IDEA - Pharma
IDEA - Pharma
IDEA - Pharma
Section: BSN 2D
-Instruct patient to
report if any
Generic Name: Disease-modifying It acts locally in the It is indicated for Contraindicated in • Indigestion and Before:
Sulfasalazine antirheumatic drugs colon to decrease the treatment of patients with: heartburn -Closely monitor
(DMARDs) inflammation. It chronic -Allergic reaction to • Nausea & Vomiting blood tests and liver
also works inflammatory sulfasalazine, aspirin, • Diarrhea and kidney tests
Brand Name: throughout the diseases such as or any other • Abdominal pain before you start
Azulfidine, body by inhibiting rheumatoid salicylates such as • Dizziness treatment with
Salazopyrin the formation of a arthritis in methyl salicylate or • Headache, joint aches sulfasalazine.
chemical known as children and choline salicylate and pains -Instruct patients to
prostaglandins. adults and -rare blood condition • Itching or mild rash follow the directions
Actual dosage, Prostaglandins have ulcerative colitis. called porphyria • Cough, sore mouth or on the prescription
route, frequency: several important It also has off- -Kidneys or liver changes in the way label.
500mg tablet OD PO functions in the label uses in impairment things taste -Instruct to do not
body, one of which treating patients -Pregnant, trying to • Difficulty sleeping take it more often
is control of pain with ankylosing get pregnant or than directed.
• Ringing in your ears
and inflammation. spondylitis, mild breastfeeding
to moderately During:
active Crohn's -Instruct patient to
disease, drink plenty of fluids
psoriasis, and when taking
psoriatic sulfasalazine to help
arthritis. prevent possible
kidney problems.
-Instruct patient to
report if any
Generic Name: Anti-inflammatory It decrease Glucocorticoids Contraindicated in • Weight gain. Before:
Glucocorticoids inflammation by treat many patients with: • Feeling very hungry. -Instruct patients to
inhibiting the conditions that -Adrenocortical • Water retention or follow the directions
release of pro- are caused by atrophy. swelling. on the prescription
Brand Name: inflammatory inflammation, -Cushing syndrome. • Mood swings. label.
Dexamethasone, molecules, such as: -Diabetes mellitus • Blurred vision. -Instruct to do not
Medrol, preventing the -Asthma. (steroid diabetes) • Feeling nervous or take it more often
Decadron, activation and -Chronic -Hyperglycemia. restless. than directed.
Prednisolone, migration of obstructive -Amenorrhea. • Trouble sleeping.
Cortisone, immune cells, and pulmonary -Osteoporosis. • Muscle weakness. During:
Etc. increasing the disease (COPD) -Avascular necrosis -Assess patient’s
production and -Allergies. (e.g., of the femoral weight.
release of anti- -Rheumatoid head) -Monitor blood
Actual dosage, inflammatory arthritis. -Peptic ulcers. glucose.
route, frequency: molecules. -Osteoarthritis. -Cataracts. - Monitor signs of
5-60 mg/day PO in -Crohn's disease hypersensitivity
single daily dose or and other types reactions and
divided q6-12hr of inflammatory anaphylaxis.
bowel disease.
-Eczema and After:
other skin -Instruct patient to
conditions. report if any
-Multiple hypersensitivity
sclerosis. occurs.
Generic Name: Anti-gout agents -It disrupts It is used to Contraindicated in • Diarrhea Before:
Colchicine cytoskeletal prevent or treat patients with: • Melena -Instruct patients to
functions by attacks of gout -Biliary obstruction • Sensation of pins and follow the directions
inhibiting β-tubulin (also called -Renal impairment needles on the prescription
Brand Name: polymerization into gouty arthritis). -Hepatic disease • Stomach pain label.
Colcrys, Mitigare microtubules. This condition is -Renal disease • Bleeding -Instruct to do not
Consequently, it caused by too -Alcoholism • Dark urine take it more often
prevents the much uric acid -Gastrointestinal • Vomiting than directed.
Actual dosage, activation, in the blood. An Disease • Muscle weakness or
route, frequency: degranulation, and attack of gout -Bone Marrow pain During:
1 tablet (500 migration of occurs when Suppression • Cramping -Assess patient’s
micrograms), taken neutrophils. uric acid causes -Dialysis weight.
2 to 4 times a day inflammation -Dental Disease -Assess for any
-It also (pain, redness, -Neuromuscular unusual bleeding or
competitively swelling, and Toxicity bruising, black, tarry
inhibits heat) in a joint. -Geriatric stools, blood in the
reabsorption of uric urine or stools, or
acid at the proximal It is also used to pinpoint red spots on
convoluted tubule. reduce the risk your skin.
