2050I 5th Semester Civil Engineering
2050I 5th Semester Civil Engineering
2050I 5th Semester Civil Engineering
Concrete is a product obtained artificially by hardening of the mixture of cement, sand, gravel and
water in predetermined proportions.
Depending on the quality and proportions of the ingredients used in the mix the properties of
concrete vary almost as widely as different kinds of stones.
Concrete has enough strength in compression, but has little strength in tension. Due to this,
concrete is weak in bending, shear and torsion. Hence the use of plain concrete is limited
applications where great compressive strength and weight are the principal requirements and
where tensile stresses are either totally absent or are extremely low.
Grade of concrete
Designated in terms of letter ‘M’ followed by a number. ‘M’ refers to mix; the number
represents the 28-day characteristic compressive strength of concrete cubes (150mm)
expressed in MPa.
Eg: M20 denotes the concrete mix with 28-day characteristic compressive strength of
Minimum grade of concrete used is dictated by durability (the environment to which the
structure is exposed to, expressed in terms of exposure conditions)
Exposure Minimum
Condition grade of
concrete for
RCC works
Mild M20
Moderate M25
Severe M30
Very M35
Extreme M40
• Classification
• According to IS456,
Ec=5000√fck N/mm2
θ=creep co-efficient
Ecr = Ec /(1+ θ)
The following design methods are used for the design of RCC Structures.
The method is based on the ultimate strength of reinforced concrete at ultimate load is obtained
by enhancing the service load by some factor called as load factor for giving a desired margin
of safety .Hence the method is also referred to as the load factor method or the ultimate strength
In the ULM, stress condition at the state of in pending collapse of the structure is analysed, thus
using, the non-linear stress – strain curves of concrete and steel. The safely measure in the
design is obtained by the use of proper load factor. The satisfactory strength performance at
ultimate loads does not guarantee satisfactory strength performance at ultimate loads does not
guarantee satisfactory serviceability performance at normal service loads.
Limit states are the acceptable limits for the safety and serviceability requirements of the
structure before failure occurs. The design of structures by this method will thus ensure that
they will not reach limit states and will not become unfit for the use for which they are
intended. It is worth mentioning that structures will not just fail or collapse by violating
(exceeding) the limit states. Failure, therefore, implies that clearly defined limit states of
structural usefulness has been exceeded.
The limit state of collapse of the structure or part of the structure could be assessed
from rupture of one or more critical sections and from bucking due to elastic bending, shear,
torsion and axial loads at every section shall not be less than the appropriate value at that
section produced by the probable most unfavourable combination of loads on the structure
using the appropriate factor of safely.
Limit state of serviceability
Limit state of serviceability deals with deflection and crocking of structures under service
loads, durability under working environment during their anticipated exposure conditions
resistance during service, stability of structures as a whole, fire etc.
Figure shows frequency distribution curve of strength material (concrete or steel). The value of
K corresponding to 5% area of the curve is 1.65.
The design strength should be lower than the mean strength (fm)
fm=mean strength
K=constant =1.65
Where, δ=deviation of the individual test strength from the average or mean strength of n
n= number of test results.
Characteristic strength of concrete is denoted by fck (N/mm2) and its value is different for
different grades of concrete e.g. M 15, M25 etc. In the symbol M used for designation of
concrete mix, refers to the mix and the number refers to the specified characteristic
compressive strength of 150 mm size cube at 28 days expressed in N/mm2
Characteristic loads
The term Characteristic load means that values of load which has a 95% probability of not
being exceeded during that life of the structure.
The design load should be more than average load obtained from statistic, we have
Since data are not available to express loads in statistical terms, for the purpose of this
standard, dead loads given in IS 875(Part-1), imposed loads given in IS 875(Part-2), wind loads.
Given in IS 875 (Part-3), snow load as given in IS 875(Part-4) and seismic forces given in IS
1893 shall be assumed as the characteristic loads.
y f =partial safety factor appropriate to the nature of loading and the limit state being
The design load obtained by multi plying the characteristic load by the partial safety factor for
load is also known as factored load.
Thus, in the limit state method , the design stress for steel reinforcement is given by
fy / y ms = fy/1.15=0.87fy.
