Tactical Operations AUE 2023-09-23 v7.0

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Tactical Operations: AUE Errata v7.

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Tactical Operations: Advanced Units & Equipment

(Version 7.0)

The following is a compiled rules errata for the fourth/first printing (see below) of Tactical Operations: Advanced Units &
Equipment as of 23 September, 2023.

There have been seven printings of Tactical Operations: Advanced Units & Equipment to date. The first three printings of this
material were found in the single-volume book Tactical Operations, which also included the material that would later be found in
Tactical Operations: Advanced Rules. The dates for these single-volume printings were 2008, 2012, 2016 (the last one being a
PDF-only release, but badged as and considered to be the third printing). Tactical Operations was then split into two volumes,
but each of the two split volumes is considered to be a direct descendant of the single-volume version and so continues the
printing numbers from there: 2020 (fourth printing / first two-volume printing), 2021, 2022, and 2023—you can check page 7
(single-volume) or page 4 (two-volume) of the book to see which printing you have.

Entries corrected in a given printing are marked with a number corresponding to that printing (e.g. entries corrected in the 5th
printing are marked with a ⑤). There were no changes made from the third printing (last single-volume) to the fourth (first two-
volume) printing except for formatting cleanups and page number reference corrections for the changeover from single-volume
to two volumes.

This section combines all previous errata for the two-volume version with the new additions of version 7.0, so that every ruling is
in order and in one place. Entries new to v7.0 are marked with a ⑦ and can also be found in the New Additions section at the
end of this document. All errata and page number references here are for the fourth/first printing (2020) unless specified
otherwise. Please note that, in the interests of brevity, typo and minor formatting corrections have not been listed unless they
affect an understanding of the rules. In particular, the fifth/second printing fixed *a lot* of page number references.

⑦ Satellites (p. 16)

Under “Movement (Outside of Game Play)”, third paragraph, fourth sentence
An MoF of 3 to 5 causes the Satellite’s orbit to decay in 2D10 weeks.
Change to:
An MoF of 3 to 5 causes the Satellite’s orbit to decay in 3D6 weeks.

⑤ Airship and Large Vessel Template Table (p. 57)

Second footnote, first sentence
Submersible Large Naval Vessels may not dive in water that exceeds the total sum of both the above- and below-surface Level
Change to:
Submersible Large Naval Vessels may not dive in water that is less than the total sum of both the above- and below-surface Level

⑦ Watchdog Composite Electronic Warfare System (CEWS) (p. 90)

First paragraph, second sentence
The system works in the same way as the Clans’ standard ECM and Light Active Probes (see pp. 129 and 134, TW).
Change to:
The system has the same radius, range, and function as the Clans’ standard ECM and Light Active Probes (see pp. 129 and 134,

⑥ Armor (p. 92)

Under “Construction Rules”, third paragraph, second sentence
No more than one Modular Armor item may be mounted in a given critical slot location.
Change to:
No more than one Modular Armor item may be mounted in a given location.
Tactical Operations: AUE Errata v7.0 Page 2 of 9

⑦ Laser-Reflective (Reflec/Glazed) Armor (p. 93)

1) Under “Game Rules”, replace the first paragraph with the following:
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
Each point of laser-reflective armor absorbs up to two points of damage from flamers, lasers, PPCs, and plasma
rifles before being destroyed. Leftover single points of damage are discarded, but a damage source will always destroy
at least one point of this armor. Only full armor circles removed count when determining if the ’Mech has to make the
Piloting Skill Roll required from suffering 20+ points of damage. Additionally, heat-causing effects from the above
weapons are halved (round down to a minimum of 1 heat point).

2) Under “Game Rules”, third paragraph, last sentence

In addition, damage from area effect weapons (such as artillery) is doubled against locations protected by Laser
Reflective Armor.
Change to:
In addition, damage from area effect weapons (such as artillery) and crashes is doubled against locations protected by
Laser Reflective Armor.

