A Risk Analysis of Stevedoring Operations in Seapo

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A risk analysis of stevedoring operations in seaport container terminals

Article in Journal of Marine Science and Technology · April 2010

DOI: 10.51400/2709-6998.2319


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2 authors, including:

kuo-chung Shang
National Taiwan Ocean University


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Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 201-210 (2010) 201



Kuo-Chung Shang* and Wen-Jui Tseng**

Key words: container terminals, stevedoring operations, risk man- tainer terminals have started to play a vital role in the whole
agement. process of logistics and supply chain management. Container
terminal operators should therefore establish a complete set of
risk management projects in container loading and unloading
This research is a study of container terminals in Kaohsiung For terminal operators, container loading and unloading
Harbor and investigates risk management in the loading and operations provide the most important link in the supply chain
unloading of container terminals. The study shows that the top process. In recent years, competition between liner shipping
three factors associated with severity of accident risk are: companies has become extremely intense; competition at sea
“Moving the crane without raising the lifting arm of the gantry (the increase in navigational technology, faster ships and the
crane, resulting in damage to the pilot’s compartment,” “Trans- trend for increasing size) has expanded to competition on land.
ferring containers direct to the trailers,” and, “As a result of Terminal operation is a highly capital-intensive industry, and it
climatic factors (typhoons), the facility takes no action to is not easy to make profits amid the keen competition. Con-
prevent collisions.” The top three factors associated with tainer terminal operations cannot afford damage caused by
frequency of accident risk are, “Ships go by and waves cause a unexpected risks. Once an accident occurs during loading and
declined-body, raised prow or changed slipped cable,” “An unloading operations, damage may well be inflicted not only
overweight container in unbalanced loading causes impact in on property but also to human life and so forth. The operating
moving containers,” and “Parking trailers do not keep a dis- cost and the invisible impact on goodwill are harmful to con-
tance from gantry crane.” Finally, through the carrying out tainer terminal operators. The execution of risk management
the department of risk management to draft out the risk in harbors could help to reduce the damage and effectively
strategies. Under the rational cost could help the terminal control container terminal operators’ visible and invisible
operator reduce the effect of container terminals which may costs. For those companies, the most important matter is to
be caused by the uncertainty of accident risks to ensure se- face up to the tough operating environment in this era of mi-
curity of operations. cro-profit.
Lu et al. [11] have indicated that, at present, among con-
tainer terminal operators which suffer container loading and
unloading accidents, risk management strategy depends on
Amid the worldwide trend for large vessels, the efficient insurance. Also, monitoring mechanisms have not been fully
operation of container terminals plays an important role nowa- established. The focus of the research is the risk management
days. It has become a significant issue for container terminal of container terminals in loading and unloading, in the light of
operators to systematize the management of risk in loading the various factors involved in risk identification and assess-
and unloading operations and maximize the possibility of ment. The following are the purposes of this study. First, to
controlling accident risk effectively (Shang and Lu [12]; Lu provide assistance to container terminal operators in risk
and Shang [10]). In recent years, with stepped-up develop- identification as regards loading and unloading at container
ment of container transportation and flourishing trade, con- terminals, and gain a better understanding of the impact of the
risks. Second, to reduce the frequency and severity of loading
and unloading accident risk at container terminals and ensure
Paper submitted 05/14/08; revised 04/01/09; accepted 05/12/09. Author for the outcome is reasonable and acceptable to terminal operators.
correspondence: Wen-Jui Tseng (e-mail: jui@mail.nkmu.edu.tw). This research discusses risk management in the marshalling
*Department of Transportation and Navigation Science, National Taiwan
Ocean University, Keelung City, Taiwan, R.O.C.
yard in Kaohsiung Harbor only. The loading and unloading of
**Department of Shipping and Transportation Management, National Kao- vessels, such as tramp carriers and fishing vessels, are not
shiung Marine University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, R.O.C. discussed by this study.
202 Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2 (2010)

