Thesis MTX
Thesis MTX
Thesis MTX
Methotrexate-based chemotherapy:
Cheif Guide
Co Guides
Dr. MA Khan
Additional Professor
Department of Biostatistics
AIIMS, New Delhi
4. Objectives of the study Primary Objective
4.1 To determine the incidence of oral mucositis (O) following IV
methotrexate in Pediatric oncology patients (P) receiving oral
cryotherapy (I) compared to the standard of care (C).
Secondary Objectives
4.2 To determine the severity/ grading of oral mucositis in both
a) Safety measures for proposed a) No safety concerns are expected from administration of
interventions flavored ice cubes. Patients vital would be monitored
regularly and patients would be monitored for any
b) Results of relevant laboratory possible aspiration while sucking on ice cubes
b) No lab tests will be done specific to the study.
However, survival of children suffering from cancer has improved dramatically over the
years with overall survival rate approaching 80% in developed countries. (3)
Chemotherapy remains the mainstay for management of paediatric cancers and refinement of
chemotherapeutic regimens overs the years being an important reason for improvement of
However , chemotherapy is known to cause many adverse effects including but not limited to
bone marrow suppression, oral mucositis, nausea and vomiting, secondary carcinogenicity,
cardiotoxicity etc.
Oral Mucositis
Development of Oral mucositis is considered multifactorial and complex – apart from the
antiproliferative action of anti-cancer drugs other events including and not limited to
cell/nuclear damage/inflammatory activation/bacterial colonization are thought to be at
interplay along with various other host/genetic factors contributing to its development.
WHO outlines the natural history of oral mucositis into a total of 5 stages(9):
Histologically, the lesions of oral mucositis show mucosal atrophy, with an inflammatory
exudates in the lamina propria which may progress to ulceration with necrotic reaction at the
ulcer base.
Severity of the oral mucositis lesions is graded using two of the commonly used scales –
WHO or NCI-CTCAE – which are described as follows:
Grade Description
0 None
I (Mild) Oral soreness, erythema
II (Moderate) Oral erythema, ulcers, solid diet tolerated
III (Severe) Oral ulcers, liquid diet only
IV (Life threatening) Oral alimentation impossible
Grade Description
Grade 0 None
Grade 1 Painless ulcers, erythema, or mild soreness in the absence of lesions
Grade 2 Painful erythema, oedema, or ulcers but eating or swallowing
Grade 3 Painful erythema, oedema, or ulcers requiring IV hydration
Grade 4 Severe ulceration or requiring parenteral or enteral nutritional
support or prophylactic intubation
Grade 5 Death related to toxicity
The consequences of oral mucositis
Natural history of oral mucositis is well researched and known. It typically begins 3-4 days
post chemotherapy reaching a peak over 7-14 days and then gradually resolves unless
complicated by an infection.
▪ Oral Mucositis significantly impairs the quality of life with patient complaining of pain,
anorexia, and difficulty in swallowing.
▪ Inadequate oral intake secondary to oral mucositis leads to weight loss and
▪ Pain and discomfort associated with oral mucositis affects sleep and mental well-being
of patient.
▪ Oral mucositis in patients is known to increase the risk of bacteraemia and septicaemia
up to 4 times as compared to individuals who do not develop oral mucositis.(11)
▪ Oral mucositis and its associated complications lead to a delay in chemotherapy
affecting survival from the primary diagnosis.
▪ Management of oral mucositis and its associated complications significantly increase
the hospital cost, need for admission and cost of managing the disease. (12)
Several modalities have been tried for prevention of oral mucositis post chemotherapy –
albeit with varying level of success and failure. These include and are not limited to are
palifermin, laser therapy, cryotherapy, benzydamine mouthwash, chlorhexidine mouthwash,
glutamine, growth factors like G-CSF/GM CSF mouth rinse, ketamine mouthwash
Oral hygiene protocols: Severe different oral hygiene measures have been used to improve
healing and decrease the antecedent risk of infections post oral mucositis. Though an obious
benefit is unproven, currently there are no recommendations for against their use.(13) A 38%
decrease in incidence of oral mucositis was reported in children using the oral care protocol
compared with children in the control group. (14)
Cytoprotective agents: Several potentially protective agents, including but not limited to
amifostine, sucralfate, and glutamine etc have been tried, but with no obvious efficacy.
