A - 08 Projec
A - 08 Projec
A - 08 Projec
- In Europe and Asia it is called reindeer, but in America it is called caribou or American reindeer.
- The size varies, for example, in males they range between 1.8 to 2.14 m in length and 159 to 182
kg and have an average height between 120 to 150 cm only at their shoulders without counting
their horns, which usually measure up to 1 meter….And Females measure 1.62 to 2.05 m in length,
with a weight of 120 to 180 kg.
- Reindeer inhabit relatively cold places, living in tundra and taiga areas of North America,
Europe and Siberia. In North America, it can be found in Alaska, Canada. In Europe, it is located
along Norway, Finland and Russia. (In the images we can see the place where these animals live)
. Previously it could be found in Germany, Great Britain, Poland and the state of Maine but hunting and
habitat destruction have reduced populations.
- Females are more long-lived, living up to 15 years, and males live about 10 years. In captivity
some usually live up to 20 years.
- These animals are known to travel great distances, reaching up to 5000 kilometers a year during
spring and autumn.
- Aumento de temperatura, alimentación y reproducción, y para que las hembras tengan a sus
crías en un lugar seguro.
All it starts when the temperature begins to rise in summer and there is not enough food they
migrate to the tundras that are further north. They spend the end of the summer feeding in
tundra areas, where they find abundant food until it starts to snow. In winter they complete
their migration by returning to the south, where the climate is milder and they can feed.
That is to say that they are always kept in cold climates but avoiding the snowy seasons when
food is scarcer.
The spring caribou migration across Alaska is considered one of the most impressive wildlife
phenomena in this part of the world. About 200,000 animals move north each year; this migration
begins in March and lasts until the end of June.
If you are lucky you will be able to see these beautiful animals, you will be able to admire their
parade and be amazed as it is, there are few who manage to see this type of migration since
sometimes they usually change their route to avoid people.