A Game of Armored Combat 2023-09-17 v8.01

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AGOAC Errata v8.

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A Game of Armored Combat

(Version 8.01)

The following is a compiled rules errata for the initial two printings of A Game of Armored Combat as of 17 September, 2023.

There have been eight printings of A Game of Armored Combat to date: 2018, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2021, 2023, and 2023. The first
two are identical in every way. Otherwise, you can check page 2 of the book to see which one you have: the third printing has a 2019
date, while the fourth printing and up have a “Corrected Xth Printing” note. Entries corrected in a given printing are marked with a
number corresponding to that printing (e.g. entries corrected in the 4th printing are marked with a ④). All errata and page number
references here are for the first two printings (2018) unless specified otherwise. Please note that, in the interests of brevity, typo and
minor formatting corrections have not been listed unless they affect an understanding of the rules.

This section combines all previous errata with the new additions of version 8.0, so that every ruling is in order and in one place.
Entries new to v8.0 are marked with a ⑧ and can also be found in the New Additions section at the end of this document.

③ ’Mech Record Sheet (p. 4)

After “’Mech Data” insert the following paragraphs:
Weapon Types: In brackets after the Damage Value for each weapon are its Weapon Types. Such rules are beyond the scope of A
Game of Armored Combat and so can be ignored while playing out-of-the-box; full details regarding these rules are found in both the
BattleMech Manual and Total Warfare.
Battle Value: Directly below the Weapons & Equipment Inventory is a ’Mech’s Battle Value (BV). This is used when balancing
scenarios beyond A Game of Armored Combat; full details regarding BV are found in Total Warfare and TechManual.

③ Movement Dice (p. 8)

Last paragraph, last sentence
After all weapon’s fire is completed, remove all movement dice from the board.
Change to:
At the End Phase, remove all movement dice from the board.

③ Jumping Movement (p. 12)

Replace the “Into Water” paragraph with the following:
Jumping Into Water: A ’Mech jumping into a water hex Depth 1 or deeper makes a Piloting Skill Roll (see p. 40), applying no
modifiers for the depth of the hex. If the PSR succeeds, the ’Mech drops out of the air safely to the bottom of the water hex. If it fails,
the ’Mech tumbles to the bottom instead, falling a number of levels equal to the hex’s depth (halve the resulting damage as normal
due to falling in water; round down).

③ Movement In Water (p. 12)

Second bullet point
plus the MP cost for entering water of that depth (1 MP if Depth 1)
Change to:
plus the MP cost for entering water of that depth (1 MP if Depth 1, 3 MP if Depth 2 or deeper)

④ Standing Up (p. 12)

Before the “Heat” paragraph, insert the following new paragraph:
Arm Damage: This has no effect on a ’Mech’s attempt to stand, with the caveats given above.

⑥ Line of Sight (p. 13)

At the end of the second paragraph insert the following:
You can check for LOS before declaring an attack.
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⑤ Firing Arcs (p. 14)

After the “Prone ’Mechs” paragraph, insert the following new paragraph:
Split-Location Weapons: A weapon whose critical slots are split between a torso and an arm location uses the torso firing arc.

⑥ Reversing (Flipping) Arms (p. 15)

Third paragraph, after the second sentence insert the following:
A ’Mech cannot punch or make physical weapon attacks while its arms are reversed.

⑥ Attack Declaration (p. 16)

At the end of the section insert the following:
Leg-Mounted Weapons: Leg-mounted weapons may not fire through a hex that provides the firing ’Mech with partial cover.
Spotting: If a player declares an indirect fire attack (see p. 21), they must also declare which ’Mech is spotting for that attack. One
’Mech can spot for multiple attacks, but only if all those attacks are against a single target.

