Pedagogy Indentity
Pedagogy Indentity
Pedagogy Indentity
College of Teacher Education and Leadership,
Arizona State University, Glendale (USA)
Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
Public University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain)
USA / Spain
Maria Cardelle-Elawar. 4701 West Thunderbird Road, College of Teacher Education and Leadership-Graduate
Studies. Glendale, AZ 85306, USA. E-mail:
Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, N. 13 Vol 5 (3), 2007. ISSN: 1696-2095. 565-592 - 565 -
Maria Cardelle-Elawar et al.
This qualitative study describes the outcomes of teachers from three different coun-
tries (Ghana, Spain, and USA) enrolled in a graduate educational psychology class taught by
the authors. A theory-into-practice teaching approach was used to encourage in-service teach-
ers to conduct a research process guided by the instructors. Participants engaged in a meta-
cognitive, self-regulated, narrative-inquiry process that allowed them to situate themselves
within educational, historical, and political contexts. The participants followed an interview
protocol in pairs where they asked each other a series of questions related to their experience
in becoming teachers and what keeps them teaching. Meaningful descriptive narratives sum-
marizing the interview results were analyzed for generative themes. Implications for teaching
and research with references to metacognitive self-regulatory practices are discussed.
The rewards of teaching come from teachers’ innate belief that every day they have the op-
portunity to enrich the lives of their students by igniting the human spirit, dignifying the hu-
man experience, and inspiring human excellence.
John Blaydes
- 566 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology,N. 13 Vol 5 (3), 2007. ISSN: 1696-2095. 565-592
A Cross Cultural Analysis of Motivational Factors That Influence Teacher Identity
The purpose of this paper is to help teachers and teacher educators better understand
the core elements of the teacher-self by stimulating their metacognitive processes on their
motivation to choose teaching as well as their motivation to stay in the profession. Today
teachers must meet the conflicting challenges of being responsive to an increasingly diverse
population of students. At the same time, they must meet the expectations for successful im-
plementation of school reforms dictated by the state, such as the “high-stakes testing.” This is
the process of attaching consequences to student standardized test performance (Berliner,
2004; Sloan, 2004). We believe this study is timely to answer the questions so often asked by
our graduate students: “How does one keep motivated in dealing with the complexity of class-
room change? How does one build public and student confidence with these constraints?” The
answers to these questions may be embedded in the work of several researchers who studied
the motivational factors that guide teachers to learn about themselves and direct them to re-
examine the goals that are shaping their identity as teachers.
The study of teacher identity is relatively new to educational research, with most of
the qualitative investigations occurring within the past decade. The motivation to explore the
“teacher-self” emerged from the need to gain understanding of the extent to which teachers
are committed to reconstruct their existing identities as they face the challenges of changes in
school reform. Teaching commitment appears to be an important research variable of gradu-
ates’ entrance into the teaching profession. It is defined from a cognitive-emotional perspec-
tive as a teacher education graduates’ degree of psychological attachment to the teaching pro-
fession (Coladarci, 1992; Rots, et al, 2007).
The review of the literature shows that learning about teacher “identity” is to learn
about the factors that are influencing teachers’ sense of purpose, self-efficacy, motivation,
commitment, job satisfaction, and effectiveness in the classroom. These factors are predictors
on their motivation and commitment to change (Day, Kington, Stobart, & Sammons, 2006;
Day, 2002; Drake, Spillane, & Huffered-Ackels, 2001; Nevin & Cardelle-Elawar, 2003; van
Veen, Sleegers, & van de Ven, 2005). This line of research is multifaceted. These facets are
embedded and explored from several theoretical frameworks and interpreted within changing
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Maria Cardelle-Elawar et al.
Teacher identity formation, based on the review of the literature, is still poorly de-
fined. The studies focused primarily on the professional aspect. Researchers examined teach-
ers’ perceptions of the subject matter, pedagogy, and didactical expertise (Beijaard, Verloop,
& Vermunt, 2000). The results of these investigations vary in their definitions. Teacher iden-
tity is characterized by the way teachers think about themselves, the images they have of
“self” (Andrew, 1997; Ottensen, 2007). It also reflects a subtle dimension of the complex and
life-long process of self-discovery, a process for teachers to know themselves, their students,
and the subject matter they teach. It becomes the ability of the teacher to connect with all
these elements so that they are all intertwined into one another (Palmer, 1998). Other studies
placed the developing of the professional-self during the transition from teacher training to
beginning teaching. It is described as the provoking of the praxis shock between the beliefs
and ideas about teaching and the school context in which they must operate. This formation of
the professional-self depends on which extent the teacher’s subjective educational theory
meets the challenges of accommodation and conformity within the school-micro-political
perspective (Findlay, 2006; Smagorinsky, 2004). It becomes the way teachers define them-
selves to themselves and others (Lasky, 2005). It serves as the psychological device that al-
lows teachers to incorporate their unique selves to respond to the professional and personal
demands and desires within their knowledge base and skills to teach mainly in schools with
great diversity of students (Friesen, Finney, & Krentz, 1999).
