Berecki 2021c

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Târgu Mureș
In memoriam dr. István Bajusz (1954–2021)
The publication was financially supported by:

EdiTorial BOARD
Executive Editor:
Executive Editor
Bulcsú ÖTVÖS
Koppány Bulcsú ÖTVÖS
Editors: BereCKi
Zalán GyŐrfi
János OrBÁN
Szilamér Péter
Szilamér Péter PÁNCZél
Szilamér Péter
advisory Board
Tiberius Bader BOARD Germany)
(Budapest, BOARD
Tiberius BADER (Hemmingen, Germany)
Tiberius BADERCiuTă (Sibiu,
(Hemmingen, romania)
Elek BENKŐ (Budapest, Hungary)
Zoltán CZajliK
Elek BENKŐ, CIUTĂ (Budapest, Hungary)
of Archaeology,
Marius-Mihai Romania) Research Centre for the Humanities (Budapest, Hungary)
andrás KOVÁCS
Marius-Mihai (Cluj-Napoca,
CIUTĂ, Lucian romania)
Blaga University of Sibiu (Sibiu, Romania)
Zoltán CZAJLIK (Budapest, Hungary)
Zsolt ViSy (Pécs, Hungary)
András KOVÁCS (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) Institute of Archaeological Sciences (Budapest, Hungary)
Zoltán CZAJLIK, Eötvös Loránd University,
Zsolt VISY (Pécs,Romanian
FIREA, Hungary)Academy, Institute of Archaeology and Art History (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
CorrEspoNdENCE Babeș-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
András KOVÁCS,
Zsolt VISY, University of Pécs (Pécs, Hungary)
Muzeul judeţean Mureş / Mureş County Museum
CP 85, str.
Muzeul MărăştiMureş
Judeţean nr. 8a, 540328County
/ Mureş Târgu Mureş,
Museum românia
CP 85, str. Mărăşti nr. 8A, 540328 Târgu Mureş, România
Cover: istván Karácsony
Muzeul Judeţean Mureş / Mureş County Museum
Cover: 85, str.KARÁCSONY
Mărăşti nr. 8A, 540328 Târgu Mureş, România
The content of the papers totally involve the responsibility of the authors.
The content of the papers is the responsibility of the authors.
Cover: István KARÁCSONY
issN 2668-7232
The content
ISSN of the papers totally involve the responsibility of the authors.

ISSN 2668–7232
Editura Mega |

Sándor Berecki
An Anthropomorphic Figurine Belonging to the Coţofeni Culture from Sângeorgiu de Mureş 7

Tibor-Tamás Daróczi
Crescent Rising. Semi-Circular-Shaped Pendants from Bronze Age Funerary Contexts of the
Eastern Carpathian Basin 15

József Puskás – Lóránt Darvas

Late Bronze Age Pottery Deposits from the Site of Sâncrăieni / Csíkszentkirály–Kőoldal (Harghita
County, Romania) 51

Aurora Pețan
Grădiştea de Munte–Sub Cununi (Hunedoara County). The File of a Forgotten Archaeological Site 79

Szilamér-Péter Pánczél – Mátyás Bajusz

Searching for the North-Eastern Angle Tower of the Auxiliary Fort of Călugăreni / Mikháza 99

Szilamér-Péter Pánczél – Katalin Sidó – Orsolya Szilágyi

The Excavations at the North-Eastern Angle Tower of the Auxiliary Fort of Călugăreni / Mikháza 111

László Szekernyés – Szilamér-Péter Pánczél

Roman Rotary Querns from Călugăreni / Mikháza 143

Dorottya Nyulas
When a Long-Lost Inscription (CIL III, 944) Suddenly Grows. About a Manuscript Regarding
Roman Discoveries from Călugăreni / Mikháza 165

Beáta Barbocz
Germanic Stamped Pottery Vessels from Early Avar Age Cemeteries in Transylvania 191

Mária-Márta Kovács
A Tentative Reconstruction of Two Dispersed Sets of 17th Century Beakers 203

Miklós Székely
Attila deasupra orașului. Programul iconografic al grupului statuar realizat de József Róna pe
faţada Muzeului Industrial Secuiesc 211

Abbreviations 231


The article presents an anthropomorphic figurine discovered incidentally in 2009 in Sângeorgiu de Mureş.
The fragmentary figurine can be dated to the third phase of the Coţofeni culture and presents a person with
arms in an orans position. Figurines similar to this specific type were discovered in several contemporary
settlements in Transylvania as well as in the neighbouring regions.