Also, inhibits renal of heart attack, - Monitor signs of
tubular secretion of stroke, certain hypersensitivity
weak organic acids, types of heart reactions and
such as penicillins. procedures, and anaphylaxis.
death in After:
patients with -Instruct patient to
atherosclerosis report if any
(known buildup hypersensitivity
of plaque inside occurs.
the arteries) or
with multiple
risk factors.
Generic Name: Xanthine oxidase It works by It is used to Contraindicated in • Chills Before:
Allopurinol inhibitors inhibiting xanthine prevent or lower patients with: • Cloudy urine -Instruct patients to
oxidase (XO), the high uric acid -Pregnant or • Constipation follow the directions
enzyme responsible levels in the breastfeeding • Anxiety on the prescription
Brand Name: for converting blood. It is also -Patients who have • Bleeding gums label.
Zyloprim, Aloprim hypoxanthine to used to prevent developed a severe • Chest pain or -Instruct to do not
uric acid which is or lower excess reaction to discomfort take it more often
deposited as uric acid levels allopurinol should • Confusion than directed.
Actual dosage, crystals in the joints caused by not be restarted on • Blurred vision
route, frequency: of gout sufferers. cancer the drug. A few cases • Burning pain During:
100 to 300 medicines or in of reversible -Assess patient’s
milligrams (mg) per patients with hepatotoxicity have weight.
day, taken once a kidney stones. A been noted in -Monitor complete
day or in divided high uric acid patients taking blood count.
doses PO level can cause allopurinol, and in -Instruct patient
gout or gouty some patient's about the possible
arthritis (joint asymptomatic rises side effects.
pain and in serum alkaline - Monitor signs of
inflammation). phosphatase or hypersensitivity
serum transaminase reactions and
have been observed. anaphylaxis.
-Instruct patient to
report if any
-Discontinue if there’s
an adverse reactions.
Generic Name: Xanthine oxidase It works by non- It is used to Contraindicated in • Anxiety Before:
Febuxostat inhibitors competitively lower patients with: • Bad, unusual, or -Instruct patients to
blocking the hyperuricemia -Severe heart unpleasant (after) follow the directions
molybdenum pterin (high uric acid in condition taste. on the prescription
Brand Name: center, which is the the blood) in -Severe kidney or • Blistering, crusting, label.
Uloric, Adenuric active site of patients with liver problems irritation, itching, or -Instruct to do not
xanthine oxidase. gout who have -Thyroid problems reddening of the skin. take it more often
Xanthine oxidase is been treated • Body aches or pain. than directed.
Actual dosage, needed to oxidize with allopurinol • Breast pain.
route, frequency: successively that did not • Bruising. During:
40 milligrams (mg) hypoxanthine and work well or • Burning feeling in the -Assess patient’s
or 80 mg once a day xanthine to uric cannot be chest or stomach. weight.
acid. Thus, treated with -Monitor complete
febuxostat inhibits allopurinol. blood count.
xanthine oxidase, -Instruct patient
thereby reducing about the possible
production of uric side effects.
acid. - Monitor signs of
reactions and
-Instruct patient to
report if any
-Discontinue if there’s
an adverse reactions.
Generic Name: Uricosurics It inhibits the It is used in the Contraindicated in • Bloody urine Before:
Probenecid tubular treatment of patients with: • Dizziness -Instruct patients to
reabsorption of chronic gout or -Hypersensitivity to • Fast or irregular follow the directions
urate, thus gouty arthritis. probenecid breathing on the prescription
Brand Name: increasing the These -Blood dyscrasias • Frequent urination label.
Probalan urinary excretion of conditions are -Uric acid kidney • Lower back pain -Instruct to do not
uric acid and caused by too stones • Headache take it more often
decreasing serum much uric acid • Loss of appetite than directed.
Actual dosage, urate levels. in the blood. • Fever
route, frequency: Probenecid may The medicine • Pale or yellowed skin During:
250 mg PO twice also reduce plasma works by -Assess patient’s
• Rash
daily for 1 week binding of urate removing the weight.
• Vomiting
and inhibit renal extra uric acid -Monitor complete
• Stomach pain
secretion of uric from the body. blood count.
