presented a three-dimensional kinetic Monte Carlo model to reveal the ● Open-circuit voltage (OCV) look-up table method. The OCV is the
law of structural evolution of the dissolution/precipitation reaction of battery voltage after a long time of resting without load, which has a
solid sulfur and lithium sulfide during the discharge of lithium-sulfur nonlinear relationship between SOC [46]. The detailed imple
batteries. The kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) model can approximate the mentation process of the method is shown in Ref. [47]. The OCV is
dynamics of the battery at a longer time scale, so it can effectively measured under different SOC conditions and made into the
predict the structural evolution of Li–O2, slurry redox flow batteries and OCV-SOC table. In practice, the SOC is determined by measuring
other types of batteries. OCV and OCV-SOC table. The method is simple and easy, but the
battery needs to be standing for a long time to ensure that the
3. Battery state estimation measured voltage is equal to OCV. Considering the influence of
temperature, material, and aging on the relationship between OCV
The battery is a complex nonlinear system with multiple state vari and SOC, these factors are added to the OCV-SOC table [48]. Pecht
ables, therefore the accurate estimation of battery states is the key to et al. [49] established an off-line OCV-SOC-Temperature table to
battery management and the basis of battery control. This section sys infer battery SOC. Besides, the hysteresis effect of OCV is also an
tematically summarizes the theoretical methods of battery state esti essential factor affecting the accuracy of OCV [50]. The hysteresis
mation from the following four aspects: remaining capacity & energy effect can be identified as the difference of OCV under the same SOC
estimation, power capability prediction, lifespan & health prognoses, during charging and discharging, especially for LiFePO4 batteries
and other important indexes in BMS. [51]. Therefore, an inaccurate OCV-SOC relationship without
considering the hysteresis effect may lead to unacceptable SOC
Y. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131 (2020) 110015
● Impedance look-up table method. There is a relationship between SOC was determined according to the difference between the
impedance and SOC. By applying a specific frequency of the current average cell and single cell. The results showed that the pack SOC
to the battery, several parameters related to SOC are identified by error is less than 2%. Whether the rated capacity is accurate directly
nonlinear fitting or parameter identification algorithm, then the affects the reliability of SOC estimation results. In Ref. [66], SOC and
impedance look-up table method is established [52]. The impedance capacity were jointly estimated by EKF, SOC error was further
parameters refer to internal ohmic resistance, polarization resis reduced. In Ref. [67], a robust estimate SOC method using EKF was
tance, polarization capacitance, inductance, constant phase element, proposed for the battery. The modeling error was regarded as a
etc [53]. If the impedance amplitude is small, these methods may constant bias state vector, which was used to correct SOC. The ac
cause significant prediction errors. Ref. [54] indicated battery aging curacy of the EKF depends not only on the linearization of the OCV
might affect the accuracy of SOC look-up table method. Besides, the function but also on model parameters [68]. Therefore, several
current, ambient temperature and other factors may lead to improved methods have been proposed to estimate battery SOC,
non-linear changes in impedance and SOC [55]. To ensure the reli which can be divided into two categories: (1) model improvement;
ability of SOC estimation, the effects of current ratio, aging, and (2) algorithm improvement. In Ref. [69], the
temperature on impedance need to be considered. thermal-electrochemical model was developed for the battery. The
model parameters are compensated by temperature and the SOC was
The primary defect of the look-up table method is that the battery estimated by EKF. In Ref. [70], an enhanced SOC estimation method
requires to be rested for a long time to ensure the stability of internal based on EKF was developed, which considered the effects of
electrochemistry so that the measured parameters can be relatively ac different currents, SOCs and hysteresis effects on the model param
curate. Besides, the reliability of SOC measurement dramatically de eters. In Ref. [71], the cubic Hermite interpolation was used to
pends on the accuracy of the SOC table. Therefore, the method is not correct the battery model, and the SOC was estimated by grey EKF.
suitable for the application of real-time and high accuracy of SOC esti The proposed method can overcome the influence of truncation
mation, such as aviation, aerospace, military industry, etc. error. In Ref. [72], a multi time scale estimation algorithm based on
EKF is proposed, which is applied to the joint estimation of SOC and -hour integral method. Compared with the above methods, the SOH of battery. In order to reduce the error of SOC estimation, the
ampere-hour integral method is more straightforward, where the SOC of filter with better performance than EKF is used to estimate SOC.
the battery is calculated by current integration [56]. ● Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter (AEKF). In AEKF, the covariance
Although this method is simple, it has apparent shortcomings. Due to of process noise and observation noise are adaptive [73]. The
the open-loop calculation, the sensor error will be accumulated, which adaptive covariance of process noise and measurement noise makes
may generate more massive SOC error. Besides, aging and temperature AEKF effectively avoid the divergence or bias of the algorithm [74].
can cause deviations in rated capacity and Coulomb efficiency, which In Ref. [75], an on-line OCV estimation method was established by
affects the accuracy of SOC calculation. Moreover, the initial SOC is using AEKF, and SOC was determined by looking up the OCV-SOC
determined by the look-up table method so that any initial error may run table. In Ref. [76], the relationship between SOC and the chemical
through the whole SOC calculation process. Therefore, this method is composition of different types of batteries was analyzed. Then based
usually combined with the model-based method or data-driven method on a multi-parameter closed-loop feedback system, the accurate
to enhance its robustness. estimation of SOC was estimated by AEKF. The results showed that
the maximum SOC error is within 3%. Due to the aging of the battery, Filter-based method. Typically, the filter-based method can be the accuracy of SOC estimation is challenged. A new method to es
roughly grouped into two categories: the Gaussian process-based filter timate SOC of LIB based on AEKF was proposed in Ref. [77]. A simple
approaches (LKF, EKF, AEKF, SPKF, UKF, AUKF, CDKF, CKF) and the optimization algorithm is applied to update the battery aging model,
probability-based filter approaches (PF, UPF, CPF). and the SOC with different aging batteries was estimated by AEKF.
