41 - Alpha Strike v2.3.1 2017 07 29
41 - Alpha Strike v2.3.1 2017 07 29
41 - Alpha Strike v2.3.1 2017 07 29
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Alpha Strike
(Version 2.3.1)
The following is a compiled rules errata for the first printing of Alpha Strike as of 29 July, 2017.
This section combines all previously issued errata with the new additions of version 2.3.1, so that every ruling is in order
and in one place. There have been two releases of Alpha Strike to date: 2013 (first printing) and 2015 (second printing):
you can check page 5 of the book to determine which one you have.
Entries new to a given errata release in the 2.X series are numbered (e.g., any item that was new to v2.1 is marked with a
“①”, any item new to v2.3.1 is marked with a “③”, etc.). All entries not marked in this way are included in the 2015
second printing. All page number references are for the first printing.
Please note that, in the interests of brevity, typo and minor formatting corrections have not been listed unless they affect
an understanding of the rules.
Supplemental Rules (p. 7)
Second sentence
For the conversion rules, players will find the rules in Strategic Operations (see pp. 355-381, SO).
Change to:
For the conversion rules, players will find these in the Alpha Strike Companion (see pp. 90-137, ASC).
2) Last paragraph
If the player would rather place his Vulture in the water, he can move the ’Mech 4 inches to the water’s edge,
spend 2 inches of Move for the elevation change into the water and then 4 more inches of Move to push through 2
inches of water terrain.
Change to:
If the player would rather place his Vulture in the water, he can move the ’Mech 3 inches to the water’s edge,
spend 4 inches of Move for the elevation change into the water and then spend 3 inches of Move to push through
1.5 inches of water terrain.
3) Delete the “Target Modifiers” subtable and its “Is Shutdown/Immobile –4” entry.
4) Footnote 1
Modifier Modifier is based on the unit’s available movement,
Change to:
Movement Modifier is based on the unit’s available movement,
2) Under “Level Changes (up or down)”, “Move Cost per Inch” column
+1” (’Mechs, ProtoMechs) – change to +2”
+1” (VTOLs in Air) – change to +2”
+1” (Submarines in Water) – change to +2”
+2” (Infantry, Ground Vehicles) – change to +4”
Change to:
If the player would rather place his Vulture in the water, he can move the ’Mech 3 inches to the water’s edge,
spend 4 inches of Move for the elevation change into the water and then spend 3 inches of Move to push through
1.5 inches of water terrain.
2) Under “Infantry Transports”, third paragraph, after the first sentence insert the following:
It costs neither the transport nor the transported unit any Move to do so.
4) Under “Infantry Transports”, at the end of the paragraph insert the following new paragraph:
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
If a transport is destroyed, any units it is transporting are destroyed as well.
Change to:
BattleMechs, IndustrialMechs, ProtoMechs, combat vehicles, infantry, battle armor, conventional fighters, and
aerospace fighters always only have one attack per turn.
4) ③ Before “Underwater and Torpedo Attacks”, insert the following new paragraph:
Submerged Units: A unit in water deep enough to cover the unit’s entire height, such as a ’Mech unit standing
in water 2 or more inches in depth, is completely submerged (see Unit Heights, p. 99). A unit in water at least 1”
deep, but less than the unit’s height (such as a ’Mech unit standing in 1”-deep water) is partially submerged. Units
on the surface of the water (such as a hovercraft or naval vessel) are not submerged.
A completely submerged unit has LOS to and may attack completely or partially submerged units in the same
water feature (if a unit can trace LOS entirely through water, it is in the same water feature). Attacks are blocked
from a partially submerged or non-submerged unit to a completely submerged unit and also from completely
submerged units to units on the surface of the water (in both cases, the TOR# special ability grants an exception;
see Underwater and Torpedo Attacks, below). LOS and attacks are blocked from a completely submerged unit to
a unit not in the same water feature.
5) ③ Under “Underwater and Torpedo Attacks”, replace the paragraph with the following:
Units with the TOR# special ability (see p. 48) can make torpedo attacks when partially or completely submerged
(see Water, above). In addition, torpedoes can be used to make attacks between submerged units and those on
the surface. Such attacks use only the unit’s TOR# damage.
cumulative, there is still only the +2 to-hit modifier for Woods. The Modified To-Hit Number is 8 [3 (Skill Rating) + 2
(medium range) + 1 (target movement) + 2 (intervening/occupied woods) = 8].
