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journal homepage: www.cell.com/heliyon
Review article
Keywords: Ethiopia is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change due to depend on the rain-fed
Climate variability agricultural system. The paper provides comprehensive review of impact and adaptation of
Effects climate variability and change on small-holder farmers and agriculture in Ethiopia. The study
Agricultural activity
used secondary data from journal articles, books and technical reports, and discussed and orga
nized with desk review. The study explored that climate variability and change has significantly
Ethiopia affected crop and livestock production, fisheries and aquaculture, and food security. The study
found that over 38 million people seriously interrupted from their living condition associated to
climate related crises since 2000s up to 2010s in Ethiopia. Locust upsurge with the pest spreads
reduces 1,228,352, 1,026,132 and 843,241 quintals of cereal crop productions in Oromia, Somali
and Tigray regions of Ethiopia, respectively in 2020 production year. Drought declined 26% of
number of cattle herd sizes in Dire and Yabelo District, Borana zone, southern Ethiopia in 2010/
2011year. Although Effect of climate variability and change has become a serious problem on
crop cultivation, pastoralism, and agro-pastoralism in Ethiopia, pastoralism, and agro-pastoralism
are more vulnerable comparatively. Small-holder farmers have practiced soil and water conser
vation, improved crop and livestock variety, tree planting, livestock mobility, crop diversifica
tion, planting date adjustment, irrigation, agronomic practices, livelihood diversification,
integrating livestock with crop production to reduce adverse impact of climate variability and
change in the country. Livestock ownership, farm size, extension service, credit service, distance
to market, and access to climate information were major factor of adaptation strategies. It
concluded that farmers have practiced different adaptation strategies to reduce impact of climate
variability and change in different part of the country. The study suggest that scholars should
conduct their studies in disaggregate way for impact and adaptation to climate related problem
and the corresponding factors across agro-ecologies in Ethiopia.
1. Introduction
Climate variability and change has an adverse impact on human beings and natural systems [1]. It has affected livelihoods, health
and well-being, ecosystems and species, infrastructure, and economic, social and cultural assets [1]. Impacts of climate variability and
change will not be uniform, and that there will be losers and gainers depending on the environment, operating and managing system
[2]. In general climate variability and change has influenced the whole sectors in the world but the adverse effects have been observed
on agricultural production and productivity in developing countries [3]. Adverse impacts of climate variability and change were also
Received 19 March 2023; Received in revised form 1 August 2023; Accepted 3 August 2023
Available online 5 August 2023
2405-8440/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M.S. Demem Heliyon 9 (2023) e18972
observed in the case of farmers who planted late and used low plant populations in East Africa [2]. Severely impacted agricultural
production in the region especially the marginal rain-fed farming and fragile pastoral livelihoods are vulnerable. Because, many
livelihoods across the region are heavily dependent on agriculture [4]. Evidence suggested that the semi-arid regions of central Kenya
had been more profoundly impacted by climate changes and variability, including more erratic rainfall patterns and temperature
regimes [5]. But it affects the farming system in different way across crops in Kenya. For instance, temperature has a negative effect on
maize production and its revenues [6]. Pastoralists suffered extreme drought and loss of their cattle in Ethiopia, Kenya-Somalia border
[7]. In Ethiopia all rural livelihood systems: crop cultivation, pastoralism, and agro-pastoralism are highly sensitive to climate and are
vulnerable to hazards in multiple ways [8]. The empirical evidence revealed that climate variability and change indicator, temperature
had a significantly negative impact on food availability and accessibility for long run in sub-Saharan African countries [9].
