RTG CPR Interfaceredvol3
RTG CPR Interfaceredvol3
RTG CPR Interfaceredvol3
We’re not done. The Free DLCs are going to keep coming, so keep watching rtalsoriangames.com for monthly RED content…or your
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hundreds of pages of free Cyberpunk Senior Game Designer
RED DLCs. & Mayor of Balance Town
Going Metal..................................................... 91
Welcome back, Gamemaster, to the third installment of the Hardened series of Cyberpunk RED DLCs! In
this issue, we give the Cyberpunk RED core rulebook’s Mini Bosses the Hardened Treatment, and we even
throw in some new ones to help you level the playing field with your bullet-dodging, explosive-chucking,
head-shotting death merchant Player Characters. Since this is part three, we’re turning up the heat even
higher! Be warned, if you don’t have a Hardened Crew, these Hardened Mini Bosses are going to ring some
church bells.
As with all Hardened Opponents, the following Mini Bosses are not designed to wipe the floor with a
Hardened Crew but to challenge them without disrupting game economy or scaling up the number of enemy
combatants in an encounter.
Before we get into it, here are your final warnings, ignore them at your own risk: Any encounter involving a
Hardened Mini Boss is balanced to be deadlier. Stringing multiple such encounters together in a single job or
fielding them against non-Hardened Crews is a recipe for a Character funeral.
5 25
NAME Hardened Arasaka Assassin rep Seriously
Martial Arts Attack ROF2 3d6 Light Armorjack SP 11
skill bases
Athletics 10•Brawling 16•Concentration 10•Conversation 7•Education 8•Evasion 16•First Aid 8
Human Perception 7•Interrogation 13•Language (Native) 10•Language (Streetslang) 8•Local Expert (Their Home) 8
Martial Arts (Karate) 16•Melee Weapon 16•Perception 8•Persuasion 7•Resist Torture/Drugs 16•Stealth 16
Tactics 14
Smoke Grenade•Anti-Smog Breathing Mask•Disposable Cellphone x2
Cybereye w/Lowlight/Infrared/UV x2•Neural Link w/Sandevistan
Keep these two in your back pocket for when your Players do something you didn’t expect: the Executive Protection
can keep the story flowing while acting as a temporary wall to progress, and the Assassin can slow things way
down with an immediate, challenging encounter while you figure something out.
3 30
NAME Hardened Executive Protection rep Seriously
3 28
NAME Hardened Militech Veteran rep Seriously
Heavy Pistol ROF2 3d6 Light Armorjack SP 11
skill bases
Athletics 16•Brawling 16•Concentration 10•Conversation 6•Education 8•Evasion 16•First Aid 8•Handgun 16
Human Perception 6•Interrogation 13•Language (Native) 10•Language (Streetslang) 8•Local Expert (Their Home) 8
Paramedic 10•Perception 8•Persuasion 7•Resist Torture/Drugs 16•Shoulder Arms 16•Stealth 16•Tactics 14
Armor Piercing H Pistol Ammo x10•Armor Piercing Rifle Ammo x10•Armor Piercing Shotgun Slug x10•Black Lace x4
Radio Communicator
Grafted Muscle and Bone Lace
Don’t forget the benefits gained from gear, cyberware, and Role Abilities! Add the Hardened Outrider’s Moto Rank
to their vehicle handling Skill Checks. Figure out if the Hardened Militech Veteran has huffed a dose of Black Lace
before combat begins. They make a difference!
3 25
NAME Hardened Outrider rep Seriously
6 25
NAME Hardened Pyro rep Seriously
Solo: Combat Awareness 4 Death
role Tech: Maker 2 (Fabrication Exp 1•Field Exp 1•Upgrade Exp 2) save
weapons armor
EQ Flamethrower ROF1 3d6 Light Armorjack SP 11
PQ Rocket Launcher ROF1 8d6 Light Armorjack SP 11
skill bases
Athletics 10•Brawling 16•Concentration 10•Conversation 4•Demolitions 16•Education 12•Evasion 16•First Aid 10
Heavy Weapons 16•Human Perception 4•Language (Native) 12•Language (Streetslang) 10
Local Expert (Their Home) 10•Perception 10•Persuasion 7•Resist Torture/Drugs 16•Science (Chemistry) 16
Stealth 16•Weaponstech 16
Incendiary Shotgun Shell Ammo x16•Incendiary Rocket Ammo x1•Flashbang Grenade x1•Synthcoke x4
Artificial Shoulder Mount•Cyberarm x2•Cyberaudio Suite w/Level Dampners•Cybereye x2 w/Anti-Dazzle
Immediately impactful in combat, these two will teach your players the stakes of Hardened Combat
encounters quickly and can escape easily for later appearances due to their long range weaponry. Plus, the
Hardened Pyro used their Maker Role Ability to invent and fabricate Incendiary Rocket Ammunition!
5 23
NAME Hardened Sniper rep Seriously
▶ NPC Sheet
role Death
weapons armor
skill bases
role Death
weapons armor
skill bases
Want to make your own Hardened Mini-Bosses? Use these blank sheets!
You have full permission to copy and print them as much as you like.
digital dating
in the dark future
Writing and Design by James Hutt and J Gray
Editing by BJ Hensley and J Gray•Art Direction by Winterjaye Kovach
Business Management by Lisa Pondsmith•Layout by J Gray
either the
Cyberpunk hy should I let my players Datepath?
RED core w h y s h o u l d i l e t m y p l a y e r s d a t e p a t h w h y s h o u l d i l e t
rulebook or the
Cargo Containers Esteemed Gamemaster, have you run out of relationships to reference from the Lifepaths your players rolled
& Cube Hotels
DLC, available during Character Generation? Well, it may be time for those Characters to forge new relationships! The Datepath
for free on the also creates an opportunity for Characters who rolled no friends or enemies to become more connected to the
RTG website.
world through a potential significant other (or terrible date!). Don’t worry, the Datepath won’t break your game.
For a seasoned Gamemaster like you, your Player Characters having more allies (or, at the very least, new
acquaintances) just means they have more second hand enemies and more potential adventure hooks for you
to mine to create even more fun at your game table.
he Datepath
t h e d a t e p a t h t h e d a t e p a t h t h e d a t e p a t h t h e d a t e p a t h
Now give your Match a first name! You don’t know anything else about
them. That’s what the first date is for! [ Go to Where is Your Date? ]
3 New Westbrook (go to page 13) 3 University District (go to page 16)
City in the core
rulebook. See 4 Morro Rock (go to page 13) 4 Little China (go to page 17)
CP:R page
5 Executive Zone (go to page 14) 5 Old Japantown (go to page 17)
6 Heywood Industrial Zone (go to page 14) 6 The Glen (go to page 17)
7 Heywood (Santo Domingo) (go to page 14) 7 Old Combat Zone (go to page 18)
8 Rancho Coronado (go to page 15) 8 South Night City (go to page 18)
9 Outskirts (go to page 15) 9 Hot Zone (go to page 18)
10 Reclaimed Perimeter (go to page 15) 10 Pacifica Playground (go to page 19)
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
Need inspiration
or new ideas for 1 Golf, anyone?
bars, clubs, and
restaurants? 2 Fancy a round of tennis on a real organic grass court?
Check out 20
Hotspots in 3 Brunch at your Date's favorite spot.
Night City,
located in the 4 Pool Party at a Beaverville McMansion
RED Data 5 Drinks in the business lounge of the Country Club.
Pack. 6 Masquerade Party in the mansion of a rather recently deceased Exec.
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
▶ Outskirts Date ◀
Your Date is probably a Nomad! Roll 1d6.
1d6 Date
1 Let's go on a hike!
2 My Family let me borrow our Gyrocopter.
3 Foraging for mushrooms is fun, I promise!
4 Have you ever tried archery?
5 Let's go off-roading in the badlands!
6 Your Date says they know where to find a secret waterfall.
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1d6 Date
1 You learn something new about them. Roll on the Keywords Table (see page 11) until you get a new keyword for your date.
2 They tell you about one of their friends. Roll on the Your Friends Table (see CP:R page 51).
3 They tell you about their Edgerunner job. Use the appropriate Role-Based Lifepath (see CP:R page 53).
4 You immediately discover something you have in common.
5 They have a positive trait of your choice that was not apparent from their profile.
6 They are very attractive. Possibly Bodysculpted.
1 You learn something new about them. Roll on the Keywords Table (see page 11) until you get a new keyword for your date.
2 They vent about one of their enemies. Roll on the Your Enemies Table (see CP:R page 51).
They tell you about a previous relationship. Roll 1d10. On Evens, the relationship ended well. On Odds, roll on the Your Tragic Love
Affairs Table (see CP:R page 52).
4 You learn about their family. Roll on the Your Original Family Background Table (see CP:R page 49).
5 They surprise you with a 20eb (Everyday) gift of the GM’s choosing.
6 They stay quiet and spend the entire time listening to you talk.
1 They confide in you, talking about their life’s goal. Roll on the Your Life Goal Table (see CP:R page 53).
2 They give you helpful advice of the GM’s choosing.
3 You learn about their values and outlook on life. Roll on the Your Motivations and Relationships Table (see CP:R page 48).
4 They are really into you and want another date. Skip the Do They Say They Want Another Date? and Aftermath sections.
5 You learn about one of their incredible talents (GM’s choice). They have a Base 16 in the appropriate Skill.
6 The date ended too soon to learn anything more!
No, no, not at all. Turns out she had just gone in for Exotic
Bodysculpting, which was a real shame. I’m allergic to cats.
— Mark from little Europe
They tell you about three of their most recent tragic romances.
Roll three times on the Your Tragic Love Affair Table (see CP:R page 52).
2 Your Date is not the person from the pictures on their profile.
3 Your Date brought their friend along for the occasion. To see who, roll on the Your Friends Table (see CP:R page 51).
4 Your Date is wearing something strange, even by Night City standards.
5 Your Date has a gang affiliation of the GM’s choosing and shows up in Gang Colors.
6 Your Date has a lot of cybernetics. A dangerous amount. They might be sparking.
1 They are really into you and want another date. Skip the Do They Say They Want Another Date? and Aftermath sections.
2 You learn about their values and outlook on life. Roll on the Your Motivations and Relationships Tables (see CP:R page 48).
3 They insist on showing you their “good luck charm”. Roll on the Most Valued Possession You Own Table (see CP:R page 48).
4 They give you helpful advice of the GM’s choosing.
5 They give you 50eb (Costly) worth of Street Drugs and/or Ammunition of the GM’s choosing as a gift.
6 The date ended too soon to learn anything more!
▶ Aftermath ◀
Roll 1d10.
On 1 to 8, you haven’t been ghosted, and they’ll contact you again.
[ Go to The Start of a New Romance? ]
On a 9 or 10, you’ve been ghosted. You won’t hear from them again, at least regarding a second
date... but be warned, Night City can be a frighteningly small space when it wants to be!
woodchipper’s garage
weapons that go boom!
W oodchipper’s boomsticks
w o o d c h i p p e r s b o o m s t i c k s w o o d c h i p p e r s b o o m s t i c k s
▶ Biotechnica Enviro-launcher
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
I don’t remember where I got these. I think I traded a crate of Stolbovoys to a pack up north for them. They’ve been
sitting in my garage for months, and I haven’t been able to locate any information about them on the Data Pool,
so I assume they work as intended.
An Exotic Rocket Launcher that can only be fired once. Once fired, as an Action, you can twist the handle to crush
a vial of reactive enzyme, which will decompose the weapon entirely in one hour.
▶ Flare Gun
Cost: 100eb (Premium)
Everybody needs a flare gun. Even if it’s just for celebrating your choomba’s quinceañera, one of these will really
light up their special night.
A One Handed Exotic Grenade Launcher with a one shot capacity. Too bulky to be installed in Pop-up cyberware.
In addition to all Grenade Ammunition, the Flare Gun can fire road flares (see CP:R page 351) using the Grenade
Launcher Range Table. These road flares do not explode or cause damage but can be seen for up to 3 miles away
while in the air. Once they land, they act as a typical road flare.
▶ Militech Aegis
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)
These are pretty ancient, actually. I recovered them from a sunken airtight shipping container that I think was
supposed to be delivered to the NCPD for testing. The date on the manifest was a week after the Fourth Corporate
War hit Night City. Supposed to be “less-lethal” – whatever that means.
A Poor Quality Exotic Shotgun fired with the Heavy Weapons Skill instead of the Shoulder Arms Skill. Mechanically,
the Aegis is a shotgun that can only fire using the Shotgun Shell alternate firing mode, except it deals 4d6 instead
of 3d6 damage. Additionally, instead of using ammunition, whenever this weapon is fired it drains one of 8 charges
from its easily rechargeable (1 hour) battery pack. Damage dealt by this weapon cannot cause a Critical Injury
and does not ablate armor. If damage dealt by this weapon would reduce a target to under 1 HP they are instead
Unconscious at 1HP.
▶ Militech Archimedes
Cost: 5,000eb (Luxury)
I’ll level with you. You can only really get these if you raid a Militech installation in the dead of night all quiet like.
Otherwise, they’ll fire them before you can get close. Those jarheads got into their field to be the one pushing the
big red button after all. They don’t even hesitate.
Once you get the bulky olive plastic carrying case open, the controls are pretty easy to grasp. Only requires a bit
of basic flying and the right cyberware. The rocket’s targeting system does most of the work.
The Archimedes is an Excellent Quality Exotic Rocket Launcher fired using the Pilot Air Vehicle Skill instead of the
Heavy Weapons Skill. It can only fire Smart Rockets. The weapon will not function unless its user has Targeting
Scope cyberware. Each purchase comes with one Smart Rocket.
Single Rate
Weapon Weapon Standard Hands Can be
Shot of Fire Cost
Name Skill Magazine Required Concealed?
Damage (ROF)
Check each Biotechnica 1 500eb
weapon’s full Heavy Weapons 8d6 1 2 NO
description Enviro-launcher (Rocket) (Expensive)
for additional Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Explosive•Decomposable
rules and
information. BudgetArms 2 500eb
Heavy Weapons 8d6 1 2 NO
Triple Threat (Rocket) (Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Explosive•Integrated PQ Grenade Launcher
1 100eb
Flare Gun Heavy Weapons 6d6 1 1 NO
(Grenade) (Premium)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Explosive•Roadflare
Midnight Arms 4 1,000eb
Heavy Weapons 8d6 1 2 NO
SDF-45 (Rocket) (V Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Explosive•Double Launch•Max Range 400 m/yd
8 1,000eb
Militech Aegis Heavy Weapons 4d6 1 2 NO
(Battery) (V Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: PQ•Shotgun Shell•Less than Lethal
1 5,000eb
Militech Archimedes Pilot Air Vehicle 8d6 1 2 NO
(Rocket) (Luxury)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: EQ•Explosive•Smart Rockets Only
1 1,000eb
Nomad Air Cannon Shoulder Arms N/A 1 2 NO
(Special) (V Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Shotgun Shell•Liquid Ammo Only
Pursuit Security Inc. 3 500eb
Heavy Weapons N/A 1 2 NO
TearJerker (Grenade) (Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: EQ•Smoke or Teargas Ammo Only
SlamDance Ballistic Melee Weapon/ 1 1,000eb
4d6 1 2 NO
Harpoon Heavy Weapons (Harpoon) (V Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Melee Weapon•Fired using Bow & Crossbow Range
Sternmeyer M-02 80 1,000eb
Heavy Weapons 5d6 1 2 NO
Heavy Rifle (Special) (V Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Unique Ammo•Single Shot Only
Towa Pocket 1 500eb
Heavy Weapons 8d6 1 2 YES
Launcher (Rocket) (Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Smartgun Link•Unique Ammo•Collapsable
UrbanTech Burst 4 1,000eb
Heavy Weapons 3d6 1 2 NO
Flamethrower (Shell) (V Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Shotgun Shell•Burst Explosion
Finally, if you’re salvaging inside an area technically demolishing the old so they can build up the new,
owned by a company, like a scrapyard, you might run but there’s still plenty of old, broken tech and hidden
into the two nastiest gangs of all: Corporate security and treasures deep inside. Just be careful of the scavvers
NCPD. There’s nothing worse than an armed bully who and the radioactive hot spots.
thinks they have the moral high ground and the legal
protection to do anything the hell they want to you. ▶ Combat Zones ◀
Right now, there are four areas of Night City most people
Salvaging Locations consider Combat Zones: South Night City, the Old Combat
In talking about the dangers you’ll encounter, I men- Zone, Old Japantown, and Little China. These areas tend
tioned some specific locations. And chances are, you to be a mixture of semi-habitable neighborhoods and old
already have some ideas but here’s a breakdown of wrecked, rotting buildings. Most of the good stuff’s already
common salvaging locations in Night City. been salvaged by the residents, junk dealers, and gangs,
but sometimes you can find a good score.
▶ The Hot Zone ◀
That big, roughly circular pile of wreckage in the
▶ Scrapyards ◀
middle of the city. Used to be a major Corp Plaza. Night City’s constantly rebuilding these days. Old build-
Now, it is nothing but ruins. Every year, the city junta ings come down. New buildings go up. All the junk being
scrapes away more at the edges of the Hot Zone, demolished has to go somewhere. And that somewhere
▶ Perils of Salvaging
What Happened
A structure collapsed on top of you. Take 6d6 damage (reduced by armor). You also take a Critical Injury.
Roll on the Critical Injuries to the Body table (see cP:R page 221) to determine which.
2 You get into a firefight. Take 6d6 damage (reduced by armor).
You are exposed to High Level Radiation (see CP:R page 181) for 1d10 rounds.
A Radiation Suit negates the effect.
You fall 30m/yds after the ground beneath you collapses, taking 6d6 damage (reduced by armor) unless
you have a Grapple Hand or Gun or are able to grab the edge (see CP:R page 181).
You are exposed to a pocket of toxic gas (treat as a Vial of Biotoxin, see CP:R page 355) for 1 round.
An Anti-Smog Breathing Mask or oxygen supply negates the effect.
6 You touch a live wire and are electrocuted for 1 round (see CP:R page 180).
▶ Vehicle Sheet
Skill Skill
Ramming ROF1
◊ Armored Chassis x ◊ Onboard Flamethrower x
◊ AV-4 Engine Upgrade x ◊ Onboard Machine Gun x
◊ Bulletproof Glass x ◊ Onboard Melee Weapon x
◊ Combat Plow x ◊ Onboard Rocket Pod x
◊ Communications Center x ◊ Seating Upgrade x
◊ Deployable Spike Strip x ◊ Security Upgrade x
◊ Enhanced Interface Plug Integration x ◊ Smuggling Upgrade x
◊ Heavy Chassis x ◊ Vehicle Heavy Weapon Mount x
◊ Housing Capacity x ◊ x
◊ Hover Upgrade x ◊ x
◊ NOS x ◊ x
You have full permission to copy and print this form as much as you like.