Keywords: anthropomorphic figurine, Late Copper Age / Early Bronze Age, Coţofeni culture, Mureş
Cuvinte cheie: figurină antropomorfă, eneolitic / epoca bronzului timpuriu, cultura Coţofeni, valea

The Late Copper Age / Early Bronze Age settle‑ Dealului with incidental finds; 4. Sângeorgiu de
ment from Sângeorgiu de Mureş–Mariaffy Cha- Mureş–Cânepişti also with incidental finds of
pel can be found on the left side of the Mureş Copper Age pottery; 5. Sângeorgiu de Mureş–
River on a terrace of a medium height, on the Dealul Bunii / Buna-hegy, researched in the ’80s
right of the road that leads from Târgu Mureş by Valeriu Lazăr.
to Reghin (DN 15), close to the entrance to The archaeological site of Sângeorgiu de
Sângeorgiu de Mureş from Târgu Mureş, on Mureş–Máriaffy Chapel (Fig. 2) – which most
the territory of the cemetery situated around a probably is part of the same settlement as the
chapel. This plateau is in fact the first terrace of site at Hippodrome – is known in the literature
the Mureş found outside the floodplain, a pla‑ due to some incidental discoveries from 1951
teau which follows the river from the region of and the excavations of Székely Zoltán from
Reghin until Târgu Mureş, in certain parts frag‑ 1957.1 The excavations conducted at approxi‑
mented by secondary valleys of streams, tribu‑ mately 8 m (surface of 6 × 4 m) respectively to
taries of the Mureş. Close to the site from the 25 m westwards (section of 10 × 1 m) from the
chapel other five contemporary settlements are chapel a dwelling was unearthed with a 40 mm
known from the end of the Copper Age and the thick adobe floor. Here, also the stratigraphy
beginning of the Bronze Age (Fig. 1): 1. at the of the site was identified, consisting of a lower
former hippodrome from Târgu Mureş, to the archaeological layer of 0.30–0.50 m with rich
northeast from the County Clinical Hospital; 2. material coming from the Coţofeni culture, and
Sângeorgiu de Mureş–Sub Ghera / Gyéra-alja, an upper layer of 0.30–0.40 m. The archaeologi‑
researched through systematic excavations by cal material, largely unpublished, dates from the
Zoltán Székely; 3. Sângeorgiu de Mureş–Vârful third phase of the Coţofeni culture.

Sándor Berecki, Mureş County Museum, Târgu Mureş, RO,
Székely 1959.

MARISIA 3, 2021, p. 7–14.

8 S. Berecki

Fig. 1. The location of the site and other contemporary sites from the region
mapped on the first Austrian military survey (1763–1785).

The cemetery around the chapel is still in use side. On the back side the ornament is separated
even today, and with the occasion of digging new in two dials by an incised central line, flanked
graves in 2009 new finds were unearthed, among on both sides by two oblique rows of three cir‑
which besides the pottery fragments also a spin‑ cular stabbed patterns, followed by Furchenstich
dle whorl and a slightly fragmented anthropo‑ type oblique lines towards the center of the
morphic representation came to light (Fig. 3). piece. On the two sides of the object horizontal
The anthropomorphic representation recov‑ rows can be found, executed also through suc‑
ered in three pieces is part of the flat type, with a cessive stabbed motifs. The decoration compiled
wide neck, rounded, oval in section, short arms through successive ‘stab-and-drag’ (Furchen-
with narrow ends in orans position, with slen‑ stich) technique a combination of the A-Roman
der hip, thin and a missing lower part. type and the K-Roman type, was almost exclu‑
The preserved lower part of the object is dec‑ sively used with the incrustation, largely spread
orated, each side bares a different motif, on the especially in the center of Transylvania.2
front side a horizontal row of successive elon‑ The sex of the representation could not be
gated stabbed pattern, situated obliquely, under defined. The clay from which the artefact was
which oblique rows of Furchenstich type succes‑ produced as well as the production technique
sive stabbed motif forms one triangle on each does not differ from the one used for the make of