Growth factors: Several growth factors, either as systemic agents or as mouth washes, have
been tried to prevent the development of oral mucositis. The most notable amongst all of
these is palifermin which is a recombinant keratinocyte growth factor, and has strong
evidence for its benefit. It is US FDA approved for the treatment of severe oral mucositis, but
its cost is prohibitive. Oral rinses with other growth factors namely G-CSF and GM-CSF
have been tried, but a benefit of such practise is yet to get established.(16)
Low level Laser Therapy (LLLT):
A meta-analysis has reported that therapeutic LLLT reduces the severity of oral mucositis
and oral pain in paediatric population.(17)
Analgesic mouthwash: These have been tried for the symptomatic benefit, with a few
showing promising results. A recent study suggested the role of Doxepin oral rinse in the
treatment of oral mucositis pain.(18)
Several other agents that have been tried, but have revealed no concrete use include oral 2%
morphine mouthwash, chlorhexidine mouth wash, allopurinol, and oral mucosal protectants
and all these modalities have shown a variable effect on mucositis among various studies.
(19). Definitive treatment is still not approved.
Recommendations Strength of
What prophylactic interventions are effective at preventing or reducing the severity of
oral and oropharyngeal mucositis in children (0-18 years) receiving treatment for
cancer or undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation?
We suggest that cryotherapy may be offered to cooperative Weak recommendation,
children receiving chemotherapy or HSCT conditioning with Moderate quality
regimens associated with a high rate of mucositis. evidence
We suggest that low-level light therapy may be offered to Weak recommendation,
cooperative children receiving chemotherapy or HSCT High quality evidence
conditioning with regimens associated with a high rate of
We suggest that keratinocyte growth factor may be offered to Weak recommendation
children receiving HSCT conditioning with regimens associated High quality evidence
with a high rate of severe mucositis.
Methotrexate and Oral Mucositis
Role of Cryotherapy
Various agents have been tried to either prevent/decrease the overall incidence of oral
mucositis or decrease the severity of its symptoms.
These include but are not limited to amifostine /palifermin/chlorhexidine
mouthwash/ketamine etc.
Oral cryotherapy as an intervention/modality has been used for adult patients with the
postulated mechanism to be vasoconstriction leading to decreased influx of both
inflammatory mediators and antineoplastic drug to oral mucosa.
Oral cryotherapy involves placing ice chips/cubes in the mouth before/during/after
It has shown to be effective for adult patients receiving 5 Fluorouracil/Melphalan; decreasing
rates of oral mucositis by up to 50%.(23)
While chemotherapy has been used in adult patients receiving 5 FU/Melphalan there is a
paucity of data/clinical trials regarding its effectiveness for IV methotrexate or any clinical
trial in children evaluating its efficacy. (24)
Children as compared to adults are more prone to develop oral mucositis though lesions tend
to heal faster too as compared to adults. (5)
Review of Literature
Online medical databases Pubmed, Google Scholar and MEDLINE were searched With the
key words “Cryotherapy” +”Mucositis” + “Methotrexate” along with search for terms.
Search revealed 470 items out which 62 were randomised controlled trials and 14 meta-
analysis were found. There were only 3 trials in paediatric age group – two in the setting of
HSCT and a single one in Chemotherapy.
Study title Study Results Conclusion
Author/journal design
Research Question
Whether oral cryotherapy (I) is useful in the reduction of oral mucositis in children (5-18
years of age) on cancer chemotherapy receiving IV methotrexate (P) and causes reduction in
incidence of oral mucositis following the same (O) as compared to standard of care (C)
Research Hypothesis
1. To determine the severity/ grading of oral mucositis in both arms
2. To determine the incidence of Infectious complications in both arms
3. To determine the risk factors predicting the development of oral mucositis in both
4. To determine the incidence and spectrum of various adverse effects following
administration of IV Methotrexate and risk factors for the same.
Inclusion criteria
Oral Mucositis
Ulceration/inflammation of the oral cavity mucosa.
Febrile Neutropenia
Fever >100.4°F (>38°C) for 1 hour or a single reading of 101°F (38.3°C ) with an absolute
neutrophil count (ANC) of ≤500 cells/microliter, or an ANC of ≤1000 cells/microliter with a
projected nadir of ≤500 cells/microliter.
Pneumonia - pathological chest X-ray and/or computed tomography scan accompanied signs
and symptoms of lower respiratory tract infection(fever, chest pain, cough)
Fever with a positive blood culture for bacteria isolated from peripheral blood or from the
central venous indwelling catheter.
Neutropenic Enterocolitis
Presence of neutropenia (ANC < 500 × 106 cells/L) , bowel wall thickening of >4 mm on
radiographic imaging, along with clinical features compatible with enterocolitis and the
exclusion of other diagnoses such as veno occlusive disease or other abdominal syndromes
The systemic inflammatory response syndrome in the presence of suspected or proven
infection constitutes sepsis.