④ example text box (p. 18)

Fourth paragraph, fourth sentence
The Base Target Number is the Griffin MechWarrior’s Gunnery Skill of 4
Change to:
The Base Target Number is the Wolverine MechWarrior’s Gunnery Skill of 4

Attack Modifiers Table (Continued) (p. 20)

Under “Physical Attacks”
1) ③ Change the modifier for “Upper or lower leg actuator hit (each)” to: +2 and half damage to all kick attacks
2) ③ Change the modifier for “Foot actuator hit” to: +1 to all kick attacks
3) ⑥ Delete the “Unintentional charge” row

④ Attacking Prone ’Mechs (p. 21)

At the end of the subsection insert the following new paragraph:
A ’Mech does not lose its target movement modifier if it goes prone.

⑦ Rolling To Hit (p. 21)

Replace the second paragraph with the following:
Players choose the order they roll to hit for all of their ’Mech’s declared attacks. From turn to turn, this order can differ at the
player’s discretion. However, you must resolve all attacks by a ’Mech against one target before moving on to attacks by the same
’Mech against another target.

⑥ Attack Direction (p. 22)

Second paragraph, last sentence
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
If the straightedge crosses at the intersection of two hexsides, the target chooses which side is hit by the attack before the attacking
player makes the hit location roll.
Change to:
If the straightedge crosses at the intersection of two hit zones, the hit zone used for all attacks from the firing ’Mech that turn
depends on the path chosen when LOS was determined to the target (see LOS Exactly Between Two Hexes, p. 13).

③ Physical Attacks and Prone ’Mechs (p. 25)

Third paragraph, last sentence
Always determine damage inflicted by death from above attacks against prone ’Mechs using the Rear column of the table, based on
the hex side as if it were standing.
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Change to:
Determine damage inflicted by death from above attacks against prone ’Mechs using the Rear column of the table, regardless of the
attack direction.

⑦ Physical Attacks and Water (p. 25)

Replace the entry with the following:
Damage resulting from physical attacks is halved when applied to an underwater location (round down).
Target Partially Submerged: A standing ’Mech in Depth 1 water has its legs submerged. This gives it partial cover (see p. 17)
against physical attacks, except those that use the Punch Location Table. Bear in mind that the attacker and target being at different
levels can change what location table an attack uses (see the Different Levels Table below). For example, if a ’Mech at Level 0 kicks a
standing ’Mech in Depth 1 water, the kick uses the Punch Location Table and so partial cover would not apply.
If partial cover applies and the attacker is at the same LOS level (see p. 13) as the target, a hit that does not use the Kick Location
Table and resolves to the legs is ignored; charges ignore this rule.
Target Fully Submerged: A standing ’Mech in water Depth 2 or deeper (or a prone ’Mech in water Depth 1 or deeper) is fully
submerged. A physical attack cannot be made against a fully-submerged ’Mech unless the attack takes place entirely underwater.
For example, a ’Mech standing in Depth 1 water adjacent to a prone ’Mech in Depth 1 water can only kick it, since the kick would
occur completely underwater. A DFA cannot be made against the prone ’Mech because a portion of the attack would take place
outside the water.

④ Charge Attacks (p. 25)

Second paragraph, second sentence
All that is required is that the attacker has enough MP to enter the hex the target occupies, and can legally do so.
Change to:
All that is required is that the target is directly in front of the attacker, and that attacker has enough MP to enter the hex the target
occupies and can legally do so.

④ Charge Attacks (p. 26)

Fourth paragraph (second on the page), at the end of the paragraph insert the following:
If the target is destroyed before the charge is resolved, the attacker moves into the former target’s hex without incident in the
Physical Attack Phase.

⑧ Location After Charge (p. 26)

Second paragraph, first sentence
If the charge succeeds, the attacker then advances into the target’s hex.
Change to:
If the charge succeeds and the attacker was not destroyed, the attacker then advances into the target’s hex.

Death from Above Attacks (p. 27)

1) 7th printing only. Under “Weapon Attack Phase”, second paragraph, last sentence.
Its LOS level is thus two, plus the level of either the target’s hex or the attacker’s hex (whichever is higher).
Change to:
Its level is thus two, plus the level of either the target’s hex or the attacker’s hex (whichever is higher).