⑦ Armored Motive Systems (p. 94)

Under “Construction Rules”, last two sentences
Clan-made Armored Motive Systems take up 10 percent of the vehicle’s total weight, while Inner Sphere Armored Motive
Systems take up 15 percent of the vehicle’s total weight. Neither system occupies weapon space.
Change to:
Clan-made Armored Motive Systems take up 10 percent of the vehicle’s total weight, while Inner Sphere Armored Motive
Systems take up 15 percent of the vehicle’s total weight (round quarter-ton values up to the closest half-ton). Neither system
occupies weapon space or can be pod-mounted.

⑤ Hyper-Velocity Autocannon (HVAC) (p. 97)

Under “Game Rules”, second bullet point, second sentence
This smoke fills 2 elevations above the level of the firing unit’s hex equal to the unit’s height (in the case of buildings and Mobile
Structures, the top elevation is equal to the height of the level where the weapon is mounted); the elevation is determined by
the level of the underlying terrain of the attacker’s hex, not the hex filled with smoke.
Change to:
This smoke starts at the firing unit’s current level, taking into account both its height and the underlying terrain (in the case of
buildings and Mobile Structures, the current level is the height of the level where the weapon is mounted). It also fills the 2
elevations above that level.

⑥ Artillery Cannons (p. 97)

Under “Game Rules”, first paragraph, last sentence
Missed shots by Artillery Cannons scatter per standard Artillery rules (see p. 150, TO: AR), but when rolling for scatter distance
(from the intended target), divide the die roll result in half (rounding up) to determine the number of hexes the missed shot will
Change to:
Missed shots by Artillery Cannons scatter per standard Artillery rules (see p. 150, TO: AR), but when rolling for scatter distance
(from the intended target), divide the MoF result in half (rounding up) to determine the number of hexes the missed shot
scatters, to a maximum of the number of hexes between the attacker and intended target.

⑥ Flail (p. 101)

Under “Game Rules”, first paragraph, first sentence
The Flail attacks like a hatchet (see p. 146, TW), with an additional +1 to-hit modifier to all attacks.
Change to:
A Flail attacks as a Physical Weapon (see p. 146, TW) with a +0 to-hit modifier
Tactical Operations: AUE Errata v7.0 Page 3 of 9

⑥ Lance (p. 102)

Under “Game Rules”, first paragraph, first sentence
Requiring a direct strike to be effective, the Lance attacks as a hatchet (see p. 146, TW) with an additional +1 to-hit modifier, and
delivers damage equal to the unit’s tonnage divided by 5 (round up).
Change to:
A Lance attacks as a Physical Weapon (see p. 146, TW) with a +1 to-hit modifier, and on a successful strike it delivers damage
equal to the unit’s tonnage divided by 5 (round up).

⑦ Vibroblade (p. 104)

Under “Game Rules”, second paragraph, last sentence
Special myomers and actuator damage modify the damage dealt by deactivated Vibroblades as normal, but the damage dealt by
a deactivated Vibroblade cannot exceed the damage an activated Vibroblade of that size deals.
Change to:
Special myomers and actuator damage modify the damage dealt by deactivated Vibroblades as normal, but the damage dealt by
a deactivated Vibroblade is capped at the damage an activated Vibroblade of that size deals, unless TSM is being used, in which
case the capped damage is affected.

⑦ BattleMech/ProtoMech Partial Wing (p. 105)

Under “Game Rules”, second paragraph, second sentence
Each critical hit suffered by a BattleMech Partial Wing reduces the wing-provided jump bonus by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Change to:
Each critical hit suffered by a BattleMech Partial Wing reduces the wing-provided jump and heat dissipation bonuses by 1, to a
minimum of 0.