Human interruption on natural environment is a driver factor for climate variability and change [1]. For instance, forest
decreased/destructed from 54.5% to 48.9% and 41.2% while agricultural farm land increased from 21.8% to 29.7% and 39.8% under
land use change scenarios, respectively [10]. Similar study found that in 2000, 2008, and 2014, agricultural land covered 33.0%,
69.1%, and 72.2% of River Mpanga Catchment (RMC) area, respectively [11]. This indicated that the natural environment and forest
coverage were changed through time to time. For example, dense forests and open forests decreased by 10.4% and 9.8% from 2000 to
2016, respectively [12]. By this implication, climate variability and change issue is serious problem not only in the present but also in
the future [6]. Based on the projection study, the mean annual temperature exhibited a significant warming trend of 0⋅12–0⋅54 ◦ C per
decade for the coming years and annual rainfall will change by 10% up to 40% in 2080 [13]. Predictions for the future effects of climate
variability and change show that annual temperature will increase by 1 ◦ C in 2020 and 2 ◦ C and 2.5 ◦ C in 2030 and 2040, respectively
[6]. In general, studies indicated that there is decreased rainfall and increased temperature [10,14,15]. The western borders of
Ethiopia have experienced a significant amount of warming since preindustrial times up to the present day [4]. The eastern lowland
region, highland region and western borders of Ethiopia, will be warmer than the current climate throughout the year resulting in more
frequent days above 40 ◦ C, 30 ◦ C and 40 ◦ C, respectively in the 2050s [4]. As result the production of teff, maize and sorghum will
decline by 25.4%, 21.8% and 25.2% by 2050s, respectively [16] and the grain yield will be reduced from 36% to 40% 2050s with effect
of climate variability and change [17].
Adaptation is a fundamental response to the effect of current and future climatic changes in semi-arid farming systems of the Sub-
Saharan Africa [5]. Climate variability and change needs an appropriate adaptation measures and minimization of the effects at
national and farm levels through designing policies that prevent destruction of the natural environment [6]. Adaptations to climate
variability and change must be undertaken within the multifaceted context and addressing climate change complementing overall
governance for sustainable use [18]. Adaptation responses are also tailored to the specific environmental, socio-economic and cultural
conditions of a particular areas or community or national since climate change impacts vary between geographic areas [19].
Small-holder farmer used different adaptation strategies such as irrigation, agro-chemical application and drought resistant varieties
with integrating of modern and local knowledge systems and technologies to facilitate in the forest-savanna transitional zone of Ghana
[20]. The adaptation measures adopted by the farming households include irrigation, crop rotation, and changing crop variety in
Tyhume Valley communities, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa [21]. Early maturity crop varieties, use of terraces and intercropping
are the most common adaptation strategies to Climate variability and change in Mbeere South, Meru South, and Maara Sub-Counties in
Kenya [5]. Among adaptation mechanisms are understanding of current response measures to climate variability and change to inform
planned adaptation, designing approaches and policies that build the livelihood asset based adaptation, reducing vulnerability to
multiple stressors, designing adaptive strategies with a multi-sector perspective [22]. Aggressive adoption of integrated pest man
agement practices and introduction of new inputs countered more virulent/contagious challenges [19]. Similarly, the majority of
Ethiopian farmers have already exercised different adaptation strategies to climate change and variability, but efforts are still relatively
a minimal and fragmented [23]. Thus, the objective of the review is assessment of impact and adaptation of climate variability and
change on small-holders and agriculture in Ethiopia.
• What are the main impacts of climate variability and change on small-holders and agriculture in Ethiopia?
• What are the major farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate variability and change in Ethiopia?
• What are the major factors affecting farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate variability and change in Ethiopia?
• To identify the main impact of climate variability and change on small-holders and agriculture in Ethiopia
• To review the major farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate variability and change in Ethiopia
• To review the major factors affecting farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate variability and change in Ethiopia
2. Methodology
The study was involved mainly collection of secondary data from various sources such as peer reviewed journal articles, books and
technical reports from Google and Google scholar. More specifically the study involved that the desk review of relevant literature on
M.S. Demem Heliyon 9 (2023) e18972
the area of impact and adaptation of climate variability and change on small-holders and agriculture in Ethiopia. The study used
literatures for topics crop production, livestock production, fisheries and aquaculture, and food security 13, 9, 9 and 10, respectively.
