Baker EXP4000 BR EN V02
Baker EXP4000 BR EN V02
Baker EXP4000 BR EN V02
Baker EXP4000
Dynamic Electric Motor Analyzer
Introduction industrial environments to monitor motors while they are
in operation. The analyzer can be connected at a motor
Maintenance professionals need to minimize repair costs junction box, at the instrumentation cabinet, inside a
associated with unexpected motor failures and production motor control cabinet (MCC), or from the outside of an
downtime. The Baker EXP4000 Dynamic Motor Analyzer MCC equipped with an EP1000 Dynamic Motor Link.
is a motor system monitoring and troubleshooting tool
It’s often hard to determine whether the root cause
that helps maintenance personnel to minimize failures and
of a given motor problem is electrical or mechanical.
maximize the uptime of the machine systems that drive
The EXP4000 is an effective troubleshooting tool, and
their businesses.
clearly detects when a problem is electrical (e.g., when it
The EXP4000 uses advanced software algorithms to involves an issue within the motor, or power quality) or
monitor and assess conditions across a motor/machine mechanical (such as an over-load, or poor application of
system that impact the health and performance of the
the motor). It is also a powerful predictive maintenance
motor. It evaluates the quality of power fed to a motor,
asseses motor performance indicators, and examines the tool that tracks multiple parameters to identify trends that
amount and condition of the load. This insight makes indicate potential problems. Such trends can also be used
the EXP4000 a powerful predictive maintenance and to troubleshoot an issue to avoid any recurrance of the
troubleshooting solution. problem with the same machinery.
The EXP4000 is designed for rigorous use by maintenance The bottom line is that the EXP4000 can help maintenance
personnel in the field. Whether plugged into a power organizations avoid costly repairs and unnecessary
source or running on its batteries, it can be taken into downtime.
Portable, battery-powered
and rugged, the Baker
EXP4000 is perfect for
predictive maintenance or
Test domains users on desktop and laptop PCs. Reports are easy to print
with connection to any Windows-compatible, plug-and-
The Microsoft Windows-based Baker EXP4000 acquires play printer.
data in several testing domains. These include:
The EXP4000 hardware and software are designed for
Q Power quality intuitive use. Software features include graphically-
Q Machine performance displayed data such as phasor diagrams, three-phase
currents and voltages, instantaneous voltage and
Q Current
symmetrical components. This provides an operator with
Q Spectrum
valuable power information as well as the means to ensure
Q Torque the analyzer is properly connected. The analyzer simplifies
Q Variable-frequency drives the monitoring process using test thresholds to provide
Q Continuous monitoring at-a-glance red-yellow-green results for the following test
domains: current, power quality, machine performance,
Q Transient analysis
spectrum, torque and VFD.
Q Efficiency
Collected test data can be captured and stored for use Current
in reports, maintenance records and trend analysis.
Problems such as over-loading, poor connections,
The standardized database format (Microsoft Access) is
misconnections, iron saturation and miswound motors
compatible with a wide range of report generation and
are difficult to detect without the right equipment. The
retrieval tools used by maintenance organizations. Records
EXP4000 evaluates current and current imbalances to
of multiple motors with data from multiple EXP4000
assess the overall electrical condition of the motor/machine
reports are easily created on the analyzer itself, and can be
combined with other reports that can be shared with other 3
Baker EXP4000 dynamic motor analyzer
Power quality
The EXP4000 identifies power quality problems that can
stress a motor, such as distortion, imbalances or improper
levels. The instrument monitors power, voltage and current
levels/imbalances, and total as well as harmonic distortion.
These can identify such problems as:
Hard-to-detect issues such as broken rotor bars or bearing
faults can be detected with the instrument’s spectrum
analysis capabilities, including demodulated spectrum,
harmonics and rotor bar tests, which help to determine
mechanical vs. electrical issues. These capabilities are
enhanced by zoomable, high resolution spectrum plots, and
high sample rate. The user can set frequency markers on a
graph that are specific to a given machine system’s design.
Time waveforms
Time waveforms are essential for swift identification of
underlying causes of warning or caution level parameters
and transient conditions. They graphically represent voltage,
current and torque vs. time.
The innovative torque analysis capabilities within the
EXP4000 can expose torque-related problems. The torque
time and spectrum signatures are used to diagnose
mechanical problems, and to clearly identify transient
conditions. Users can accurately identify such issues as over-
torque, over-load, cavitation, bearing problems, mechanical the VFD and load sensors, and can help optimize the
imbalances, eccentricities, misaligned shafts and more. switching speed settings to minimize harmonics (heat) and
maximize low current and high efficiency. These capabilities
Transient startup are valuable for setup, commissioning and troubleshooting.
Accurately troubleshooting any motor system issues at
start-up and diagnosing timing issues involves discerning if
a problem is with the power fed to the motor, the motor
itself, or the load. The EXP4000 monitors and displays 6000
samples per second for all three phases of current and
voltage, and torque. The user can zoom in, pan and move
a cursor to read values from specific points on the graphs.
Common uses are setting relay points, viewing soft start
stages, identifying over-torquing with heavy loads, and
identifying which phase tripped on startup (V or I).
VFD monitoring
VFDs pose a unique set of challenges for maintenance
professionals. The EXP4000 can monitor and effectively
troubleshoot this increasingly popular motor drive type. The
analyzer displays the V/Hz relationship with respect to time,
as well as real-time speed and torque, which means that
short-duration problems can be caught and analyzed. The
EXP4000 also exposes flaws in the loop design between
The EXP4000’s rotor bar spectrum analysis graph.
Torque spectrum and time waveform are just two of the EXP4000’s many powerful
graphical representations of machine health and performance. 5
Baker EXP4000 dynamic motor analyzer
The ability to identify under-performing motors has
become increasingly necessary with today’s focus on
energy conservation and efficiency. The EXP4000 identifies
poorly performing motors with accurate assessments of
efficiency within their current applications. This is especially
valuable for motor replacement decision support.
Megger provides worldclass global technical support for its motor test and monitoring equipment. You can always call our
technical support team at no charge on +1 800-752-8272 (in the US) or +1 970-282-1200 from outside the USA, or send
email to
From routine calibration to repairs and upgrades for static or dynamic analyzers, our experienced technicians will return
your equipment in top condition with fast turnaround and courteous service. Contact Megger’s motor test and monitoring
product service at +1 970-282-6079, or email our service team at
Want to get the most out of your investment in your electric motor analyzer? Megger provides training on dynamic motor
test and monitoring methods at its training center in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, or at customer locations on-site, around
the globe. Training courses include introductory and advanced seminars on dynamic motor testing that allow you to get
the most out of your EXP4000. For more information, or for reservations, call +1 970-282-1200 or send an email to You can also check out our training schedule at
Input power 110 - 250V AC, 50/60 Hz. Integrated power supply.
Maximum rated measurement/test voltage 1000V AC, 500V DC (existing PTs and CTs are used for high voltage applications)
Current transformers (portable) 10A, 40A / 400A (switchable), 150A, 1000A, 3000A
Industrial standards NEMA MG-1, IEEE 519, EN61000-2-2, EN61000-2-7, VDE 839-2-2 7
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