⑥ Beast-Mounted Infantry (p. 106)

Under “Construction Rules”, first paragraph, second sentence
[…] Bonus Damage (the amount of damage points the creature adds when attacking other conventional infantry and vehicles in
the same hex) […]
Change to:
[…] Bonus Damage (the amount of damage points the creature adds when attacking other conventional infantry and vehicles in
the same hex; this stacks with any anti-’Mech attack damage) […]

⑥ Chaff Pod (p. 111)

1) Under “Game Rules”, first paragraph, third sentence
This cloud is treated as a hex of light smoke for LOS purposes (see p. 45, TO: AR), as well as a 1-hex “bubble” of ECM
(see p. 134, TW).
Change to:
This cloud is treated as a hex of light smoke for LOS purposes (see p. 45, TO: AR), as well as a 1-hex “bubble” of ECM
(see p. 134, TW: this is not actual ECM and so cannot be negated by ECCM).

2) Under “Game Rules”, at the end of the first paragraph insert the following:
Both friend and foe are affected.

⑦ Environmental (Vacuum) Sealing (Combat Vehicles) (p. 115)

1) Change the name of this item to Environmental Sealing (Combat Vehicles).

2) Under “Game Rules”, first sentence

All Combat Vehicles with the Environmental (Vacuum) Sealing modification operate normally in toxic or tainted
atmospheres, and may even function in vacuum if fitted with a fission, fusion or fuel cell engine.
Change to:
All Combat Vehicles with the Environmental Sealing modification operate normally in toxic or tainted atmospheres, and
may even function in vacuum or underwater if fitted with a fission, fusion or fuel cell engine.
Tactical Operations: AUE Errata v7.0 Page 4 of 9

⑤ Field Guns (p. 122)

Under “Construction Rules”, first paragraph, first sentence
Any vehicular-scale autocannon (including light, standard, Ultra, LB-X, rotary, and ProtoMech), Gauss weapon (excluding heavy
and Hyper-Assault types), or Rifle (Cannon, see p. 150) may be used as a Field Gun
Change to:
Any vehicular-scale autocannon (including light, standard, Ultra, LB-X, rotary, HVAC, and ProtoMech), Gauss weapon (excluding
heavy and Hyper-Assault types), or Rifle (Cannon, see p. 150) may be used as a Field Gun

⑤ Field Guns (p. 123)

Under “Game Rules”, second paragraph, last sentence
Ultra and Rotary Autocannon Field Guns are immune to jamming or fire control failure effects, and Gauss-based Field Guns are
immune to weapon explosion effects.
Change to:
Field Guns are immune to jamming, fire control failure, and ammunition or weapon explosion effects. All autocannons may use
special ammunition using the appropriate rules, though the entire platoon must use the same ammo type.

⑤ Variable Speed Pulse Lasers (p. 133)

Under “Game Rules”, at the end of the first paragraph insert the following:
For aerospace combat, use range modifiers of –3 at short range and –1 at medium range.

⑤ PPC Capacitor (p. 149)

Under “Game Rules”, second paragraph
For a unit with Weapon Bays (such as a DropShip),
Change to:
For aerospace units,

⑥ Rifle (Cannon) (p. 150)

Under “Game Rules”, at the end of the paragraph insert the following:
Damage dealt to light, medium or heavy buildings, or to internal structure, is never reduced in this fashion.

⑦ Reinforced Structure (p. 155)

Under “Game Rules”, before the last sentence insert the following:
Only full structure circles removed count when determining if the ’Mech has to make a Piloting Skill Roll due to suffering 20+
points of damage.

⑦ Supercharger (p. 156)

Under “Construction Rules”, first paragraph, at the end of the paragraph insert the following:
A unit may only mount one Supercharger.

⑦ Supercharger (p. 157)

Under “Game Rules”, second bullet point, first and second sentences:
On a failed Supercharger activation roll, regardless of unit type, the controlling player rolls on the Determining Critical Hits Table
(p. 124, TW) to determine the number of critical hits that results. For ’Mechs, any such hits are applied to the upper-most
undamaged critical slot(s) in the center torso.
Change to:
On a failed Supercharger activation roll, regardless of unit type, the controlling player rolls on the Determining Critical Hits Table
(p. 124, TW) to determine the number of critical hits that results, ignoring any modifier from reinforced structure. For ’Mechs,
any such hits are applied to the upper-most undamaged Engine critical slot(s) in the center torso.
Tactical Operations: AUE Errata v7.0 Page 5 of 9

⑦ Taser (p. 157)

Under “Game Rules”, fourth paragraph, second sentence:
This interference applies a modifier to the target unit’s Piloting and Gunnery target numbers as listed under the Interference
column for the appropriate Taser, and lasts for a number of turns equal to the value in parentheses.
Change to:
This interference applies a modifier to the target unit’s Piloting- and Gunnery-related target numbers as listed under the
Interference column for the appropriate Taser, and lasts for a number of turns equal to the value in parentheses.