All children, 5-18 years of age, with cancer, who are scheduled to receive IV methotrexate
will be screened for enrolment.
The details of all patients eligible for planned intervention would be entered in the screening
form. After meeting the inclusion criteria, and applying the exclusion criteria, the parent(s)
would be approached for consent. At the time of getting consent, the parents will be
explained regarding the pros and cons of the study. After obtaining a written consent of either
of the parents, along with that of a witness, the patient will be enrolled in the study. The
consent will be taken as the signature of either of the parents, or the left thumb print
impression for the parent(s) who can’t read or write.
Baseline information regarding the age, sex, anthropometry, demographics, type of
malignancy, type of chemotherapy, date of last chemotherapy, socio-demographic details,
anthropometry , examination findings will be collected at the time of enrolment .
The children going to receive a cycle of chemotherapy will be randomised into two arms after
enrolment into the study: Intervention (I) and control (C) arm.
Each cycle of IV methotrexate would be randomised, hence a patient can be enrolled multiple
times into different arms.
We shall use computer generated stratified block randomization with variable block size, to
ensure an equal number of cycles in each arm. The participants and the investigators will not
be blinded.
Allocation of the patients to receive the treatments would be done by sequentially numbered
opaque sealed envelope. The envelopes would be prepared by a person not associated with
the conduct of the study. The envelopes would be sequentially opened at the time of
randomisation and enrolment.
Patients enrolled into the intervention arm would be asked to suck on flavoured ice cubes in
their mouth.
Patients receiving Capizzi methotrexate over 1 hour would be asked to hold flavoured ice
cubes 5 min prior to infusion, another ice cube during 1 hour infusion as long as its
possible/comfortable and then every 1 hour for a duration of 10 minutes for 3 hours
Patients receiving high dose Methotrexate over 24-36 hours would be asked to intermittently
suck on flavoured ice cubes in mouth during the initial bolus infusion over 30 min then every
8 hours for a minimum of 10 minutes to as long as comfortable till the end of infusion and till
patient starts with intravenous leucovorin rescue.
Patients enrolled into the control arm would be asked to follow the unit oral hygiene protocol
with regular brushing with soft tooth bristles and twice a day betadine gargles.
Patients would be followed up at the end of infusion, start of oral/IV leucovorin and on day 5
and day 10 along with any self-report for development of oral mucositis and till 14 days from
the randomization for secondary outcomes.
Each patient can be enrolled multiple times into the study after taking consent. The same
patient can be enrolled into either arm during further enrolment at time of randomisation.
Determination of severity/ grading of Severity of oral mucositis WHO criteria for grading of
oral mucositis in both arms. oral Mucositis lesions.
Reported incidence of any grade of oral mucositis following each cycle of IV methotrexate is
in the range of 40-50%. We propose that our intervention (oral cryotherapy) would result in
40 % reduction of incidence of oral mucositis from 40 % bringing it down to 25 %. To detect
the difference of 15% for 80 % power and 5 %level of significance with two sided test, the
required sample size for our study is approximately 165 cycles in each arm. So, total sample
size for our study is 330 cycles of IV methotrexate.
Statistical analysis
To describe patient’s characteristics (demographic and clinical), the data will be summarized
and analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS, version 24.0) or STATA
(version 14) software. Continuous data will be expressed as mean ± SD or Median (IQR) and
Qualitative data will be expressed as number and percentage as appropriate. Data will be
tested for normality using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Student t-test will be used to
compare the normal variables between the groups, whereas the Mann–Whitney U-test test
will perform to compare the non-normal variables between the groups. For comparison of
categorical data, the Chi-square/Fisher’s exact test will be performed to see the association. A
value of p less than 0.05 will be considered to represent statistical significance of the study.
Analysis will be performed according to the CONSORT statement. Both intention to treat
and per protocol analysis will be performed. Continuous variables will be summarized with
standard descriptive statistics including means, standard deviations, median and ranges.
Categorical variables will be summarized using means, frequencies and percentage, 95%
confidence interval will be provided for descriptive statistics as warranted. The primary
objective of the study (difference in the incidence of oral mucositis ) between the two arms
will be compared by estimating effect size and determining its 95% CI. Differences among
comparison groups in continuous variable will be estimated using student t-test for normal
distribution variables and using Wilcoxon rank sum test for variables that do not follow
normal distribution. Differences in categorical variables will be assessed using Chi-Square
test or Fisher Exact test. A p-value of <0.05 will be considered significant.
