Bgcse English Paper 2 Mock 2023
Bgcse English Paper 2 Mock 2023
Bgcse English Paper 2 Mock 2023
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EmperitExams 561/02
Passage A [10]
Read passage A in the insert and answer question 1 (a) to (g) From paragraph 1
1 (a) (i) What made this year’s Chefs’ competition different from all other years?
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(iii) Quote a phrase of four consecutive words that suggests that the competition has never been
From paragraph 2
( c) What was it that made the judge suitable to judge the competition?
(d) Why do you think the writer lists all the sponsors for the competitions?
For questions (e) to (g) a word from the passage is followed by a list of possible meanings. In each
case, choose the word that is closest in meaning to the word as it is used in the passage.
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in competition
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From paragraph 1
(b) In your own words say what caused the world to disappear?
(c) What two separate words are used to describe the author’s unusual heart beat?
From Paragraph 2
(d) Explain why the author was “ desperate ”
From paragraph 3
( e) Why did the doctor conduct the two tests on the patient?
(f) Why is “ ticker” an appropriate name for the heart?
From paragraph 4
(g) Why did the doctor ask for the author for his collar size?
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From paragraph 5
(h) In your own words explain what the author means by ‘ a recurrence of drive time fainting
Passage C ( 40 Marks)
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From paragraph 1
3 (a) Why did Ditiro suddenly look serious?
(b) (i) Why was it important to walk in single file with D
(iii) Earlier in paragraph 1 the author mentioned that Ditiro was normally Jovial. Which phrase does
he use later in the same paragraph which conveys the same meaning?
From paragraph 2
(c) The Okavango has a lot to offer to tourists. What was the writer’s main interest?
From paragraph 3
(d) Why did the country name its currency “pula”?
From paragraph4
(e) Why is it more difficult to see big cats during the annual December rains?
(F) Quote a phrase of three consecutive words the same meaning as expose.
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From paragraph 5
(g) What caught Ditiro’s attention so that he switched gears?
From paragraph 6
(h) What does the expression ‘at the drop of a hat” suggest about the hunting patterns of big cats?
(I)What does the expression “ are commonplace in the Okavango” imply about the animals?
(j) In your own words, explain why sightings of big cats “ are never guaranteed
From the whole passage
(k)Choose three of the following words. For each of them, give one word or a short phrase ( of
not more than seven words ) that has the same meaning as the word in the passage. (i)
encounter ( line 7)
(ii) surrounds ( line 13)
(iii) appease (line 18)
(iv) Haunches ( line 48)
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(l) The writer’s main aim in coming to Botswana was to see the “ big Cats”
Write a summary of the writer’s experience of the walking Safari to see the big cats and how he
came close to being attacked by lions.
Your summary which must be in continuous writing (not note form) must not be longer than 150
words including the 10 words given below. You should use your own as far as possible.
Use material from paragraph 5 to the end of the passage only.
Begin your summary as follows :
Our Safari became exciting when Ditiro noticed elephant dung and………………………
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