• Unusual bleeding or
acid at -Instruct patient
subtherapeutic It is also used to about the possible
concentrations. prevent or treat • Diarrhea side effects.
other medical • Unusual tiredness or - Monitor signs of
problems that weakness hypersensitivity
may occur if too reactions and
much uric acid is anaphylaxis.
present in the
body. After:
-Instruct patient to
report if any
-Discontinue if there’s
an adverse reactions.
Generic Name: PEGylated uric acid It works by It is used to Contraindicated in • Chest pain, Before:
Pegloticase specific enzymes catalyzing uric acid treat chronic patients with: discomfort, or -Monitor test
to the water- gout in adult -G6PD-deficiency tightness. patients for G6PD
soluble purine patients who -Hypersensitivity • difficult or labored deficiency.
Brand Name: metabolite have already reactions breathing. -Instruct patients to
Krystexxa allantoin. been treated -Acute hemolytic • difficulty in moving. follow the directions
with other anemia • difficulty with on the prescription
medicines that -Renal impairment swallowing. label.
Actual dosage, did not work -Hepatic disease • facial swelling. -Instruct to do not
route, frequency: well. Gout is a -Renal disease • fast heartbeat. take it more often
8 mg/mL (1 mL) condition that is • fever or chills. than directed.
administered caused by too • flushing or redness of
intravenously (IV) much uric acid the skin During:
every two weeks in the blood -Assess patient’s
(hyperuricemia). weight.
Pegloticase -Monitor complete
injection works blood count.
by causing less -Instruct patient
uric acid to be about the possible
produced by the side effects.
body. - Monitor signs of
reactions and
-Instruct patient to
report if any
-Discontinue if there’s
an adverse reactions.
Generic Name: Tumor necrosis factor Our immune system It is used to Contraindicated in • Headache Before:
Adalimumab (TNF) inhibitors naturally produces treat patients with: • Joint pain -Instruct patients to
a protein called inflammation of -Severe infections • Dizziness follow the directions
tumor necrosis the: joints -Hypersensitivity • Joint swelling on the prescription
Brand Name: factor (TNF). If your (rheumatoid reactions • Trouble breathing label.
Humira, Amgevita, body produces too arthritis, -Renal impairment • Cough -Instruct to do not
Hyrimoz, Idacio, much TNF, it can polyarticular -Hepatic disease • Fever take it more often
Imraldi, Yuflyma cause swelling juvenile -Renal disease • Injection site than directed.
(inflammation). idiopathic reactions
Adalimumab stops arthritis and • Serious infections During:
Actual dosage, TNF attaching to active -Assess patient’s
• Stuffy nose
route, frequency: and attacking enthesitis- weight.
• Unusual tiredness or
As two 80-mg healthy cells. This related arthritis) -Monitor complete
injections in 1 day or reduces skin (plaque blood count.
• Blisters on the skin
as one 80-mg inflammation and psoriasis and -Instruct patient
• Chest pain
injection per day for other symptoms of hidradenitis about the possible
2 consecutive days diseases. suppurativa) • Chills side effects.
joints and skin • Decreased vision - Monitor signs of
(psoriatic • Diarrhea hypersensitivity
arthritis). • Ear congestion reactions and
• Eye pain anaphylaxis.
• Hoarseness
• Lower back or side After:
pain -Instruct patient to
report if any
-Discontinue if there’s
an adverse reactions.
Generic Name: Tumor necrosis factor It binds and It reduces the Contraindicated in • Rash Before:
Certolizumab (TNF) inhibitors neutralizes both signs and patients with: • Itching -Instruct patients to
soluble and symptoms of -Severe infections • Dizziness, fainting, or follow the directions
transmembrane moderate to -Hypersensitivity lightheadedness on the prescription
Brand Name: TNFα11 and inhibits severe reactions • Swelling of the face, label.
Cimzia signaling through rheumatoid -Renal impairment throat, legs, or feet -Instruct to do not
both the p55 and arthritis (RA), -Hepatic disease • Troubled breathing take it more often
p75 TNFα receptors psoriatic -Renal disease than directed.
Actual dosage, in vitro. arthritis (PsA),
route, frequency: ankylosing During:
200 mg every 2 spondylitis, and -Assess patient’s
weeks SQ Crohn's disease. weight.
It works to -Monitor complete
improve such blood count.
symptoms as -Instruct patient
joint swelling, about the possible
pain, fatigue, side effects.
and morning - Monitor signs of
stiffness. hypersensitivity
reactions and
-Instruct patient to
report if any
-Discontinue if there’s
an adverse reactions.
