This document contains a sample exam for a Data Structures course. It includes 3 sections with multiple choice and written response questions. Section A has 3 short answer questions about arrays, linked lists, and binary search trees. Section B has 4 short answer questions comparing arrays and linked lists, defining sparse matrices, and describing a binary search tree search algorithm. Section C has 4 longer answer questions involving array addressing, doubly linked lists, reconstructing trees from traversals, and describing tree traversals. The exam covers various data structures and algorithms topics mapped to course learning outcomes at different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
This document contains a sample exam for a Data Structures course. It includes 3 sections with multiple choice and written response questions. Section A has 3 short answer questions about arrays, linked lists, and binary search trees. Section B has 4 short answer questions comparing arrays and linked lists, defining sparse matrices, and describing a binary search tree search algorithm. Section C has 4 longer answer questions involving array addressing, doubly linked lists, reconstructing trees from traversals, and describing tree traversals. The exam covers various data structures and algorithms topics mapped to course learning outcomes at different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
This document contains a sample exam for a Data Structures course. It includes 3 sections with multiple choice and written response questions. Section A has 3 short answer questions about arrays, linked lists, and binary search trees. Section B has 4 short answer questions comparing arrays and linked lists, defining sparse matrices, and describing a binary search tree search algorithm. Section C has 4 longer answer questions involving array addressing, doubly linked lists, reconstructing trees from traversals, and describing tree traversals. The exam covers various data structures and algorithms topics mapped to course learning outcomes at different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
This document contains a sample exam for a Data Structures course. It includes 3 sections with multiple choice and written response questions. Section A has 3 short answer questions about arrays, linked lists, and binary search trees. Section B has 4 short answer questions comparing arrays and linked lists, defining sparse matrices, and describing a binary search tree search algorithm. Section C has 4 longer answer questions involving array addressing, doubly linked lists, reconstructing trees from traversals, and describing tree traversals. The exam covers various data structures and algorithms topics mapped to course learning outcomes at different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
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Roll No.
NH-24, Bakshi Ka Talab, Sitapur Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226201 First Sessional Exam (SESSION: 2023-24) Subject Name: DATA STRUCTURE Subject Code: BCS301 Branch: CSE(A & B) & IT Sem:III [Time: 1:30Hours] [Total Marks: 30] Course Bloom’s Outcom Statement of Course Outcome Taxonomica e l Level Apply how arrays, linked lists, represented in memory, used by the CO.1 III algorithms and their common applications.[III] Apply how Stack and Queue represented in memory, used by the algorithms and their common applications. and problem solving using CO.2 IV iteration and recursion with examples of binary search Fibonacci numbers, and Hanoi towers. Correlate the computational efficiency of the sorting and searching CO.3 III algorithms Identify the alternative implementations of data structures with CO.4 respect to its performance to Solve Basic Operations for AVL Tree , B III Tree & Binary Heaps. Apply the concept of recursion, application of recursion and its CO.5 implementation and removal of recursion Transitive Closure and III Shortest Path algorithm: Warshal Algorithm and Dijikstra Algorithm. SECTION:-A Q.1. Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. (2x3= 6) Part Question Course Level of Outcome Bloom's Taxonomy a List the advantage of doubly linked list over single linked list. CO1 II b Define the term Algorithm . CO1 II c Draw the binary search tree that results from inserting the following CO4 II numbers in sequence starting with 11: 11,47,81,9,61,10,12. SECTION:-B Q.2.Attempt all questions from this section. (4x3 =12) Part Question Course Level of Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy Differentiate Array and Linked list . II a OR CO1 In a complete binary tree if the number of node is 1000000. what will II be the height of complete binary tree. b Define a sparse matrix .Suggest a space efficient representation for CO1 III sparse matrix. c Write an iterative function to search a key in binary search tree CO4 III (BST). SECTION:-C Q.3: Attempt all questions from this section. (6x2 = 12) Level of Course Part Question Outcome Bloom's Taxonomy Consider float type array A [15:60, 25:50] whose base address is 2000. Find the address of A[25,35],A[30,45],A[20,40],A[30,60] when the array is III implemented as: a)Row major and b)Column major. a CO1 OR Discuss doubly lined list . Write an algorithm to insert a node after a IV given node in singly linked list. Find the original tree from the following given traversal: Pre Order: G B Q A C K F P D E R H III In Order: Q B K C F A G P D E H R OR b CO4 Find the original tree from the following given traversal: Postorder: D F E B G L J K H C A III Inorder: D B F E A G C L J H K