Their four eyes lock onto you, scanning for Ever heard of Brainware Blowout? Stopped printing
something, finding a paying customer. it before you were born, choom. But the warez are
What do you need? Are you buying for a friend? legendary. And they live on.
Yourself? Some friend you are. Now buy something nice We got new names of course. Wizard’s Book is now
and expensive. I hear death by Giant happens so fast Warlock’s Book. It’s not just a program anymore, it’s
your brain gets to experience multiple before you lose a platform for a whole new style of running. Same
higher functioning, and a couple more before your body with Green Knight – it’s Verdant Knight now. SGI
can compute. Consider buying a Kirama A.D. to protect Technologies are real freaks, it’s almost like they work
yourself. Or not. It would be one hell of a way to go.
entirely for our little secondary market. They work with
The Upload loses themself, their organic eyes my ass for god’s sake.
glassing while their cybereyes continue to track
Do they even have real Corporate clients anymore –
your movement.
what suit would buy anything they make for sysadmin
I’ll pay good for combat recorder snuff. Keep it in work? I can sell you a fully kitted Kerberos for 2.5 –
mind. You could make some good money, earn yourself that’s three Hellhounds in three seconds, and you’ll
something to take home. Buy something. Buy something have plenty of room for hardware. I’d get a KRASH
to make yourself sharper. I’ve got Hardware if you’re a Barrier on there, and insulate the wiring, but you don’t
builder, could be the edge you’re looking for. I’ve got need me for that. That’s a side deck of course – you
an old catalog lying around. Flip through it. Circled jack out and swap when the admin logs on, and then
ones are still available.
it’s the gunfight at the O.K. Corral – BLAM! BLAM!
You a gambler? Was a great fight last night. Maybe BLAM! – jack out and swap back to your daily driver.
you were working. Wednesdays at the Totentanz. Consider the recorder, if you buy – it’ll pay for itself.
Opened up a sprinkler, made them fight in the rain,
real cinematic. Found something you’re interested in? Enough shop talk. What can I do for you?
Oh? I had you wrong from the jack in, you are a real
netfreak. You have taste. I happen to have one left, and
I’m glad it’s going to a good home. Just show me the
Be careful if you buy from
eb and we’ll be solid. The Upload, choomba . I hear all
The Upload counts the money, checking each kinds of buzz about them. S ome
bill with teleoptics. ‘runners say they ’re a cultist,
This is some filthy paper. I can see the previous owner worshipping the R.A.B.I.D.S.
and their habits. I’m taking it they didn’t survive? Gave
them the ol’ your money or your life – I’m sorry, I watch
too many old vids. You’re in luck, I accept crime scene O thers say they ’re an
bucks at this establishment. You gotta spend more than
this, though. These Midnight Markets don’t happen undercover N etwatch A gent.
that often. This isn’t just destination shopping; this is a
goddamn arms race. You gotta spend more than this,
choom. Look around, you left safe behind a long time
I don ’t know what they do with
ago. Somebody here’s gonna buy this if you don’t, and those flatline recordings .
they’re gonna fry you with it. Oh, you weren’t done. My
mistake. Let me offer some personal suggestions.
I don ’t want to know.
N ew Cyberdecks
c y b e r d e c k s
Cyberdeck with 4 slots that can only install
Programs and 5 slots that can only install
Hardware. Only Black ICE can be installed
▶ Kirama Advanced Deck in the Cyberdeck’s Program slots. Bodyweight Suits
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) ▶ Microtech Scout
& Cyberarm Decks
Kirama’s premier offering. To go further All the new Cyberdecks
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) in Midnight with the
than this, a Netrunner must find a custom
Upload can be installed
build, or try another brand. Popular as a side-deck. Makes a great normally in a Bodyweight
gift for the Netrunner who has everything. Suit or in a Cyberarm.
Cyberdeck with 5 slots to install either
Everybody can find a use for another
Programs or Hardware. Any unsafe Jack Out Any additional slots
Microtech Scout.
is considered instead to be a safe Jack Out. gained can still be used
Cyberdeck with 5 slots to install either but are subject to the
▶ Kirama Entry Deck Programs or Hardware. Immediately after same restrictions as the
you Jack In, you can use the Pathfinder Cyberdeck regarding
Cost: 100eb (Premium) Programs.
Interface Ability once without a NET Action.
Considered by many to be the safest bet For example, if you
on a low budget, and by others to be a ▶ Microtech Warrior have a SGI Technologies
Warlock’s Book installed
trap which many novice Netrunners never in your Cyberarm, the extra
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)
grow out of. slot acquired can only be
A hyper aggressive Cyberdeck that’s all used for Hardware or for
Cyberdeck with 5 slots that can only install
about going straight for the kill and jacking Booster and Defender
Programs. Only one Attacker, Defender, Programs.
Booster, and Black ICE Program each may
be installed. Any unsafe Jack Out is consid- Cyberdeck with 7 slots that can only install
ered instead to be a safe Jack Out. Programs. Immediately after you Jack
In, you can activate an Armor Program
▶ Kirama Training Deck installed on your Cyberdeck without a NET
Cost: 20eb (Everyday)
Every Netrunner’s first Cyberdeck, but an ▶ Raven Microcyb Hummingbird
unfortunate number’s last Cyberdeck too.
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)
Cyberdeck with 5 slots that can only install
When you want to rely solely on your
Programs. While using this Cyberdeck, you
abilities, Raven Microcybernetics has you
must be within 2 m/yds of an access point
to Jack In to a NET Architecture, and must
remain within that distance to maintain con- Cyberdeck with 2 slots that can only install
nection. Additionally, whenever you would Hardware. While using this Cyberdeck,
take damage directly to your brain when you have one additional NET Action every
using this Cyberdeck, you take double that turn.
damage directly to your brain instead.
▶ Raven Microsyb Kestrel 2
▶ Microtech Assault
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
T h e Ke s t r e l 2 i s o n e o f Ra ve n
If you can live within the stringent build Microcybernetics’s best selling products,
restrictions of a Microtech Assault, then it’s probably because Netrunners love to go
a paradise, not a prison. fast.
Cyberdeck with 7 slots that can only install Programs. ▶ Zetatech Kaliya
Immediately after you Jack In, you can activate up
to 2 Speedy Gonzalves Programs Installed on your Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Cyberdeck without a NET Action. A remarkably affordable Cyberdeck with a snake-like
segmented cylindrical form factor.
▶ Raven Microcyb Phoenix
Cyberdeck with 3 slots that can only install Programs
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive) and 6 slots to install either Programs or Hardware. The
3 slots that can only install Programs can only install
Yes, you could buy a top of the line custom Cyberdeck Flak. No Defender Program other than Flak can be
for the same price, but just think of all the money you’ll installed in any slot. No Black ICE other than Asp may
save not replacing those expensive Black ICE programs be installed in any slot.
when they get Asp’d.
Cyberdeck with 6 slots to install either Programs ▶ Zetatech MicroMate
or Hardware. Whenever you safely Jack Out, any
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Programs that were destroyed in your cyber‘deck
during the netrun are restored to full working A remarkable portable cyberdeck. Rumor has it that the
order. form factor was only possible by removing important
safety features from the Cyberdeck.
▶ SGI Technologies Kerberos Cyberdeck with 9 slots to install either Programs or
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive) Hardware. No Defender Program can be installed.
Whenever you would take damage directly to your
Raw power in Cyberdeck form. Drag your enemies brain when using this Cyberdeck, double that damage.
down to hell!
Cyberdeck with 6 slots that can only install Programs, ▶ Zetatech Parraline 6000
and 5 slots that can only install Hardware. Only Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Hellhound Black ICE can be installed in the
Cyberdeck’s Program slots. Zetatech’s flagship product, the Parraline 6000 is
made exclusively for the Hardware obsessed.
▶ SGI Technologies Verdant Knight Cyberdeck with 3 slots that can only install Programs
and 6 slots that can only install Hardware.
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
N ew Hardware
Some like it for its simplicity, as a tool against Anti-
Program Black ICE heavy NET Architectures. h a r d w a r e h a r d w a r e
Cyberdeck with 9 slots that can only install Programs.
Only Sword and Shield Programs can be installed in ▶ Aerie
those Program slots. Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
▶ SGI Technologies Warlock’s Book Extra processing power, dedicated to increasing the
output of Raven Black ICE.
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, each Raven
If all you’re doing is sliding through NET Architectures, Black ICE installed on your Cyberdeck destroys a
you don’t need anything else. Defender Program the enemy Netrunner has Rezzed at
Cyberdeck with 9 slots to install either Programs or Hardware. random with their attack effect instead of derezzing it with
No Attacker or Black ICE Program may be installed. their attack effect. Takes 2 Hardware Option Slots.
▶ Bushido Accelerator Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, whenever
a Sabertooth Black ICE installed on your Cyberdeck
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) destroys a program, until you Jack Out, the damage
Space inefficient Hardware which overclocks Killer dealt by that Sabertooth increases by 1d6. Takes 2
Black ICE at any cost, originally developed in Tokyo Hardware Option Slots.
by an unnamed Netrunner/Tech.
Cyberdeck Hardware. For each Bushido Accelerator ▶ Hangry Hangry Dragon
installed, the Speed (SPD) of all Killer Black ICE Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
installed on your Cyberdeck increases by 2. Takes 3
Hardware Option Slots. Extra memory, devoted entirely to making Dragon
Black ICE a defensive nightmare.
▶ Combat Recorder Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, whenever
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) Dragon Black ICE installed on your Cyberdeck
destroys a program, its Rez is restored to maximum.
Originally created by NetWatch for policing the
Old NET, Combat Recorders now pave the way for
advances in Anti-Personnel Black ICE. Nothing can ▶ Perfume Shoppe
replace real world product testing. Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, whenever
Hardware favored by sysadmin Netrunners. Too
another netrunner fails a Death Save while jacked into
expensive for the benefit it provides, but usually pur-
the same NET Architecture as you, the Combat Recorder
saves the last 5 minutes for scientific purposes, auto-scrub- chased using corporate money that couldn’t give a
bing all information that might identify you. Recordings are damn.
typically worth 50eb each. Buyers don’t ask questions. Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, Skunk Black
ICE Programs take up 1 Program Slot in your deck
▶ Defense Sequencer instead of 2. Takes 2 Hardware Option Slots.
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
▶ Smithy
Popular Hardware that saves a Netrunner precious
time during particularly dangerous runs. Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, a Defense A small, easy to install piece of hardware popular
Sequencer automatically rezzes an Armor Program among Netrunners who enjoy building multifunctional
installed on your Cyberdeck at the start of your next Turn Cybedecks.
without using a NET Action whenever an active Armor
Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, as a Meat
program is derezzed or destroyed. The Armor Program
rezzed must not have been used during this Netrun. Action, you may convert all installed Sword Programs
Takes 2 Hardware Option Slots. into Banhammer Programs and all installed Banhammer
Programs into Sword Programs.
▶ Feline Instinct
▶ Snaketrap
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Homegrown Night City Hardware that hit a Night Market
in Little Europe last month. Taking it apart, you can see bits In just one use, this Hardware pays for itself, possibly
of Bushido Accelerator upgraded, and re-wired. No word twice over. It’s considered cowardly to jack out right
on who did it, though. after, but it’s also quite thrifty, so who cares what
people think?
Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, a Snaketrap ▶ Swifty Clean
will prevent the first Black ICE or Program effect during
a netrun that would destroy a Program at random on Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
your deck. Multiple installations do nothing. Another time saving piece of Hardware, useful for
Netrunners in situations where they wouldn’t have the
▶ Swamp Mist time to cover their tracks well otherwise. For example,
when they are being shot at.
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, a user can
Another homegrown Night City Hardware made from
perform the Cloak Interface Ability twice with a single
rewiring pieces of Bushido Accelerator Hardware to
NET Action, taking the higher outcome. However, while
remap Wisp Black ICE into a more powerful format at
installed, the Cloak Interface Ability can only be used
the cost of efficiency.
once per Netrun. Takes 2 Hardware Option Slots.
Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, Wisp Black
ICE installed on your Cyberdeck deals 2d6 damage
instead of 1d6 damage. However, while installed, no
Black ICE other than Wisp can be installed on your
cyberdeck. Takes 2 Hardware Option Slots.
▶ New Cyberdecks
▶ New Cyberdeck Hardware
▶ Cyberdeck Sheet
◊ Armor x ◊ Shield x
◊ Banhammer x ◊ Speedy Gonzalvez x
◊ DeckKRASH x ◊ Superglue x
◊ Eraser x ◊ Sword x
◊ Flak x ◊ Vrizzvolt x
◊ Hellbolt x ◊ Worm x
◊ Nervescrub x ◊ x
◊ Poison Flatline x ◊ x
◊ See Ya x ◊ x
◊ Asp x ◊ Raven x
◊ Dragon x ◊ Sabertooth x
◊ Giant x ◊ Scorpion x
◊ Hellhound x ◊ Skunk x
◊ Killer x ◊ Wisp x
◊ Kraken x ◊ x
◊ Liche x ◊ x
◊ Aerie ◊ KRASH Barrier
◊ Backup Drive ◊ Perfume Shoppe
◊ Bushido Accelerator ◊ Range Upgrade
◊ Combat Recorder ◊ Smithy
◊ Defense Sequencer ◊ Snaketrap
◊ DNA Lock ◊ Swamp Mist
◊ Feline Instinct ◊ Swifty Clean
◊ Hangry Hangry Dragon ◊
◊ Hardened Circuitry ◊
◊ Insulated Wiring ◊
You have full permission to copy and print this form as much as you like.
must have
cyberware deals
buy now! do not miss out!!!
GMs, does
“Mr. A-MAAAAAAZE here with an unskippable
ad to let you know what’s hot this week to BUY BUY
BUY. That’s right, CHOOOOMBAS, I know you just
N ew Chrome! Buy now!!!
n e w c h r o m e b u y n o w
sound familiar?
Check the got paid and are looking for that next shiny something ▶ Appetite Controller
Screamsheets to make your life better, easier, and healthier. And I’m Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Hospital
in the
Cyberpunk asking you: Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6)
RED core
rulebook and Why did you make me go People ask me how I stay this thin with all the lunch
you might just out and buy this ad? meetings I take. This is my secret, and it can be yours too!
run into him
“You know you should have just taken a Combat Internal Body Cyberware. Allows the user to
Cabb straight to the House of MAAAAAZE—Dock manage and ignore hunger at the touch of a button
13 in sunny South Night City to get you hooked up. using their Biomonitor. This allows the user to ignore
We’ve cracked a brand new cargo container of Humanity Loss from the Long-term Environmental
premium cyberware that will get you so chromed up Stress Factor (see CP:R page 231) associated with
you’ll walk, talk, and dance into oncoming traffic as a it. Starvation is still an issue. After seven days without
brilliant, beautiful NEW you. food, the user must roll a Death Save at the start of
“We’ve got chromed out tongues, yes crates full of each day with a cumulative +1 to the roll for each
new tongues, err, NeuTongues, made of premium, high additional day. Requires Biomonitor.
quality, top of the line surgical grade stainless steel –
your mouth will NEVER feel the same without one! ▶ Cyberpillow
Already got one? Well, they make great gifts, but you Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Clinic
might want to pick up a Pursuit Security Incorporated Humanity Loss: 0 (N/A)
Personal Shredder Cyberarm, for disposing of those That gun on your hip won’t save you in the time you
important documents you don’t want falling into the need it to if you got no sleep last night. Nap or die.
wrong hands. And there’s so much more I just can’t fit Which is it gonna be, choom? These pop right out of
it all in this ad! We’ve got so many DEALS here we’ve your cyberarm, so you’re always ready. With the high
reinforced the dock so it won’t collapse into the ocean quality CapsuleCo pillows inside, it’ll put you right out.
and take all the SAVINGS along with it. So come on
down because once we are sold out of an item, it’s Cyberarm Option. While moisture wicking and
GONE GONE GONE!” comfortable, a Cyberpillow provides no benefit other
than making it easier to take a nap wherever you want.
Multiple installations do nothing except make it slightly
easier to get a nap in. Requires a Cyberarm.
*cough* 54 seconds, nice.
I knew we could get it under a ▶ External Vidscreen
Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Hospital
minute .Trying to pull one over on Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6)
William M aze , Ziggurat ? Trying You’re gonna be the center of attention when you’ve
to charge me extra? S uck on got the big game blaring on your chest, and you’re
walking down the street. Get an arm mounted external
< unintelligible>. C an I vidscreen for your Internal Agent, and you’ve got the
get a C atcus Water … what do you best of both worlds. Get one on your foot and… look
stylish in sandals? I got nothing. Are you buying or not?
mean we ’re still recording ?
External Body Cyberware. A flexible rectan-
—William “mr. amaaaze” maze gular Nu-Tek Touch TV panel, approximately the
dimensions of the Cyberpunk RED, core book is
installed subcutaneously, turning any desired part
of the user’s body into a screen that can be utilized was overjoyed when my latest cargo container haul
by a linked Agent or Memory Chip inserted into a contained a box full of ‘em buried in the back. So buy
user’s Chipware Socket. them now, before she does.
Fashionware. A full set of 10 programmable lighted
▶ Holo Projector Palm fingernails allow the user to bring the nail art of their
Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Clinic dreams to life. Each purchase comes with a set of light
Humanity Loss: 2 (1d6/2 Round up) pens for creating new nail art presets. Presets can also be
Now, this one’s just neat. Makes a great pop-up downloaded from the CitiNet using a linked Agent. Counts
advertisement, a neat trick for those first dates, and as an installation of Light Tattoo fashionware, making it
it’s waterproof and doesn’t get covered up by your helpful for reaching the +2 Wardrobe and Style bonus
wetsuit, making it great for checking the news while for having three installations (see CP:R page 358). Can
you’re surfing. Somewhere else. Don’t surf in Night be installed on both meat and cyberware hands.
City, the water will kill you.
▶ Mood Eye
Cyberarm Option. A hologram projector built into
Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Mall
the user’s palm. Can output a potentially interactive Humanity Loss: 0 (N/A)
holographic projection roughly the size of a soda can
when linked to an Agent. Can be installed as the Gotta admit, these are kinda weird. I guess they, uh, are
only piece of Cyberware in a meat arm. for people with a unique fashion sense? Yeah, that’s it!