Data management
Data will be recorded on the case record form/proforma (CRF) by the investigator. Results of
laboratory investigations and follow up visits will also be recorded on the CRF. The original
signed consent form for each participant will also be kept with the CRF. The data will be
transferred from the CRF to electronic format by the primary investigator and will be
checked by Co-investigators for its accuracy. The research records maintained by the
investigator will be considered as the source document for the purpose of auditing the study.
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Study Proforma
S. No. I C
Date of enrollment………………………
Contact no
Stratified randomization
LBL protocol-
getting block
MTX: @ 3 gm/m2 MTX: @ 5 Mtx @1g/m2 MTX: @ 5
gm/m2 gm/m2
Standard therapy:
Oral hygiene Yes/No Frequency
1. Betadine gargle
2. Daily brushing
Day 5 CBC
Day 5
1. Title of the Study/Project: Efficacy of oral cryotherapy in the prevention of oral mucositis in
children with hematolymphoid malignancies receiving IV Methotrexate-based chemotherapy: A
Randomized Controlled Trial
2. Name of Principal Investigator: Dr. Aditya Gupta Phone No: 9990350017
3. Name of Chief Guide: Dr. Jagdish Prasad Meena, Phone No: 011-2659 3619
4. Aim of the research: To determine whether placing ice cubes in mouth(oral cryotherapy) while
receiving the drug Methotrexate as a part of cancer chemotherapy for children would result in
decrease in incidence of oral mucositis(mouth pain and mouth ulcers) as compared to doing
betadine gargles and daily brushing.
5. Methods: Your child would be randomised to receive either ice cubes or do betadine gargles
along with daily tooth brushing. The randomisation would be based on chance and your child has
equal chance of going into either. Your child will be asked to suck on ice cubes intermittently
every 6 hour for 1 day or every hour for 10 minutes for 3 hours or would be asked to follow the
routine betadine gargles and daily tooth brushing. Your child will be evaluated by calling to OPD
5 days after receiving methotrexate and after 10 or 14 days after receiving methotrexate. He/she
would be evaluated for development of oral mucositis i.e. mouth ulcers/mouth pain.
6. Expected duration of the subject participation: Your child would be followed up daily
telephonically along with scheduled OPD visits 5 days after receiving Methotrexate and 10/14
days after receiving Methotrexate.
7. The benefits to be expected from the research to the subject or to others: The study will help
to determine the effect of using ice cube (oral cryotherapy) on decreasing the incidence of oral
mucositis(mouth ulcers/pain) in children with cancer receiving IV methotrexate. This will also
help to find a better and safer alternative for the prevention of mucositis(Mouth ulcers/pain),
which will be cost effective and having lesser side effects. Your child will be provided the ice
cubes free of cost during the study. The cost of your child’s usual treatment will be borne by you
as before.
8. Any risk to the child associated with the study: This is a 14 days study that usually causes no
harm to your child. Your child will be asked to suck on ice cubes intermittently every 6 hour for 1
day or every hour for 10 minutes for 3 hours. Vital parameters of your child will be recorded. No
blood sample will be drawn for this study.
9. Maintenance of confidentiality of records: Confidentiality of records will be maintained.
10. Provision of free treatment for research-related injury: Free treatment will be provided if any
side effect is observed.
11. Compensation of subjects for disability or death resulting from such injury: It will not be
provided. However, the child would be treated free of cost if any side effect is observed during
12. Your freedom to participate and to withdraw from the research at any time without penalty
or loss of benefits to which you would otherwise be entitled. In case you refuse to participate
or withdraw consent at a later date, it will not jeopardize your child’s care, there will be no
prejudice against your child and he/she will continue to receive the best available facilities at
AIIMS, New Delhi.
13. Costs and sources of investigations, disposables, implants, and drugs/contrast media: You
will not pay any fee for study. Ice cubes under the study will be provided free of cost.
भागीदारी जानकारी शीट (कानन
ू ी रूप से ननयक्
ु त प्रनतननधि के लिए)
1. अनस
ु न्धान शीर्षक: मेथोट्रे क्सेट-आिारित कीमोथेिेपी प्राप्त किने वािे कैं सि बच्चों में
मौखिक म्यक
ू ोसाइटटस की िोकथाम में मौखिक क्रायोथेिेपी की प्रभावकारिता: एक
यादृच्च्िक ननयंत्रित पिीक्षण
2. मख्
ु य अन्वेर्क का नाम: डॉ आटित्य गप्ु ता, फोन नंबि: 9990350017
3. मख्
ु य मागष दशषक का नाम: डॉ जगिीश प्रसाि मीना, फोन नंबि: 011-2659-3619
4. अनुसंधान का उद्दे श्य: यह ननिाारित किने के लिए कक बच्चों के लिए कैं सि कीमोथेिेपी
के एक भाग के रूप में मेथोट्रे क्सेट िवा प्राप्त किते समय बीटाडाइन गिािे किने औि
िै ननक ब्रश किने की तुिना में मुंह में बफा के टुकडे (मौखिक क्रायोथेिेपी) ििने से
मौखिक म्यूकोसाइटटस (मुंह ििा औि मुंह के िािे) की घटनाओं में कमी आएगी की नहीं.