Risk Identification means lowering the damage and threats, and controlling the
The Methods in Flow Chart procedures whereby enterprises reach consistency and stabil-
ity. “Performance” stresses the growing opportunities and
rewards of risk-chasing.
Eloff et al. [3], however, regard risk management as a
Risk Analysis and Evaluation continuous cycle, usually starting with risk identity, followed
1. Risk Damage Frequency and Range by risk analysis, risk evaluation, risk resolution and so forth.
2. Identify the Quantification Standards in Frequency Head and Hom [5] explain risk management according to
and Range
management perspectives and policy decision perspectives.
3. Create the Risk Matrix From the management perspectives, risk management em-
4. Prepare Risk Map phasizes decreasing the deleterious effects of accidental
damage on enterprises; through planning, organization, lead-
ership and control of the processes involved in the enterprise’s
activities, it helps to reduce these deleterious effects at rea-
Risk Strategies sonable cost.
1. Risk Control Sung [15] argues that risk management integrates limited
2. Risk Financing resources to lower the deleterious effects. The definition of
“economic individuals” includes individual persons, families,
enterprises, government institutions, and nations. Also, he
stresses that risk management is the combination of what used
Risk Treatment to be known as “safety management” and “insurance man-
Fig. 1. Analyzed steps of risk evaluation. Risk management’s main purpose is to develop systems for
controlling risk. In fact, enterprises should establish a set of
efficient strategies in risk management to achieve the effective
protections and control in advance of the risk, reduce the
The research is based on the four steps of the risk man-
probability of the risk, and avoid damage from the risk. En-
agement procedures, which are risk identification, risk analy-
terprises should also establish strategies to deal with damage
sis and measurement, risk control, and treatment. First of all,
when it does occur; how to bring the business back on track
to conduct risk identification, we visited and interviewed
promptly, and limit the costs of the damage are important
professionals. Then, we analyzed and measured individual
matters to consider.
risk factors in damage frequency and severity by using a
Cheng [2] considers that businesses should select methods
five-point Likert-type scale in questionnaires. Secondly, we
of risk management suitable for controlling and coping with
conducted risk analysis and measurement, given the frequency
the various potential net loss risks, with the aim of achieving
and the severity of the accident, and analyzed the risk causes.
the lowest risk cost and ensuring safety of business operations.
Thirdly, we conducted risk control to reduce the frequency of
That is to say that business should measure the likely damage
damage and minimize the damage range. Finally, we con-
frequency and severity, and take advance preventive measures,
ducted risk treatment, which is aimed at the risk strategies.
emphasizing the risk in financial management terms, for the
The framework of the remainder of this study is as follows:
business to prosper and flourish.
the second part is the literature review, which reviews the
definition of risk management. The third part is an analysis of 2. Literature on Risk Management
loading and unloading operations in international container
According to the investigation and analysis by Shiu et al.
terminals. The fourth part provides a framework for risk man-
[14], in accidents occurring during the procedures of supply
agement strategies in container terminals at harbors. The fifth
chain management, those occurring in terminal warehouses
and last part is the conclusion and suggestions. Figure 1 shows
and container operation areas account for about twenty-five
a flow chart for this study.
percent of the total. Most of the accidents are caused by hu-
man negligence, indicating that security in harbor manage-
II. LITERATURE REVIEW ment operations should be emphasized and improved. Secu-
rity in loading and unloading areas also impacts operations,
1. The Definition of Risk Management requires ships to dock at harbors, and influences the container
The definitions and interpretations of the term, “risk man- terminal operator’s costs and service quality. Risk manage-
agement,” are many and varied (British Bankers’ Association ment of container terminals at harbors is therefore very im-
[1]; Eloff et al. [3]; Sung [15]; Cheng [2]). The British Bank- portant.
ers’ Association [1] considers it to incorporate two major per- Shiu et al. [13] analyzed transportation risk factors at sea
spectives, “conformance,” and “performance.” “Conformance” from the viewpoint of the owner of goods, by collecting data
K.-C. Shang and W.-J. Tseng: A Risk Analysis of Stevedoring Operations in Seaport Container Terminals 203