Real trend setting product right here. Be on the newest
▶ Kill Display wavelength of fashion with these! Just maybe don’t
Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Mall work a customer service job with them installed. Or
Humanity Loss: 0 (N/A) do? I’ve never worked a real job in my life, maybe they
would be cool with it? Customers actually care about
Now these are real retro-cool. You wanna look like the people serving them, right?
one of those Edgerunners from the 2020s? You gotta
get one of these on the forearm if you’re here for the Fashionware. Color changing lenses implanted into
throwback. But you don’t have to just use it for tracking the user’s eye. User’s eye color changes based on the
your personal body lotto number – you can rep your largest single characteristic of their current mood as
Megabuilding, the number of exes you’ve got, or make interpreted from brain scans recorded by their Neural
sure the street knows your quote price. Link. Red = anger, Blue = sadness, Yellow = fear. Pink =
arousal, Green = jealousy, Grey = dead.
You decide!
Faking an emotion scan flawlessly enough to change
Fashionware. Bright and bold letters illuminated your eye color while wearing these is a DV 21 Acting
from under the user’s skin declare KILLS: followed by Check. Can be deactivated by the user at any time
a number. The count is self-reported using a linked without an Action. Requires Neural Link.
Agent and goes up to a maximum of 999. Counts as
an installation of Light Tattoo fashionware, making it ▶ NeuTongue
helpful for reaching the +2 Wardrobe and Style bonus Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Hospital
for having three installations (see CP:R page 358). Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6)
▶ Lead’s Turn-On-Show-Off Nails Everyone should have one of these. You’re gonna taste
things like you’ve never tasted before? That 2eb extra
Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Mall
to add Scop bacon? Never pay it again, choom. Add
Humanity Loss: 0 (N/A)
your own virtual real bacon, for free, with all of the
You don’t always need to just sell what you know. My taste and none of the fat. Every nugget of Broccoli
girlfriend is crazy about Turn-On-Show-Off Nails. Kibble you eat can taste like it’s been broiled in butter,
She watches at least four different Garden Patches deep fried, and heavily salted. Don’t know what butter
dedicated to customizing and modding them, and actually tastes like? Now you will!
Internal Body Cyberware. Cybernetic tongue alters ▶ Pursuit Security Inc. Personal Shredder
the user’s sense of taste. Using a linked Agent, virtual Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Clinic
seasoning can be added to food. Can be deactivated Humanity Loss: 3 (1d6)
by the user at any time without an action, eliminating
the user’s sense of taste. Secrecy is paramount, so why are you assuming your
company shredder isn’t spying on you too? You know
▶ PerfectFit Cyberfoot you’re just as likely to get hit by a jealous internal
rival as you are to get taken out by a rival company.
Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Clinic
My advice is to, effective immediately, get real par-
Humanity Loss: 2 (1d6/2 Round up)
anoid, real quick.
Do you love buying shoes but hate the pain that they
Cyberarm Option. Commercial grade cross cut
cause you? Being the beautiful person you are doesn’t
shredder concealed within the cyberarm, complete
have to hurt your damn feet so much anymore – replace
with internal reservoir for storing shreds. Requires
those aching soles with your own state of the art hydrau-
a Cyberarm.
lics. Motorbikes have ‘em, cars have ‘em, so why not you,
huh? I get a lot of Danger Gal agents who wanna run in
heels buying these things, so get some now! ▶ Sponsored Covering
Cost: 50eb (Costly)•Install: Mall
Cyberleg Option. As an Action, a user can change Humanity Loss: 0 (N/A)
the dimensions of their cyberfoot to any size between
Euro size 0 to US size 37AA. A state of the art hydraulic You want to make some money? Passive income,
heel provides superior support and assists the micro-ad- very limited strings attached? You’ve got a per-
justable toe bed in making any shoe in your collection sonal brand, and it’s time to leverage it – make
comfortable enough for any activity. When paired, this your image work for you. I’m sure we can get the
cyberware reduces any penalty you may suffer related incentives aligned to something we can all agree
to wearing ill-fitting or inappropriate footwear for a on. After all, Edgerunners are chill and trendy, and
non-fashion situation to zero. Can be installed as the brands want to tap into that energy for their prod-
only piece of Cyberware in a meat leg. ucts. It’s win-win.
▶ PersonalPak KibbleWarmer
Cyberlimb Option. Covers the cyberlimb in an illu-
Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Clinic
minated advertisement. Assuming the user remains in
Humanity Loss: 3 (1d6)
good standing with their sponsor, which can include
Look, I love those Oasis Kibble Cylinders. Hell, I refraining from questionable behavior, participating
chow down on one whenever my Agent tells me I’m in activities required by the sponsor, and displaying
working too much again, just to take a break! And the limb uncovered (yes, they have sensors) for a set
they are much better warm. I like mine a little burnt percentage of every day, they receive 20eb on the
to be honest, just to get those nice defined grill lines first of every month.
on each nugget. You’re gonna want this product, I
Typically, a user is forced to pay for their own
Sponsored Covering upfront as part of their contract,
Cyberarm Option. Small cylindrical rotisserie oven but not all contracts include this clause. Sponsors have
installed in the forearm, sized to fit a PersonalPak been known to attempt to repossess the entire arm if the
Kibble cylinder and warm it to exactly the right wearer breaks the terms of their agreement. Requires
toasty temperature for crispy enjoyment. Requires a Cyberarm or Cyberleg but does not take an
a Cyberarm. Option Slot.
▶ Mr. Amaaaaze’s New Cyberware! Buy Them All!!!
Hey there, choombas! If you’re new to our DLCs, 4. Complementary Skill Checks make a lot of Skills
welcome! If you’ve been following them for a while, incredibly useful. Most social interactions can
thanks for sticking with us! Each month we release these benefit from a complimentary Wardrobe & Style
short articles on all manner of topics to help enhance or Personal Grooming Check, and Business helps
your Cyberpunk RED games. with that Tactics Check to figure out how Corp
security might respond to your attack.
Sometimes we cover mechanics, sometimes we
cover lore, sometimes we add new toys for you to play 5. Complementary Skills provide flavor! They
with. The point has always been to use our monthly transform a Check from “I’m rolling Melee
Cyberpunk RED DLCs to experiment with interesting Weapons” to “I’m considering the best place to
ideas in a faster, more nimble format than a full sup- stab based on the armor my opponent wears,
plement and give them to you for free on our website. so I’ll roll Melee Weapons, complemented by
Weaponstech.” Flavor makes every RP better!
It isn’t just our website where we’ve experimented with
new content, though. We’ve also released lists of inter-
eskinning Roles
esting ideas and concepts on our social media channels, r e s k i n n i n g r o l e s r e s k i n n i n g
What’s a reskin? In this case, we mean reflavoring a
Whenever we release a new tweet thread on fashion Role and Role Ability to work for a character concept
or multiclassing or whatever random topic our Media outside of the core presented in the main rulebook.
Ambassador comes up with, inevitably someone asks if Here’s some examples. We’ll do one per Role.
we can include them in a DLC. So, this month? We are.
• Let’s transform the Rockerboy into a Grifter.
Enjoy these six lists from the brains of J Gray and Their Charismatic Impact becomes less about
James Hutt and, until next time, stay safe on The existing fans and more about convincing people
Street. that you’re worth spending time and resources
on based on your cover identity.
• Medias make good Private Investigators. form, ranging from Neocorp squads to Trauma Teams
Credibility becomes keeping your ear to the to Media crews. We’ll be supplementing that list, not
ground for rumors and coming up with a “here’s borrowing from it. We’ll also be presenting five possi-
what happened” story that convinces the author- ble missions you can run with each concept.
ities to act on your evidence.
Guerrilla Gardeners
• Want to play a Mobster? Exec is perfect. The
mob pays for your home, gives you underlings, Growing your own food is as punk as it can get in a
and makes sure you’re taken care of. All you cyberpunk dystopia. Shaking off the kibble shackles
need to do is sell your soul and be willing to do and growing fresh fruits and veggies? That’s showing
what the boss of bosses says. Until you kill them those Corp bastards! Missions:
and take over. 1. Retrieving seeds from a lost vault.
• Some say the NCPD is just another gang. So, 2. Protecting your stand from rivals at the Night
the Lawman becomes a Ganger pretty easy. Market.
Your Backup no longer arrives in the form of cops
but in the form of fellow gang members or allied 3. Making a deal with Nomads for smuggled
gangers who owe you and your group favors. chickens.
• Want to reskin Fixer? How about a Spy? You 4. Rescuing your kidnapped master gardener from
might be working for a government or a Corp Biotechnica.
or even freelance, but Operator works much the 5. Stopping a gang war before it destroys your
same. It represents who you know, what you can garden.
get without blowing your cover, and how well
you blend into other cultures. Family Legacy
• Finally, there’s Nomad. Nomads aren’t the only A group of siblings return home after a parent’s death and
ones who can benefit from access to a motor learn they’ve been left a mcguffin worth a fortune. Problem?
pool of vehicles. What about a Racer? Get fast Said mcguffin is in the private vault of Mister Kernagan
and furious as your Moto represents access to (see CP:R page 305), the biggest Fixer in town. The heist
your race crew’s vehicle pool. Just be careful, to get it back will be a long term project. Missions:
road races in 2045 are rough stuff!
• Recon on Mister K to find the vault.
That’s 10 new versions of existing Roles without any
need to do more than reflavor the Role Abilities. Just • Getting the laser cutter needed to cut into the
be aware Lifepath gets a little more complicated with vault.
these reskins. Role-based Lifepaths, for example, might • Infiltrating the security firm Mister K uses to put
need a bit of adjusting. your people on the “payroll”.
• Negotiating with a gang to “make a distraction”.
en Punk Campaign Ideas
t e n p u n k c a m p a i g n i d e a s • The heist itself.
The “everyone meets in a tavern” equivalent for Librarians
Cyberpunk RED tends to be “everyone is brought
together by a Fixer for a job”. The street merc cam- The Datakrash decimated humanity’s stored infor-
paign can be great, but let’s see if we can’t punk it mation, but it didn’t touch books. Nostradamus, a
up a bit and come up with ten different ideas for a Night City info broker, collects books with the intent of
Cyberpunk RED campaign! restoring that knowledge. He needs you to get them,
no matter where they are. Missions:
Before we start, we’d like to point out pages 390
to 392 of the Cyberpunk RED core rulebook. There • A trip through the Badlands to an abandoned
are some great ideas there for different groups you can college library.
• Breaking into an Exec’s estate to steal an original • Embers is starting a volunteer ambulance corp.
copy of Origin of Species. Guess who gets to train the first batch?
• Protecting the boss’s collection from a Corp strike • Phoenix Redwyne, the clinic’s founder and
team. owner, is missing. Can you find her?
• Escorting a chemist through the city so he can Prankster Gang
treat the boss’s collection for mold.
Someone has to show the world how absurd the elites
• Solving the murder—who killed Nostradamus?
are. Your job is to punch up, provide a laugh, and
And how did they do it? remind everyone that the powerful are fallible human
beings, too. Missions:
Food Truck War
• Recon. To prank a building, you must know it.
Thanks to an old Icelandic recipe and bio-engineered
lichen, Aunt Andy has a way of making “meal cookies” • Supply run. You need a lot of red paint. A lot.
that are cheap and delicious and wants to sell them in a • Prep work. Before you break into a place to
food truck. That’s not easy in Night City, though. They’ll prank, you need to break in to lay the ground-
need your help. Missions: work for the prank.
• Andy will need a truck. Network 54 has plenty. • The actual prank. Making the building bleed.
Time for some crime.
• Getting away from the Corp cops.
• Andy also needs a lot of Kibble. Continental
Brands has tons. Time for more crime. Paracy(ber)cology
• Mutated rats have infested Andy’s lichen cave! Sure, there aren’t rules for ghosts and vampires in
• Gangers stole the truck and took it for a joy ride. Cyberpunk RED, but why let that stop your group
Time for a high speed chase through the Old from creating a Pop Media show to investigate spooky
Combat Zone! happenings? Missions:
• Debut day! Can you fight off rivals, get the best • Reclaimers want to repopulate an old, aban-
spots, and serve up some delicious food? doned suburb, but it seems to be haunted!
• Someone’s going around ripping people apart.
Do-Gooder Clinic Cyberpsycho? Or werewolf?
From the Ember (see Phoenix Redwyn, CP:R page • Strange mushroom circles are blooming in
305) is an genuine community clinic, providing medical the Badlands. Could it be fairies? Or maybe
care to those in need. The Crew all works there and Biotechnica?
believe in the mission, but it isn’t easy. The clinic is con-
stantly besieged by troubles. Sometimes literally! Missions: • The CEO of a small Corp claims to have been
abducted by UFOs and hires the crew to
• Rent’s due. The clinic can’t pay for it, so it is time investigate!
to move. How do you get all the clinic’s gear to
• Rumors of a yogang with strange, paranormal
the new location without losing any?
powers reaches your ears. Shapeshifters. Kids
• A patient needs a new heart, but their body who can hear radio waves without an actual
can’t absorb cloned organs or cyberware. A radio. What could it be?
Body Bank has a heart you can use but wants
too much for it. You’ve got four hours to get it. Sapience Liberation Front
Any way you can.
You belong to a crew dedicated to liberating clones
• The local booster gang is here for their protec- and AIs from Corporate control. Intelligent beings must
tion money. You don’t have it. be free! Missions:
• An AI being used for weather prediction by • One of the Crew has been replaced with a
Network 54 wants freedom. Time for an biosculpted double! But who? What do they
extraction. want?
• A liberated clone, living under a new identity, • One of the Crew is elected onto the HOA board.
has vanished. What happened to them? Can they use their new position to learn more
about the Suburb? Or will the power go to their
• There’s a mole. The safe house is compromised.
Time to move before the Corp cops show up.
• People the Crew vaguely remember start
• You know the mole from mission 3? Time to root
popping up in the Suburb. Are their memories
them out.
real? Or implanted?
• Questioning the mole has led to the location of a
• The Crew has finally discovered a way out of the
treasure trove of stored Soulkilled AIs at Ziggurat
Suburb. Can they escape? Or will they succumb
HQ. Free them.
to the Suburb’s siren call?
Mr. K’s Collectors And that’s ten unique campaign ideas. Feel free to
use them in your own games or let them serve as inspi-
You work for Mister Kernaghan (see CP:R page 305),
ration for something new! Remember, you never need
acquiring the most valuable collectibles for sale at his
to stick to the status quo. Find your own way to fight
exclusive Midnight Market. Missions:
back in Night City!
• A mob boss has Richard Night’s class ring.
You need to get it. The problem? They wear it
• Inside the old EBM building is one of the world’s
first cyberdecks. All you gotta do is travel to the
middle of the Hot Zone to get it.
• A famous artist has paid Mister K a lot of money
to acquire 50 Bozo noses for a new piece about
the absurdity of modern life. You know those
things are their real noses, right? Worst collection
quest ever.
• Someone wants a signed first edition of Mike
M ulticlassing Ideas
m u l t i c l a s s i n g i d e a s
One of the neatest things about Cyberpunk RED
• Rockerboy/Lawman aka the Mascot. Modern
security forces know the key to keeping the
public placated involves positive PR. A performer
who can talk up wins and sweep losses under
involves the ability for Edgerunners to take on multiple
the rug via reality television and talk shows is
Roles – multiclassing, as we often call it in gaming. Let’s
essential (if utterly reprehensible) in 2045.
look at how each Role can be combined with every
other Role to create unique concepts. We’ll do this for • Rockerboy/Fixer aka the Indie Networker.
each Role, in order, so you’ll have two examples of You don’t have an agent, manager, or a label.
each combination. For example, we’ll do a Rockerboy/ What you do have is a network of contacts who
Solo under Rockerboys but also a Solo/Rockerboy can get you equipment, roadies, or venues in
under Solos. a hurry. Likewise, you can help out your fellow
indie performers with the same.
• Rockerboy/Nomad aka the Singing Cowboy.
• Rockerboy/Solo aka the Johnny Silverhand! Sure, you’re riding a motorcycle instead of a
A soldier who put down a gun and picked up horse, but the classic image of the wandering
an axe to sing out the terrors they witnessed and cowboy rolling into town to sing songs, dispense
force the entire world to experience a reckoning justice, and woo fair lovers remains a potent
about the sins of those in power. archetype even in the Dark Future.
• Rockerboy/Netrunner aka the Virtual Solos
Prankster. Dive into a NET Architecture. Leave
a virus at the bottom level, transforming the entire • Solo/Rockerboy aka the Eurosolo. Some jobs
NET Architecture into a statement against the require you to social stealth your way into high
Corp that owns it. Record it all. Put it on the Data society, achieve the objective, and exit in a hail of
Pool for all to enjoy. gunfire. Being able to switch between suave and
explosive makes you the perfect special agent.
• Rockerboy/Tech aka the Musical Craftsman.
You don’t just play your instruments. You make • Solo/Netrunner aka the Tomb Raider. The
them. Often creating strange, beautiful, and choicest data is buried deep, protected by
custom pieces for a specific performance. defenses both physical and digital. The Tomb
Raider is equipped to deal with both using their
• Rockerboy/Medtech aka the Spiritual
guns and their cyberdeck.
Healer. Most people think of healing the body
when it comes to Medtechs but they can also • Solo/Tech aka the Gun Crafter. People who
heal the mind and spirit through therapy. Musical buy guns appreciate someone who can speak
therapy, brought to the masses, can change the their language. Someone who grew up knowing
world. the language of violence and didn’t learn it from
an app. That’s you. You can make the guns good
• Rockerboy/Media aka the Influencer. Are you
because you know how to shoot the guns good.
a performer? Or are you a reporter? Or are you
both, digging up the dirt, putting it all together, • Solo/Medtech aka the Field Medic. These
and creating evocative and provocative Garden days, no one respects the medic symbol embla-
vids to turn that dirt into art that pierces the soul zoned on a helmet. If you’re in the field, you’re a
and stirs up the crowds. target. Which means if you’re going to save lives,
you need to be prepared to defend your patient
• Rockerboy/Exec aka the Producer. You don’t
until evac arrives.
just make your own music. You make other peo-
ple’s music possible. Using your credibility as • Solo/Media aka the War Correspondent.
a Rockerboy, you recruit other performers and War is everywhere in 2045. Sure, there’s far off
make sure your label releases the best creations. Corporate Wars in jungles and deserts but you’ll
also find them in the urban ruins of former “first • Netrunner/Medtech aka the MedRaider.
world” nations. You’ll fight your way in, get the You know the secrets the elite are hoarding?
scoop, and share the story. Medicines? Treatments? Cures? It makes you
mad. So mad you’ve decided to break in, dive
• Solo/Exec aka the Revolutionary. Some
deep, find those medical breakthroughs, and
Execs control a department in a Corporation.
give them to the world. Healthcare shouldn’t be
You lead a group that’s mad as hell at the state
for profit.
of the world and ain’t gonna take it anymore.