According to IS 456:2000 for design purpose the compressive strength of concrete in the
structure shall be assumed to be 0.67 times the characteristic strength of concrete in cube and
partial safety factor ymc =1.5 shall be applied in addition to this. Thus, the design stress in
concrete is given by
The partial safety factors for loads, as per IS 456:2000 are given in table below
(* This value is to be considered when stability against overturning or stress reversal is critical)
• The acceptable limit for safety and serviceability requirements before failure occurs
is known as Limit State.
• LSM involves underestimation of the material strength and overestimation of
external loads. For this, the method uses partial safety factor format.
The design of any structure should satisfy the following 2 conditions:
• With due consideration to strength, stability & structural integrity.
• If this condition is satisfied, the likelihood for “collapse” is acceptably low under
service loads (usual or expected loads) as well as probable overloads (extreme winds,
earthquake etc.)
• Collapse may occur due to:
o Exceeding of strength of material or load bearing capacity of material.
o Sliding
o Overturning
o Buckling
o Fatigue
o Fracture
• Limit states involved in collapse are called “Limit State of Collapse” or “Ultimate
Limit State”, which are defined for the following,
• Flexure
• Compression
• Shear
• Torsion
• Satisfactory performance of structure under service loads. Ensures no discomfort
to the user
• If this condition is satisfied, the likelihood for “user discomfort” is acceptably low
under service loads.
• User discomfort may occur due to:
o Deflection
o Cracking
o Vibrations
o Durability
o Impermeability
o Thermal Insulation (or Fire resistance)
• Limit states involved in user comfort are called “Limit state of serviceability”,
which are defined for,
o Deflection
o Cracking
o Durability
o Fire Resistance
The behaviour of reinforced concrete beam sections at ultimate loads has been explained in
detail in previous section. The basic assumptions involved in the analysis at the ultimate limit
state of flexure (Cl. 38.1 of the Code) are listed here.
a) Plane sections normal to the beam axis remain plane after bending, i.e., in an initially
straight beam, strain varies linearly over the depth of the section.
b) The maximum compressive strain in concrete (at the outermost fibre) Ec shall be taken as
0.0035 in bending.
c) The relationship between the compressive stress distribution in concrete and the strain in
concrete may be assumed to be rectangle, trapezoid, parabola or any other shape which results
in prediction of strength in substantial agreement with the results of test. An acceptable stress-
strain curve is given below in figure For design purposes, the compressive strength of concrete
in the structure shall be assumed to be 0.67 times the characteristic strength. The partial safety
factor ym = 1.5 shall be applied in addition to this.
Figure 1.6 Stress-strain curve for concrete
Based on the assumption given above, an expression for the depth of the neutral axis at the
ultimate limit state, xu , can be easily obtained from the strain diagram in Fig. 1.8. Considering
similar triangles,
• The Concrete Stress block (Compressive stress distribution in concrete at ultimate limit state) is
analysed as follows:
In order to determine the magnitude of Cu and its line of action, it is necessary to analyse the concrete stress
block in compression. As ultimate failure of a reinforced concrete beam in flexure occurs by the crushing of
concrete, for both under- and over-reinforced beams, the shape of the compressive stress distribution (stress
block‘) at failure will be, in both cases, as shown in Fig. 1.9. The value of Cu can be computed knowing that
the compressive stress in concrete is uniform at 0.447 fck for a depth of 3xu / 7, and below this it varies
parabolically over a depth of 4xu / 7 to zero at the neutral axis
Also, the line of action of Cu is determined by the centroid of the stress block, located at a distance from the
concrete fibres subjected to the maximum compressive strain. Accordingly, considering moments of
compressive forces Cu, C1 and C2 about the maximum compressive strain location
Depth of Neutral Axis
In balanced section,
The strain in steel and strain in concrete reach their maximum values simultaneously. The percentage of steel
in this section is known as critical or limiting steel percentage. The depth of neutral axis (NA) is Xu =Xu, max
Under-reinforced section
An under-reinforced section is the one in which steel percentage (pt) is less than critical or limiting
percentage ( pt,lim ). Due to this the actual NA is above the balanced NA and
Over-reinforced section
In the over reinforced section the steel percentage is more than limiting percentage due to which NA falls
below the balanced NA and Xu >Xu,max . . Because of higher percentage of steel, yield does not take place in
steel and failure occurs when the strain in extreme fibres in concrete reaches its ultimate value.
