Tactical Operations AUE 2023-09-23 v7.0
Tactical Operations AUE 2023-09-23 v7.0
Tactical Operations AUE 2023-09-23 v7.0
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The following is a compiled rules errata for the fourth/first printing (see below) of Tactical Operations: Advanced Units &
Equipment as of 23 September, 2023.
There have been seven printings of Tactical Operations: Advanced Units & Equipment to date. The first three printings of this
material were found in the single-volume book Tactical Operations, which also included the material that would later be found in
Tactical Operations: Advanced Rules. The dates for these single-volume printings were 2008, 2012, 2016 (the last one being a
PDF-only release, but badged as and considered to be the third printing). Tactical Operations was then split into two volumes,
but each of the two split volumes is considered to be a direct descendant of the single-volume version and so continues the
printing numbers from there: 2020 (fourth printing / first two-volume printing), 2021, 2022, and 2023—you can check page 7
(single-volume) or page 4 (two-volume) of the book to see which printing you have.
Entries corrected in a given printing are marked with a number corresponding to that printing (e.g. entries corrected in the 5th
printing are marked with a ⑤). There were no changes made from the third printing (last single-volume) to the fourth (first two-
volume) printing except for formatting cleanups and page number reference corrections for the changeover from single-volume
to two volumes.
This section combines all previous errata for the two-volume version with the new additions of version 7.0, so that every ruling is
in order and in one place. Entries new to v7.0 are marked with a ⑦ and can also be found in the New Additions section at the
end of this document. All errata and page number references here are for the fourth/first printing (2020) unless specified
otherwise. Please note that, in the interests of brevity, typo and minor formatting corrections have not been listed unless they
affect an understanding of the rules. In particular, the fifth/second printing fixed *a lot* of page number references.
2) Under “Game Rules”, at the end of the first paragraph insert the following:
Both friend and foe are affected.
Q HVAC: Treat weapon as a Gauss weapon with one critical slot for defensive BV purposes.
⑤ Inner Sphere Capital Scale Weapons and Equipment BV Table [Addendum] (p. 196)
Piranha: Change the Item and Ammo BVs from 670/84 to 589/71.
⑤ Clan Capital Scale Weapons and Equipment BV Table [Addendum] (p. 196)
Piranha: Change the Item and Ammo BVs from 670/84 to 589/71.
These are all the major new entries or modifications of old entries made for the seventh printing of Tactical Operations:
Advanced Units & Equipment. They may also be found in the Full Errata section in the appropriate locations, marked with a ⑦.