5. ववधधयााँ: आपके बच्चे को या तो बफा के टुकडे प्राप्त किने के लिए यादृच्च्िक ककया
जाएगा या िै ननक टूथ ब्रलशंग के साथ बीटाडीन गिािे किना होगा। िैंडमाइजेशन मौके पि
आिारित होगा औि आपके बच्चे के पास इनमें से ककसी एक में जाने की समान
संभावना है। आपके बच्चे को 1 टिन के लिए हि 6 घंटे में रुक-रुक कि या हि घंटे 10
लमनट के लिए 3 घंटे के लिए बफा के टुकडे चूसने के लिए कहा जाएगा या ननयलमत
बीटाडाइन गागाल्स औि िै ननक टूथ ब्रलशंग का पािन किने के लिए कहा जाएगा।
मेथोट्रे क्सेट प्राप्त किने के 5 टिन बाि औि मेथोट्रे क्सेट प्राप्त किने के 10 या 14 टिनों
के बाि ओपीडी में कॉि किके आपके बच्चे का मूल्यांकन ककया जाएगा। मौखिक
म्यूकोसाइटटस यानी मुंह के िािे/मुंह में ििा के ववकास के लिए उसका मूल्यांकन ककया
6. भाग लेने वाले की भागीदारी की अपेक्षित अवधध: मेथोट्रे क्सेट प्राप्त किने के 5 टिन बाि
औि मेथोट्रे क्सेट प्राप्त किने के 10/14 टिनों के बाि अनुसूधचत ओपीडी यािाओं के साथ
आप बच्चे का िै ननक टे िीफोन पि पािन ककया जाएगा।
7. शोध से भाग लेने वाले या दस
ू रों के ललए अपेक्षित लाभ: इस अध्ययन से यह पता
िगाने में मिि लमिेगी कक मेथोट्रे क्सेट प्राप्त किने वािे कैं सि से पीडडत बच्चों में ओिि
ू ोसाइटटस (मंह
ु के िािे/ििा) की घटनाओं को कम किने पि बफा के टुकडे (मौखिक
क्रायोथेिेपी) का उपयोग किने के प्रभाव को कैसे कम ककया जाए। यह म्यक
ू ोसाइटटस (मंह
के िािों/ििा) की िोकथाम के लिए एक बेहति औि सिु क्षक्षत ववकल्प िोजने में भी मिि
किे गा, जो कक िागत प्रभावी औि कम िष्प्ु प्रभाव वािा होगा। अध्ययन के िौिान आपको
बफा के टुकडे नन:शल्
ु क प्रिान ककए जाएंगे। आपके सामान्य इिाज का िचा पहिे की
तिह आप वहन किें गे।
8. अध्ययन से जुडे बच्चे को कोई खतरा: यह 14 टिनों का अध्ययन है जो आमतौि पि
आपके बच्चे को कोई नुकसान नहीं पहुंचाता है। आपके बच्चे को 1 टिन के लिए हि 6
घंटे में रुक-रुक कि बफा के टुकडे चस
ू ने के लिए या हि घंटे 10 लमनट के लिए 3 घंटे
तक चस
ू ने के लिए कहा जाएगा। आपके बच्चे के महत्वपण
ू ा मापिं डों को िजा ककया
जाएगा। इस अध्ययन के लिए ककसी िक्त का नमन
ू ा नहीं लिया जाएगा।
9. मरीज़ के अलभलेखों की गोपनीयता का रखरखाव: मिीज़ के अलभिेिों की गोपनीयता
बनाए ििी जाएगी।
10. अनस
ु ंधान से संबंधधत चोट के ललए मफ्
ु त उपचार का प्रावधान: यटि कोई साइड इफेक्ट
िे िा जाता है तो मफ्
ु त उपचाि प्रिान ककया जाएगा।
11. ऐसी चोट के पररणामस्वरूप ववकलांगता या मत्ृ यु के ललए ववर्यों का मुआवजा: यह इस
अध्ययन के लिए िागू नहीं है औि इसे प्रिान नहीं ककया जाएगा। यटि कोई साइड
इफेक्ट िे िा जाता है तो मुफ्त उपचाि प्रिान ककया जाएगा।
12. आप स्वतंत्र हैं ककसी भी समय दं ड या लाभ के नक
ु सान के बबना अनुसंधान से हटना
और वापस लेना जो आप अन्यथा हकदार होंगे। यटि आप बाि की तािीि में सहमनत में
भाग िेने या वापस िेने से इनकाि किते हैं, तो यह आपके िोगी की िे िभाि में कोई
ितिे नहीं होगा, आपके िोगी के खििाफ कोई पव
ू ााग्रह नहीं होगा औि वह एम्स, नई
टिल्िी में सवोत्तम उपिब्ि सुवविाएं प्राप्त होती िहें गी।
13. लागत और जांच के स्रोत, डडस्पोजेबल, प्रत्यारोपण, और ड्रग्स / कोंट्रास्ट मीडडया: आप
अध्ययन के लिए कोई शुल्क नहीं िें गे। अध्ययन के तहत बफा के टुकडे को मुफ्त में प्रिान
ककया जाएगा।
Representative (LAR)]
Name of Chief Guide: Dr Jagdish Prasad Meena, Phone No: 011-2659 3619