① (p. 42)
Before “Resolving Physical Attacks”, insert the following new section:
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
Units with an artillery attack capability (indicated by the ART special) can deliver an additional artillery-only attack in the
same turn it executes a physical or weapon attack. Artillery follows the standard rules for making a weapon attack (see pp.
34-44), with the following additions.
Target: Artillery, when used in direct-fire mode, can target either a unit or a Point of Impact (POI). This POI is selected on
the map, and an area of effect template is placed at the final POI to determine which units the artillery damages. If the to-hit
roll succeeds, the POI selected is the final POI. If the to-hit roll fails (the attack misses), the POI will scatter (see below).
Artillery fired indirectly can only target a POI.
Range: Unless otherwise specified on the Artillery Range and Damage Table, artillery can reach Long range (or even
Extreme range, if that optional rule is in use: see p. 99).
To-Hit Number: Artillery attacks do not use range modifiers, instead applying a +4 to-hit modifier to all attacks, except for
Artillery Cannons (which use standard range modifiers) and when using Extreme range. This is in addition to the +1 to-hit
modifier applied to all area-effect attacks. Attacks targeting a POI ignore all target movement modifiers, including immobile.
Damage: Artillery damages all units in its area of effect. Artillery with an area of effect greater than 2” has two damage
values: one for units within the 2” area of effect, followed by the damage to units outside the 2” area of effect but within the
6” area of effect.
③ Indirect Fire: Artillery can be fired indirectly (see Indirect Fire, p. 35). When fired indirectly, apply an additional –1 to-
hit modifier if the spotter has the TAG or LTAG special ability and is within 24” of the target (6” for LTAG).
Alpha Strike Errata v2.3.1 Page 13 of 41
Scatter: If artillery misses the target (unit or POI), it will scatter. Using the Area of Effect Template, with the “1” location
indicating the map’s “northern” direction, the attacker rolls 1D6 and uses the numbers outside of the parentheses to find
which of the 6 possible directions the missed artillery attack will scatter. Once direction is determined, a second 1D6 roll
result—multiplied by 2 if the attack is not from an Artillery Cannon—determines how many inches in that direction from the
original POI the missed shot will scatter to. This new location becomes the final POI.
Change to:
On a successful attack, the infantry unit delivers its normal Short range damage to the target, applicable HT
effects (if any) and, provided it does at least 1 point of Heat or damage, rolls once for a critical hit on the target
unit, even if there is armor remaining. This stacks with all other opportunities for the attack to cause a critical hit
(such as damaging structure).
Change to:
All weapon attacks made by a ’Mech with this ability incur an additional +1 to-hit modifier.
(p. 48)
After “Overheat Long (OVL)”, insert the following new entry:
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
Rear-Firing Weapons (REAR#/#/#/#)
Although rear-facing weapons are common enough on larger and less flexible units like mobile structures and DropShips,
several smaller units also feature secondary weapons mounted in their rear fields of fire. ’Mechs, vehicles, and fighters that
possess such weaponry feature the REAR (#/#/#/#) special unit ability to reflect this. As with most other special weapon
abilities, the numbers associated with this ability indicate the damage that the unit can inflict at each range bracket.
Ground Units: Any ground unit with rear-facing weapons may decide to use them against any targets that begin the
Combat Phase outside of the unit’s normal firing arc. This rear attack is resolved using all of the same rules as a normal
weapon attack, but applies an additional +1 to-hit modifier.
Airborne Units: The same rules apply for fighter units as for ground units. However, a fighter may only use its rear-facing
weapons against units that are specifically tailing them (see pp. 58-60), and are within range of its rear weapons. Thus, if a
fighter has rear-firing weapons that only delivers damage to the Short range bracket, it may only use these weapons against
tailing enemies at Short range.
Combining Forward (or Turret) and Rearward Attacks: A unit attempting a REAR attack may still deliver normal forward-
firing attacks in the same turn, but its ability to do so is reduced. To reflect this, if a unit makes an attack using the REAR
Alpha Strike Errata v2.3.1 Page 17 of 41
special ability, for every point of REAR damage it can inflict, its forward-arc (or turret-based) damage for that turn must be
reduced by the same amount. This damage reduction is applied before the use of any additional damage made possible by
A REAR attack made with a value of 0* reduces the attacking unit’s forward-firing attacks by 1 point that turn, whether or
not it causes any damage.
