BattleMech Manual
BattleMech Manual
BattleMech Manual
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BattleMech Manual
(Version 6.01)
The following is a compiled rules errata for the first printing of the BattleMech Manual as of 14 September, 2022.
There have been six printings of the BattleMech Manual to date: 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2021, and 2022—you can check page 4
of the book to see which one you have. Entries corrected in a given printing are marked with a number corresponding to that
printing (e.g. entries corrected in the 4th printing are marked with a ④). All errata and page number references here are for the
first printing (2017) unless specified otherwise. Please note that, in the interests of brevity, typo and minor formatting
corrections have not been listed unless they affect an understanding of the rules.
This section combines all previous errata with the new additions of version 6.0, so that every ruling is in order and in one place.
Entries new to v6.0 are marked with a ⑥ and can also be found in the New Additions section at the end of this document.
They may then restart the power plant in any subsequent End Phase, provided they first pass any Shutdown Avoid
checks due to heat (if needed), and provided there is no damage (such as three or more Engine Shielding criticals) that
prevents a restart.
Change to:
They may then restart the power plant in any subsequent End Phase, provided they first pass any Shutdown Avoid
checks due to heat (if needed).
BattleMech Manual Errata v6.01 Page 5 of 17
If the total tonnage of ’Mechs on any single level of a building hex exceeds the hex’s current CF
Change to:
If a ’Mech’s tonnage on any single level of a building hex exceeds the hex’s current CF
Errata note: Remember that the BattleMech Manual only lists quirks for a unit if every variant of that unit would have that quirk.
Removing a quirk is thus not necessarily saying that some examples of that unit don’t have the quirk—only that all of them don’t.
2) ⑤ Fifth paragraph
• Aimed Shot w/ TC, Mobile Target: +3 Target Number modifier (head may not be targeted), no TC modifier applies
• Aimed Shot w/ TC, Immobile Target, Head Shot: +3 Target Number modifier, no TC modifier applies
• Aimed Shot w/ TC, Immobile Target, any other location: –5 Target Number modifier (–4 Immobile, –1 TC)
Cluster and Flak Weapons / Attacks: Not eligible for TC benefits (but see Hyper-Assault Gauss Rifles, below).
Flamers and Machine Guns: Not eligible for TC benefits.
Hyper-Assault Gauss Rifles: Though a Cluster weapon, these apply the –1 Target Number TC modifier if not making a Flak
Pulse Weapons: Cannot make an aimed shot against mobile targets. Never applies the –1 Target Number TC modifier if making
aimed shots against immobile targets.
Rapid-Fire Weapons: Apply the –1 Target Number TC modifier even if rapid-firing. However, aimed shots while rapid-firing are
impossible, per the standard aimed shot rules.
Only if using the optional Forced Withdrawal rules (see p. 81) does destroying a gyro also destroy that ’Mech.
Change to:
Not even if using the optional Forced Withdrawal rules (see p. 81) does destroying a gyro also destroy that ’Mech.
BattleMech Manual Errata v6.01 Page 15 of 17
These are all the major new entries or modifications of old entries made for the sixth printing of the BattleMech Manual. They
may also be found in the Full Errata section in the appropriate locations, marked with a ⑥.