Normally, the breadth of the beam b is governed by: (i) proper housing of reinforcing bars and (ii)
architectural considerations. It is desirable that the width of the beam should be less than or equal to the width
of its supporting structure like column width, or width of the wall etc. Practical aspects should also be kept in
mind. It has been found that most of the requirements are satisfied with b as 150, 200, 230, 250 and 300 mm.
Again, width to overall depth ratio is normally kept
between 0.5 and 0.67.
(ii) Selection of depths of the beam d and D
The effective depth has the major role to play in satisfying (i) the strength requirements of bending moment
and shear force, and (ii) deflection of the beam. The initial effective depth of the beam, however, is assumed
to satisfy the deflection requirement depending on the span and type of the reinforcement. IS 456 stipulates
the basic ratios of span to effective depth of beams for span up to 10 m as (Clause 23.2.1)
Cantilever 7
Simply supported 20
Continuous 26
For spans above 10 m, the above values may be multiplied with 10/span in metres, except for cantilevers
where the deflection calculations should be made. Further, these ratios are to be multiplied with the
modification factor depending on reinforcement percentage and type. Figures 4 and 5 of IS 456 give the
different values of modification factors. The total depth D can be determined by adding 40 to 80 mm to the
effective depth.
(iii) Selection of the amount of steel reinforcement Ast
The amount of steel reinforcement should provide the required tensile force T to resist the factored moment
Mu of the beam. Further, it should satisfy the minimum and maximum percentages of reinforcement
requirements also. The minimum reinforcement As is provided for creep, shrinkage, thermal and other
provided in a beam depends on the f y of steel and it follows the relation: (cl. of IS 456)
The maximum tension reinforcement should not exceed 0.04 bD (cl. of IS 456), where D is the total
Besides satisfying the minimum and maximum reinforcement, the amount of reinforcement of the singly
reinforced beam should normally be 75 to 80% of Pt,lim. Moreover, in many cases, the depth required for
deflection becomes more than the limiting depth required to resist Mu, lim. Thus, it is almost obligatory to
provide more depth. Providing more depth also helps in the amount of the steel which is less than that
required for Mu, lim. This helps to ensure ductile failure. Such beams are designated as under-reinforced
(iv) Selection of diameters of bar of tension reinforcement
Reinforcement bars are available in different diameters such as 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 32,
36 and 40 mm. Some of these bars are less available. The selection of the diameter of bars depends on its
availability, minimum stiffness to resist while persons walk over them during construction, bond requirement
etc. Normally, the diameters of main tensile bars are chosen from 12, 16, 20, 22, 25 and 32 mm.
(v) Selection of grade of concrete
Besides strength and deflection, durability is a major factor to decide on the grade of concrete. Table 5 of IS
456 recommends M 20 as the minimum grade under mild environmental exposure and other grades of
concrete under different environmental exposures also.
(vi) Selection of grade of steel
Normally, Fe 250, 415 and 500 are in used in reinforced concrete work. Mild steel (Fe 250) is more ductile
and is preferred for structures in earthquake zones or where there are possibilities of vibration, impact, blast
where I is the second moment of area of the section about the neutral axis, Q the first moment of area
about the Neutral Axis of the portion of the section above the layer at distance y from the NA, and b is
the width of the beam at the layer at which Ƭ is calculated.
The combined flexural and shear stresses on that element can be resolved into equivalent
principal stresses f1 and f2 acting on orthogonal planes.
As a result, the stress on the beam is depicted in terms of the principal stress trajectories as shown.
In a material like concrete which is weak in tension, tensile cracks would develop in a direction that is
perpendicular to that of the principal tensile stress. Thus the compressive stress trajectories in the above
figure indicate potential crack patterns, as shown below.
1) Flexural cracks
• Occurs in reinforced concrete beams of usual proportions, subjected to relatively high flexural
stresses fx and low shear stresses Ƭ.
• Maximum principal tensile stress occurs in the outer fibre at the bottom face of the concrete beam at
the peak moment locations. As a result, cracks are formed, which are termed as flexural cracks.
• These are formed at 90o from the extreme tension fibre towards neutral axis.
• These are controlled by the tension bars.
3) Flexure-Shear cracks
• When a ‘flexural crack’ occurs in combination with a ‘diagonal tension crack’, the crack is termed
as a flexure-shear crack.