Additional Restrictions: Overheat damage cannot be applied to REAR attacks, nor can a REAR attack deliberately reduce
its damage values to improve forward-firing (or turret-based) weapon attacks. Finally, REAR attacks cannot make use of other
special attack abilities, such as heat, indirect fire, flak, or artillery.
For example, an AS7-K Atlas possesses standard attack values of 3/3/3, and has an overheat value of 2 (with the OVL
special) that allows it to hit targets harder at all three range brackets in its forward arc. It also possesses the REAR(1/1/0)
special ability. The Atlas finds itself facing an enemy Centurion at Medium range, while a Vulcan has managed to slip behind
it at Short range.
The Atlas’ controlling player decides to attack both targets at once, but its rear-firing weapons—which can inflict 1 point
of damage against the Vulcan at Short range—will reduce its ability to strike the forward target by an equal amount (1 point).
This would mean the Centurion in front of the Atlas will suffer only 2 points of damage on a successful strike, unless the Atlas
pilot decides to overheat his ’Mech to add more damage to its forward attack.
3 3 3
② C Boosted Systems (C BSM# or C BSS) (p. 51)
1) First paragraph, first sentence
and links one master unit (noted by C3BSM) with up to four slaves (noted by C3BSS).
Change to:
and links one master unit (noted by C3BSM) with up to three slaves (noted by C3BSS).
3 3
② C Emergency Master Computer (C EM#) (p. 51)
Before the last sentence insert the following:
After the emergency master shuts down, the unit’s C3 slave also burns out. Even if the original master is restored, the
emergency master can no longer be a part of the C3 network until the C3 emergency master is repaired.
3) ① Under “Strafing”
The damage from a successful strafing attack is equal to half of the aerospace unit’s Short range damage value
(rounded normally, to a minimum of 1 point), with any overheat damage added after halving the base damage.
Alpha Strike Errata v2.3.1 Page 20 of 41
Change to:
The damage from a successful strafing attack is based on the aerospace unit’s Short range damage value. Apply
half of this value, rounded normally (to a minimum of 1 point), unless the unit has ENE, in which case the full
value is applied. Any overheat damage is added after halving the base damage, but no special ability damage can
be applied (see p. 38). HT is applied, though this is halved as above even if the strafing unit has ENE.
2) At the end of the last paragraph insert the following new paragraph:
Central Zone: Units in the Central Zone with a continued engagement are moved to the Inner Ring during the
next movement phase. They cannot move out of the Inner Ring until their engagement is ended.
Advanced Options
② Climbing (p. 62)
Second paragraph, last sentence
If attacked, units using Climbing movement are treated as though they have only half their Move (rounded down) when
finding their Target Movement Modifiers, and lose any Target Movement Modifiers for jump capability.
Change to:
If attacked, units using Climbing movement reduce their Target Movement Modifier by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
Alpha Strike Errata v2.3.1 Page 22 of 41
② (p. 70)
After “Bogging Down”, insert the following new section:
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
The normal rules deliver all of the unit’s potential damage in a successful attack, but this is rarely the case in
actuality, as most units carry many weapon systems that feature subtle variances in their effective range, accuracy,
and damage output. To better simulate this effect, any time a unit executes a successful weapon attack, its controlling
player must roll 1D6 for each damage point the unit would deliver at that range under standard Alpha Strike rules. For
each die result of 3 or more, the attack delivers 1 point of damage (up to its maximum damage potential).
② Overheat, NARC, bonus damage from attacking to the rear, and special abilities and other effects that add to
damage are also checked for variable damage, each point rolled for as described above. For example, a unit with 2/2/2
attacking at Short range to the rear of the target would roll three times: twice for its 2 damage at short range and once
for attacking from the rear. However, special abilities that apply effects other than damage (such as HT#/#/#) always
have their full effect even when using variable damage.
② AMS, armor special abilities and other damage reduction effects are applied after checking for variable damage.
For example, if a unit with damage values of 3/3/2 and the IF special ability attacks a unit with AMS at medium range,
the attacker rolls three dice (for its 3 damage at medium range). The total damage is then reduced by 1.
Minimal Damage: A successful attack always delivers a minimum of 1 point of damage, even if all of the Variable
Damage roll results yield a 2 or less.
For example, an AWS-9M Awesome (attack values: 4/4/3) executes a successful attack against an enemy
Bushwacker at its Medium range. This attack would deliver 4 points of damage—the Awesome’s normal
Medium range attack value—under standard Alpha Strike rules, but the players are using Variable Damage
instead, so the player rolls 4D6. The individual die results are 2, 4, 6, and 5. As three of those dice are 3 or higher,
the Awesome delivers only 3 points of damage to its target.