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A Cross Cultural Analysis of Motivational Factors That Influence Teacher Identity
Specifically, the main purpose of the current study is to explore teachers’ motivation
as a combination of three interrelated concepts that are at the core of “self” of teacher identity:
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Maria Cardelle-Elawar et al.
1.2. Self-regulation. Zimmerman & Kisantas (2005) define self-regulation as the proc-
ess we use to activate and sustain our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions to reach our goals. It
guides teachers to get control over the problems they experience before, during, and after in-
struction (Bandura, 2005; Schunk & Zimmerman, 2001). Self-regulated teachers are able to
transform their mental ability and teaching knowledge into teaching skills in the classroom
with their students. It involves clarity of purpose and the use of goal-directed actions in teach-
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A Cross Cultural Analysis of Motivational Factors That Influence Teacher Identity
ers’ own performance (Boekaerts, Pintrich, & Schunk, 2008; Zeidner, 2000). This self-
regulatory process is mediated by a combination of the teacher’s personal beliefs such as self-
efficacy and the epistemological world views of the individuals who choose this profession,
and also by their volition to act according to these beliefs (Cardelle-Elawar & Nevin, 2003;
Corno, 2001, 1993; Nevin & Cardelle-Elawar, Beckett, Thousand, & Diaz Greenber, 2002;
Milner, 2003; Cardelle-Elawar, 1996; Ellliot & Dweck, 2005; Rivero, Cabanach, and Arias,
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Maria Cardelle-Elawar et al.
selective in choosing models that exemplify those standards. This process contributes to the
developing of the sense of self-efficacy, the confidence that teachers have what it takes to be
successful in dealing with change. This view is in contrast with the behavioral approach that
suggests that it is the environment that acts on the individual.
Research Aims
The purpose of the study was to use dialogic retrospection as a tool to elicit in-service
teachers’ voices to guide them to reflect about themselves and their motivation in becoming
teachers. We believe the dialogic retrospection interview process will help teachers address
their own identity. Investigating the core of their own motivations to become teaches may
create an awareness of the self that will assist them in understanding their own students and
how their past influences the teaching and the learning process.
Two questions guided the inquiry process:
1. How did participants construct their views of themselves to become teachers and
continue in the profession?
2. How did participants’ constructed views reflect their motivation to overcome the
challenges of the educational, social-political context where they operate?
The research design follows a qualitative analysis tradition in that data collection and
analysis procedures employed a narrative inquiry process. Several teacher identity studies in
the field have used a similar process (Johnson, 2005). We used a dialogic retrospection-
interview process as a self-reflective inquiry undertaking by participants to elicit their voices
as used in the study by Nevin & Cardelle-Elawar (2003). The methodology of this study is
grounded in metacognitive self-regulated theory and self-efficacy including:
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A Cross Cultural Analysis of Motivational Factors That Influence Teacher Identity
Participants consisted of 487 volunteer in-service teachers from three different cul-
tures: Africa, Europe, and the USA. Of this number, 231 (67% male and 33% female) were
from Ghana, 54 (24% male and 76% female) from Spain, and 202 (30% male and 70% fe-
male) from the USA. This was a convenient sample since all participants were teachers en-
rolled in educational psychology classes taught by each of the authors in their respective
The educational psychology course in which participants of this study were enrolled
was a required class for all education majors. The major goal of the course was to contribute
to the shaping of a professional identity as teachers who must face the challenges of teaching
pupils with diverse needs such as socio-economic status, gender, race, ethnicity, linguistic
competence, and cognitive and developmental stages. The three professors designed instruc-
tion modeling research methods often used by educational psychologists when they are trans-
lating various motivational theories of learning and motivation (e.g., humanistic, cognitive,
and social learning theories) into classroom practice. The course used a self-metacognitive-
regulatory approach such as the IDEA model to facilitate teachers’ self-reflection on their
strengths and limitations on teaching. This model is illustrated in Table 1. In addition, the
dialogic retrospection process described previously was also used. The written narratives were
an ungraded assignment. However, to ensure accuracy of the interview process, participants
validated their interview results during class discussions. The three professors independently
read and analyzed the narratives. Using a dialogic process, the three professors agreed on the
coding to be used to identify themes.