about events in recent years involving damaged shipping 1. Analysis of A’s Container Terminals
cargos. They evaluated such data as insurance, indemnifi- The dock that terminal operator A currently leases is the
cations, and categories of goods to assess the accident fre- deep water terminal. The boats’ drafts reach 14 feet and can
quency and severity in relation to different categories of provide over 3,500 TEU container vessels to berth at the dock.
goods, and probed into the causes. The top three damage In the loading and unloading task is responsible for the trans-
causes are: (i) Humidity, pollution, rust, and decay. (ii) ferred investigation from terminal operator A to the shipping
Inland transportation accidents. (iii) Container terminal op- loading and unloading contractor and shipping cargo industry.
eration accidents. The research mainly involved collecting In the container conveyance task is commuted by the trans-
and analyzing data provided by insurance companies in 1999 portation company.
and 2000. The results showed that accident risk rates in This container terminal operator’s tasking method in
frontline and factory operations at container terminals, and Kaohsiung Harbor adopts a variety of trailers. Containers are
the risk management of loading and unloading tasks are the
lifted from onboard by gantry crane and placed on trailers,
key areas on which container terminal operators need to
which convey them to the designated stock areas (Imported
place much greater emphasis.
Areas), from where they are stocked by the transtainer to as-
Li [8] gives the view of the terminal manager at Kaohsiung
signed areas. Containers that need to be withdrawn are loaded
Harbor Bureau, who claims that the storehouse operations
onto the trailers and conveyed to the control center.
involve many dangerous factors in loading and unloading,
In the process of ship loading and unloading, although these
shipping, and stock operations. It truly needs to establish
equipments are in the fixed operation procedure, ship-side
“High-Risk Management Strategies.” Additionally, Fang [4]
loading and unloading to and from assigned container termi-
claims that accidents of sorts which have occurred in various
nals involves certain operational tasks, a gantry crane, tran-
harbors around the world will not improve as a result of sci-
stainer, and stacker trailers. It, however, may cause the equip-
entific and technological advances; he says that, despite con-
tinuous improvements in the technical efficiency of operations ment to the damage of containers, employees, and even third
and the importance of the harbor management institutions in party damage, because of the dead space in location or equip-
security, human negligence cannot be eliminated. This study, ment or other artificial factors. Those factors may increase the
therefore, takes a terminal operator in Kaohsiung Harbor as its risk at the site of operation.
subject, and explores the risk factors involved in container 2. Analysis of B’s Container Terminals
terminal (frontline) operations. It provides suggestions on risk
concepts and strategies for the current business operators, and Terminal operator B currently leases two container termi-
advises that emphasis be placed on risk management to ensure nals in Kaohsiung Harbor and carried out a dredging plan in
security in loading and unloading operations. these terminals’ channels in 2005 to meet operating demand.
The terminal length is 520 meters. The boats’ drafts reach 14.5
meters and the total area of the terminal is about 350,000
III. THE CURRENT OPERATION OF square meters. At the present time, there are eight straddle
CONTAINER TERMINALS IN KAOHSIUNG carriers and eight rail transtainers in the container terminals,
HARBOR and at the ship-side there are five gantry cranes. The steady
There are five terminal centers in Kaohsiung Harbor, operation quantity in terminal loading and unloading is about
which provide speedy and accurate port industry services and 900,000 TEU every year.
the container loading and unloading quantity of the whole The import operation process involves unloading with the
harbor can reach ten million TEU annually. Kaohsiung gantry crane and placing directly ship-side, then transporting
Harbor adopts the container terminal system as the profes- with the straddle carrier to assigned stock areas. If the opera-
sional docks system, leasing to container terminal operators tion is transtainer then moved to the container terminals with
under contract tenancy agreements. The container terminal transtainer. If the operation is straddle carrier then moved to
operator lessees invest in their own equipment, design and the container terminals straddle carrier. In the export proce-
management in the docks, including loading and unloading dure, the containers are placed on the loading conveyor belt by
machines, shipping allocation and container appointed stock the transtainer, where they await conveyance by straddle car-
areas, and so on. rier to the loading operation ship-side. If the operation is
Under a dedicated terminal system, the container terminal straddle carrier then conveyance ship-side is direct. Because
operator invests in the equipment and machines in the rental of the complexity of the operating equipment, the duty op-
docks. This study is based on collected data on risks involved erators may not easily overlook aspects of the operation and it
in current container terminal loading and unloading operations. is a highly dangerous process.
Using as its subjects three container terminal operators (ter-
minal operators A, B and C) in Kaohsiung Harbor as case 3. Analysis of C’s Container Terminals
studies, it evaluates and assesses the range and frequency of Terminal operator C currently leases four container termi-
accident risks. nals in Kaohsiung Harbor, and these are located at different
204 Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2 (2010)