In general, the study used more than 90 literatures which were reported in period of 2007–2023. The references of literatures are
organized and arranged using reference management software, mendeley. A review study needs critical assessments of a segment of a
previous research studies through descriptions, summary, classification, and comparison of those works [23]. Paraphrased relevant
information were discussed and organized in coherent manners throughout the paper and presented in form of narration (statement),
tables and figures. The paper gives some basic information and knowledge for conducting scientific study on this thematic area. It
could be used to conceptualize and update the government and non-government organizations, reviewers, national and international
development practitioners for intervention and minimization of impact to climate variability and change. In general, it is important to
update the national and international audiences on that specified thematic area.
Ethiopia is landlocked country and located in horn of Africa, bordering with Kenya, South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti and
Somalia [24]. Geographically, Ethiopia extends from 3◦ 24′ to 14◦ 53′ northern latitude and from 33◦ oo’ to 48◦ oo’ eastern longitude
[25]. It has approximately 1.1 million km2 landmass [24,25] and its altitude ranges from 125 m below sea level to 4533 m above sea
level [25] and covering high mountains, flat-topped plateaus, gorges, valley bottoms and aquatic and wetland environments [26].
Ethiopia has many different agro-ecological zones and farming systems that vary within short distances [27]. Although Ethiopia has
highly diverse agro-ecological zone, it is manly divided into Kur (Extreme cold and dry highlands) > 3700; Wurch (Cold and dry
highland), 3200–3700; Dega (Cool andmoist highlands), 2300–3200; Woina Dega (mid-highlands), 1500–2300; Kola (humid and
moist lowlands), 500–1500, and Bereha (Hot and dry lowlands) < 500 [28] and has more than 13 major vegetation types and various
ecosystems [26].
Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa after Nigeria, with an estimated population of 115 million people in 2021
and with an annual growth rate of 2.5% [24]. In the past decades Ethiopian population were increased an alarming rate (1980s, 1990s,
2000s and 2010s), (42.6, 53.5, 73.5 and 83.7 million) based on estimation of national census in Ethiopia, respectively [29]. The
projection population study also estimated that Ethiopian population gradually increased from 83.7 million in 2012 to 133.5 million in
2032 and 171.8 million in 2050 [29]. About 80% of Ethiopian population live in rural areas that depend on agriculture for their
livelihood [24,30]. The primary school net enrolment was increased from 95% in 2017 to 97% in 2020 and the gender parity index for
grades 1–8 is 0.9, and only about 58% of girls and 54% of children complete the primary cycle in rural areas [24]. Moreover, majority
of populations of the country are rural residents with low income, getting less than one dollar per day [31] and the income is derived
from crop and livestock in rural livelihoods [8]. About 74% of farmers are smallholder farmers in Ethiopia and with subsistence
farming system (hand to mouth) [32]. Similarly, around 98% of rural farmers and 64% of small town households have practiced
agriculture including both crops and/or livestock production [33]. In the country, the average farm size of smallholder farmers is 0.9
ha [34]. The employment to population ratio is highest in rural areas compared to urban areas. In rural areas, 71.4% of the persons
aged 15 years and above are employed but only 46.6% are employed in urban areas [35]. Agricultural sector shares an employment
opportunities to 66% of the population of the country and contributes to 33% of GDP in 2019 year [36]. Ethiopian economy growth has
declined from 10.4% in 2005–2019 to 6.1% in 2020 [24] and about 67% of the small family farms in live below the national poverty
line [32]. The poor farmers are the most vulnerable to climate change and variability. This is due to high human environmental in
teractions caused by combined effects of high population density and small ratio of land holdings, and high dependency on rain-fed
cropping system [37].
Fig. 1. Effect of climate variability and change (drought) in Ethiopia, Adapted from [48].