The results showed that the SOC error is less than 4%. Due to the
● Liner Kalman Filter (LKF). For the past few years, Kalman Filter fractional-order model has a better description of the battery
(KF) is widely used for battery state estimation [57]. It can be seen as behavior, the battery SOC was AEKF estimated by AEKF based on the
a recursive process that involves two steps: (1) predicting the system fractional-order model [78]. In order to solve the problem of inter
state and output, (2) updating the system state based on output er ference of current measurement offset to SOC estimation, a joint
rors [58]. Because the OCV function is nonlinear, KF cannot be used estimation method of SOC and capacity based on AEKF multi time
directly. In Ref. [59], a method of SOC estimation of LIB using a LKF scale framework is proposed in Ref. [79], which effectively improves
based on local linearization was proposed. The OCV function is the robustness and accuracy of SOC estimation.
piecewise linearized, which makes LKF suitable for SOC estimation. ● Sigma-Point Kalman Filter (SPKF). For EKF, the linearization of
Chen et al. [60] proposed a joint estimation method of SOC and SOF OCV-SOC function is expanded near the prior mean, and the
based on LKF. Wei et al. [61] put forward a joint estimation method nonlinear part is ignored, which leads to obvious SOC estimation
of SOC and capacity. The SOC and capacity are estimated by LKF and error. Therefore, it is difficult for EKF to achieve satisfactory per
the recursive least squares, respectively. In recent years, a variety of formance in applications requiring high SOC estimation accuracy. In
KF variants are used for battery SOC estimation. Ref. [80], the SOC estimation methods based on SPKF ware pro
● Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The principle of EKF is to linearize posed. The results indicated that SPKF could obtain higher SOC
the nonlinear system and perform Kalman filtering, so EKF is a estimation accuracy than EKF. In Ref. [81], a SOC estimation method
suboptimal filter [62]. The EKF expands the nonlinear OCV function based on an electrochemical model was proposed, which uses an
with partial derivatives based on the linearization principle of adaptive square root sigma point Kalman filter (ASRSPKF) with
nonlinear functions [63]. Aiming at the problem that the model equality constraints. The results show that ASRSPKF has outstanding
parameters are easily changed caused by the nonlinear behavior of performance. Compared with AEKF, its accuracy is improved by
the battery, the SOC estimation method based on a reduced-order 30%, and its convergence time is shortened by 88%.
battery model and EKF was proposed in Ref. [64]. Experimental re ● Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). UKF is developed from the
sults showed that SOC errors are within 2%. In Ref. [65], a SOC traceless transformation and standard KF. By traceless trans
estimation method based on a dual-time scale EKF was developed for formation, nonlinear system equations can be applied to the standard
the battery pack. First, the average SOC was estimated, then the cell Kalman filter under linear assumption [82]. UKF does not ignore
higher-order terms due to linearization, so it has high estimation
Y. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131 (2020) 110015
accuracy [83]. The parameters of the battery model are sensitive to covariance information by the Cholesky decomposition, which im
temperature. In Ref. [84], model parameters were compensated by proves the performance of CKF in SOC estimation [99].
temperature, then SOC was estimated by UKF. To improve the per
formance of traditional UKF, several improved UKF algorithms were The Kalman filter and its distortion are limited by the Gaussian
developed. In Ref. [85], the battery model was trained by the radial distribution condition, so it is difficult to obtain a satisfactory filtering
basis function (RBF) network, the SOC was estimated by SRUKF. The effect for non-Gaussian distribution. At present, the more popular way to
results showed that SRUKF has higher SOC estimation accuracy than solve the generic filter is to use the particle filter (PF) [100,101].
EKF. To reduce the calculation requirements of unscented trans Nowadays, the research of PF has made gratifying progress, and many
formation in UKF, the square root unscented Kalman filter using deformations have been proposed used in battery state estimation.
spherical transform (Sqrt-UKFST) was developed to estimate battery
SOC in Ref. [86]. Compared with EKF, RMSE and maximum error ● Particle Filter (PF). The core idea of PF is to generate a set of
increased by 37% and 44%, respectively. The calculation require discrete sampling points in the state space according to the empirical
ment is reduced by 32% than UKF. To improve the robustness of distribution of the system state vector, then adjust the position and
UKF, the fuzzy inference system was applied to optimize UKF [87]. state of particles according to the observed values. Finally, the
The improved UKF algorithm is more robust, and SOC error under optimal particle state is estimated by adjusting the particle sets [102,
the UDDS condition is within 1.76%. 103]. A method for estimating SOC and residual discharge time
● Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter (AUKF). AUKF is an upgrade of (RDT) of battery based on PF was developed in Ref. [104]. In
UKF, which can automatically adjust the noise covariance in the SOC Ref. [105], the PF was applied to estimate SOC and SOH. In
estimation [88]. The AUKF was employed for battery SOC estimation Ref. [106], the performance of PF and EKF in SOC estimation was
in Ref. [89]. The recursive least squares method identified model compared. The results showed that PF is better than EKF. To reduce
parameters on-line and updated the AUKF state model in real-time. SOC estimation error, a SOC estimation method based on dual PF was
The results showed that the joint estimation algorithm could proposed in Ref. [107]. The numerical results indicated that the
reduce the SOC estimation error. Mara et al. [90] have compared the proposed method has higher accuracy then EKF and UKF.
performance of AUKF, AEKF, UKF, and EKF in SOC estimation based ● Unscented Particle Filter (UPF). The UPF is an improved form of
on a 2nd order RC model. The results indicated that AUKF has the PF. Its main idea is to use UKF to improve the sampling process of PF.
best performance. The absolute average error was only 0.028%. To The UKF calculates the mean and variance for each particle, then PF
calculate the error covariance adaptively, an improved AUKF based resamples the particle. UKF uses the function of approximate pos
on Sage-Husa maximum posterior estimation was proposed for SOC terior filter density to calculate the mean and variance of particles.
estimation. In Ref. [91]. The experimental results showed that the The latest observation information is included in the calculation
accuracy of SOC estimation is higher than that of UKF and EKF. results, so the PF sampling effect is improved [108]. Due to its su
● Central Difference Kalman Filter (CDKF). The CDKF assumes that perior performance, UPF has been widely used in SOC estimation. In
the state variables of the system obey Gaussian distribution. For Ref. [109], the author compared the algorithm performance of EKF,
random Gaussian variables with known mean and covariance, CDKF UKF and UPF in SOC estimation. The comparison results showed that
estimates their mean and covariance after any nonlinear trans the numerical indexes of UPF are optimal. In Ref. [110], a prediction
formation. CDKF uses the Sterling interpolation formula to expand framework of SOC and RDT based on UPF was proposed for the
the nonlinear model according to the central difference, which does battery. The UPF improved the accuracy of SOC estimation and
not need to calculate the partial derivative of the function [92]. The ensured the reliability of RDT prediction. For UPF, if the number of
accuracy of EKF and CDKF in estimating SOC was compared in particles is too large, the convergence speed of the algorithm will
Ref. [93]. The results showed that CDKF has a higher performance in slow down. To overcome this issue, a hybrid UPF algorithm was
estimating SOC. The SOC absolute maximum error is less than 6%. To proposed in Ref. [111], which uses the normalized least mean square
avoid the high-order Taylor series expansion in EKF calculation, an method to adapt the search range, so as to improve the efficiency of
improved CDKF algorithm using second-order difference trans UPF. The results showed that the prediction SOC estimation error is
formation to generate sigma points was proposed in Ref. [94]. The within 2%, and the improved algorithm has better performance than
verification results showed that the SOC error is within 2%, which is the original algorithm.