• Occurs in beam subjected to both flexure and shear.
• Note: The presence of shear stress reduces the strength of concrete in compression as well as
tension. Accordingly, the tensile strength of the concrete in a reinforced concrete beam subjected to
both flexure & shear will be less than that subjected to flexure only.
• Here, flexural crack usually forms first, and extends into a diagonal tension crack.
where Vu is the factored shear force at the section under consideration, b is the width of the beam
(taken as the web width bw in flanged beams), and d the effective depth of the section.
• In the case of members with varying depth, the nominal shear stress, defined above, needs to be
modified, to account for the contribution of the vertical component of the flexural tensile force Tu
which is inclined at an angle β to the longitudinal direction.
Accordingly, the nominal shear stress (Cl. 40.1.1 of the Code), is obtained as
where Vu and Mu are the applied factored shear force and bending moment at the section under
consideration. The negative sign applies where Mu increases in the same direction as the depth
increases and the positive sign applies where Mu decreases in this direction, as shown below.
2) Critical Sections for shear
Location of critical sections for different cases are shown below. [Refer Cl. 22.6.2]
• Shear reinforcement, also known as web reinforcement may consist of any one of the following
systems (Cl. 40.4 of the Code)
a) stirrups perpendicular to the beam axis;
b) stirrups inclined (at 45° or more) to the beam axis; and
c) longitudinal bars bent-up (usually, not more than two at a time) at 45° to 60° to the beam axis,
combined with stirrups.
• By far, the most common type of shear reinforcement is the two-legged stirrup, comprising a closed
or open loop, with its ends anchored properly around longitudinal bars/stirrup holders (to develop the
yield strength in tension). It is placed perpendicular to the member axis (‘vertical stirrup’), and may
or may not be combined with bent-up bars.
• Where bent-up bars are provided, their contribution towards shear resistance shall not be more than
half that of the total shear reinforcement.
5) Limiting Ultimate Shear Strength of beam (Ƭc,max)
• The nominal shear stress (Ƭv) on the beam should not exceed the limiting total shear
strength of beam including shear reinforcement (Ƭc,max).
• Such a limit is set to the shear stress in beam Ƭv because : if the shear reinforcement
Provided in the section is excessive, failure may occur by crushing of concrete (known as
shear-compression failure which occurs due to crushing of the reduced concrete section
after formation of flexure-shear crack), even before yielding of shear reinforcements. Since
this is a brittle fracture, such a failure is undesirable.
• Thus by limiting the shear stress in beam Ƭv to less than Ƭc,max, shear-compression failures
can be prevented.
• Values of Ƭc,max is given in Table 20 of IS456. It may also be obtained from the following
approximate relation.
• In the case of solid slabs, the Code (Cl. specifies that Ƭv should not exceed
0.5 Ƭc,max .
• For vertical stirrups, the maximum spacing between stirrups is limited as follows:
• For inclined stirrups or a series of bars bent-up at different cross-sections:
• For single bar or single group of parallel bars, all bent-up at the same cross-section:
where Asv = total cross-sectional area of stirrup legs or bent-up bars within a distance sv,
If Ƭv < Ƭc
• If Ƭv < 0.5 Ƭc
No shear reinforcement is required.
• If Ƭv > 0.5 Ƭc
The Code (Cl. specifies a minimum shear reinforcement to be provided in the form of
The bond between steel and concrete is very important and essential so that they can act together
without any slip in a loaded structure. With the perfect bond between them, the plane section of a
beam remains plane even after bending. The length of a member required to develop the full bond
is called the anchorage length. The bond is measured by bond stress. The local bond stress varies
along a member with the variation of bending moment.
Thus, a tensile member has to be anchored properly by providing additional length on either side
of the point of maximum tension, which is known as Development length in tension. Similarly, for
compression members also, we have Development length Ld in compression‘.
Accordingly, IS 456, cl. 26.2 stipulates the requirements of proper anchorage of reinforcement in
terms of development length Ld only employing design bond stress 𝜏bd.
Design bond stress – values
The average bond stress is still used in the working stress method and IS 456 has mentioned about
it in cl. B-2.1.2. However, in the limit state method of design, the average bond stress has been
designated as design bond stress τbd and the values are given in cl. The same is given
below as a ready reference.