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Ethiopian traditional livelihood systems are highly susceptible to climate variability and change due to their close links to the
natural environment [19]. Climate related hazards in Ethiopia include drought, floods, heavy rains, strong winds, frost, heat waves
(high temperatures). Frequent occurrence of droughts and floods have deteriorated the livelihoods of rural people [38–40]. Farmers
are progressively vulnerable to climate change risks in Dembia woreda, Northwest Ethiopia [15]. An increasing in temperature and a
fluctuating rainfall patterns would like increase some agricultural pests and waterborne pathogens, and these pathogens change and
affect crop and livestock production [19]. A study found that low rainfall and agricultural pests are the most important factors
influencing livelihood activities in agro-pastoral systems of Borana Plateau of Ethiopia [41]. Rainfall variability and a rising tem
perature have affected rural people in Konso district of SNNP regional state, Ethiopia [42]. The serious damage of floods were
including damage of farm land, loss of harvested and standing crops, loss of houses and house properties, and damage of settlements a
semi-closed basin in northern Ethiopia [43]. High score of exposure to climate change and variability were related to drought risks and
long-term impact of climate change [44]. Drought had significant social and economic effects historically in Ethiopia. A recent year, in
2003 it affected over 12, 600, 000 people in Tigray, Oromiya, Amhara, Somali and Afar Regions (Fig. 1). Similarly, 10, 000, 000 people
were affected in Somali and Afar Regions in 2015 (Fig. 1). The effects of climate change and variability (frequent occurrence of extreme
weather events) seriously affected agricultural production and food security [45–47]. The loss of crops and livestock often results in
severe household food shortages and psychological stress and insecurity among the affected people [45].
Table 1
Crops loss per quintal due to desert locust in some regions of Ethiopia, Adapted from [51].
Regions of Ethiopia Total cereal loss Maize Sorghum Wheat Barely Vegetable Total
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(ETB) of valued livestock forage was damaged by climate variability and change, and consequently, about 939,280 and 1,003,800 ETB
could be obtained from livestock production, was lost by climate variability and change in Kolla and Woyina Dega agro-ecological
zones in Konso district, SNNP region, Ethiopia, respectively [42].
3.2.3. Impacts of climate variability and change on fisheries and aquaculture in Ethiopia
In coastal regions, fisheries, aquaculture and related activities provide livelihoods for millions of people and contribute signifi
cantly to the food security and economic well-being [59]. Fishery is an important economic activity in the coastal zones [60]. Climate
variable indicators such as rainfall, temperature and sea level have a relationship with local communities and their livelihood ac
tivities, namely fishing, farming and seaweed farming [61]. There was fluctuation of rainfall, temperature, and humidity over the years
in coastal regions [62,63]. Environmental impact and climate change contributed to low production in aquaculture practice [64,65]
and climate variability and change affected fish production and aquaculture sector directly by influencing fish stocks and compre
hensive supply of fish for consumption in Ethiopia [62,66]. The life expectancy of the lake will relatively decrease under effect of
climate variability and change on sediment yield in the Central Rift Valley Basin of the country [67].
Fig. 2. The severity of the drought affected livestock of Borana zone in 2023 [58].
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humanitarian food assistance needs are in Somali and Oromia regions that experienced larger crop loss [51].
Climate change adaptation method takes place at international level (cooperation between industrialized and developing coun
tries), national level (emphasis on poverty reduction, development policy geared more toward vulnerable sectors, support adaptation
at local or community levels) and local level (establishment of social institutions, prevent marginalization of sections of population,
encouragement of diversification of income sources, provision of knowledge, technology and financial support) [1]. Adaptation
measure requires involvement of multiple stakeholders including government organizations and institutions (policymakers and
extension agents), none government organizations, researchers, communities, and individual farmers [53]. The strong dependence of
the country on agriculture which is very sensitive to climate variability and change, the government of Ethiopia has given top priority
or consideration to the agricultural sector and has designed policies and programs [72]. The policies and programs include the plan for
accelerated and sustainable development to end poverty, the environmental policy, the agriculture and rural development policy and
strategy, Ethiopian climate-resilient green economy policy, Ethiopian climate smart agriculture policy (integrated soil fertility man
agement, water harvesting, and agroforestry) and strategic investment framework for sustainable land management [38,46]. Some
actions were taken to improve the adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers and reduce the vulnerability of the country to current and
projected climate change and variability and increase production and productivity [38]. The responses are promoting drought in
surance programs; strengthening drought and flood early warning systems; water harvesting schemes in arid, semi-arid, and dry sub
humid areas; improving rangeland resource management practices in pastoral areas; realizing food security through a multi-purpose
large-scale water development project in the Genale-Sawa Basin; establishing a community-based Carbon Sequestration Project in the
Rift Valley System [38].
The local community have developed and implemented widespread adaptation strategies to reduce vulnerability to climatic
variability and change using their indigenous knowledge [73]. Individual farmers have used different adaptation strategies to mitigate
the adverse impacts of climate variability and change at local level [40]. For instance a study explored that Impact of climate vari
ability and change and farmer’s response strategies are diverse in different rural setting [74]. It needs suited adaptation strategies for
different contexts and agro-ecological settings [75]. Adaptation measures were identified and recommended specifically to cope up the
effect of climate variability and change [75]. In Ethiopia, a study was conducted on 50 districts of different agro-ecologies with 1000
sample household farmers and identified the main adaptation strategies to climate variability and change including irrigation, planting
drought tolerant and early maturing crop varieties, strengthening institutional set-ups working in research, educating farmers and
encouraging ownership of livestock [50]. Purchasing grass and feeding enset (Ensete ventricosum) leaf are the most commonly
adaptation mechanisms to alleviate feed shortages during the dry season (serous drought) in the Damot Gale District of Wolaita Zone
[76] and temporary migration to areas with better pasture is alos the most commonly coping strategy to climate-related problems so as
to address feed and water shortage in pastoralists/agro-pastoralists area of Ethiopia [54].
However, farmers have used different adaptation strategies to climate variability and change in different part of Ethiopia (Table 2),
majority of farmers have used at least one adaptation strategy to climate variability and change in the local areas [23]. According to
studies undertaken by Hirpha et al. (2020) and Belay et al. (2017) showed that 82.9% and 85% of farmers implement various
adaptation options to climate variability and change in their localities, but the remaining 17.1% and 15% of farmers have not carried
out any adaptation measures, respectively in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Similarly, scholars reported that about 81.2% (359)
respondent farmers have used at least one adaptation strategy to climate variability and change aggregately, while the remains 18.8%
Table 2
Farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate variability and change in different part of Ethiopia.
Study areas in different part of the country Farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate change and variability in Ethiopia References
Nile Basin of Ethiopia Using of crop varieties, Tree planting, Soil conservation, Early and late planting, and Irrigation [80]
Borana, Southern, Ethiopia Livestock mobility, Drought-tolerant species (Camel), Cultivation of cereals and fodder, Asset [81]
Dera Woreda, South Gondar Zone Crop-diversification, Soil and water conservation and Seasonal migration [79]
Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia Crop diversification, Planting date adjustment, Soil and water conservation and management, [53]
Integrating crop with livestock, and Tree planting
Muger Sub-Basin of Upper Blue-Nile Basin of Small-scale irrigation, Agronomic practices, Livelihood diversification, and Soil and water [77]
Ethiopia conservation measures
Abeshege District, Gurage zone, Ethiopia Soil and water conservation, Small scale irrigation, Changing planting date, and Using improved [82]
crop and livestock variety
Nile Basin of Ethiopia Agro-forestry, Soil conservation, Improved variety, Manure, Minimum tillage, and Crop [83]
Agro-pastoral dry lands of Northeastern Portfolio diversification, Enhancing livestock productivity, Agro-ecological practice and [84]
Amhara, Ethiopia Diversification of non-agricultural income
Central Rift Valley Adama District Using improved crop varieties, Planting trees, Watershed management, Adjusting planting date, [23]
and Terracing
Fentale District of Oromia Region, Ethiopia Integrating livestock with crop production, Livestock mobility and diversification, Cash for work, [56]
and Food aid
Central Gondar Zone, Amhara Regional Use of improved crop varieties, Early and late planting, Soil and water conservation, Mixed [85]
State, Northwest Ethiopia cropping, Use of irrigation, and Income source diversification
M.S. Demem Heliyon 9 (2023) e18972
(83) of sample households not used any adaptation measures in Muger Sub-Basin of the Blue-Nile basin, Ethiopia [77]. The proportion
of adopter farmers have used small-scale irrigation, agronomic practices, livelihood diversification, and soil and water conservation
measures and the percentage 28.7%, 27.4%, 11.5%, 13.6%, respectively in disaggregate way [77]. The result of the study showed that
significant number of respondents (86.4%) frequently participate in soil and water conservation (SWC) for improving production and
reducing climate variability and change, while the remain 14.6% of the respondents do not practices this technology [78]. Among
adopter categories of SWC practices, 55.6%, 18.85% and 42.8% were highly involved in terracing, vegetation cover, and compost
preparation respectively [78]. In the same way, a study showed that (89.1%) of sampled households employed at least one adaptation
strategy but the remaining 10.9% are none adopter of any climate variability and change adaptation strategies [79]. Based on the
importance of each strategy to their livelihood and agricultural activities, crop-diversification (38.2%), soil and water conservation
(31.8%) and seasonal migration (19.1%) were identified as the major adaptation strategies both in the dega and woina dega
agro-ecological zones of the study area [79]. This implied that still small numbers of farmers have used adaptation strategies to climate
variability and change and also their perception and implementation varies from region to region in Ethiopia.
There are different factors of adaptation strategies to climate variability and change at international, national and local level. At the
international level, the Paris Agreement (PA) enhances the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) and aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate variability and change through an integrated
approach [86]. This effort to apply appropriate adaptations deficit caused by poor countries are less able to take effective adaptation
action to climate variability and change [87]. There is an evidence indicated that there is inequality between least developed and
developed countries in terms of affecting global climate [88]. For instance, developed countries contribute 53–61%, and developing
countries 39–47%, for increasing in global air temperature approximately [89]. The major influences in that, farmers are mainly
depend on agriculture for their livelihoods, which is very sensitive to climate variability and change at the national level [33,72]. In
addition, smallholder farmers’ landholdings are fragmented into small plots and on the average less than 1 ha of land [32]. There is no
significant proportional use of mechanizing farming in Ethiopia [90]. Some of the major barriers for climate variability and change
adaptation gains from the on-going national initiatives include lack of strong coordination mechanism both at the federal and regional
levels, lack of efficient outreach mechanism on environment to local communities, economic challenge, i.e., limited finance for
environment etc. [38]. Determinates of adaptation strategies to climate variability and change are varying from place to place in
different part of Ethiopia at local level (Table 3). The techniques of adaptation are also differing depending on capacities, knowledge
and wealth status of individual farmers. A study indicated that, wealth status, social capital, temperature, lack of information on
adaptation methods and financial constraints have influenced farmers’ choices of adaptation strategies to climate variability and
change [80].
Furthermore sex, age, literacy status, family size, land holding, livestock number, access to climate information, farmers’
perception to climate change, extension services, on-farm income, off/non-farm income, access to credit, agro-ecological setting and
market distance are significant factors of CCAS in Ethiopia [23,82]. Determinants of adaptation strategies have significantly affected
farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate change and variability either positively or negatively. A study showed that sex of household
head has a positive relationship with soil conservation, crop varieties and planting trees at 1% significant level. A researcher described
that male-headed households are more likely to adopt climate variability and change adaptation strategies and agricultural tech
nologies [80,79]. Age of household head affected adaptation to climate change and variability positively and significantly. A unit
increases in age of the household head, probability of planting trees and irrigation increase by 0.5% and 0.06%, respectively [80]. On
other hand a study showed that age of household head has a negative correlation with soil and water conservation and seasonal
Table 3
Factors of adaptation strategies to climate variability and change in different part of Ethiopia.
Study areas in different part of Ethiopia Factors of adaptation strategies to climate change and variability References
Coffee-based farming system of Southwest Age of household head, Access to climate information, Access extension services, Education level, [91]
Ethiopia farm size, income from coffee, and agro-ecological setting
North-central Ethiopia (Woleka sub-basin) Financial constraints, Lack of affordable technologies, Lack of knowledge, Limited access to early [92]
warning, Uncertainty about the future, Shortage of land and Scarcity of water
Yabello District, Borana Zone, Oromia Sex of household head, Education status of household head, Size of livestock holding, Market [93]
National Regional State, Ethiopia distance from homestead, Access to credit, Access to early warning information, Access to training,
and Pastoral/agro-pastoral income
Dabus watershed, North-West Ethiopia Household size, Gender of household head, Size of cultivated land, Education, Farm experience, [94]
Non-farm income, Income from livestock, Climate information, Extension advice, Farm-home
distance, and Number of parcels.
Abobo and Itang District, Gambella, Ethiopia Age, education, Farm income, Extension contact, Access to credit service, and Land holding size [95]
Central highlands of Ethiopia Formal education, Lacked information Shortage of water for irrigation, and Shortage of money to [40]
buy necessary inputs,
Eastern Tigray Regional State of Ethiopia Age, Education, Livestock holding, Cooperatives membership, Extension services, Farmers income, [96]
Households perception, Distance to market, and agro-ecological setting
Eastern Hararghe zone of Oromia of Ethiopia. Gender of household head, Household size, Farm size, Distance from market, and Number of farm [97]
M.S. Demem Heliyon 9 (2023) e18972
migration at p < 1% and p < 10% respectively. A unit increase in age of the household, probability of using soil and water conservation
and seasonal migration is decreased by 0.7 and 0.8 times, respectively [79]. The author also explained that older farmers are less likely
to take such climate change adaptation strategies than younger farmers. Because, younger households are active and energized than
older households in the application of soil and water conservation and seasonal migration which require more labor force [79].
Furthermore, a study stated that a unit increase in the age of a household head would, decrease likelihood of practicing climate change
adaptation activities. The author argued that younger farmers are flexible in decision-making process, and seeking support and in
formation from government and non-governmental institutions and they are risk taking as compared to older farmers [23]. Education
had a positive and strong relationship with climate change adaptation strategies. The level of education increases, probability of
adapting to climate change increases [53].
A study showed that education of household head increases, likelihood of adapting to climate change increases significantly. A unit
increase in number of years of schooling would result in a 1% increase in the probability of soil conservation and a 0.6% increase in
change in planting dates to adapt to climate change [80]. Family size has a positive effect on climate change adaptation techniques at p
< 0.01 significant level. The marginal effect result showed that a unit increases in productive family members, likelihood of adopting
planting food and fodder trees, integrating crop with livestock, and soil and water conservation measures increases by 1.3%, 2.35%
and 4%, respectively [53]. Farm land has a positive and significant association with most of adjustment methodologies. The size of
farmland increases, chance of planting diverse feed trees and integrating crop with livestock production increases [53]. Similarly, a
study revealed that farm land of household affected farmers’ decision to take climate variability adaptation strategies positively [82].
A researcher found that livestock holding have influenced stallholders’ choice of livelihood diversification strategies negatively at 1%
significant level. The study reveals that a unit increase in a number of livestock would result in 15.7% decrease probability of creating
another source of livelihoods like petty trading and small business as an alternative means of income [77]. Farmers who have access to
professional advice from extension workers are more likely to practice climate change adaptation strategies compared to those who do
not get access to professional advice. Hence, researcher revealed that access to expertise of agricultural extension workers has
determined the level of adaptation climate change and variability significantly [23]. Access to extension service has positive and
significant correlation with likelihood of choosing adaptation strategies such as crop-diversification, soil and water conservation and
seasonal migration at p < 0.01, p < 0.1 and p < 0.05, respectively. A unit increase in the extension contact is likely to increase the
probability of the farmer to adapt the three adaptation measures by 51, 13 and 19% respectively [79]. Access to information is an
important intuitional factor to make decision on adaptation strategies to climate change and variability through TV, radio, magazine,
newspaper, and personal observation and development agents. An individual exposed to climate information is more likely to take an
immediate action to cope with risks related to climate change. The result shows that access to information has positive and significant
impact on home feeding, use of crossbred animals, and marketing during shock [98]. Similarly, another a study reported that access to
climate information has strong positive relationship with climate change adaptation strategies [80]. In addition, farmers’ perception to
climate change is affecting adaptation options of farmers positively at significant level. While the results of linear regression model
presented that the amount of rainfall received and temperature affected coffee production significantly in the study area [82]. A study
showed that distance from market center is negatively related to adaptation strategies to climate change and variability. Greater
distance to marketplace and size of farmland affected the use of agronomic practices negatively. The author explained that farmers in
the remote area have less opportunity cost to adapt labor-intensive adaptation practices [77].
The adverse impact of climate variability and change has wide-ranging effects on small-farmers’ livelihoods in Ethiopia. Especially,
it affects agricultural production in the country. Climate variability and change has affected over 12, 600, 000 people in Tigray,
Oromiya, Amhara, Somali and Afar Regions, and over 10, 000, 000 people were also affected in Somali and Afar Regions in 2003 and
2015, respectively. It reduces 1,228,352, 1,026,132 and 843,241 quintals of cereal crop productions in Oromia, Somali and Tigray
regions of Ethiopia, respectively in 2020 production year. An increasing temperature reduces the net revenue per hectare by US
$997.85, US$1277.28, US$375.83 and US$1877.69 during winter, summer, spring and fall, respectively in Ethiopia. The potential
effects of climate variability and change on livestock production are changing of livestock feed availability, reducing rainfall/water
accessibility, affecting animals’ health, growth and reproduction, reducing number of cattle herds, changing of forage crop quality and
quantity, spreading of diseases, reducing livestock performance and maturity, changing of income and prices in many parts of Ethiopia.
Effect of climate variability and change, drought declined the number of cattle herd sizes substantially by 26% in Dire and Yabelo
District, Borana zone, southern Ethiopia in 2010/2011 production year. The study concluded that even though Effect of climate
variability and change has become a serious problem on crop cultivation, pastoralism, and agro-pastoralism in Ethiopia, pastoralism,
and agro-pastoralism are more vulnerable comparatively. The major adaptation methods to climate variability and change are using
improved crop and livestock variety, tree planting, soil conservation, livestock mobility, drought-tolerant species (camel), crop
diversification, planting date adjustment, small-scale irrigation, agronomic practices, livelihood diversification, integrating livestock
with crop production. In general, farmers have practiced different adaptation strategies to reduce the adverse impact of climate change
and variability. The major determinants of adaptation strategies to climate variability and change were sex and age of household,
education level, family size, livestock ownership, farm size, access to extension service, access to credit service, distance to market, and
access to climate information. Adaptation strategies should be designed and targeted to base on agro-ecological zone instead of
recommending and implementing uniform interventions. Woreda agricultural office should give an attention for small-scale irrigation,
technology dissemination, soil and water conservations, agronomic practices, livelihood and crop-diversification in appropriate way.
Institutional factors such as extension service, credit service, and market access should be given consideration and implementing at
M.S. Demem Heliyon 9 (2023) e18972
grass root level. Finally, the study may help small-holder farmers in decision-making when perceiving the challenges of climate
variability and change on agricultural production, and their adaptation strategies and corresponding variables.
Funding statement
This review article did not receive any specific grant funding agencies in the public or commercial (“No funding for the review
article”). It is performed as part of the employment of the authors. The name of employer is Ethiopian Forestry Development, Bihar Dar
All authors listed have significantly contributed to the development and the writing of this article.
Additional information
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.
I would like to express my sincere and deepest gratitude to Mr Sewale Wondimenh for his valuable comments and suggestion
through detail reading the manuscript. He is researcher of Ethiopian Forest Development (EFD), Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. E-mail:
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