container centers. Because they are not next to each other. Table 1. The response rate of the survey.
There is a specific plan, however, for loading and unloading Allotted Returned Valid Response
operating procedures as well as the moveable planning of the Question- Question- Question- Rate
entire container terminals and docks for effective control of naires (1) naires (2) naires (3) (3)/(1)
non-operators’ passing in loading and unloading tasks. Ship- A 50 28 27 54%
ping loading and unloading operations are managed by con- B 50 34 25 50%
tractors. The conveyance of containers is outsourced to a
C 50 33 27 54%
traffic transportation company.
Total 150 95 79 52.67%
This terminal operator adopts a method involving a com-
bination of trailers in loading and unloading operations. The
containers are lifted from onboard by gantry crane, and loaded
onto the trailers. After being moved to assigned stock areas
(Imported Areas), they are stored in designated areas by the Table 2. The respondents’ profiles.
transtainer. Containers that need to be withdrawn are moved Variables Respondents Percentage
up to trailers to the control center. Another container terminals Gender
of this terminal operator, there is no transtainer on the loading Male 70 88.6
and unloading equipment instead of the fork-lift and stacker Female 9 11.4
movement and (un) load the containers. Age
In the operating procedure of shipping loading and unload- Under 20 years old 0 0
ing, although those equipment take routine moveable routes, 21-30 years old 8 10.1
the operation skilled of loading and unloading operators and 31-40 years old 30 38
improper use of equipment are the important keys of accident 41-50 years old 30 38
risk. Over 51 years old 11 13.9
Duration of service in
loading and unloading
IV. THE RESPONDENTS’ PROFILES operations (in current
The questionnaire design in this research is interviewed company and others)
specialists. The interviewed specialists were three executive Up to 5 years inclusive 10 12.7
directors of loading and unloading operations in international 6-10 years 23 29.1
docks. The content and language used in the questionnaire 11-15 years 19 24.1
were revised by three specialists and two scholars after initial 16-20 years 12 15.2
design, to facilitate interviewees’ understanding. 21 years or over 15 19
In order to increase the response rate, the questionnaire was The working experience in
distributed to directors of three container terminal operators, this industry
who were authorized to conduct sampling surveys of loading Among 5 years 9 11.4
6-10 years 24 30.4
and unloading operations on the spot and to retrieve the com-
11-15 years 14 17.7
pleted questionnaires. The survey period was two weeks,
16-20 years 12 15.2
from April 25th to May 8th, 2007 and 50 questionnaires were
21 years or over 20 25.3
distributed to container terminal operators. Among those that
Current occupation
were returned, only 13 questionnaires answered the items of
Office Workers 20 26.3
risk frequency and 3 questionnaires left out many items; 16
Duty Monitors 29 38.2
invalid questionnaires were therefore discarded. Table 1 pre-
Duty loading and 27 35.5
sents statistics about the retrieved questionnaires. Table 2
unloading operators
shows statistical information concerning the respondents’
The questionnaire adopted a five-point Likert-type scale to
evaluate risks. Estimating risk mostly emphasizes damage Table 3. The measurement standard of risk frequency.
frequency and severity. Damage frequency means the average Level Situations Frequency
rate of risk accidents and damage severity means the financial 1 Unlikely Once in Over Three Years
cost of the damage of risk accidents. It was because statistics 2 Seldom Once in One to Three Years
on damage frequency and severity in the industry over the 3 Passable Once a Year
years are inaccurate, that we investigated this through our 4 Sometimes Once in Half to One Year
questionnaire. The research adopted five levels of risk fre- 5 Regularly Once in Three Months to Half
quency, as shown in Table 3. Year
K.-C. Shang and W.-J. Tseng: A Risk Analysis of Stevedoring Operations in Seaport Container Terminals 205