Roman 1976, 28, 46, pl. 46/8; 118.
An Anthropomorphic Figurine Belonging to the Coţofeni Culture from Sângeorgiu de Mureş 9

Fig. 2. The location of the site Sângeorgiu de Mureş–Máriaffy Chapel (photo: S. Berecki, 18 September 2014).

recipients: the paste is homogenous, tempered Anthropomorphic figurines are known from
with sand and pebbles, oxidizing irregular fir‑ Agrişteu (two pieces), Boarta–Cetăţuie (two
ing, which resulted in a grey core and a brownish pieces), Câlnic (two pieces), Cicău, Leliceni–
brick-red slightly smoothed surface with black Locul Oprit (three pieces), Lopadea Veche,
fringes. Height: 88.1 mm; diameter at the hands: Modoia, Petreşti–Groapa Galbenă, Pianu de
73.9 mm; diameter of the hip: 44.7 mm; diam‑ Jos, Poiana Ampoiului, Răchita–Vârful Zăpozii,
eter of the neck: 28.9 mm; thickness: 15.7 mm. Războieni, Râmnicu Vâlcea–Copăcelu-Valea
Anthropomorphic figurines are specific ob‑ Răii, Săcuieni (three pieces from which two are
jects of Neolithic and Early Copper Age settle‑ typical Coţofeni and one specific to the Baden
ments from southeastern Europe. After a period culture), Sebeş–Râpa Roşie, Straja, Şeuşa–Gor-
in which they do not appear, such objects reap‑ gan (13 pieces), Turdaş (two pieces), Unirea–
pear in the settlements from the end of the Cop‑ Dealul Cămării (two pieces), Vâlcele, and in the
per Age and the beginning of the Bronze Age, collection of E. Orosz.5 Most of the artefacts can
rarely also in the Middle Bronze Age3 or the first be dated to the third phase of the Coţofeni cul‑
part of the Iron Age.4 ture, except the finds from Leliceni (Coţofeni
In the Coţofeni culture such human repre‑ I), Unirea, and Turdaş (Coţofeni II).6 Their
sentations appear in all chronological phases. predominance inside the Carpathian Arch,

Kacsó 2019.
Berecki 2013.
Roska 1941, 302, pl. CXXIX/20; Roth 1943; Paul 1969; Dumitraşcu–Togan 1971; Roman 1976, pl. 51/5–12;
Lazăr 1979; Ciugudean 1983; Petre-Govora 1995; Ciugudean 2000, 39–40, pl. 117–118; Luca 2001, 92; Popa et
al. 2004; Tatár 2006; Tuţulescu 2008; Popa 2012; Popa–Ciută 2016.
Popa 2004, 130.
10 S. Berecki

but frequently they are found in

such fragmented state that the
entire ornament of the objects
cannot be reconstructed. The
most widespread decorations are
the executed through incisions
or stabbing. From the point of
view of the ‘message’ the decora‑
tions can be considered symbolic
designs, which most probably
illustrate elements of clothing,
clothing accessories, and jewelry
or hairstyles.
In some cases, like on one of the
three representations from Leli‑
ceni and on the piece from Vâl‑
cele details concerning the sex of
the representation are illustrated
through small round protrusion
indicating breasts. On the artefact
from Pianu de Jos and from Şeuşa,
as well as most likely on the ones
from Agrişteu, Boarta, Unirea,
and Valea Răii also the pubic tri‑
angle is illustrated with a decora‑
tion. However, in most of the cases
Fig. 3. The anthropomorphic figurine from details indicating sex are miss‑
Sângeorgiu de Mureş–Máriaffy Chapel. ing. Thus, even though, when the
defining elements of the sex are
represented and these indicate the
especially along the middle course of the Mureş female sex, defining these anthro‑
River, can be explained through the local cul‑ pomorphic representations as exclusively femi‑
tural background or the cultural contacts with nine figurines9 is questionable. It is arguable that
the western neighboring regions.7 in some cases the maker consciously sought to
In most cases however, these objects come leave out sexual elements, creating deliberately
from the culture layer of the settlements without an asexual or sexless figurine.10 The artefacts
a well defined archaeological context. In Şeuşa– from the Copper Age in the Balkans were seen
Gorgan, Boarta–Cetăţuie, and Unirea–Dealul as representations of individuals, reflecting a
Cămării they were discovered in houses, while society which was not limited to a simple male–
one of the artefacts from Şeuşa–Gorgan was female division, but included individuals who
found in a pit with possible ritual character.8 were neither male nor female.11
The majority of the anthropomorphic figu‑ Extremely rarely the eyes are represented
rines from the Late Copper Age are decorated, on such figurines through perforations.12