Generic Name: Anti-TNFs or TNF Etanercept is a It reduces the Contraindicated in • Rash Before:
Etanercept blockers. biologic tumor signs and patients with: • Blurred vision -Instruct patients to
necrosis factor symptoms of -Severe infections • Diarrhea follow the directions
(TNF) inhibitor; the moderate to -Sepsis • Extreme tiredness or on the prescription
Brand Name: drug acts as a severe -Tuberculosis weakness label.
Enbrel soluble TNF rheumatoid -Hypersensitivity • Trouble breathing -Instruct to do not
receptor and binds arthritis (RA), reactions • Chills take it more often
TNF-alpha and TNF- such as joint -Renal impairment • Eye pain than directed.
Actual dosage, beta. [6] TNF is a swelling, pain, -Hepatic disease • Numbness or tingling
route, frequency: cytokine that can fatigue, and -Renal disease • Stomach pain During:
50 mg SC once bind to TNF length of -Assess patient’s
• Bladder pain
weekly receptor 1 (TNFR1) morning weight.
• Cough
or TNF receptor 2 stiffness. It is -Monitor complete
• Dark urine
(TNFR2) and is also prescribed blood count.
involved in for psoriasis, -Instruct patient
inflammation and psoriatic about the possible
the immune arthritis, side effects.
response. ankylosing - Monitor signs of
spondylitis, and hypersensitivity
juvenile reactions and
idiopathic anaphylaxis.
-Instruct patient to
report if any
-Discontinue if there’s
an adverse reactions.
Generic Name: Tumor necrosis factor Golimumab is a It is used to Contraindicated in • fever, chills, sweating, Before:
Golimumab (TNF) inhibitors human monoclonal reduce signs and patients with: muscle aches, feeling -Instruct patients to
antibody that binds symptoms of -Blood/bone marrow very tired; follow the directions
to both the soluble rheumatoid problems • cough, bloody mucus, on the prescription
Brand Name: and arthritis, -Brain/nerve shortness of breath; label.
Simponi transmembrane psoriatic disorders • weight loss; -Instruct to do not
bioactive forms of arthritis, and -Infections • painful skin sores, take it more often
human TNFα. This ankylosing -Hypersensitivity warmth, or redness; than directed.
Actual dosage, interaction prevents spondylitis, such reactions • diarrhea, stomach pai
route, frequency: the binding of TNFα as joint swelling, -Renal impairment • increased urination, During:
200-mg to its receptors, pain, fatigue, -Hepatic disease or burning when you -Assess patient’s
subcutaneous thereby inhibiting and length of -Renal disease urinate. weight.
injection at Week 0, the biological morning -Monitor complete
followed by 100 mg activity of TNFα (a stiffness. blood count.
at Week 2 cytokine protein). -Instruct patient
about the possible
side effects.
- Monitor signs of
reactions and
-Instruct patient to
report if any
-Discontinue if there’s
an adverse reactions.
Generic Name: Selective It works by blocking It is used to Contraindicated in • fever, chills, sweating, Before:
Abatacept costimulation the activity of T- reduce signs and patients with: muscle aches, feeling -Instruct patients to
modulators cells, a type of symptoms of -Blood/bone marrow very tired; follow the directions
(immunomodulators), immune cell in the rheumatoid problems • cough, bloody mucus, on the prescription
Brand Name: Antirheumatic body that causes arthritis, -Brain/nerve shortness of breath; label.
Orencia swelling and joint psoriatic disorders • weight loss; -Instruct to do not
damage in people arthritis, and -Infections • painful skin sores, take it more often
who have arthritis. ankylosing -Hypersensitivity warmth, or redness; than directed.
Actual dosage, spondylitis, such reactions • diarrhea, stomach pai
route, frequency: as joint swelling, -Renal impairment • increased urination, During:
<60 kg: 500 mg; 60- pain, fatigue, -Hepatic disease or burning when you -Assess patient’s
100 kg: 750 mg; > ; and length of -Renal disease urinate. weight.
SC administration morning -Monitor complete
stiffness. blood count.
-Instruct patient
about the possible
side effects.
- Monitor signs of
reactions and
-Instruct patient to
report if any
-Discontinue if there’s
an adverse reactions.
Generic Name: Monoclonal Rituximab attaches Rituximab is a Contraindicated in • Dizziness Before:
Rituximab antibodies itself to all the synthetic patients with: • Cough -Instruct patients to
CD20 proteins it antibody -Severe, active • Chest pain follow the directions
finds to mark them. (protein) that infection. • Itching on the prescription
Brand Name: Then it triggers the can target -Hypersensitivity to • Back pain label.