Table 4. The measurement standard of risk severity. should prevent these risk accidents from happening. The three
Operators’ least frequently occurring factors ― in inverse order of fre-
Types Non-operators’ Loss quency― are “R17: Non-operators injured in the loading and
unloading operations areas,” “R14: Because of climatic fac-
Level Situations Severity Severity tors (typhoons), facilities don’t take any precaution to prevent
1 Slighter Under NT$10,000 Dollars Abrasion collisions,” and “R16: Slipped the containers to the trailers
2 Slight NT$10,000 to Flesh directly.”
NT$50,000 Dollars Wound The research involved a case study, in order to compare
3 Passable NT$50,000 to Disabled three container terminal operators in risk frequency and risk
NT$100,000 Dollars severity, using variable analysis (ANOVA) to certify causality
4 Critical NT$100,000 Dollars to Maim and verify every situation under the result of average scores
NT$500,000 Dollars and standard deviation and understand the risk level of loading
5 More Above NT$500,000 Death and unloading operations (Tables 6 and 7). Three items in the
Critical Dollars analysis of variations in severity of risk between three con-
tainer terminal operators (Table 6) showed dramatic differ-
ences, as follows:
Through the interviews with specialists, it concluded the
(i) “R4: The switch of hatch covers did not cooperate well
risks which probably involved in some equipment damage and
with conductors and there was inappropriate use of the
casualty as shown in Table 4.
40- and 20-foot hangers.” In this item of risk factor,
container terminal operator A was significantly greater
V. RESULTS OF EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS than container terminal operator B.
(ii) “R7: Because of damage to the hanger of the gantry crane,
1. Analysis and Statistics the container locks fell down into the trailers,” which
The risk factors associated with container loading and container terminal operator A was significantly greater
unloading tasks in the questionnaires took the mean and than container terminal operator C.
standard deviation (S.D.) of risk severity and frequency, as (iii) In the items “R9: Negligence of duty operators (Speedy
shown in Table 5. According to Table 5, item 17, the results of raising or inadequate height of gantry crane)” and “R16:
accident risk factor analysis are as follows. Slipped the containers to the trailers directly,” container
The top three accident risks in terms of severity are, “R10: terminal operator A was significantly greater in damage
The gantry crane did not lift the boom to move facilities, and severity than the other two container terminal operators.
caused damage to the pilot's compartment,” “R16: Slipped the container terminal operator A was higher in risk damage
containers to the trailers directly,” and “R14: Because of cli- severity, so the company should develop a controlling
matic factors (typhoons), facilities doesn’t take any precau- mechanism in relation to the aspects of collecting in-
tions to prevent collisions.” The above are risk factors which formation and controlling risk in risk management.
can cause extensive damage. Compensation is smaller for
accidents involving lower severity of risk factors. The three Four items (Table 7) showed variations between the three
factors of lowest risk severity are ― in inverse order of se- container terminal operator in risk frequency which was “R1:
verity― “R5: Inattention to the loading height of ships and the Inadequate height of hangers or slipped tenons while loading
draft depth,” “R4: The switch of hatch covers was not coor- and unloading.” Frequency of occurrence was significantly
dinated well with conductors and inappropriate use was made greater for container terminal operator A than for container
of 40- and 20- foot hangers,” and “R2: Inappropriate use of the terminal operator B and C. The item, “R2: Inappropriate use
40- and 20- foot hangers and the unbalanced overweigh con- of the 40 and 20 feet hangers and the unbalanced overweigh
tainers which caused the moving containers to collide.” The containers which caused the moving containers to collide,”
risk range management of the container terminal operations recorded significantly greater frequency of occurrence in con-
should emphasize control of risk in loading and unloading to tainer terminal operator A than in container terminal operator
reduce damage caused by risk accidents. C. The item, “R3: Ships go by and waves cause the declined
The top three accident risks in terms of frequency, however, body, raised prow or changed slipped cable,” recorded sig-
are “R3: Ships go by and waves cause the declined-body, nificantly greater frequency of occurrence in container ter-
raised prow or changed slipped cable.”, “R2: The overweigh minal operator A than in container terminal operator B and C.
container in unbalance loading causes impact in moving con- The item, “R8: Parking trailers did not keep a distance from
tainers,” and “R8: Parking trailers do not keep a distance from the gantry crane,” recorded significantly greater frequency of
gantry crane.” The first two factors refer to the situation in occurrence in container terminal operator A than in container
which the gantry crane collides with the containers, and this terminal operator C. Container terminal operator A, therefore,
happens about once a year, so the container terminal operators should prevent the risk probability more effectively.
206 Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2 (2010)

Table 5. Levels of risk severity and frequency in container terminal operations.

Severity Frequency
Risk Factors Sum
Mean S.D Rank Mean S.D Rank
R10. The gantry crane did not lift the boom to move facilities and
4.27 1.27 1 1.58 1.25 13 5.85
caused damage to the pilot's compartment.
R16. Slipped the containers to the trailers directly. 4.23 1.30 2 1.38 0.81 17 5.61
R14. Because of climatic factors (typhoons), facilities do not take any
4.21 1.35 3 1.38 0.84 16 5.59
precaution to prevent collisions.
R7. Because of damage to the hanger of the gantry crane, the container
4.20 1.28 4 1.58 0.95 14 5.78
locks fell down into the trailers.
R13. The gantry crane did not move away from the head and back of
4.14 1.22 5 1.61 0.67 12 5.75
ships, or the bridge or mast while touching and offshoring.
R17. Non-operators were injured in the loading and unloading operation
3.88 1.29 6 1.58 0.76 15 5.46
R11. The unreturned suspenders on the ships and the gantry crane col-
3.77 1.27 7 1.71 0.88 11 5.48
lides with the suspenders while loading and unloading.
R15. The conductors did not attend to the distance between two gantry
3.74 1.33 8 1.72 1.09 10 5.46
cranes (EC) and instructed EC to move.
R3. Ships go by and waves cause the declined body, raised prow or
3.70 1.36 9 2.86 1.45 1 6.56
changed slipped cable.
R1. Inadequate height of hangers or slipped tenons while loading and
3.53 1.24 10 2.52 1.31 7 6.05
R9. Negligence of duty operators (Speedy raising or inadequate height
3.43 1.27 11 2.59 1.22 5 6.02
of gantry crane).
R12. Because of operating negligence, the fences and suspenders or fell
3.42 1.20 12 2.60 1.28 4 6.02
down to cause damage to the decks or halls.
R6. The gantry crane collides with the trailer while moving the crane. 3.31 1.26 13 2.58 1.17 6 5.89
R8. Parking trailers did not keep a distance from the gantry crane. 3.12 1.22 14 2.64 1.24 3 5.76
R2. Inappropriate use of the 40 and 20 feet hangers and the unbalanced
overweigh containers which caused the moving containers to col- 3.09 1.23 15 2.67 1.26 2 5.76
R4. The switch of hatch covers did not cooperate well with conductors
2.96 1.33 16 2.00 1.00 9 4.96
and there was inappropriate use of the 40- and 20-foot hangers.
R5. Inattention to the loading height of ships and the actual draft depth. 2.87 1.41 17 2.21 1.26 8 5.08
Note: Mean is the average scores.; S.D. is the standard deviation.; Sum = the mean of severity + frequency; The mean scores are based on a
5-point Likert scale showed in Tables 3 and 4.

the sum of means in damage frequency and severity is ranged

2. The Risk Evaluation of Loading and Unloading between 4.96 and 6.56. Thus, all of the items in this study will
Operations be classified into medium risk level.
The research took the risk level as standard on the damage The principles of risk management suggest adopting risk
frequency and severity on the five-point Likert-type scale. prevention methods to reduce the high probability of risk
Sung [15] identified the standard of “the risk levels” as the accidents, and adopting risk control strategies to reduce the
sum of the means for both damage frequency and severity damage severity for accidents. According to the results of
levels. In general, the sum of means in damage frequency and questionnaires, loading and unloading operations are generally
severity could build up a risk matrix chart. Meanwhile, we at the medium level of risk. The following are suggestions for
could classify three different risk areas, which are low, me- risk control strategies in container terminal management.
dium and high levels; i.e., the evaluation level from two to four Firstly, the damage frequency at the first level (F1) and
points is low, from five to seven is medium, and from eight to damage severity at the fourth level (S4) of risk: The risks at
ten is high. The frequency and severity of risk to settle on the this level are the risk factors R14 and R16. Because this level
point of fall (see Fig. 2). of risk is one of high damage severity but low damage fre-
Figure 3 is the risk matrix in the research. According to the quency, the strictest control should be adopted. Apart from this,
analysis of the returned questionnaires, as shown in Table 5, through insurance, liability for financial losses could perhaps
K.-C. Shang and W.-J. Tseng: A Risk Analysis of Stevedoring Operations in Seaport Container Terminals 207

Table 6. One-way ANOVA of analysis of variations in severity of risk between the three container terminal operators.
Risk Factors Terminal Operators ANOVA test
A B C F Post Hoc
Mean Mean Mean value Tests
R1. Inadequate height of hangers or slipped tenons while loading and unloading. 3.58 3.67 3.37 0.38
R2. Inappropriate use of the 40 and 20 feet hangers and the unbalanced overweigh
3.41 2.64 3.18 2.76
containers which caused the moving containers to collide.
R3. Ships go by and waves cause the declined body, raised prow or changed slipped
2.96 2.40 2.70 1.11
R4. The switch of hatch covers did not cooperate well with conductors and there was
3.52 2.40 2.92 *5.07 A>B
inappropriate use of the 40- and 20-foot hangers.
R5. Inattention to the loading height of ships and the actual draft depth. 2.93 2.36 3.23 2.38
R6. The gantry crane collides with the trailer while moving the crane. 3.63 3.08 3.20 1.40
R7. Because of damage to the hanger of the gantry crane, the container locks fell
4.70 4.08 3.77 *3.96 A>C
down into the trailers.
R8. Parking trailers did not keep a distance from the gantry crane. 3.37 3.08 2.88 1.06
R9. Negligence of duty operators (Speedy raising or inadequate height of gantry
4.07 3.20 2.96 **6.37 A > B; A > C
R10. The gantry crane did not lift the boom to move facilities and caused damage to
4.63 4.17 3.96 1.95
the pilot's compartment
R11. The unreturned suspenders on the ships and the gantry crane collides with the
4.22 3.36 3.65 2.12
suspenders while loading and unloading.
R12. Because of operating negligence, the fences and suspenders or fell down to
3.74 3.24 3.25 1.50
cause damage to the decks or halls.
R13. The gantry crane did not move away from the head and back of ships, or the
4.48 4.08 3.85 1.87
bridge or mast while touching and offshoring.
R14. Because of climatic factors (typhoons), facilities do not take any precaution to
4.41 4.38 3.85 1.43
prevent collisions.
R15. The conductors did not attend to the distance between two gantry cranes (EC)
3.82 3.89 3.54 0.43
and instructed EC to move.
R16. Slipped the containers to the trailers directly. 4.89 3.91 3.81 *6.29 A > B; A > C
R17. Non-operators were injured in the loading and unloading operation areas. 4.19 3.81 3.61 1.34
Note: *represents significance level p < 0.05; **represents significance level p < 0.01.

be placed on the insured, and, because the damage frequency area result in liability for damage (such as damage to vessels
is low, a relatively high level of self-responsibility established and injury to persons) compensation if an accident occurs.
in the contract of insurance with a simple shift onto the insured Besides improving staff educational training, the system of
of the burden for the greater part of the loss. rewards and penalties should be set up and executed to re-
Secondly, damage frequency at the second levels (F2) and duce damage frequency, and container terminals on the scene
damage severity at the third level (S3) of risk area: The risks at should be sure to provide insurance covering financial re-
these levels are R4 and R5. The risk level involves the me- sponsibility and personal injury to shift the high-intermediate
dium damage severity and lower damage frequency charac- severity impact of damage; however, because the damage
teristic; feasible risk management strategies should therefore frequency is not high, and after going through effective dam-
take risk prevention and risk severity control as principles. It age prevention strategies, the financial damage responsibility
is recommended that operators’ reaction skills and staff and the insurance contract of facilities deductible could be
training be enhanced, and that procedures for standard tasks be raised to reduce the risk cost.
established. Fourthly, the damage frequency at the third level (F3) and
Thirdly, damage frequency at the second level (F2) and damage severity at the third level (S3) of risk area: the risks in
damage severity at the fourth level of risk (S4): The risks at this area are R2, R6, R8, R9, and R12. The risk area is me-
these levels are R7, R10, R11, R13, R15 and R17. The risk is dium damage severity and frequency; so, to reduce the fre-
high-intermediate as regards damage severity, and lower as quency of damage prevention strategies is the primary aim, by
regards damage frequency; also, the major risk factors in this such means as improving the reaction skills of operators, the
208 Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2 (2010)

Table 7. One-way ANOVA analysis of risk frequency variations among the three container terminal operators.
Risk Factors Terminal Operators ANOVA test
A B C F Post Hoc
Mean Mean Mean value Tests
R1. Inadequate height of hangers or slipped tenons while loading and unloading. 3.41 2.40 1.74 **15.1 A > B; A > C
R2. Inappropriate use of the 40 and 20 feet hangers and the unbalanced over-
3.41 2.72 1.89 **12.9 A > C; B > C
weigh containers which caused the moving containers to collide.
R3. Ships go by and waves cause the declined body, raised prow or changed
3.93 2.60 2.04 **17.1 A > B; A > C
slipped cable.
R4. The switch of hatch covers did not cooperate well with conductors and there
2.26 2.00 1.75 1.86
was inappropriate use of the 40- and 20-foot hangers.
R5. Inattention to the loading height of ships and the actual draft depth. 2.85 2.12 1.62 7.53
R6. The gantry crane collides with the trailer while moving the crane. 2.96 2.72 2.04 4.87
R7. Because of damage to the hanger of the gantry crane, the container locks fell
1.70 1.56 1.46 0.43
down into the trailers.
R8. Parking trailers did not keep a distance from the gantry crane. 3.15 2.60 2.15 *4.92 A>C
R9. Negligence of duty operators (Speedy raising or inadequate height of gantry
3.11 2.52 2.12 2.19
R10. The gantry crane did not lift the boom to move facilities and caused damage
1.74 1.16 1.81 1.26
to the pilot's compartment.
R11. The unreturned suspenders on the ships and the gantry crane collides with
1.93 1.60 1.59 1.26
the suspenders while loading and unloading.
R12. Because of operating negligence, the fences and suspenders or fell down to
3.15 2.40 2.26 3.96
cause damage to the decks or halls.
R13. The gantry crane did not move away from the head and back of ships, or the
1.93 1.32 1.56 2.73
bridge or mast while touching and offshoring.
R14. Because of climatic factors (typhoons), facilities do not take any precaution
1.70 1.12 1.30 3.59
to prevent collisions.
R15. The conductors did not attend to the distance between two gantry cranes
2.11 1.48 1.56 2.80
(EC) and instructed EC to move.
R16. Slipped the containers to the trailers directly. 1.37 1.36 1.41 0.03
R17. Non-operators were injured in the loading and unloading operation areas. 1.82 1.44 1.48 1.98
Note: *represents significance level p < 0.05; **represents significance level p < 0.01.