Table 5: τbd for plain bars in tension
Grade of concrete M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M 40 and
Design Bond Stress 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
τbd in N/mm2
For deformed bars conforming to IS 1786, these values shall be increased by 60 per cent. For
bars in compression, the values of bond stress in tension shall be increased by 25 per cent.
Development Length
Figure 1.13 shows the free body diagram of the segment AB of the bar. At B, the tensile force T is
the tensile force trying to pull out the bar. It is necessary to have the resistance force to be
developed by τbd for the length Ld to overcome the tensile force. Equating the two, we get
The above equation is given in cl. 26.2.1 of IS 456 to determine the development length of bars.
The example taken above considers round bar in tension. Similarly, other sections of the bar
should have the required Ld as determined for such sections. For bars in compression, the
development length is reduced by 25 per cent as the design bond stress in compression τbd is 25
per cent more than that in tension. Following the same logic, the development length of deformed
bars is reduced by 60 per cent of that needed for the plain round bars. Tables 64 to 66 of SP-16
present the development lengths of fully stressed plain and deformed bars (when σs = 0.87 fy) both
under tension and compression. It is to be noted that the consequence of stress concentration at the
lugs of deformed bars has not been taken into consideration.
Checking of Development Lengths of Bars in Tension
The following are the stipulation of cl. of IS 456.
(i) At least one-third of the positive moment reinforcement in simple members and one-fourth of
the positive moment reinforcement in continuous members shall be extended along the same face
of the member into the support, to a length equal to Ld/3.
(ii) Such reinforcements of (i) above shall also be anchored to develop its design stress in tension
at the face of the support, when such member is part of the primary lateral load resisting system.
(iii) The diameter of the positive moment reinforcement shall be limited to a diameter such that
the Ld computed for σs = fd does not exceed the following:
where M1 = moment of resistance of the section assuming all reinforcement at the section to be
stressed to fd,
fd = 0.87 fy,
V = shear force at the section due to design loads,
Lo = sum of the anchorage beyond the centre of the support and the equivalent anchorage value of
any hook or mechanical anchorage at simple support. At a point of inflection, Lo is limited to the
effective depth of the member or 12θ, whichever is greater, and
θ = diameter of bar.
It has been further stipulated that M1/V in the above expression may be increased by 30 per cent
when the ends of the reinforcement are confined by a compressive reaction.
Numerical problem of design of singly reinforced beam
A reinforced concrete beam is supported on two walls 250mm thick, spaced at a clear distance of
6m. The beam carries a super-imposed load of 9.8 KN/m. design the beam using M20 concrete
and HYSD bars of Fe 415 grade.
Now from experience, assume d=l/15=400mm
Therefore, overall depth= effective depth+ clear cover + diameter of stirrup +0.5(diameter of
main reinforcement)
=400+25+8+0.5x20=443mm 450mm
Assume b=250mm
Therefore, try a trial section of dimension 250x450.
Load Calculation
Self-weight of beam (DL)= 0.25x0.45x1x25=2.8125 KN/m
Super-imposed load (LL)= 9.8 KN/m
Therefore, total load, w =(DL+LL)=(2.8125+9.8)=12.6125 KN/m
Design load, wu =1.5x w=18.9187 KN/m
Calculation of effective span
As per IS 456:2000, cl no 22.2 (a), the effective span of a simply supported beam is lesser of
the following two.
Clear span+ the effective depth of beam or slab
Or centre to centre distance between supports.
Clear span =6m
Effective depth of beam, d=450-25-8-0.5x20=407mm
Therefore, clear span + effective depth of beam=(6+0.407)m=6.407m
Centre to centre distance between support=(6+0.25/2+0.25/2)m=6.25m
Lesser of two=6.25m
Therefore, effective span =6.25m
Calculation of BM and SF
Computation of effective depth, d
For M20 grade of concrete and Fe 415 grade of steel
Shear Reinforcement
As per IS 456:2000 Cl. No. 22.6.2, the critical section for shear is at a distance of d from the face
of the support.
So, shear force at that distance, Vu =59.12-18.9187(0.25/2+0.407) = 49.05 KN.
As per IS 456:2000, table 19, the design shear strength of concrete, for %pt=0.926 and M20 grade
of concrete, τc =0.61 N/mm2
Since τv<τc, no shear reinforcement is necessary. However, minimum shear reinforcement as per
cl no of IS 456:2000 should be provided.