The contents of the information sheet dated………… that was provided, have been read
carefully by me / explained in detail to me, in a language that I comprehend, and I have fully
understood the contents. I confirm that I have had the opportunity to ask questions.
The nature and purpose of the study and its potential risks / benefits and expected duration of
the study, and other relevant details of the study have been explained to me in detail. I
understand that my child’s participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw my child
at any time, without giving any reason, without my child’s medical care or legal right being
I understand that the information collected about my child from his/her participation in this
research and sections of any of my child’s medical notes may be looked at by responsible
individuals from AIIMS. I give permission for these individuals to have access to my child’s
Please initial box
(i) I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet dated [ ]
__________for the above study and have had the opportunity to ask questions.
(ii) I understand that my child’s participation in the study is voluntary and that I [ ]
am free to withdraw my child at any time, without giving any reason, without my
medical care or legal rights being affected.
(iii) I understand that the Sponsor of the clinical trial, others working on the [ ]
Sponsor’s behalf, the Ethics Committee and the regulatory authorities will not
need my permission to look at my child’s health records both in respect of the
current study and any further research that may be conducted in relation to it,
even if I withdraw my child from the trial. I agree to this access. However, I
understand that my child’s identity will not be revealed in any information
released to third parties or published.
(iv) I agree not to restrict the use of any data or results that arise from this study [ ]
provided such a use is only for scientific purpose(s).
(v) I agree to take part of my child in the above study. [ ]
(Signatures / Left Thumb Impression of L.A.R.) Date: Place:
Name of person giving consent: ________________________________
Relation with participant: ____________________________________
Name of the Participant: ____________________________________
Son / Daughter / Spouse of:__________________________________
Date of Birth / Age: ____________________________________
Complete postal address: _____________________________________
Qualification: _____________________________________
Occupation: Student/Self-employed/Service/Housewife/Others (tick as appropriate).
Annual Income of the subject: _____________________________________
Annual Income of the father: _____________________________________
Name and address of the nominee(s) and his relation to the subject (for the purpose of
compensation in case of trial related death):……………………… ………………………
This is to certify that the above consent has been obtained in my presence.