⑤ Thunderbolt Missile Launcher (p. 158)

Under “Construction Rules”, replace the entry with the following:
Thunderbolt launchers can also be installed as OS or I-OS launchers.

⑥ Turrets (p. 158)

Under “Construction Rules”, replace all instances of “weapons” with “weapons and equipment”.

⑥ Vehicle Sponson Turret (p. 160)

Under “Game Rules”, first sentence
Available to ground-based, naval-based and VTOL Combat and Support Vehicles
Change to:
Available to ground-based, naval-based, VTOL, and WiGE Combat and Support Vehicles

⑥ VTOL Jet Booster (p. 162)

Remove all mentions in the Game Rules and Construction Rules about being available to SV / Support Vehicles.

⑥ Xenoplanetary Condition-Trained Troops (p. 162)

For the two “Extreme Temperatures” subentries, reverse the placement of the Heatsuit (it should be listed with Hot, not Cold).

⑥ Arrow IV Non-Homing Missiles (p. 166)

Delete this entire entry.

⑤ Cluster Artillery/Arrow Missiles (p. 166)

Under “Game Rules”, delete the second bullet point.

⑦ Copperhead Artillery (p. 167)

Under “Game Rules”, replace the second paragraph with the following:
Copperhead Artillery munitions function as Arrow IV homing missiles (see p. 166), except that the Direct-Fire Ballistic damage
for a successful hit is based on the artillery piece firing the shell, as shown in the Heavy Weapons Ammunition Combat Data
section (see pp. 224-226). The AE damage to the hex remains 5 points regardless of the artillery piece that fired the shell.

⑥ Flechette Artillery (p. 167)

Under “Game Rules”, second bullet point, first sentence
Against Support Vehicles with a BAR of 4 or less,
Change to:
Against Light, Medium or Heavy buildings, internal structure, and Support Vehicles with a BAR of 4 or less,

⑥ Arrow IV Non-Homing Missiles (Air-Launched Version) (p. 171)

Under “Game Rules”, second sentence
Air-launched Arrow IV Non-Homing Missiles occupy 5 bomb slots per missile and function in the same manner as their standard
launcher-based version (see p. 167),
Change to:
Air-launched Arrow IV Non-Homing Missiles occupy 5 bomb slots per missile and function in the same manner as a standard
High-Explosive Arrow IV attack,
Tactical Operations: AUE Errata v7.0 Page 6 of 9

⑥ Chaff Grenades (VGL) (p. 175)

Under “Game Rules”, last sentence
The ECM and smoke effects produced by Chaff Grenades last until the End Phase of the following turn.
Change to:
The ECM and smoke effects produced by Chaff Grenades last until the End Phase of the following turn, and affect both friend
and foe.

⑥ Smoke Missiles (p. 183)

Under “Game Rules”, fourth bullet point
This smoke dissipates in the End Phase of the third turn after the attack.
Change to:
This smoke dissipates in the End Phase, three turns after it was created (e.g. smoke laid on Turn 1 dissipates in the End Phase of
Turn 4).