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Maria Cardelle-Elawar et al.
The participants were guided through the interview process in a step-by-step manner
as shown in Table 2. The rule of confidentiality was invoked to ensure that participants would
be more likely to share sensitive information. Each interview team was comprised of a lis-
tener who scribed the partner’s responses to the interview questions. Each partner then inde-
pendently wrote a one-page summary, all of which were exchanged and edited for accuracy.
The instructors for theme analysis then collected written narratives.
Table 2. Process to Elicit Your Teacher Voice: Guided Interviews with a Partner.
- 574 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology,N. 13 Vol 5 (3), 2007. ISSN: 1696-2095. 565-592
A Cross Cultural Analysis of Motivational Factors That Influence Teacher Identity
The semi-structured interview process relied on cues or prompts to elicit the partici-
pants’ voices. The authors guided participants on how to question each other using the dia-
logical perspective model as described in Table 3. Questions reflected key findings from the
extensive literature on sources of motivation to become teachers.
Table 3. Interview Questions.
1. How old were you when you first knew you wanted to be a teacher? What was
happening in the world, your town, your neighborhood, and your family at the
2. Do any teachers stand out in your memory? Why? What makes them memora-
3. Who where your favorite teachers and why? Do you have any of their attrib-
utes? Please explain.
4. What barriers have you had to overcome to become a teacher?
5. What keeps you motivated to achieve your goal in keeping on teaching?
Questions included age at which participants first knew they wanted to be teachers,
heroes or heroines, events that occurred at that time, memorable teachers, the extent to which
participants had attributes similar to their memorable teachers, barriers to becoming a teacher,
and identification of what motivates participants to achieve the goal of becoming a teacher.
The questions were posed as examples rather than as a script, thus there was a degree of self-
selection for the specific other’s unique life experiences as they compared their responses
with their partner’s responses.
The interview guide served three purposes: first, it was an advance organizer intended
to focus participants’ attention during the interview. Second, the guide served as a strategy to
check participants’ understanding of their own and the partner. Third, it helped participants to
self-regulate their own awareness processes.
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related with findings from the literature and the extent to which the themes helped to address
the two research questions.
From the answers to Question 1, three themes emerged that seemed to be related to the
first research question, how did participants construct their views of themselves as teachers?
These themes are explained by representative verbatim quotations from the narratives of ran-
domly selected participants from each country.
1. How did the participants’ Theme Participants clearly articulated the influence of
teachers construct their views 1a former teachers as a source of their motivation to
of themselves to become become teachers.
teachers? Theme Commitment to pupils was frequently named as a
1b source of motivation to become teachers.
- 576 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology,N. 13 Vol 5 (3), 2007. ISSN: 1696-2095. 565-592
A Cross Cultural Analysis of Motivational Factors That Influence Teacher Identity
Theme 1a: Participants clearly articulated the influence of former teachers as a source of
their motivation to become teachers.
The following examples represent 92 percent of the excerpts from narratives that con-
firm this theme and include:
Ansha, a teacher from Ghana. He is the oldest of six children who decided to become
a teacher when he was 21. He explained that all the people in his neighborhood were
mainly farmers and that about half of the people had not entered in to school and were
living in poverty. “My parents were both illiterate and poor. One day, one teacher took
me to the church, where I got some financial help, and at age 12 I began school; it was
hard and my parents would rather prefer I help on the farm. The first experience was
negative. I was a slow learner and the teacher punished me by ordering me to be on
my knees, and other times he hit me with a ruler. But my life changed when I met my
sixth grade teacher who also was a leader in the church and the community, and he
used to tell us ‘the only way to get out from poverty is education.’ Those words made
such a difference in my life that I still use them in my class. He was my best role
model to imitate. He was punctual, hardworking, God fearing, sympathetic, and gen-
erous in helping us. Like him, I keep encouraging students not to give up when they
fail in class or want to drop out.” Ansha also recognized that, in addition to helping
students get out from poverty, his motivation to keep on teaching is “to have a salary
and a respectful status in [his] neighborhood.”