Your leadership keeps them organized and alive. • Netrunner/Media aka the Whistle Blower.
Best of all, you lead from the front. You’ve been in their systems. You know the truth.
• Solo/Lawman aka the Bounty Hunter. You know the dirty laundry the Corps bury deep
Someone has a price on their head, and you aim down. And you’re gonna expose them to the
to collect. When needed, you can call in backup world, secret by secret.
from local law enforcement, but usually you • Netrunner/Exec aka the Clonerunner. Yeah,
prefer to work alone. See you, Cyber Cowboy. yeah. You’ve heard it before. You’ve sold out.
• Solo/Fixer aka the Arms Dealer. First, the So what? You’re also not worried about going
other mercs noticed how easy it was for you to hungry or finding a place to sleep, and you’ve
get gear. Then they asked you to acquire gear got someone reliable to watch your back, not
for them. Now, you’re running your own busi- some synthcoked-up freelance Solo.
ness, equipping your fellow Solos. • Netrunner/Lawman aka the NET-tective.
• Solo/Nomad aka the Babysitter. Someone’s Could be you work for Danger Gal or maybe
got to keep the kids in your Pack alive when they a smaller firm. Either way, you know getting the
head into the big city for a drink or a job. And dirt means you need to pick brains, pick pockets,
that someone’s you. You’re older, wiser, and and pick up files from NET Architectures. When
tougher. And you make sure they get back to it comes to data, you can get it from anywhere.
the caravan alive. • Netrunner/Fixer aka the Information
Broker. Some Fixers trade in stuff. You trade
Netrunners in secrets. Sometimes, you buy it from your
• Netrunner/Rockerboy aka the Drone Dancer. network of contacts. Sometimes, you steal it
In 2045 drones are everywhere. Making deliv- from the Network of a Corporation. Either way,
eries. Guarding Corps. Spying on the masses. you’re making eb.
You use them to entertain with holographic • Netrunner/Nomad aka the Night Rider.
projections and LED displays to create dazzling You’ve tricked out your car w/ a NET
works of visual art. It ain’t cheap, but it is pretty! Architecture, defenses, and a Demon to run ‘em.
• Netrunner/Solo aka the Lone Runner. Sure, You can do with one person what it takes a Crew
the days of infiltrating Data Fortresses from the to do for most of your Pack. And if someone tries
comfort of your couch are gone but there’s still to hack your car? You can dive in and brain fry
a difference between a weefle hacking from ‘em.
behind cover and one who can blast in and put
down every threat: meat and virtual. Techs
• Netrunner/Tech aka the Builder. You don’t buy • Tech/Rockerboy aka the Educator. Sure, you’re
your programs or your deck. You make them. an engineering genius, but where other geeks
And since you’re not relying on a Fixer to hook speak technobabble you know how to make
you up with what you need, you’ve got plenty of what you do understandable and exciting! You
extra eb to spend on the finer things in life. Like use your Garden Patch to teach the world about
a new 3D printer. That’s the stuff. engineering and make money doing it!
• Tech/Solo aka the Boom Brigadier. Anyone shape so they can be added to the Family fleet.
can toss a grenade but when it comes to real You pride yourself on finding the beauty inside
damage? That requires a specialist. You know any beat up old ride.
just where to place a charge to cause maximum
damage. And if you need to throw a grenade? Medtechs
You’ve got a whole satchel full.
• Medtech/Rockerboy aka the Celebrity Doc.
• Tech/Netrunner aka the Security Specialist. Who can afford health care in 2045? Most
Virtual security. Physical security. You can handle people just hit the Data Pool and search for info
both because you know the best systems work in on treatments. That’s where you come in. Your
harmony to provide complete protection. Or, if medical Garden Patch gets more popular every
you prefer, you know every possible way to rip day as you bring medical knowledge to the
someone else’s system apart. masses.
• Tech/Medtech aka the Flipper Ripper. Sure, • Medtech/Solo aka the Angel. You started out
you could build your own cyberware to install as an Angel of Mercy, bringing care and com-
into clients, but why bother when there’s so passion to the Combat Zone. Then the gangers
much out there waiting to be taken, repaired, came. You tried to do no harm, but they refused
upgraded, and sold for profit? Rip it. Flip it. Make to back down. So, now you’re an Angel of
some eb. Death, too, when the situation calls for it.
• Tech/Media aka the Braindance Tuner. • Medtech/Netrunner aka the Biosculptor.
Flatscreen’s ancient and even holograms are Your client needs to be someone else for a
boring. Words mean nothing. Your homemade while. No problem. Employment records on a
braindances bring someone the experience of NET Architecture get you the biometric data
shooting down some Corps and give them a real you need. Biosculpting does the rest. Now your
taste for revolution! All real. No filters! client’s a twin. Or maybe an only child if you
• Tech/Exec aka the Disruptor. You know the help the original disappear.
names. The Techs who climbed to the top of the • Medtech/Tech aka the Bad Breaker. Maybe
Corporate ladder with revolutionary ideas and you started out with good intentions. Maybe
changed the world. That’s you. You’re the next you just like making money. Either way, these
Sokolov! The next UR! The next Loggagia! You’re days, you’re peddling street drugs as often as
gonna disrupt the whole system, maximize inno- the medicinal kind. At least you know your shit’s
vation, and bring synergistic change to the world! pure.
• Tech/Lawman aka the CSI. Believe it or not, • Medtech/Media aka the Secret Hunter.
some cops still investigate crimes and try to find People say all sorts of things while high on
the actual perpetrators. That’s your job. You use painkillers and anesthetics. And they won’t even
the latest tech, a lot of it self-upgraded, to scour notice the microphone you implanted in their
crime scenes, find clues, and catch bad guys. body during their last elective surgery. Once you
Assuming the bosses listen. have their dirty little secrets? You’ll publish them
• Tech/Fixer aka the Tech Networker. It started in the screamsheets under a pen name.
small. Someone came to you looking for a
• Medtech/Exec aka the Clinic Operator.
piece of tech you couldn’t make. So, you found
Going patient by patient wasn’t helping enough
someone who could. Now, you spend as much
people, so you begged, borrowed, and stole to
time sourcing tech as building it.
open your own free clinic. There’s more paper-
• Tech/Nomad aka the Restorer. Any Nomad work, more trouble, and more responsibility
can repair their own ride, but you specialize in this way, but at least you’re also helping more
finding old junkers and restoring them to pristine people than ever.
• Medtech/Lawman aka the Emergency • Media/Medtech aka Storyteller. Telling
Responder. You shrug on the armorjack. You stories around the fire is a human occupation as
holster your gun. You get in the rig. You drive old as time. And your stories can do so much.
out, and you save lives. And when you need to, With individuals, they soothe and heal the soul.
you call on backup to save yours. The Street ain’t With groups, they change minds and inform.
safe, even for someone in an ambulance. You’re a therapist and a truth teller, all in one.
• Medtech/Fixer aka Doc Connection. You’re • Media/Exec aka the Star Reporter. You
the sort of Doc who takes payment in favors aren’t just a Media. You’re the best of the best,
instead of currency. Now, a friend needs a spe- and because of it, your publisher takes care of
cific something, and it all works out because the you. They pay your rent. They provide you with
choom you treated last week has it. The more flunkies to serve your needs. Aren’t you great?
people you help, the more favors you’re owed.
• Media/Lawman aka the Embed. Look, you
• Medtech/Nomad aka the Family Doctor. aren’t proud of it, but a gig’s a gig. You follow
Nomads tradition goes back almost a century the cops around and make them look good, and
now: passing on knowledge from teacher to you get paid. Better yet, sometimes you get a
student. That’s how you learned medicine. No, lead you can follow for a real story.
you didn’t go to medical school, but you’re
• Media/Fi xer aka t he I n d e p e n d e n t
better off without that Corporate-written drivel
Journalist. Going it alone isn’t easy, but you’ve
crammed inside your head.
learned who to talk to and who to bribe to get
Medias what you need: equipment, bodies, access. You
don’t have a fancy station to supply you. So,
• Media/Rockerboy aka the Documentarian. you’ve learned to do it for yourself.
You don’t just report on your subject. You docu-
• Media/Nomad aka the Wandering Eye.
ment it from all angles and then edit it together,
Sure, the city rats need Nomads now, but that
with you as narrator, to both entertain and inform
won’t always be the case. So, you’re here to
the people.
make sure they know what real Nomad life is
• Media/Solo aka the Thompson. The reporter before the Corp-controlled media can paint you
named Thompson started a tradition back in as cannibal marauders. You document the road,
the 2010s when he covered the Arasaka Riot. and you share it with the world so they’ll know
Gonzo, front-line journalism to expose the sins of you aren’t animals. You’re humans. Just like them.
power. You follow his example. To get the story,
you need to crack open the Corp shell, yank out Execs
the rancid meat, and show it to the world.
• Exec/Rockerboy aka the Club Owner. You
• Media/Netrunner aka the Virtual Journalist. started playing clubs, but somewhere along the
Who needs a studio and a green screen when way, you took on the challenge of running one,
you have a NET Architecture you can customize too. You leap up onto the stage regularly to keep
to be whatever you want. You record inside the your hand in, but these days you’re hiring staff,
digital, using the power of the CPU to add pop ordering booze, and booking other bands to
and sizzle to your stories. play more than you’re shredding the classics.
• Media/Tech aka the Producer. They might • Exec/Solo aka the Gang Leader. The differ-
not know your face or even your voice, but they ence between a gang and a Corp? Corps have
know your work. You’re behind the camera, enough cover to call what they do “legal”. You
editing the footage, and making sure the SFX organize your people to keep your place in the
rock. Someone else might get the glory but it’s Combat Zone, and you fight alongside them to
your work that gets out the story. grow your territory when you can.
• Exec/Netrunner aka the Corp Spy. There’s so • Exec/Lawman aka the Negotiator. These
much data out there and your employers will pay days, the law makes a lot of deals. Deals with
big eb to get their greedy paws on it. So, with the Corps for gear. Deals with gangs to keep the
help of your team, you infiltrate, you steal, and peace. Deals with Edgerunners to collect boun-
you exfiltrate. Then you enjoy your nice soft bed ties. That’s your job. Night City’s like Europe right
in your nice big place. before a World War. Ready to explode. You’re
trying to keep that from happening.
• Exec/Tech aka the Netwatch Agent. You’d
think a Netwatch Agent would be a Netrunner, • Exec/Fixer aka the Buyer. The supply chain’s
but a lot of them are Techs. You don’t need to changed in the Time of the Red, but your job
dive into NET Architectures. You just need to be hasn’t. You get your org raw materials, parts,
able to shut it down and disconnect any links to labor, and sometimes, you make sure your org’s
the Old NET. rivals don’t. You’re the puppet master, and you
make that chain dance.
• Exec/Medtech aka the Trauma Captain.
You’ve worked your way up the ranks. It used to • Exec/Nomad aka the Ambassador. Nomads
be you took the orders and patched people up. don’t live in a vacuum. They deal with the rest
Now you’re the one giving the orders. You still of the world all the time: making deals, buying
patch people up, but you’re the one in charge goods, selling services. You’re the go between,
when you do. codeswitching between Nomad and static to
help make the deals go down smooth.
• Exec/Media aka the Anchor. You’re the face
everyone sees each night. You are the news. The L awmen
network plugs you by name and by face, putting
you out there as a brand you can trust. And they • Lawman/Rockerboy aka the Celebrity
give you nice perks for it, too. Bounty Hunter. Everyone knows who you
are. Your Garden Patch brings in tons of eyeballs
as you broadcast your exploits, chasing down
criminals and hauling them in. You’re cleaning
up The Street and looking damn good doing it.
• Lawman/Solo aka the C-SWAT. Cops handle
crime. SWAT handles dangerous crime. You?
You handle the most dangerous crime. The
cyberpsychos who lash out by exploding the
world around them in a hail of gunfire. You’re
the toughest of the tough and don’t forget it.
• Lawman/Medtech aka the Social Worker. • Fixer/Netrunner aka the Gamemaster. You’ve
You’ve got no budget, and the other “civil ser- set up your own NET Architecture full of traps
vants” don’t take you seriously, but your job’s and tricks and Black ICE. Netrunners from
important! You’re there to calm down the situ- around Night City come to test themselves on it.
ation and help people get the treatment they You make it a race for sport. First to the bottom
need. And protect them from the other cops, if wins. Loser goes home on a stretcher or, if they’re
necessary. unlucky, a bodybag.
• Lawman/Media aka the Psychic Detective. • Fixer/Tech aka the Ultimate Mechanic.
Real psychic powers? No such thing. But you can You run your own shop. People come wanting
cold read people, and you clear cases so your their car upgraded with all sorts of tricks. You
agency’s willing to buy your shtick. With enough can always get the parts you need, and if the
clues, your big wrap-up as the spirits “speak customer can’t pay? You can find a buyer for
to you” while you lay out what just happened their former ride, too.
always catches the killer.
• Fixer/Medtech aka the Dealer. No, no. Not
• Lawman/Exec aka the Senior Security. When those kinds of drugs. These days, every clinic,
you walk into the room, you’re in charge. The from the lowest ripperdoc to the biggest hospi-
other cops listen to you as much for your ability tal, needs help sourcing their pharmacies, and
to take control of the situation as for your senior- you’re there to provide. After all, you’re a doctor
ity, but the higher rank never hurts. too, right? You know which pills will save lives
and which pills are knockoff poison pretending
• Lawman/Fixer aka the Evidence Clerk. You’ve
to be medicine.
got the key to the evidence room at the station
and access to the inventory records. Seized • Fixer/Media aka the Gossip Monger. There’s
goods, weapons, and drugs can’t go missing if a thousand stories on The Street, and you’re
they weren’t recorded as being there in the first hungry for them all. You listen to all the whispers.
place, right? Better yet, you know how to whisper back, telling
just the right story to boost someone’s rep or send
• Lawman/Nomad aka the Ranger. There’s a
it crashing to the ground.
lot of territory out there. Governments have to
at least pretend they give a damn about the • Fixer/Exec aka the Bookie. Need to place a
Reclaimers trying to build new lives and the set- bet on the Body Lotto? Make a wager on the
tlements outside of the cities. So, you ride your game? Get some action on the next race? The
bike. You patrol. You do what you can. Bookie’s got you covered. And if you don’t pay?
The Bookie’s enforcer will break your legs. Just
Fixer business.
• Fixer/Rockerboy aka the Old Guard. Most • Fixer/Lawman aka the Undercover. You know
of the young pups think you’re just an old fogey how The Street works. How to blend in. How to
who can hook them up with a guitar or an amp. speak the language. You get in where needed,
You know better. Back in the day, your name was you gain their trust, and you feed the info to your
up in lights, and you shredded so hard you set employers. You know everyone, and everyone
the house on fire. thinks they know you.
• Fixer/Solo aka the Monarch. Let other Fixers • Fixer/Nomad aka the Organizer. Nomads
squabble to grow their territory. This is your have been providing labor to statics for decades.
neighborhood, and it’s all you need. You make Construction, demolition, couriers, entertain-
sure it has water, electricity, and food. And if ment... that’s how the Nations survive. And you
people cross you? You make sure it has plenty make sure they get that work, matching the right
of bodybags, too. Pack members with the right employers.
Gang Colors Needless to say, the older you are, the less people
might take you seriously in Asia Pop. Do it wrong, and
Most gangs in Night City have their own style. The you’ll get a “how sad” from the grown-ups and “narc”
clothes tend to be cheap & durable with specific from the kids.
patches, colors, or accessories. Wearing them can be
dangerous. Gangs know their own. If you’re wearing Urban Flash
colors you haven’t earned, you better be a damned
Streetwear born from music videos, mixed with tech-
good actor. Wear the wrong set of gang colors when
nology. Sneakers with lights. Coats with LCD screens.
passing through another gang’s turf, and you might be
Gloves that glow neon. Urban Flash is great for
asking for a beat down... depending on the relationship
showing off you’re both modern and hip.
between the two gangs.
We’ll say it again. Fashion is a tool. It is the lockpick Hell, Wardrobe and Style isn’t just about social. Bag
or wrench of social situations. Wearing the right outfit Lady Chic can help with Stealth if you’re incognito on
makes the job easier. Wearing the wrong outfit can The Street. Meanwhile, GMs, if an Edgerunner is trying
make the job impossible. to hurdle a table wearing High Fashion they had to
squeeze and buckle into you should ask yourself: does
Which is why there’s a Wardrobe and Style Skill.
it make the task harder?
Wearing an outfit isn’t just about putting the clothes on.
It is about being comfortable in them. Wardrobe and And that’s how Fashion plays a part in the game.
Style is based on wearing the right clothing with the right Wearing the right outfit can open doors. Wearing the
attitude, and it makes a killer Complimentary Skill Check wrong outfit means you’re sneaking around to the back.
to augment Persuasion, Bribery, and Intimidation.
Always bring the right tool for the job.
decide the new corpse has 10eb and a bag of Kibble on it. There. Now you’re ready to move on to the next part
of the Mission until someone asks, “What flavor is the Kibble?”. Don’t worry, choomba. We’ve got your back.
Here’s a table of twenty random Kibble flavors straight from Balance Town.
Writing and Design by James Hutt and J Gray•Editing by BJ Hensley and J Gray
Art Direction by Winterjaye Kovach•Cartography by Jon Abbiss
Business Management by Lisa Pondsmith•Layout by J Gray
B etrayal
b e t r a y a l b e t r a y a l b e t r a y a l W hat is this thing?
w h a t i s t h i s t h i n g
Elflines Online the Trading Card Game takes all the
Confused? It stings. You give your energy to something, and
Wondering they stab you right in the back. I expected more out fun of Elflines Online and stuffs it into a deck of plastic
what this has
to do with of the Elflines Franchise. It all started when I, along cards you can collect, trade, and play! This hot new
Cyberpunk with much of the Elflines Online Community, woke up sensation redefines the Elflines Online experience,
to a mysterious announcement on Segotari’s Garden allowing you to explore the Elflands anywhere without
Elflines Online Patch and a live countdown leading up to an event needing a Segotari Rush Revolution or a functioning
is Night City’s
most popular at midnight in ten days. Speculation began imme- CitiNet connection.