When the Bushwacker returns fire, its standard Alpha Strike damage value of 3 at Medium range is likewise
resolved by rolling 3D6. Unfortunately for its controller, the rolls are 1, 1, and 2. Despite all three rolls resulting
in 2 or less, the Bushwacker delivers 1 point of (minimal) damage to its opponent.
0* Damage: When using the Variable Damage rule, units that deal 0* damage forego their usual damage roll.
Instead, its controlling player must make a 1D6 roll. If the result is 5 or higher, the attack delivers a single point of
standard damage. Otherwise, the attack still hits, but delivers no damage.
If a 0* variable damage attack is successfully delivered against a unit that is underwater or operating in vacuum,
and is susceptible to hull breaches, the attack will prompt a hull breach check even if it delivers no damage at all.
Alpha Strike Errata v2.3.1 Page 24 of 41
② Area Effect Damage: Area effect damage is resolved separately for each unit in the area of effect.
Physical Attacks: Variable Damage does not apply to physical attacks.
2) Between the first two paragraphs insert the following new paragraph:
A unit may act as a spotter for only one artillery attack at a time. Artillery attacks may not benefit from more
than one artillery spotter.
3) ① Under “Direct Fire”, replace the first paragraph with the following:
If an on-board artillery attacker has a valid Line of Sight to its target, the attacker may attempt to deliver a
direct-fire attack against the POI or target unit. Direct-fire attacks may not employ spotters, and apply the Direct-
Fire Artillery modifier as shown in the Artillery To-Hit Modifiers Table. In addition, a direct-fire on-board artillery
attack must also apply the standard weapon attack modifiers for intervening terrain, attacker movement
modifiers and—if the target is a unit—the target’s type and movement modifiers. (Immobile target modifiers are
never applied to a direct-fire attack: use a +0 target movement modifier for immobile targets of direct fire
artillery attacks.)
Change to:
If the attacker is executing a direct-fire artillery attack with an artillery cannon (ART-TC, ART-SC, or ART-LTC
specials), the standard weapon range bracket modifiers replace the direct fire artillery modifier to the attack’s to-
hit number.
2) ① Second paragraph, delete the second sentence and replace it with the following new paragraph:
Homing Rounds: The “NA” area of effect values for Arrow IV shown in parentheses apply only to homing
rounds, which have no area of effect in Alpha Strike.
2) ② Left column, replace the second paragraph on the page with the following:
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
The damage from cluster artillery is based on a weapon‘s standard artillery damage, but is reduced by 1 point.
This modified damage applies to all targets within the original AoE template. For targets outside the original
template but within the expanded AoE template, the cluster artillery delivers half its modified damage (rounded
down). Damage reduced from 1 to 0 in this way, whether in the original AoE template or in the expanded AoE
template, is instead reduced to 0* (see Minimal Damage, p. 38). Thus, a cluster shot from an ART-LT weapon,
which ordinarily inflicts 3 damage to the point of impact, would be reduced to 2 points of damage to all targets
with the 6” AoE template, and 0* damage to all targets within the additional 2” of the edge of the 6” AoE
2) Fifth paragraph
Delete the second sentence (“If the attacker misses its target […]). Then move the sixth paragraph up into that
sentence’s place.
value instead of the IF value, and applying a –2 to-hit modifier rather than the 1 additional damage. For both effects, the
targets must have been successfully designated by a friendly TAG in the same turn.
The Area Knowledge benefit only applies to the force that has a higher BI score at the start of the scenario, and may only
be used if the Hidden Units rules are also in play (see p. 102). With this benefit, the force that has the higher BI score may
begin play with a number of units hidden.
The maximum number of units that may be hidden by virtue of a higher BI score equals the total number of units that
possess the Recon (RCN) special ability (see p. 108). This number may not exceed half of the total force committed to the
If the force with the Area Knowledge benefit is the Attacker for this particular scenario type, the hidden units may only be
placed in positions up to half way across the map from the force’s deployment zone—and no less than 12 inches from the
nearest deployed enemy unit. If this force is not the Attacker, the hidden units may be placed anywhere on the map area
except the opposing force’s deployment zone.
The Pre-Plotted Artillery benefit only applies to the force that has the higher BI score at the start of the scenario, and may
only be used if that force has artillery units in his force roster and artillery rules are also in play (see pp. 73-76).