1) ⑧ Under “Weapon Attack Phase”, at the end of the third paragraph insert the following:

The DFA also misses if the pilot becomes unconscious in the Weapon Attack Phase.

2) ③ Under “Weapon Attack Phase”, at the end of the section insert the following:

If a DFA’s target is destroyed during the Weapon Attack Phase, the DFA becomes a normal jump and the attacker lands as
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3) ④ Example box, last sentence

Other ’Mechs on the map can check for LOS and fire as though the Griffin were in Hex C with an LOS height of Level 4.
Change to:
Other ’Mechs on the map can check for LOS and fire as though the Griffin were in Hex C with an LOS level of 5 (base level 3,
+2 for standing).

⑧ Location After DFA (p. 27)

First paragraph, second sentence
If the DFA succeeds, the target (if not destroyed) is displaced one hex in the direction opposite the attack.
Change to:
If the DFA hits and the attacker was not destroyed, the target (if not destroyed) is displaced one hex in the direction opposite the

⑧ Death From Above [example text] (p. 27)

7th printing only. Second sentence.
During the Weapon Attack Phase, the Griffin is considered to be in Hex C, with a LOS level of 3 (the target hex’s level +2).
Change to:
During the Weapon Attack Phase, the Griffin is considered to be in Hex C, with a level of 3 (the target hex’s level +2).

③ Damage (p. 30)

Under “Attacks”, replace the paragraph with the following:
Remember that damage comes after attacks: all attacks by all ’Mechs in a phase must be declared before you start resolving any of
them. Don’t bounce back and forth between declaring and resolving for each weapon or each ’Mech.

⑤ Gyro (Torso) (p. 32)

Under “PSR Modifiers”, first paragraph, second sentence
The ’Mech’s controller must make a PSR at the end of the phase in which the first critical hit occurred,
Change to:
The ’Mech’s controller must make a PSR when the gyro’s first critical hit is applied,

Hip (Leg) (p. 33)

1) ③ First paragraph, second sentence
The ’Mech’s Walking MP is cut in half (round down)
Change to:
The ’Mech’s Walking MP is cut in half (round up; apply before any leg or foot actuator damage MP reductions)

2) ⑤ Under “PSR Modifiers”, first paragraph, first sentence

+2 per hip critical hit; this modifier overrides all other critical hit modifiers from that leg.
Change to:
+2 per hip critical hit; this modifier overrides all other critical hit modifiers from that leg in previous phases.

⑧ Effects Of Heat (p. 37)

At the end of the second paragraph (“Heat Timing”) insert the following:
All heat effects resolve simultaneously, without affecting each other.

⑦ Shutdown (p. 38)

Third paragraph, first sentence
If a ’Mech shuts down, a Piloting Skill Roll (see p. 40) is immediately required,
Change to:
If a ’Mech shuts down involuntarily, a Piloting Skill Roll (see p. 40) is immediately required,
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⑦ Effects of Heat [example text] (p. 39)

Second paragraph, third sentence
Even if they manage this, the Awesome’s Walking MP is still reduced by 1 more, to Walking MP of 2 (Running MP of 3),
Change to:
Even if they manage this, the Awesome’s Walking MP is still reduced by 1 more, to Walking MP of 1 (Running MP of 2),

③ Displacement (p. 40)

Last bullet point
then an accidental fall from above occurs (see p. 44) and that ’Mech is displaced.
Change to:
then an accidental fall from above occurs (see p. 44).

④ Falling Damage to a ’Mech [example text] (p. 40)

Second paragraph, first sentence
9 x 1 = 7).
Change to:
9 x 1 = 9).