MMO. We’ve diately. Was it a reboot, a remaster, a new entry in And for you Cyberpunk RED Players at home? It is
covered how to
play it in three the Elflines JRPG series, or perhaps, a new expan- a fully functioning card battle game you can play using
different DLCs, sion for Elflines Online? The community kicked into a regular poker deck and some imagination. Play it in
all available on
our website! high gear. The members of {Nature’s Thorns} were character when a mission’s in wait mode! Play it out of
Check them hyped, and everyone had a theory about what the character just for kicks!
all out!
announcement would be.
The Battle for the Elflands begins with you!
I stayed up all night before the announcement
with Morlissa on my Agent, watching scary movies
on Chyron while hanging out together in our play-
uying Into the Craze
b u y i n g i n t o t h e c r a z e
er-owned house. It was nice. I was, for sure, convinced
the announcement would be for a remaster of Elflines 1 Daeric’s guide: Don’t gamble. Buy singles.
since it’s been about 25 years since it was released, but
Morlissa was positive it would be an anime announce- Buying Packs in Game
ment – perhaps an anime movie. Honestly, I would
A pack of Elflines Online the TCG cards costs 10eb
have been happy if she was right. At least we could
(Cheap) and contains ten cards – one face card and
have seen it together, even if it turned out to be bad.
nine number cards. Yes, you will need to buy multiple
Nothing could have prepared us for the truth. packs to put together a full deck for play.
It was a stupid card game. Who asked for this? A booster box of Elflines Online the TCG cards costs
Nobody. And some packs have codes for exclusive 100eb (Premium). It contains ten packs plus one ran-
Elflines Online items? Aw hell, it’s the Whispering Orb domly chosen face card as a bonus.
all over again. Except now I gotta play gacha to even
get the ones I want! Creating Packs Out of Game
These aren’t harmless cosmetics either. We are Take a poker deck and separate into two stacks: one
talking gameplay-defining items here, shoved ran- with the face cards and jokers, one with the number
domly into card packs for Arvish’s sake! I was at the cards. Shuffle each stack separately. Deal one card
end of my rope. This was clearly bad for the game. from the face card stack and nine cards from the
Toxic. And my entire Elfline agreed with me! number/joker stack into a new stack, face down.
Segotari, fuck this, we said! But despite the protests A single poker deck can create four Elflines Online the
of the community, no changes were made. It’s been TCG packs. You will have cards left over. Keep those
months now, and weefles are playing this on every to sell as singles!
damn corner of The Street. I guess we’re stuck with this
Note, we’re using regular playing cards to represent
your Elflines Online the TCG cards here, but in the
Better learn to live with it. world of Cyberpunk RED, these are specific cards
with art and unique designs and names and everything!
-Daeric Sylar See The Cards (page 69) for more details on which
cards represent what.
Now gather the cards together into them. The good news is, all it takes is a
a stack and hand them to your players DV13 Streetwise or DV9 Local Expert
so they can know the joy of opening up (Elflands) Check to find one who will deal
a pack to find the cards they need or the you the sweet, sweet cards you need. New Price
crushing despair of getting a bum draw.
Few pains cut deeper. eady to play?
Players, we recommend marking your h o w t o p l a h o w t o p l a y You may have noticed a
new Price Category here.
cards on the front so you can tell your 3 of You’ve bought your cards. You’ve found That’s because there is
Spades from someone else’s. someone to play against since this is a two one. 5eb (Dirt Cheap). That
player game. won’t even buy you a pack
If a player pulls a joker out of their pack, of Kibble, so that’ll tell you
they’ve scored a loot card with a code they Now, you’re ready to duel! Here are the what these cards are really
can redeem in Elflines Online (see page rules you need to play Night City’s favorite worth to most people in
71)! TCG. Night City.
Card Cost
Constructed: This method is for real During their turn, a player may do any of
players who own their own cards! the following four actions as often as they
have the resources to do so. They must
Tournaments Each player creates a deck of twenty-six
cards. Twenty must be number cards, and
pass their turn if they no longer have the
resources to perform an action, though they
Players are encouraged you can never have more than two of any
can do so before they run out of resources
to play as fast as possible. specific number. We recommend sticking to
as well.
In a tournament setting, two suits for your number cards but, hey, this
turns must be completed is your deck. The remaining six can be face Summon: Discard one or more number
in under a minute. In addi- cards from any suit. Check to see if there is cards whose numbers add up perfectly to
tion, matches consist of five
a limit on how many of a specific face card the number on a card you wish to summon
games played between
two opponents, with the can be in a deck. Aces are number cards from your hand to summon it as a sum-
best of five winning. The representing one and not a face card. All moned creature.
loser of the previous game cards must come from a player’s existing
in a match goes first in the stash. If they don’t have enough cards of the Example: Daeric Sylar wishes to summon
next game. right type to form a deck, they can’t play. a Restless Spirit (aka a 6 of Spades) from
You’ve got to be in it to win it, choomba. his hand. To do so he discards a 2 of
Diamonds and a 4 of Spades. They go into
Unlike Limited, playing Constructed will his discard pile, and he triumphantly slaps
require multiple poker decks. This rep- the Restless Spirit down on the table.
resents not just playing Elflines Online the
TCG but the experience of purchasing and Attack: Discard two cards with the same
collecting the cards as well. suit as a summoned creature that hasn’t
yet attacked this turn or a number card
with the same number as it to attack with
laying the Game
p la yin g t h e g a m e p la yin g t h e g a m e it, using it to discard all of the oppo-
nent’s summoned creatures of its number
Randomly determine a player to go first. or lower to the discard pile or to deal
The player going first begins the game damage equal to its number directly to
with 20 Elf Points. The player going second the opponent’s Elf Points.
begins the game with 24 Elf Points.
Example: Daeric Sylar wants to attack
Elflines Online the TCG is played in with his Restless Spirit (aka a 6 of Spades).
rounds. Each round consists of two phases. He has two choices to do so. He can either
play two Spades from his hand or another
Draw Phase card with a value of 6.
At the beginning of round one, the player He has another Restless Spirit (aka a 6 of
who goes first draws six cards. The player Diamonds), so moves it from his hand to his
going second draws seven cards. discard pile to power the attack. Daeric’s
At the beginning of all other rounds, the opponent has 20 Elf Points and three sum-
players draw cards until they have seven in moned creatures: a Gremlin (aka a 3 of
their hand. If at any time no cards are left Hearts), a Draglin (aka a 5 of Clubs), and
in their deck when a player goes to draw, a Bearwolf (aka a 7 of Hearts).
they reshuffle their discard pile into a new
Daeric can either send the Gremlin and
deck and continue to draw.
the Draglin to the discard pile or hit his
Play Phase opponent directly to reduce those 20 Elf
Points to 14 Elf Points. Daeric decides to
The player picked to go first takes their play the long game and gets rid of the two
turn, followed by their opponent. monsters.
Remove: Discard four cards of the same suit to place one of your opponent’s summoned creatures into their
discard pile.
Example: Daeric’s opponent summoned a Dragon (aka a 10 of Clubs) on his last turn but couldn’t attack with
it. Daeric knows the monster can bite a big chunk out of his Elf Points, so he discards an Ace of Diamonds, 3 of
Diamonds, 5 of Diamonds, and 9 of Diamonds to send the Dragon straight to the discard pile.
Activate Face Card: Play a face card from your hand and activate its effects. The effect may be instantaneous
or remain in the game until certain conditions are met. Once a face card’s effect ends, the card is not placed in
the discard pile. Instead, it is removed from the game.
Example: Daeric’s down ten Elf Points and worried his opponent might pull out some big monsters on their next
turn. To help counter this, he plays the Blessing of Arvish (aka the Queen of Diamonds) and heals seven Elf Points,
then places the card back in his custom deck box.
The game ends immediately when one of the two player’s Elf Points drops to 0.
T he Cards
t h e c a r d s t h e c a r d s t h e c a r d s t h e c a r d s t h e c a r d s
Daeric’s Guide: At least the art is good.
We’re representing the cards of Elflines Online the TCG with regular playing cards, but in the world of
Cyberpunk RED, your Edgerunner will be slinging premium plastic cards covered in glorious Elflines Online
art. Each playing card in your hand corresponds to an Elflines Online the TCG card in your Character’s hand.
Here’s the breakdown.
1 (Ace) Elf Outnumbered but not discouraged, the Elves seek to reclaim the Elflands.
2 Slime Drippy, goopy, slimy, and oozy, Slimes infest much of Enthenox.
3 Gremlin Rampaging Gremlins love the taste of elf blood.
4 Cursed Head The beheaded spirits of firsthold are eternally cursed to roam.
5 Draglin The result of a failed experiment to infuse Gremlins with Dragon blood.
6 Restless Spirit Elvish ancestors ripped back to unlife by the miasma.
7 Bearwolf The hearty Bearwolf, the strongest animal in the Elflands.
Confused natural guardians, overwhelmed by the extent of the
8 Zazzolif
9 Golem Basalt giants constructed by The Warlock to wage siege warfare.
10 Dragon The Dragons blame all elves for the actions of one.
▶ Face Cards
▶ Jokers
Scattered throughout various Elflines Online the TCG packs, one can find loot cards with codes you can enter in
Elflines Online to obtain new items and gear! Use jokers to represent these cards.
Loot Item Effect Single Cost
C heating
c h e a t i n g c h e a t i n g c h e a t i n g c h e a t i n g
Facedowns While playing Elflines Online the TCG as a minigame during a game of Cyberpunk
RED, cheating is encouraged. Most tournaments held in Night City are full of cheaters
and Games hustling for the tournament prize. During gameplay, when you decide it’s time to play dirty,
you can attempt the following Cheats with 1d10 + INT + Gamble Skill Check (or another
Finally, while intimidation
appropriate Skill Check as noted). If you don’t beat the DV, your Cheat fails, and your
is illegal and grounds for
disqualification in a tourna-
attempt is obvious to your opponent and any observers.
ment setting, many games Additionally, once per game, after the cheater has attempted a Cheat, a participant or
played outside of a tour- observer can oppose the Character’s Check with a Concentration, Gamble, or Streetwise
nament setting begin with
Check, catching the cheater if they win. In a tournament setting, cheating is grounds for
a Facedown (see CP:R page
disqualification and expulsion. In a street setting, it’s grounds for violence.
194). Defeating someone
in a game still counts as
a defeat for the purposes ▶ Cheats
of mitigating a negative
Facedown effect. DV Cheat
▶ Duel Caster
Cost: 100eb (Premium)
A bulky winged triangular plastic housing for your Elflines Online TCG Deck, with an included revving trigger and These are real
a pair of very overactive flywheels with which to fling your cards onto (and sometimes into) the table. weapons! Take
your Elflines
An Exotic Medium Pistol. It is 3 ROF and allows you to make 3 Attack Checks per Attack Action if it is the only weapon Online offline
to The Street!
you’re firing this Round. Otherwise, it is 2 ROF. The Duel Caster deals 1d6 damage and cannot be concealed. Instead
of firing bullets, it fires Elflines Online the TCG cards. The cards can be recovered after they are fired (albeit no longer
in mint condition). The Duel Caster has a capacity of 26 cards, just enough to hold your Elflines Online the TCG deck.
It can also be loaded with standard playing cards, costing 5eb (Dirt Cheap) per deck, but doing so causes the Duel
Caster to act like a Poor Quality Weapon until proper Elflines Online the TCG cards are swapped in. Yes, the Duel
Caster does
break the “you
▶ Scarlet Blackbow (as seen in Elflines Online) can never
make more
Cost: 50eb (Costly) than two Attack
Checks as part
A premium cosplay recreation of the popular Scarlet Blackbow from Elflines Online. It really works and plays of an Action”
rule from CP:R
sounds from the game when drawn to full extension! Makes a great gift for the elf in your life. Each purchase page 169.
comes with a quiver of six Rubber Arrows (see CP:R page 346).
We think
An Exotic Poor Quality Bow. Whenever you roll a Critical Failure (a 1) when firing the weapon, it destroys itself Ripperjack
beyond repair. Additionally, when the weapon destroys itself beyond repair, its battery pack electrocutes the designed it.
wielder, dealing them 6d6 damage, soaked by their armor as normal.
Live a More Exciting
Life Online!
in Rancho Coronado. Eventually, we hit critical mass Of course, they’re also easier to steal, more strenuous
and refurbished a small, decommissioned factory in the to operate, and inferior when it comes to hauling both
Heywood Industrial Zone into a combination manufac- passengers and cargo but, hey, everything can’t be all
turing plant and headquarters. sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes, the world throws
a little blood rain your way, too.
AW: Demand’s been good, then?
GY: It has been. Sometimes I think back to my younger Bicycles as a Vehicle
self, on the thirtieth story of that building in Little Europe,
Bicycles are vehicles and generally follow the same
and I say, “Don’t worry, Gabriel. Someday you’ll see
rules as other vehicles in Cyberpunk RED (see CP:R
just as many bicycles on the street as cars. Maybe even
page 191). Some differences exist, however, due to
more! You’ll achieve your dream.” their unique form of locomotion.
AW: That explains the bicycles. Why inline skates and • Bicycles have SDP 15, a single seat, a cost of
skateboards, though? 100eb (Premium), and their Speed is dependent
GY: Honestly, it happened by chance. One of the upon the rider’s BODY, as noted below.
salvage crews we work with discovered the back
room of an old skate shop beneath the wreckage of ▶ Bicycle Speed
a building. There were boxes full of old parts, and I
bought them on a whim. I asked Edith if she could do Speed Speed
anything with them, and a week later, we had two new (Combat) (Narrative)
products to sell.
BODY <4 8 MOVE 12 MPH /19 KPH
AW: We’re almost out of time, so let me ask, what’s BODY 4 to 7 10 MOVE 20 MPH/32 KPH
next for Yang’s Wheels?
BODY 8+ 15 MOVE 30 MPH/48 KPH
GY: We are working on something new, but I’m afraid
I can’t really talk about it. • A rider with BODY 11 or higher is too heavy for
AW: Please? Maybe a hint for our audience? a standard bicycle and cannot ride it properly
without a Reinforced Frame upgrade.
GY: Fine. Fine. I’ll just say this. One of the advantages of
bicycles is their size. They can travel through spaces cars • Bicycles can’t be acquired or upgraded using a
can’t. I want to bring that same idea to public transpor- Nomad’s Moto Role Ability.
tation. Mind you, this isn’t a new idea. Just like bicycles, • Bicycles are ridden using the Athletics Skill
I’ll be adapting an old idea to Night City’s current needs. instead of Drive Land Vehicle, and they’re
AW: I’m sure our audience can’t wait to find out more! repaired using Basic Tech instead of Land
For now, though, I’m Angie Wu 2.0, and you’ve been Vehicle Tech.
listening to Rebuilding Night City. Subscribe for more • Bicycles cannot be controlled via Interface Plugs.
content and we’ll talk to you next time. Manual control only.
• When riding a bicycle, you use your Initiative.
icycles in Night City You don’t go to the top of the queue.
b i c y c l e s i n n i g h t c i t y
• Damage for crashing/ramming is 3d6 for the
You know the old saying. “The Street finds a way”. In Night
bicycle and the target struck, instead of 6d6. In
City, where car costs haven’t come down in decades,
addition to suffering the Whiplash Critical Injury,
and the banks only give out loans to people who don’t
the rider is thrown off the bike and considered
need them, one of the key things The Street needs to find
Prone (see CP:R page 169).
is reliable transportation. Enter bicycles. They’re relatively
inexpensive, fairly reliable, and can squeeze through con- • If a defender dodges a ramming attack from a bicycle,
struction, wreckage, and war zones faster than most cars. they do not have the option of landing on top of it.
• At the GM’s discretion, performing a physical ▶ Cycle Armor
task not related to riding while operating a
bicycle, such as shooting a firearm, can count Cost: 100eb (Premium)
as a Complex Task (see CP:R page 130) and Plating and reinforcement is added to your bicycle,
impose a -2 modifier to Checks. making it more resistant to damage. It now has 7 SP.
Requires the Reinforced Frame upgrade.
• Riding a bicycle takes physical effort. If the
GM deems it appropriate, they can ask for
an Endurance Check based on the Riding ▶ Electric Pedal Assist
Fatigue table at the end of a long ride. If Cost: 100eb (Premium)
the Character fails the Check, consider them
fatigued, as if they had slept uncomfortable A small motor is added to the bicycle, making it almost
effortless to pedal. Increase the bicycle’s Speed
the night before (see CP:R page 130) for the
(Narrative) to the next BODY tier or add 5 MPH (8
rest of the day. KPH) to Speed (Narrative) if it is at the highest tier. In
addition, the rider gains a +4 to Endurance Checks
▶ Riding Fatigue made to resist exhaustion after long rides.
▶ Neon Lighting ▶ Trailer
Cost: 20eb (Everyday) Cost: 50eb (Costly)
Battery-powered fiber-optic neon lighting is integrated A small trailer you can hook onto your bicycle with a
into your bicycle’s frame and wheels to add some cargo area measuring 5 feet (1.5 meters) long and 1.5
serious style to its substance. This counts as 1 installa- feet (.46 meters) wide. It can be attached or detached
tion of a Light Tattoo when riding, sitting on, or being from the bicycle with an Action.
near your bike for the purposes of the +2 Wardrobe
If the bicycle has the Folding Frame upgrade, the
and Style bonus.
trailer must be detached before it is folded.
▶ Reinforced Frame
Cost: 100eb (Premium) O ther Offerings
ot h e ro f f e r in g sot h e ro f f e r in g s
Bicycles are Yang’s Wheels main product, but they
The bicycle’s frame is reinforced with additional
cross-sections and bracing. This adds 5 SDP and aren’t the only thing the company sells. It is also Night
allows those with a BODY of 11 or higher to ride. City’s leading supplier of wheeled recreational items
Incompatible with the Folding Frame like inline skates and skateboards.
▶ Inline Skates
▶ Security System Cost: 50eb (Costly)
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) A pair of roller skates with four wheels arranged in a
When activated by an app on your Agent, the bicycle single line.
is electrified. Anyone attempting to grab it must Inline Skates increase movement by 4 m/yds when
succeed at a DV13 Resist Torture/Drugs Check or using the Run Action. Pulling the skates on or taking
release the bike immediately. them off requires an Action. Any options stored in
The bicycle is also registered with a nano-VIN and a Cyberleg or meat leg are inaccessible while the
Yang’s Wheels guarantees they’ll call you and return skates are worn.
it at no charge, should someone steal it and attempt At the GM’s discretion, performing a physical task
to sell it to them. They’ll even rebuild it, free of charge, involving the legs or balance while wearing skates
if someone brings it in as parts. might count as a Complex Task (see CP:R page 130)
and impose a -2 modifier to Checks.