With this benefit, the force that has the higher BI score may begin play with a number of pre-plotted points of impact for
his artillery weapons.
The number of pre-plotted artillery impact points received by virtue of this benefit equals the difference between the
force’s BI score and that of its opponent. The maximum number of such pre-plotted points may not exceed the number of
artillery-equipped units in the force’s roster.
For example, Joshua’s force includes a lance of artillery units—4 in all—in its roster, and has a total BI score of 8
going into his current battle against his opponent, Joel.
Joel’s army, meanwhile, has the same number of artillery units, but only brings a BI score of 2 to this fight.
Joshua’s force enjoys the higher BI score, beating out Joel’s score by 6 points (8 – 2 = 6), but because he only has 4
artillery units, the maximum number of pre-plotted artillery impact points he can designate before the scenario starts
is 4.
The BI Initiative Bonus provides a number of Initiative Bonuses to units on the field. These bonuses should be noted on
the card of the unit it is assigned to, either by marking INIT on the special abilities of the card or placing a token on the card
to represent the initiative bonus. If the unit is destroyed or is within an enemy ECM field during the Initiative Phase, that
initiative bonus cannot be used that turn.
The player gets a +1 Initiative Bonus to place if there is at least one unit that features a Mobile Headquarters (MHQ#)
special ability with a value of 4 or higher. This bonus must be placed on a unit with MHQ4 or higher. The player gets another
+1 Initiative Bonus if the force has at least one unit with the Recon (RCN) special ability per four units in the force to place on
one of the units with the RCN special ability. In addition, the player gets another +1 Initiative Bonus if the force has at least
one unit with Mobile Headquarters (MHQ#) special ability with a value of 1 or higher per 4 units in the force, to be placed on
one of the units with MHQ1 or higher. The maximum Initiative Bonus is a total of +3. Multiple bonuses can be stacked on a
single unit, but if the unit is destroyed or in an ECM field, all the BI Initiative Bonuses on that unit are lost.
For example, Joshua’s company-sized force of 12 units contains a dedicated Mobile HQ vehicle with a MHQ6
special, plus a lance of ’Mechs that feature one C3 Master Computer (which also counts as a MHQ5 special) and three
C3 Slave Computers (each of which counts as a MHQ1). Joshua gets a +1 Initiative Bonus to place on one of either his
dedicated Mobile HQ vehicle or C3 Master, and elects to place it on his dedicated Mobile HQ vehicle. Joshua gets a
second +1 Initiative Bonus to place for having at least one MHQ per 4 units, and places this one on his C3 Master
Computer unit. Joshua’s force only has one unit with RCN, so there Joshua does not get the third Initiative Bonus to
At the start of the turn, the dedicated Mobile HQ vehicle is still in play and not in an ECM field. The opponent has
managed to place a unit of his with ECM within 6” of Joshua’s C3 Master unit, however.
Joshua gets a +1 Initiative Bonus from the mobile HQ, but no bonus from the ECM’d C3 Master.
Alpha Strike Errata v2.3.1 Page 30 of 41
3) ② In between “Attacking Units Inside Buildings” and “Building Collapse”, insert the following new subsection:
Attacks by Buildings
Standard buildings have no weapons and cannot make attacks. Advanced buildings will have their own unit
card and, if armed, can make attacks as a normal unit; such attacks receive the standard –1 to-hit modifier for
immobile units. An advanced building can make a standard weapon attack, a turret attack, and a REAR special
ability attack each turn if it has damage values for each of those (obeying the normal rules for combining REAR
and standard weapon attacks; see p. 48).
2) Last sentence
its damage to all units within a 2” radius of a point on its flight path would be 3 points.
Change to:
its damage to all units within the area covered by the 2” AoE template centered on a point on its flight path
would be 3 points.
