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Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Methodology for Energy and Energy Analysis of Steam Boilers

Idehai O. Ohijeagbon M. Adekojo Waheed
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Ilorin, P.M.B. 1515, Ilorin, igeria

Simeon. O. Jekayinfa
Agricultural Engineering Department, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria

This paper presents a framework of thermodynamic, energy and exergy, analyses of industrial steam boilers.
Mass, energy, and exergy analysis were used to develop a methodology for evaluating thermodynamic properties,
energy and exergy input and output resources in industrial steam boilers. Determined methods make available an
analytic procedure for exergetic analysis on steam boilers for appropriate applications. Chemical exergy of the
material streams was considered to offer a more comprehensive detail on energy and exergy resource allocation
and losses of the processes in a steam boiler.
Keywords: exergy, energy, steam boilers, chemical exergy, exergy destruction

LPFO low pour fuel oil Chemical symbols
AFRst stoichiometric air-fuel ratio (kg of air/kg of fuel) C x H y hydrocarbon (fossil fuel)
AAF actual air-fuel ratio (kg of air/kg of fuel) C carbon
mɺ i inlet mass flow rate, kg/s H hydrogen

mɺ e exit mass flow rate, kg/s O oxygen

Qɺ heat transfer rate to the system, kJ/s CO2 carbon dioxide

Iɺ exergy destruction rate, kJ/s H 2O water

εi inlet specific flow exergy of material streams, kJ/s N2 Nitrogen

εe exit specific flow exergy of material streams, kJ/s Ar Argon

specific physical flow exergy, kJ/kg Sub- and Superscripts

ε ph
specific chemical flow exergy, kJ/kg a air
ε ch
h specific enthalpy, kJ/kg f fuel
s specific entropy, kJ/kg K p hot products
T Temperature, 0C, K w feed water
P Pressure, N/m2 s steam
molar chemical exergy of fuel, kJ/kmol g exhaust flue gas
e x ch
ch molar chemical exergy of oxygen (O2), kJ/kmol 0a reference state of air
ex O
ch molar chemical exergy of carbon dioxide (CO2), 0 reference state
e x CO kJ/kmol
molar chemical exergy of water vapour (H2O), atm atmospheric
e x ch
H 2O kJ/kmol
∆g the change in the standard Gibbs function, kJ/kmol in in

R molar or universal gas constant, out out

kJ/kmol K
M molar mass of chemical substance, kg/kmol C combustion unit
Ein the energy input in the combustion unit, kJ/s H heat exchanging unit
HHV high or gross heating value of fuel. kJ/kg B boiler
LHV low or net heating value of fuel. kJ/kg ph physical

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

QH (loss ) Heat loss in heat exchanging unit, kJ/s ch chemical

Greek letters
η energy efficiency (%)
ψ exergy efficiency (%)
ε specific exergy (kJ/kg)

1. Introduction
Steam boilers are closed vessels which are usually used to produce steam from water by combustion of fuel
(Rajput, 2006). The steam may further be utilised, for many other production processes. Owing to its great
significance in today’s industrial world, it is imperative to fully understand how to effectively assess the energy
resources utilization and outputs in steam boilers to ensure adequate energy management. The increasing energy
demand from emerging economies versus the day-to-day decreasing storages of energy resources, the rising cost
of fossil fuels and the considerable environmental impact connected with their exploitation are implications that
policy makers cannot disregard. These would consequently result in energy-related problems to become more
pronounced in the future (Tonon et al., 2006). Therefore, the need for effective and efficient energy utilization in
production systems cannot be overemphasised.
The impact of steam boilers on the environment, as regards competing for scarce energy resources as
diesel, coal, natural gas, etc. for its operation with attended environmental degradation like air pollution,
emission of green house gases, which continues to threaten quality of life and the ecosystem calls for closer
attention. For a given environment, energy which is convertible into other forms of energy is called useful
energy or exergy. Energy which is impossible to convert into other energy forms is called useless energy or
anergy (Ayhan and Demirtas, 2001). Exergy analysis appears to be a significant tool in addressing the impact of
energy resource utilization of steam boilers on the environment as raised in past work by Dincer et al. (2003) to
further the goal of more efficient energy resource utilization of steam boilers; enabling locations, types, and true
magnitudes of wastes and losses to be determined for steam boilers; revealing whether or not and how much it is
possible to design more efficient steam boiler systems by reducing the inefficiencies in the existing systems;
providing a sustainable development for steam boilers for sustainable supply of energy resources; and
distinguishing the high-quality and low-quality energy resources of steam boilers.
This study presents a framework to evaluate thermodynamic properties and performance variables
associated with material streams in boilers, such as, mass flow rate, temperature, enthalpy, entropy, energy and
exergy transfer with chemical, heat and material interactions, efficiencies, and exergetic losses in steam boilers.

2. Method
2.1 Methodological Framework
The framework for the methodology of this study was classified into 2 major categories as shown in Figure 1.
These include determination of operational variables and performance variables of steam boilers (Osemene,
2008, Ohijeagbon, 2012).