⑥ Inner Sphere Weapons and Equipment BV Table [Addendum] (p. 194)

1) PPC (Heavy) + PPC Capacitor: Add the ‡ footnote marker
2) ER PPC + PPC Capacitor: Add the ‡ footnote marker
3) HV AC/2, HV AC/5, HV AC/10: Add a new Q footnote marker

Inner Sphere Weapons and Equipment BV Table [Addendum] (p. 195)

1) ⑥ Chaff Pod: Add the ‡ footnote marker
2) ⑤ Chaff Pod: Under Item BV, after the dagger footnote marker, add K.
3) ⑥ M-Pod: Add the ‡ footnote marker
4) ⑥ Footnotes: Add a new footnote that reads:
*The damage used to calculate the item’s BV is based on the final damage the item can deal after all possible
modifications (such as TSM) are applied.

5) ⑥ Footnotes: Add a new footnote that reads:

Q HVAC: Treat weapon as a Gauss weapon with one critical slot for defensive BV purposes.

⑤ Inner Sphere Capital Scale Weapons and Equipment BV Table [Addendum] (p. 196)
Piranha: Change the Item and Ammo BVs from 670/84 to 589/71.

⑤ Clan Capital Scale Weapons and Equipment BV Table [Addendum] (p. 196)
Piranha: Change the Item and Ammo BVs from 670/84 to 589/71.

⑥ Clan Weapons and Equipment BV Table [Addendum] (p. 196)

Improved Heavy Laser: For all three entries, add new N and ‡ footnote markers.

⑥ Clan Weapons and Equipment BV Table [Addendum] (cont.) (p. 197)

Add the following new footnotes:
‡ Treat as Gauss weapon when calculating defensive battle rating.
N Explodes: Component explodes when damaged.

⑥ Heavy Weapons and Equipment (p. 216)

BattleMech Melee Weapons, Claws: Change the To-Hit Modifier from 0 to +1.

⑥ Heavy Weapons Ammunition Construction Data (p. 226)

Change the footnotes to read:
*Values as per standard weapon.
**See rules for this equipment in the Advanced Weapons And Equipment section, starting on p. 86.
Tactical Operations: AUE Errata v7.0 Page 7 of 9

©2023 The Topps Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech, ’Mech, and MechWarrior are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company Inc. in the
United States and/or other countries.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC.
Tactical Operations: AUE Errata v7.0 Page 8 of 9

These are all the major new entries or modifications of old entries made for the seventh printing of Tactical Operations:
Advanced Units & Equipment. They may also be found in the Full Errata section in the appropriate locations, marked with a ⑦.

⑦ Satellites (p. 16)

Under “Movement (Outside of Game Play)”, third paragraph, fourth sentence
An MoF of 3 to 5 causes the Satellite’s orbit to decay in 2D10 weeks.
Change to:
An MoF of 3 to 5 causes the Satellite’s orbit to decay in 3D6 weeks.

⑦ Watchdog Composite Electronic Warfare System (CEWS) (p. 90)

First paragraph, second sentence
The system works in the same way as the Clans’ standard ECM and Light Active Probes (see pp. 129 and 134, TW).
Change to:
The system has the same radius, range, and function as the Clans’ standard ECM and Light Active Probes (see pp. 129 and 134,

⑦ Laser-Reflective (Reflec/Glazed) Armor (p. 93)

1) Under “Game Rules”, replace the first paragraph with the following:
This ruling has changed from previous errata versions.
Each point of laser-reflective armor absorbs up to two points of damage from flamers, lasers, PPCs, and plasma
rifles before being destroyed. Leftover single points of damage are discarded, but a damage source will always destroy
at least one point of this armor. Only full armor circles removed count when determining if the ’Mech has to make the
Piloting Skill Roll required from suffering 20+ points of damage. Additionally, heat-causing effects from the above
weapons are halved (round down to a minimum of 1 heat point).

2) Under “Game Rules”, third paragraph, last sentence

In addition, damage from area effect weapons (such as artillery) is doubled against locations protected by Laser
Reflective Armor.
Change to:
In addition, damage from area effect weapons (such as artillery) and crashes is doubled against locations protected by
Laser Reflective Armor.