▶ Smuggling Compartment
Cost: 50eb (Costly) ▶ Skateboards
A small, cleverly concealed storage space is built into Cost: 50eb (Costly)
the frame. It can hold objects up to 1 inch x 6 inches A deck, two trucks, and four wheels. A staple of
(2.54cm x 15.24cm). Discovering it requires a DV 17 extreme sports enthusiasts the world over.
Conceal/Reveal Object Check. Incompatible with
the Folding Frame upgrade. In addition to allowing the rider to perform sick tricks,
skateboards increase movement by 4 m/yds when
▶ Stunt Frame using the Run Action so long as it is being used on level
or downward sloping ground.
Cost: 100eb (Premium)
At the GM’s discretion, performing a physical task
Modifications are made to make the bicycle lighter involving the legs or balance while on a skateboard
and more agile. The rider gains +2 to Athletics Skill might count as a Complex Task (see CP:R page 130)
Checks made to perform maneuvers while on the and impose a -2 modifier to Checks.
Maneuver DV
Swerve 13
Sharp Turn 13
Emergency Stop 13
Bootleg Turn 17
Do a Jump 17
Simple Trick (Examples: 180, Barspin, Bunny Hop, Drop, Wheelie) 13
Advanced Trick (Examples: 360, Nothing, Tabletop, Wallride, Walltap) 15
Pro Trick (Examples: 540, Backflip, Flair, Footjam 360, Tailwhip) 17
Trick DV
Simple Trick (Examples: Backwards Skating, Fishtail, Heel-Toe, One Foot, Wavers) 13
Advanced Trick (Examples: 360 Flat Spin, Forward Crossover, Jump, Two-Footed Spin, U-Turn) 15
Pro Trick (Examples: Air Transfer, Grind, Ramp Jump, Rotating Jump, Stall) 17
▶ Skateboard Tricks
Trick DV
▶ Bicycles
Check each
Name SDP Seats Speed (Combat) Speed (Narrative) Cost
item’s full
description Bicycle 15 1 BODY Dependent BODY Dependent 100eb (Premium)
for additional
rules and
information. ▶ Other Items
Name Cost Name Cost
▶ Bicycle Upgrades
▶ Bicycle Sheet
Type Bicycle
Skill Athletics Skill Basic Tech
Ramming ROF1
◊ Bottle Dynamo ◊ Neon Lighting
◊ Bulletproof Glass ◊ Reinforced Frame
◊ Cycle Armor ◊ Security System
◊ Electric Pedal Assist ◊ Smuggling Compartment
◊ Enclosure ◊ Stunt Frame
◊ Extended Seat ◊ Trailer
◊ Folding Frame ◊
◊ Gun Mount ◊
▶ Bicycle Sheet
Type Bicycle
Skill Athletics Skill Basic Tech
Ramming ROF1
◊ Bottle Dynamo ◊ Neon Lighting
◊ Bulletproof Glass ◊ Reinforced Frame
◊ Cycle Armor ◊ Security System
◊ Electric Pedal Assist ◊ Smuggling Compartment
◊ Enclosure ◊ Stunt Frame
◊ Extended Seat ◊ Trailer
◊ Folding Frame ◊
◊ Gun Mount ◊
You have full permission to copy and print these forms as much as you like.
Yeah, it ’s C ybermas!
Oh, it ’s C ybermas!
I just can ’t believe I survived to see C ybermas again this year !
▶ ChainRipp ▶ Cyclops International Bug Eye
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Hospital Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Hospital
Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6) Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6)
The original cyberweapon of mass destruction is back! Want a cool look loaded with cyberoptic option poten-
This ultimate arm ripper consists of a high-speed chain- tial? Then the Cyclops International Bug Eye is for you!
saw with replaceable ferro-ceramic teeth, all installed This stylish oversized cybereye comes in a variety of
in a retractable sheath in the wrist. For added efficiency appearances, including smooth Chrome Dometastic,
and industrial chic, an exhaust port near the elbow gorgeous Chromatic Multi-Faceted, and the ever-pop-
ensures the arm won’t overheat while you’re chewing ular “Cyberpsycho” Bulge!
your way through a pack of gangers.
Borgware. An oversized Cybereye resembling the
Cyberarm Option. A One-Handed Very Heavy Melee bulging optical organ of an insect. Contains 5 slots for
Weapon is installed in a cyberarm so that it can be Cybereye Options.
drawn and stowed without an Action. While “popped
up” the user can’t hold anything in this arm’s hand. ▶ DeathTrance
Once drawn, as an Action, it can be revved up and,
once revved, it will remain so until stowed or revved Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Clinic As you can
probably guess,
down as an Action. While revved, the ChainRipp is Humanity Loss: 3 (1d6) DeathTrance
is popular
an Excellent Quality One-Handed Exotic Very Heavy Are you a thief looking to sneak into a hospital through with the
Melee Weapon. Takes 4 option slots. the morgue? Or a goth looking to perfect their deathly Philharmonic
glow before the next big party? If you can
▶ Cybermatrix Gang Jazzler get through
Either way, you’ll want DeathTrance, the only an entire
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Clinic Neuralware option guaranteed to slow your body’s vitals of “The Scottish
Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6) down without slowing you down. Pick up DeathTrance Play” with the
today and be ready for your next zombie prom! active, your
Does choking a target into unconsciousness take too place in the
long? Then you need the Gang Jazzler! Just press the Neuralware. When activated as an Action, the user’s gang is assured.
Jazzler into your prey’s neck, and you’ll be able to heartbeat, respiration, and other vital signs slow to an
deliver a shock right through their spinal nerves and almost imperceptible rate. Appearance-wise, the user
into their brain. They’ll pass out faster, allowing you to seems functionally dead and takes a -4 to all Actions.
take your time snagging their belongings without fear While DeathTrance is active, and the user is actively pre-
of reprisal. Plus, you won’t have to kill them, since they’ll tending to be dead, their life functions can only be detected
be too unconscious to fight back. with a DV17 Medical Tech, or a DV21 Criminology,
The Gang Jazzler’s a win-win for mugger and mugee Deduction, or Perception Check. This DeathTrance state
alike! can be exited by the user at any time without an Action.
Repeated use can permanently affect the skin’s pallor.
Cyberarm Option. Powerful electrode needle that can
be concealed within the arm without a check. When ▶ Kiroshi MonoVision
a user Chokes a target during a Grapple, instead of
dealing damage, they may expend the entirety of a Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Hospital
50eb (Costly) easily rechargeable battery pack (1 Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6)
hour) concealed within the arm, forcing the target to
Tired of having to pair your cyberoptics in two boring
attempt a DV13 Resist Torture/Drugs Check.
ceramic, metal, and plastic orbs? Well, never fear! The
If the target fails, they go Unconscious regardless Kiroshi MonoVision replaces your entire optic ridge
of their Hit Point total. This unconsciousness lasts for and both eye sockets with a single, wide-angle cyber-
one minute. Can be installed as the only piece of optic to give you the cool, visored look popular with
Cyberware in a meat arm. influencers across the world!
Borgware. Artificial Cybereye visor which replaces two Chipware. Chip overloaded with feedback circuits
meat eyes with a single wide-angle cyberoptic. Cannot forcing the user to subconsciously copy the vocal
be installed in a MultiOptic Mount. Contains 3 slots for patterns, nervous gestures, and body language of the
Cybereye Options. When Cybereye Options are installed persona written into it. While installed into a Chipware
into the MonoVision they always count as if they were Socket, this grants the user a +4 to Acting Checks to
paired. If a user with MonoVision as their only source of impersonate the persona.
sight receives the Lost Eye Critical Injury, its effect, includ-
Should the Character not fight against the chip, and
ing the Base Death Save Penalty, is doubled.
the Player roleplay the impersonation, this bonus to
Acting checks increases to +5. Poser Chips based on
▶ Kiroshi OptiShield famous individuals created using hundreds of hours of
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Clinic publicly available footage cost 500eb. Chips based on
Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6) private individuals using at least 10 hours of footage
cost 1,000eb.
You never asked for this, but Kiroshi delivered anyway!
The Kiroshi OptiShield tops the cyberfashion charts ▶ Radline Blitzkrieg Arc-Thrower Cyberarm
every year for their durability, practicality, and style.
A simple and brief contortion of the facial muscles Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Hospital
Technically, the
Blitzkrieg is extends the OptiShield from its hiding place under your Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6)
manufactured brow and covers your eye with the most chic anti-daz-
by Radine The Radline Blitzkrieg Arc-Thrower uses a low-energy
Laboratories zle protection money can buy.
laser to ionize an air-path and then releases a high-
out of Sweden,
but a printing External Body Cyberware. Retractable Anti-Dazzle volt, medium-amp artificial lightning bolt to blast a wide
error on Mirrorshades built into the brow which can be swath of electric mayhem in front of it.
the arm
proclaimed it extended or retracted with an Action. While extended,
as being made Don’t let the lack of a hand on the latest model put
the user is immune to blindness or other effects caused
by Radline. The you off putting the power of Zeus at your end of your
misnomer stuck by dangerous flashes of light, like those of a flashbang.
To this day, few arm, though! Radline’s patented MagnaSlot technol-
people use ogy means you can easily eject a spent BatteryBrick
the company’s ▶ Psiberstuff Watch-Man with a thought and then slot a new one by pressing
actual name
when referring
Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Mall the arm’s power port to a spare tucked away on
to this iconic
cyberware. Humanity Loss: 3 (1d6) your belt.
As time marches on, so does the iconic Watch-Man from Cyberarm. Does not have to be paired. Has 0 Option
Psiberstuff! No longer a basic “television in an arm”, now slots for Cyberarm or Cyberlimb Options. Does not
the iconic pop-up cybernetic electronic serves as an include a hand and thus cannot hold anything. This
Agent, complete with pseudo-AI to keep you company! custom-built cyberarm is a One-Handed Exotic Poor
Quality Shotgun fired with the Heavy Weapons Skill
Cyberarm Option. A fully functional Agent with a flip-up instead of the Shoulder Arms Skill.
screen (see CP:R page 352) built into the cyberarm.
Mechanically, the Arc-Thrower is a Shotgun that
▶ Poser Chip can only fire using the Shotgun Shell alternate firing
mode, except that it deals 4d6 instead of 3d6 damage.
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) or 1,000eb (Very Expensive) Additionally, instead of using ammunition, whenever
Install: N/A•Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6) this weapon is fired, it drains one of 32 charges from
its easily rechargeable (1 hour) proprietary Radline
Endorsed by the Prime-Time Players of Night City and
MagnaSlot BatteryBrick (100eb, included with every
poser gangs all around the world, the Poser Chip takes
your adoption of an icon’s style and identity to the next
level. Don’t just pretend to be your favorite celebrity or Damage dealt by this weapon cannot cause a
character. Instead, reprogram your brain to embody Critical Injury and does not ablate armor. If damage
their very essence with a Poser Chip! dealt by this weapon would reduce a target to under 1
HP, they are instead Unconscious at 1 HP. This weap- ▶ Wyzard Technologies Romanova Cyberlegs
on’s battery pack can be ejected and reloaded as an
Action even without a free hand. Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Hospital
Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6)
▶ Raven Microcybernetics MicroWaldo In 2020, fashion superstar Gaboriau predicted the
Romanova Cyberlegs would “dominate the Riviera”.
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Clinic
Gaboriau was wrong. Fashionable cyborgs across the
Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6)
world rejected the Romanova for being “just another
Trusted by medical professionals across the world, the pretty pair of legs” with no real benefit beyond built-in
Raven Microcybernetics MicroWaldo plugs eight artic- heels.
ulated probes into your wrist and your brain to provide
In 2021, Wyzard Technologies tried to correct this
the direct and precise assistance you need, whether
impression by releasing a new model of the Romanova,
you’re suturing arteries or connecting nerve endings to
this time with blades built into the spiked heels. The
cybernetic wires.
cyberlegs still didn’t dominate the market, but they’ve
Let the MicroWaldo be your newest surgical remained a solid seller for the small Swiss company
assistant. ever since.
Cyberarm Option. Neuralware Option. A Medtech Paired Cyberlegs. They must be installed together
using a MicroWaldo gains a +1 to their Surgery Skill. and count as a single item for the purposes of Cost
and Humanity Loss but not Critical Injuries or repair.
▶ Sycust FleshWeave Each Cyberleg has 3 Option Slots for Cyberleg or
Cyberlimb Options. Each comes pre-installed with a
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Hospital Talon Foot (see CP:R page 367) that doesn’t cost any
Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6) Humanity Loss or take up a Cyberleg Option Slot. The
You know the drill. You pissed off your Input/Output. Talon Feet cannot be removed without destroying the
They shot you while you were showering, and now Cyberlegs beyond repair.
you’ve got to spend the whole day doing nothing while
your Skinweave repairs itself.
Despite the efforts of
Well, not anymore, choomba! The hyperactive nano- Operation: L ump of C oal , our Who is the
bots in your Sycust Fleshweave can do in minutes what mysterious
takes the tiny, tired robots of other brands’ Skinweave regional offices in Night C ity Netrunner
known as
days*. were infiltrated by the S.A.N.T.A.?
External Body Cyberware. Skinweave. User’s body Netrunner known only as Truth be told,
we don't know.
and head are armored at SP7. S.A.N.T.A. and blueprints for According to
Brain, the
Your SP in any location is determined by your highest multiple products , including owner of
Short Circuit,
source of SP in that location. Additionally, whenever the MonoVision and OptiShield , S.A.N.T.A.
your armor is ablated in a location, all your sources of shows up every
SP in that location are ablated at the same time. were stolen . Fortunately, December 24th
and downloads
the OptiShield plans stolen a file full of
After 10 minutes without strenuous activity, nanoma- secret Corp info
chines present in the Skinweave repair both the body were for the 2020 variation onto The Library,
the bar's NET
and head location of the Skinweave to full SP. and not the style redesign Architecture
* ”Hyperactive nanobots” is a term used for advertis- we plan on debuting on to shared
ing only. Sycust FleshWeave denies any and all rumors the market next year . and then leaves
of excessive skin growth or flesh bulges in the user’s without saying
body due to its product overproducing polymer mesh
— Fenton Hamilton Miranda a word.
Chief Actuary
beneath their epidermis. Kiroshi Optics, Night City
500eb 14
ChainRipp Cyberarm Option Hospital A retractable chainsaw built into your arm.
Check each
(Expensive) (4d6)
item’s full Cybermatrix Enough electricity flowing through your finger to 500eb 7
description Cyberarm Option Clinic
for additional Gang Jazzler stun an elephant. If they haven’t gone extinct. (Expensive) (2d6)
rules and
information. Cyclops International 500eb 14
Borgware Hospital Bigger eye. More Cybereye options.
Bug Eye (Expensive) (4d6)
Appear dead without being dead. Might add a 500eb 3
DeathTrance Neuralware Clinic
pale glow to your skin permanently (Expensive) (1d6)
Doesn’t let you shoot optic blasts. Does let you 500eb 14
Kiroshi MonoVision Borgware Hospital
install Cybereye options without pairing. (Expensive) (4d6)
External Body The height of 2020s cool built right into your 500eb 7
Kiroshi OptiShield Clinic
Cyberware face and fully retractable. (Expensive) (2d6)
Psiberstuff 100eb 3
Cyberarm Option Mall An Agent built into your arm.
Watch-Man (Premium) (1d6)
Don’t just look like Elvis. Be Elvis. Or anyone 14
PoserChip Chipware N/A or
else you desire to duplicate. (4d6)
(V Expensive)
Radline Blitzkrieg
No hand but you can now throw lightning at 1,000eb 14
Arc-Thrower Cyberarm Hospital
multiple enemies at once. (V Expensive) (4d6)
Cyberarm Option A spider-like collection of probes turn your 1,000eb 7
Microcybernetic Clinic
Neuralware Option hand into a monster of surgical precision. (V Expensive) (2d6)
External Body Better Skinweave than anything else on the 1,000eb 7
Sycust Fleshweave Hospital
Cyberware market. (V Expensive) (2d6)
Technologies Comes in pairs. Comes with heels. The heels are 1,000eb 14
Cyberleg Hospital
Romanova weapons. You can poison them. (V Expensive) (4d6)
going metal
full body conversions in cyberpunk red
Samantha, what’s a Full Body Conversion? I can tell I’m scaring you. I’m sorry. Don’t worry,
though. People your age are way cooler than people
The short version? A Full Body Conversion is a human
from back then. More accepting, too. You all grew
brain stuffed inside a cybernetic body. Like me! I was
up hard – you more than anyone. I can tell. You’re
originally housed in a Brimstone model explicitly designed
a fighter, just like my favorite Rockerboy, Johnny
for firefighting. Of course, I’ve implanted so many mods
since then that I’m my own model now! Unique and one of
a kind! Anyway, Full Body Conversion can be a mouthful. What are things like today for FBCs?