Piloting Skill Roll Table (p. 41)

1) ⑦ “Damage to ’Mech” section
’Mech fusion reactor shuts down
Change to:
Involuntary fusion reactor shutdown

2) ⑦ “Damage to ’Mech” section (5th and 6th printings only)

Errata note: There was a foul-up with footnote edits in these two printings that added an erroneous 3 footnote marker to
“Hip actuator destroyed”. This should be (and is, in the 7th and later printings) a 2, with a corresponding new footnote added
that reads “This modifier can replace other modifiers. See Hip (Leg) on page 33 for details.” The rest of the table is then
renumbered accordingly.

3) ⑤ Delete the “Unintentional charge” row.

⑥ Falling ’Mech Hits Target (p. 44)

First paragraph, first sentence
(the level of the underlying hex plus the level of the target ’Mech).
Change to:
(the level of the underlying hex plus the level of the target ’Mech –1).

③ Scenario 1: Final Exam (p. 45)

Under “Game Set-up”
Lay out the Desert #2 and Grassland #2 mapsheets as shown (see p. 46).
Change to:
Lay out the Desert #3 and Grassland #2 mapsheets as shown (see p. 46).

③ Scenario 3: Divide and Conquer (p. 47)

Under “Game Set-up”
Lay out the Desert #3 and Grassland #3 mapsheets as shown,
Change to:
Lay out the Desert #2 and Grassland #3 mapsheets as shown,
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⑦ Scenario 3: Divide and Conquer (p. 48)

Under “Deployment”, replace the first paragraph with the following:
The defender sets up first. The ’Mechs of the command lance can be placed in any hex that lies within 6 hexes of the playing area's
north and west edges. The ’Mechs of the recon lance can be placed in any hex that lies within 6 hexes of the playing area’s south and
east edges. (See image on page 47).

④ Step 7: Add Weapons and Ammunition (p. 54)

After the “Ammunition” paragraph, insert the following new paragraph:
Hatchets: ’Mechs may mount hatchets in the arm locations. To add a hatchet, an arm must have a full set of arm and hand
actuators. One hatchet per arm only.

③ Weapons and Equipment Table (p. 55)

** footnote
’Mech Tonnage / 15
Change to:
’Mech Tonnage / 15 (rounded up to the nearest whole number)

©2023 The Topps Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech, ’Mech, and MechWarrior are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company Inc. in the
United States and/or other countries.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC.
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These are all the new entries or modifications of old entries for version 8.01 of this document. These were corrected in the 8th
printing, and may also be found in the Full Errata section in the appropriate locations, marked with a ⑧.

⑧ Location After Charge (p. 26)

Second paragraph, first sentence
If the charge succeeds, the attacker then advances into the target’s hex.
Change to:
If the charge succeeds and the attacker was not destroyed, the attacker then advances into the target’s hex.

⑧ Death From Above Attacks (p. 27)

1) 7th printing only. Under “Weapon Attack Phase”, second paragraph, last sentence.
Its LOS level is thus two, plus the level of either the target’s hex or the attacker’s hex (whichever is higher).
Change to:
Its level is thus two, plus the level of either the target’s hex or the attacker’s hex (whichever is higher).

2) Under “Weapon Attack Phase”, at the end of the third paragraph insert the following:
The DFA also misses if the pilot becomes unconscious in the Weapon Attack Phase.

⑧ Location After DFA (p. 27)

First paragraph, second sentence
If the DFA succeeds, the target (if not destroyed) is displaced one hex in the direction opposite the attack.
Change to:
If the DFA hits and the attacker was not destroyed, the target (if not destroyed) is displaced one hex in the direction opposite the

⑧ Death From Above [example text] (p. 27)

7th printing only. Second sentence.
During the Weapon Attack Phase, the Griffin is considered to be in Hex C, with a LOS level of 3 (the target hex’s level +2).
Change to:
During the Weapon Attack Phase, the Griffin is considered to be in Hex C, with a level of 3 (the target hex’s level +2).

⑧ Effects Of Heat (p. 37)

At the end of the second paragraph (“Heat Timing”) insert the following:
All heat effects resolve simultaneously, without affecting each other.

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