better than EKF and UKF. ● Cubature Particle Filter (CPF). CPF directly calculates the mean
● Cubature Kalman Filter (CKF). The CKF was proposed by Canadian and variance of nonlinear random function by volume method and
scholars Araararatnam and Haykin in 2009 [95]. Based on the generates the suggested density function to get the weighted parti
third-order spherical radial volume criterion, the mean value of the cles. Then, by calculating the mean value of the particles, the mini
nonlinear system state is approximated by CKF using a series of mum mean square error estimation of the system state is obtained
volume points, which can effectively solve the problem of nonlinear [112]. CPF algorithm uses the latest measurement information when
system state estimation. The most important two steps are to trans generating particles, which improves the approximation degree of
form the integral form into the spherical radial integral form and the the posterior probability of system state [113]. The complexity,
third-order spherical radial criterion. In Ref. [96], the performance precision and robustness of three SOC estimation methods based on
of CKF and EKF in SOC estimation was compared. The experimental extended particle filter (EPF), CPF and UPF were compared in
results show that the maximum absolute error of CKF-based SOC Ref. [114]. The experimental results indicated that the EPF algo
estimation of CKF is 1.78% lower than that of EKF. However, the rithm is efficient, but SOC estimation error is high. On the contrary,
calculation time of CKF is 8.8 times that of EKF. In Ref. [97], a SOC CPF and UPF can improve the accuracy of SOC estimation, but
estimation method based on adaptive CKF (ACKF) was developed. require more running time. In Ref. [115], an adaptive weighted cubic
The results showed that the robustness and convergence rate of ACKF particle filter (AWCPF) was proposed to estimate SOC. Aiming at the
are better than that of CKF. In Ref. [98], the improved cubature problem that the CKF algorithm is sensitive to noise, the proposed
Kalman filter (ICKF) based on singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm adaptively adjusts the sigma point weight according to the
and Gauss-Newton iterative technique was used to estimate battery state and measurement residual vector iteratively. The algorithm
SOC, which reduces the SOC estimation error. To ensure the was used to verify different operating conditions with various initial
non-negativity of the covariance matrix and avoid filter divergence, SOC. The results showed that AWCPF has high estimation accuracy,
the square root cubature Kalman filter (SRCKF) calculates the state strong robustness, fast convergence speed, and the maximum SOC
estimation error is within 1%.
Y. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131 (2020) 110015 Observer-based method. The state observer can obtain the esti ● Other Observers. Wei et al. [133] developed a recursive total least
mated values of the state variables based on the measured values of the squares (RTLS) based observer to address the biased identification of
external variables of the system. In order to realize state feedback or model parameters resulting from the unexpected sensing of noises. A
other needs for control systems, Luenberg [116] proposed the concept RTLS based on Rayleigh quotient (RQ) minimization was employed
and construction method of state observer. The appearance of the state to minimize the influence of current and voltage sensing noises. A
observer not only provides a practical possibility for the realization of Frisch scheme based bias compensating recursive least squares
state feedback technology but also has been applied in many aspects of (FBCRLS) based observer was proposed in Ref. [134]. The FBCRLS
control engineering. In recent years, the observer-based methods such as method was utilized to estimate online the noise variances and the
the Luenberger observer (LO), the sliding mode observer (SMO), the unbiased model parameter. Then the FBCRLS was integrated with a
proportional-integral observer (PIO), and the H-infinity/H∞ observer SOC observer in a closed-loop feedback mechanism, namely FBCRLS
(HIO) have been used extensively for battery state estimation. based observer. Ma et al. [135] proposed an input-to-state stability
(ISS) theory based nonlinear observer for the SOC estimation. Two
● Luenberger Observer (LO). The LO is widely used in linear, nonlinear robust observers based on a reduced-order electrochemical
nonlinear and time-varying systems [117]. Hu et al. [118] proposed model were presented in Ref. [136]. Both observers contained a
an adaptive Luenberger observer (ALO) based method for online SOC Luenberger term for nominal error convergence and a variable
estimation of a battery pack. The observer gain was adaptively structure term for the improvement of robustness of model un
adjusted through a stochastic gradient approach. Wang et al. [119] certainties. Li et al. [137] proposed a discrete-time nonlinear
developed a LO for SOC estimation based on a nonlinear fractional observer for battery SOC estimation. Compared with the EKF and the
battery model. The global asymptotic stability can be ensured discrete-time SMO algorithms, the computation cost was reduced
through Lyapunov’s direct method. and the estimation accuracy and convergence speed were improved.
● Sliding mode observer (SMO). The SMO is developed from the Xia et al. [138] applied a special nonlinear observer to verify the
sliding mode controller (SMC) and maintains robust tracking per improved parameter identification method based on polarization
formance under the condition of model uncertainties and environ depth.
mental interference. A switching gain is designed to ensure stability
and convergence. To eliminate the chattering phenomenon, a Data-driven based method. The data-driven based methods
second-order discrete-time SMO was developed in Ref. [120]. In consider the battery as a black box and learn the internal dynamics
Refs. [121,122], an adaptive gain SMO (AGSMO) was proposed to through large amounts of measurable input and output data. The
compensate model errors and minimize chattering levels. A grey commonly used data-driven based methods for SOC estimation include
prediction-based fuzzy SMO (GPFSMO) was proposed in Ref. [123] neural network (NN), fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm (GA), support vec
to both reduce chattering and solve the over-estimation problem. tor machine (SVM), and so on.