⑦ Armored Motive Systems (p. 94)

Under “Construction Rules”, last two sentences
Clan-made Armored Motive Systems take up 10 percent of the vehicle’s total weight, while Inner Sphere Armored Motive
Systems take up 15 percent of the vehicle’s total weight. Neither system occupies weapon space.
Change to:
Clan-made Armored Motive Systems take up 10 percent of the vehicle’s total weight, while Inner Sphere Armored Motive
Systems take up 15 percent of the vehicle’s total weight (round quarter-ton values up to the closest half-ton). Neither system
occupies weapon space or can be pod-mounted.

⑦ Vibroblade (p. 104)

Under “Game Rules”, second paragraph, last sentence
Special myomers and actuator damage modify the damage dealt by deactivated Vibroblades as normal, but the damage dealt by
a deactivated Vibroblade cannot exceed the damage an activated Vibroblade of that size deals.
Change to:
Special myomers and actuator damage modify the damage dealt by deactivated Vibroblades as normal, but the damage dealt by
a deactivated Vibroblade is capped at the damage an activated Vibroblade of that size deals, unless TSM is being used, in which
case the capped damage is affected.
Tactical Operations: AUE Errata v7.0 Page 9 of 9

⑦ BattleMech/ProtoMech Partial Wing (p. 105)

Under “Game Rules”, second paragraph, second sentence
Each critical hit suffered by a BattleMech Partial Wing reduces the wing-provided jump bonus by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Change to:
Each critical hit suffered by a BattleMech Partial Wing reduces the wing-provided jump and heat dissipation bonuses by 1, to a
minimum of 0.

⑦ Environmental (Vacuum) Sealing (Combat Vehicles) (p. 115)

1) Change the name of this item to Environmental Sealing (Combat Vehicles).

2) Under “Game Rules”, first sentence

All Combat Vehicles with the Environmental (Vacuum) Sealing modification operate normally in toxic or tainted
atmospheres, and may even function in vacuum if fitted with a fission, fusion or fuel cell engine.
Change to:
All Combat Vehicles with the Environmental Sealing modification operate normally in toxic or tainted atmospheres, and
may even function in vacuum or underwater if fitted with a fission, fusion or fuel cell engine.

⑦ Reinforced Structure (p. 155)

Under “Game Rules”, before the last sentence insert the following:
Only full structure circles removed count when determining if the ’Mech has to make a Piloting Skill Roll due to suffering 20+
points of damage.

⑦ Supercharger (p. 156)

Under “Construction Rules”, first paragraph, at the end of the paragraph insert the following:
A unit may only mount one Supercharger.

⑦ Supercharger (p. 157)

Under “Game Rules”, second bullet point, first and second sentences:
On a failed Supercharger activation roll, regardless of unit type, the controlling player rolls on the Determining Critical Hits Table
(p. 124, TW) to determine the number of critical hits that results. For ’Mechs, any such hits are applied to the upper-most
undamaged critical slot(s) in the center torso.
Change to:
On a failed Supercharger activation roll, regardless of unit type, the controlling player rolls on the Determining Critical Hits Table
(p. 124, TW) to determine the number of critical hits that results, ignoring any modifier from reinforced structure. For ’Mechs,
any such hits are applied to the upper-most undamaged Engine critical slot(s) in the center torso.

⑦ Taser (p. 157)

Under “Game Rules”, fourth paragraph, second sentence:
This interference applies a modifier to the target unit’s Piloting and Gunnery target numbers as listed under the Interference
column for the appropriate Taser, and lasts for a number of turns equal to the value in parentheses.
Change to:
This interference applies a modifier to the target unit’s Piloting- and Gunnery-related target numbers as listed under the
Interference column for the appropriate Taser, and lasts for a number of turns equal to the value in parentheses.

⑦ Copperhead Artillery (p. 167)

Under “Game Rules”, replace the second paragraph with the following:
Copperhead Artillery munitions function as Arrow IV homing missiles (see p. 166), except that the Direct-Fire Ballistic damage
for a successful hit is based on the artillery piece firing the shell, as shown in the Heavy Weapons Ammunition Combat Data
section (see pp. 224-226). The AE damage to the hex remains 5 points regardless of the artillery piece that fired the shell.

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