Rişcuţa 1996, 75.
Popa–Ciută 2016, 166.
Rişcuţa 1996, 70.
Berecki 2013, 317.
Bailey 1994, 329.
Popa–Ciută 2016, 168.
An Anthropomorphic Figurine Belonging to the Coţofeni Culture from Sângeorgiu de Mureş 11

Fig. 4. Sângeorgiu de Mureş on the distribution map of the Coţofeni culture anthropomorphic
figurines (base map by L. Rupnik). 1. Agrişteu; 2. Boarta; 3. Câlnic; 4. Cicău; 5. Leliceni; 6. Lopadea
Veche; 7. Modoia; 8. Petreşti; 9. Pianu de Jos; 10. Poiana Ampoiului; 11. Răchita; 12. Războieni; 13.
Râmnicu Vâlcea; 14. Săcuieni; 15. Sebeş; 16. Straja; 17. Şeuşa; 18. Turdaş; 19. Unirea; 20. Vâlcele.

Additional anatomical details are missing. When The deliberate fragmentation of the statuettes
such figurines were preserved integrally it could was a custom frequently presumed in the case of
be observed that their hands are raised up in an prehistoric communities, connected to certain
orans position (Agrişteu, Boarta, Leliceni, Lopa‑ rituals and magical practices. The abandonment
dea Veche, Pianu de Jos, Săcuieni, Şeuşa, Uni‑ of the objects and their frequent appearance
rea). This position of the human body appears in the archaeological layer and rarely in closed
also on the pottery of the Baden culture as well contexts still raises certain questions about their
as in the cotemporary Aegean-Anatolian area.13 role connected to ritual practice or their func‑
Due to the fragmentary state of the majority of tion as representations of certain deities. There‑
the artefacts the inferior part of the objects can‑ fore, due to the lack of conclusive circumstances
not be reconstructed. However, from a typologi‑ of discovery in all cases, it is impossible to firmly
cal point of view the flat figurines, such as the determine if these objects ornamented on both
one from Sângeorgiu de Mureş, are considered sides were ceremonial accessories, gods, toys,
to have had a disk-shaped lower part, just as the apotropaic figurines or game pieces.15 In each
ones from Agrişteu, Câlnic, Modoia, Pianu de case however, they were expressions of a com‑
Jos, Turdaş, Unirea, and the one from the Orosz mon symbolic language reflecting the common
collection. Yet, it cannot be excluded that some identity construct of the Late Copper Age /
of the objects had also legs represented simi‑ Early Bronze Age Coţofeni communities.
larly to those from the contemporary cultural
medium of the Baden culture.14

Ciugudean 2000, 40.
Bondár 1999, 4–7. kép; Kalicz 2002.
Berecki 2013, 318.
12 S. Berecki


Bailey 1994
D. W. Bailey, Reading Prehistoric Figurines as Individuals, World Archaeology 25, 3, 321–331.
Berecki 2013
S. Berecki, An Early Iron Age Anthropomorphic Clay Figurine from Târgu Mureş, Studii în
onoarea lui Tiberiu Bader la 75 de ani. StComSM XXIX/1, 313–319.
Bondár 1999
M. Bondár, A Badeni Kultúra újabb és „elfelejtett” idoljai, WMMÉ 21, 1999, 39–59.
Ciugudean 1983
H. Ciugudean, Noi piese de plastică antropomorfă aparţinând culturii Coţofeni, Apulum XXI,
1983, 49–52.
Ciugudean 2000
H. Ciugudean, Eneoliticul final în Transilvania şi Banat: cultura Coţofeni (Timișoara 2000)
Dumitraşcu – Togan 1971
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Kacsó 2019
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Lazăr 1979
V. Lazăr, Aşezări de înălţime cu terase Coţofeni în Transilvania, Marisia IX, 1979, 27–38.
Luca 2001
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Petre-Govora 1995
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în preistorie, Apulum XLI, 2004, 113–145.
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Popa – Ciută 2016
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An Anthropomorphic Figurine Belonging to the Coţofeni Culture from Sângeorgiu de Mureş 13