The value of battery voltage was predicted through grey prediction
and the gains on SMO were tuned according to the prediction error ● Neural Network (NN) method. The NN method has an excellent
through fuzzy inference system. Chen et al. [124] proposed a robust ability to form a non-linear map to demonstrate a complex nonlinear
SMO (RSMO) for SOC estimation. The switching gain of RSMO was model. Dang et al. [139] proposed an OCV-based SOC estimation
adjusted according to the upper bound of system uncertainty that is method on the basis of the dual NN fusion battery model. The linear
learned by a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN), and NN battery model was used to identify parameters of the first-order
achieved the convergence of the SOC estimation errors. A or second-order electrochemical model, and the second
fractional-order SMO based SOC estimation method was designed in back-propagation NN (BPNN) was utilized to capture the relation
Ref. [125]. Huang et al. [126] proposed a novel super-twisting SMO ship between OCV and SOC. Sun et al. [140] developed a Radial Basis
(STSMO) based SOC estimation method. The results indicated the Function Neural Network (RBFNN) based uncertainty quantification
STSMO can achieve faster convergence speed and higher robustness algorithm to construct response surface approximate model (RSAM)
with less computation cost. of model bias function to estimate the SOC of multi-cell battery pack.
● PI Observer (PIO). The PIO is an efficient method to estimate the Tong et al. [141] established a load-classifying NN model to estimate
state of systems with unknown input disturbance. A PIO based SOC the SOC. The structure of the model and the post-processing improve
estimation method based on a simple RC battery model was proposed the suppression of over fitting. Chemali et al. [142] developed a long
in Ref. [127]. Tang et al. [128] developed a dual-circuit based short-term memory recurrent neural network (LSTM-RNN) based
observer. The parameters-normalized PIO was designed to deal with SOC estimation for Li-ion batteries. A BPNN based SOC estimation
the capacity error and initial error, and the current integrator was to strategy was introduced in Ref. [143]. In addition, principal
restrain the influence of the drifting current. The experiment results component analysis (PCA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO)
showed that without matrix operation, this method had lower were utilized to improve estimation accuracy and robustness. A
computation complexity but high accuracy, even when the initial novel method based on deep feed-forward NN was used for battery
SOC was unknown. SOC estimation in Ref. [144] and the battery measurements can be
● H-infinity/H∞ Observer (HIO). The HIO can ensure the robustness directly mapped to SOC. Chen et al. [145] proposed a RBFNN based
of the inaccurate initial system state and unknown disturbance from nonlinear observer using an inclusive equivalent circuit model to
the inaccurate or unknown statistical characteristics of modeling and estimate SOC. An improved nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous
measurement errors. To accommodate the mode uncertainties from input (NARX)-based NN (NARXNN) algorithm was developed to es
current, temperature, and aging, a methodology combined with an timate the SOC of batteries [146]. The lighting search algorithm
HIO and a hysteresis model was proposed in Ref. [129]. Zhu et al. (LSA) was used to find the best value of input delays, feedback de
[130,131] developed an HIO with dynamic gain for the SOC esti lays, and hidden layer neurons. Xia et al. [147] proposed a
mation of a battery pack, which can reduce the adverse influence of multi-hidden-layer wavelet NN (WNN) model optimized by
the non-Gaussian model and measurement errors. In addition, the Levenberg-Marquardt (L-M) algorithm. PSO algorithm was
observer design criterion was formed as the linear matrix inequality employed to optimized WNN for SOC estimation. Yang et al. [148]
(LMI) for easy computation. Liu et al. [132] developed an HIO using developed a RNN with gated recurrent units to estimate the battery
a switched battery model to estimate the Electromotive force (EMF) SOC. A stacked LSTM network was proposed in Ref. [149] to model
for SOC. The switched model considered the relaxation effect and the the dynamics of lithium iron phosphate batteries and estimate the
relationship between EMF and SOC.
Y. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131 (2020) 110015
SOC. The proposed method presented quick convergence to the true EKF-based method depends on the linearization error. Thus, this is un
SOC even if the initial SOCs were inaccurate. suitable for high order nonlinear systems. To avoid the complicated
● Fuzzy Logic method. A fuzzy NN (FNN) based battery model was Jacobian matrix and Gaussian noise computation, the SPKF- and UKF-
established to capture the battery nonlinear dynamics [150,151]. Lee based methods are developed for SOC estimation, but more computing
et al. [152] proposed a learning system that consists of learning resources are required. Adaptive methods, such as AEKF and AUKF, are
controllers, FNNs, and cerebellar-model-articulation-controller net further developed to enhance robustness against the measurement
works to estimate the SOC. Li et al. [153] developed a noises and processing noises. To deal with the non-Gaussian noises, PF-
simple-structure merge FNN for SOC estimation, where the soft based method is proposed and can achieve high accuracy. Furthermore,
computing approach combined the FNNs based on B-spline mem the UPF- and CPF-based methods are designed to improve particle
bership function (BMFs) and a reduced-form genetic algorithm sampling process and state probability approximation, but the conver
(RGA). gence rate remains a challenge. The observer-based methods can also
● Genetic Algorithm (GA). The GA is usually used to identify the obtain satisfactory estimation accuracy against sensor or initial state
battery model parameters for further SOC estimation [154]. Chen errors. However, the appropriate gain determination is still a critical
et al. [155] developed a novel SOC estimation method on the basis of issue. Unlike the model-based methods, the data-driven based methods
the grey model (GM) and genetic algorithms. The utilization of a are insensitive to the model accuracy and environmental conditions. The
genetic algorithm introduced higher accuracy and repeatability. main drawbacks are that these methods usually need high computa
● Support Vector Machine (SVM). The SVMs are a cluster of related tional cost and long processing time, and the accuracy depends on the
supervised learning methods that can universally approximate any trained data to a great extent.
multivariate function to any level of accuracy [156]. An optimized
SVM for regression based SOC estimation method was proposed in 3.1.2. Review of state-of-energy estimation approaches
Ref. [157]. The results verified this method was simpler and more The state-of-energy (SOE) was first proposed by Mamadou et al.
accurate than that based on artificial neural networks (ANNs). Meng [160]. The SOE estimation approaches are similar to that of SOC esti
et al. [158] combined the adaptive unscented Kalman filters (AUKF) mation. The most commonly used approaches are data-driven based
and least-square support vector machines (LSSVM) to estimate bat approaches and adaptive filter-based approaches. Liu et al. [161] used
tery SOC. The battery model can be accurately established and the SOE to estimate the remaining energy and considered the energy loss
updated even with limited training samples. Deng et al. [159] of internal resistance, chemical reaction, and OCV reduction. They also
implemented a least squares SVM prediction algorithm to predict the deeply explored the impacts of temperature and C-rate on SOE estima
battery available capacity. tion and improved the accuracy of the estimation. Wang et al. [162]
proposed a joint estimator of SOC and SOE based on particle filtering.
