Abc Rule
Abc Rule
Abc Rule
From time to time, you may find yourself in this role as some business Another reason why the ABC
owners may ask you to be an Advisor to their Clients. Rule is needed, by both new and
exeperienced business owners alike, is
because of familiarity with Clients. Your
family, close circle of friends, former
A Bridge serves as a link between two people, schoolmates or even officemates may
in this case between the Advisor and the Client. not take you seriously.
The Bridge is responsible for building up the
reputation and credibility of the Advisor so that
the Client becomes interested, excited and
feels privileged to meet him. The Bridge is also B This is where having an Advisor
responsible for informing the Advisor about the BRIDGE
background of the Client so that the Advisor works to your advantage. Because
may tailor fit the advice he gives. On the day you have built up and introduced
of the meeting, it is the job of the Bridge to your Advisor as a credible source
introduce the Advisor and Client to each other. of information about the business,
your Clients respect him. They listen
closely to his recommendations. After
giving his professional advice about
the business, your Advisor now in
The Client is a prospect to whom the turn builds you up to your Clients as
business has been introduced or is the right person to sponsor them into
C about to be introduced. They are in need
of good advice to help them come up
with a well-informed decision to join the
the business. The respect that your
Clients have for your Advisor is now
CLIENT transferred to you because of your
business, try the product or do both. association with him.
Reds have the ability to move from point A to point B. Getting things
done is what motivates and drives these people. They bring great gifts
of vision and leadership. They are rational thinkers and care more about
facts than theory or detail. They value time and guard it carefully. With
Reds, don’t waffle or ramble on. Don’t be vague as they like to get
straight to the point. They think of the big picture and are comfortable
taking risks. Reds are motivated by money so don’t be afraid to talk
about income potential and use large numbers.
Get to know your Advisor beforehand.
Talk to him/her in person and find out He has worked very hard to get to
about his/her background, success stories where he’s at and is very driven and
and positive qualities. focused on getting results. He is a
7-figure earner and is a Diamond
Executive Director in Santé.
Yellows love helping others almost to a fault. They are very reliable,
honest, and really good listeners. Be as helpful as possible with
yellows. Take your time with them and make them feel valued. Yellows
are friendly and pleasant to be around. They are great at relationships
and very easy going. They don’t fret over details and money is not a big
motivation for them. However, how your product or company is helping
Choose positive and relatable qualities people is what matters most to yellows.
of your Advisor that you can include in
a spiel for your client. To know which
qualities of your Advisor are relatable to
your Client, you must first have an idea of Yellow Personality Type
your Client’s personality type.
Even though he is extremely
successful, he remains very humble
and continues to follow Sante’s
mission of helping people live better
lives because he just loves adding
value to others.
Note: Here’s a quick summary to help you understand personality
types. The personality color chart is divided into four main Sample Tee-up Spiel for Yellows:
colors: Red, Blue, Yellow & Green.
Blues are the life of the party. They love meeting new people and aren’t
shy about starting conversations with strangers. Blues are easy to
recognize because they talk a lot. Everyone they meet is instantly their
friend. Blues love to travel and go on adventures. Blues love to be in
action and don’t like to be bothered with facts and figures.
They are “big picture” people and don’t care about your company
details or product ingredients.
He now gets to spend a lot of Tee-up your Advisor to your Client before
time with his family which is they meet. Tee-up is another term for
something he wasn’t able to do build-up. Use the spiel that you have
before he retired from his job. prepared based on your Advisor’s positive
He also gets to travel a lot and qualities and your Client’s personality
goes on many adventures. (refer to the sample spiel in step 2).
Bring your Client to your Advisor and
introduce them to each other.
Note: If you don’t know what personality type your client is, then
bring in one of the key traits from each of the personality
types into your spiel. However, if you can easily recognize
your client’s personality type, touch on the points that your
client will be able to identify with.
Sample Introduction
Santé Business Owner (YOU): I’m glad that we all have the chance to
meet today. John, I want to introduce you to Jeff. I know that Jeff has a
really busy schedule so to be able to get some of his time and have him
here with us is really exciting
Just to give you a background
(this tees-up your Advisor as on Jeff, Jeff used to be an
the expert and someone to anesthesiologist and he was able
value and respect). to retire from his job with the project
that we’re working on together.
well, he can now spend a lot of Listen attentively to what the Advisor has
is a Diamond Executive time with his family and travel a
Director in Santé. to say. While the Advisor is speaking,
lot and go on many adventures. show that you agree with him by making
affirming gestures such as nodding your
head or making affirming statements such
Yellow Personality Type as, “Yes” or “That’s right”.
Santé Business Owner (YOU): Jeff meet John. John meet Jeff.
Whenever possible, inform your Advisor ahead of time an individual who purchases a Retailer Kit and subsequently the Business
Business Partners
Never tee-up the Client to the Advisor. A lot of people get business accounts or business owners under a specific Business
Whenever possible, match your Clients to Advisors with Prospect
whom they have something in common - whether it be
their jobs, their family backgrounds, their educational a person considered as a potential customer or Santé business owner.
backgrounds or even hobbies. This makes the Advisor
more relatable to your Client, which in turn makes your
Client more confident to follow whatever recommendation T
the Advisor may have.
The ABC Rule
one of the most powerful tools a Santé Business Owner can use to build his/her