Claudia, an elementary teacher from Spain, was 19 when she thought of becoming a
teacher. “I needed to get a degree and teaching was attractive for the same thing that
continues motivating me in teaching, that is, my love for children. I was the oldest of
four, and I always took care of my siblings. I know I am making a positive difference
in the lives of the children. I know that and this is what gives me fulfillment to teach.”
She remembers her eighth grade teacher influenced her decision. “I want to follow his
teaching style. I enjoy the friendly camaraderie and competition he established in class
to involve all of us in active learning.” The major difficulties she encountered during
her last two years were to delay her marriage, “But I decided to get my [teaching] de-
gree first.”
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Maria Cardelle-Elawar et al.
Liz, who is a science teacher in the USA, thought to become a teacher at age eight
“when I loved to play school. It was this early experience that struck my interest in
teaching.” She recognized within herself a feeling of enthusiasm and passion for kids.
“I believe I wanted to be like my sixth grade teacher. She was a lady who still is full of
enthusiasm about teaching. She really believed [in the] child’s capacity to learn. She
believed in my ability to achieve; I always felt like I was the teacher’s pet. That made
a huge difference in my life. I had another teacher who was the opposite; he said I was
not college material to be a teacher. I had two teachers who were at opposing ends of
the spectrum in regards to their beliefs in my mind: one teacher that has a firm belief
that I can be a teacher, and the other that I should quit school because I do not have the
ability to teach. Today my motivation is strong [in] believing that all kids can learn at
different paces, and I make sure to find the way to help them to succeed. I learned
from both teachers; the negative one taught me to never treat students the way he
treated me.”
Two of the few excerpts from narratives that disconfirm this theme include:
Bob, a teacher from Ghana, thought he would be a teacher when he was 20 years old.
“I needed a job to support my family because my father died, and I needed to help my
mother take care of my siblings. We were so poor. There was a water shortage in my
neighborhood and we had to travel very far to fetch water. I do not remember any
teacher that helped me. There is, however, a teacher who stands out in my memory
when I teach because I do not want to be like her: she was very lazy. She was always
in her seat until she went home. She did not actually like the job. I do not have any of
her attributes.
George, a teacher from the USA, wanted to become a lawyer in his 20s. “I was en-
gaged. but later I called off the wedding. I finished my pre-law degree, and I got a job
working in a restaurant and quickly I moved up, making a good living. Unfortunately
becoming a lawyer slipped away after 10 years with long hours and few days off. I
started dreaming of being a teacher to have fewer hours at work and longer vacation
time. There are no memorable teachers who really stood out.” The largest barrier he
still didn’t overcome was sacrificing an already established career in which he made a
good living to take a cut in pay when starting his new career as a teacher. “Adjusting
to no bonus checks and trying to live within the new salary is still challenging.”
- 578 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology,N. 13 Vol 5 (3), 2007. ISSN: 1696-2095. 565-592
A Cross Cultural Analysis of Motivational Factors That Influence Teacher Identity
Theme 1b: Commitment to students was frequently named as a source of motivation to be-
come a teacher.
The following examples represent 89% percent of the excerpts from narratives that
confirm this theme and include:
Dako from Ghana wrote, “I am humble when I face my students. I take time to know
them, and often I visit their parents to learn about their family learning environment.
This [learning] helps me to know how much I have to help when students fail to
Mary from Spain wrote, “I am very dedicated to my students. I meet individually with
those who fail tests. When the failing is due to lack of previous knowledge, I provide
them with individual instruction or create groups for studying. Students know they can
count on me.”
Melody from the USA wrote, “As a seventh grade reading and language teacher, I care
not only for the ‘popular’ kids in class because they were like me. As I am gaining
confidence in my teaching, my primary focus is in helping those quiet kids who did
not fit and they are left out and not socialized. I make sure every week that nobody is
left out in my class and they experience interest in reading by changing assignments.”
Theme 1c: Participants who were teaching reported deeper understanding (metacognition) of
their motivation to become teachers.
The following examples represent 93% percent of the excerpts from narratives that
confirm this theme and include:
Tsikata from Ghana wrote that what keeps him motivated is “when students respond
to my reinforcement and feedback by improving their performance, and I see them
also motivated to keep on learning.”
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Maria Cardelle-Elawar et al.
Tom from the USA wrote, “At this point in time, what motivates me is that because of
who I am my students are motivated to achieve, and they realize they have a voice in
my class.”
Research Question 2
How did participants’ constructed views reflect historical, social-cultural, and educa-
tional, and personal contexts? One theme emerged that seemed to be related to the second
research question.