So, some people call us FBCs. Some call us Borgs. Either
FBCs stick together. We always have. It used to be just
works, as far as I’m concerned.
for protection, but over the years, we developed our
The long version? That requires understanding. We’re own customs and slang. Our own culture. That’s nothing
not just brains in metal bodies. We’re a culture with our new. It’s always been fun and comforting to spend time
own history and unique challenges in getting along in with people who understand the uniqueness of your
this world. life. People who can lift you up and remind you to go
to therapy when you’re feeling down. We get together
You’re gonna be one of us soon, so let me tell you a
on the regular, at clubs or in homes, to share our lives.
little about that history. Since the early 2000s, human-
We’ve got support groups, Garden Patches, and
ity has experimented with Full Body Conversion cyber-
even our own conventions! There’s nothing like going
netics. In the 2020s, they experienced peak adoption,
to an FBC show to show off your perfectly seamless
buoyed by the strong economy. It was a reckless time
Superchrome finish and get tips on what polish to use
in cybernetics, and cyberpsychosis was still a relatively
to shine it up to mirror perfection without scratching
recent discovery. Medical advancements were being
the surface. I’ve got plenty of meat friends, but none
made left and right, and one of them is about to save
of them can keep up with me when I’m partying at the
your life. After all, cancer can’t exist in body parts you
Metalstorm. And there’s still the protection element. Not
don’t have. Anyway, military and Corporate interests at
many people mess with a group of FBCs when they’re
the time were vying to replace the meat bodies of their
hanging out together.
soldiers with powerful metal ones, like mine. Bodies
capable of working longer. Bodies capable of fighting Am I going to be okay?
harder. Like all military tech, Full Body Conversion tech-
Physically? Yeah, choomba. You’re gonna be amazing.
nology jumped from the battlefield to the showroom. By
Healthier than you’ve ever been. Beyond that? The
2020, metal endoskeletons wrapped in myomar fiber
thing you’ve gotta understand about being Borg is that
musculature and sporting state-of-the-art hydraulic
it isn’t like it used to be, and that’s not a bad thing.
limbs – all wrapped in a sweet and shiny metal skin –
We’ve come a long way, but there’s still so much more
were popping up in cities across the world.
progress we have to make. That’s gonna be the job of
You can see why, too. An FBC can lift a car, doesn’t your generation. Most cases of cyberpsychosis don’t
need food or oxygen, and can rip through a brick involve FBCs, but some people still assume all FBCs
wall in seconds. An FBC can do the work of a dozen are Cyberpsychos, and assholes looking to grow their
laborers and survive conditions even a hazmat suit brand sometimes target us, hoping to use fear to grab
wouldn’t protect a flesh-and-blood choom from. We more power and popularity.
were bigger, stronger, and more capable, so of course,
You’ll catch some of the hate. Don’t let it change
the rumors started flying. We were all Cyberpsychos.
you. Personally, I say don’t fault the fearful for their
We wanted to kill all the fleshies and take over the
fear – they don’t know any better. At the same time,
world. We were actually AI-driven robots and not
it’s not your job to educate them unless that’s what you
humans at all. It didn’t help the original FBC designers
choose. Being FBC isn’t about being an ambassador;
only made one face per model. Since we all looked
it’s more the ultimate form of self-expression. It’s your
alike, it was easy for people to paint us as “other” and
chance to build yourself into exactly what you want to
make us the subject of slurs and prejudice. Eventually,
be. No one else in the world, not even the most body-
we started designing faceplates to give each FBC more
sculpted BioExotic, gets a chance like that.
individuality, but it didn’t stop the fear.
Look. I don’t get to choose how society After Biosystem surgery, you’ll be
sees me. No one does. But you know what? implanted into your selected FBC body.
Fuck society. Only your vision of yourself is The installation procedure is included at
truly important. It’ll grow and change over no additional cost. Upon installation, you Fixer
time, and the best part of being an FBC?
You get to grow and change your body to
suffer the Humanity Loss associated with
the FBC body but can always choose to
match it! take the average instead of rolling. Occasionally, cost in
Cyberpunk RED doesn’t
I hope that puts your mind at ease. The FBC Baselines equate to how easy it is for
doctor we’ve got lined up for you is one a Fixer to get their paws on
that I trust. Ex-Rocklin – a Kildare model What follows are the advantages and dis- something.
with a hundred percent success rate on advantages of every FBC body, no matter
An item or service might
Biosystem surgeries. It won’t be anything the model. be pricey but easy to get
like the radiation and chemicals from or cheap but hard to get.
• A FBC user’s Skills and Intelligence,
before, I promise. You’re in good hands. In such cases, the cost in
Cool, Tech, Will, Luck, and Empathy
Got a modified Alpha Class all ready for Eurodollars and the price
Statistics remain the same as they
you, and my FBC club pitched in to install category of the item can
were in their meat body. Their Body be different.
some fun surprises.
Statistics, Hit Points, and Death Save
I promise to be here when you wake up, change depending on the FBC body. For example, purchas-
ing an IEC Alpha Class
choomba. So… are you ready to go metal? Their Reflex, Dexterity, and Move
package costs 9,900eb,
Statistics may change depending on but GMs should treat it as
P opping your metal cherry what cyberware is installed in the Expensive instead of Super
p o p p in g you r m e t al c h e e r y body. Luxury for the purposes of
determining availability.
A Full Body Conversion body is a package • When being installed in an FBC body,
of cyberware – built around an Internal the following cyberware causes 0
Linear Frame – into which a Biosystem (see (N/A) Humanity Loss and does not
page 104) can be installed. Going Metal depress the maximum Humanity
begins with getting your brain and a few regained via therapy: Cyberarm,
other choice bits scooped out and slotted Cy b e ra u d i o S u i t e, Cy b e reye,
into a Biosystem. The procedure is perma- Cyberleg, Cyberskull, Internal Linear
nent, so make peace with losing your meat Frame, Neural Link/Neuroport.
body forever. The cost for a Biosystem, in
• When installed in an FBC body, the
both Eurodollars and Humanity, is separate
number of cyberware option slots
from an FBC body.
granted by foundational cyberware
Most surgeons require the patient to and in the Internal / External Body
remove all non-medical-grade cyber- Cyberware categories is doubled.
ware, including Neuralware, and undergo
• A User installed in an FBC body meets
therapy before Biosystem surgery. This
any Grafted Muscle and Bone Lace
helps prepare for the massive shock of
requirement for additional cyberware
Humanity Loss associated with becoming
even if none is installed.
a Borg. You can install some of your old
cyberware into your FBC body if you • Damage is done to the FBC body, not
wish. If you do so without first uninstalling the user. Thanks to nanomachines, so
it from your meat body and undergoing long as a user maintains a Lifestyle
therapy, the existing Humanity Loss carries of Good Prepack (600eb/month) or
over. Otherwise, installing it into your FBC better, whenever they complete a day
body counts as a new instance with fresh of natural healing while in their FBC
Humanity Loss. body, it regains a number of Hit Points
equal to their BODY. If the user transfers out of their • FBC users require sleep, but are immune to all
FBC body, the empty shell regains a number of penalties associated with sleeping uncomfortably
Hit Points per day equal to what the user’s BODY or living while crammed.
would be while inhabiting the shell.
• A user being installed in an FBC body containing
• So long as the user maintains a Lifestyle of Good new cyberware or who is installing new cyberware
Prepack (600eb/month) or better, an FBC body into their current FBC body can choose to take the
can be restored to full Hit Points via repairs. Doing average Humanity Loss instead of rolling for it.
so requires a DV15 Cybertech Skill Check and
• All FBC bodies have simulated senses of touch,
4 hours. Failed Checks waste the entire 4 hours
smell, and taste while in a body. These simulated
and restore the target to half of their maximum HP
senses can be turned off without an Action. An
unless their current HP is higher. Users in an FBC
FBC in a body can eat food and drink beverages
body can repair themselves.
if they so desire. After enough recreational dining,
• A user transferring into a new FBC body automat- however, they must empty their storage tank, just
ically restores their HP to the maximum total, as like everybody else.
determined by their new FBC body.
Switching Bodies
• Users installed in an FBC are immune to the effects
and bonus damage of the following Critical Injuries A Biosystem can be implanted into a new Full
while in a body: Broken Jaw, Collapsed Lung, Body Conversion body with a DV17 Cybertech
Concussion, Cracked Skull, Crushed Windpipe, or Surgery Skill Check. This takes 4 hours, can
Lost Ear, Spinal Injury, Torn Muscle, and Whiplash. be reattempted any number of times if failed, and
If one of these would be dealt, ignore them entirely. doesn’t hurt the Biosystem’s inhabitant on a failure.
Do not reroll for a new Critical Injury.
An FBC user can attempt the process to transfer
• While in an FBC body, the user is immune to the bodies without aid.
Check and STAT penalties of all Wound States.
If successful, all cyberware in the user’s previous FBC
Other effects, such as the need to make Death
body is uninstalled (this does not include the Biosystem),
Saves, still affect them.
and everything in their new FBC body is installed. If
• While in an FBC body, the user is immune to all this is a completely new body, they suffer Humanity
diseases, poisons, pharmaceuticals, and street Loss for all applicable cyberware, even if it duplicates
drugs unless administered via Airhypo directly into something they possessed in a previous body.
their Biosystem’s access port. It is impossible to do
When a user is implanted into a body they’ve inhab-
so against an an FBC user’s will unless they are
ited in the past, check their Current Humanity against
rendered fully immobile or incapacitated.
their Maximum Humanity via Depression in this body.
• FBC users are immune to radiation, do not need to If their Current Humanity is higher, reduce it to the
breathe, and do not need food or water to survive. Maximum Humanity total. They then take additional
However, they must inject a Glucose-Rich Brain Humanity Loss from any cyberware installed in the
Solution (100eb [Premium]) into their Biosystem body since they last inhabited it.
via the access port once per month. The Glucose-
Only the Biosystem and cyberware installed in a
Rich Brain Solution is included for free in a Good
currently inhabited FBC body counts towards the user’s
Prepack Lifestyle. If a user forgoes the Solution
Maximum Humanity depression.
for a month, they are starving and at a -2 on all
Checks. If they forgo the Solution two months in a Bazooka Joe Goes Metal
row, their biological systems crash and they die.
Years of partying have done a number on the body
• Healing aids designed for fully biological systems,
of Bazooka Joe, head security guru for the Piranhas.
such as Cryobags, Cryotanks, and Speedheal, do
Tired of buying a cloned liver here and a chemskin
not work on FBC users.
replacement there, he’s decided to make the jump to a
Full Body Conversion. He makes a deal with a Fixer for
a Militech Enforcer body and hands over 27,700eb to
pay for both the Biosystem and the FBC body.
F ull Body Conversion Bodies
f u l l b o d y c o n v e r s i o n b o d i e s
Because they were first developed for military and
Listening to his ripperdoc, Joe undergoes surgery Corporate purposes, most FBC bodies are designed
to remove all his cyberware. Then he goes through along occupational lines.
therapy to center himself and help him say goodbye
to his meat body, boosting his total Humanity up to How to Read a FBC Body Listing
80. Next comes the procedure to install his brain (and
Cost: What the body costs in Eurobucks and the Price
other choice bits) into a Biosystem, costing him 18 (4,
Category for purposes of availability.
4, 5, 5 on 4d6) Humanity. His total goes down to 62.
Per Joe’s wishes, his old meat body is cremated. Instead Package HL: The amount of Humanity Loss you expe-
of implanting Joe’s Biosystem directly into the Militech rience when you are first installed into the body. You
Enforcer, the ripperdoc puts him through a brain- may choose to take either the average provided or
dance-based therapy regime to restore the maximum the rolled outcome upon installation.
amount of Humanity possible (14) and pushes Joe up
Install: Type of facility required for installation.
to 76.
Cyberware (HL): Cyberware included in the
Finally, the ripperdoc implants Joe’s Biosystem into
package which causes Humanity Loss and depresses
a Militech Enforcer. Instead of gambling, Joe’s Player
Maximum Humanity achievable through therapy
chooses to go with the average Humanity loss for the
(see CP:R page 229).
package – 55. Joe wakes up from the procedure with
21 Humanity. In the coming year, he’ll continue to go Cyberware (No HL): The listed cyberware is part of
to therapy as he adjusts to his new, full cybernetic body the body but doesn’t cause Humanity Loss. Nor does it
and regain 29 more Humanity, bringing him up to the depress your Maximum Humanity achievable through
maximum he can reach – 50. therapy (see CP:R page 229).
For a Tech, making an FBC endured the test of time in the most hostile Cyberware (No HL)
body requires gathering (or environment imaginable: the vacuum of
fabricating) the individual space. Considered the backbone of mod- Cyberarm x2, Cyberaudio Suite, Cybereye
components and assem-
ern-day space operations, humanity would x2, Cyberleg x2, Cyberskull, Internal Linear
bling them into a whole via Frame Sigma, Neural Link
a DV29 Cybertech Check.
never have reached so far into the stars
The assembly process takes without the Copernicus.
Cyberware (HL)
1 hour and does not destroy
the components on a failure. Cost: 17,300eb (Very Expensive) Low Light/Infrared/UV x2, Radar Detector,
Package HL: 52 ([2d6/2 round up] + Radio Communicator, Radar/Sonar
The minimum compo- 15d6) Implant, Subdermal Armor, Web Foot x2
nent requirements for an
FBC body are: Cyberarm Install: Hospital (Requires Biosystem) Samantha: Most Aquarius FBCs I meet
x2, Cyberaudio Suite, have some easily understandable connec-
Cybereye x2, Cyberleg Cyberware (No HL) tion to the ocean. I’ve met sailors, divers,
x2, Cyberskull, a Internal Cyberarm x2, Cyberaudio Suite, Cyberleg Biotechnica marine division research-
Linear Frame, and a Neural
x2, Cyberskull, Internal Linear Frame ers, aqua biologists, and of course,
Sigma, Kiroshi MonoVision, Neural Link Deepdowners with this body. People who
Substitutions can be love the ocean tend to be some of the
made when appropriate Cyberware (HL) nicest people you’ll meet, so I’d also rate
– for example, replacing
Anti-Dazzle, FBC EMP Coating x2, this model high in personability. They’re
Cybereye x2 with a Kiroshi
Monovision. Medical grade Grapple Hand x2, Internal Hydraulics certainly the first Borg I’d try to meet at a
cyberware cannot be used Upgrade, Prehensile Cyberfoot x2, Radar/ party. I’ll introduce you to a guy I know
to create an FBC body. Sonar Implant, Radio Communicator, sometime! He used to be a custom marlin
Toolhand x2, Zero Gravity Thrusters x2 BioExotic until he decided it wasn’t metal
As for upgrades, they
are applied to the individ-
enough for him…
Samantha: I’ve never met a Copernicus
ual components of an FBC
body, not the body as a
in person. I saw one one Morro Rock one Dynalar Brimstone
time using the zoom lenses built into my
eyes. They were probably there to consult A fully fireproofed engineering master-
on the construction of the mass driver that’ll piece by Dynalar, the Brimstone was
EMPs and FBCs shift passengers and cargo into orbit. That’s created to defeat humankind’s greatest tool
where you’ll find most Copernicuses, at the and enemy: Fire! The modern Brimstone
When it comes to EMP model favors magnetically launched C02-
intersection of space and a whole heap of
effects, such as those gen-
euros. They do look pretty sweet, but when based explosive firefighting tools over the
erated by a Microwaver,
treat an FBC body like a have astronauts ever looked shabby? water-pumping hoses of yesteryear.
collection of parts rather Cost: 17,600eb (Very Expensive)
than a whole. An EMP Dynalar Aquarius Package HL: 53 ([1d6/2 round up] +
effect doesn’t shut down the 15d6)
whole body. Just individual Dynalar claims that the Aquarius is superior
cyberware components. to any diving system, and they’re right. As Install: Hospital (Requires Biosystem)
at home in freshwater as in salt water, the
Aquarius is the last word for exploration Cyberware (No HL)
and life under the sea. If it weren’t for the Cyberarm x2, Cyberaudio Suite, Cybereye
4th Corporate War, Aquarius FBCs would x2, Cyberleg x2, Cyberskull, Internal Linear
surely have mapped out all the world’s Frame Sigma, Neural Link
oceans by now.
catalog photography by Richard Bagnall
From Left to Right: Rocklin Augmentics Alpha Class•Dynalar Brimstone•Cybermatrix Inc. Copernicus•Dynalar Aquarius
Cyberware (HL) Cyberware (HL)
Amplified Hearing, FBC Brimstone Coating, Heavy Anti-Dazzle x2, Chyron, Dragoon Plating, FBC EMP
Subdermal Plating, Low Light / Infrared / UV x2, Coating x2, Internal Agent, Low Light/Infrared/UV x2,
Radar/Sonar Implant, Radio Communicator, Tech Reinforced Cyberlimb Upgrade x4, Subdermal Grip
Upgraded (+1 Capacity) Popup Grenade Launcher x2 x2, Tuned Internal Hydraulics Upgrade
Samantha: What a body to have! Dynalar’s best Samantha: This is the most dangerous FBC body
work. I made my own improvements, of course. I love on the market. It’s got some serious history to answer
my Superchrome, even if it’s hard to wash the soot for. A lot of people died thanks to these. Militech,
off after a hard day’s work. Look, there are people the Dragoon’s biggest user, snagged the blueprints
who don’t like cops, and they give Enforcer FBCs when IEC died during the war. Now they’re selling
a hard time, and I admit, I can understand that – a “revised” model and claiming it’s safer but I’m not
Corporate money, corruption, abuse of power. But buying their marketing. Stay far away.
nobody hates the fire brigade, especially when their
home is on fire. Militech Eclipse
Militech Dragoon Revised War Platform Your question is ridiculous. Militech doesn’t field an elite
unit of “killer Borg ninjas” to service our interests from
A complete revision of the undeniably effective military the shadows. You are misinformed, likely by our dis-
FBC that won the 4th Corporate War, the reenvisioned graced former competitors in the security market. You
Dragoon is ready to win the next one, too! This new can find them across the ocean. Can someone throw
model is lower impact, boasts our lowest rate of pilot out this hack? Let’s get back to the real questions, those
shrinkage, and is more tuned for modern warfare than relevant to affordably arming the good people of Night
ever before. Best of all, you choose how to customize City so they can defend what is most precious to them
your Dragoon’s weapon package (sold separately) without sacrificing a drop of quality craftsmanship! I
for each mission! Contact an Militech representative see a hand. Fiona Hayes from Network 54, you’re up!
today for a demonstration of what the Dragoon can Cost: 29,200eb (Luxury)
do for you!
Package HL: 67 ([2d6/2 round up] + 19d6)
Cost: 35,000eb (Super Luxury) Install: Hospital (Requires Biosystem)
Package HL: 64 ([3d6/2 round up] + 18d6)
Install: Hospital (Requires Biosystem) Cyberware (No HL)
Cyberarm x2, Cyberaudio Suite, Cyberleg x2,
Cyberware (No HL) Cyberskull, Kiroshi MonoVision, Internal Linear Frame
Cyberarm x2, Cyberaudio Suite, Cybereye x2, Beta, Neural Link
Cyberleg x2, Cyberskull, Internal Linear Frame Omega,
Neural Link Cyberware (HL)
Amplified Hearing, FBC Chameleon Coating x3, Grip
Foot x2, Low Light/Infrared/UV, Radio Communicator,
The Dragoon’s advantage Scrambler/Descrambler, Subdermal Armor, Subdermal
Pocket x2 Tech Upgraded (Oversized Weapon) Popup
over all other land-based combat
Melee Weapon (Kendachi Mono-Three), Tuned
units is its humanoid form. It is Internal Hydraulics Upgrade
catalog photography by Sebastian Szmyd
From Left to Right: Moore Tech Sheol•Miliech Eclipse•Militech Spyder 2.0•Militech Enforcer
catalog photography by Neil Branquinho
From Left to Right: NovelTech Samson•Raven MicroCyb Gemini (up)•Raven MicroCyb Wiseman (down)•Trauma Team Kildare
Cyberware (No HL) is always gonna look like an Omega, no matter how
Cyberarm x2, Cyberaudio Suite, Cybereye x2, sleek you try and make it look, but with the Samson,
Cyberleg x2, Cyberskull, Internal Linear Frame Beta, Noveltech didn’t even try.
