S4 Physics 2023
S4 Physics 2023
S4 Physics 2023
Reg. No. :
Name :
1. State true or false: A group may have more than one identity element.
3. Define a field.
7 . Findthe sngular points of the function -.j+ .
17. Find r ,r 1 ).
( (s + 1)(s + 2)l
20. Verify Cauchy's lheorem for the function f(z)= 2'?s 4 C is the circle lzl= 1 .
R - 2529
21. Express ff e-" dx as a gamma function
sEcTtoN - l
24. Show that although Zris an integral domain, the matrix ring Mr(Zr)has zero
28. Check wheth et u(x,y)= x" -3xy' ' 3x' -iy' r 1 is harmonic.
29 Expand tlzl= in Laurent's series valid for 1<lzl<3.
32. (a) Prove that a non-empty subset H of a group G is a subgroup of G if and only
35. (a) Prove the relation between Beta and Gamma funct ion: p\p,q) fq
' - :.p ,.
(b) d!
Express the integrat
." f (:1l". y)"" "" in terms of Beta function
(2 x 15 = 30 Marks)
R - 2529
(Pages : a, R - 2520
Reg. No. :
Name :
L Explain the term Q-factor I
'10. What is twin paadox?
1 1. Prove that total energy of a harmonic oscillator is equal lo its maximum kinetic
R - 2520
S=CTOar - C
24. The maximum velocity of a pa.:cts -.s- i?lg SHM is 1 m/s and period is 1/5
seconds. Find the amplitude ar: '-arr,rn releraton.
25. Calculate the reduced mass oi *C rccqle Given the mass of Hydrogen is 1
27. fwo masses of 9 gm and 4 gr ,Er€ ec3 krnebc energies. Find the ratio of their
30. A metre scale is moving along :s srslh with a velocity 0.7c. What will be its
length as il appears to an obsenr'e.
Answer any two questions. Each qu€<a crnes l5 rnarks.
35. Assuming the formula for variation of mass with velocity derive the mass energy
relation E= mc2
(2 x 15 = 30 Marks)
R - 2520
(Pages : 4l R-2522
Reg. No. :
Answer all questions in one or two se'elr3 Gdi Cdl question carries 1 mark.
6 Explarr rorma! drspersion
7 Wite down the expression for the resolving power of a telescope and a
I Wnte any trvo differences between a single mode optical fibre and a multimode
optrcal flbre
(10 x 1= l0 Marks)
1 1 . What are the main differences between prsm spectrum and grating spectrum?
19. How is the refractive index of a liquid determined using NeMon's rings
20 Describe with a block diagram the main parts of a fibre optic communication
R - 2522
21 Explain missing order maxima in double slit Fraunhofer diffraction pattern.
22 Draw the experimental setup of air wedge apparatus and explain the parts.
(8x2=16 lvlarks)
25. A plane grating has 15000 lines per inch. Find the angle of separation of the
5048 Angskom and 5016 Angstrorn llnes of Helium in the second order
26 The diameter of the first ring of a zone plate is 1 .1 mm. lf light of wavelength
6000 Angstrom is incident on the zone prate. \flhere should the screen be placed
so that a bright spot is obtained?
27 The critical angle for total internal reflection from water is 48'. find the
polarization angle and the angle o1 .efraction corresponding to the polarization
28. Calcuiate the least thickness of a calcrte plate srhich would convert incident plane
polarized light into circularly polar zed hght. Given $" = 1.658, pe = 1.486 for
calcite and wavelength of light used is 5890 Angstrom.
29 An optical flbre has acceptance angle ot 30' and a core of refractive index 1.400.
Find the refractive index of the claddrng
30. Find the ratio of populations of the tlyo states in a He - Ne Laser system that
produces light of wavelength 6328 Angslrom at a temperature of 27'C.
R - 2522
31. Light of intensity lo is incident on a polarizer. Find the intensity ofthe resultani
beam if the incident light is plane polarized at an angle of 30' with the axis of the
32. Describe the structure and working of Michelson's interferometer. Explain its use
in determination of wavelength of light
33 Explain Fraunhofer diffraction at a double slit. Obtain the intensity distributjon and
positrons of maxima and minima.
34. Explain the use of Nicol prism as polarizer and analyzer. How is it used to
produce elliptically produced Iight?
R - 2522
(Pages : 3) R-2143
Reg. No. :
Name :
3. How are the whites described in the poem 'We are going"?
5. ln the poem 'The Man who was a Hospital' poet did not have
6. What did the colonists hold back fiom the land on "The Glft Outright"?
10. How does the poet Ayyapa Panikar exemplify the theme of his poem?
Il. Answer any eight from the following not exceeding 50 words.
11. How is the question of caste brought into the poem 'ldentity card' without
mentioning much about it?
12. Wnal has the colonizers done to the land of the natives?
14. Which are the diseases the poet felt he suffered from?
15. What is the theme of the Exercise Book by Rabindranath Tagore?
'16. Why does the speaker get irritated in the poem 'Telephone Conversation'?
20. What ls the significance to the words "l watch her kneel in all my lifetime" in the
poem 'House of a Thousand Doors'?
21. Why did the Residents Association not help John Kurian?
lll. Answer any six from the following not exceeding 100 words.
28. How does Panikar describe the transition of the golden Cassia?
30. How does the poet bring out the aspect of colonization in the poem 'The Gift
33. Discuss the plight of the natives in the pbem 'We are going'.
34. Bring out the humour and irony in Chekov's play'A Marriage Proposal'.
R - 2143
(Pages : 3) R - 2666
Reg. No. :
Name :
'13. How can HTTP headers be set and modified ln Python using the requests
15. What is transaction control in Python, and how is it used to ensure data
19. Write a Python function that takes a list of integers as input and returns the sum
of all even numbers in the list.
20. How can you create and use your own modules and packages in a Python
(8 x 2 = 16 Marks)
R - 2666
SE:t&?^l - C
26. What is the difference between ri€ G,EI a"d POST methods in Python? How are
they used in web development?
28. How do you implement polymorphrs,r!'i rn B^hon and what are some examples?
33. Compare and contrast the key features and functionalitjes of database
prograrnming and CGI programming. Discuss the advantages and lirnitations of
each technology in different software development scenarios.
R - 2666
(Pagrs : $ R - 2665
Reg. No.
Name :
P.T.O. E
SECTION - B ( Short Answer )
Answer any eight questions. Each question carrles 2 marks.
1 1. Explain CORBA.
12. What do you know by COCOMO?
13. List the benefits of incremental Model.
14. Write the purpose of Agile Development Models.
15. Explain Water Fall Model.
16. What is the function of Feasibility Study?
17. Explain the overview of design process.
18. Describe Project Estimation Techniques.
19. What are the advantages of Prototyping model?
20. Write a note on Requirements Gathering and Analysis.
21. What is Data Dictionary?
22. Give overview of SA,/SD Methodology.
SECTION - C (Short Essay)
R - 2665
(2x 15 = 30 Marks)
R - 2665