Theme #2a. The emphasis on historical, social-cultural, and educational contexts were em-
phasized by Ghana group.
- 580 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology,N. 13 Vol 5 (3), 2007. ISSN: 1696-2095. 565-592
A Cross Cultural Analysis of Motivational Factors That Influence Teacher Identity
Akuvi wrote, “I overcame many difficulties to become a teacher. My parents are illit-
erate; they do not value education for girls because they believe that, at the end of
schooling, the girls end up in the kitchen. So my father refused to pay my fees. My
former teachers helped me to get a job to pay my school fees.”
Kyei emphasized political events: “When I decided to become a teacher, there was po-
litical instability and unrest in the country. There was nobody to figure out and lead
the community. The social life was an absolute mess. I got some help from the church
to pursue my career as a teacher.”
From Spain and the USA personal contexts were more emphasized.
Andrea from Spain was planning a career in medicine because she liked biology, but
after the first year, she changed her mind to become a high school teacher in biology.
“Medicine will take too long, and I want to get a job before I get married and have
kids. Also, teaching has three months’ vacation a year.”
John from Spain: “I needed to get a college degree. It was my family’s expectation. I
always was successful in mathematics, and I felt I had the opportunity to get a degree
in something that I would like to teach. Teaching is well paid and has long vacation
From the USA there were more variations within the personal contexts.
Ramsey from the USA decided to become a teacher to help people with disabilities in
some capacity. “In my family, I had a sister who was born with Down Syndrome and
passed away very young. Then my parents adopted my brother who was blind. When I
enjoyed volunteering in community service projects helping the disabled, I developed
a great empathy and understanding of people with disabilities. Teaching was a way of
continuing to work with people with disabilities.”
Monique from the USA wrote, “When I was 34, after my kids where in school, I de-
cided to go to college to become a teacher; however, after my first semester, I thought
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Maria Cardelle-Elawar et al.
Peter, from USA, He was 33, when he was working as an insurance-claims adjuster
and we were doing a mentor reading program with a low SES middle school in Long
Beach, California. I went one day every two weeks and love it…I knew them that I’d
rather be with the kids than in business. The students inspired me I wanted to be in a
career that mattered.
Furthermore, the outcomes of this study not only confirm the earlier findings of Nevin
and Cardelle-Elawar (2003) but also cross-validate the common characteristics that become
the core of the teaching profession independent of the cultural origin. There were no apparent
differences between narratives from males and females with respect to commitment to stu-
dents as a source of motivation. Similarly, participants independent of the culture became
aware of what motivates them to become teachers by knowing who they were, are, and can
- 582 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology,N. 13 Vol 5 (3), 2007. ISSN: 1696-2095. 565-592
A Cross Cultural Analysis of Motivational Factors That Influence Teacher Identity
become. Through reflective thinking teachers free themselves to reflect on their motivation
within personal, educational, and socio-political contexts. As Zembylas (2003) suggested,
developing teacher awareness of their own way of knowing can illuminate the process of be-
coming teachers by encouraging them to move away from being normalized. Instead they
should be empowered to be actively involved in reflecting on different ways of knowing.
“Teaching may become a main source of teachers’ self-esteem and fulfillment as well as of
their vulnerability” (p. 230).
The three groups of teachers constructed their views of how they decided to become
teachers in similar ways. They could describe the age at which they decided to become teach-
ers. They were able to articulate people and events that influenced their decisions. They were
able to reflect on their own life experiences and to communicate them to other people. Par-
ticipants from the three cultures referred to mean-spirited teachers, but those in Ghana added
explicit descriptions of corporal punishment. The Ghana participants also expressed that the
punishment discouraged them to go back to school. In contrast, USA and Spain schools are
governed by rules and regulations that limit teachers’ and administrators’ use of corporal or
unreasonable punishments. All participants had something positive to say of their previous
teachers and about their styles and commitment to prepare them as teachers. USA participants
wrote about the work-worlds that they had experienced and the influence these work experi-
ences had on their decisions to become teachers, whereas Ghana and Spain participants had
started their education degrees upon completion of secondary school. Some Spanish partici-
pants spoke of unfulfilled desires for other careers due to family pressures. Ghana participants
spoke of their motivation in choosing a teaching career as a fulfillment to help society and for
economical survival. USA students appeared to have more personal control of career choice
and many seemed to choose teaching after experiencing other careers.
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Maria Cardelle-Elawar et al.
degree before getting married. Love for children made a positive difference in their lives and
became a common thread across the three cultures.