Neural Link
Raven Microcybernetics Gemini
Cyberware (HL) All the benefits of being a Full Body Conversion, none
Chemical Analyser, Chipware Socket, Chyron, Heavy of the social downsides! Look like a biological person
Subdermal Plating, Internal Agent, Radiation Detector again with our revolutionary Gemini coating – now
sold separately, too! Raven Microcybernetics is the
Samantha: The Sheol is a specialized Hazardous
cutting edge– you won’t find a better option when you
Operations unit, so it’s one I don’t see too often. Last
want to keep your metal “low profile.”
time I did was in the days right after the Arasaka nuke.
These are typically Corporate-owned work conver- Cost: 10,200eb (Expensive)
sions, and I imagine most Sheol users aren’t wearing Package HL: 14 (4d6)
them out on weekends. They’re also ugly, but I don’t Install: Hospital (Requires Biosystem)
want to speak badly about them after all the good
they’ve done! Cyberware (No HL)
Cyberarm x2, Cyberaudio Suite, Cybereye x2,
NovelTech Samson
Cyberleg x2, Cyberskull, FBC Gemini Sculpt, Internal
Modern construction jobs require novel solutions – and Linear Frame Sigma, Neural Link, Techhair, Shift Tacts
when you think novel, think NovelTech. Our flagship
“Samson” conversion is the toughest industrial Borg Cyberware (HL)
on the market. Just one can replace ten hardhats. Mr. Studd™ or Midnight Lady™ Sexual Implant, Skin
Downsize today! Weave
Cost: 20,500eb (Luxury) Samantha: This is the most popular FBC by sales
Package HL: 39 ([3d6/2 round up] + 10d6) numbers. Many of us get one to add to our collection
Install: Hospital (Requires Biosystem) after a while. A lot of people I know treat being in their
Gemini like being on vacation. Sometimes, you need
Cyberware (No HL) a break from being the Borg in the room. It can be
Cyberarm x2, Cyberaudio Suite, Cybereye x2, freeing. You don’t have to buy the body, though. You
Cyberleg x2, Cyberskull, Internal Linear Frame Omega, can buy the Gemini Sculpt separately, install it for a
Neural Link month, and see if you like it.
Cyberware (HL)
Full Body Conversions have a
Anti-Dazzle x2, Chyron, Internal Agent, Radiation multitude of advantages.
Detector, Subdermal Armor, Techscanner, Toolhand x2 However, being a Full Borg sets
Samantha: These are the hardest-working FBCs you apart. Society brands you
you’ll meet. When Zhirafa screws up – it happens,
you just don’t hear about it on Net54– these are the as a “metalhead ” and people
people who come in to clean it up. Samsons rebuilt treat you like a machine — even
this city after the nuke. They’re the reason the Hot
a tool . The sad truth is that if
Zone shrinks every year. Unfortunately for them, the
base model is ugly as all hell. Blocky, chunky, tur- you look like a robot people
tle-like, definitely not friendly looking. I know a lot of
Samsons that get misidentified as military models by tend to treat you like a robot.
the public because of the way the model looks. It’s the — Raven Microcybernetics
Omega Frame that’s really the problem. An Omega from Chrome 2 for Cyberpunk 2020
Raven Microcybernetics Wiseman Rocklin Augmentics Alpha Class
Doesn’t your Dweller deserve an upgrade? This holiday The Alpha Class is the quintessential Full Body
season, give them the bonus they deserve – a brand- Conversion body – a high standard proven through time.
new body by Raven Microcybernetics! Once word gets An attractive yet affordable entry-level model, the Alpha
around, those pesky Netrunners won’t even try to hack Class is the first thing that comes to mind when you think
your system anymore. They’ll be too busy being dead. “Borg.” Go with the gold standard! Go Alpha!
Cost: 27,480 (Luxury) Cost: 9,900eb (Expensive)
Package HL: 70 ([3d6/2 round up] + 19d6) Package HL: 21 (6d6)
Install: Hospital (Requires Biosystem) Install: Hospital (Requires Biosystem)
A user in a Biosystem not installed in an FBC body Broken Jaw Critical Injuries. Every purchase comes with
is incapable of any Action beyond observation and a personalized Faceplate. Additional personalized
communication and cannot defend themselves. Faceplates, including ones covered with RealskinnTM
and SuperChrome ® , are available for 100eb
Installing a Biosystem in an FBC body requires 4
hours and a DV17 Cybertech or Surgery Check. It can
be reattempted any number of times if failed, and there
is no penalty for failure other than lost time. An FBC can
▶ Dragoon Plating
perform this procedure on themselves to transfer from Cost: 5,000eb (Luxury)•Install: Hospital
one body to another. Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6)
A user inhabiting a Biosystem cannot install addi- Magnetically seated armor panels are installed onto
tional cyberware directly – not even brain-interfacing hardpoints drilled directly into the body. The panels are
cyberware like a Neural Link. They only benefit from hot-swappable to keep the fight going until the enemy
cyberware if implanted into an FBC body installed with has been neutralized.
Borgware. External Body Cyberware. Installation
▶ CO2 Grenade requires BODY 16 or higher unless the user is a Full
Body Conversion. After installation, the user’s body
Cost: 50eb (Costly) and head are armored at SP 15, and the user takes
Ammo Types Available: Grenades Only an Armor Penalty of -2 to REF, DEX, and MOVE. As
an Action, the user can jettison their Dragoon Plating,
C02 grenades are the future of firefighting in urban
removing the provided SP and freeing them of the
environments, especially where water is a dwindling
Armor Penalty.
resource. They also excel in rural areas where fire
hydrants may be scarce or inoperable. If the user is not equipped with a set of Dragoon
Plating, they can activate the magnetic call system as
This is Grenade Ammunition. It can be loaded into a
an Action and summon a set of unattached plating
Grenade Launcher or thrown. A CO2 Grenade does
within 6m/yds to them. The selected plating then flies
no damage. Instead, it extinguishes all instances of fire
through the air and attaches itself to the user.
within the explosion area (see CP:R page 174). Any
weapon capable of firing Smoke Grenades can also Dragoon Plating contains nanomachines that repair
fire CO2 Grenades. it for 1 point of lost SP at the end of each day in which
it does not lose SP. Additional sets of Dragoon Plating
▶ Cyberskull can be purchased for 1,000eb (Very Expensive).
Ordering custom designs and colors adds 100eb to
Cost: 5,000eb (Luxury)•Install: Hospital
the cost.
Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6)
How can you call yourself a Metalhead if you don’t ▶ Dragoon Plating, Metalgear
have a metal head? What you need is a Cyberskull Cost: 15,000eb (Super Luxury)•Install: Hospital
to protect you from life’s many dangers – like bullets, Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6)
explosions, and samurai swords! You don’t have to
be accident-prone to benefit from a metal skull, so Custom-engineered magnetically seated Metalgear
don’t skimp on your own safety. Remember – with a armor panels are installed onto specially designed
Cyberskull, there’s no need for a helmet! heavy hardpoints drilled directly into the body. The
panels are hot-swappable to keep the fight going until
Internal Body Cyberware. Requires 3 Option Slots.
the enemy is reduced to ash.
The user’s head is no longer considered a 2x weak
point when targeted by an Aimed Shot or through any Borgware. External Body Cyberware. Installation
other method. Additionally, the user is immune to the requires BODY 16 or higher unless the user is a Full
effect and bonus damage of the Cracked Skull and Body Conversion. After installation, the user’s body
and head are armored at SP 18, and the user takes ▶ FBC Chameleon Coating
an Armor Penalty of -3 to REF, DEX, and MOVE. As an
Action, the user can jettison their Metalgear Dragoon Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Hospital
Plating, removing the provided SP and freeing them of Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6)
the Armor Penalty.
A light-reactive nanomachine coating developed for
If the user is currently not equipped with a set of Militech by REDACTED. This represents the forefront of
Metalgear Dragoon Plating, they can activate the personal stealth imaging technology.
magnetic call system as an Action and summon a set of
External Body Cyberware. May only be installed in
unattached plating within 6m/yds to them. The selected
a Full Body Conversion. When the user remains still
plating then flies through the air and attaches itself to
for a 1 minute (20 rounds), they can activate a cloak
the user.
that hides from all visual senses, including Low Light/
Metalgear Dragoon Plating contains nanomachines Infrared/UV, unless the perceiver succeeds at a DV17
that repair it for 1 point of lost SP at the end of each Perception Check. Activating the cloak does not require
day in which it does not lose SP. Additional sets of an Action. The cloak is deactivated automatically if the
Metalgear Dragoon Plating can be purchased for user moves further than 2 m/yds (1 square) within 3
5,000eb (Luxury). Ordering custom designs and colors seconds (1 Round). A second installation reduces the
adds 100eb to the cost. amount of time the user must remain still before the
cloak can be activated to 30 seconds (10 Rounds).
▶ FBC Brimstone Coating A third installation reduces the time to 9 seconds (3
Rounds). Further installations do nothing.
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Hospital
Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6) ▶ FBC EMP Coating
A nanomachine-supported ceramic coating developed Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Hospital
by Dynalar in partnership with Fire Brand. It brings new Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6)
meaning to the expression “walking through fire.”
A specially designed nanomachine coating that
External Body Cyberware. May only be installed in
absorbs microwaves. The system is sacrificial, requiring
a Full Body Conversion. The user is immune to being
redundancy to ensure uptime if expecting multiple EMP
damaged by fire (including damage dealt by incendi-
ary ammunition and flamethrowers) and cannot be set
on fire (see CP:R page 180). External Body Cyberware. May only be installed in a
Full Body Conversion. Whenever one or more pieces
Firefighting reaches its of the user’s cyberware would be rendered inoperable
by a single EMP effect, one of the user’s EMP Coating
pinnacle with D ynalar’s installations is rendered inoperable instead. Multiple
Brimstone full body body installations provide the user with extra layers of
conversion. I mmune to the
▶ FBC Gemini Sculpt
hazards of smoke inhalation,
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Hospital
burns, and rapidly-changing
Humanity Loss: 0 (N/A)
pressures, the Brimstone can
The FBC Gemini Sculpt reformats an FBC body to
do the work of an entire be similar in shape to a baseline human form, then
surrounds it with a thin shell covered in Realskin™. By
company of regular firefighters. developing the covering to be fully cross-compatible,
— Dynalar technologies Raven Microcybernetics dramatically increased its
ffrom Chrome 2 for Cyberpunk 2020 potential customer base—a wise business move.
External Body Cyberware. May only be installed of -2 to REF, DEX, and MOVE unless they have a
in a Full Body Conversion. It is impossible to tell an BODY 14 or higher or are a Full Body Conversion, in
FBC body in a Gemini Sculpt isn’t a biological human which case the penalty is negated. Whenever the user
by sight without the use of infrared, where they are successfully completes a full day of natural healing,
revealed to be as cold as solid metal. FBCs packing nanomachines present in the plating repair both the
an Internal Linear Frame Omega or with a 16 or body and the head location for one point of lost SP.
higher BODY are too massive to properly enclose in
Note: When installed in a Full Body Conversion,
the shell. Rumors of Dragoons reshaped to fit into Tech
Subdermal Armor isn’t usually subdermal but acts as the
Upgraded FBC Gemini Sculpts exist but are currently
user’s skin, complete with sensory (touch) capabilities.
▶ Internal Hydraulics Upgrade, Perfected Note: When installed in a Full Body Conversion,
Implanted Linear Frames also fill space normally occu-
Cost: 20,000eb (Super Luxury)•Install: Hospital pied by organs in a meat body, such as the parts of the
Humanity Loss: 3 (1d6) chest cavity not already housing the Biosystem. They
might also provide include basic metal skin covering if
Go ultimate full Borg!
not other plating such as subdermal armor is present.
Internal Body Cyberware. May only be installed
in a Full Body Conversion with an Internal Linear ▶ Prehensile Cyberfoot
Frame. User’s REF, DEX, and MOVE STATS are all
set at 8 unless they would otherwise be higher for the Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Clinic
Character. These STATS can still be lowered by Armor Humanity Loss: 3 (1d6)
Penalties, Critical Injury effects, etc.
Never bend down to pick something up ever again.
▶ Linear Frame Ω (Omega), External Cyberleg Option. As an Action, a user can transform
their Cyberleg so that it operates as a Cyberarm, con-
Cost: 10,000eb (Super Luxury) verting their Cyberfoot into a Cyberhand. An Action
A perfected powered exoskeleton that grants the user reverses the transformation. While transformed, the user
ultimate strength. takes a -4 to MOVE (minimum 1) unless in zero gravity.
Gear. User increases their BODY to 16 while plugged ▶ Zero Gravity Thrusters
into the frame. This cannot increase the user’s BODY to
17 or higher. This increase in BODY does not increase Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Clinic
the user’s HP or change their Death Save. Requires 3 Humanity Loss: 3 (1d6)
installations of Interface Plugs to operate.
A series of precise thrusters allow the user fine control
of their movement while in zero gravity.
▶ Linear Frame Ω (Omega), Internal
Cyberleg Option. When in use, the user negates all
Cost: 10,000eb (Super Luxury)•Install: Hospital
movement penalties associated with being in zero
Humanity Loss: 28 (8d6) gravity. The Zero Gravity Thrusters run off fuel tanks
A perfected cybernetic endoskeleton enhanced further that cost 100eb each and must be replaced after
by hydraulic and myomar muscles. 24 hours of use. Requires two Cyberlegs, takes up 2
Option Slots, and must be paired.
Borgware. User increases their BODY to 16. This
cannot increase their BODY to 17 or higher. This eprinted Cyberware/Gear
increase in BODY changes a user’s HP and Death r e p r i n t e d c y b e r w a r e g e a r
Save. Installation requires BODY 10 and 3 Grafted
Muscle and Bone Lace. One installation counts as 2 The following cyberware and gear first appeared else-
separate installations of Borgware when determining where and are being reprinted here for convenience.
Maximum Humanity Depression for the purposes of
therapy (see CP:R page 229). ▶ Integrated Cyberdeck Upgrade
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Clinic
▶ Linear Frame Ω (Omega) Hit Point Chart Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6)
WILL Cyberarm Option. Upgrades a user’s already cyber-
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ware-integrated Cyberdeck with one extra slot that can
be used for either Programs or Hardware. It can only
16 55 60 60 65 65 70 70 75 75
upgrade a cyberware-integrated Cyberdeck installed
17 60 60 65 65 70 70 75 75 80
on the same Cyberarm but can be installed multiple
▶ Kiroshi MonoVision ▶ Snaketrap
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Hospital Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6)
Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, a Snaketrap
Borgware. Artificial Cybereye visor that replaces two prevents the first Black ICE or Program effect during a
meat eyes with a single wide-angle cyberoptic. Cannot netrun that would destroy a Program at random on the
be installed in a MultiOptic Mount. Contains 3 slots user’s deck. Multiple installations do nothing.
for Cybereye Options. When Cybereye Options are
installed into the MonoVision they always count as if ▶ Swifty Clean
they were paired. If a user with MonoVision as their
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
only source of sight receives the Lost Eye Critical Injury,
its effect, including the Base Death Save Penalty, is Cyberdeck Hardware. While installed, a user can
doubled. perform the Cloak Interface Ability twice with a single
NET Action, taking the higher outcome. However, while
▶ Microtech Warrior installed, the Cloak Interface Ability can only be used
once per Netrun. Takes 2 Hardware Option Slots.
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)
A Cyberdeck with 7 slots that can only install Programs. Thanks Doc
Immediately after a user Jacks In, they can activate an
From: Brimstone_Sam
Armor Program installed on the Cyberdeck without a
NET Action. To: Doc_Salvage
Hey, Doc. I’ve just left our newest FBC-
▶ Raven Microcybernetics Kestrel 2 in-the-making. They’re in good spirits and
ready for the surgery. I don’t blame them,
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)
honestly. Looking at how the cancer’s worn
them away? I can’t help thinking…
A Cyberdeck with 7 slots that can only install Programs.
Immediately after a user Jacks In, they can activate up … look. We both know there’s a chance I
to 2 Speedy Gonzalves Programs Program installed on won’t be around when your patient wakes up
the Cyberdeck without a NET Action. after the surgery. I’m just glad today’s
Biosystems come with radiation shielding, so
none of the newest crop of Borgs will need
▶ Raven Microcybernetics MicroWaldo to go through what I’m going through now.
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Clinic Nothing ruins the feeling of being an immor-
tal chrome badass like your last remaining
Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6)
chunk of meat exploding with unwanted tumor
Cyberarm Option. Neuralware Option. A Medtech
using a MicroWaldo gains a +1 to Checks made using Sorry. Didn’t mean to throw out the angst.
the Surgery Skill. I’m just glad I got to do some good here
before I went. Thank you for performing the
surgery. Thank Phoenix, too, for lending us
▶ Reinforced Cyberlimb Upgrade
her clinic. Do your best in there.
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)• Install: Clinic
And maybe reply to this message when you’re
Humanity Loss: 3 (1d6) out of surgery, and our new metal sibling is
awake. Just in case.
Cyberlimb Option. Increased hydraulic redundancy
within the cyberlimb allows it to function even under I’ll find some way to read it no matter which
extreme strain. This limb is immune to the Broken Leg side of mortality I’m on. Promise.
Critical Injury if it’s a Cyberleg or the Broken Arm Your sister in chrome,
Critical Injury if it’s a Cyberarm.
▶ FBC Bodies
▶ New/Reprinted Gear
▶ New/Reprinted Cyberware
cyberpunk red checklist
As of Jan/Feb 2024
Night City’s voracious, choomba! It needs more places, more people, more
things. More! More! More! It’s never satisfied and we know you aren’t either.
Your campaigns can always use a little something extra to push it right over
the Edge.
That’s what Interface RED is all about. In this second volume you’ll
find a collection of short articles custom-crafted to improve your
Cyberpunk RED experience. We’ve featured many of these
articles on our website as free DLC for you to download to your data
storage device of choice but this is the first time we’ve collected them into a
single book! Plus, we’ve thrown in a new, exclusive article. The time has come
to shed your meat and go full chrome!
To learn more, please visit