3) Firefighter
Unit capable of extinguishing fires within 2” radius
Change to:
Unit capable of extinguishing fires within 2” AoE”
4) Fire Resistant
“Heat (HT#)”: change to “Heat (HT#/#/#)”
5) Heat (HT#)
“Heat (HT#)”: change to “Heat (HT#/#/#)”
3) Super Large
Unit is considered super-large sized (fills 6+” radius)
Change to:
Unit is considered super-large sized (fills 6” AoE or larger)
Alpha Strike Errata v2.3.1 Page 37 of 41
4) Trenchwork Engineers
Unit can fortify terrain in a 2” radius area
Change to:
Unit can fortify terrain in a 2” AoE
5) Very Large
Unit is considered very-large sized (fills 4” radius)
Change to:
Unit is considered very-large sized (fills 4” AoE)
6) Watchdog
Unit has combined LPRB and LECM specials
Change to:
Unit has combined ECM and LPRB specials
2) Under “Level Changes (up or down)”, “Move Cost per Inch” column
+1” (’Mechs, ProtoMechs) – change to +2”
+1” (VTOLs in Air) – change to +2”
+1” (Submarines in Water) – change to +2”
+2” (Infantry, Ground Vehicles) – change to +4”
Alpha Strike Errata v2.3.1 Page 38 of 41
*Prototype versions of these artillery pieces are the same in all ways
**Infantry units with this weapon may not execute any other attacks in the same Combat Phase that they deliver an artillery attack
Applies only to homing rounds; see page 76
These are all the new entries or modifications of old entries for version 2.3.1 of this document. They may also be found in
the Full Errata section in the appropriate locations, marked with a “③”.
2) Under “Infantry Transports”, third paragraph, after the first sentence insert the following:
It costs neither the transport nor the transported unit any Move to do so.
4) Under “Infantry Transports”, at the end of the paragraph insert the following new paragraph:
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
If a transport is destroyed, any units it is transporting are destroyed as well.
2) Before “Underwater and Torpedo Attacks”, insert the following new paragraph:
Submerged Units: A unit in water deep enough to cover the unit’s entire height, such as a ’Mech unit standing
in water 2 or more inches in depth, is completely submerged (see Unit Heights, p. 99). A unit in water at least 1”
deep, but less than the unit’s height (such as a ’Mech unit standing in 1”-deep water) is partially submerged. Units
on the surface of the water (such as a hovercraft or naval vessel) are not submerged.
A completely submerged unit has LOS to and may attack completely or partially submerged units in the same
water feature (if a unit can trace LOS entirely through water, it is in the same water feature). Attacks are blocked
Alpha Strike Errata v2.3.1 Page 40 of 41
from a partially submerged or non-submerged unit to a completely submerged unit and also from completely
submerged units to units on the surface of the water (in both cases, the TOR# special ability grants an exception;
see Underwater and Torpedo Attacks, below). LOS and attacks are blocked from a completely submerged unit to
a unit not in the same water feature.
3) Under “Underwater and Torpedo Attacks”, replace the paragraph with the following:
Units with the TOR# special ability (see p. 48) can make torpedo attacks when partially or completely submerged
(see Water, above). In addition, torpedoes can be used to make attacks between submerged units and those on
the surface. Such attacks use only the unit’s TOR# damage.
If the unit moved 1” or more, its modifier is based on the Move value available to the movement mode it used that turn, plus the
Jumped modifier if it jumped that turn. Inches actually moved is irrelevant. Does not apply to aerospace units.
For battle armor targets, Stealth (STL) adds +1 at Short and Medium ranges, and +2 at Long range. For all other units, Stealth adds
+0 at Short range, +1 at Medium range, and +2 at Long range. Stealth may be toggled on and off (see p. 48).
Replaces the unit’s normal target movement modifier (see pp. 90-91).
Includes fixed-wing support vehicles, conventional fighters, small craft, and DropShips. Only applies when target is airborne. Do not
apply if attacker is also an airborne aerospace unit.
Only if attacker is also underwater (or is on the water surface and using TOR special); all underwater ranges are halved.
Target has intervening or occupied Woods terrain.
Infantry (conventional and battle armor) do not use the standing still or jumping attacker movement modifiers.
This is in place of any range modifiers. Does not apply to artillery cannons, which instead use normal range modifiers. Cumulative
with the area-effect attack modifier; add another +1 if the attacker is an airborne aerospace unit.
This becomes a +2 modifier if the spotting unit makes a weapon attack in the same turn as it spots (see Indirect Fire Attacks, p. 35). If
the spotter is a remote sensor (see p. 108), apply an additional +3 to-hit modifier.
Grounded Spheroid DropShips are always Immobile (see pp. 27, 36). Grounded Aerodyne DropShips may move or remain at a
standstill, as with standard ground units. Regardless, this modifier applies to any grounded DropShip.
Applies only to weapon attacks, not physical attacks (see p. 46).
Fire Control hit effects may apply multiple times. Does not apply to physical attacks.
Does not apply to physical attacks (see p. 44).
Applies if target is transporting battle armor via the MEC or XMEC specials (see p. 47), or as cargo.