The comparison of the above mentioned SOC estimation approaches They performed experiments on IFP1865140-type batteries under dy
in terms of computation accuracy, application scenarios, benefits and namic temperature and verified the robustness and accuracy of the
drawbacks, is summarized in Fig. 5. The look-up table method is simple method. He et al. [163] proposed a battery SOE estimator based on a
and needs to establish the nonlinear relationship between SOC and OCV Gaussian model. The results showed that the estimated SOE can guar
or impedance offline. Its main disadvantage is that it can not meet the antee high accuracy. Zhang et al. [164] proposed a joint estimator for
real-time requirements and is sensitive to the accuracy of sensors. The SOE and SOP by using AUKF. The estimated error of battery SOE is less
ampere-hour integral method is simple and needs low computational than 2%. Dong et al. [41] established a battery SOE estimator using PF.
cost. However, this approach is open-loop and the accuracy mainly re The battery state-space model was built based on a wavelet neural
lies on the initial SOC and the sensor accuracy. Thus, this method network. The superiority of this method was verified on LiFePO4 bat
combined with other methods like OCV look-up table or model-based teries. Zhang et al. [165] proposed an adaptive H-infinity observer to
methods is a promising approach for better SOC estimation accuracy. estimate SOC and SOE of Li-ion batteries. The proposed method was
The model-based methods, including filter-based and observer-based verified to be more accurate than the EKF method. Zheng et al. [166]
methods, can achieve high estimation accuracy and robust to noise. comprehensively analyzed the correlations between ambient tempera
Nevertheless, the accuracy of the model-based methods usually depends ture, C-rate, battery aging degree, and the maximum available energy of
on the model precision and more computing resources are required due the battery. Dong et al. [167] proposed a dual filtering algorithm based
to algorithm complexity. The KF family based methods are widely used on EKF and PF, and established an online SOE estimator. The estimated
in SOC estimation. The LKF-based method is only suitable for the linear error was around 4%. Lin et al. [168] proposed a multi-model proba
systems. To overcome this drawback, the EKF-based method applies the bilistic estimation method, which combined the estimation results of
linearization approximation to the nonlinear systems. The accuracy of different models according to the weights determined by Bayes theorem.
Y. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131 (2020) 110015
3.2. Power capability prediction will be considered, such as physics-based battery models and associate
state constraints.
The prediction of power capability is also crucial in battery man
agement which shows users how much power is available in the im 3.2.3. Data-driven approach
mediate future. The power capability is the rate at which energy can be In the data-driven approach, the battery is regarded as a black box,
moved from the battery pack to the loads without exceeding cell or and the reaction mechanism and characteristics inside the battery are
electronics design limits and is an instantaneous quantity. Generally, the not considered. The SOP is taken as output of a model by means of data
state-of-power (SOP) or state-of-function (SOF) is used to evaluate the analysis and machine learning, and influence factors such as voltage,
power capability of a battery. The SOP can be defined as the percentage temperature, and SOC are taken as inputs. Fleischer et al. [182] pre
of peak power relative to rated power, where the peak power is the sented a method to estimate SOP by an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference
maximum continuous power over a short period of time that does not system (ANFIS).
exceed the thresholds [169]. According to the available literature, the
common SOP calculation methods can be divided into three types:
experimental testing approach, multiple constraints estimation 3.3. Lifespan and health prognoses
approach, and data-driven approach.
The state-of-health (SOH) is a critical index for lifespan and health
3.2.1. Experimental testing approach prognoses, which can reflect the current life condition of batteries [183].
The measurement approach for battery power capability evaluation The definition of SOH can be expressed as shown in Eq. (1).
based on the hybrid pulse power characterization (HPPC) test is pro SOH ¼ Qmax =Qnew (1)
posed in Ref. [170]. The experimental testing approach is the most
commonly used approach for static peak power measurement. It can In Eq. (1), Qmax is the maximum available capacity of the battery,
estimate the instantaneous available power. However, it needs a static Qnew is the available capacity of a new battery. The SOH/RUL estimation
test environment resulting that it is impractical in practical applications. approaches can be divided into the following groups: measurement &
analysis approach, Bayesian-based estimation approach, empirical
3.2.2. Multiple constraints estimation approach fitting approach, and machine learning-based approach.
In order to overcome the drawback of the experimental testing
approach, Plett et al. [171] proposed a voltage-constraint method to 3.3.1. Measurement & analysis approach
improve the HPPC method which can estimate the continuous useable
power. Feng et al. [172] proposed a SOP prediction algorithm based on Direct measurement approach. The battery internal resistance
an equivalent circuit model, considering both the voltage and current and available capacity are critical parameters for the battery SOH
limits. However, it may cause over-charge or over-discharge without assessment. The Coulomb counting method is a useful method for ca
SOC as a constraint when the batteries are nearly saturated or hungry. pacity estimation. In Ref. [184], the Coulomb counting method
Dong et al. [173] analyzed the influenced factors of SOP based on sta employed to estimate the SOH is evaluated by the maximum releasable
tistical data. Moreover, they proposed a joint estimator for SOC and SOF capacity. Kim et al. [185] developed an enhanced Coulomb counting
of LIB based on KF. The SOF in this paper indicated the power capability algorithm that can get robust and accurate SOC and SOH estimation. The
of the battery, which was consistent with the content expressed by the internal resistance is an important indicator of battery degradation.
SOP. The methods use only one constraint to estimate the SOP of the Blanke et al. [186] presented an overview of methods used to estimate
battery would give over-optimistic results, due to the peak current the SOH based on impedance measurements. The EIS technique is
would not be allowed to be used under a large-scale SOC [174]. Hence, a employed to determine the SOH through the change of the impedance
multi-constraints (voltage, current, power, SOC, etc.) SOP prediction spectrum at a particular peak [187].
algorithm was proposed to obtain a more precise result in Ref. [175].