Rituxan cells of the immune antigens, or any of the • Blood in the urine or -Instruct to do not
system to pick out substances that components of the stools take it more often
the marked cells can cause an formulation. • Blurred vision than directed.
Actual dosage, and kill them. immune -Severe heart failure. • Confusion
route, frequency: Rituximab destroys response. This -Uncontrolled • Irregular heartbeat During:
two 250 mg/m2 IV both abnormal and medication cardiac disease. -Assess patient’s
• Joint swelling
infusions separated normal B-cells. treats non- -Pregnancy. weight.
• Severe skin and
by 2 weeks Once treatment is Hodgkin -Monitor complete
mouth reactions
over, the body can lymphoma, blood count.
• Body aches or pain
replace the normal chronic -Instruct patient
• Breathlessness
B-cells. lymphocytic about the possible
leukemia, • Chills side effects.
rheumatoid • Ear congestion - Monitor signs of
arthritis, hypersensitivity
granulomatosis reactions and
with anaphylaxis.
microscopic After:
polyangiitis and -Instruct patient to
pemphigus report if any
vulgaris. hypersensitivity
-Discontinue if there’s
an adverse reactions.
Generic Name: Biologics Tocilizumab is a It is used to Contraindicated in • Cough or sore throat, Before:
Tocilizumab novel monoclonal treat patients with: blocked or runny -Instruct patients to
antibody that rheumatoid -Hypersensitivity to nose follow the directions
competitively arthritis and any of the • Headaches or on the prescription
Brand Name: inhibits the binding juvenile components of the dizziness label.
Actemra of interleukin-6 (IL- idiopathic formulation. • Mouth ulcers -Instruct to do not
6) to its receptor arthritis. It may -Stomach-area • High blood pressure take it more often
(IL-6R). Inhibiting also be used to (abdominal) pain or • Hypercholesterolemia than directed.
Actual dosage, the entire receptor treat giant cell been diagnosed with (increased cholesterol
route, frequency: complex prevents arteritis, diverticulitis or in the blood) During:
162 mg given once IL-6 signal cytokine release ulcers in your • Aching muscles -Assess patient’s
every week SC transduction to syndrome, and stomach or • Feeling out of breath weight.
inflammatory to slow a intestines • Having a tight chest -Monitor complete
mediators that decrease in lung -Liver problems • Wheezing blood count.
summon B and T function for -Pregnancy. -Instruct patient
• Fever
cells. patients with about the possible
systemic side effects.
sclerosis-related - Monitor signs of
lung disease. hypersensitivity
reactions and
-Instruct patient to
report if any
-Discontinue if there’s
an adverse reactions.
Generic Name: Biologics Sarilumab binds IL- It is indicated for Contraindicated in • Difficulty breathing Before:
Sarilumab 6Rα in vitro with the treatment of patients with: • Swelling of your face, -Instruct patients to
15- to 22-fold adult patients -Hypersensitivity to lips, tongue, or throat follow the directions
higher affinity than with moderately any of the • Lightheadedness on the prescription
Brand Name: tocilizumab, and to severely components of the • Chest pain label.
Kevzara inhibits IL-6- active formulation. • Fever -Instruct to do not
mediated classical rheumatoid -Stomach-area • Chills take it more often
and trans signaling arthritis (RA) (abdominal) pain or • Sweating than directed.
Actual dosage, via membrane- who have had been diagnosed with • Body aches
route, frequency: bound and soluble an inadequate diverticulitis or • Cough with bloody During:
200 mg once every 2 IL-6Rα. response or ulcers in your mucus -Assess patient’s
weeks, given as a intolerance to stomach or weight.
• Shortness of breath
subcutaneous one or more intestines -Monitor complete
• Diarrhea
injection disease- -Liver problems blood count.
• Stomach pain
modifying -Pregnancy. -Instruct patient
• Weight loss
antirheumatic about the possible
drugs • Sores on your skin side effects.
(DMARDs); and • Pain or burning when - Monitor signs of
adult patients you urinate hypersensitivity
with • Tiredness reactions and
polymyalgia • Ongoing stomach anaphylaxis.
rheumatica pain
(PMR) who have • Change in bowel After:
had an habits -Instruct patient to
inadequate report if any
response to hypersensitivity
corticosteroids occurs.
or who cannot -Discontinue if there’s
tolerate an adverse reactions.