It is also worth mentioning among the similarities of participants from the three cul-
tures in regard to their goals, not only in becoming teachers, but also on their motivation to
continue teaching. Participants emphasized that their passion for teaching was to make a posi-
tive difference in the lives of their students. The group from Ghana emphasized also the desire
to improve the community through education. Stephen from the USA wrote, “Teaching is
never a routine. The reward of seeing kids learn outweighs the difficulties of poor payment.”
Luis from Spain wrote, “I always enter class thinking I am going to help everyone.”
Although the results of this study may be limited to three convenient samples, there
were some indications from the literature that the results observed for these participants are
significant to deepen our understanding of “knowing in practice,” the role that motivation
played in shaping teacher identity. For example, Kelly’s (2006) analysis of teacher identity
from a socio-cultural perspective showed that teachers’ identities are negotiable among vari-
ous factors and influences; most notably how teachers construct their self-knowledge, how
they see their role as teachers, and how they self-regulate external factors during the process
of teaching. “Facets of such constructions include how teachers interpret their role, the mean-
ings and understandings which they bring to their role, their beliefs and intentions, and so on”
(p. 513). Nichols, Glass, and Berliner (2005) argue about the negative effects of the high-
stakes testing on teachers’ motivation to adjust to changes because of the No Child Left Be-
hind (NCLB) policy. These authors asserted that motivation based on extrinsic rewards alone
cannot overcome the range of background experiences and individual differences in learning
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A Cross Cultural Analysis of Motivational Factors That Influence Teacher Identity
students bring to the classroom. McDonough (2006) and Lunenberg, et al (2007) found that a
systematic reflective approach is required for teachers’ professional development to enhance
their effectiveness as role models in their instructional practices. In addition, Kwame, et al
(2006) suggested that these teachers’ self-reflections within a dialogue and active engagement
are essential for professional development in countries were teachers were poorly trained.
The majority of participants showed that they possessed intentional goal orientation,
the belief they can teach by the way they oriented themselves to become teachers and the bar-
riers that they have had to overcome to succeed in their chosen career and to keep on teach-
ing. Research findings suggested that goal orientation is a strong predictor of teacher’s en-
gagement and successful performance in the classroom (Bembeanutty, 2007; Boekaert &
Cascallar, 2006; Boaekaerts, Koning, & Vedder, 2006).
The data from the teachers’ dialogic retrospection also reflects the characteristics
shared by models of self-regulation as discussed by Pintrich (2004):
(a) active, constructive assumption: participants were active in the learning process as
they constructed their own meanings, goals, and strategies from the information available to
them (external environment) as well as from their cognitive-mind (internal environment);
(b) potential for control: this perspective assumes that participants were able to moni-
tor, control, and regulate barriers they encounter during the process of becoming teachers;
(c) goal, criterion, or standard assumption: participants were goal oriented; they set
goals and strove for their completion by monitoring their progress and adjusting their goals in
different contexts. For example, Dzidy from Ghana said, “I encourage students’ effort in their
learning as I always put extra effort in helping those who give up easily. Becky from Spain
indicated that “I stop and think about why my teaching method does not appear to be relevant
and fun for those students who lack previous learning experiences, and [I] change it by ac-
commodating to [their] learning needs.” Thomas wrote, “My commitment is expressed by my
effort and flexibility to rehearse, paraphrase, and try something different, or by breaking down
the task into small steps.”
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Maria Cardelle-Elawar et al.
Many implications can be gleaned from this cross-cultural analysis on teacher identity
from a motivational perspective.
First, teacher identity has been shown to be a developmental phenomenon. This means
that it changes over the teacher’s lifetime and that it is a process that involves continuous de-
velopment of interrelated motivational constructs such as metacognition, self-regulation, and
Third, the comparison of the outcomes of the theme analysis indicated the important
role of teacher educators to elicit the voices of in-service teachers. Eliciting teachers’ voices is
a form of social construction of their knowledge and reflection upon their motivation to teach.
Metacognitive reflective thinking and self-regulation are essential skills to develop teachers’
perceptions of their competence.
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A Cross Cultural Analysis of Motivational Factors That Influence Teacher Identity
processes that elicit voices of their students, they can take action on the voices. A foundation
is established for teachers to see how knowledge is constructed within the individual, and
both professors and students learn of how uniquely each teacher filters information and inter-
prets the results. By engaging in an interactive action process, the teachers in this study
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from others. By inference, these teachers might become better prepared to interact with their
students from different cultural backgrounds and within different stages of development.
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