The advantages and disadvantages of the single-constraint methods Indirect analysis approach. In Refs. [188], the indirect analysis
were deeply analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, the results indicated of the battery charging and discharging curves are employed for battery
that the multi-constraints method could overcome the drawbacks of the SOH estimation. In Ref. [189], incremental capacity analysis method is
single-constraint methods and improve the precision and robustness of used to obtain the battery aging level. The support vector regression is
their model. Wei et al. [176] established an adaptive peak power esti employed to extract the aging level and the results show that this
mator for vanadium redox battery by combining voltage, SOC and cur method can predict the SOH within 1% error bound. Merla et al. [190]
rent design constraints. Experiments verified that the method has good proposed a novel technique called differential thermal voltammetry
performance in modeling accuracy, convergence, and computational (DTV) to determine the SOH of batteries. The peak parameters of DTV
complexity. Zhang et al. [177] proposed an adaptive UKF joint estimator which represent the particular chemical reaction can be used to explore
to jointly estimate the SOE and SOP of the battery. The effectiveness of the aging process [191,192]. In Ref. [193], the differential voltage (DV)
the method at different temperatures and different aging degrees was curve is used to quantify the aging mechanisms. Ref. [194] Presented the
verified on lithium iron phosphate batteries. Sun et al. [178] proposed a center least squares method to obtain the DV curve. The inflection point
joint estimator of AEKF algorithm to jointly estimate battery SOC and location and the transformation parameters can be used in battery SOH
SOP. Wang et al. [179] estimated the power and energy of lithium-ion estimation. The differential mechanical parameter (DMP) analysis is a
batteries and ultra-capacitor hybrid systems. They carried out a complementary approach to the existing SOH estimation techniques
detailed analysis of power capacity and maximum charge/discharge [195,196]. Cannarella et al. [197] developed a DMP-based approach to
energy prediction under multiple constraints. Experiments and discus estimate SOH by using the stress measurement.
sions on the prediction of charge and discharge energy are conducted on
different timescales. Tang et al. [180] proposed a high-fidelity migration 3.3.2. Bayesian-based estimation approach
model for SOC and SOP estimation. An efficient numerical search al
gorithm is used to calculate the value of the SOP, and it is constrained by Kalman filters family. The KF can be applied to a linear system
multiple conditions such as current, SOC, and voltage. Zou et al. [181] with Gaussian noise [198,199]. In Ref. [200], the KF is used to predict
for the first time formulates battery power prediction and management the capacity of batteries using a two-phase service model. Wassiliadis
as an economic model predictive control. The algorithm will be et al. [201] used two EKF to obtain the battery states and model pa
extended in this application for battery management where more factors rameters synchronously. However, this method will deviate from the
Y. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131 (2020) 110015
real value at the end of battery life. To solve this problem, Xue et al. and the complex internal electrochemical process, Dai et al. [222] pro
[202] proposed an AUKF realize the multi-step prediction of SOH and posed a novel SOH estimation method by using prior knowledge-based
RUL by updating the noise covariance. In Refs. [203,204], the EKF is neural network (PKNN) and Markov chain. Fen224g et al. [223]
compared with the knowledge-based algorithm. The result shows that developed a predictive diagnosis method by comparing partial charging
the EKF and the knowledge-based algorithm can obtain similar results. curves with the stored SVMs. The Gaussian process regression (GPR) is a
type of Bayesian non-parametric machine learning method, which can Particle filters family. The PF also can be used in battery life handle uncertainty in a complex model. Ref. [224] capture the mapping
span and health prognoses, which is suitable for nonlinear systems with among capacity, temperature, and SOC by using GPR with an automatic
non-Gaussian noise [205–207]. To deal with the aging fluctuations in relevance determination structure. Ref. [225] consider the electro
the uncontrolled environments, Tang et al. [206] proposed a chemical knowledge to the understanding of the covariance functions
model-oriented gradient-correction particle filter (GC-PF) based method within the GPR. In Ref. [226] the long short term memory (LSTM) model
to predict the aging process of Lithium-ion batteries. Miao et al. [208] is applied to predict the residual of GPR. Richardson and Howey et al.
used the UPF to estimate the remaining useful life (RUL) of batteries [227] proposed a GPR method for forecasting battery SOH, which
with an error of less than 5%. In Ref. [209], the Gauss Hermite PF showed good performance than other data-driven approaches.
technique is proposed to predict the battery capacity fading based on a The key benefits, drawbacks, accuracy, and application scenarios of
state projection scheme method. Zhang et al. [210] proposed a RUL different approaches are summarized in Fig. 6. The measurement and
prediction method that combined the PF with the exponential degra analysis approach is the simplest and direct method, which need to
dation model due to the nonlinear and non-Gaussian fading phenome calculate and analyze the measured external characteristics of batteries.
non. The results show that this method has better prediction accuracy This method is open-loop, so the accuracy is affected by noise and
than the regularized PF according to the accuracy index. Wang et al. environmental disturbance. The empirical fitting approaches need to
[211] developed a prognostic technology using the spherical cubature establish the aging model bade on experience and electrochemical
PF (SCPF) based on the state-space model to predict the RUL of batteries. knowledge. A large number of battery aging test data are needed to fit
For PF method, the importance function and the degradation of the the model. Therefore, specific models are often only effective for the
sampling particles influenced the estimation accuracy [212]. Therefore specific type of battery and the specific aging condition. The Bayesian-
Zhang et al. [213] proposed the UPF to predict the RUL based on linear based approaches are developed from the previous methods. These
optimizing combination resampling (LOCR), which uses UKF to generate methods estimate the key parameters to evaluate the battery health state
a distribution as the importance function and use LOCR to improve the by the closed-up filtering algorithm, which are robust to the modeling
diversity of sampling particles. and measurement error. The machine learning-based approaches are the
black box model, which is intelligent and flexible, but the estimation and
3.3.3. Empirical fitting approach prediction result is sensitive to the training data set.
The empirical fitting method is usually based on battery models that
relate to the degradation of one or more performance parameters. In 3.4. Other indexes in battery management system
Ref. [214], a memory-less degradation model is developed, which al
lows the degradation rate to depend on both the stress level and SOH. 3.4.1. Review of remaining discharge time prediction approaches
The results showed that this model can describe a broader range of The remaining discharge time (RDT) indicates the continuous oper
battery fading behavior. Wang et al. [215] established a generalized ation time until the voltage of the battery reaches its lower threshold,
battery life model considered the using time, C-rate, and temperature. In which is helpful to solve the range anxiety issues. Although the SOC and
Ref. [216], the calendar aging test and cycle aging test are conduct to SOE can reflect the residual capacity and energy of the battery, they
analyze different aging factors. An aging model is developed with cannot give the driver an exact endurance time directly. The crucial
impedance-based model that based on the electric-thermal kinetics to issues for RDT prediction are the modeling of the battery system and the
obtain the mathematical description of degradation. Smiley et al. [217] forecast of future information such as discharge current and terminal
proposed a method to estimate the parameters of the aging model and voltage profile [104]. The Markov transition probability model can be
select the most representative model from a set of pre-aged models using used for battery current discharge profile prediction. In Ref. [228], Pola
the interacting multiple-model KF and the Viterbi algorithms. Zhang et al. employed a PF-based method considering the battery current
et al. [218] developed a capacity loss model which is coupled with the transition probabilities for a two-state Markov chain. Wang et al. [35]
aging mechanisms of solid electrolyte interface layer growth and active established fractional-order models and proposed a Bayes Monte Carlo
material loss. The recursive least squares method is applied to estimate estimator for RDT prediction with future load trajectory information
the model parameters. The result shows that the estimated capacity loss obtained by a Markov probability model. For known past dynamics of
has less than 1% error. Zou et al. [72,181] proposed a multi-time-scale input currents, a discrete wavelet transform technique was employed to
estimation algorithm to predict the SOH and formulate an economic extract future battery currents [229]. The recursive method also can be
predictive model for battery health management. The algorithm will be used to predict a future constant-current by introducing forgetting fac
extended in this application for battery management, where more fac tors. Quin
~ ones et al. [230] employed the Lambert function together with
tors will be considered, such as physics-based battery models and an electrochemical reduced-order model for RDT prediction. Wang et al.