Methodological framework

Operation variables Performance variables

Figure 1: Methodological framework

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

2.1.2 Operation variables

These are parameters concerned with the functioning of the boilers. They indicate measurable (direct operational
variables) and computable (indirect operational variables) properties which describe the generic thermodynamic
activities taking place in a boiler. Overviews of these properties are outlined in Figure 2.
(i) Measurable properties
These are usually monitored and recorded directly from inbuilt or attached boiler measurement indicators over a
specified period of time. An inventory data collection process is normally used to comprehensively collect boiler
Operational variables

Measurable Computable
properties properties

Temperatures Pressures Enthalpies Entropies

Mass flow rate of Amount of fuel Energy transfer Exergy transfer

water and steam consumption with heat and with heat and
material streams material streams
interaction interaction

Other non-measurable
temperatures and mass
flow rates

Figure 2: Operational variables framework

(ii) Computable properties
These properties are those that are not usually read directly from indicators, and as such would have to be
computed through the use of appropriate energy tables or charts; thermodynamic formulae, such as conservation
of mass and energy, and exergy balance equations.
2.1.3 Performance variables
These are parameters concerned with the performance of the boilers. Hence, they serve as indices to ascertain
and analyse various performance levels of the steam boilers. They include variations of energy and exergy values
and efficiencies of steam boilers in relation with input and output resources; and the magnitudes and types of
irreversibility (exergy losses) and the locations they occur in steam boilers. Methods for computing various
performance variables are enumerated in the theoretical framework.

2.2 Standard Environmental Reference State

Most analyses often involve the use of the natural environment-subsystem model described in Table 1 (Dincer
and Rosen, 2007). A distinguishing difference between exergy and other thermodynamic properties is that the
reference state for exergy is determined by the surroundings. In fact, exergy of matter will change if the state of
the surroundings changes, even when no changes occur in the system itself. A temperature of 25°C (298.15 K), a
pressure of 101.323 kPa and zero values for the height z0 and velocity v0 of the earth surface are typically taken
as reference state (Jorge Luis Hau, 2005).

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Table 1: A reference-environment model

Temperature: T0 = 298.15 K
Pressure: P0 = 1 atm (1 bar) = 101.325 kPa
Composition (i) Atmospheric air saturated with H20 at T0 and P0
having the following composition:
Air constituents Mole fraction
N2 0.7565
O2 0.2035
H 2O 0.0303
Ar 0.0091
CO2 0.0003
H2 0.0001
(ii) The following condensed phases at T0 and P0:
Water (H2O)
Limestone (CaCO3)
Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O)
Source: Adapted from Dincer and Rosen (2007)

2.3 Physical and Chemical Exergy

The total exergy transfer associated with material streams for a flow process comprises of the physical and
chemical exergy (Cornelissen, 1997, Dincer and Rosen, 2007, Talens et al., 2007, Chemical Exergy, 2011). The
flow exergy of a substance is the theoretically obtainable work when the substance is brought into total
equilibrium with the local environment. It can be split into chemical exergy and thermomechanical (physical)
flow exergy which is represented by (Ertesvag, 2007):
ε = ε ph + ε ch (1)
The specific physical flow exergy is expressed by:
ε ph = h − h0 − T0 ( s − s0 ) (2)
ε = specific flow exergy of material streams, kJ/kg
ε ph = specific physical flow exergy, kJ/kg
ε ch = specific chemical flow exergy, kJ/kg
h = specific enthalpy, kJ/kg
s = specific entropy, kJ/kg K
h0 = h (T0, P0) = enthalpy at reference state
s0 = s (T0, P0) = entropy at reference state
T0, P0 = reference state temperature and pressure

2.4 Specifications of Selected Hydrocarbon Fuels

Every fuel has a unique composition and energy content described by its fuel specifications (Table 2). Knowing
the fuel specifications is essential for determining combustion parameters such as combustion efficiency,
minimum air requirements, CO2 concentration and emissions factors (TSI Incorporated, 2004).

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Table 2: Fuel specifications for selected fuels

Specifications Natural Propane No. 2 Oil No. 6 Oil Coal
Gas (Diesel) (LPFO)
%Carbon (C) 70.93 81.82 85.84 87.49 94.50
%Hydrogen (H) 23.47 18.18 12.46 9.92 5.20
Gross heating value (HHV) (Btu/lb) 21,869.00 21,669.00 19,512.00 18,300.00 13,388.00
(kJ/kg) 50,976.69 50,510.49 45,482.52 42,657.34 31,207.46
Net heating value (Btu/lb) 19,693.00 19,937.00 18,357.00 17,381.00 12,903.00
(LHV) (kJ/kg) 45,904.43 46,473.19 42,790.21 40,515.15 30,076.92

CO2 max 11.8.0 13.80 15.60 16.50 17.00

%Sulfur (S) 0 0 1.60 1.40 0.034
%Moisture (M) 0 0 0 0 0.12
%O2[100 – (C+H+S+M)] 5.600 0 0.100 1.190 0.146
Source: TSI Incorporated (2004);
[Metric Equivalents: 1kJ/kg = 0.2388 kCal/kg = 0.429 Btu/lb]

3. Theoretical Framework
3.1 Air-fuel ratio determination for complete combustion
During the combustion of fossil fuels, hydrocarbon molecules ( C x H y ) are combined with oxygen to produce
carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) in an exothermic reaction (Process Heating, 2010). The stoichiometric
quantity of oxidizer is just that amount that is necessary to completely burn a quantity of fuel. The stoichiometric
air-fuel ratio is calculated by balancing carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) atoms in the combustion
Typical composition of low pour fuel oil LPFO (No. 6 fuel oil) and diesel (No. 2 fuel oil) given in
Table 2, can be used to compute the amount of oxygen required, and other products released during the
combustion of oil-fired boilers. Hence, the ultimate and proximate values of the products of combustion for
complete combustion can then be determined.
Since air contained 23.3% O2 by mass,
O2 required per kg of fuel
∴ Air required/kg of fuel = (3)
Hence, the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio,
Air required/kg of fuel
AFRst = by mass (kg of air kg of fuel) (4)
The actual air-fuel ratio ( AAF ) can be determined by (Process Heating, 2010),
AAF = (1 + EA) × AFRst (5)
where, EA = excess air
Recommended excess air levels for fuel oil burners are: Register type, 15-20%; Multi-fuel burners and
flat-flame type, 20-30% (Bureau of Energy Efficiency, 2010a).
Since air contained 76.7% of N2 by mass,
∴ N 2 supplied = 0.767 × AAF kg/kg of fuel (6)
O2 supplied = 0.233 × AAF kg/kg of fuel (7)
The excess air = O2 supplied − O2 required kg / kg of fuel (8)
That is,
O2 contained in the products of combustion = The excess air kg/kg of fuel (9)