Rişcuţa 1996
C. Rişcuţa, Plastica antropomorfă a culturii Coţofeni, BCȘS 2, 1996, 69–76.
Roman 1976
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Roska 1941
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Tatár 2006
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Tuţulescu 2008
I. Tuţulescu, Câteva contribuţii la cunoaşterea culturii Coţofeni de pe raza municipiului
Râmnicu Valcea. Cercetările arheologice din anul 2002 de la Valea Răii-Copăcelu, StudUCH
5, 2008, 17–27.

ActaArchHung Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

ActaMN Acta Musei Napocensis
AISC Anuarul Institutului de Studii Clasice Cluj
Aluta Aluta. Studii și cercetări
AnB Analele Banatului (Serie nouă 2006–)
Angustia Angustia. Muzeul Carpaţilor Răsăriteni
AnnUA-Hist Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica
Antiquity Antiquity. A Quarterly Review of Archaeology
Apulum Apulum. Acta Musei Apulensis
ArchÉrt Archaeologiai Értesítő
ArchHung Archaeologia Hungarica
ArchKorr Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt
ArchSlovMonComm Archaeologica Slovaca Monographiae: Communicationes
Argesis Argesis. Studii și comunicări
AVSL Archiv des Vereins für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde
Banatica Banatica, Muzeul Banatului Montan
BB Bibliotheca Brukenthal
BCȘS Buletinul Cercurilor Științifice Studențești
BeitUfGMMKR Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte des Mittelmeer-Kulturraumes
BerRGK Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission
BICA Bullettino dell’Instituto di corrispondenza archeologica = Bulletin de l’Institut
de correspondance archéologique
BHAUT Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Universitatis Timisiensis
BJ Bonner Jahrbücher
BMA Bibliotheca Musei Apulensis
BMM Bibliotheca Musei Marisiensis
BudRég Budapest Régiségei
CA Cercetări Arheologice
Carpica Carpica. Muzeul Județean Iulian Antonescu
CCAR Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România
CH Cahiers d’Histoire. Publiés par les Universités de Clermont-Ferrand
CommArchHung Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae
Dacia (N. S.) Dacia. Recherches et décuvertes archéologiques en Roumanie, I–XII (1924–
1948), Nouvelle série (N. S.): Dacia. Revue d’archéologie et d’histoire anciene
DDMÉ A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve
DissArch Dissertationes Archaelogicae ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de
Rolando Eötvös Nominatae
DM Dissertationes et monographiae Beograd
DolgKolozsvár (Ú.S.) Dolgozatok az Erdélyi Nemzeti Múzeum Érem- és Régiségtárából, (Új sorozat
DolgSzeged Dolgozatok a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Régiségtudományi Intézetéből
EDR Ephemeris Dacoromana
EMúz Erdélyi Múzeum
232 M. Székely