Signatures of the Principal Investigator Date:
1) Witness – 1 2) Witness – 2
------------------------------ --------------------------------
Signatures Signatures
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
भागीदारी सूधचत सहमतत प्रपत्र (कानूनी रूप से ननयुक्त प्रनतननधि के लिए)
प्रोटोकॉि/ अध्यन संख्या: ______________________
इस जाचं के लिए भागीिािी की पहचान संख्या_______________
अनुसन्धान शीर्षक: मेथोट्रे क्सेट-आिारित कीमोथेिेपी प्राप्त किने वािे कैं सि बच्चों में मौखिक
ू ोसाइटटस की िोकथाम में मौखिक क्रायोथेिेपी की प्रभावकारिता: एक यादृच्च्िक ननयंत्रित पिीक्षण
मुख्य अन्वेर्क का नाम: डॉ आटित्य गुप्ता, फोन नंबि: 9990350017
मुख्य मागष दशषक का नाम: डॉ जगिीश प्रसाि मीना फोन नंबि: 011-2659-3619
मैंने टिनांक_______________ के सूचना पि में टिये गए सभी तथ्यो को पढ लिया हैं| मुझे मेिी समझ में
आने वािीं भाषा में ववस्तािपूवाक बत्ता टिया है औि मैनें तथ्यो को भिी भांनत समझ लिया है| मैं पुच्ष्प्ट किता हूूँ
कक मुझे प्रश्न पूिने का अवसि टिया गया है|
मुझे अध्ययन की प्रकृनत, उद्िे श्य औि इसके सम्भाववत िाभ/जोखिमों औि अध्ययन की सम्भाववत अवधि
एवं अन्य प्रासंधगक जानकािी के बािे में ववस्ताि पूवाक समझा टिया गया है | मैं समझाता हूूँ कक इस अध्ययन
में मेिे बच्चे की भागीिािी स्वैनिक है औि इस अध्ययन से ककसी भी समय त्रबना कोई कािण बताए, त्रबना मेिे
बच्चे की धचककत्सा िे िभाि या कानूनी अधिकािों को प्रभाववत ककये मैं अपने बच्चे का नाम वावपस िे
सकता/सकती हूूँ |
मैं समझता हूूँ कक इस अनुसन्िान में मेिे बच्चे की भागीिािी से मेिे बच्चे के बािे में एकि जानकािी औि
धचककत्सीय टटप्पणीयों को एम्स अस्पताि के च्जम्मेिाि िोगो द्वािा िे िा जायेगा I मैं इन व्यच्क्तयों को
अपने बच्चे की रिकोडा िे िने कक अनम
ु नत प्रिान किता/किती हूूँ |
कृपया बॉक्स में
हस्ताक्षि किे (कताा)
(i) मैं पुच्ष्प्ट किता / किती हूूँ कक मैंने टिनांक ..........को िी गयी अध्ययन से [ ]
सम्बंधित सूचना शीट पढ़ औि समझ िी है औि मुझे सवाि पूिने का मौका टिया
गया है I
(ii) मैं समझता / समझती हूूँ कक अध्ययन में मेिे बच्चे की भागीिारिता स्वैनिक है [ ]
औि मैं कभी भी स्टडी से त्रबना कोई कािण टिए अपने बच्चे को हटा सकता / सकती
हूूँ च्जसका मेिे बच्चे की िे िभाि पि कोई असि नहीं पडेगा I
(iii) मुझे पता है कक अध्ययन के स्पोंसि, अनुसंिानकताा, एधथक्स सलमनत औि [ ]
ननयंिक अधिकािी मेिी आज्ञा के त्रबना, मेिे बच्चे के स्टडी से हटने के बाि भी मेिे
रिकार्डास इस अध्ययन औि इससे सम्बंधित अध्ययन के लिए िे ि सकते हैI में
इसके लिए तैयाि हूूँ ककन्तु कोई भी जानकािी िपने में मेिे बच्चे की पहचान नहीं
होगी I
(iv) मुझे इस अध्ययन से उत्पन्न आंकडे या परिणाम के उपयोग में कोई आपवत्त नहीं [ ]
है बशते यह वैज्ञाननक उद्येश लिए प्रयोग हो I
(v) मैं उपयुाक्त अध्ययन में मेिे बच्चे को भाग िेने के लिए अपनी सहमनत प्रिान [ ]
किता /किती हूूँ |
________________________________ ________________________________
योग्यता: ________________________________
व्यवसाय: ववद्याथी / िि
ु की नौकिी/सिकािी नौकिी/हाउस वाइफ/ अन्य (टटक किे ) |
सहभागी के उतिाधिकािी का नाम, पता, व रिश्ता (स्टडी सम्बंधित मत्ृ यु होने पि मुवावजा हे तु):
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
यह प्रमाखणत ककया जाता हे कक उपयुक्ता सहमनत मेिी उपस्थनत में िी गईं हैं |
नाम नाम
पता पत
Name of Chief Guide: Dr. Jagdish Prasad Meena, Phone No: 011-2659 3619
Dear Participant,
This sheet informs you about the research study that we are conducting. By doing research
we understand the disease and its treatment better. This sheet informs you about the type,
aim, and any risks associated in the research study that we are conducting. Through research,
we understand the disease and its treatment better. This will benefit not only you, but also
hundreds of children like you
You are receiving methotrexate as a part of chemotherapy. Methotrexate causes oral
mucositis(Mouth pain/ulcers). As a part of the study, you will be asked to put ice cubes in
your mouth and suck on them intermittently every 8 hourly for 1 day or you would be asked
to do betadine gargles along with daily brushing of teeth. You will be followed up
telephonically for development of oral mucositis and asked to visit in OPD 5 day after
receiving Methotrexate and 10/14 days after receiving methotrexate.