3.2 Carbon monoxide (CO) determination in combustion products

The excess air (EA) may be related with the measured or known quantities of oxygen (O2) and carbon monoxide
(CO) in the exhaust gas analysis by the following expressions (TSI Incorporated, 2004; Bureau of Energy
Efficiency, 2010a; UNEP, 2010; Bureau of Energy Efficiency, 2010b):
(%O2 ) p
% EA = × 100 (10)
21 − (%O2 ) p

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

(%CO) p
(%O2 ) p −
% EA = 2 × 100 (11)
 (% CO) p 
21 −  (%O2 ) p − 

 2 
%EA = percentage excess air
(%O2)p = percentage oxygen from proximate (volumetric) analysis
(%CO)p = percentage carbon monoxide from proximate (volumetric) analysis
Equation (11) can be re-arranged and expressed in terms of percentage carbon monoxide as follows:
2 × (%O2 ) p (1 + EA) − 2 × 21× EA
(%CO) p = (12)
(1 + EA)

3.3 The schematic of the boiler plants

The schematic diagrams shown in Figures 3 can be used to analyse the mass flow rate, energy and exergy
balances and exergetic efficiencies of boilers (Saidur et al., 2010). The schematic diagrams of the combustion
and heat exchanging units respectively shown in Figures 3 may be separately analysed to establish the mass flow
rate of the material streams in the boilers. Combustion of fuel takes place in the combustion unit of the boiler,
while the heat carried by the hot flue gas from the combustion unit is used to transform liquid water to steam in
the heat exchanging unit.

Steam Heat loss

5 7
Fuel 3 Heat 6
Combustio Exhaust
n unit exchangin flue gas
Air Hot g unit
1 product
s 4


Figure 3: Schematic diagram of combustion and heat exchanging units in a boiler

3.4 Thermodynamic and exergetic analysis determination

An exergetic analysis involves mass, energy and exergy balance for each plant unit, and exergetic efficiency for
each of them (Modesto and Nebra, 2009). The mass, energy and exergy balances at steady state for the material
flows in a boiler system with negligible potential and kinetic energy changes can be expressed, respectively by
equations (13) to (15) (Aljundi, 2009, Modesto and Nebra, 2009, Saidur et al., 2010).
∑ mɺ i = ∑ mɺ e (13)

Qɺ = ∑ mɺ e he − ∑ mɺ i hi (14)
Iɺ = ∑ mɺ i ε i − ∑ mɺ eε e (15)
The exergetic balance of a boiler can be determined using equations (13) to (15).
mɺ i = inlet mass flow rate, kg/s
mɺ e = exit mass flow rate, kg/s
Qɺ = heat transfer rate to the system, kJ/s

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Iɺ = exergy destruction rate, kJ/s

hi = inlet enthalpy of material streams, kJ/kg
he = exit enthalpy of material streams, kJ/kg
ε i = inlet specific flow exergy of material streams, kJ/kg
ε = exit specific flow exergy of material streams, kJ/kg
1. Mass balance of material streams
Appropriate mass and energy balance as stated by equation (13) and equation (14) may be applied to a
boiler system with the evaporation ratio and air fuel ratio and may be used to determine masses of substances of
all material streams in the boiler, such as; air ( m
ɺ a ), fuel ( mɺ f ), hot products ( mɺ p ), feed water ( mɺ w ), steam
ɺ s ) and exhaust flue gases ( mɺ g ) respectively.
mɺ a + mɺ f = mɺ p (16)
mɺ p = mɺ g (17)
mɺ w = mɺ s (18)
The mass flow rate of fuels and steam can be computed by
mɺ = qm × d / 3600 (19)
mɺ = mass rate of substance, kg/s
qm = rate of material stream, litres/hr
d = relative density of substance
The evaporation ratio of a boiler is given by (Bureau of Energy Efficiency, 2010b);
Quantity of steam generation
Evaporation ratio, E r = (20)
Quantity of fuel consumption
Equation (20) may simply be expressed as the quotient of mass flow rates of steam and fuel as shown in equation
mɺ s
Er = (21)
mɺ f
Computed mass flow rates of material streams of a boiler operation can be used to determine other
thermodynamic properties of materials streams, such as enthalpy and entropy at different states.

2. Temperature, enthalpy and entropy of feed water and steam

The enthalpy and entropy of feed water may be determined at a saturation temperature of 100 0C or at
other appropriate temperatures, while the saturation temperatures corresponding to their respective steam
pressures may be obtained from saturated water and steam tables (Cengel and Boles, 2006). Superheated
temperatures at the given steam pressures may be used where applicable for superheated steams.

3. Combustion temperatures
From an energy balance analysis of a combustion process, the combustion temperature can be
calculated as follows (Process Heating, 2010),
Tc = Tca + (22)
[c p × (1 + AAF )]
Tc = combustion temperature
Tca = temperature of the combustion air before entering the burner
hr = heat of reaction (hr = LHV, if exhaust gas streams is above 60 0C, (Kitto and Stultz, 2005) cp = specific heat
of fuel at ambient temperature of products of combustion
To maintain satisfactory working conditions for personnel around a boiler, a cold face temperature or
boiler room ambient temperature, Tar of 57 0C (135 0F) or less is considered satisfactory (Kitto and Stultz, 2005).
The following data may be used to calculate the values of the combustion temperature, Tc for LPFO and
diesel operated boilers:

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Tca = Ta
hr(LPFO) = 40,515.15 kJ/kg, hr(diesel) = 42,790.21 kJ/kg
AAF(LPFO) = 16, AAF(diesel) = 17
The specific heat of petroleum oils can be modeled as follows (Petroleum, 2011):
cp = [1.6831 + 3.3913 × 10 − 3 Tar ] (23)
d = relative density at 15 0C
cp = specific heat, kJ/kg K
Tar = ambient boiler room temperature
d = relative density = 0.95 for LPFO and 0.86 for diesel at 15 0C (Armstrong, 2010)
hence, the values of cp were obtained as follows from equation (23);
c p( LPFO ) = 1.866 kJ / kg K , c p( diesel ) = 1.9612 kJ / kg K
Using the values of cp obtained above, the values of Tc = Tf can be obtained from equation (22) with their
different combustion air temperature, Tca.

4. Enthalpy and entropy of inlet air

The enthalpy and entropy of inlet air can be evaluated for inlet air temperature, Ta for different boilers
operation from the ideal gas properties of air tables (Cengel and Boles, 2006).

5. Enthalpy of hot products

Applying the energy balance equation (14) to the combustion unit shown in Figure 3 and assuming heat
was transferred adiabatically (Saidur et al., 2010), the enthalpy of the hot products can be determined using
mɺ f h f + mɺ a ha = mɺ p h p (24)

6. Temperature of exhaust flue gases

The steady-state efficiency of combustion is the ratio of the useful heat delivered to the process to the
heat content of the fuel (Process Heating, 2010). The combustion efficiency is given by:
[(1 + AAF ) × c p × (Tc − Tg )]
η comb = (25)
cp = specific heat of fuel at ambient temperature of products of combustion
HHV = Gross or high heating value of fuel
The benchmark combustion efficiency for various fuels, are given as: coal 90.3%, oil residual 89.6%,
oil distillate 88.7%, natural Gas 85.7% (ETSAP, 2010). Hence,
η comb = 89.6% , η comb
( LPFO )
= 88.7%
( diesel )
HHV(LPFO) = 42,657.34 kJ/kg, HHV(diesel) = 45,482.52 kJ/kg (Table 2),
AAF(LPFO) = 16, AAF(diesel) = 17,
c p ( LPFO ) = 1.866 kJ / kg 0C , c p( diesel) = 1.9612kJ / kg 0C
Equation (25) may be re-written as equation (26) and can be used to evaluate the exhaust flue gas
HHV × η comb
Tg = Tc − (26)
(1 + AAF ) × c p

7. Enthalpy of exhaust flue gases

Enthalpies of most gases used in combustion calculations can be curve-fitted by the simple second order
equation (Kitto and Stultz, 2005):
h = aT 2 + bT + c (27)
h = enthalpy in Btu/lb
T = temperature in degrees, 0F
a, b and c are coefficients with the following values for T (0-500 0F) given as:

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

a = 1.683x10-5
b = 0.233
c = -18.03
Equation (27) can be used to evaluate the enthalpy of the exhaust flue gases. It should be noted that the constants
a, b and c are stated only for the quoted temperature range given in 0F.

8. Entropy of combustion fuel gases

The entropy generated from a source can be expressed as follows (Cengel and Boles, 2006);
q source
s gen = (28)
sgen = entropy generated from the source, kJ/kg K
qsource = heat transfer from a source to a sink, kJ/kg
Tsource = temperature of the source, 0K
A study of the thermodynamic processes taking place between the combustion and the heat exchanging
units shows that: the entropy generated from the combustion unit is the entropy of the combustion fuel gas, sf,
the heat transfer from the combustion unit to the heat exchanging unit equals the energy value of the hot products,
hp and the temperature of the source is the combustion fuel temperature, Tf.
hence, equation (28) can be re-written as:
sf = (29)
The entropy of the combustion fuel gases can be determined by equation (29).

9. Entropy of hot products

The entropy of the hot products can be determined by equation (30), where Tp is the temperature of the
hot products
sp = (30)

10. Entropy of exhaust flue gases

The change in entropy of an ideal gas can be expressed by (Cengel and Boles, 2006),
T2 p
s2 − s1 = c p ln − R ln 2 (31)
T1 p1
where, s1, T1 and p1 defines the reference state entropy, temperature and pressure, while s2, T2 and p2 defines the
thermodynamic state entropy at a given temperature and pressure, and R is the specific gas constant.
At the exhaust of the boiler, the change in entropy of the exhaust flue gases can be determined by
setting s2 = sg, s1 = sa, T2 = Tg, T1 = Ta, p2 = pg = p1 = pa = patm, in equation (31), in which
sg = exhaust flue gas specific entropy
Tg = exhaust flue gas temperature
pg = exhaust flue gas pressure
sa = reference state entropy of air (at Ta and pa)
Ta = reference state temperature of air
pa = reference state pressure of air = 1atm (Turns and Kraige, 2007)
patm = atmospheric pressure = 1atm
cp = cpg ≅ cpa ≅ 1 kJ/kg K (cpg and cpa are the specific heat of exhaust flue gas and air)
hence, equation (31) reduces to
s g = sa + c p ln (32)
At Ta = 200 K , sa = 1.29559 kJ / kg K (Cengel and Boles, 2006)
The entropy of the exhaust flue gases can be determined by equation (32).

