A Game of Armored Combat 2023-09-17 v8.01
A Game of Armored Combat 2023-09-17 v8.01
A Game of Armored Combat 2023-09-17 v8.01
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The following is a compiled rules errata for the initial two printings of A Game of Armored Combat as of 17 September, 2023.
There have been eight printings of A Game of Armored Combat to date: 2018, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2021, 2023, and 2023. The first
two are identical in every way. Otherwise, you can check page 2 of the book to see which one you have: the third printing has a 2019
date, while the fourth printing and up have a “Corrected Xth Printing” note. Entries corrected in a given printing are marked with a
number corresponding to that printing (e.g. entries corrected in the 4th printing are marked with a ④). All errata and page number
references here are for the first two printings (2018) unless specified otherwise. Please note that, in the interests of brevity, typo and
minor formatting corrections have not been listed unless they affect an understanding of the rules.
This section combines all previous errata with the new additions of version 8.0, so that every ruling is in order and in one place.
Entries new to v8.0 are marked with a ⑧ and can also be found in the New Additions section at the end of this document.
Change to:
Determine damage inflicted by death from above attacks against prone ’Mechs using the Rear column of the table, regardless of the
attack direction.
1) ⑧ Under “Weapon Attack Phase”, at the end of the third paragraph insert the following:
The DFA also misses if the pilot becomes unconscious in the Weapon Attack Phase.
2) ③ Under “Weapon Attack Phase”, at the end of the section insert the following:
If a DFA’s target is destroyed during the Weapon Attack Phase, the DFA becomes a normal jump and the attacker lands as
AGOAC Errata v8.01 Page 4 of 7
Other ’Mechs on the map can check for LOS and fire as though the Griffin were in Hex C with an LOS height of Level 4.
Change to:
Other ’Mechs on the map can check for LOS and fire as though the Griffin were in Hex C with an LOS level of 5 (base level 3,
+2 for standing).
+2 per hip critical hit; this modifier overrides all other critical hit modifiers from that leg.
Change to:
+2 per hip critical hit; this modifier overrides all other critical hit modifiers from that leg in previous phases.
Errata note: There was a foul-up with footnote edits in these two printings that added an erroneous 3 footnote marker to
“Hip actuator destroyed”. This should be (and is, in the 7th and later printings) a 2, with a corresponding new footnote added
that reads “This modifier can replace other modifiers. See Hip (Leg) on page 33 for details.” The rest of the table is then
renumbered accordingly.
These are all the new entries or modifications of old entries for version 8.01 of this document. These were corrected in the 8th
printing, and may also be found in the Full Errata section in the appropriate locations, marked with a ⑧.
2) Under “Weapon Attack Phase”, at the end of the third paragraph insert the following:
The DFA also misses if the pilot becomes unconscious in the Weapon Attack Phase.