Core Competencies Reflection
Core Competencies Reflection
Core Competencies Reflection
I can express my needs and seek help when needed
When I struggle in class and do not get the grades I want, I always ask the teacher if i can
improv my grades and how. I would also ask something when I do not understand in class to do
well on the test.
I understand learning takes patience and time
When I learn something that interests me such as new art works or video games, I tend to know
more and more about them. However, there are release dates which makes me impatient and
wanting to know more about it.
Social responsibility
I am aware of my community and caring for the environment collaboratively for the
benefits of others.
There was this one time when I decided to volunteer during COVID 19 in Langley even center to
help people who cannot afford food because they lost their job due to the disease. I worked
hard to benefit others to create a better environment.
I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and evaluate
strategies to resolve problems.
During family disagreements, I empathize with each member's perspective, which helps find a
middle ground and strengthens our relationships through mutual respect and understanding.
Also, in team projects at school, I often encounter diverse strategies for tackling tasks; by
evaluating each approach objectively, I can combine the most effective parts, leading to more
clever and successful outcomes.
I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act ethically in all my
interactions, including online.
When talking to people online, I tend to think that we are all the same people. However, when I
step up to talk about myself and my culture, some people who’s got the opposite culture of mine
tend to feel uncomfortable about it. I did not understand it. However, I learned that there are
many people are in the world and i need to be more diverse and know more about other’s culture
Critical thinking
I can analyze and make defensible judgements, draw conclusions and consider a variety
of perspectives.
When analyzing news articles on a controversial topic, I critically evaluate the sources and cross-
reference information, allowing me to form a well-informed and defensible judgment rather than
accepting claims at face value.
I can ask good quality questions, gather relevent information, and come up with well-
developed conclusions.
When tasked with a research project, I formulate specific, open-ended questions that guide my
investigation, ensuring that I cover all relevant aspects of the topic and lay a solid foundation for
comprehensive understanding.
I can assess my process
I usually have difficulty keeping myself on track and often forget what I am doing. When I'm
doing my homework, I get distracted by things around me, such as my phone and my computer
Creative thinking
I can create new and unique ideas that may provide new perspectives that influence how
people think about topics.
In discussions about social issues, I bring forward ideas inspired by diverse cultures and
experiences, providing new lenses through which people can understand and relate to these
I can use the environment around me, including others, and my unconscious mind to
generate new ideas.
I find that engaging in different forms of art, such as music, painting, or literature, stimulates my
imagination and helps in synthesizing new ideas by combining elements from various creative
I can preserve and understand that failure can be productive.
I cannot make my failures my new success because I make the same mistakes, and I am not good
at applying the feedback to my work. This is my biggest weakness because, during English class,
I always make the same mistakes even though I try to improve with the feedback my English
teacher gives me.
I can listen, learn to contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate, consider different
perspectives, and build consensus.
In group discussions, I practice active listening, focusing intently on what others are saying
without formulating my response while they speak, which helps me understand their perspectives
fully and respond more thoughtfully.
I can engage in deep and meaningful inquiry for a variety of purposes and audiences.
When conducting research for academic purposes, I delve deeply into subjects, using a range of
literary sources to ensure a comprehensive understanding. I tailor my findings to meet the
academic community's strict standards and specific interests.
I can reflect on the processes of leaning and share what I have learned
I usually need help sharing and providing about what I learned. I am shy and worried that what I
have learned is wrong. I also cannot reflect on my work because I am not sure about my work
since i think it might be wrong.
I can define myself in terms of my relationship to others and to the world
I sometimes find myself overly reliant on others' approval and feedback, which can lead to a
dependence on external validation rather than trusting my decisions and self-worth.