EphemNap Ephemeris Napocensis

HOMÉ A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve
IA Internationale Archäologie
ICA Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology
IPH Inventaria Praehistorica Hungariae
JAHA Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology
JAAH Journal of Archaeology and Ancient History
JASc Journal of Archaeological Science
JbRGZM Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums
JRA Journal of Roman Archaeology
JRS Journal of Roman Studies
KM Keresztény Magvető. Az Erdélyi Unitárius Egyház Folyóirata
KuBA Kölner und Bonner Archaeologica
Lymbus Lymbus. Magyarságtudományi Forrásközlemények
Marisia Marisia (V–XXXV): Studii şi Materiale
Marisia-AHP Marisia: Archaeologia, Historia, Patrimonium
MCA Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice
MFMÉ (StudArch) A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve, (Studia Archaeologica 1995–)
MGLDMS (N. F.) Magazin für Geschichte, Literatur und alle Denk- und Merkwürdigkeiten
Siebenbürgens, Neue Folge
Mousaios Mousaios. Muzeul Județean Buzău
MSVFG Marburger Studien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte
MűvtÉrt Művészettörténeti Értesítő
NuclInstMethPhys-Sect. B Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B
OJA Oxford Journal of Archaeology
PAS Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa
PBF Prähistorische Bronzefunde
Radiocarbon Radiocarbon. An International Journal of Cosmogenic Isotope Research
ReiCretActa Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta
RégFüz Régészeti Füzetek
RevBis Revista Bistriţei. Complexul Judeţean Muzeal Bistriţa-Năsăud
Sargetia (S.N.) Sargetia. Acta Musei Devensis
SBA Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde
SCIV(A) Studii şi Cercetări de Istorie Veche (şi Arheologie 1974–)
SlovArch Slovenská Archeológia
StCl Studii Clasice
StComSibiu Studii şi comunicări. Muzeul Brukenthal
StComSM Studii şi Comunicări Satu Mare
SUBB-Historia Studia Universitatis Babeş–Bolyai, series Historia
StudUCH Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis, Series Historica
Terra Sebus Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis
Thraco-Dacica Thraco-Dacica. Institutul de Arheologie “Vasile Pârvan” Centrul de Tracologie
Tisicum Tisicum. A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve
Tyragetia Tyragetia. The National Museum of History of Moldova
UPA Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie
VAH Varia Archaeologica Hungarica
WMMÉ A Wosinsky Mór Múzeum Évkönyve
ZPE Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik

With a publishing tradition since 1965, in 2019 the annual of the Mureș County Museum initiated a new
series entitled: Marisia. Archaeologia, Historia, Patrimonium. The publication provides a panel for new
research results in archeology, architecture and material heritage of the history of arts and culture. The
studies mainly focus on the inner Transylvanian region that encompasses also Mureş County. Beyond local
valuable contributions, the annual aims at a regional and global concern that is relevant for the whole
of Transylvania. Among the annual’s missions is to provide mutual interpretation of the research results
produced by the Romanian and Hungarian scientific workshops. Therefore, the annual articles are mainly
in English but based on the field of research and the approached topic studies in German, Romanian or
Hungarian are also accepted.

Cu o tradiție din anul 1965, anuarul Muzeului Județean Mureș s-a relansat în 2019 sub titlul Marisia.
Archaeologia, Historia, Patrimonium. Această publicație se descrie ca o platformă științifică care cuprinde
rezultatele cercetărilor în domenii precum: arheologia, arhitectura și patrimoniul material din zona istoriei
artelor și a culturii, studii localizate în regiunea centrală a Transilvaniei, din care face parte județul Mureș.
In extenso, anuarul își propune să ofere un spațiu unitar contribuțiilor științifice valoroase, relevante din
perspectiva geografică a ceea ce înseamnă întreaga regiune a Transilvaniei. Una dintre misiunile publicației
este aceea de a oferi tuturor celor interesați spațiul de schimb pentru cele mai noi rezultate din atelierele
științifice românești și maghiare. Articolele anuarului sunt scrise în general în limba engleză, existând
totodată articole scrise în germană, română și maghiară, în funcție de specificul domeniului și a temei

A Maros Megyei Múzeum 1965 óta megjelenő évkönyvének 2019-ben útjára bocsátott új sorozata, a Marisia.
Archaeologia, Historia, Patrimonium elsősorban a mai Maros megyét is magába foglaló belső-erdélyi
régió régészeti, épített és tárgyi örökségére, nemkülönben az ezekhez kapcsolódó művészettörténeti,
művelődéstörténeti kérdésekre vonatkozó újabb kutatások tudományos fóruma. A lokális perspektíván túl
igyekszik kitekinteni a regionális és univerzális összefüggésekre, így a tágan értelmezett Erdély területére
nézve is közöl kiemelkedő értékkel bíró tanulmányokat. Küldetésének tekinti a hazai román és magyar
tudományos műhelyekben született eredmények kölcsönös tolmácsolását. A dolgozatok nyelve főként az
angol, de szakterülettől és témától függően német, román vagy magyar nyelven is közöl írásokat.

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