11. Chemical exergy of fuels

Complete combustion of a general hydrocarbon with atmospheric air is written as (Cengel and Boles,

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

2006, Roger and Mayhew, 1992),

y y
C x H y + ( x + )O2 → xCO2 + H 2O (33)
4 2
Where x and y are constant coefficients that characterises the hydrocarbon and combustion process. Assuming
no irreversibility, the molar chemical exergy of reactants and products can be developed as expressed by
(Chemical Exergy, 2011).
y ch y ch
ex ch ch
fuel + ( x + )ex O2 → − ∆g + xex CO2 + e x H 2 O (34)
4 2
e x ch
fuel = molar chemical exergy of fuel, kJ/kmol
ex O = molar chemical exergy of oxygen (O2), kJ/kmol
e x CO = molar chemical exergy of carbon dioxide (CO2), kJ/kmol

e x ch
H = molar chemical exergy of water vapour (H2O), kJ/kmol
∆ g = the change in the standard Gibbs function, kJ/kmol
The chemical exergy of fuel can thus be obtained by (Chemical Exergy, 2011, Roger and Mayhew,
 n ( x + y / 4) 
= −∆g + R T0 ln  x 2 y / 2 
e x ch (35)
 nCO n 
 2 H 2O 

The mole fraction of oxygen ( nO ), carbon dioxide ( nCO ) and water ( nH O ) in a standard
2 2 2
environment are given in Table 1.
R = 8.3144 kJ/kmol K (molar or universal gas constant)
The standard Gibbs functions of formation of other components in equation (35) are given as follows
(Roger and Mayhew, 1992):
gCO = -394,390 kJ/kmol
g H 2O (v ) = -228,590 kJ/kmol
gO2 = 0
The change in standard Gibbs function can be determined by (Chemical Exergy, 2011, Roger and Mayhew,
y y
∆g = xg CO2 + g H 2 O ( v ) − ( x + ) g O2 (36)
2 4
The specific chemical exergy was obtained by equation (37)
ch exch
ε = (37)
where, M = molar mass of chemical substance, kg/kmol

12. Chemical exergy of air

The chemical exergy of atmospheric air can be determined from equation (38) and the mole fractions of
the elements in a standard environment presented in Table 1 with their respective chemical exergies given by
Ertesvag (2007) as presented in Table 3.
e xch( air ) = ∑ ni e xchi )

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Table 3: Chemical exergies of components of atmospheric air at reference conditions, 250C, 1 atm, 70%
relative humidity
Components Chemical exergies
Nitrogen, N2 0.6681
Oxygen, O2 3.9305
Carbon dioxide, CO2 19.610
Argon, Ar 11.640
Water, H2O (g) 9.474
Water, H2O (liq) 0.8842
Hydrogen, H2 236.098
Carbon monoxide, CO 274.87
Source: Ertesvag (2007)
The molar mass of air is given as Mair = 28.96 kg/kmol (Cengel and Boles, 2006).

13. Chemical exergy of LPFO and diesel fuels before combustion

The chemical exergy of LPFO and diesel fuels before combustion is equivalent to their respect Gross
heating value (HHV) presented in Table 2.

14. Analysis of the combustion unit

Applying the energy balance equation (14) to the combustion unit as shown in Figure 3, the energy
input in the combustion unit can be determined by
Ein = mɺ f h f + mɺ a ha (39)
where, h f and ha are the specific enthalpies of combustion fuel and air.
The combustion efficiency of an adiabatic combustor is usually equal to unity (Saidur et al., 2010), and
may be represented by the first law efficiency given by
mɺ p h p
ηC = (40)
mɺ f × HHV
where, HHV = high or gross heating value of fuel
The combustion unit is assumed to operate in a steady-flow adiabatic process, whereby the change of
mass and energy of the control volume is zero. It is also assumed that the kinetic and potential energies are
negligible and that there is no work transfer involved. Applying the exergy balance equation (15) to the
combustion unit, the exergy destruction in the combustion unit can be determined by
IɺC = mɺ a [ε aph + ε ach1 ] − mɺ p ε pph + mɺ f [ε fph + ε ch ch
f 2 − ε f3 ] (41)
1 3 2

where, ε aph , ε fph and ε pph are the specific physical exergies of air and fuel at inlet and that of hot products at
1 2 3
exit, while ε ach , ε f ( HHV ) , are the specific chemical exergies of air and the combustion fuel at inlet, and
1 2

ε ch
f 3 is the specific chemical exergy of the combustion fuel at exit.
Usng equations (1) and (2), equation (41) may be re-written as follows
IɺC = mɺ a [( ha − T0 s a ) + ε ach1 ] − mɺ p ( h p − T0 s p ) + mɺ f [( h f − T0 s f ) + ε ch ch
f2 − ε f3 ] (42)

where, h p = specific enthalpies for hot products, s f and sa are the specific entropies of combustion fuel and
air, and the reference state temperature, T0 = 25 0C (298.15 K). The specific chemical exergies can be determined
using equations (35) to (37).
The exergy efficiency of the combustion unit can be determined by
mɺ p ε pph
ψC = ph
mɺ f [ε f2
+ ε ch
f2 − ε ch
f3 ]
Equation (43) may be re-written as

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

mɺ p (h p − T0 s p )
ψC = (44)
mɺ f [(h f − T0 s f ) + ε ch ch
f 2 − ε f3 ]

15. Analysis of the heat exchanging unit

Performing an energy balance on the heat exchanging unit as shown in Figure 3, and noting that
ɺ w = mɺ s , the heat loss can be determined by
mɺ p = mɺ g and m
QH (loss ) = mɺ p (h p − hg ) − mɺ w (hs − hw ) (45)
where, hg , hs and hw are the specific enthalpies of exhaust flue gas, steam and feed water.
The first law efficiency of the heat exchanging unit can be determined by (Saidur et al., 2010)
mɺ w (hs − hw )
ηH = (46)
mɺ p (h p − hg )
The exergy destruction in the heat exchanging unit can be determined by
IɺH = mɺ p ε pph + mɺ w [ε wph + ε wch4 ] − mɺ s [ε sph + ε sch5 ] − mɺ g [ε gph + ε gch6 ] (47)
3 4 5 6

where, ε pph , ε wph , ε sph and ε gph , are the specific physical exergies of products of combustion, feed water,
3 4 5 6

steam and exhaust flue gas, while ε wch4 , ε sch5 and ε gch6 are the chemical exergies of the feed water, steam and
exhaust flue gases, The specific chemical exergies of steam and liquid water are respectively given as 526.33
kJ/kg (9474 kJ/kmol) and 49.12 kJ/kg (884.20 kJ/kmol) (Ertesvag, 2007, Szargut et al., 2011, Talens, et al., 2007).
Equation (47) may be re-written as
IɺH = mɺ p (h p − T0 s p ) + mɺ w [(hw − T0 s w ) + ε wch4 ]
− mɺ s [(hs − T0 s s ) + ε sch5 ] − mɺ g [(hg − T0 s g ) + ε gch6 ]
where, s g , s s and s w are the specific entropies of exhaust flue gas, steam and feed water.
The exergy efficiency of the heat exchanging unit can be determined by
mɺ s [ε sph + ε sch5 ] − mɺ w [ε wph + ε wch4 ]
5 4
ψH = (49)
mɺ p ε pph − mɺ g [ε gph + ε gch6 )]
3 6
Equation (49) may be re-written as
mɺ s [(hs − T0 s s ) + ε sch5 ] − mɺ w [(hw − T0 s w ) + ε wch4 ]
ψH = (50)
mɺ p (h p − T0 s p ) − mɺ g [(hg − T0 s g ) + ε gch6 )]

16. Analysis of the entire boiler

The overall boiler energy efficiency can be determined by (Saidur et al., 2010)
mɺ s (hs − hw )
ηB = (51)
mɺ f h f
The overall exergy destruction of the boiler was obtained as the sum of exergy destruction in the combustion
chamber and the heat exchanger. That is,
IɺB = IɺC + IɺH (52)
The overall boiler exergy efficiency can be determined as the rational efficiency of the entire boiler which is the
ratio of the desired exergy output, Eɺ desired output to the exergy used, Eɺ used (Cornelissen, 1997). The
Eɺ desired output was the net exergy for the transformation of water, while Eɺ used was the net energy input into
the system. The exergy efficiency of the boiler can therefore be determined by

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Eɺ desired output
ψB = (53)
Equation (53) may be expressed as
mɺ s [ε sph − ε wph + ε sch5 − ε wch4 ]
5 4
ψB = ph
mɺ f [ε f2 + ε ch ch
f 2 − ε f3 ]

mɺ s [(hs − T0 s s ) − (hw − T0 s w ) + ε sch5 − ε wch4 ]

ψB = (55)
mɺ f [(h f − T0 s f ) + ε ch ch
f 2 − ε f3 ]

4. Conclusion
The framework to evaluate thermodynamic properties and performance variables associated with material
streams in steam boilers as presented in this study would afford researchers with a broad base of alternatives in
analysing and determining vital parameters needed in an energy and exegy analysis of steam boilers. The
framework offers advanced thermodynamic solutions based on first principles to determine mass flow rate,
temperatures, enthalpies and entropies which could be used to obtain performance indices, resources allocation,
areas and magnitude of energy losses and exergy destruction.
Instructors, researchers and advanced students of engineering, sciences and energy analysis are
expected to find this material as a helpful tool to quickly understand fundamental concepts and approach
required in energy and exergy analysis of industrial plants. A number of information that is not commonly
contained in a single text or in a simplified manner has been elaborated in this methodology with worked
examples presented in the appendix. Furthermore, the framework does not in any way place a limit on its users,
on the contrary, users would interestingly discover a divergent and varied alternatives to tackling and solving
problems related to energy and exergy analysis in diversified circumstances. Also, users could find the
framework as a good starting point for modelling and simulation of energy and exergy related solutions of
industrial plants and facilities.

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Vol.5, No.1, 2015

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Appendix: Worked Examples

Preliminary computed mass flow rates of material streams in a boiler using previous mass balance equations are
presented in Appendix Table 1. Some other properties, such as temperatures, enthalpies and entropies which
may not be easily measured or determined directly from a boiler were therefore obtained using earlier derived
thermodynamic, energy and exergy equations respectively as presented in Appendix Table 1.