associated state constraints. [110] proposed a prediction framework for SOC and RDT based on an
equivalent circuit model considering hysteresis. In Ref. [231], a
3.3.4. Machine learning-based approach Dirichlet process mixture model was established to identify the voltage
With the development of big data and artificial intelligence industry, trajectory which can be utilized for RDT prognostic. Considering the
machine learning methods have been applied to predict battery SOH and dynamic uncertainties in the RDT prediction process, Zhang et al. [232]
RUL [219]. Chang et al. [220] developed a RUL prediction method quantified the uncertainty of state estimation and future loads with the
composed of relevance vector machine (RVM), UKF and complete probabilistic method.
ensemble empirical mode decomposition (CEEMD). The RVM is used to
correct the prognostic results obtained by UKF. For the estimation of 3.4.2. Review of state-of-temperature estimation approaches
SOH and RUL, the SVM is a well-known machine learning method. Thermal management is a key part of the BMS, and accurate state-of-
Nuhic et al. [221] proposed an on-board SOH and RUL monitoring temperature (SOT) estimation is a high priority of thermal management.
method using SVM. In order to handle the uncertain external conditions High temperatures would adversely affect the performance and lifespan
of batteries, resulting in thermal runaway, e.g., fire and explosion [233].
Y. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131 (2020) 110015
The surface temperature of battery can be measured easily with some of injecting excitation signal for EIS test, Wang et al. [251] proposed a
conventional measurement methods such as thermocouples. However, fast impedance calculation method based on wavelet transform. In
the internal cell temperature during transients differs significantly (in battery pack application, Beelen et al. [252] took crosstalk interference
the experimental study of Ref. [234] more than 20%) from temperatures in surrounding cells and influence of currents flowing through the pack
measured by external sensors located on the cell surface [235]. There into account. The robust estimation of battery system temperature under
fore, monitoring the internal temperature of battery is more crucial and sparse sensing and uncertainty was studied in Ref. [253]. By using in
challenging for thermal management. The SOT estimation approaches dicators of electrochemical impedance, internal temperature can be
can be divided into the following groups: direct measurement approach, mapped uniquely. But there are temperature gradients in battery, and
model-based estimation approach, electrochemical impedance-based large difference exists between the maximum temperature and the mean
approach, and data-driven approach. temperature. Richardson et al. [254] presented a promising new
approach for estimating the internal temperature distribution in cylin Direct measurement approach. Researchers have proposed drical cells by combining measured electrochemical impedance and
methods of battery internal temperature measurement by integrating thermal model.
temperature micro-sensors into the battery cell internal layers [236].
For battery internal temperature indication, the commonly used sensors Data-driven approach. The data-driven approaches have been
are thermocouples [237] and resistance thermometers [238]. The used in estimating the internal temperature of the battery. In Ref. [255],
traditional temperature measurement methods and several recently a data-driven approach combining the RBF neural network and the EKF
introduced methods such as fiber Bragg-grating techniques are reviewed is proposed to estimate the internal temperature for lithium-ion battery
in Ref. [239]. Although battery internal temperature can be obtained thermal management.
directly by inserting sensors, this approach would bring additional
manufacturing costs and potential safety threats. 3.4.3. Review of state-of-balance estimation approaches
The state-of-balance (SOB) is a novel concept for the consistency Model-based estimation approach. Numerical thermoelectric evaluation which is designed for the purpose of the balance state char
and thermal models are widely used in internal temperature estimation acterization and regulation. SOB characterized not only the cell capacity
[240]. In order to establish thermoelectric and thermal models such as balance, but also the balance state for the LIB pack. The factors of cell
lumped-parameter battery model [241] and distributed battery thermal voltage, pack voltage, temperature, maintenance current, and internal
model [242], the knowledge of heat generation, conduction, dissipation, resistance are considered to estimate SOB [256]. In Ref. [256], the SOB
balance, and thermal boundary conditions are indispensable. Basing on estimation was realized with the detailed deduction, in which a dual
the thermal model established, Kim et al. [243] and Dai et al. [244] filter consisting of the UKF was used in order to predict the balance state
applied the adaptive KF method for the estimation of the battery core of the battery pack. In order to characterize the cell-to-cell battery
temperature. Ref. [245] Presented an experimental method based on consistency, Wang et al. [257] proposed an iterative SOB evaluation
thermal conduction analysis to determine the core temperature of a method by conducting the improved variation coefficient calculation.
Li-ion cell during thermal runaway. The battery internal temperature The SOB and aging process correction were considered.
may be well estimated based on the established thermal or thermo
electric model and state estimation approach, but during actual opera 4. Challenges and outlooks
tion of electric vehicles, various complex situations should be taken into
account, which is quite different from lab environment. With the popularization of energy storage technology, the develop
ment of advanced battery management technology has attracted more Electrochemical impedance-based approach. Without establish and more attention. The battery itself is a kind of complex electro
ing a thermal model, some other methods for battery temperature esti chemical system. It is difficult to accurately model the battery system,
mation have been proposed based on EIS measurements [246]. and estimate the battery states, which seriously influences the reliability
Impedance indicators obtained from EIS, such as phase shift, real part and effectiveness of the BMS. Therefore, we outline some research di
amplitude, and imaginary part amplitude, can map to temperature. For rections and trends in this field from the following aspects.
