Ch. 3
Ch. 3
Ch. 3
If there are several gases are mixed in a chamber, we can calculation the
some characterize composition as:
Ni N
i n i ,
N1 N 2 ....... N n
Ni i 1
where , N : number of moles
mi m
Yi n i (2.2)
m1 m2 ....... mn
mi i 1
Note : the sum of all the constituent mole or mass fractions must be unity,
or :
n n
i 1
i 1 , Y 1
i 1
i (2.3)
Then, the relationship between mass fraction and mole fraction as:
MWmix MWi
i Yi & Yi i (2.4)
MWi MWmix
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Chapter Three Fundamental of combustion P.P.E. Department
MWmix n
i 1 MWi
Pi i . PTotal
and (2.6)
Pi i Ti
i Yi mix
or (2.7)
mix Yi i
i 1
Note: for ideal gases mixture, many mass (or molar) specific mixture
properties are calculated as:
hmix Yi hi (2.7)
i 1
The enthalpy to be formed from two parts : sensible and chemical parte
hi Cpi dT h of ,i (2.8)
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Chapter Three Fundamental of combustion P.P.E. Department
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Chapter Three Fundamental of combustion P.P.E. Department
In a premixed combustor, fuel and oxidizer are mixed before they enter the
combustion chamber. If v F' and vO are the coefficients corresponding
to fuel and oxidizer when considering an overall unique reaction of the type
vF F vO
O2 products (2.10)
This ratio s is called the mass stoichiometric ratio. The equivalence ratio
of a given mixture is then:
Y YO actual m
s F s f (2.12)
YO actual YF mO
YO stoich.
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Chapter Three Fundamental of combustion P.P.E. Department
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Chapter Three Fundamental of combustion P.P.E. Department
To calculate the equivalence ratio for any reaction same reaction shown in
equation 2.16, we will be written as:
f stoic A / F stoic
mair A / F act (2.15)
fuel act
x y/4
a (2.19)
To find the mole fraction of all of the product species, we will study as :
The coefficient c and e are zero because there is sufficient O2 to have all
the fuel C and H react to form CO2 and H2O, respectively. The coefficient
b, d and f can be found by C, H and O-atom balance, respectively; thus,
bx (2.20)
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Chapter Three Fundamental of combustion P.P.E. Department
c0 (2.21)
d y/2 (2.22)
e0 (2.23)
f ( )( x y / 4) (2.24)
The total number of moles of products (per mole of fuel burned) can be
found by summing the above coefficient together with 3.76a moles of N2.
x y/4
N Total x y / 2 ( )(1 3.76) (2.25)
The mole fractions are then determine by divided each of the coefficient
above by NTotal :
co 0 (2.26b)
H 2O ( y / 2) / NTotal (2.26c)
H 2 0 (2.26d)
O2 ( )( x y / 4) / N Total (2.26e)
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Chapter Three Fundamental of combustion P.P.E. Department
The use of equation (3.11) causes the system of equation for b, c, d and e
to be nonlinear (quadratic). Solving the element balance in terms of the
unknown coefficient b results in
c x b (2.28a)
d 2a b x (2.28b)
e 2a b x y / 2 (2.28c)
1/ 2
2a( K p 1) x y / 2 1 (2a( K p 1) x y / 2) 2
b (2.29)
2( K p 1) 2( K p 1) 4 K p ( K p 1)(2ax x 2)
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Chapter Three Fundamental of combustion P.P.E. Department
O2 0 (2.31e)
After that, we can calculated the mass fraction of fuel in the fresh gases(air-
fuel mixture) as [ ]:
Yf (2.32)
s MWN2
1 (1 3.76 )
And, the mole fraction of species for fresh gases (unburnt mixture) by
known the type of fuel and the equivalence ratio as below:
From equation (3.1) the total number moles of reactant species(NTotal) is:
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Chapter Three Fundamental of combustion P.P.E. Department
Q1: For the reaction( vF' F vO' (O2 3.76 N 2 ) products )find the mass
Q2: For the reaction shown in Q1, if the equivalence ratio equal to 1.3,
determine the mass fraction for fuel, O2 and N2?
Q3: In some application, Methane is mixed with air as ratio 1/13 by mass,
then the mixture entering to combustion chamber then ignition it.
After complete combustion, estimate the production of combustion
as mole and mass fraction?
Q5: Calculate the equivalence ratio and the mole fractions of the
products of the complete combustion of isooctane (C8H18) with
200% theoretical air.
Q6: In a vessel of volume 1m3 there are 2 g of molecular H2, 6 g of
molecular O2 and 30 g of N2. What are the mole fractions, mass
fraction and concentrations of the hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen?
Q7: A steady flow 1 mol/s of CH4 and 2 mol/s of O2 enters a reactor and
become H2O and CO2. Write equation of the reaction. What is the
concentration of CO2 and H2O vapor density at the exit if the density
of gas exiting the reactor is 1 kg/m3?
Q8: Calculate (1) partial pressures, (2) mole fractions, (3)
Concentrations, (4) densities of the gaseous components in a vessel,
which contains 0.2 kg of H2, 3 mol of CO, amount of H2O vapor
C h . T h r e e | 10
Chapter Three Fundamental of combustion P.P.E. Department
C h . T h r e e | 11