Appendix Table 1: Computed thermodynamic properties of materials streams in a boiler using

Point Substances Mass flow rate Temperature Enthalpy Entropy
(kg/s) (0C) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kgK)
1 Air, mɺ a , 3.3744 80.63 354.53 1.8684
2 Fuel, mɺ f 0.2109 1,084.82 40,515.15 2.0009
3 Hot products, mɺ p 3.5853 275.73 2,716.92 4.9513

4 Feed water, mɺ w 2.5308 100.00 419.10 1.3070

5 Steam, mɺ s 2.5308 168.89 2,767.60 6.6759

6 Exhaust flue gas, mɺ g 3.5853 152.95 231.00 2.0516
Source: Ohijeagbon (2012)

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

1. Combustion temperatures
Using equation (22) and the data stated as follows:
at cp = 1.866 kJ/kg K, AAF = 16, Tca = 80.63 0C, hr(LPFO) = 40,515.15 kJ/kg
The combustion temperature of a boiler operation was calculated as
hr 40,515.15
T f = Tc = Tca + = 80.63 + = 1,084.82 0 C
[c p × (1 + AAF )] [1.866 × (1 + 16)]

2. Enthalpy of hot products

The enthalpy of the hot products can be determined using equation (24) and data from Appendix Table
1 as follows;
0.2109 × 40,515.15 + 3.3744 × 354.53
hp = = 2,716.92 kJ / kg
3. Temperature of exhaust flue gases
The benchmark combustion efficiency for various fuels, are give as: coal 90.3%, oil residual 89.6%, oil
distillate 88.7%, natural Gas 85.7% (ETSAP, 2010). Hence,
η comb( LPFO ) = 89.6% , HHV(LPFO) = 42,657.34 kJ/kg, AAF(LPFO) = 16, c p ( LPFO ) = 1.866kJ / kg 0C
The temperature of exhaust flue gases can be determined using equation (26) and data from Appendix
Table 1 as follows;
 42,657.34 × 0.896 
Tg = 1,084.82 −  − 273 = 152.95 0C
 (1 + 16) × 1.866 
4. Enthalpy of exhaust flue gases
Equation (27) was used to evaluate the enthalpy of the exhaust flue gases from previously calculated
data with the aid of the Microsoft excel spread sheet (inter-conversions were necessary) and is presented as
shown in Appendix Table 1.

5. Entropy of combustion fuel gases

The entropy of combustion fuel gases can be determined using equation (28) and data from Appendix
Table 1 as follows;

sf = = 2.0009 kJ / kgK

6. Entropy of hot products

The entropy of hot products can be determined using equation (30) and data from Appendix Table 1 as
sp = = 4.9513 kJ / kgK
7. Entropy of exhaust flue gases
At Ta = 200 K , sa = 1.29559 kJ / kg K (Cengel and Boles, 2006)
The entropy of exhaust flue gases can be determined using equation (32) and data from Appendix Table
1 as follows;
 (152.95 + 273) 
s g = 1.29559 + 1 × ln   = 2.0516 kJ / kg K
 200

8. Chemical exergy of air

The molar chemical exergy of atmospheric air can be determined using equation (38) and data from
Tables 1 and 3 as follows;

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

exch( air ) = ∑ ni exchi )

= [0.7565(666.10) + 0.2035(3,930.50) + 0.0303(9,474.00)

+ 0.0091(11,640.00) + 0.0003(19,610.00) + 0.0001(236.098)]

= 1702.65 kJ / kmol
The molar mass of air is given as Mair = 28.96 kg/kmol (Cengel and Boles, 2006). Hence, the specific chemical
exergy of atmospheric air can be determined using equation (37) as follows;
ε ach = = 58.79 kJ / kg
9. Chemical exergy of LPFO before combustion
The chemical exergy of LPFO before combustion is equivalent to their respect Gross heating value
(HHV) as shown in Table 2 as follows;
ε chf ( LPFO) = 42,657.34 kJ / kg

10. Chemical exergy of LPFO during combustion

The standard Gibbs functions of formation of other components in equation (36) are given as follows
(Roger and Mayhew, 1992):
gCO = -394,390 kJ/kmol
g H 2O ( v ) = -228,590 kJ/kmol
gO2 = 0
The mole fraction of oxygen ( nO ), carbon dioxide ( nCO ) and water ( nH O ) in a standard
2 2 2
environment are obtained from Table 1 as follows:
nO = 0.2035
nCO2 = 0.0003
nH 2O = 0.0303
Temperature, T0 = 298.15 K for a standard reference environment (Table 1)
The molar mass of LPFO was estimated as 203.86 kg/kmol from properties and specifications of
selected fuels, and their chemical formula which was estimated as C14.88 H 25.3 (TSI Incorporated, 2004,
Cengel, 2006). The standard Gibbs functions of formation for LPFO can be determined by equation (36) as
25.3 25.3
∴ ∆g = 14.88 × (−394,390) + × (−228,590) − (14.88 + )×0
2 4

= −8,760,186.70kJ / kmol
The molar chemical exergy of LPFO can be determined using equation (35) as follows;
 (14.88 +
) 
 0.2035 4 
ex ch
fuel = −(−8,760,186.70) + 8.3144 × 298.15 × ln  
( 25.3 )
 0.000314.88 × 0.0303 2 
 
= 9,085,359.82kJ / kmol
The specific chemical exergy of LPFO can be determined using equation (37) as follows;

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

e xch( f ) 9,085,359.82
ε ( LPFO) =
f = = 44,566.66kJ / kg
M f ( LPFO ) 203.86

11. Chemical exergy of steam and liquid water

ch ch
The specific chemical exergies of steam ( ε s ) and liquid water ( ε w ), are respectively given as
526.33 kJ/kg (9474 kJ/kmol) and 49.12 kJ/kg (884.20 kJ/kmol) (Ertesvag, 2007, Szargut et al., 2011, Talens, et
al., 2007). ε wch = 49.12 kJ / kg
ε sch = 526.33 kJ/kg

12. Chemical exergy of exhaust flue gases

The chemical exergy of exhaust flue gases was determined from the mole fractions of the products of
combustion presented in Appendix Table 2, their respective chemical exergies given by Ertesvag (2007) as
shown in Table 3 and the associated carbon monoxide determined by equation (12) as follows;
2 × 3.668 × (1 + 0.2) − 2 × 21 × 0.2
(%CO ) p = = 0.336%
(1 + 0.2)

Appendix Table 2: Ultimate and proximate analysis of the products of combustion for complete
combustion of LPFO
Product Mass of Wet Flue Mass of Dry Flue Ultimate Analysis (%) Proximate Analysis (%)
Gas Gas Wet Dry Wet Dry
(kg/kg of Oil) (kg/kg of Oil)
CO2 3.2080 3.2080 18.740 19.780 12.4840 13.6430
H 2O 0.8928 - 5.220 - 8.4940 -
SO2 0.0280 0.0280 0.164 0.173 0.0754 0.0823
O2 0.6263 0.6263 3.660 3.860 3.3570 3.6680
N2 12.3600 12.3600 72.220 76.190 75.590 82.6070
17.1151 16.2223 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Source: Ohijeagbon (2012)

Hence, the molar chemical exergy of exhaust flue gases was determined as follows;
e xch( g ) =
∑ (
ni e xchi )

= [12.4840(19,610) + 8.4940(9,474) + 0.0754(609,600.00)
+ 3.3570(3,930.50) + 75.590(668.10) + 0.336( 274.87)]
= [435035.9598]
= 4,350.36 kJ / kmol
The molar mass of the exhaust gas from the combustion of LPFO was also determined from the mole
fractions of the products of combustion and the respective molar masses of each constituent member contained
in the gas as shown in Appendix Table 2.
The molar mass of the exhaust flue gases was determined as follows;

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

M g ( LPFO ) = ∑ ni M i ( g )( )LPFO
= [12.4840(44) + 8.4940(18) + 0.0754(64)
+ 3.3570(32) + 75.590(28) + 0.336(28)]
= [2940.3656]
= 29.40 kg / kmol
The specific chemical exergy of the exhaust flue gases can be determined using equation (37) as follows;
e xch( g ) 4,350.36
∴ε gch6 = = = 147.97 kJ / kg
M g ( LPFO ) 29.40

13. Computation of energy and exergy values and efficiencies

The energy and exergy values of the flow processes in the investigated boilers which include the
physical and chemical exergies were computed using the theoretical procedures given by equations (39) to (55)
and previously computed thermodynamic properties of materials streams data given by Appendix Table 1 and
are presented in Appendix Table 3 to 5. These comprise of exergetic computations in the combustion unit, heat
exchanging unit and the entire boiler accordingly. The method used for the energy and exergy assessment of the
boilers are summarised in Appendix Table 3 to 5. These includes evaluation of energy input, energy efficiency,
exergy destruction and efficiency of the combustion unit; heat loss, energy efficiency, exergy destruction and
efficiency of the heat exchanging unit; energy efficiency, overall exergy destruction and efficiency of the entire

Appendix Table 3: Summary of exergetic parameters of combustion unit

Exergetic equations Exergetic Values and Efficiencies
1. Energy input (kJ/s)
Ein = mɺ f h f + mɺ a ha 9740.97

2. Adiabatic energy efficiency (%)

mɺ p h p
ηC = 100.00
mɺ f × HHV

3. Exergy destruction (kJ/s)

IɺC = mɺ a [(ha − T0 sa ) + ε ach1 ] − mɺ p (h p − T0 s p )
+ mɺ f [(h f − T0 s f ) + ε ch ch
f 2 − ε f3 ]

4. Exergy efficiency (%)

mɺ p (h p − T0 s p )
ψC = 55.35
mɺ f [(h f − T0 s f ) + ε ch ch
f 2 − ε f3 ]

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Appendix Table 4: Summary of exergetic parameters of heat exchanging unit

Exergetic equations Exergetic Values and Efficiencies
1. Heat loss (kJ/s)
QH (loss ) = mɺ p (h p − hg ) − mɺ w (hs − hw ) 2969.19

2. Energy efficiency (%)

mɺ w (hs − hw ) 66.69
ηH =
mɺ p (h p − hg )

3. Exergy destruction (kJ/s)

IɺH = mɺ p (h p − T0 s p ) + mɺ w [(hw − T0 sw ) + ε wch4 ]
− mɺ s [(hs − T0 s s ) + ε sch5 ] − mɺ g [(hg − T0 s g ) + ε gch6 ]

4. Exergy efficiency (%)

mɺ s [(hs − T0 s s ) + ε sch5 ] − mɺ w [(hw − T0 s w ) + ε wch4 ] 58.69
ψH =
mɺ p (h p − T0 s p ) − mɺ g [(hg − T0 s g ) + ε gch6 )]

Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
Vol.5, No.1, 2015

Appendix Table 5: Summary of exergetic parameters of entire boiler

Exergetic equations Exergetic Values and Efficiencies
1. Energy efficiency (%)
mɺ s (hs − hw )
ηB = 69.56
mɺ f h f

2. Overall exergy destruction (kJ/s)

IɺB = IɺC + IɺH 5286.35

3. Overall exergy efficiency (%)

mɺ s [(hs − T0 s s ) − (hw − T0 s w ) + ε sch5 − ε wch4 ] 38.57
ψB =
mɺ f [(h f − T0 s f ) + ε ch
f2 − ε ch
f3 ]

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