instance, the phase shift was utilized to estimate internal temperature in
Refs. [247]. Since the impedance is a composite function of SOC, SOH, 4.1. Advanced sensing
and temperature, the impedance indicators should be chosen at special
frequency where the indicators are not sensitive to SOC and SOH [248]. The inside of the battery is a closed space, so the internal multiple
Schindler et al. [249] and Barai et al. [250] studied the battery states and parameters are hard to be directly measured. Thus, many
impedance with different relaxation processes. Considering the impact researchers have studied the battery state estimation algorithms and
parameter identification methods. However, these indirect approaches
Y. Wang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131 (2020) 110015
will inevitably bring estimation or identification errors. The more ac Song et al. [269] proposed a data-driven least squares support vector
curate way to obtain internal multiple states and parameters is to use machine and model-based UPF method for joint estimation of SOC and
advanced sensors to directly measure them. For example, fiber-optic SOH of lithium-ion batteries. Feng et al. [270] designed an accurate joint
sensing technology has been introduced to monitor the internal bat estimator of SOC and SOT. The temperature range of their experiment is
tery states. Fiber optic sensors can be embedded into the Li-ion battery from 10 � C to 40 � C, the temperature change rate is as high as 10 � C. In
pouch cells to monitor the internal strain and temperature [258–260], this verification process, their method still showed good performance.
and then these signals can be used for high-accuracy cell state estima There are other joint state estimates, such as SOC and SOP, and SOC and
tion. A buckled membrane sensor has been developed for in situ, RUL. However, researches on the joint estimation of three or more types
simultaneous characterization of stress and microstructure evolutions in still need to be deepened. Hu et al. [271] designed a new co-estimation
the lithium-ion battery [261]. A new ultrasonic transmission based hierarchy, which can jointly estimate the SOC, SOH and SOP of
probe for the SOC has been introduced in Ref. [262]. Besides, lithium-ion batteries. Their method significantly improves the estima
acousto-ultrasonic guided waves have been used to monitor SOC and tion accuracy of SOC, voltage and capacity. In general, the joint state
SOH of Lithium-ion pouch batteries with built-in piezoelectric sensors estimation can improve the state estimation accuracy. Many scholars
[263]. In addition, high-precision contact-type displacement sensors can have begun to pay attention to this aspect of research, and believe it is a
be used to measure the swelling of the battery [264], which can be used popular research direction in the future.
to estimate SOC imbalance of batteries. Based on the mechanical rather
than electrical signal, incremental capacity analysis method can be used 4.5. Fault diagnosis and health management
to estimate the battery capacity fading [265]. In the long run, advanced
sensing technologies are expected to improve battery management. The Fault diagnosis is one of the key functions of BMS. The traditional
future development direction is to develop real-time, accurate and BMS is mainly based on the threshold method to detect the battery over-
robust sensors, combined with multi-sensor information fusion tech voltage, over-current, over temperature and conventional faults. The
nology, to obtain the deeper understanding of the internal structure and simple fault strategy cannot realize the high-level functions of fault
mechanism of the battery. tracing, early warning, etc. The traditional BMS mainly focuses on the
simple fault, which seldom involves the fault detection of thermal fault
4.2. Full life cycle modeling and aging behavior expression and sensor fault. Therefore, in the future, BMS fault diagnosis mainly has
the following development directions: first, based on artificial intelli
The current battery modeling and state estimation approaches have gence algorithm to achieve battery system fault detection, location,
made great progress. In terms of modeling, the most commonly used traceability, prediction, etc. The second is to establish a comprehensive
ECMs lack chemical significance, which can’t describe the dynamic fault diagnosis system for large-scale battery array, including battery
characteristics inside the battery. Therefore, it is recommended to thermal fault, electrical fault, sensor fault, BMS fault, etc. There are
establish physics-based models considering electrochemical processes some challenging problems in the health management of electric vehi
[266,267]. The data-driven models are obtained under certain training cles, such as modifying the battery parameters in the whole life cycle,
conditions, and there will be robustness problems in actual vehicle determine the battery safe charging and discharging constraints, and
operation. This requires model training under comprehensive aging achieve fast and efficient charging [272,273]. Accurate state estimation
conditions. The training data sets should consider the effects of battery and fault diagnosis algorithms are the basis of battery health manage
aging, hysteresis, different charge and discharge rates, temperature, etc. ment. The management strategy that considering the optimization of
Another important issue in battery modeling is the match of computing battery health, battery charging and discharging speed and battery
complexity and computing resources. Therefore, future research direc temperature protection can prevent the battery from overheating, pro
tion will also focus on battery model reduction and simplification. long the cycle life and improve the energy conversion efficiency [274].
With the development of electrochemical models and advanced state
4.3. Thermal field prediction and thermal behavior characteristic analysis estimation methods, future battery health state estimation methods will
be more applied in online applications and more integrated with battery
Simultaneously, some problems remain in terms of thermal field management strategies.
prediction and thermal characteristic analysis. On the one hand, the
inside of the cell is a closed space. In addition, the internal components 4.6. Advanced BMS architecture with 5G
are sensitive to the environment. On the other hand, battery aging is
affected by multiple stresses, and the interactions of the stresses are not The conventional BMS calibrates parameters based on laboratory
clear. Most of the current research only focus on partial stresses under data, which is difficult to meet the requirements of high accuracy and
ideal cycle conditions, and have not established a quantitative descrip real-time performance. Moreover, with the development of the vehicle
tion of the aging mechanism. The thermal field prediction and thermal to grid (V2G) technology and the advent of 5G high-speed information
characteristic analysis are crucial to thermal management. Currently, age, the bandwidth requirements of BMS have also put forward new
there are some researches focus on the development of the requirements. Therefore data-driven personalized battery management
electrochemical-thermal coupling model and thermal abuse model of scheme based on platform of big data and cloud computing will become
battery [268]. However, the research methods for the distribution of the future trend as shown in Fig. 7. It will break through the resource
current density in the electrodes inside the battery and the situation of limitation of traditional embedded hardware terminals, make full use of
the battery thermal runaway caused by side reactions at high tempera immense computing power and information storage, and upgrade the
tures are still in the simulation stage. The mechanism analysis and battery from traditional offline management to active online manage
research methods of thermal failure and thermal abuse still have ment. With the application of 5G technology in the fields of automotive
limitations. electronics and industrial control, it can be expected that the on-line
management scheme based on cloud computing will become the
4.4. Multi-states joint estimation future direction.
At present, the method of single state estimation is very rich, but in 5. Conclusions
the process of automobile operation, there is a coupling relationship
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