Low Risk Level

Medium Risk Level
High Risk Level
Low Severity
Fig. 2. The risk matrix.

promotion of staff training, the establishment of procedures are R1and R3. Although this risk area is at the medium risk
for standard tasks, the fastening of containers and equipment, level, its damage severity is at the fourth level, so reducing the
the design of a suitable and safe trailing route and enhance- severity of damage, mainly through risk control, should be the
ment of the trailing routes for truck drivers and so on to pre- most impartment strategy. This should include improving the
vent accidents from happening. berth working area, promoting staff training, establishing pro-
Fifth, the damage frequency at third level (F3) and damage cedures for standard tasks, enhancing the berth crash barrier,
severity at the fourth level of risk (S4). The risks in this area and taking out an insurance policy for berth and port facilities.
K.-C. Shang and W.-J. Tseng: A Risk Analysis of Stevedoring Operations in Seaport Container Terminals 209

Frequency 1 2 3 4 5
Severity (F1) (F2) (F3) (F4) (F5)
1 (S1)
2 (S2)

、 、 、 、
R2 R6 R8
3 (S3) R4 R5

R9 R12
4 (S4) 、
R14 R16

5 (S5)
Note: Those codes in risk of matrix are analyzed on the Table 5 levels of risk severity and frequency in container terminal operations.
Fig. 3. The risk matrix in stevedoring operations.

eration in the research, and proposed variety of risk manage-

VI. SUGGESTIONS AND CONCLUSION ment suggestion to container terminal dealer as references:
This study prompts the following suggestions: Firstly con-
This research involved a questionnaire survey and case
tainer terminal operators could allow risk management de-
study. The study was confined to a mere three major container
partments much greater responsibility and absorb various
terminal operators, but it found that human factors in loading
related department members to compose. They should aim to
and unloading operations risks are the major causes of dan- utilize more professionals, further investigation and overall
gerous accidents. The terminal operations should control the planning to execute risk management of loading and unload-
probability of risk accidents effectively, especially through ing operations. After a risk manage project has been drafted
staff training. After reviewing the literature, interviewing for loading and unloading, it should be monitored the execu-
specialists and designed the questionnaires of container load- tive situation constantly and performance assessed. Post-
ing and unloading operation risks measurement. Through accident review and corrective action must be taken seriously
retrieved questionnaires, it was found that the top three dam- and the initial damage frequency, the severity amount of
age severity factors are, “R10: The gantry crane did not lift the money and the decision methods to build up the database
boom to move facilities, and caused to damage to the pilot's which provided to related departments as risk management
compartment,” “R16: Slipped the containers to the trailers decision methods.
directly,” and “R14: Because of climatic factors (typhoons), Secondly, in accordance with the risk level of accidents, we
facilities doesn’t take any precautions to prevent collisions.” classified and set a system of rewards and penalties danger
The top three factors associated with frequency of accident management and we require the container operators to take
risk are “R3: Ships go by and waves cause the declined-body, responsibility and pay attention to risk in order to effectively
raised prow or changed slipped cable,” “R2: The overweigh prevent accidents from happening and ensure that the rate of
container in unbalance loading causes impact in moving con- accidents caused by human factors is reduced.
tainers,” and “R8: Parking trailers do not keep a distance from Thirdly, we take the executive of damage prevention meas-
gantry crane.” ure thoroughly such as the establishment of container loading
The accidents of the gantry crane, although the container and unloading operating procedure, design of routes for trail-
terminals operators could depend on the past economy to ers, and so on, to reduce the risk accident rate. This could
identify risks of loading and unloading tasks, it could probably reduce the damage frequency effectively and cut insurance
lack of the concept of risk management. Merely depending on costs. After controlling damage frequency and severity ef-
the insurance contract to shift responsibility for the risk, rather fectively, then we rise up the deductible insurance to shift the
than on accurate methods of risk management, probably insurance merely on the large amount of money in damage risk.
causes the high frequency of accidents. According to insur- The damage within the deductible adopted risk retention
ants under these contracts, who shoulder responsibility for strategies so that it could lower the risk management cost and
damage compensation, however, it results in rises in the next higher up the risk management benefit.
year’s insurance premium, commensurate with variations in Fourthly, we established the way of insurance contract and
risk frequency and severity in risk areas. Adopted different shift the greater part of the risk in loading and unloading onto
strategies in damage prevention as well as different risk man- insurance companies. In relation to the insurance contract, we
agement methods to make the container terminal dealers con- should take particular care about the insurance coverage and
trol and analyze risks to reach the minimum cost and the exempted items to make sure that the major risk factors are
maximum profit to win-win conditions. Hopefully, through covered as well as if the insurant is covered to avoid the in-
the discussion about gunnels loading and unloading risk op- surance contract is a catchpenny.
210 Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2 (2010)

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