Now as per cl no (c) of IS 456:2000, at a simple support and at points of inflection,
positive moment tension reinforcement shall be limited to a diameter such that Ld computed for fd
does not exceed
The value of in the above expression M1/V may be increased by 30% when the ends of the
reinforcement are confined by a compressive reaction.
2-10 2L-8 @ 300c/c
3-20 6m
2L-8 @ 300c/c
Reinforcement Detailing
This lesson explains the presence of torsional moment along with bending moment and shear in
reinforced concrete members with specific examples. The approach of design of such beams has
been explained mentioning the critical section to be designed. Expressing the equivalent shear and
bending moment, this lesson illustrates the step by step design procedure of beam under combined
bending, shear and torsion. The requirements of IS 456 regarding the design are also explained.
Numerical problems have been solved to explain the design of beams under combined bending,
shear and torsion.
Approach of Design for Combined Bending, Shear and Torsion as per IS 456
As per the stipulations of IS 456, the longitudinal and transverse reinforcements are determined
taking into account the combined effects of bending moment, shear force and torsional moment.
Two impirical relations of equivalent shear and equivalent bending moment are given. These
fictitious shear force and bending moment, designated as equivalent shear and equivalent bending
moment, are separate functions of actual shear and torsion, and actual bending moment and
torsion, respectively. The total vertical reinforcement is designed to resist the equivalent shear Ve
and the longitudinal reinforcement is designed to resist the equivalent bending moment Me1 and
Me2. These design rules are applicable to beams of solid rectangular cross-section. However, they
may be applied to flanged beams by substituting bw for b. IS 456 further suggests to refer to
specialist literature for the flanged beams as the design adopting the code procedure is generally
Critical Section (cl. 41.2 of IS 456)
As per cl. 41.2 of IS 456, sections located less than a distance d from the face of the support is to
be designed for the same torsion as computed at a distance d, where d is the effective depth of the
Shear and Torsion
(a) The equivalent shear, a function of the actual shear and torsional moment is determined from
the following impirical relation:
Ve = Vu + 1.6(Tu/b)
where Ve = equivalent shear,
Vu = actual shear,
Tu = actual torsional moment,
b = breadth of beam.
(b) The equivalent nominal shear stress ve τ is determined from:
However, τve shall not exceed τ c max given in Table 20 of IS 456 and Table 6.2 of Lesson 13.
(c) Minimum shear reinforcement is to be provided as per cl. of IS 456, if the
equivalent nominal shear stress τ ve obtained from Eq does not exceed τc given in Table 19 of
IS 456
(d) Both longitudinal and transverse reinforcement shall be provided as per cl. 41.4 if τve
exceeds τc given in Table 19 of IS 456 and is less than τ c max , as mentioned in (b) above.
Reinforcement in Members subjected to Torsion
(a) Reinforcement for torsion shall consist of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement
(b) The longitudinal flexural tension reinforcement shall be determined to resist an equivalent
bending moment Me1 as given below:
Me1 = Mu + Mt
where Mu = bending moment at the cross-section, and
Mt = (Tu/1.7) {1 + (D/b)}
where Tu = torsional moment,
D = overall depth of the beam, and
b = breadth of the beam.
(c) The longitudinal flexural compression reinforcement shall be provided if the numerical value
of Mt as defined above exceeds the numerical value of Mu. Such compression reinforcement
should be able to resist an equivalent bending moment Me2 as given below:
Me2 = Mt - Mu
The Me2 will be considered as acting in the opposite sense to the moment Mu.
(d) The transverse reinforcement consisting of two legged closed loops enclosing the corner
longitudinal bars shall be provided having an area of cross-section Asv given below:
However, the total transverse reinforcement shall not be less than the following:
Determine the reinforcement required of a ring beam of b = 400 mm, d = 650 mm, D = 700
mm and subjected to factored Mu = 200 kNm, factored Tu = 50 kNm and factored Vu = 100
kN. Use M 20 and Fe 415 for the design.
Solution 1
The solution of the problem is illustrated in seven steps below.
Step 1: Check for the depth of the beam
we have the equivalent shear
Ve = Vu + 1.6(Tu/b) = 100 + 1.6(50/0.4) = 300 kN
the equivalent shear stress