We will look at your medical records for the purpose of the study, and the confidentiality of
these records will be maintained. No one other than ones conducting the study will have
access to this data. All complications occurring as a part of the disease or due to drugs will be
managed in our institute free-of-cost. Admission if needed, for complications like febrile
neutropenia will be done on a priority basis. Once you give the consent to the study, it is not
necessary that you are obliged to complete the study. You can withdraw your consent
anytime. Your treatment with us will not be hindered as a result.
We hope to learn a lot from you
Thank you.
Problems or questions:
If you have any questions about the study you may contact us at any time point in the
following address:
Dr Aditya Gupta, Senior Resident (DM Pediatric oncology)
Department of Paediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi
Phone No: 9990350017
Parent/LAR (when participant is between 8-12 years)
I certify that the study described above has been explained to ___________________, in
he/she could understand and that were appropriate to his/her age and ability to comprehend,
that he/she freely assented to Participate in the study.
Participant (Aged 13-18 years)
I certify that the study has been explained to me in presence of my guardians, in terms we
(me and
my guardians) could understand and that were appropriate to my age and ability to
comprehend, and
that subsequently | freely assented to Participate in the study.
I agree for the participation in the above study.
Signature / Left Thumb Impression of Participant Signature /Thumb Impression
of Parent /LAR
Name:___________________________ Name________________
Participant's Initials Relationship with Participant
Date (__/__/______) Date (__/__/______)
Participant’s Date of Birth (DD/MMM/Yyyy)
Age (in Completed years)
अध्ययन शीर्षक: बाि धचककत्सा ििु ाक-गहन कीमोथेिेपी के बाि िंबे समय से अलभनय पेग-
कफल्ग्राच्स्टम बनाम पािं परिक कफल्ग्राच्स्टम: एक यादृच्च्िक श्रेष्प्ठता पिीक्षण
प्रधान अन्वेर्क का नाम: डॉ आटित्य गुप्ता ििू भाष: 9990350017
मुख्य मागषदशषक का नाम: डॉ. जगिीश प्रसाि मीना, फोन नंबि: 011-2659 3619
वप्रय प्रनतभागी,
यह शीट आपको हमािे द्वािा ककए जा िहे शोि अध्ययन के बािे में सूधचत किती है। शोि किने से हम
बीमािी औि उसके इिाज को बेहति ढं ग से समझते हैं। यह शीट आपको हमािे द्वािा ककए जा िहे शोि
अध्ययन के प्रकाि, उद्िेश्य औि उससे जुडे ककसी भी जोखिम के बािे में सूधचत किती है। शोि के
माध्यम से हम बीमािी औि उसके इिाज को बेहति ढं ग से समझते हैं। इससे आपको ही नहीं, आप जैसे
सैकडों बच्चों को भी फायिा होगा।
आप कीमोथेिेपी के एक भाग के रूप में मेथोट्रे क्सेट प्राप्त कि िहे हैं। मेथोट्रे क्सेट मौखिक
श्िेष्प्मा (मुंह ििा/शािे) का कािण बनता है। अध्ययन के एक भाग के रूप में , आपको अपने
मुंह में बफा के टुकडे डािने औि 1 टिन के लिए हि 8 घंटे में रुक-रुक कि चूसने के लिए
कहा जाएगा या आपको िांतों की िै ननक ब्रलशंग के साथ-साथ बीटाडीन गिािे किने के लिए
कहा जाएगा। मौखिक म्यूकोसाइटटस के ववकास के लिए आपका टे िीफोन पि पािन ककया
जाएगा औि मेथोट्रे क्सेट प्राप्त किने के 5 टिन बाि औि मेथोट्रे क्सेट प्राप्त किने के 10/14
टिनों के बाि ओपीडी में जाने के लिए कहा जाएगा।
____________________ _______________________
प्रततभागी के हस्तािर/बाएं अंगूठे का तनशान माता-वपता/कानन
ू ी रूप से तनयुक्त प्रतततनधध
के हस्तािर/अंगूठे का तनशान
नाम ________________
प्रनतभागी का प्रथमाक्षि प्रनतभागी के साथ संबंि
टिनांक (__/__/________) टिनांक (__/__/________)
प्रनतभागी की जन्म नतधथ (डीडी/एमएमएम/वषा)
आयु (पूणा वषों में)
माता-वपता/ कानन
ू ी रूप से तनयुक्त प्रतततनधध के हस्तािर/अंगूठे का तनशान
नाम:___________________________. प्रनतभागी के साथ संबंि: